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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1904)
Sf it II , v. v ir,i VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 19, 1904 NO. 49. A. mm I III 1 HI i If J II I V lei i If I I IS can tion, soon Now R. JACOBSON & CO. G. V. HOLLISTER, Manager. UGLOW BLOCK DALLAS, ORE. THE NEW A new and complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. All sorts of Stains and Wood Finishes. Painters' and Paper Hangers' Supplies. Pictures, Mouldings, and Pictures framed to order. Painting, wood finishing, room decorating and sign lettering done. Satis faction guaranteed on all work. If you are thinking of doing See No charge for estimates HEATH & Mill Street You Can Get Your If You Buy Your Groceries of Loughary and Company THE VERY BEST of NEW GOODS ARRIVING BY EVERY FREIGHT. Their prices are right and All Goods are Guaranteed LOUGHARY PHONE NO. 44 The Power of the Bible. "The Word of God is living and .powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, and its a diseerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." This is the statement of God concern ing his own Word in Hebrews 4 :12. Men who know not the power of the Bible will not be inclined to use it; when they do use it honestly, the power of its truths will be clearly cu'pn I ,nnk" nr t.hf nmvpr nr T.hia hrtrilr - . . . ...... in national life. As you study the map of the world, you will perceive that the Bible is known and studied w here the people are prosierous and progressive. Intelligence, thrift and virtue are possessed by a people as they know and love the Word. Presi dent Grant said : "Hold fast to the Bible; it is the sheet-anchor of our liberties ; to it are we indebted for all progress in true civilization." De Tocqueville, the great French states man, said: "Bible Christianity has ever been the companion of liberty in all its conflicts, the crade of its in fancy, the source of all its claims." Lord Laurence, England's commis sioner to the Punjaub, was able to rule the Hindoos because the prin ciples of the Bible were his aim and inspiration. Schliermaeher, the Ger man philosopher, says : "Abolish the Bible, and you pluck up by the root the best in civilization." Study its power educationally. It has well been said that there has been no great American statesman without a thorough knowledge of the Bible. Lincoln knew it, and Washington, and Garfield. These men knew and ACKERS DTSPEP3IA TABLETS art sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. 0 little tablet gives immediate relief. S eta. and SB eta. Belt Cherringtoi Dallas Oragon THE "LACE where men and boys find iuet what they want. See our new Spring Shirts they ere dandies Better come in now and make your selec as many of the choice styles will be picked -out.- is the time to get Choice Patterns. Remember that we are Headquarters for anything that men wear, and we keep that which is right up-to-date. If you need a Suit, Overcoat, pair of Pants, Hat, Shirt, Tie, Trunk or Suit Case, or anything in the men's line,beeure to see us, as we will give you the best stock in the county to select from, and guarantee that our prices will be as low as the low est,quality considered. WALL PAPER. AND PAINT STORE tit any papering or painting Us on labor or material. CORNES Dallas, Oregon Money's Worth 0 & COMPANY, DALLAS, OREGON, loved it. Webster said : "I read the Bible through every year." He pitied the man who could not find in it the rich supplies for thought and rules for conduct. Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, and other great men men of our Nation have been great in their knowledge of this Word, But the Bible is powerful because it is the most practical book ever known It is for practice, for daily living VyiltV I M'.ll I LS. H .11114 Tfl i , : . . . , .i ijj. a . --. w - 3 true goal-gets its chiefest inspira- tion. The Bible touches men at their center. Sure it is that there is no true home without it. Its power is this : It aims not at surface reform ; it touches the heart, whence are the springs of life. Thought, motive, act, relation are thus brought into harmony with God. Many men are cowards at this point; they don't want the Bible because it discerns and rebukes the sinful life. Think also of its power to comfort. Men may get along without this book in days of prosperity, when the sun shines, but when the hurricane storm of affliction is loosened, then we need its stay and support. But higher than all else, this book shows its power to seek and save men. It shows, teaches, exalts Jesus Christ. In it you may read your own biogra phy, character, life. Your funeral sermon is in it, your final blessing or award. Apart from God. this book is j that from which no man can escape, i which all may love, and in the bless- ing of which all light may find life and W. T. W. A. B. Muir went to Portland on a busfness visit, Saturday. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY ann permanently cured by using Hokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 eta. and CO eta Bt Cbarrington. Dallas. Oregon " SENSATIONAL SUIT FILED Penitentiary Officials Charged With Using State Property for Private Purposes. A complaint was filed in department No. 2 of the state circuit court for Marion county Saturday in which sensational charges are brought against Superintendent C. W. James and Warden Frank Curtiss of the Oregon State Penitentiary. The suit is entitled "J. AV. Jones, a resident and tax payer of Oregon for himself. and on behalf of himself and all other tax payers of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. C. W. James" in hia individual capacity and the said C. W. James as superintendent of the Oregon State Penitentiary: and Frank Curtiss in his individual capacity and the said Frank Curtiss as warden of the Ore gon State Penitentiary, defendants," and the plaintiff charges both with "wrongfully, unlawfully and fraudu lently conspiring to secure for their private use and the use of their families a large amount of household furniture to be paid for out of the public funds of the State of Oregon In support of his charges Mr. Jones alleges that during the year 1903 the defendants purchased from divers business firms a large amount of val uable furniture for their own use and had the price of the same charged against the public funds set apart by the laws of the state of Oregon for the betterment of the penitentiary. That, thereafter, the defendants with the in tent to defraud the taxpayers of Ore gon, caused more than $1,850 of the betterment fund to be paid for such furniture upon the representation that the furniture was purchased for the use and benefit of the penitentiary. Mr. Jones further alleges that neither the whole nor any part of the furnitnre has been delivered to any of the institutions of the state of Oregon lor their benefit or use, but that the same was wrongfully taken and used by the defendants in their individual unofficial capacity. The plaintiff also charges Superin tendent James and Warden Curtiss with conspiring to sunnlv their respective families with all necessary groceries, meats, " provisions, fuel, table luxuries, lauudry and servants out nf the atnta'c rasaST and alleges that they have already caused about $G00 to be paid out of the funds for such purposes. He also claims that the defendants have for more than eight months and do now compel the convicts to do all the laundry work and perform all the menial labor in and about their private residence ufider the orders and directions of their families, and that they have failed and neglected to account to the state or for. the benefit of its funds, for such convict labor, which the plaintiff contends is a loss of about $150 to the taxpayers of Ore gon. The plaintiff for himself and on be half of the taxpayers of Oregon, asks the court to decree for the payment of the furniture, referred to in the body of the complaint, out of public funds, null and void; that an accounting be taken of all the pay raents caused to be made by the de fendants for the same, out of such funds, and that they be ordered to pay the sum of money found to be due, to the fund out of which the payments were made. That they also be re quired to refund the amounts which they caused to be paid for groceries, meats, provisions, etc., and that an accounting be taken with the defend ants with reference to the employment of convicts as servants, and that they be required to pay to the state the sum found justly due for such convict service. He asks the court to restrain Super intendent James and Warden Curtiss from supplying their families with anything whatsoever at the expense of the taxpayers, and also to restrain them from employing prisoners for their private benefit. L. H. McMahon, of Salem, appears in the suit as an attorney for the plaintiff. Salem Statesman. This same condition of affairs is said to exist at the other state institu tions, the asylum (main building and farm) reform school and blind and mute schools, and the question of whether the officials of these institu tions have the right- to live off the state will probably be settled as a rc suh of this action. Holy Rollers at Wheatland. The Holy Boilers are now reported to be at the farm of. Bill Isham on a little island near Wheatland, where they are keeping up their insane warblings almost all night. Residents of Wheatland say the Rollers are worse than a band of tomcats. They have taken the right direction from Corvallis to Salem, and it is too bad that they have lodged in the beautiful Willamette, when Doc Cal breath has rooms for their accommo dation. Yamhill Reporter. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature t on nsiofa box. He. May Be a Compromise. J. P. Jones, representing the pass. eager department of the Southern Pacific, was in New berg the first of the week making some investigation regarding a petition that has been presented asking for a change in time for the morning and evening train He said the Dallas people kicked very vigorously against an earlier hour for leaving there and he thought a com promise would be made by holding the evening train an hour later in the evening, leaving Portland at five o'clock. Newberg Graphic. JohuS. Pinncy, 06 Seattle, was in Dallas last Friday. Mr. Pinney is in the employ of the -American Type .rounders Company as" general mana ger of the branch houses in Portland, Seattle and Spokane This company is the largest concern in the world manufacturing and dealing in type, machinery and printers' supplies, and has supply depots in twenty-three cities in the United States and Canada. Mr. Pinney has had charge of branch houses in all the large cities in the Eastern States, andfour years ago was sent to Portland tp look after the company's interests fin the Pacific Northwest. He is 4 whole-souled, courteous gentleman, and has the con fidence and respect of the printers and publishers throughout Oregon and Washington. ' WOODMAN RECEPTION State Organizer George K. Rogers Will Visit Dallas Camp Next Wednesday Night. The Dallas Woodman Camp and Circle will on next Wednesday evening tender a reception to Hon. George K. Rogers, state organizer for that order, and whose face here appears. Some CO guests have been invited, which combined with the large membership of both these popular orders, will in sure the attendance of the major por tion of our residents. A nice pro gramme has been prepared, and Neighbor Rogers will favor us with one of his eloquent talks on Wood craft. The ladies will conclude the affair with one of their as yet un excelled banquets. .?, L Don't forget the old mar with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years In has been traveling around thr world, and is still travel insr. bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. lo the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sicklv children he gives rich and strenp-theninp; food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now ;rown up and have children their own. lie stands for Scott's Emul sion of pure cod liver oil a hghtful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks .nd for all who need flesh and trength. SCOTT &. BOWNE. Chemist?. 09-415 Pearl Street. New York. 60c. and Sl.OO; all druggists. CM! FAVORS MUTUAL PHONES Subscriber Believes Farmer Lines Will Soon Be Allowed to Enter the City of Portland. DALLAS, Feb. 15.-(To the Editors Seeing an article in your paper con cerning telephones and telephone sys tems, I desire to give somo of the views of a subscriber to a mutual system. It would appear that the fact that a mutual telephone central sta tion is to be established in Dallas has called forth much comment on the subject. It must be remembered that the mutual telephone venture is yet in its infancy in Polk county ; but in the lower valley and around McMinnville, Amity, Newberg, and all surrounding towns, the mutual central stations have as good service, day or night, as can be found anywhere, and give free exchange with all mutual systems. Ihe expense of building mutual lines is about one-half of the total cost. Here a few facts as to line con struction might not be amiss. The Salt creek-Mill creek line cost its members $H per share. Its phones (with six-bar magnet generators) cost us $14 each. A three-bar generator (the ringing device) is all right for lines running to a contral station in a series of one to five on a line, but are not satisfactory on a mutual line con taining from 15 to 20 phones. As to paying $14 or $15 for instruments, it is like buying a cook-stove or sewing machine once bought, they last for a long time, with an occasional replac ing of batteries. I As the Observer states, it is but a matter of a few months until the whole community will be a network of wires. With the installation of a mutual central station in Dallas, lines from all parts of the county will term inate there, and the business man who would be in tho swim must have a mutual phono, and will receive free communication with all lower valley points. What business man will not avail himself of this chance for com munication at cost, rather than pay from $1 to $1.50 rent per month and, besides, pay tariff rates every time he talks out of town. Now, as to tho difficulty about run ning our lino into Portland. Such small bstueieS" .. small company of farmers might be easily seared, but the entire common wealth will soon bo concerned. The mutual system had some difficulty about coming into Dallas, but county roads happened to bo established prior to the incorporation of Dallas. We presume the same weakness exists in any town. In conclusion, I would say that the Observer's hope that the whole country will soon be connected in one system will take place, but by the mutual system. J. H. BROWN. The subject of telephones is one of much interest among the farmers in Polk county at tho present time, and the Observer gladly gives space to the above communication. Mr. Brown sets forth the advantages of a mutual line in a fair and impartial manner, and it is evident that he has given much thought to tho building and operating of rural telephone lines. He is mistaken, however, in his assertion that the Salt Creek farmers had trouble in getting into Dallas with their mutual line. The fact -is that the city council and fanners reached a satisfactory agreement within five minutes after they met to discuss the matter of a franchise. The city has certain rules regulating the size and kind of poles, height of wire above the streets, etc., and these rules apply to all companies doing business inside the corporate limits. One of these rules is that none but square poles can be used in tlie business part or town. The farmers did not feel that they could afford square polos, so it was suggested to thein by the council that they run their lino along the alley in the rear of the business blocks in stead of setting their poles on Main street. This proposition was entirely satisfactory to tho farmers, and was accepted by them at once, The same arrangement was made with the farmers line leading into town from the south, and no word of objection has ever been heard from the stock holders of either company concerning tho course pursued by the city in granting these rights-of-way. Epworth League Convention. The Epworth League Convention for the Eugene district will bo held in Dallas, March 25, 20 and 27. It is ex pected that 150 delegates will be in attendance. The members of the local League are making preparations to entertain the guests in a most enjoy able manner during their three days' stay in Dallas. Prof. Sweetsler, of the University of Oregon faculty, is president of the League, and Miss Thecla Dove, of Eugene, is secretary. John VanOrsdt'l was a business visitor to Portland, Saturday. EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English. Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It (ail to give immediate relief money re funded. JS cts. and SO eta Belt A Cher rington, Dallas. Oregon. Mohair Growers Meet. The Polk County Mohair Association met in Brown's hall, in Dallas, last Saturday and re-elected all the officers to serve for another year, as follows G. W. McBeo, president ; H. L. Fenton secretary; N. Woodward, treasurer. The next meeting will be he'd Sntur day, March 5. The goat shearers met in the same hall and adopted a rato of 8 cents for hand and 9 cents for machine shearing. All shearers in the county are requested to be present at tho next meeting of tho mohair association, as a business meeting will be held after the goat men ad journ. Is Worth the Price. The Observer has raised its price of subscription to $1.50 a year, which it ought to have been long ago. Dallas Itemizer. iuiss jjuena i lske gave a very en joyable Flinch party to a number of her young lady schoolmates and neighbors on last Friday evening, After several hours spent in an excit ing endeavor to get rid of their respec tive Flinch piles, time was called and a delectable lunch served. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellows' Home, attended a meeting of tho board in Portland last Friday. ANOTHER PIONEER GONE George Comegys Died of Paralysis at His Home in Eastern Washington. George Comegys, an Oregon pioneer of 1850, died at his home eight miles southwest of Oakesdale, Wash., Feb ruary 7, 1904, of paralysis. He was at one time a prominent citizen of Polk county, and had a wide acquaintance among the early settlers in the Wil lamette Valley. The following brief history of his life is taken from the Spokane Spokesman-Review : "Mr. Comegys was a native of Missouri, and was born in 1838. When 12 years old ho set out across the plains with ox teams, accompanying his father and brother, his mother having died in Missouri. They ar rived in Oregon, and there he com- ub'tf'il h' lid 11witi.nn. . cri:alnnHnr.?r.mia Willamette university, with the de gree of 13. 8. He engaged in the study of law, eventually gaining admission to tho bar. He practiced law until 1878, then moved to Whitman county, locating a homestead eight miles southwest of Oakesdale, and engaged in farming, continuing in the same until 1887, in which year he moved to Oakesdale. He combined the practice of law with the real estate business until 18!1, when the Commercial State bank of Oakesdalo was organized and he becamo its president, continuing to act us such until about three years ago, when failing health compelled him to retire. Politically he had long been a forceful factor in tho county and state. In 1881 he was elected to the territorial legislature, and was a member of the convention which drafted the constitution for tho stato "In the Willamette Valley, Oregon, in 1803, Mr. Comegys married Miss E, Stewart, who died in 18(55, leaving one daughter, Hattie, wife of S. J. Daniels, a resident or lUalio. in 1873 lie was again married, his bride being Miss Margaret A. Ball, a native of Oregon, and they had three children, Ralph, Horace and Claude. "The funeral occurred Tuesday at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, at the opera house in Oakes dale." Of Insanity Despite Doctor's Care. Nervous Cramps in Hands and Feet. Dr. Miles' Nervine Was My Salvation. Sleeplessness is at once a symptom and a disease. Just as soon as the nerves become deranged the patient suffers from sleepless ness. Deprived of their natural rest the nerves soon lose all force and vitality and while sleeplessness is a symptom in such cases it frequently becomes chronic and remains the chief effect of disordered nerves. Dr. Miits' Nervine quiets the nerves and strengthens them; soothes the tired brain and permits sleep; restores lost energy and vitality and brings sleep, health and strength. "Previous to our coming to the territory three years ago, we lived in Virginia, and it was there that 1 got acquainted with the wonderful powers of iJr. Miles' Nervine. I had been under the doctor's care and taking his medicine for over two years, butthe nerv ous trouble that was gnawing my life away grew steadily worse. 1 had nervous cramps in my hands and legs, which would draw up and pain me so that I could not sleep at night Often I never closed my eyes for days and nights together. The doctor finally toldrr.ehe could do nothing more for me and that I was on the verge of insanity. He told me I might try your Nervine as a last resort, and it proved to be my salvation. When I had used four bottles of the remedy together with the Nerve and Liver Pills I had re gained my former good health." MRS. Martha I. Sheffer, Giner, Oklahoma. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Verge WILL LIVE IN DALLAS Mr. Louis Uerlinger and Miss Blanche Robinson Married in Portland Last Week. The wedding of Miss Blanche Maye Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson, to Louis Gerlinger, Jr., which was solemnized Wednesday evening, February 10, at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in Portland, was one of the prettiest marriages ever witnessed in Portland. The ceremony was lorformed at (1 o'clock by Rev. A. A. Morrison, D. D., rector of Trini ty, in the presence of hundreds of friends of the bride and groom. The edifice was lavishly decorated in green, with vines, garlands and palms. as tne bridal party entered the church the organist played tho wedding hymn, tne ushers advancing to the pulpit, where they joined the groom, his best man and clergyman. The beautiful bride was radiant in her robe of chiffon over satin with bertha of duchesse lace. She carried a superb shower bouquet of fragrant lillies of the valley, and wore a veil which com pletely covered the exquisite crown. Her ornament was the groom's gift, a necklace of pearls with diamond pendant. The matron of honor, Mrs. Belle Dalton, sister of the groom, was exceedingly attractive in a lovely cre ation of white point d'esprit over green silk, elaborately embroidered in white rosebuds, of moire ribbon, and outlined in white fur. Mrs. Dalton also wore a tiara of diamonds. The bridesmaids, Miss Fanny Allen, of Spokane; Miss Laura Dunne, Miss Maud Hahn and Miss Ethel Shea, were very winsome, being attired alike in delicate pink crepe de chine. They carried shower boquets of bridesmaid roses and wore wreaths of tiny pink roses, making a picture which the guests witnessed with many exclama tion of admiration. Mrs. Robinson, the bride's mother, was elegantly attired in a gown of black and silver, and the mother of the groom, wore a ich and becoming costume of black chiffon and velvet handsomely trim mod with jet. Edward Gerlinger, brother of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Chester Murphy, Harry Sladen, Otis G. White and George Brown. bridal party repaired to tho Hotel Portland, whero a supper was served at a round table, covers being laid for 22 persons. Tho floral embellishments were roso-colored, cut glass candelabra holding pink candles, rink silken ribbons, strands of smilnx and Prin cesse garlands of Parma violets were in evidence, making- a miniature bower, while over the board were scattered clusters of single violets. Miss Hahn caughtthe bride's bouquet. The popular young couple received an unusual array of costly gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Gerlinger left the same eve ning for a trip to California. They will make their homo at Dallas, Ore gon. Portland Telegram. Books Will Soon Close. The stock books of the Dallas and Falls City mutual telephone company will be closed Saturday, February 27, at 10 o'clock a. m. All persons desir ing to become members of the company are requested to notify the secretary, Frank Butler, before that time. The meeting will be held in Falls City. Mr. Butler's address is Dallas R. F. D. No. 2. Strong Flow of Salt Water. Charles O'Brien, who owns a farm near Monmouth, says the neighbor hood whore ho now lives is excited over the salt well which was recently dug on the B. F. Whiteuker place. This well is on the same farm as the one dug by Banker Hirsehberg, of Independence, and gives promise of producing enough salt of flno quality to supply the entire state. The water in the well has been analyzed and contains 75 percentof salt. Machinery for un immense plant has been order ed for some weeks and is expected to arrive in the course of about two weeks when tho work of purifying salt will commence. The well is owned by a stock company consisting prin cipally of farmers and citizens of Monmouth and Indeondence States man. Prunes for Soldiers. Remembering tho present surplus of prunes and the recent discussions of relative values of food products, it would be interesting in euse of war to have a regiment fed on an exclusive prune diet and their lighting record carefully watched, says the Albany Herald. A bearded Slav, quite or partly full of prunes, should be a formidable fighter. Played Out. Dull Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshnesa, Pimples or Sores are al. positive evidences of ltnpure blood. No matter how it be came so, it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Ual las, Oregon. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BT U!n Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One llttis Tablet will give immediate relief or money rerunaed. sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cents. Belt Cherrington. Dallas. Oregon.