Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 12, 1904, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly At One Dollar per Yeai.
Strictly in Advance.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronise Dallas people.
It is altogether probable that the
precincts that furnish the Re
publican majority in Polk county
will have a say in nominating the
ticket at the coming Republican
convention . These precincts have,
bo far, shown no inclination to
dictate the policy of the Republican
party or capture the county con
vention for personal ends, and are
earnest in their desire to obliterate
all firmer sectional and factional
lines in the approaching campaign
and nominate a ticket that can be
elected in June. This is the only
correct and proper course to pur
sue, and it is the course that will
be pursued, even if it becomes
necessary to sit down upon a few
self-constituted leaders who are
just now engaged in a frantic effort
to run the county and dictate the
nomination of theentire Republican
ticket. 1'he Observer hopes to
see due recognition given to all
trueand loyal Republicans in Polk
county whether they live in Repub
lican precincts or not, and prefers
the nomination of a clean ticket,
equitably distributed over the
county, rather than the triumph of
any faction in the convention. One
means victory at the polls for the
Republican party; the other means
a continuation of strife and bitter
ness in the Republican ranks and
the election of about half of the
Democratic ticket.
A friendly interest in the welfan
and growth of the thriving town of
Falls City prompts us to express
the hope that our neighbors up at
the other end of th railroad will
lose no time in securing a right-of
way for the system of gravity
water-works they propose to build.
The time has come when water
works are a positive necessity in
Falls City, as the town is practically
without protection against loss by
fire. The destruction of the sub
stantial business buildings which
have been built in the last few
years and the loss of the big saw
mill plants from which the town
derives its greatest benefits would
proe serious indeed, and our
neighbors can no longer afford to
ue wiinoui a suitaiuo protection tor
their homes and business houses
and manufacturing concerns. It
is to be hoped that the council will
proceed vigorously with the work,
already begun, of securing a righl-of-way
from the mountain springs
to the town limits. When this
right-of-way is secured, the council
can begin work on the plant at its
convenience and the best time to
secure the necessary concessions
from property owners along the
route is right now. Every day
that the work is deferred will add
to the cost of securing the needed
The initiative and referendum
law has so much red tapeconnected
with it that it will practically prove
a dead letter. It is a very cumber
some affair. Albany Democrat.
The Lewis and Clark Fair bill
passed the United States Senate bv
a unanimous vote Monday after
noon. Tho bill carries an appro
priation of 11,775,01)0.
i : of ;i wtv.l?, torpid or
: .: : ii )' the kidneys or
a warning it is extremely
I n ; iii ( t, so important
i.s healthy neticn of these organs.
11: y are ciitiiiiuiiily attended by loss
cf cieryy, Lick ct courage, and some
tii.us by gloomy forebouinn and de
tr.oi.leney. "I h-iJ ynins in my KirK, could not sloop
ar"1 vla!i I fit up I i tlie morning felt
v. vs.? tU-.n '.'. 'iii-lit 1' fore. I In-i-ntt tak
i ! il.i a ;:j::r!i:.i :nl now I can
'.n-p p.iKi L t..i i. lie:; rcMc i ulile to
uo iiiV 1 a'.iiii ( it' inv cure entirely
t.l!.-..d f nrV.'r. " M .is. J. '. 1'kkky,
.-' t i:. t. . . .iii 1, 1 . Kciid, Ala.
Hood's ScrsapcMla
and Pills
Cure kidney end liver troubles, relieve
the back, stud LuiM up the w hole bteiu.
v, ;v te
The war is on between Russia
and Japan, and up to date the
little brown men have decidedly
the best of it. Japanese torpedo
boats attacked the Russian squad
ron in the outer roads of Port
Arthur Monday night, and three
Russian ships were damaged.
Japan's fleet attacked two Russian
warships, Tuesday, and destroyed
both. Three Russian transports,
convoying 2000 troops, have been
captured. The Japanese have
landed 8000 soldiers at Chemulpo.
It is believed by naval experts that
Japan now holds control of the sea.
There will be 47G votes in the
Electoral college this year. In the
last presidential election the Elec
toral college consisted of 447 votes.
The increase of 29 votes is due to
the reapportionment of repre
sentatives under the census of 1900.
The importance of the rest of the
country over the east has been in
creased in the proportion of nine
teen to ten, as of the additional
vot'js, nine go to the south, ten to
the various states of the west, and
the remaining ten votes go to states
cast of the Alleghenies.
The city of Baltimore was the
scene of the most disastrous fire in
the history of the Unittd States,
Sunday, the great Chicago fire of
1871 not excepted. A total of 20
blocks of the most modern and
substantial buildings in the city
were destroyed. The loss will
read) two hundred million dollars.
Famous Band Will Appear at Grand
Opera House In Salem, Feb
ruary 19.
Tho famous Kilties Band, of Belle
ville Canada, will play fit tho Grand
Opera House. Salein, on Friday, Feb
ruary 19. This organization is com
posed of picked men from the live
crack Canadian Regimental Bands
and is now admitted to be the liuest
band on the road. It seems to have
taken the place of Sousa's this season,
ns the illnessof that great bandmaster
has compelled him to abandon his
tours for the present. The Kilties
have amongst the members a vocal
choir of eighteen splendid voices
which sings the beautiful Scottish
songs at each concert and invariably
receives five to eight recalls, Tho
vocal soloist is Mr. J. Coates Loek
hardt, the tenor formerly with Gruu
Savage Opera Co. An additional
attraction especially engaged for this
tour is tho "Clan JohnstoneTroup" of
Scotch dancers direct from the l'aluee
Theater, London. The band will
parade before the concert, with its
giant drum major at the head and the
music being furnished by the regi
mental pipers, buglers and drummers,
tho band not being permitted to play
on march in foreign countries. The
sight of these stalwart Highlanders
in their handsome kilted uniforms,
bate kneed and bronzed, marching to
tho martial strain of the true military
pipers is most inspiring. Mr. Frank
Meredith, tho manager of tho Opera
House, is saving no efforts to make
this tho great event of this year's
theatrical season. Tho band will
arrive in Salein direct from Portland
in its private ear "The Kilties."
Low Rate on Mohair.
II. L. Feu ton, secretary of the Polk
County Mohair Association announces
that tho Southern Paeilie Company
will grant a special freight rate of
live cents per 100 poundson shipments
of mohair to Dallas from any point in
Polk county. This rate applies only
to mohair in the 190-1 pool. This re
duction will be greatly appreciated by
growers living in the outlying dis
tricts of the county, as it will save
them the expense of hauling their
mohair to Dallas by team.
I or Exchange.
A gootl residence in Los Angeles;
line location, value $4000; will rent
for $'M per month. Will exchange
for improved farm of about same
211(10 N. Sichol St.,
lios Angeles, Cal.
The largest e uni ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Kitin
eiseo, August 80, 1D01. The transfer in
volved in coin and slock If 1 12,500.00 nnd
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for llrinht'u Disease nnd IHa
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They coin uieneed the serious invesli
uation of the spceilie Nov. lo, 11100.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on ita merits by putting
over three dozen eases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. "J5. eighty-seyeii
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There In'ing hut thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test ea-vs were
published and will lie mailed free 00 up
plication. Addres .loiiv J. Fiitov
Company. -l-.'O Montgomery 1., at
Kr.iiieic.i. C;il.
.oivl Dyspepsia Curo!
digests what you eat. I
Are always "beau- ;
tiful " and always ;
" happy " accord- S
in 55 to the society 3
reporters, and iu !
this case the re-
port i3 mostly true. 9
There may Vie tin-
happy briiks in
fiction, but there
are tew in real life.
But how hard it is
to look upon many
of the wives we
know, and believe
that thev were
once beautiful and happy. Pain, the
result of womanly disease, has marrer"
beauty and undermined happiness.
Backed vm by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures, a record
such as no other remedy for the disease n
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription now feel fully war
ranted in offeriutr to pay $500 in legal
money of the United States, for any case
of Lcucorrliea, Female Weakness, Prolap
sus, or Falling of Womb which they can
not cure. All thfcy ask is a fair and reason
able trial of their means of cure.
"I have ttiomrht for some time I wouM write
yon nml tell von of the preat improvement in
mv health siti' ir taking your Favorite Prescrip
tion. ' " s:ivs Mrs. 11. S. Jones, of Forest, N. C.
"When I "tietr-ui its use I was a physical wreck
and had donaired of ever having any health
asrain. Coul 1 not sit up all day, and was so
weak I coui ! not walk one quarter of a mile.
I noted a el'-il improvement in my health be
fore the first "Kittle was used. Was sufTereiq
with a'ino-! cverv pain that a woman is subject
to; had infla -miation of ovaries, painful and
suppressed periods, and other symptoms of
female disease. After taking six bottles of
'Favorite Prescription.' I felt like a new per
son. Can ride hnre!wck and take all kinds of
exercise and iv-t feel tired. ''
if for a pc-l"' t layf
live irv ij . icfvS's i'luasaut I'ei.eta.
Fund Is Sufficient to Build Walk and
Leave Small Balance.
The contract for building tho side
walk from Dallas to the I. O. O. F.
cemetery was (warded to Willard Gil
bert yesterday, his bid .being $45.
This bid is for laying the walk, and
does not ineludo the costof the lumber
and nails, which are to be delivered
on the ground by the building com
mittee. Two bills were received, the
other being that of A. J. Martin, who
agreed to do tho work for $72.20 and
donate $5 to the sidewalk fund. The
contract for furnishing the lumber
wai awarded to the W. W. Johnson
Lumber Company at $9 per 1000 feet.
The company will furnish the lumber
at SO, and donate 50 cents on each
thousand feet used. Mr. Gilbert offer
ed to furnish lumber at $8.20 per
thousand, but preference was given to
the local mill.
The amount of money raised by
J. J. Wiseman is $103.25. This
amount taken together with the $120
donated by the lodges of the city, will
be sufficient to bui'd the walk and
leave u small balance. All money
not used in the construction of the
walk will be deposited in the bank as
a repair fund.
The contributors to the sidewalk
fund, with the amount given by each,
are as follows :
E. C. Kirk patrick, Matthews &
Madison. Oiisekver, William Fnull,
W. C. Brown, Dallas City Bank, Wil
son Drug Company, Nordby & Fin
soth, R. C. Craven, Ellis & Keyt, Belt
& Cherrington.
Dr. B. II. McCallon, C. II. Chap
man, Guy Brothers, Hotel Gail, II. B.
Pin tumor.
John T. Ford, F. A. Stiles, Wagner
Tracy Staats. U. S. Loughary, F. E.
Myer, F. J. Chapman, J. F. Groves,
H. L. Chapman, Oscar Ilayter. J. M.
Grant, Walter Williams, I. V. Lynch,
N. L. Butler, J. N. Hart, Jones &
Ho'ut, J. A. Lynch, M. D. Ellis, Eu
gene Ilayter, J. G. VanOredel, G. L.
Hawkins, C. G. Coad, Mrs. J. C. Gay
nor, W. II. Boy, II. L. Fenton, B.
Gildner, Charles Baker, Shultz Bros.,
II. O. Campbell; A. B. Muir, F. J.
Coad, W. It. Craven, II. Holman, Dr.
H. L. Toney, C. II. Morris, John Fid
ler, Willis Simonton, George Cutler,
George Whitehorn, I. N. Woods, Mrs.
Sarah Bichmond, O. E. Williams, Ed
Biddle, C. L. Starr, J. E. Sibley, TJ. S.
Grant, Dr. Mark Ilayter, J. J. Wise
man, W. J. Atehinson, Itemizer.
fifty et:vrs. ,
II. Jorgenson, A. 1). Burnett, James
Chitty, Sol Blessing, I,. D. Daniel,
Charles McDonald, Silas Orchard,
Cash, W. F. Nichols, Heath & Cornes,
E. W. Fuller, George Kerr, Frank
Kerslake, T. B. Uowell,, Joe Craven,
W. G. Vassal!, A. F. ' Toner, Mrs.
II. II. Cl.ace, Mrs. Ella J. Metzger,
Casn, M. B. Young, Milo Woods, II. B.
Cos per.
E. Cadwetl, Cash, A. Shultz.
Total, $223.25.
Cstray Notice.
I have taken up one dark red bull,
about -1 years old ; branded with figure
2 on right hip; small notch out of left
ear. The animal came to my place
about two months ngo. Owner can
have him by paying all costs.
Clarence Airman,
Sugarloaf, Or.
Stallion Kor Service.
The imported English Shire stallion
"Diinsmore Prince :toil, (Tl-lt'),"ow ned j
bv Geo. H. Bronson, of Ttwisvil I
wilt make the season of litoi at Dallas
and in the vicinity of Bridgeport,'
Lew isvillc and Airlie. Posters later, j
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo :
Digests what you eat l
Go to Wilson Drug Company for
books and school supplies.
L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; type
writing. With J. N. Hart.
Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
One of the best horse-shoers in the
state will be found working at Wagner
Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be
Pioneer Employment Company fur
nishes all kinds of help on short
notice free to employers. 215 Mor
rison St., Portland, Or.
Go and see those fine bath tubs,
sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros.
A lirst-class plumber is in their em
ploy, and will satisfactorily do your
WANTED Trustworthy lady or
gentleman to manage business in this
County and adjoining territory for
house of solid financial standing. $20
straight cash salary and expenses
paid each Monday direct from head
quarters. Expense money advanced;
position permanent. Address Mana
ger, G05, Monon Bld'g!, Chicago.
Cow and Calf for Sale.
Fresh cow and calf for sale. Inquire
of A. J. Peterson.
Pigs for Sale.
Pure Poland China Pigs, of either
sex, for sale ; from (i weeks to 0 mouths
old. James Elliott, Dallas, Or.
Notice to Advertisers.
The Oijskrvek will hereafter chargo
10 cents per line for all advertisements
printed in the local news column of
the paper. Local advertisements
under the classified heading "Busi
ness Locals" will he charged at the
rate of 5 cents per line. Our patrons
will please take notice of this change
in rates.
Men to cut cordwood near town. I
also have a house to rent.
Wood Wanted.
Tho Dallas and Falls City railroad
company wishes to contract for 500 to
1000 cords of oak or Dr cordwood, load
ed on board cars along its line. For
further information, apply to
L. Gerlinger, Jr.,
"'Dallas, Oregon.
Another Case of Rheumatism Cured
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
The eflicacy of. Chamheilain's Pain
Halm in Ihe relief U. jheuinatism is be
ins: demonstrated daily. Pa ker Trip
let!, of Grigsliy, Va , says that .Chamber
lain's Pain Balm gave hint permanent
relief fioiu rheumatism in the back
when everything else failed, anil he
would not be without it. For sale by
Wilson Drug Company.
For Sale.
12,000 shares mining stock in the Gold
Creek Mining and Milling Company.
Certificates 1000 shares each. Price G
cents per share.
S. B. Ormsdy,
112 Court St.,
Salem, Oregon.
Good Farm at a Bargain.
2S(l-acre farm, i miles from Dallas ;
50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres in
hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ;
well watered by living water; several
springs on place; good pastures, and
plenty of timber; one mile from Rail
road ; house, barn and outbuildings.
A nice home, and a great bargain at
$15 per acre. Call on, or address
Dallas, Oregon.
Portland residence to trade for a
good farm in the valley ; worth $2000.
What have you to oiler in exchange?
Steam cleaning and dyeing works
in Portland to trade for valley farm
worth $iooo. What have you to offer?
Wanted a first-class dairying farm
of 100 acres or thereabouts immedi
ately. If you have a good one for
sale reasonable I have a buyer.
I want immediately about 10 acres
of land that has already been arranged
for chickens. Where is it and whats
your price?
I have a nice little 10 acre fruit
farm for sale at $800. It is in Italian
and Petite Prunes.
I have 10 acres of lands with build
ings, and 2 acres in fruit, 2 acres in
clover, balance in oats. For sale at
What have you to trade. I have
some line properties that parties will
trade with you for.
I have a store building in Eastern
Oregon, that is worth $2000. I will
trade this for a farm worth $5500 and
pay the difference or a property of less
value, and pay the difference.
a. is. ssnsow;
'"nv and sbij, IIi'l's, Mutton and
St m'k Shc-p. Highest market price
pa i 1 .H all t.. Yd.lress,
It V. I). NO. 1,
del Dyspepsia Curo
uiyasis what you eat.
Frederick Levin
All Kinds of
Leather and Rubber
Goods repaired sub
stantially and at
reasonable rates.
West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore.
m j. mi
The largest and best stock of
Materials for Fancy Work
m the city.
Dallas, Oregon
Wire Fence
Double-Strength, High Carbon
Spring Steel Wire.
I furnish the tools and help put up
the fence without extra charge.
10-lkr, 40 inch Fence, 40 cents
per rod.
Call or Write To Me for Catalogue
and Prices.
U. S. raiit.
Agent, Dallas, Oregon
Ars due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubla
can remember when It was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken into the stomach
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action ol
the heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kaubla, of Nevada, O., says: I had stomach
troubla and was In a bad stats as I had heart troubla
with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Curo for about foul
months and It cured ma.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. $1.00 Size holding 2H timet the trial
size, which sells for 50c.
Prepared by E. O. DaWITT CO., OHIOAQO.
(jfl f?P IVs for the OBSERVER
I W and the Weekly Oregonian
ftlfil I W one i'ear- In order to take
advantage of thia liberal
offer, your snbseription to the Observer
tnutt lie paid up to date. Now is the
hmf ti sn lui'ri tin
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE, Ettt'ctive November 23.
Dully except Sunday,
West-Hound: A.M. P.M.
I.v. DALLAS 7:45 1:'J0
Tents' Siding S:00 1:X
(lilliains 8:0;l 1:39
Bridgeport S:10 1:43
Ar. FALLS CITY S:20 1:35
EnstBound: A.M. P.M.
I.V. FALLS CITY 9:20 4:00
llridirtport 9:30 4:10
Hilliams 9:30 4:17
Teats' Siding 9:39 4:20
Ar. DALLAS 9:35 4:15
Trains Stop on Signal only.
General Manager.
folding Sawing
Runs Easy no back-ache
fokls up like a pocket knife,
and is easily carried.
Everyone who has wood to
saw should have one.
has stood the test 25 years. Averago Annual Sales ever Ono end a Half MSIcn
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c
EmJosed with every bottle is a Tea Cast package of Crove's Hack Hoot. Liver PES.
E have closed one of the. most satisfactory month's
business it has ever been our pleasure to ex
perience. We have not made a cent, but we have sent
more happy people out of our store than ever went
out in Oregon during the same length of time, and the
nice part of it is, they are all coming back again.
Now for Business in Earnest
Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we
will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will
be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland.
The whole business comes from Missouri instead
of New York this year. We bought our goods in
Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and
longer yards. We will have them all in during
the month. Yours Truly,
Phone 246.
; "gyrwr?- rs ss s r s rs s s y s r s s y y
C it Q. Van Orsdel
H Notary Public
J. G. Van Orsdel & Son
Tarms, Stock Ranches, Cimfcer Eands and City Property
We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm,
lj miles from Dallas; good improvements; flue land.
Price $8000. This is a first-class farm.
ROOM I, (upstairs) W,lson Building, Dallas, Ore.
Single Shovel Plows. Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel
Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivator?, Peg Tooth
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrowp, Disc Harrows, reversible
with Extension Head. :::::::::::::
All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to
cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs.
of AH Kinds.
Fish, Game
Farmers will find it to their advantage to
bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay
the highest cash price for same at all times.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
flain Street
John P. Van Orsdel
Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams
and Flumes a Specialty
and Chickens