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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
7 m rnftY, i 11 1 1 1 1 V f J V V XV fed VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 5, 1904 NO. 47. if Ki rv 7 O U THE HUB CLOTHING STORE IS can tion, soon Now for that need Hat, us, as the R. JACOBSON & CO. G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. , UGLOW BLOCK DALLAS, ORE. THE NEW A new and complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. All sort9 of . Stains and Wood Finishes. t Painters' and Paper Hangers' Supplies. Pictures, Mouldings, and Pictures framed to order. Painting, wood finishing, room decorating and sign lettering done. Satis faction guaranteed on all work. If you are thinking of doing See No charge for estimates HEATH & Mill Street BAPTISTS liJL0 EONIOir Large Meeting Held in the Dallas Church Last Friday. The annual reunion and business meeting of the members of the Baptist Church in this city last Friday was well attended. An interesting pro gram was carried out, and the mem bers are greatly encouraged with the outlook for another year of active and successful work. In all the deliber ations of the day, peace, harmony and good-will prevailed, and the officers elected one year ago were re-elected to serve another year' without a dissent ing voice. At 11 o'clock, Rev. J. L. Whirry, missionary colporteur for Western Oregon, preached a sermon in keeping with the occasion on "The Triumphant Church." At 12 :05 p. m., T. J. Cherr ington, the photographer, took a picture of the gathering, arranged and grouped on the outside of the church. In this group, conspicuously seated in the pulpit chair, was Grand ma Hubbard, now 79 years old and the only charter member present. ' Full justice was done to a bountiful dinner prepared by the women of the church. Nearly two hours were spent in feasting and social intercourse, getting better acquainted and talking over plans and methods for the com ing year. Promptly at 2 o'clock the members gathered at the church for roll-call and election of officers. Forty mem bers answered to their names, and the 25 absent members were accounted for. Fifteen new names have been added to the church roll during the last few months. After the roll-call, reports from all departments of the church work were read and discussed. These reports showed marked advance all along the line and indicated unusual activity. The several treasuries showed all ex penses paid and money, in hand with which to begin the new year. Sales of Fruit Trees. A considerable acreage of fruit and berries will be set out around Dallas this year. J. B. .Nunn reports recent sales of nursery stock as follows: James Boydston, 1000 apple trees, 500 walnut trees, 500 Logan berry ; J. B. Stump, 500 walnut ; Dr. Mark Hayter, 200 filbert trees ; H. E. Kozer, 140 wal nuts and filberts; J. O. Snyder, 900 Logan berry, 70 walnut trees; Dan Hollingsworth, 200 Logan berry, be. sides a lot of small orders. Edward Gerlinger, of Portland, is in charge of the local office of the Dallas & Falls City railroad, during the temporary absence of his brother, Louis. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ar sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. Oae UtUe tablet gives Immediate relief. 25 eta, and M eta. Belt CherrtngtoB Dallaa. Oregon THE PLACE where men and boys find just what they want. See our new Spring Suits they are dandies. Better come in now and make your selec as many of the choice styles will be picked out. is the time to get Choice Patterns. Remember that we are Headquarters anything that men wear, and we keep which is right up-to-date. If you a Suit, Overcoat, pair of Pants, Shirt, Tie, Trunk or Suit Case, or anything in the men's line, be sure to see we will give you the best stock in county to select from, and guarantee that our prices will be as low as the low est.quality considered. WALL PAPER. AND PAINT STORE tit any papering or painting Us on labor or material. CORNES Dallas, Oregon . " Teachers Won Game. The Stato Normal basket-ball team defeated the McMinnville College team at Monmouth Friday night by a score of 22 to 16. . Many costly errors and fumbles were made by the players on both sides, which accounts for the large score. The game was called at 7 o'clock, and its close the players came to Dallas on a special motor and witnessed the game between O. A. C. and Dallas College. L. Gerlinger, president of the Dallas & Falls City railroad, was in Dallas the first of the week. Mrs. Robert Hatton attended the wedding of Mr. Eollie Leisey and Miss Dovie McCulloch, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McOullocb, near Ballston, Wednesday. M Oil jlagL) lj Cjjj f(tf Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least, in taste. Young women in their " teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which o many young women suffer. We will bt g!id to stnd iamp!i to any sufferer.' F-e nrc that this pictorv la 1 1- th- Innti cf a la jr I n o the tripper i everv bottle mi Fm-lskm foa buy. SCOTT &. EOWNE. Chemists, 4?9 Peart St., New York. n GOOD WORDS FOR OLD POLK Editor of Rural Northwest Pays High Compliment to Polk County Farmers. There was a time, and it was not great many years ago, when Polk County, Oregon, had the reputation justly or unjustly, of being a slow, unprogressive county, agriculturally, Now it is one of the best known agri cultural counties of the stato, and is fast acquiring a national reputation through the reputation of its breeders of Angora goats, sheep and swine. Its progressive farmers are by no means confined to the breeders of fine stock. but to the latter is due in the main the fact that the county is gradually but surely acquiring a reputation which is not confined to Oregon, but reaches every portion of the United States where there are those who are inter ested in good stock. By far the greater part of the Cotswolds which have given Oregon the reputation of being the leading state of the Union in rais ing fine specimens of that breed are in Polk county. The county is be coming known everywhere in the United States as a place to go for fine Angoras. In a few years Polk county will in all probability be as well known for its Lincoln sheep as it is for its Cotswolds at the present time. It has a herd of Poland China swine of which the whole Pacific Coast may be proud. The men who develop such flocks and herds and give to their county such a reputation as Polk county is acquiring are great bene factors to the county, and the good results of their work will continue long after they are gone. It has already reached the point where the man who would make a business of rearing fine Angora goats or Cotswold sheep will find it more profitable to start in Polk county than in any other county in the United Jtates. Unless extraordinary efforts are put forth elsewhere this will become more and more the case. The coming breeders may as breeders even excel the men who are now giving the county its do- served good reputation, but the breeders of today deserve the special credit which belongs to pioneers of an industry. The work of the future breeder in that county will be appreci ated from the,, start. The,, present breeders must overcome the natural discouragement which results from knowing that there are very few who understand or appreciate the nature of the work they are doing. Such work as is being done in Polk county by its breeders of fine stock demands honor for the men who are doing it. They may not all be without flaws, but everyone of them who is skillfully breeding up a fine flock or herd is do ing that which will in the end benefit others much more than himself. Kural Northwest. . Candy Store Changes Hands. C. E. Shaw and Frank Brown have sold their confectionery store to J. March, of Salem. The new proprietor took charge of the business February 1, and will soon move to the room now occupied by Pfennig's jewelry store in the Wilson block, where he will fit up one of the neatest confectionery stores in the valley. Frank Brown will manu facture the candy for the new store, and Horace Webster will have charge of the salesroom. Miss Owen Wins. Miss Edith Owen, of Independence, will represent the Oregon State Normal School in the state oratorical contest at Forest Grove. The young lady won out over four other contestants at the local tryout in Monmouth last Fri day night. Miss Owen is a popular student, and her friends feel confident that she will represent her school with much credit in the state contest. Goat Raisers tp Meet. A call for a meeting of the Polk County Mohair Association atBrown's hall in Dallas, on Saturday, February 13, at 1 o'clock p. in., has been issued by George McBee, president of the organization. The meeting will be an important one, and all members are requested to be present. The date for selling the 1904 mohair pool will be set at this time, and other business will be transacted. State Committee Will Meet. The Republican State Central Com mittee is hereby called to meet in the City of Portland on Friday, the 12th day of February, 1904 (Abraham Lin coln's birthday), in room 12 Hamilton building, at 10 :30 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of selecting the time and place for holding the next State Convention, apportioning delegates to said Con vention, recommending date for hold ing primaries, and for the transaction of such other business as may proper ly come before the committee. FRANK C. BAKER, Harrison Allen, Chairman. Secretary. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tex. A pleasant berb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. S cts. and 63 eta. Belt ft Cbarrtnfton. Dallas, Oregon. DALLAS BOTH WATER SUITS Supreme Court cf Court i.i Oregon Toise "The City of Dallas is empowered tempiated, and no limitations or restrictions are imposed confining its choice to any particular property. It has discretion within reasonable limits as to the kind and capacity of the plant it within like limits to choose the source of its water supply, the route of its pipe lines and the location of! its reservoirs and pumping stations, and unless there is clear abuse of it? to the detriment of private individuals and property rights the courts cannot .interfere to i. The foregoing is thes substance of the decision of the Supreme Court of Oregon in the appealed case of the City of Dallas, respondent, vs. Mary E. Hallock, appellant, i This was a suit to condemn certain rights of way over defendant's property, also a reservoir site and 600,000 gallons of water flowing every 24 hours in La Creole Creek, for the purpose of con structing and operating a water plant for the City of Dallas. The opinion is by Justice Wolverton. Questions relative to the regularity of the proceedings preliminary to the condemnation proceedings, the issu ance of bonds, payment for the water system, leasing the same, etc., were raised, but the court holds that these are matters in which Judge Boise and Mrs. Hallock are not interested. The only question in which defendants are interested are as to the necessity for the condemnation and the measure of damages and payment therefor. The case of the City of Dallas vs. E. P. Boise was decided upon practi cally the same reasons as those which prevailed in the case of Dallas vs. Hallock, above mentioned. The decision of these cases brings to an end the long and earnest fight that has been waged by the City of Dallas to obtain possession of certain lands and water rights needed in the con DUNN GROCERY OPENED u. S. Loughnry P.-,rT,ase Stock and FlxUsf ar.J WW Cea 1 between Dulln 11 The Dunn giiy store, which was closed by its owners about three weeks ago, pending a settlement with creditors, was opened for business Monday morning. The stock and fix tures have been purchased by County Clerk U. S.- Loughary, and the busi ness will be continued by him. Harry Dunn will have charge of the store until Mr. Loughary's term of office expires. The latter gentleman will then assume the active management of the business. Mr. Loughary is too well known in Polk county to need any introduction to the readers of the Observer. Prior to his election to the office of County Clerk, he had a long and successful experience as a salesman in some of tho largest mercantile establishments in the Northwest, and the work of buy ing and selling goods is not new to him. He will conduct a first-class grocery store and will enjoy a liberal patronage. Putting; Up New Building;. George L. Hawkins, the Dallas marble cutter, is erecting a sub stantial office and workshop on his residence lot on Railroad street. As soon as the structure is completed, he will remove his business from the present location in the Collins build ing. The new quarters will be comfortable and substantial, and will be convenient to the depot and to tho business portion of town. Will Go to The Philippines. Walter F. Nichols, deputy clerk of Polk county, has received notice of his appointment as a teacher in the public schools of the Philippine Islands. Mr. Nichols passed the Civil Service examination in Portland a few months ago, and had his name placed on the list of candidates for appointment. He will leave for the islands early in March. Telephone Company Elects Officers. The stockholders of the Dallas Tele phone Switchboard Company met in the parlors of the Dallas City Bank on Saturday last and elected officers as follows: R. E- Williams, president; T. A, Riggs, vice-president; H. L. Fenton, secretary; Conrad Stafrin, treasurer. The president, vice-president and secretary constitute a Board of Directors. The board was instruct ed to purchase a switchboard and dis tributing board and find a suitable location for the central office. , The company expect3 togive freeexchange to all mutual telephone companies leading into Dallas. The directors announce that the company will be ready for business in the near future. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund me money if It fails to cure. E- W. Grove's signature Is on aavcb box. lia. Affirms Decision of Lower and HallocK Cases. to condemn property for the use con may install, and so it has a discretion control it." struction of a system of water works. So confident was the city council of the outcome of the contest, that work on the plant was begun a few weeks after the trial of these cases was had in the Circuit Court, and at a time when it was known that Judge Boise and Mrs. Hallock were preparing to appeal to a higher tribunal. The re sult is that the decision of the Supreme Court is in advance of the completion of the water-works by only a few weeks. While these suits have cost the city a neat sum of money, everything sought has been gained. Dallas has a perpetual right to use the water of Canyon Creek for domestic and fire purposes, and one or two property holders will no longer be enabled to stay the progress of a live and grow ing city of 1500 inhabitants. In pur sueing a steady and unswerving course in providing an abundant sup ply of pure and wholesome mountain water, the city council has obeyed the will of the people as clearly expressed in two elections. Tho hearty approval and loyal support of a large majority of the citizens of Dallas have lent in valuable aid and encouragement to the city officers in the long and stub born contest, now happily ended for all time. The battle has been fought, and right has prevailed. MERRY FLINCH PARTY Miss Llna Stouffer Entertains Her Parents' Home, Satur day Evening;. at Miss Lina Stouffer entertained about forty invited guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Stouffer, last Saturday evening. The parlors were prettily decorated with potted plants, ribbons and ferns, and numerous shaded electric lights lent to the beautiful color effect. Mrs. G. L. Hawkins assisted iu receiving the guests. Several hands of flinch were played, after which light refresh ments were served. The invited guests were : Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatriek, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dunkelberger, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Stafrin, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dunn ; Misses Emma Dempsey, Bertha Full er, Hallie Reynolds, Effle Brown, Hazel Butler, Frankie Hayter, Evan geline Hart, Ednolle Collins. Clarice Brown ; Messrs. L. F. Daly, Oscar Hayter, Tracy Staats, Lee Smith, C. L. Starr, J. C. Hayter, Roy Glass, Dan Poling, Chester Gates, W. L. Soehren, J. E. Richter and Fred West. H. Hirschberg, president of tho In dependence National Bank, was a Dallas visitor, Monday. Chest Pains From "Tobacco Heart." Valvular Heart Dis ease Threatened. Dr. Miles Heart Cured Me. Cure The effect of excessive smoking shown by such symptoms as heart pains, heartburn, smothering spells, shortness of breath, flut tering and palpitation, is most serious. If vour Tieart is in a-v way affected you should at once bejjin t. use of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure which enriches the blood, regulates the heart's action and improves the circulation. "I am a local newspaper man and hare been an inveterate smoker since my bovhood. A little over a year ago I first noticed symptom of heart trouble, palpita tion and acu'e pti is and a peculiar, I might say, indescribable. feeling across my chest Local physicians said I had tobacco heart' 1 quit smoking for a while and took regular dose, of digitalis and belladona with some relief but the same old symptoms were still there. A friend of mine beri recently died of what the doc'or said was valvular disease of the hear, Knowing that his symptoma were similar to mine I felt that my time too was limited, although I am still a young man, in my thirty-ninth year. In Skillman Sc Stone's drv.z store here Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure wis recommended. I began raking it and 1 can positively state that it ffect is marvelous. I have just finished my third bottle and feel like a 'kid' and believe I am cured. Th:s letter is the spontaneous utterance of one who wishes to think you for benefits receive i" W. V. Grant, Seattle, Wash , formerly of Spokane, Wash. A1T dnigjist s !1 and guarantee first bot ; z. Miies'R: -i-lie. Send I r free b k e " -rvous . iliart 1 1 seises. Address Dc iUlcs Medical Co Elkhart, Ind. Acute FOR BETTER PROTECTION Reorganized Fire Department Dallas Will Be Well Equipped With Apparatus. In Agents of the leading fire insurance companies unite in the declaration that Dallas will have the best fire pro tection of any town of its size in Ore gon when the new water system is completed. The requirements of the contract with Mr. Gates could not be bettered, they say, and all express surprise at the magnitude of the plant. T.ll . i it .uouoie stauaara nyarants at every street crossing in the business portion of town and fire plugs only two blocks apart throughout tho residence district and extending far into the suburbs form a system of protection not often found in country towns and seldom even in the large cities. hen it is remembered that the city mains will bo supplied by a 12-inch pipe leading from a 300,000-gallon reservoir, built at an elevation of 190 feet above the street level, and that this reservoir will be supplied by a 6 inch pipe from a mountain stream flowing nearly one million gallons of water every 24 hours, even in the dry Summer season, it will be seen that Dallas' water supply is second to none. The city council has already taken up the matter of reorganizing the fire department and purchasing such ap paratus and supplies as may be needed when tho new water system is in operation. It is altogether probable that the present engine company will be disbanded and two hose companies formed. One hose cart will be housed in the business portion of town, and the other will probably be placed in the engine room at the city hall. These carts will be lighter and narrower than the cart now in use, and will be plentifully supplied with new hose. This is the plan that is be ing carried out by a number of in terior towns in Oregon, Heppner being among th number. The last Issue of tho Heppner Gazette says : "Heppner's already good system of Are protection is being improved. Five hundred feet of new hose has been ordered, which makes a good supply, in fact all that is necessary for a town of this size. The paid custodian of the fire apparatus has recommended tho purchase of three more hose carts which are needed, and which will soon be added. The town is well supplied in both, the business and residence portion with hydrants and fire plugs, and with a good pressure and always a good reserve of water in case of fire, Heppner is well protected." Resolutions of Condolence. To tho relatives and friends of tho lato I. It. Hughes ; Whereas, it has pleased tho Almighty to take from our midst tho late I. It. Hughes, we the members of Luckiarnuto Camp, No. 8187, M. W. A., beg to extend our sympathy to the be reaved ones in the death of our friend and neighbor, and be it Kesolved, that wo as a camp feel deeply tho loss of this neighbor from our ranks, he having been a charter member of this camp. He was always ready to do his part, and never shirked any duty which fell to his lot to per form. Be it further Resolved, that these resolutions bo spread upon the minutes of this camp and published in the Tolk County Obseiiveh, arid a copy mailed to the parents of the deceased neighbor. C. E. DILL, F. J. HOLMAN, Committee. Two Heavy Porkers. Tho two Berkshire hogs exhibited at the Dallas Goat Show by F. A. Koser, of Eickreall, were weighed by their owner a few days after the show closed. Notwithstanding the fact that the animals were given light food while on exhibition, the boar tipped the beam at (187 pounds, and the tow at 549 pounds. These splendid porkers are as fine as can be found in Oregon, aud were greatly admired by the visitors to tho Dallas livestock show. Charles McDonald has purchased the R. C. Craven property at the West end of Court street, no will build two houses on the lots next Fall. A. Noltner, the veteran newspuper man of Portland, was in Dallas, Tues day, soliciting advertising for a special numlxT of the Rural Spirit. Lodge Notice : Members of Naomi Chapter, O. E. 8., aro requested to meet in the hall promptly at 7:15 next Tuesday evening. Ella J. Metzoer, W. M. Miss Edith Houck, who has been teaching In the Dallas public school, left on Monday for Portland, where she will become a nurse in a hospital. Her place in tho school will be filled by Mis3 Lena Stouffer. Frank Butler, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, Monday. He says the route for the mutual tele phone line between Dallas and Falls City is already surveyed and staked out and the work of setting the poles will be commenced in a few days. WE6LD RELIABLE 11 V -WW:: Absolute! Puro THERE !SN0 SUBSTITUTE BEWARE OF OFFICE HABIT Worst Thing a Young Man Can Ac quire, Says, an Astoria News paper Man. The worst thing a man can acquire is a thirst for office. One can take a chance of all the ills to which a man can fall heir and not be so seriously damaged as to get tho office habit. One may have faults, and who has not; but the thirst for official honor will level him when his faults will be passed over as' just human frailties and nothing more. How many young men who have started out well in life, prospered, become influential, and have allowed themselves to be ap pointed to a good, fat federal job. What has been the average experience of tho federal officer holder? Ask those who have had the experience. Take the average elective office of the day, and the ordinary business man would better let it alone. Busi ness and office-seeking do not go well together, and to follow one means the neglect of the other. Once in office it is a natural result that one should de sire re-election, and at the end of two or three terms, one is years behind the business conditions and probably worse off financially than when first chosen. The average man would better turn a deaf ear to all entreaties to ac cept an office which would mean the abandonment of business ventures, and attend strictly to business. Astorian. FOR BETTER ROADS National Aid Is Asked for Improve ment of Highways.. There is now ponding in Cougress a bill introduced by Hon. Walter P. Brownlow, of Tennessee, and Hon. Jacob H. Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, appropriating $24,000,000 as National aid for the building of wagon roads. This sum is to be dis tributed to each State according to its population, except that no state is to receive less than $250,000. The states or counties receiving this money must add a like amount, so that $48,000,000 will be expended in the building of wagon roads. Colonel Brownlow says that we have over 200,000 miles of the finest railway in the world, more miles of railway than all tho rest of the globe put to gether, yet we have the poorest wagon roads of any civilized country. Ho believes that no one thing will do this country so much goud as the building of wagon roads as provided for in this bill. As they are to be built in every State of the Union, they will be es pecially valuable as an object lesson. Experience has shown that wherever good roads exist, every one wants more of them. City Council Meets. The city council meeting Monday evening wa3 well attended, all the city officers except Councilman Shaw be ing present. The usual monthly bills were ordered paid, and the reports of the City Auditor and City Treasurer were read. Tho report of the City Treasurer shows a balance of $5G6 on hand after taking up one City Hall bond for $500. An ordinance provid ing for new sidewalks in front of the property of Walter Coy and H. B. Plum me r, trustee, in First Ward, was read first time. Consideration of the matter of placing an arc light at the Railroad crossing on Main street was postponed for two weeks. The sewer committee was given further time in which to prepare its report. Played Out. Dull Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of tht Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshnesa, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter bow It ba canie so. It must be puritied In ordT to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal las. Oretron. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BT ul!g Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. On lltUs Tablet will give Immediate relief or mosj refunded. in htnfitnm tin bex at !S cents. Belt Cherrington, DaKsa, Oregon. .if 1 I; 1 f