f V (A jf . f 3 ft I) 'J I I T T MM. t It 1A hi iii ids m VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 8, 1904 NO, 43. .Our First Amnraual Sal 1 ..t you honestly and fairly we've sold you Good, f4nest Goods cheaper than you would have bought the same at any place else in the state, aud we mean to do so right alone. You will find that we won't misrepresent goods to you. We can't afford to. We are here to stay, and will be one of yon. You will find that we carry the largest stock in the county and all new, nice goods. No old "junk" or "hand-me-down" stuff, and you will find our prices right and better worth 100 cents on the dollar than some stocks are worth 75 cents on the dollar. Our goods are all marked in plain figures, and one price to all. In the first place, we buy our goods direct from first hands the manufactur ersand can give you better goods at less price than you will find else where. In the second place, we only mark our goods with a living pro fit, and that is as cheap as any one can do business. .You will pay here just what your neighbors and all others pay. NOTE THE PRICES Any OVERCOAT in the hou3e at 20 percent discount. . Any SUIT and all SHOES and FURNISHING GOODS, except Slick ers and Overalls, at 15 per cent discount. Fleece-lined UNDERWEAR that sold at $1.00 suit will be duiing the sale 78cts. You should come in and see for yourself the Bargains we give you. Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, we remain, yours R. JACOBSON & CO. G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. EXECUTIONS AT PEN .Murderer Egbert, of Harney County, Will Be Hanged January 29. The new execution chamber at the Oregon State Prison has been completed with the exception of arranging the trapdoors upon which condemned men will stand while the ropes are placed about their necks. The execution chamber is a brick building in the rear of the prison. On the first floor is a prison room, in which two steel cells will be constructed for condemned prison ers. In one corner of this room is a narrow flight of stairs leading to the second floor, which is one large room, with space for about 100 per sons. Across one end of the room is a platform, ten feet above the floor of the room and seven and one-half feet from the ceiling. A narrow flight of . steps leads up to this platform at one end. On the floor of the platform are two openings about three feet square and six feet apart. Above each of these a heavy iron ring is fastened to a heavy timber in the roof of the building. Trapdoors and tripping devices are yet to be constructed and then the arrange ments will be complete for the exe cution of Murderer Egbert, who killed two Deputy Sheriffs in Harney County several weeks ago. The distance of the drop can be anything up to ten feet. When the trap has been sprung, the body of the condemned man will hang in full view of the witnesses. Egbert is now confined in a cell in the south wing of the prison, apart from other criminals. A death watch is maintained over him night and day. He appears to be in good spirits and seems to have little, if any, dread for the end that awaits him on January 29. H. Hirschberg, of Independence, was in Dallas on a business visit, Monday. It has not been many moons since the quaint humor of the coon song called "I've Got to Go Now 'Cause I Think Its Goin' to Rain," caught the fancy of singers and auditors by its clever insight into the feelings of a proverbial "quitter." And now the same composer, Nat Osborne, has written, with another lyrist, a companion piece to the above, with the striking title, "Here's Your Hat, What's Your Hurry." M. Witmark & Sons, the publishers, are deliahted with the enormous orders which they are receiving daily for this song; some thousand of copies of which were sent out from their office to pro fessionals last week. EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to trive Immediate relief money re funded S eta. and SO eta. Belt & Cher rinjrton. Dallas, Oregon. '0 0 0 will be held at the HUB CLOTHING STORE through the month of Jan uary, 1904, during which we will give you a chance to get good, well-made clothing at a large reduction. But be fore we go farther, we want to thank you and your friends for your liberal pat ronage. We have sold nearly twice the goods we expected to in the length of time Ave have been in business here; but surely we feel that we have treated 'Tisn't So In Dallas. Said the grocery man to the butcher man: "Really, It is a sin, That you buy your salt on the wholesale plan, And don't let me handle the tin." lie then hied him back to the grocery store, And quickly an order was sent For a few choice hams for the family use And a box of fish for Lent. Said the clothing man to the hardware man: "You certainly don't do right When you order a suit of an Eastern house, With my big stock In sight." But the clothier wanted a new steel range, And it cnme, as the neighbors knew, In a box he tried to hide in the barn, Marked Sears, Roebuck & Co. The business men then called a meeting To see wliere the trouble lay, And they all agreed 'twas the editor man, And not the devil, to pay. "Why don't he roast the department Btores And peddling fakers," they said, And stand by those who patronize him And give him his daily bread?" So they drew up a contract loud and strong 'For fhe editor to peruse, And waited on him, with aspect grim, As he solemnly dug for news. But the editor laughed with a big horse laugh 'Till the gang took to the woods; The contract was written on axle-grease letter beuds That came with a bill of goods. ADAMS COUNTY NEWS. Hunters generally will not regret that the late legislature did not definitely legalize the pheasant measure. Some expression of local sportsmen appears to favor prohi bition of pheasant shooting for a year, but is opposed to the two- year season. Occasional sentiment would require hunters' licenses, as in other states. This would carry a nominal cost to home people, but would exact enough from hunters from abroad to help carry out the game laws. For it is the visiting sportsman, with the best gunB, splendid dogs, etc., that thins the ranks of the finest of game birds. It is not at all a pleasant sight to observe a Fortland hunter return ing home with as many birds as he can carry. General testimony is that birds were scarce this season. and a real measure for their en couragement, within sensible lim its, might be a good thing. Albany Herald. Just One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflam mation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and nt.'er failing cureinallcurablej cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by Belt & Cherungton. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cur. E. W. Greve'a signature ta en each box. lie. BUSY COUNCIL SESSION Sidewalk Improvements Proposed, Tax Levy Made, and Bicycle Ordinance Passed. The city council was in session until nearly 10 o'clock Monday night, and a large amount of busi ness was disposed of. All the offi cers of the city were present. Ihe city tax levy for general purposes for the year was fixed at 6 mills. The amount raised by this levy, together with the revenue derived from licenses, fines and miscellaneous sources, will be suffi cient to pay the running expenses of the city for the year and leave a balance large enough to pay another $500 on the City Hall debt. With a 6-mill levy last vear, the current expenses of the city were met, $500 was paid on the hall debt, and there is still a balance of $700 in the treasury. It is believed by the council that, with prudent and careful management, a sum greater tban $500 can be paid on the hall debt this year. A resolution assessing and levy ing a tax of 51 mills for the pur pose of raising money to pay the interest on the water bonds and one-twentieth of the amount of the bonds was also passed, all the members of the board voting in its favor. The water, tax this year is higher than it will ever be again, for two reasons: First, that the bonds were sold and the money paid into the city treasury several months ago, and the city is obliged to make a levy sufficient to pay the accumulated interest to January 1, and a full years interest from that date: second, the levy made Mon day evening will raise, in addition to the interest, the sum of $750, or one-twentieth of the amount of the bonds. This $750 will be loaned by the city, and a sinking fund will thus be created. Bv levying an amount equal to one-twentieth of the face of the bonds each year, and loaning the same at interest, and then loaning the interest fund, the entire amount called for by the bonds can be raised long before the debt falls due. With the present total amount of taxable property in the city, ($300,000,) a tax of 4J mills hereafter will pay the interest on.,, the . bonds and also, raue the annual sum of $750 on the princi pal. This ill make the actual cost of the water 2 mills on the dollar, figuring the taxable property of the city at $300,000, (and the amount of taxable property in Dallas is steadily increasing.) Ulaims against the city were ordered paid, as follows: GENERAL FUND. J. M. Grant, salary and fees $38.05 Wm. Kersey, labor 75 J. J. Williams, salary 9.00 Wm. Jaull, stove and mdse 14 35 WATER FUND W. T. Muir, attorney's fees $300.00 Interest on water bonds . . $300 00 The bill of M. D.Ellis for electric lights ($125.75) was referred to the finance committee. An ordinance to license the rid ing of bicycles on the sidewalks of the city during certain months of the year was read second time and passed by a unanimous vote of the council. An ordinance to prescribe the compensation of the City Marshal was read second time and further consideration was postponed until the next regular meeting of the board. Polk county's share of the state tax is $36,840. Soldiers Subject to Aches and Pains. I Have My Share I Find Relief in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine. '1 can cheerfully recommend Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills as first-class in every respect Tbey have done wonders (or me. I was a soldier in the late war and am subject to and have my share of the aches and pains from the hardship that usually falls to the lot of the soldiers who saw service. Anti-Pain Pills never fail to relieve the rheumatic twinges, headache or other pains. A number of old comrades in this vicinity who have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Tonic. Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills speak highly of their virtues in every respect My health is greatly im proved, thanks to your Restorative Nervine, with the exception of an old wound which troubles me somewhat" Timothy J. Lynch. 4th Reet Maryland Vol. Inft The Dalles, Oregon. Rheumatic twinges, headache, and the pain of a disordered stomach are frequent reminders of the strain and hardships of an army campaign. In all such cases the nerves are affected too seriously to risht themselves. and prompt treatment is necessary. The best treatment consists of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, which restores vitality to the nerves and helps them to throw off various dis rders which bring about pain and suffering. There is nothine so p wi for the stomach and bow els as Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act directly upon the nerves of the digestive organs, speedily restoring them to normal activity. AH druseists Sell and nurantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free bock on nervous sua neari uiscases. Aoorcse I Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad, Id OREGON'S ANNUAL BUDGET Amount to be Raised for Ordinary Expenses Is Much Less Than Average State Revenue. The official estimate of the ex penses of the State of Oregon for the year 1904 shows a total of $1,408,310.10. Of this sum $273, 310.10 will be raised by indirect taxes and miscellaneous receipts, leaving $1,225,000 to be raised by a direct tax upon real and personal property. While this is the largest sum ever raised in Oregon for state purposes, it is not so large in pro portion to population and in dustrial wealth as was the levy of load, when the revenue was $1,121,000. The expenses this year will be unusually large, however, as they were in 1893, and the esti mates just made public do not m dicate the ordinary cost of the state government, tour extraordinary appropriations are provided for $250,000 for the Lewis and Clark Centennial, $100,000 for the Indian War veterans, $165,000 for the portage rai.way and $100,000 for a right of way for the canal from The Dalles to Celilo. These items of expenses aggregate $615,000, and by deducting this sum it is found that the amount to be raised for the ordinary expenses for 1904 is but $610,000. This is $50,000 less than the average state revenue for the last sixteen years. A glance over the items in the estimate of expenses will show that Oregon's state government is not an extravagant one. Salaries paid to public officers are reasonable, but not excessive. There are no useless and expensive commissions, the state institutions seem to be economically conducted, and the appropriations for new buildings are moderate in amount. Concern ing the extraordinary appropria tions there has been but little difference of opinion. Of the Lewis and Clark air appropriation, almost every dollar will be spent here in Oregon for labor and materials required to make the Fair a success. This investment will bring to the state several millions of dollars appropriated by the Government .'td iy other states, or spent, how by- r-sK1ute of otner parti, l, if . v.ar:v v , t,)o come to visit the I' air. iiy adver tising our resources, the Fair will bring to this state thousands of Eastern people who will in vest their money in Oregon property and build up Oregon enterprises. The appropriations for the portage rail way and the right of way for the Celilo Canal will cut down the freight bill of Eastern Oregon ship pers and will be the means of in ducing the Federal Government to spend some $4,000,000 constructing the canal. Though the state re ceives no financial benefit from the Indian War veterans' appropria tion, nearly all the money will be put into circulation here in Oregon, and a moral obligation of the state will be fulfilled. Property-owners always view with critical eye every increase in taxes. It is well that they should, and that they should, know whence the revenue comes and whither it goes. The estimate made by the .state officers gives in detail the items of expense, and the source of revenue other than that produced by direct taxes. Oregon taxpayers have before them the information upon which they can exercise dis cerning judgment, and they will thus form their opinions of the ex penditures authorized by the Leg islature in its last regular and spe cial sessions. It is quite certain they will learn with approval that the corporation tax law has reduced the property tax by about SlOO.OOO a year, and that the insurance tax has produced a revenue of over $40,000. Progressive businessmen are in the habit of making heavy investments in advertising, and when viewed only in that light the Lewis and Clark appropriation is considered a wise expenditure of money. The opening of the Co lumbia River by the removal of obstacles between 1 he Dalles and Celilo is as judicious an act as the improvement of a road over which a farmer hauls his crop to market. The taxpayers of Oregon were never in better condition financially to undertake the enterprises that have swelled the tax levy of 1904, and few complaints will be heard, con cerning the tax burden. Incident ally it may be remarked that Multnomah County pays 31 per cent, or nearly one-third of the state tax. Oregonian. Dr. L. Pfandhoefer, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday. J. B. Thompson will preach at the Oakdale schoolhouse next Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Feaat of Belshazzar" All are invited. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet rives immediate relief. It M, tn Dailal Onwon. Belt & Cherrington BURIED AT DALLAS Remains of Robert Hayes Laid to Rest in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. The remains of Robert Hayes who died of apoplexy in Los An geles, Cal., December 25, arrived in Dallas last rriday evening, and were laid to rest in the Odd Fel lows' cemetery Saturday afternoon Ihe lunerai services were held in the M. E. Church, and were largely attended by the business men of the city and "friends of the family. An impressive sermon was preached by Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the United llivangelical Church, and beautiful music was rendered by the choir. Mr. Hayes, mention of whose death was made in these columns last week, had been living in Ev erett, Wash., for the last two years, and had been enjoying the very best of health up to the moment of his death. He left Everett with a party of friends for a pleasure trip to Southern California, and arrived in Los Angeles on Christmas Day. Alter securing rooms at a hotel, the party started out to the race track to witness the afternoon races. 1'hey boarded a street car and had gone only a short distance, when Mr. Hayes, who had been laughing and chatting with his companions, suddenly pitched for ward in his seat and died almost instantly. The body was removed to an undertaking parlor and the coroner was summoned. Alter making an examination of the body, the officer found thtt death had been caused by cerebral apo plexy. The old gentleman's rela tives in Everett and Dallas were at once notified of his death, and the body was prepared for shipment to Dallas. Robert Hayes was born in Albert county, New Brunswick, March 14, 18d9. , lie moved to Wisconsin in 1880, and came to Dallas, Oregon, in loay. lie married nwss Mary E. Cairnes in Wisconsin, January 26, 1863. Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, five of whom are living. The tragic death of their son, Robert Hayes, Jr., who was drowned in the LaCreole river while in the employ of theThurston umber Company, is still fresh in le minds of the people of Dallas The surviving children are: James A. Hayes, of Rhinelander, Wis consin; Samuel Hayes and Mrs Susie Theraux, of Everett, Wash. Mrs. Libbie Berg, of Cumberland Wisconsin, and William Hayes, ol Dallas. The widow resides in Dallas, as does also a brother, Hugh Hayes. J. M. Stark, landlord of the Little Palace Hotel in Independence, was a visitor in Dallas, luesday. D. J. Riley returned to Linnton the first of the week, after spending the holidays with mends m Dallas An excellent picture of the Dal las College basket-ball team, the champions of Oregon, appeared in Tuesday's Oregonian. " When come put the butter won't a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because .there is something: astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just' as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you tfie penny, . e., a sample free. Be ur that this picture In the form of a laWI is un the wrapjier of every bottle of l.muhion you buy. SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and Ji.eo ; all druggist. A SUCCESSFUL TRIP Dallas Team Returns Victorious From Its Northern Tour. The Dallas College basket-ball team arrived home Friday night, after a successful trip through the North west. The team played Ave games while away, winning three and mak ing a percentage of 600. The boys played five of the best teams on the Coast. It was not the object of the manager in arranging these games to pick teams that would be easy meat for the strong aggregation from Dallas, but to select teams whose de feat would mean something. The first game was played in Port land against the "All-Stars," the champions of the Coast. This was the fastest and finest exhibition of basket ball ever given in Portland. The superior team work of the Dallas team won the victory. The Individual work was also great. To name the stars of the Dallas team would mean to name every man on the team. The Portland team is made up of men who have had years of experience and know the game from A to Z. The final score was 16 to 10 in favor of Dallas. The next game was with the Mult nomah Athletic Club. The score was again in favor of the college boys. The game was Dallas' from the first, and the way the boys threw goals wasn't 9low." Ford was out of the game here, and Gates went in and played great ball. The final score was 32 to S in favor of Dallas. On Tuesday morning, December 29, the boys lined up against the sturdy defenders of Centralia High School. The Centralia boys did not get a look in, at the game from the time the whistle blew until the finish of the game. The playing of Gates and Shaw in this game was good to see. Hoffman, Teats and Wilson played like veterans, and at no time did their opponents bother them. The final score was 31 to 9. The fourth game was with the Y. M. C. A. team of Tacoma. Here the boys met their first defeat. The lloor at this place was a puzzler to tho Dallas players, there being a row of 12-inch posts down the middle of the room, and tho goals being at one side of the court instead of in the center. These obstructions were a great handicap to fast work, and kept the visiting team guessing, -i no college lioys also claim that the Tacoma umpire gave them decidodly the worst of it, but say that the only soreness they feel over the game is the soreness caused by bruises received. The score was 22 to 17 In favor of Tacoma. The fifth and last game was with tho Seattle Y. M. C. A. This team held the Coast championship four years, from 1899 to 1902, Irclusive This is a matter of no surprise, for Seattle has played all its close games on tho home floor, which is good for 20 points against any team except Dallas. The Dallas boys made the largest score that has ever been made by a visiting team in Seattle, and, had they not been crippled as they were, would have won the game on that floor. The contest was fast and free from wrangling. The final score was 21 to 15. The Dulla9 College team justly claims the championshipof the Pacific Coast, as the games playoU in Taeoma and Seattle cannot be considered In a contest for the championship honors, and it was so understood between the competing teams before the games were played. The rules of basket ball require that games to decide the championship must be played on a floor free from obstructions and of regulation size. Xhe floors in the Sound cities are not of this class; neither is the court in the Dallas College gymnasium, which is much smaller than the regulation size uonsequentiy, tne last two games played last week do not count in the championship class any more than do the games played on the present court In Dallas. But that Dallas has tho strongest team on the Coast, there can bo no doubt. The boys have won the championship, fairly and squarely, and are ready to defend it. Take the men of the team and see if you can pick stronger ones: Poling, at center, has yet to meet his superior he has never failed to throw goals over any man he has gone against ; Wilson and Teats are as strong a pair of forwards as ever threw for a basket, being strong at offensive and defensive work ; as guards, we have Ford and Hoff man, who play their positions perfect ly, and who have held such men as Maekie, Durand, Myer and Blaker down to no goals. These five men are backed up by Gates, Shaw andLauner three men as fast as tho fastest, and who would strengthen any team. The game with McMinnville on Fri day night wa3 called off by McMinn ville College on account of a recital held at that place. They will play in Dallas, January 16, and from that date until the first of March the college boys will play games with the best 6ICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, make you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 26 cts. and Su eta. Bell ft Cherrliirton. DaUaa, Oregon. THE0LD REUSABLE ( ..J ' I? Absolutely Poro THERE iS tM SUBSTITUTE teams in the Northwest. An effort is being made to secure the old woolen mill building for a court, and if the move is successful we will see games this Winter with the Portland All-Stars, Multnomahs, University of Washington, Corvallis, Willamette Un i versity and other crack teams of the Northwest; otherwise, tho greater number of these games will be played elsewhere, as many teams object to playing on any but a regulation court. Cured After Suffering 10 Years. B. P. Hare, Supt. Miami Cvcle & Mfg. Co. Middletown, O. suffered ten years with dyspepsia, He spent hundreds of dollars for medi cine and with doctors without re ceiving any permanent benefit. He says: "Une night when feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening Daner when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded lo try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been in years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble." Sold by Belt & Cherrington. It is anticipated that no 1'tt litigation will arino as r'U ;,f the sales of Marion county piopi. 1 1 v on the delinquent tax roll, vthi;n took place at the courthouso on Saturday afternoon. Every piocu of property on the list was sold, the rate of interest having been bid ranging all the way from 15 to 1200 per cent, the hitter only oc cui ing in one or two cases. Accord to a law which was enacted at the regular 1903 session of the legisla ture, the highest rate of interei-t which can be charged is fixed at 10 per cent, and, it is believed, when an attempt is made on the part of tho purchasers of delinquent property to collect a higher rate of interest, the owners will appeal to the courts under the new law. Telegram. BRIQHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands ia San Fran cisco, AugUBt 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov, 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on th treatment and watching them. They also pot phy siciuns to namo chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of tho test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of t lie test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Aiidress Jons J. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. REDUCED RAILROAD FARES Cheap Sunday Rates Between Port land and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willamette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold Saturdays and Sundays, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate from Dallas, $2.50. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. Played Out. Dull Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of th Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of impure blood. No nmtter how it be came so. It must be purified In ordr to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure scroruious or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal las, Oregon. DYSPEPSIA CAN PE CURED BT ustnj Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Cms littis Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes Oregon.