Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 25, 1903, Image 3

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    polft County Observer
Second-hand 3 inch wagon for sale.
Inquire of Wm. Tatom.
District Attorney J. N. Hart was a
Salem visitor this week.
New Pillow Tops and materials for
working, at Mrs. Metzger's.
The Observer job office wants the
printing you are particular about.
Albums at prices to close. Values
extraordinary. The Bee Hive Store.
E. 0. Kirkpatrick and E. E. Wil
liams were Salem visitors, "Wednesday.
Splendid assortment of Fancy Slip
pers at bottom prices. $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50. The Bee Hive Store.
Mrs. Nellie Shoemake, of Whatcom,
Wash., visited over Sunday at the
home of her uncle, Robert Howe.
Mark Burch, of Rickreall, was
among the visitors at the special
session of the Oregon Legislature,
Pictures at special prices. Come
here and see how much lower we have
them marked than at other stores.
The Bee Hive Store.
A. Haldeman will buy your poultry,
eggs and turkeys and pay the highest
cash price. It will pay you to bring
poultry to him at Dallas.
County Clerk U. S. Loughary Issued
license to wed this week to Robert B.
Arnold and Julia. C. Ritner, Wm. A.
Patton and Blanche Hunter.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor,' Michigan. Office up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free.
J. C. Shultz and family, who have
been living in Ashland several
months, arrived in Dallas last Satur
day and will again make their home
in this city.
Mr. and -Mrs. George-Conkey, of
Independence, visited relatives in
Dallas, Sunday. Mrs. Conkey arrived
home a few days ago from San Fran
cisco, where she has been taking
lessons in voice culture.
New script and engraver's text type
for visiting. cards and wedding invi
tations received at the Observek office
this week. We are better prepared to
do society printing than ever before.
The ladies are invited to call and see
At Meisers' Review of Reviews, or
Independent, or World's Work, with
Success and one of the following dol
lar magazines all for $3.00: Cosmo
politan, Frank Leslie's Monthly,
Pearson, American Boy, or Woman's
Home Companion. Subscriptions
taken for any magazine.
The board of directors of the Dallas
public school held a meeting Tuesday
evening, and made a tax levy of 1$
mills for this district. The money to
be raised by this levy is for the pur
pose of paying off school bonds and
paying for the lots recently purchased
by the district. Clerk Campbell in
forms us that there is almost enough
money in the treasury at the present
time to pay off all the bonds, but it
was thought expedient to buy up the
vacant property adjoining the school
at this time, as there is every chance
of its value increasing, and, at a later
date, It would cost the district a great
deal more.
Mrs. Ollie McCarter is spending
Christmas with friends in Albany.
A. Gilman is up from Portland,
looking after his property Interests,
Men's new Neckwear; new arrivals
at 25c, 35c. and 50o. The Bee Hive
Miss Barbara Belt, of Sheridan, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Belt.
Frank Snvder is down from
Vrangell, Alaska, to spend the holi
days with relatives.
Mrs. M. E. Weaver will leave for
Enterprise, Oregon, next Monday on
a two weeks' visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Casey, of
Seattle, and Mrs. Maude Muhligh, of
Portland, are spending Christmas
with relatives in Dallas.
The Observer goes to press a few
hours early this week In order to give
its employes a chance to spend Christ
mas at home with their families. No
class of people work more steadily
and faithfully the year round than the
printers, and the opportunity to spend
a quiet and restful day at the family
fireside is greatly appreciated by
Presbyterian Bazaar at Independence
Was Well Patronized.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coad Celebrate
Twentieth Anniversary of Their
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pres
byterian Church in Independence
held their annual bazaar at the Opera
House last Friday evening. It was a
decided success, both socially and
financially. Preceding the sale of a
choice variety of articles,, a unique
and attractive program prepared by
Mrs. Mary Babbitt was delightfully
rendered. Every number was heartily
appreciated and applauded by the
large audience and deserves special
mention. A few words should be said
in praise of the violin solo by Louis
Josse, the vocal splo by Mr. G. L.
Burton, the vocal duett "Robin Ruff,"
and the sweetly rendered solo by Mrs.
E. E. Paddock. The gems of the pro
gram were the vocal solo by Lucile
Messner, a charming little girl, and
the Japanese song, "Under the Bam
boo Tree," by Miss Inez and Master
Johnnie Stark, twin children of Mayor
J. M. Stark. The little people were
dressed in Japanese costume and sang
in solo and duett, impersonating the
characters as they sang. In response
to an encore, they gave a Chinese
colloquy in the original Chinese
language. They sustained their parts
perfectly and elicited the highest com
mendation of all present. These
children are great favorites in the
community, and no effort or expense
is spared by Mr. and Mrs. Stark to
give them the best literary, musical
and moral education possible. The
funny climax of the evening was the
song and chorus, "And the Cat Came
Back," rendered by a class of bright
boys. The real cat came back and
the audience was convulsed with
laughter. There were beautiful pic
tures of Longfellow's "John Alden
and Priscilla," "The Angelus" and
"The Dutch Twins." The program
closed with the presentation of the
most beautiful tableau ever given in
Independence. From beginning to
end, the exercises were enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Coad cele
brated their20th wedding anniversary
on Saturday evening. The celebra
tion was one of the most delightful
social events of the year, over 90
guests being present, The spacious
parlors and dining room were prettily
decorated for the occasion. A musical
program added to the pleasure of the
evening, and at a late hour light re
freshments were served. Mr. and
Mrs. Coad were the recipients
of many handsome and costly
gifts in China ware, among them be
ing a full dinner set, a chocolate set,
and numerous individual pieces.
The invited guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morrison,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Simonton, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crider,
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Coad, Dr. and
Mrs. B. H. McCallon, Mr. and Mrs.
V. P. Fiske, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black,
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Metzger, Dr. and
Mrs. Mark Hayter, Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Groves, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe. Dr. and
Mrs. W. S. Cary, Mr. and Mrs. U. S.
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Madison,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. David Crider, Mr. and Mrs. N. L.
Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Coad, Mr.
and Mrs. James Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Belt, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chap
man, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rowell, Mr,
and Mrs. J. E. Sibley, Mr. and Mrs,
H. C. Eakin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Ay res, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hart, Mr. and Mrs,
I. N. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Muir, Mr. and Mi's. J. M. Grant, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Stiles, Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Cosper, Mrs. Clara Burson, Mrs.
Mary Savage, Mrs. Sarah Rich
mond, Mrs. S. P. Riggs, Miss May
Shelton, Miss Bertha Collins, Miss
Ollie Smith ; Messrs. Fred Toner, John
Castle, R. E. Williams and T. J
Total Valuation of Property for Tax
able Purposes Is Greater Than
Ever Before.
Dallas leads all Polk County towns
in the amount of taxable property,
and shows a great gain over the
assessment of any preceding year.
County Clerk U. S. Loughary com
pleted the footings of the valuation of
property in the four incorporated
towns in the county, Wednesday, and
finds the amounts to be as follows
Dallas, $297,090; Independence, $194,-
735; Monmouth, $107,025; Falls City,
All towns and school districts should
report the amount of their tax levy on
or before January 6, 1904, the dato of
the opening of the January term of
County Court.
Blackboards at special prices, 20c,
25c, 50c, $1.50, and $2.25. The Bee
Hive Store.
Fancy Baskets
Work Baskets
Celluloid Novel
ties, Collar and
Cuff Boxes
Boxes, Fancy
Linen Hand
kerchiefs, Silk
Mufflers, Gents
Gloves, Hose,
Silk Suspend
ers, Fancy
Silk Waist Pat
terns, and Silk
Waists, Furs,
Fancy Slippers
Felt Oxfords
Pillow Tops
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Display Of
ay Goods
We carry this line only
for the Holiday Season
and our prices are
much lower than in
regular stocks. COME
EARIi and get the
Toys of every
Card Games
Colored Artists
Lotto Games
Authors, Me
chanical Toys
Bulb Toys
Bells, Metalo
Targets, Log
Cabins, Chimes
Tool Chests
Banks, Croquet
Sets, Felt Ani
mals, Buiding
Blocks, Reins
Horns, Brown
Ladders, Doll
Buggies, Rat
tlers, Drums
ABC Blocks
Slates, and
noroDy .&
I. O. O. F. Corner
Main Street
Santa Claus
Offerings For The People
of Dallas and Vicinity
He has made the Hub
Clothing Store his main
place for all Mens and Boys
Goods of which you will find
an elegant assortment for
Presents and Gifts for
as follows: Mufflers, Neck
Ties of all styles and kinds,
Gloves both Tan and Yarn,
Cuff and Collar Buttons,
Sock Supporters, Handker
chiefs both Silk and Linen
with colored and fancy bor
ders, hemstitched and init
ial, Cuffs, Collars, Suspend
ers, toocks, Jbaircy fehirts,
Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Suit
Cases, Underwear, Shoes,
Rain Coats, Overcoats, and
nice stock -of up-to-date
Suits for Men and Boys,
Watches, Watch Chains
and Fobs, Brushes, in fact
anything for Men and Boys.
We know what is right and cor
rect, and we Know what men like
and will help vou to make a good
selection if vou wish us to. Our
prices we positively say are lower
than you will find anywhere for
the class of goods. Call on us.
mm m
Uglow Building Mill Street
O- W. HOLLISTER, manager
Dallas, Oregon
Basket Ball Teams of Willamette
University, Dallas College, O. A. C.
and U. of O. Form League.
For several years the basket ball
situation in the Willamette Valley
has been of an undecided nature. The
championship,- wCTts-1 claimed by
several institutions, has not been
definitely settled. All these contro
versies have had a tendency to make
the question a matter of doubt and
dissatisfaction to the schools involved.
A climax and solution of the problem
was reached at a meeting held at
Albany on December 18, by repre
sentatives from the principal colleges
that foster basket ball. An organiza
tion was formed under the name of
The Intercollegiate Basket Ball Asso
ciation of Oregon, and will this year
comprise the first teams of Eugene,
Corvallis, Salem and Dallas colleges.
This association will be governed
by a Board of Control, which consists
of a representative from each school
in the league, and all controversies
will be settled by this board.
The schedule of games has been
arranged as follows :
January 15, U. of O. vs. W. U. and
O. A. C. vs D. C. ; January 22, 0. A. C.
vs. W. U. and U. of O. vs D. O. : Jan
uary 29, W. TJ. vs D. O. and O. A. O.
vs U. of O. ; February 5, February 12
and February 19, same as January
15, 22 and 29, respectively. The
championship will be decided by the
percentage of games won and lost.
The games must be played upon a
floor containing not less than 2400
square feet and not more than 3500
square feet. According to this article,
the Dallas players think that if the
loyal supporters of basket ball in this
city expect to see these championship
games, they should co-operate with
the college in securing a floor of
sufficient size, as the present one is
The Lone Star State.
Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a big
dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M.
Haller is the head. Mr. Haller on
one or her trips tast to buy goocis
said to a friend who was with him in
the palace car, "Here, take one of
these Little Early 'Risers upon re
tiring and you will be up early in the
morning and feeling good." For the
dark brown" taste, headache and
that logy feeling DeW'itt's Little Early
Risers are the best pills to use. Sold
by Belt & Cherrington.
All the delicacies of the season will
be served at the dinner prepared by
Chef Moss Walker at the Ilotel Gail
today. Landlord Thompson has spared
no effort or expense in the preparation
of this Christmas feast.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh lht
contain Mercury,
u mercury will sarely destroy the en ot
ip-ieil and completely derange the whole lyiteoi
when entering it through the macon urfacei.
Bach article should nevr be used except on
f r-scrip'.ioiis from reputable physicians, u the
t'amaee th-T trill do is ten fold to the good yon
cm possiblv derive from them. Hail' Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by f. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O. , contains no merenry. and I taken
iGternallv. actinir directiy opon the blood and
mucous Furfareuof the system. In baTinjr HIl'i
Catarrh Cure be sure you tff-t the jpaDtiioe. It U
taarn lnternauy fcoti tm la ClUf
tT F. J. Cheney A Co. 1 mimonii free.
tJT Soid by LiniegiM. price Tic. pr bolUe.
iUJ'a'i'kualy Pi:U are the best.
Dallas College Basket Ball Team De
feated Salem Y. M. C. A. by
. a Score of 46 to 3.
Last Friday night's basket ball
game between the first teams of Dal
las College and the Sulem Y. M. C. A
was a very one-sided affair from start
to finish. The Dallas boys had the
visiting team completely at their mer-
cy, and immediately commenced pil
ing up a score of large proportions,
In the first half of the game Dallas
threw ten field goals and two from the
foul line, making 22 points. It was
in this half of the game that the visit
ing team made their only scores one
field goal on a "fluke," and one from
the foul line. In the second half,
Dallas threw twelve field goals, or 24
points, making a total of 48 to 3.
The Salem players are a gentle
manly set of young men, and won the
admiration of the spectators by the
manner in which they met defeat.
The Dallas team played in good
form, with the possible exception of
not throwing as many goals as they
should have done. Following is the
line-up of the teams :
Dallas Y. M. C. A
Wilson, forward guard, Rodes
Teats, forward guard, Allard
Polin g center Yanties
Ford, guard forward, Myers
Hoffman, guard. forward, Jones
. .
Trespass notices printed on cloth for
sale at this office. !
L. D. Brown, Public Stenographer,
With J. N. Hart.
Fine line of table delicacies at Dunn
Grocery Company's store.
Go to Wilson Drug Company for
books and school supplies.
Everything new In the grocery line
at Dunn Grocery Company's store.
Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Offlce over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon
One of the best horse-shoers in the
state will be found working at Wagner
Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be
Go and see those fine bath tubs,
sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros,
A first-class plumber-is in their em
ploy, and will satisfactorily do your
WAJNTED Trustworthy lady or
gentleman to manage business in this
County and adjoining territory for
house of solid financial standing. $20
straight cash salary and expenses
paid each Monday direct from head
quarters. Expense money advanced ;
position permanent. Address Mana
ger, 605, Monon Bldg., Chicago.
Wanted: Cook in sawmill board
ing house; must be thoroughly com
petent: 20 to 30 men. Address the
Hack For Sale.
A good two-seated hack for sale at
a bargain. Inquire at this offlce.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned till 12 M., January 10,
1904, for 100 cords of oak grub wood
not less than two iDches in diameter.
Said wood to be delivered on Normal
School grounds, in basement, ricked,
not later than September 1, 1904.
Right reserved to reject any or all
Sec. Regents.
Notice to Cities and School Districts.
All city and special school district
tax levies should be reported to the
office of the County Clerk on or before
the first day of the January, 1904, terra
of County Court for Polk County, as
the levy on the 1903 roll will be made
at that time. Court will convene
Wednesday, January 6.
County Clerk.
Note Change of Address.
Frank Butler, same residence near
Falls City, but postal address is
Dallas, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2.
Letter Lost.
Lost, in Dallas, a lotter addressed
to "W. F. Nichols, Dallas, Oregon."
Finder will please return to the Post
office or to Mr. Nichols.
A Testimonial.
Knowing Dr. E. E. Jackson, V. S.,
of Salem, I would recommend him to
anyone needing a veterinary surgeon,
as he has treated my horses for the
past year with the best of success. I
have seen cases that he has handled
that were very critical ones that he
brought through with his skillful
treatment and knowledge. The people
of Dallas often need such a man.
Give him a trial and say the same as
I do.
For Sale.
40 acres of improved land on the
railroad near Bridgeport.
Dallas, Oregon.
Good Farm at a Bargain.
286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas ;
50 acres in cultivation ; 10 acres in
hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ;
well watered by living water; several
springs on place; good pastures, and
plenty of timber; one mile from Rail
road; house, barn and outbuildings.
A nice home, and a great bargain at
$15 per acre. Call on, or address
Dallas, Oregon.
Early Risers
The famous littla pills.
The Most Attractive Line of Holiday Goods ever put
on display by this store is undoubtedly shown this
season. It embraces everything useful as well as
ornamental. Remember that a very little cash
outlay is required to buy a big amount of articles
Salad Sets, Chocolate Sets,
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Cream
Pitchers, Cracker Jars, Cake
Plates, Salad Dishes, Olive
Dishes, Cups and Saucers.
All the new styles. A
pleasing variety to select
fronK Nothing more suit
able for Christmas Gifts.
Dolls, Magic Lanterns
Stoves, Animals, Archarene
- Boards, Wagons, Doll Car
riages and Hammocks, Sol
dier Suits, Drums, Horns.
Books for Young and Old.
Bright and attractive pic
ture books for the little
folks, and popular fiction
for the older people.
THE NEW YEAR IS ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY. Now U the time to do your Holiday
Shopping, while the itocK if complete. Gift selecting is beet dona right new.
Come and looK over our Stock.
T. A. RIGGS, Proprietor, Main St., Dallas, Ore
Did You Ever Stop
To Think?
when buying Holiday Presents, why not get souiethint? that will add to the
furnishing of. your home, and at the same time please the recipient?
We have striven harder ami, we think, have been more successful in ' pro
curing our different lines, and are euro that we can please the most fastidious.
We think there is nothing nicer than a comfortable Rocker. We have them
in all the newest finishes and patterns.
Our lines of Dining Room Furniture are complete. We are showing a full
line of Buffets, China Closets,-Pedestal Extension Tables, Tabourettes, Etc.
We "sell Pictures all the year," so do not need to bring out the old ones,
duet them off and call them new ones. We have a complete assortment just
in from one of the biggest houses in the' United States. They are priced reas
onable. It keeps one man busy in our Picture Framing department. Do not
neglect placing your order for Christmas framing.
Come in and let us talk it over. We can't write ads, but can show youour
Telephone 133.
be 1 n days
at Boy's Confectionery Store
Walter Roy, wow Bunding, Dallas, Om.
What is better than a nice
pair of Shoes or Slippers
for a Xmas Present?
We Have Them
Ladies, Misses and Child
ren Shoes at SPECIAL
and Womens Slippers, Mens
Boys and Youths Shoes at
bedrock prices. Come and
see for yourself and be con
vinced. Yours Respectfully
Dallas Boot and Slice Store
MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor.
Merry Christmas
We were never in better shape to make this a
Merry Christmas for you and your friends, and
we ask you to come in and look over our lines
Are always acceptable presents. $1.00 buys the best one you ever
saw for the price. Many other games are to bo found at our store
Our Celluloid Novelties also arrived this week. The goods are
right. What's more the prices are right. Come in and see them,
We have added a line of Books for Christmas ; they are going fast
The prices are the lowest you ever heard of for standard books
CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS for old and young.' Also remember that
we carry a line of Staple Goods suitable for presents. Bring the
little folks to see the dolls, toys and other things of interest to them
s. c.
Main Street.
Dallas, Oregon