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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1903)
Folic County Observer J. C. HAYTER, KDITOH AND PUBLISHKR Published Weekly at One Dollur per Veai Strictly In Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, December 18,1903 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronise Dallas people. Incorporated towns and school districts in Polk county should heed the notice of County Clerk Loughary and promptly report their tax levy. The County Court will make the levy on the 1903 roll at the coming January term, and any town or school district failing to report before that time will be obliged to do without tax money for a year. U. S. Grant has been appointed a delegate to the meeting of the American Live Stock Association, to be held in Portland, January 12. This meeting will be attended by leading stock raisers from all parts of the United States. Mr. Grant will invite the delegates to attend the Oregon Annual Goat Show in Dallas, and it is believed that many of them will take advantage of this opportunity to see the splendid ex hibit of blooded Angoras. MANY PREMIUMS OFFERED Copy of Circular Being; Sent Out to Advertise Annual Goat Show. HARRINGTON UNDER ARREST Accused of Impersonating a United States Officer. Albert Harrington, arrested In Falls City yesterday on a charge of imper sonating an officer of the United States Land Office, will have his pre liminary hearing before Acting Com missioner Hardy Holman this after noon. The charge is brought by Special Affent A. R. Green, and accuses the defendant of having per suaded different parties to relinquish their right to certain claims they had been holding. Basket-ball tonight. The young people of the Epworth -- League cleared about $73 from thoir bazaar. Read Ellis & Keyt's profit-sharing ad in this issue. The big store stands ready to back up its every promise. The Bee Hive Store is showing a profusion of books, dolls and toys that will bring delight to the hearts of the little folks The biggest and best assortment in town to select from. The Woodmen donatod $40 to the cemetery sidewalk fund at thoir meet ing last night. With this handsome subscription to start with, the balance of the required amount should bo easily raised. The Obsebveb was in error when it eaid last week that J. B. Wirt is the owner of the Pacific Nursery at Tangent. Mr. Wirt is the traveling agent for the nursery and a hustling salesman he is, too. George Hagoodthis woek purchased the J. S. Hart property south of town. The price paid for tho 27 acres was $900. Mr. Hart has purchased 280 acres of land in tho Luckiamuto country from D. J. Grant. Mr. Hay good will probably move to his Dallas property within the noxt few months. The basket-ball season will open in Dallas tonight with a game between the Dallas College and Salem Y. M. C. A. teams. A fast and exciting' game is promised. The doors will be open ed at 7 :00 o'clock, and tho game will be called promptly at 7 .30. Ad mission, 25 cents. Go early and avoid the rush. You can buy Christmas gifts suit able for every membor of your family without going away from the Boe Hive Store. They carry everything in stock suitable for old and young. Go and make your selections early while the stock is complete and the store is not crowded with the rush that always comes on Christmas week. The stockholders of tho Independ ence & Monmouth Motor Company will hold their annual meeting in tho Independence National Bank building Thursday' December 31, at 10 a. m. Tho stockholders of tho Tolk County Land Company will hold their annual meeting at the same timo and place. m Stuffed Up's the condition of ninny sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty i experienced in clear ing tlm lu'ud and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taslo, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom ach and atfecta the appetite. To ctire catarrh, treatment must be v"oiiKtitutional alterative and tonic. I was alllicted with cot:irrh. I took niciliciius of different kinds, mviiiK each a fair trlnl: but pr.idually grew worse until 1 could Imraiy hear, tasie or mell. 1 then concluded to try IIixkT Sars:i;iarilla, and tier taking five bottles I cured and bave nut li id imy return of the disease ai'ice." Ekiksk Korbh Lebanon. Kan. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh it soothes and strength ens the mucouf aeabrane and butldd up whole aysteio. Theflfth Annual Angora Goat Show for the State of Oregon will be held in Dallas. Polk County, Oregon, on Thursday and Friday, January 14 and 15, 1904, under the auspices of the Polk County Mohair Association. The show will also be open to visitors on Thursday evening. Diplomas will be given to all prize winners. We would be pleased to hear from you, in what class you will enter, so that we may make our arrangements accord ingly. No entrance fee will bo charged Feed will be furnished to exhibitors free. AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED STOCK On the second day of the show there will be an auction sale of registered Angoras. This will be a great feature and special attraction. PREMIUMS OFFERED There will bo two grades of goats eligible for entry. Registered in one class, and unregistered goats in an other class. The following 45 prizes will be awarded in the registered class, and the same number of prizes will be awarded in the unregistered class, making 96 prizes in all. First, second and third premiums on Buck kid born before March 15, 1903 ; buck kid born after March 15, 1903 ; buck, 1 year old and under 2 ; buck, 2 years old and under 3 ; buck, 3 years old and under 4; 4 years old and over ; doe kid born before March 15, 1903 ; doe kid born after March 15, 1903 ; doe, 1 year old and under 2 ; doe, 2 years old and under 3 ; doe, 3 years old and under 4 ; doe, 4 years old and over. First, second and third premiums on aged doe, one buck, one yearling doe and one doe kid. Remember that the same list of premiums is offered in each class. First, second and third sweepstakes bust buck of any age and doe ; same in each class. SHEEP AND POULTRY Free space will bo given to all those who desire to make an exhibit of sheep and poultry. The latter ex hibits will be entirely independent of the goat show, and this arrangoment is made simply to give the sheep growers and poultry raisers an oppor tunity to show their blooded stock. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES AND FARES The Southorn Pacific Company aod Wells' Fargo Express Company will charge the usual rate on all animals sent to the show for exhibit ; but upon presentation of a receipt from the sec retary of the association, the company will return all animals to the point from which they were shipped free of charge. The company will also grant a pas senger rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip from any point on its linos in Oregon. Call on your local agent for certificate. U. S. Grant, W. A. Ayrks, H. L. Fenton, Committee. '"Ko Won't Bio Of consumption" is a remark often made of a fleshy man. The remark expresses the popular recognition of the fact that the sign ot consumption is enuwuuuii! loss ot nesn. un the other hand, train in flesh is sure sign that wast ing diseases are be ing curea. Emaciated peo ple with obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, night-sweats and weakness, have been perfectly cured bv the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden , Medical Discovery. The several steps of the cure were re corded in ounces and potfnds of in creasing weight. When there is gain in flesh the wasting disease is being surely cured. Mr. Will H.Whit mire, r.f Arklrtn. Wnekillfr- lmm Co., Va., writes: Our son contracted a deep cold about the first of July. 1899, and had terrible coiiRh. We called a doctor and he pro. noimced it irritation of the bronchial tubes, with asthmatic trouble, and he informed me that my sou was liable to die at any time. He told me that ii we could keep the bronchial tubes open, lie mighlcxm him; but after treating him several weeks and my son growing worse all tue time, I concluded to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets.' I had seen several almost miraculous cures brought about by the use of these medicines, and of course t had wonderful faith in them. He used three bottles of ' Golilen Medical Discovery ' at home and one vial of the ' Pellets,' and was then well enough to go to West Virginia, taking a supply with him. I am just in receipt of a letter from him from which I quote : 'am well and hardy Und getting very Jtfshv. " The Common Sense Medical Adviser, I008 large pages is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense 01 mauing amy, Send M one-cent stamps for the cloth- bound volume or only 21 stamps for the ihk in ta'j?r covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo N. Y. COURT HOUSE NOTES jfalls to IHotcs Dr. B. H. McCallon, of Dallas, was in Falls City on business, Tuesday. I have some fine silverware 1847 Roger Bros. C. J. Puqh, Jeweler. Mrs. Freeman Robinson is on the sick list this week. R. E. Williams, of Dallas, was a Falls City visitor, Monday. M. L. Thompson and family moved into their new residence, Monday. Hon. J. H. Hawley, of Monmouth, was in town this week on business. Mrs. A. H, Watkins and brother, Mr. Hannigan, went to Portland, Tuosday. If you want a nice prosent for your friend, it will pay you to see my stock. C. J. Puoh, Joweler. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hollowell started for California, Saturday. They will be greatly missed by all. The Coast Range Lumber Company have their new locomotive at the mill, and expect to start the mills next Monday. I have in my full lino for Christmas. I can supply you with anything ordi narily carried in the jowelry line. C. J. Pugh, Falls City. Mrs. Z. Hlnshaw was called to Dallas, Saturday, on account of the illness of her sister. She returned Tuesday, reporting the patient much improved. The Modorn Woodmen of America have elected officers for 1904 as follows : L. T. Murphy, venerable consul; William Ellis, clerk; C. E. Dill, worthy adviser; F. J. Holman, bank er; J. McCoy, escort; H. 11. Lowo, watchman ; F. G. Harris, sentry. J. V. Dennis was elected manager for a term of three years. The officers will be installed January 5. City Council meeting next Monday evening. The Lone Star State. Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a hia dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M. nailer is the bead. Mr. Haller on one of her trips East to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Earlv Risers unon re tiring and you will be up early in the morning and reeling good." 1'or the "dark brown" taste, headaohe and that logy feeling DeWitt's Little Early Risers are tho best pills to use. Sold by Bolt St Cherringtot). "odd Dyspepsia C-jto Digests what you eat NOTARIAL COMMISSION C. W. Pagett, of Pedee, Oregon. PROBATE. Guardianship of J. M. Wann, in competent petition for sale of real property set for hearing January 20, 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m. Guardianship of Mabel Fern John son, a minor Minnie V. Johnson appointed guardian. Estate of Wm. McMillan, deceased petition to admit will to probate set for hearing January 5, 1904, at 1 o'clock. Estate of Hankerson F. Read, de ceasedbond filed and approved William Ridgeway, George Conner and J. K. Guttry appointed appraisers. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Fred S Chapman to W C McClure, nw 1 se sec 5, 1 9 s, r 8 w, $240. Cynthia Glaze to Alex Courter, 80 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $000. Oru M Murphy to J D Moyer, lot 24, block K, Falls City, $75. George Griswold to Gus S Lake, 129.38 acres, 1 6 s, r 3 w, $3800. J M Yocom et ux to J M Dickey, 50 acres, t B s, r 6 w, $1300. Alex Courter et ux to Cynthia Glaze, 1 acre, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $250. Lenora B Cryderraan to Addie H Harman, tracts in t 9 s, r 4 w, $500. John B Erickson to Cluribol S Sheldon, und J int sw J sec 21, 1 8 s, r 8 w, $750. United States to William R Hin- shaw, 160 acres, 1 8 s, r 8 w, patent. United States to John C Callahan, 144.52 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, patent. United States to Ira Foreman, 1G0 acres, 1 8 s, r 8 w, patent. United States to R E L Steiner, 1C0 acres, 1 9 s, r 8 w, patent. G W Johnson et ux to B J Tanton, lots 16, 17 and 18, block L, WestSalem, $100. M M Ellis to Mary Smith, 40 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $1600. A M Vassall et ux to W L Frlnk, et ux, 25.60 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $400. Eliza G Emmons to H L Crider, 40 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $450. H M Cooper et al to R M Smith, und one-third tracts in Independence, $1 Mary T Cressy et al to F A Douty, und two-thirds tracts in Independence, $1666. F A Douty to Charlos Madison, tracts in Independence, $1600. M L Robbins et ux-to II A Bennett, 10 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, J100. J S Hart et ux to George Hagood, 27 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $900. D J Grant et ux to J S Hart et ux, 280 acres, 1 9 s, r 6 w, $2000. Alfred G. Robyn ha? just completed and placed with his publishers, M. Witmark & Sons, a new song which promises to rival in popularity his famous ballad, "Answer," the refrain of which swept the wholo country a few seasons ago. This new composi tion is entitled "Tis All I Ask," and it is, in both lyric and melody, n charming typo of tho impassioned love song at its very best, and in its most effective style. Many of Mr. Robyn's singing friends are already programming it with gratifying success. I . r 1: Ll' ;, !) ': ' , 60 different games all new one in each package of LiOii uOiiuO at your Grocer's. DALLAS SHOE SHOP REPAIRING z f A ' 1 t 1 Ii C 1- t " f i WHILE YOU WAIT 3T f-w n ii- -fii ; !t 7 ; 00 LADIES' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 1!Z?A4St1 I atJ WEST OF WILSON DRUa store rreaenck Levin, dallas, oregon CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF UALITY Beautiful and Lasting such as good taste dictates E M B L E M a 0 0 D s c H A I N S R I N G S L 0 C K E T S W A T C H E S 0 L 0 C K S K 0 D A K S PFENNIG JEWELER & OPTICIAN WILSON BLOCK .... will secure, any article until time c u T G L A S S DIAMONDS A small deposit for presentation s I L V E R W A R E PAGE STANDARD WOVE Wire Fence a- 1 1 ; 14. i..j..M4--fHf gIPACElfe Double-Strength, High Carbon Spring Steel Wire. I furnish the tools and help put up the fence without extra charge. 10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents per rod. NO OTHER FENCE OOMPANY WILL DO THIS. Call or Write To Me for Catalogue and Prices. U. S. Grant, Agent, Dallas, Oregon m . mm Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart troublfl can remember when It was simple Indiges tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases ol heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach Which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This Interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kaubls, of Nevada, O., says : I had stomach troubla and was in a bad stats as 1 had heart trouble with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul months and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous train and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2H timet ths trial size, which sells for 50c. Prepared by E. O. DeWITTA OO., OHIOAQOk BELT fc OHERRINGTON DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August SO, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Briglit's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Sow 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on tli treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fclton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. FOLDING SAWING MACHINE ' THE ONE MAN SAW. Runs Easy no back-ache folds up like a pocket knife, and is easily carried. SAWS DOWN TREES. Everyone who has wood to saw should have one. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. M D. TEATS AGENT, DALLAS, OR. Watch For C. H. Mois, Holiday Announcements Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives imme diate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out tho inflamma tion, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure, life-giving and life- ustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective Xove mbor 23. Daily except Sunday. West -Bound: A.M. Lv. DALLAS 7:45 Teats' SUing 8:00'.iams 8:03 Bridgeport 8:10 Ar. FALLS CITY 8:20 East-Bound : ' A.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 9:20 Bridgeport 9: SO Gi'.liams 9:36 Teats' Siding 9:39 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 Trains Stop on Sigual only. L. GEELISGER, Jr. P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:43 1:55 P.M. 4: 00 4:10 417 4:20 4:45 m & ID) vp li Ji 8 m hi i2 A. Of flu IM m to m QJ : f-M M We have just finish- jgea. taking our ac-j count of our year's jjj work and find weg &j have done remark- J txJ ably well; much bet- Jj ter than we expect- ffi $ ed. So will not wait 8 until after the Holi- j todays to divide upjS with our friends, but jS j will begin now. j j&J FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE W gi PROFITS ARE YOURS WE MAKE HOTH- 83 INO. Do Not Miss This Opportunity. gj frfi What W6 say here you will find true at the 5r5 kS9 ftfarfv flnmA and rap K&& m in M Phone 246. m m to m Haiti Street v Pi J. Q. Van Orsdel Notary Public John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams and Flumes a Specialty J. G. Van Orsdel & 5on DEALERS IN ?arm$, Stock Randies, timber tnd$ and City Property We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm, 1 miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land. Price $8000. This is a first-class farm. ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. WAGNER BROS. y y CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel I Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible S with Extension Head. : : : : : : : : : : : : : f All kinds of PIoWs, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to E cultivate a hopyard or orchard. I COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. LIALUAO, UKCUUi. Ways! &W!'3y&' CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF T1AIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. General Manager. New Fiilow Tops nod materials for working, at Mrs. Metzger's. Hodc! Dyspepsia Clto Digests what you eat. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic V A S Al A . 4. 0 A A af .a, nz siwvi uia test j ytoTS. ivage umuai ues over ima cna a nan t.ou r j Docs ths record of cent y peal to yon ? no Cere, Tio Pay, 5uc bottles. Eadosed w&Jt every fcodte is a Tea Cent, package of Crove's dock Root, liver PiSs.