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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
Dragging rams 2825 KeeleySt., , Chicago, III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I wiffeiwl with falling and con gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but 1 had never tried W me of Canlui. that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles 1 was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of rWni for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all otuer remeuies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. i44 BO YEARS' L. EXPERIENCE D A" y Trade Marks Designs "Ml Copyrights Ac. Anyone Bending a ikotrti and description may oulckly iiscertnlii our opinion free whether an InviMitVin i prohnhlf patentable. Cnmnninlca tlonii strictly eoniMeiiUul. Handbook on Patents nent. froo. Oldest aiieiiey for aecurlnK patent. 1'atonU taken through Muim A to. recelre tprcial notice, without ohnrge, la the Scientific American. A handsomely lllmtrated weekly. Lnnreat clr ciilatiim of any solentltlo Journal, 'lernia, .( a your: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. iUNN & Co.3e,Broadwa New York Branch omce, 026 F BU, WoahliiKion, D. C. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill St, DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGON. : TTORNEY AT LAW Julius N. Hart Office upstairs in Osfleld Building. Boom 1. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNIY AT LAW. Butler & Coad. Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON. JENTIBT. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. gHYBICANAND SURGEON. L. N. Woods, M. D., Does general practice In any part ot the county. Office on Main street. DALLAS, OREGON, M. OLIVE SMITH teacher ot PIANO AND ORGAN 'studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS, OREGON R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. Dallas tit; B ao k. Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to col lections. Wm. muscott, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS, OREGON. If I ou uouiu UUUH Into the futrrand see the condition to which vour coueli. it ueirlecteiL will bring you, you would rek relief at onceand that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption 4 M Guaranteed to cure Cou I ,lirt aumption. Bronchitis, V - W Asthma, and all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to 8. C. WH.U & Co., L Koy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. This iirnatur is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brorao'Quinice Tweu tba waad; that carta coM la Uy REDUCED RAILROAD FARES Cheap Sunday Rates Between Port land and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and W"illahiette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will' be sold Saturdays and Sundays, and limited to return on or before the followine Monday. Kate from Dallas, $2.50. Call on Southern Pacific pany's agent for particulars. Coin- The United Artisans of Veils Station held a basket eocia. last Wednesday evening. The proceeds of the entertainment, something over $70, were given to Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. Cummings, mem bers of the Assembly whose bus bands died a tew months ogo. Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack, "I bad a severe bilious attack anil ft'Jt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since," says Mr, J. XV. Smith, of Juliff, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by Wilson Drug Company. County Clerk U. 8, Iougbary has issued license to wed to George A. Dickinson and Harriett F. Goff, H. II. Cross and Medora J. Chap man. Be Quick. Not a minute should he lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the cronpy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Wilson Drug Company. George Dickinson and Miss Hat- tie Goff were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Goff, in Independence, Wednesday evening, November 25, at 8:30 o'clock. A large number of relatives and friends were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson will reside on a farm at Parker, the farm of 100 acres and household furniture being a present of the groom's father. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose'ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect success. Eor sale by Wilson Drug Co. The following representatives have been chosen for the midyear graduating exercises at the Oregon State Normal School: L. R. Hois ington, valedictorian; Miss Millie Kruse, salutatorian, Miss Mertie Auten and Miss Ida Yoder will also appear in essays and orations. The class consists of 18 members, and is a remarkably strong one in scholarship. Fight Will Be Bitter. Thoso who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if notended earlier by fatal termination. Rend what T. R. Beall of Ueall, Miss., has to say: "Last full my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaran teed by Belt & Cheirington, Druggist. Price 50 c, and ( 1.00. Trial bottles free. The Independence correspondent to the Portland Telegram says: "A football game was played at Inde pendence between the Independence High School boys and a team collected from the larger boys here and from about five of the Agri cultural College football players. The Independence team was small in comparison, but put up good ball and beat the larger team in n fast, well played game. The Inde pendence team is one of the best public school aggregations in the state and have not been beaten this year." Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Klectric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50o. and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfac tion. Guaranteed by Belt A Chen ington. Druggist. W Early Risers Tha famous little pi:! Thousands Have 'Sidney Trouble and Don't Know it, How To rind Out. Fill a bottle or common class wlih your water and let It stand twenty to:ir hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an 73, unncauny concu- , VA tion ot the kid- 1 1 neys; if it stains your linen it Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent de&iie to pass It or pain in the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out ot order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp j?pot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part pf the urinary passage; It corrects inability te hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of Jiquor, wine or bear, and overepmes that unpleasant necessity of belner compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If yeu need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in buc. and$l. sizes You may have a sampla bottle of this wonderful discovery fcK" and book that telissfSJjsSafej more about it, fcothsent$r absolutely free by mail, -$z address Dr. Kilmer & rinmo of swamn-nao. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous otter m tnis paper, Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. SwoMip-Ropt, Rr- Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. . RECTOR OF ST, LUKE'S, Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies the Good Qualities of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. to Ashburnham, tint., April 8, 903. I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamber lain's Cough Remedy lias produced. The day before Easter I was bq distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the nejft day, as my voice was almost choked by the Gouali. The same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine, To my great re lief the cough and cold bad completely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day. I know- that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. J make this testimonial without soricitation, be ing thankful to have found such a God sent remedy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Laxovkldt, M, A Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Wilson Drug Company. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ' Hansen, of Salt Creek," left- this week for a three months' visit to Mr. Hansen's old home in Hasle, Denmark. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pro duce no juiueeu, griping or other dis agreeable effect. For sale by Wilson Drug Company. Mr. and Mrs. William Falls City, were Dallas Tuesday. . Ford, of visitors, A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Tills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c, at Belt & Clierrington's Drug Store. A. V. R. Snyder, formerly of this city, was chairman of the Re publican Convention lor the Terri tory of Alaska, held in Juneau, November 10. . A Frightened Horse Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Tiles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c, at Belt & Cherrington's Drug Store. Tays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Now is the time to subscribe. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND. ACT Jl'XE 3, 1S78. I'nitod States Land Ollce, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. S, lilti. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of CoiiRrefS of June !i, 1878, entitled "An act for the gale of timber lauds in tlu-SCatesof California, Omrou, Nevada, and Washington Tenitoiy," as extend ed to all the 1'ubiic 1-nnd States by art of &MiieJ lvtll 1 ..u-ia llr.l.1 f.,r.l i.f fulfill fi.titltv of Mnrio'n, state of Oregon, has thie day tiled in this otnee ins sworn statement o. ten, lor me purchase of the N. W. 'i and lxits 1,2, ft, 6, of Seotion No. !! in Township No. 8 f.. Kange So. 8 V ami will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for aitrK'ulturnl porixu-es. audio estabtih his rlaim to sid land betore the County Clerk of 1'olk County, Oregon, at IihHhs. Oit Kon, on Saturday, the 28th day of November, livs. He names as witnesses: Hoonre W. Tear jnine, of Salem, Oregon; rtank 1'. Farringtou, ot saiem, uregon : cnas i i rinee, oi JNiiem, Oregon; Frvd F. i'rinee, of Salem, Oregon. Auy ami all persons claiming auverw.y uie above described lands ate requested to rile tht ir claims in this ottice ou or belore said 2Mb day of November IMS. ALGERNON S. UKKSSKK, Register. ilodol Dyspepsia Curo Clatts what you eat. S1.7S Notice For Publication. Laud Office at "Oregon City, Oregon. October 17, 1903. . Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make linal proof in support of her claim, and tliat wad pi oof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on De cembers, 1903, viz: Mary Toomey 11. JS. No. for the fractional 8. W. of Sec. 6, T. 9 8., K. C W. She names the following witnesaes to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Milton J. Fribble, of Port land, Oregon; Albert Teal, of Falls City, Ore gon; Michael Flynn, of Falls City, Oregon; James Jlayca, of Dallas, Oregon. ALOKRNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estato of Mary J. Cutler, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Folk County. All persons having claims arainat said estate are hereby notilied to present the same duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at tiis residence near the City of Pallaa, in said Comity, within Six mouths from the ilule of this notice. Pated this Both day of November, 1903. GEORGE E. CUTLER, Administrator of the estate of Mary J. Cutler, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that Oscar Hayter, an cillary administrator of the estate of John Jeld ness, deceased, in and for the State of Oregon, has Ijlcd in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Pfk pounty, his final account as such administrator, and that Saturday, the 2xtb day of November, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, ' has becti appointed by the Judge of sa)d Court us the time for the hearing of objections to the said tinal account and the Buiiiemeub werepi. ah persuup niu uinwuic required to appear at said time and show cause, ii any exist, why the said account should not be approved and the said administrator dis- cnargca anu njs nonusiiian exoneraieu. Dated this 30th day of October, 1903. uSSCAR HAYTER, Ancillary Administrator of the pstate 6f (John Ji(diie, deceased. Notice For Publication, TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 187. United States Land Ollice, Orpgon city, Oregon. October 27. 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the States of ( alifornia, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,-' as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August Jov-, iiarrtei. n. oiuie, ui iunuo. County of Polk, state of Oregon, has this day oiler nroof to show that the land sought is more viiluable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at his office at Dallas, Oregon, on Friday, the loth day of January, 1904. She names as witnesses: 0. G. Coad, of Dallas, Oregon; A. F. Toner, of Dallas, Oregon: A. JS. Campbell, of Dallas, Oregon, S. 1). Hubbard, of jjauug, uregpu. Anv and nil riersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested lo file their claim in this ollice on or before said lqth day of January, 1904. - i r -,,.. n XT1 VT d TlDTTtCJlTD Register. 18 (Jew Issue in Temperance. "IVKiSXY fEDIC.riES. Tira VOICE, The Lcailing Temperance Paper, Soundi the Call to a New Crusade in the Foiloivins Article. " AXOTHEH HfV'OO.VTHE HYDRA." '""TT'is time alieUUtm was vl.u-jnr-to-a form of alcoholic Uaiiie th:it seems to have been overlooked by thoso engaged in the crusade against the rum 'power. If, us is believed and taught, alcohol if most dimerous when it fights in ambush, if it is most to be dreaded when it finds its first entrance to the system- in the pleasant sauces and dishes of the home, then the form of alcoholic traffic in ques tion is doubly dangerous, for it conies in the guise of medicine and attacks a sys tem prepared by weakness to easily sur render to the assault. In many PATENT MEDICINES which are largely consumed throughout the country, by all classes of people, there is a percentage of alcohol which puts them on a level with beer, rum and whisky as intoxicants. It is the sinall uess only of the dose prescribed which prevents a prompt recognition of the in toxicating effects of these so-called medi cines by ilioie who use them. " It is safe to affirm that they are MEDICINES IN NAME ONLY. Their chief value lies in their alcoholic elect as a stimulant. In fact, those who know, attribute the benefits ascribed to this class of medicines wholly to the stimulative effect of the alcohol they contain. They are used largely by per sons not in the habit of drinking liquors, and the little dose taken three or four time a dav is as stimulating to these people as his regular "finger" of "bit ters" is to the regular liquor-drinker. WHAT CAN BR DONE? "What ought to be done at least is to compel every patenl-medicine manufact urer to put on the wrapper of his bottle the quantity of alcohol it contains. That would at least leave people to exercise their own judgments. More than that, no paper truly interested in temperance reform should print the advertisement of anv alcoholic medicine. It should be the duty of every temperance organiza tion and branch in the country to look into this question, agitate it, and deal with the facts just as earnestly and as honestly as other facts have been dealt with." Appreciating the gravity of the issue raised by the strong statement of facts made in" the foregoing article, we wish to call general attention to the fact that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce"s Favorite Prescription contain NO ALCOHOL, NO WHISKY, NO INTOXI CANT OF ANY KIND. These medicines are equally free from opium and other narcotics. They are in the strictest meaning of the words, temperance medicines. Of no other medicine, put up especially for woman's use can it be truthfully affirmed as of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that it contains neither alcohol nor opium or other narcotic in anv form. While the negative features of Doctor Pierce's medicines) may only interest some of the readers of "this article, the positive features of these medicines must be of interest to every one. The great value of "Golden Medical Discovery " in the cure of diseased or deranged con ditions of the stomach and digestive and nutritive organs is testified to by tens of thousands who have found health and healing in this great remedy. The " IHs covery " increases the action of the blood making glands, ami by curing the dis eases which corrupt and cripple the stomach and digestive and nutritive or gans, it enables a full and pure supply of blood to be sent to every part of the body, WOMEN KNOW ITS WORTH. Women who are always appreciative of benefits, have been especially appre ciative of the benefits following the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Its wonderful cures of irregularities, nuttious, ulceration &ud I euiale Uvu'. !. s, have caused women to name it, "that God-send to women." It is entitled to wear the " blue ribbon " of merit as well u Cit Uat ribbon of temperance. Mieu iji ujjb ufiiuc ner eui ii Biaiviuwi. n"w for the purchase of the N. 4 N. E. J4, S. K. N E. i and N. E. U S. E. i ol Section No. 6 irl Townshlu No. 8 S. Kanire No.C W. and will Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Ottice, Oregon City. Oregon, November 10, l'jftl. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 187H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 192, Karl Klein, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement No. 6331, for the purchase of the N. W. of Section No. 2t, in Township No. 7 8., Runge No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 29th day of January, 1904. He names f.s witnesses; Fred llaldeman, of Portland, Oregon; (). F. Leeser, of Portland, Oregon j Charles Ehlenberger, of Portland, Ore gon ; Charles Mell, of Portland, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the a bove-d escribed lands are requested to Hie their claims in this ollice on or before said 29th day of January, 191)1. ALGHRNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Statos Land Olllee, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 10, vm. Notice is hereby given tha, in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the saleol timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to ull the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18U2, Agustus J. Martin of Dallas, County of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ottice his sworn statement No. 6282, for the purchase of the South and N. W. '4 Qf S. W )i and S. W. i of S. E. u of Sec tion Sfo. 4, in Township No. 7 S., Range No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins claim la sniu ninu oeiore tne uouniy iierit of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, tne iiutu uay oi jvovemoer ii'iM lie names as witnesses; Oeorge lingood of Dallas, Oregon; Albert Burnett, ot Dallas, urt gon; tieorge Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; J. F. Groves, of Dallas, Oregon. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the aboverdescribed lands are requested to rile their ciapng ill inn oince oil ur ueiorp eaiu iiutu unjr o( November, lSKlfl. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Ottice, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 12, 11X13. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the aot of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada nnd Washington territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18112, David S. McDonald, of, fulls City, countv of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this otliecliis sworn statement No. 625, for the purchase of the Northeast of Section No. 32 (n Township No, 8 S., Range No. 7 W., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more vuiuuble lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 1U03, He names as witnesses; James Mitchell, of Dallas, Oregon! A. B. Muir, of Dallas, Oregon; VV. S. Muir, of Dallas, Oregon ; A, H. Sheltoii, of Dallas, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to iile their claims in this ollice on or before said 8th day of December, 1UU3. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Lund Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 25, 1W3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale oi limner lauas in tne states oi uamornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18'J2, Charles ii. Boydston, of Dallas, county of Poik State of Oregon has this day hied in this ollice his sworn statement No. 6211. lor thepurchaso ot the N. E. lA of Suction No. 30 in Towiislup No. 7 South, Range No. 6 West, and will oiler proof to snow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim to said land before the County Cltrk of Polk County, Oregon; at Dallas, Oregon, ou Friday, tha lltli duy of December, 1003. rie names as witnesses: ueo. coniee, oi Lallas, Oregon; Joseph boydston, of Dallas, Oregon; J. O. Stingley, of Dullas, Oregon; Anderson llinshuw, of Dallas, Oregon. Auy and all persons claiming adversely the above-described hunts-are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or before said 11th day of December, 11K13. ALUKKNO a. DKESSEK, Register. SUMMONS. ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. J. B. Thompson and Almona R. Thompson, Pluiutifls, v. Andrew Jackson Lovelady, Mary A. Lovelady, Margaret Amanda McCarter. Hen rv McCarter, John Thomas McCartv. Manilla Jane Mccarty, Roseannie Mary Waters, Milton l.eroy waters, vtunani Asbury Mccarty, Rosa Mccarty, Alice Olorinda P'agan, John Thomas Fugan, Roma Etta Oage, Amanda Jane biui nious, William David Bimmous, Elijah Alfred Mccarty, Saiah Frances Orider, Shadrach S. Gridef, Levina Lovelady. Octavia Badger, liph- raiin Badger, Carroll Mutney, Matuey, (whose Christian liiuno is unknown to plaint ills), Sarah Jane Cochran, William Cochrun, and David .1. Riley, Defendants. To John Thomas Mccarty, Mahala Jane Mc carty, Roseannie Mary Waters, Milton Leroy Waters, Carroll Matney, Matuey, (wife of Carroll Mutney, whose Christian name is un known to plaiutills), Sarah Jane Cochran, and wiuiam coenrau, aeienaauts above numcu; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tne above-entitieu suit witnin six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this summons, to wit, on or before the 12th day of December, l'.Hj;;; anu it you tail so to answer, tor want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the aid com plaint, to-wit : A decree of the Court directing tne aeieuaani8 in cam suit to execute aim ae liver to the plaintill's a good and sutlicicut deed so as to vest and confirm the title to Lot No. 5 in Block No. 10 in the original Town (now City) of Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, absolutely in said plaintill's as successors in title to Thomas Bounds Lovelady, and that it be further decreed by the Court that iu the event the defendants fail, neglect or refuse so to do within thirty days from the date of such decree, that by such decree tnere shall be set up, restored and re established a certain warranty deed in writing, duly made, executed, acknowledged and de livered by Thomas J. Lovelady and Mary Love lady, his wife, to Thomas Bounds Lovelady, on the day of , 100, by which they did duly sell and convey to him the said tract of land and the whole thereof, which deed was afterwards wholly lost and destroyed, and that plaintiiis may have such other aud iuiti.vr re lief as to the Court shall seem iik.. and equitable in the premises. This summons, by order of the Hon. J. E. Sibley, Judge of the County ourt of the State of Oregon, lor Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, ou the 21st day of October, li03, is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks in the "Polk County Observer," a news paper of general circulation-published weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the lirat publication of this summons is October 23, l'Mi. OSCAR HAYTER, Attoruev for the Plaiutills, COUNTY OFFICIALS. STATE SENATOR B. F. Mulkey. REPRESENTATIVES G. L. Haw kins anu B. F. Jones. COUNTY JUDGE J. E. Sibley. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Setta Riggs and J. B. TeaL CLERK U. S. Loughary. SHERIFF John T. Ford. TREASURER E. V. Dalton. ASSESSOR F. E. Myer. SCHOOL SUPT. C L. Starr. SURVEYOR L. Ground. , CORONER-"W. S. Caxy. i To Cure a Cold in One Day I mo Laxative Eroino Quinine j&uts. i tv.n MTTSon Wes sold in tost 12 months. This SKmatnre. Rolling Mi!3 Seven out of every ten men who work in rolling mills, iron foundries and glass factories die i ( consumption. You know how curly iu life these men puss away. The usual symptom is a j 'awing, persistent rough sometimes short and hacking, sometimes hard and dry. The patient i.'i.i s weaker and thiin.rr d;iy l y duy. Death eveutuully conquers. The trouble comes from iviise hrnr. mid the consti'iut inhaling of the fine piirticlcB of dust and iron that fill tho nir. : i! particles, under ii microscope, show rugged, Blinrp edges, which tear und mutilute tho .:..-';rale lining of the tlnoi'i. ami lungs, Perpetual sores tiro thus formed, and here it, is that i o (trims of' cmistimnli n find IV pluce to feed and multiply. Acker's English Remedy vwis . is 'overed in England, istid is the only euro in the world for Rolling Mill Consumption. It 1'u-iU up tho sons, sncii'.-'.hrns tho mucous membranes of the breathing organs, permanently s.ops the eotigh, builds up Hie, constitution nnd imparts vigor to the whole system. It must either cure or it costs you n thing. One Ixitlle dors wonders. Try it. What it bus done for touuy others it will ulso do f :r you und your loved ones. Sold ut 2oc, 50c. nnd St u liottlc throughout the United Stntes and Canada; and in England ut Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. (id. If you are not sutistied ufter buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money buck. H'e authwite the above guarantee. W. S. IlQQKKll CO., Proprietor; New York. Dallas College AND : : : : LaCreole Academy. FARMS mortgages, are now offered pn easy terms and at lower prices than ever before. The title to each one of these properties is perfect A new descriptive price list will be mailed on application. 0SCAR hayter, Dallas, Ore. CHURCH DIRECTORY Christian Church. Bible School at 10 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3 :30 p.m. Senior C. E. at 6-30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. L. Ghekn, Tastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School; lf. ni., prcftChin ,7:00 p. m., Epworth League; 6 :30 p. r ; Thursday 7 :30 p. ni., prayef meeting. James Moore, Tastor. Adventlst Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Bible study from 11 to 12. United Evangelical Church Services are held as follows: S. S. 10 a. m. breaching, 11 a. m., ana :rfu p. m. K.L.C.E., 0:30p.m. Y.M.C.A., Y. W. C. A. and Junior Endeavor, 3:00 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. A. A. Winter, Pastor. Presbyterian Church. "Sabbath services: Bible study at 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Junior Endeavor, 3 p, m. ; Senior Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday at 7:80 p. m. W. T. Wardle, Pastor. Baptist Church. -Bible school at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. J. M. Green, Pastor. VIA Southern Pacific Company Shasta Route. Trains leave Dallas for Portland and way stations at 7:00 a. ra. Leave Inde pendence for Corvallis at 11 :00 a. ni. Lv. Portland 8:30 a. m 8:80 p. m. " Albany 12:30 p.m. 11 :35 p.m. Ar. Ashland 12:55 p.m. 12:35 p.m. " Sacramento 5:10 p.m. 5:00 a.m. " Sun Francisco 7:45 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Ar. Oeden 4:55 a.m. 7:00 a.m. " Denver 9:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. " Kansas City 7:25a.m. 7:25a.m. " Chicago 7:42 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Ar. Lob Angeles 2:00 pm. 7:00a.m. " El Paso 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. ' FortWorth 6:30a.m. 6:30a.m. " City of Mexico 11:30 a. m. 11:30 a.m. " Houston 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. ' New Orleans 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. " Washington 6:42 a.m. 6,12a.m. ' NewPork 12:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, Xew OrleanB and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship line for HONOLULU, JAPAN. CHINA, PHILIPPINES, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. See Mr. I. N. WOODS, agent at Dallas station, address W. E. COMAN, G. F. and Pass Aet., Portland, Or. South an Consumption -Oa I II " i '?f3 JT "V Located at DALLAS, OREGON. Co-Educational. We offer superior advantages at reasonable rates. : Fall Term begins Sept. 22, 1 903, Registration, September 22. For Catalogue or other information, address, C C. POLING, Ph. D., President, DALLAS, OREGON. belonging to the Scotch Companies, acquired by the foreclosure ol LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridfivs of anh mnnth E. C. KlHKPATKICK, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. A'nswortn -Chapter, No. 17, R. LpJ A. M., stated convocation, First r,Qy Thursday of each month. . jfe-lf r. n.. v-m.tam ir. p. ; Wilms Simontos, Sec. " faomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. 8., stated -meetings Second and Fonrth Tues days of each month. , Mrs. Pauline Williams, tV. M. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. .2p&i Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets 56 " every Saturday evening in I. '-( o. 0. F. Hall. B. M. Guy, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Eec.Sec. T LaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets -'-'Second and Fourth Monday of each month. H. B. Cosper, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe. . Q laiira Lodge, No. 26, D. of B., meeti "every Friday evening. . Mrs. "S. E. Morrison, N. G. Mrs. Ora Cosper, Sec. Woodmen of the World. allas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd ''Fellows hall every Thursday evening G. N. Ciierrington, C. C, W. G. Yassall, Clerk. TlWistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. O. W.. "meets in Odd Fellows' hall, Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month. Mrs. Frank Kerslake, G. N. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second Jjgsa and Fourth Thursdavs of each 3Sr month in I. O. Q. F.hall. G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. hilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets, on Second and Fourth Thursday after noon of each month. Meda Holmax, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eakin, R. K. A. 0. U. W. Union Lodge, No. 35 Meets First Lf'.Js and Third Wednesday of each H. L. Fenton, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of H., meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, C. of H. Mrs. H. B. Cospeb, Fin. United Artisans. TJssembly No. 40 meets First Tues "day of each month. Willis Simoxton, M. A. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, Sec. Fraternal Union of America Tjodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday of each month. OW. J. Wagner, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec. Cores Crip la Two Days. cr4 every yTjCy sfar&trt box. 25c.