Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 27, 1903, Image 3

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    polft County server
All kinds of green vegetables at
Biggs. -
New line of Waistings at Pollock's
Gash Store.
Mayor J. M. Stark, of Independence,
was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday.
Be sure to see the Mexican drawn
work at the Epworth League bazaar.
Miss Laura Whiteman, of Sidney,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvis Lynch.
Mrs. George L. Hawkins attended
the Goff-Dickinson wedding in Inde
pendence, Wednesday.
Go and drink tea with the Japanese
ladies at the Epworth League bazaar,
December 10 and 11.
James Olmsted, of Bailston, has
purchased the Morean livery and
feed stable in McMinnville.
Another shipment of Ladies' and
Childrens' Shoes. At wholesale cost,
they go. Pollock's Cash Store.
Our holiday goods have been de-
laved a little, but will be here before
Santa Claus. Pollock's Cash Store,
Don't fail to have the gypsy tell
your fortune at the Epworth League
bazaar. City Hall, December 10 and
Mr. and Mrs. George Dyer, old-
time residents or Folk county, are
visiting relatives in Dallas. They
moved from this county to Whitman
county, Washington, 24 years ago,
and this is their first visit to Dallas
since they moved away.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen will
leave next week for Denmark to visit
Mr. Hansen's aged father. Mr. Han
sen came to the United States over 20
years ago, and, having prospered in
business, is looking forward to a well
earned vacation in the land of his
Frank Holman, the Dallas milk
man, desires to announce that on De
cember 1 the price of milk will be ad
vanced to 6 cents per quart. The
monthly rate for pints will be $1.00.
The increased cost of production
makes these advances necessary, but
the rates will still be lower than those
charged in other towns in the state,.
Talk of putting in a salt plant at
the well on the Whiteaker farm, three
miles east of DallaB is being revived.
This well was sunk for oil by H.
Hirschberg, the Independence banker.
At a depth of 1000 feet a strong flow of
water, carrying great quantities of
salt, was struck instead of oil. Ex
perts have tested the water and say
that an evaporating plant will pay
Members of the Dallas College
faculty spent Thanksgiving Day as
follows : Prof. Metzger, Miss Rebecca
Gates and Master Norval Gates at
'.. Sfawberg ; Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Winter,
at Lafayette i Mrs. M. E. Weaver, at
Portland ; Miss Parrisb, at Salem ;
Miss Canfield, at Corvallis. A large
number of college students scattered
out to their respective homes in
various portions of the state. For
those remaining in town, a fine dinner
was prepared at the Dormitory by
Mrs. Edson. The students of the
college will enjoy a vacation until
next Monday.
Our Clothing Department
follows in line with unheard of Bargains.
We Are Making Room For Our
and we
: : :
See display of toys at Biggs,'
J. G. VanOrsdel was a business
visitor this week.
Riggs has the largest assortment of
China and Fancy Lamps going.
If you want something nice In
Chinaware see our display. T. A.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerlinger, of
Portland, were Dallas visitors this
The annual city election in Inde
pendence will be held Monday, De
cember 7.
Judge Burnett's department of Cir
cuit Court will convene Monday, De
cember 7.
Rev? L. Green, pastor of the Christian
church, is confined to his bed by an
attack of tonsilitis.
Hon. H. V. Gates went to Hillsboro
yesterday afternoon to eat Thanks
giving dinner with his family.
Mrs. I. T. Mason, who has been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. F. Belt, returned to Portland,
Have Dr. Lowe cure your head and
eye ache by removing the cause with
a pair of his superior glasses. They
are the best by all tests.
William McMillan, a wealthy farm
er, living near Monmouth, died Sun
day night at the advanced age of 80
years. Mr. McMillan was born in
Scotland and came to Canada in 1873,
He removed to Nebraska, coming
from that state to Oregon about four
years ago. lie was a wortny citizen,
and enjoyed the respect of all who
knew him.
A Sunday quiet prevailed in Dallas
yesterday, and the day was given over
to rest and social enjoyment. The
county offices, bank, and prominent
business houses were closed during
the greater part of the day. Union
Thanksgiving services were held in
the First Presbyterian Church in the
morning, and were largely attended.
Rev. James Moore, pastor of the M. E.
Church, preached one of the ablest
sermons ever heard in Dallas, and
his logical and eloquentdiscourse was
greatly enjoyed by the vast audience.
Business men spent the afternoon at
the family fireside, and mirth and
good cheer prevailed. A special motor
carried a large crowd of young people
to the Oregon-Nevada football game
in Corvallis, and many people attend
ed the ball in Independence at night.
The scarcity of freight cars, com
plained of in many towns in Oregon,
has not been the cause of any serious
inconvenience to shippers at this place.
I. N. Woods, local agent of the
Southern Pacific Company, informs
us that President Gerlinger, of the
Dallas & Falls City railroad, has
been successful in securing cars for
his road, and that the sawmills at
Falls City have not been seriously
hampered by lack of transportation
facilities. The Johnson Lumber Com
pany, of this city, had great difficulty
in securing cars a few weeks ago, but
is not shipping any considerable
amount of ' umber at present,
and, cphsequently' is 'not affected by
existing conditions. No trouble is ex
perienced in securing cars to move
local freight and farm products,
although these shipments continue
Commencing Tomorrow
we will sell at a Great Reduction all of
our Season's Cloaks and Wraps. Qorpe
to the busy store and see how prices have
been demolished.
must have more room to display
: our merchandise : : : :
Active Preparations Are Under Way
For Large Exhibit In
The Ancora coat breeders of Polk
county are already making prepara
tions for the Annual Goat Show to be
held in Dallas early in the coming
year. The date of the show has not
yet been fixed, but it is generally
agreed that the animals should not be
placed on exhibition until they are in
full fleece probably not until the
middle of January. The interest
already shown In the coming exhibit
by prominent breeders in all parts of
Oregon gives assurance that the 1904
show will be bigger and better than
any that has been held heretofore.
Dallas is recognized as the goat
center of the Pacific Northwest, and
the show held here each year attracts
hundreds of visitors. Goats are
brought to Dallas for exhibition from
all parts of Oregon, and breeders of
these splendid little animals come
from Washington, California and
other neighboring states to replenish
their herds and to discuss matters of
importance in this profitable branch
of stock raising.
A proposed feature of the coming
show that will commend itself to all
growers is the auction sale of blooded
stock to be held in connection with the
exhibit. Prominent breeders say that
they are willing to offer some of their
finest animals for sale at publio auc
tion in the hope that the standard of
the flocks throughout the Northwest
may be raised thereby. These men
have the interest of the goat industry
at heart, and are willing to part with
some of their best animals without
consideration of their actual value,
knowing full well that with the better
ment of the herds the goat industry
will become more and more profitable
as the years go by. None but the
highest bred animals will be offered
at this sale, and breeders will not be
allowed to run in a lot of inferior
stock just in order to get rid of what
they do not wish to keep.
The date of the show will be an
nounced in a few weeks, and every
goat breeder in the Northwest will be
invited to take part in the exhibit.
Eugene Cattron, of Wasco, visited
relatives in Monmouth last week.
J. M. Bunn and G. F. Cooper,
prominent goat breeders of North
Yamhill, Were in the city Thanks
giving Day, and purchased two pure
bred Angora bucks of U. S. Grant.
A change in the arrangement of the
stock in the Bee Hive store gives
much better facilities for displaying
and handling goods than the firm
has had heretofore. The dress goods
department has been transferred to
the west side of the room, and the
shelves thus emptied have been filled
with men's and women's furnishing
goods. The clothing department has
been moved to the ground' floor, and
the cloak and Jacket department has
taken its 'place in the gallery. The
men's shoes have also been moved
upstairs. Manager Finseth is con
stantly increasing his stock, and is
kept busy devising ways and means
of displaying goods to the best ad
m m mi m
A Hat
Bain Coat
Etc., Etc.
Or, is it an up-to-date Suit
or an Overcoat?
Well, they have all the
things that make mankind
comfortable and happy.
Go in and
Tell Your Troubles
To Them.
"You will come away feeling
glad you went. They sell
the Best of Goods, and do
not misrepresent an article.
Their stock is new and up-
to-date and Prices the Low
est for the quality. They
handle Tailor-Made Suits
and Overcoats. These
damp, rainy days you need
a nobby suit of clothes.
But Don't Forget
that we carry a complete
line of Little Boys' Suits,
Overcoats and Sweaters
all the latest styles.
0. W. HOLLISTBR, Hanager
Uglow Building I Mill Street
Dallas, Oregon
Ladies of Lewis and Clark Division
Held Business Meeting Tues
day Afternoon.
The Lewis and Clark Division met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Smith, Tuesday afternoon, and held
an enthusiastic and harmonious
meeting;. ' The attendance' ifpas large,
and much business of importance was
transacted. Interesting talks were
made by several Daughters of Pio
neers, and a good list of new names
was added to the membership of the
Division. Tea was served during the
afternoon, and the ladies greatly en
joyed the hospitality qf their hostess.
The election of officers resulted as
follows:. Mrs. Mark Hayter, presi
dent; Mrs. C. L. Barnes, first vice
president; Mrs. G. L. Hawkins,
second vice-president; Mrs. John E.
Smith, secretary; Mrs. J. D. Smith,
treasurer; Mrs. W. E. Lacey, press
The cost meeting will be held on
Tuesday, December 15, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson.
The women of Dallas are thoroughly
in earnest in their efforts to aid the
coming Exposition, and will hold
regular meetings during the Winter
Dallas Juvenile Band Appears in, pub
lic and Creates Much Enthut
The Juvenile brass band recently
organized in Dallas made its first
publio appearance Saturday after
noon. The boys marched to the
courthouse square, and, favored the
people on Main street with two selec
tions, and then went out to the foot
ball field in South Dallas and played
during the frame between the Dallas
and Independence teams. Their music
was a surprise to, everyone, as they
had been rehearsing but a short time,
and many of the boys had never
attempted to play a horn until two or
three weeks ago. The lads were
roundly applauded at the close of
each selection, and many complimen
tary remarks were heard for the
rapid progress they are making.
On the evening of December 5, the
band will give an old-fashioned basket
sociaHn the City Hall. A good pro
gram will be rendered, and baskets
containing lunch will be sold at auc
tion. The entertainment will be free,
and the money derived from the sale
of baskets will be used in purchasing
new music and for Incidental ex
penses. The people of Dallas are
proud of the boys' band, and will
liberally patronize the entertainment
Please Return
Will the party who borrowed my
copy of "Ben-Hur" please return the
Clint Hanks, a logger in the John
son Lumber Company's camp, was
struck by a wire cable in the woods
last Saturday, and his leg was broken
Just above the knee.
C!stt what yea eat.
Dallas and Independence
Teams Met on Gridiron
Football teara3 from some of the
greatest universities and colleges in
the United States met on the gridiron
last Saturday, but it is doubtful if
any of these games were more lively
or closely-contested than the game
between the Dallas and Independence
elevens in this city. Both teams were
composed of youths ranging in age
from 16 to 20 years, and the respective
sides were so evenly matched In size
that it would have required the eye of
an expert to detect any difference be
tween them. Twenty-minute halves
were played, or were to have been
played, and neither side was able to
score. It was not until the 24th
minute of the second half that a touch
down was made by the Independence
team. Dallas had made a mistake in
its signals, and a Dallas boy who had
received the ball was looking hope
lessly about for the player to whom
he was to pass it, when an obliging
Independence lad ran up and took it
from his hands and carried it across
the eoal line. Just why the time
keeper, a Dallas boy, did not call the
game at the end of the twenty minutes
is not known. The players say it was
the time-keeper's fault, and the time
keeper says it was the players' fault,
and, as the Obsebveb doesn't care a
rap whose fault it was, we haven't
taken time to Investigate. The play
ers on both sides conducted themselves
in a gentlemanly manner, and the
best of feeling prevailed throughout
the game. There is talk of a return
game at either Independence or Mon
mouth tomorrow afternoon,
Wire Fence
Double-Strength, High Carbon
Spring Steel Wire.
I furnish the tools and help put up
the fence without extra charge.
Call or Write To Me for Catalogue
and Prices.
TL7. $ Grant,
Agent, Dallas, Oregon
Picture framing a specialty at L. D.
Trespass notices printed on cloth for
sale at this office.
Sewing machines for sale or rent
at L. D. Daniel's.
L. D. Brown, Public. Stenographer.
With J. N. Hart.
Fine line of table delicacies at Dunn
Grocery Company's store.
Go to Wilson, Drug Company for
books and school supplies.
Everything new In the grocery line
at Dunn Grocery Company's store.
Holiday toys, games and books,
best assotment in theoity atOsfleld's.
Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
Don't you buy your boy or girl a
Christmas present until you have
seen Osfleld's stock.
If your window light is broken out,
call L. D. Daniel at Phone Main 263
and he will call and replace it for you.
One of the best horse-shoers In the
state will be found working at Wagner
Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be
Persons desiring to remember their
friends with a photograph for Christ
mas should place their order now.
T. J. Cherrington, Dallas.
Go and see those flnQ, bath tubs,
sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros.
A first-class plumber Is In their em
ploy, and will satisfactorily do your
Have you had that photograph en
larged yet? If you havn't, take it to
Mrs. Weaver, the local artist, and
have a first-olass portrait made for
$1.75 and avoid the risk of losing it by
seuding it away. She guarantees
Mrs. M. E. Weaver is now ready to
receive orders for Oil Paintings,
Portraits and Pyrographio work.
Christmas orders should be left with
her at an early date, to insure being
filled. The grade of work being done
at the Art Studio could not be pur
chased for twice the price in a larger
Cow- to Trade.
Who wants a good cow? Will trade
one in exchange for wood cutting.
Good prices paid.
Oakdale, Oregon.
. Reductions in Millinery.
Beginning Saturday, November 14,
there will be a reduction of 25 per cent
on all trimmed hats. Miss Bratton
will only be here the remainder of
this month so all who are contemplat
ing having work done by her should
not delay.
Mrs. H. H. Chace.
For Sale.
40 acres of Improved land on the
railroad near Bridgeport.
iauas, ureon.
Elcdsl Dyspepsia Gvro
Coasts what you eat
Dallas, Oregon
New Patterns
in Wall Paper
Everyone contemplating papering one or more rooms this
Fall 6hould call at our store, look at the new lines, and let
US talk it over with you.
We have just opened a large shipment of new patterns for
the Fall buyers, and would be pleased to have you look
them over.
Prices, 'from 10 cents to 50 cents per double roll.
Everything for the House
Telephone 133. MILL STREET.
1? Dili 1
at Roy's Confectionery Store
Walter f?oy, ugiow Buium, Dallas, Otc.
Wake Up, Mr, Doubter,
Have you seen our new line of Geo. E.
Keith Gents' and Boys' Shoes? In style and
finish they have no superior. .
In Ladies' Shoes we carry the Utz &
Dunn and Green, Wheeler lines. In fit, fin
ish and quality they are fine.
In Children's Shoes we carry the Kep
ner, Scott ; the most durable School Shoe sold
in Valley.
In Heavy Goods we have the Buckinham
& Hecht Boots and Shoes, well known for
their wearing qualities. ' "
Rubber Goods in Gents' and Ladies'.
Dallas Boot and Shoe Store
i ) (. i (
ii 1 1 1 im ii 1 1
7 7 7
It's Better Than Others Because
It's made throughout of No. 12 Wire.
It has double top and bottom strands.
It has an endless stay-wire.
It is absolutely hog and stock proof.
Now you know it is the KEYSTONE. For sale by
Cured of Plies After 40 Years
Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, 0 had
the pilea for 40 years. Dollars and doc
tors could do him no lasting good. De
Witt's Witch Haael Salve cured him
permanently. Invaluable cuts, burns,
bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema,
totter, salt rheum, and all other skin
diseases. Look for the name DeWitt
on the package all others are cheap,
worthless counterfeits. Sold by Belt
& Cherrington.
The largest sum ever paid (or a pre
scription, changed hand in San Fran
Cisco, August 80, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock 1112,600.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eigbty-seyen
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed, free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fclton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal.
B Bffi
' -I,, ,r in 1,
7 ) i 7 c
Dallas, Oregon
Dallas, Oregon
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the
stomach that which it is unable to do
for itself, even when but slightly dis
ordered or overload. Kodal Dyspep
sia Cure supplies the natural juices of
digestion and does the work of the
stomach relaxing the nervous tension
while the inflamed muscles of that or
gan are allowed to rest and heal. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat and enables the stomach and di
gestive organs to transform all food
into rich, red blood. Lold by Belt &
I have just received a Fine New Stock
of Harness and Saddles and invite you
to call and examine them as to style,
workmanship and price. I have the
finest line of saddles ever shown in Tolk
county. They are strictly "down-to-date"
in every respect.
A big assortment prices according to
quality all fitted with "Double Sur
cingles," a new feature which every
horseman will readily appreciate. Ccme
and see them.
HARNESS OIL, Best Grade,
Frank A. utiles
C?29t hat you est