Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, November 27, 1903, Image 2

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    Pol (Ectmiv Observer
Published Weekly at One Dolliir per
Strictly In Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, Novbmbbb 27, 1903
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronise Dallas people.
jfalls CCtt IRotes
The Legislature should
Organize promptly,
Repeal the present tax law,
Re enact the old tax law, after
reducing the interest rate from 12
per cent to 6 per cent, and
Oregon is regaining her old-time
nrestiee in the United States
Before re enacting the old tax
law, the Oregon Legislature should
amend the section providing ioran
interest charge of 12 per cent per
annum on unpaid taxes. JNo
reasonable objection can be urged
against an interest charge on de
linquent taxes, but it is unjust to
exact interest at the rate of 12 per
cent per annum, when the legal
rate of interest in the state is only
6 per cent per annum. The "State
of Oregon" is the "People of Ore
gon," and it is manifestly unfair
for the Legislature to say that the
county governments shall exact a
higher rate of interest than in
dividuals are allowed to charge.
Make the rate 6 per cent, and there
will be no complaint.
Work on Building and
Begin February
A largo ice factory and cold-storage
warehouse will be bunt in uaiiaa tins
Winter. The plant will be located on
Main street, ana worK on tne Duiid
ings will begin February 1. The
factory will be equipped with late
improved machinery, and will have a
capacity or nve tons or ice aaiiy. xne
two men who are behind the enter
prise are wide awake business men,
and one of them has had many years'
of successful experience in the ice and
cold-storage business. TheOBSEBVEB
is not at liberty to disclose the names
of these men, but it can be said that
they have ample capital at their com
tnand to conduct the business on a
largo scale.
A cold-storage room will be fitted up
in tne building, and the llrni will
handle fish, eggs, butter, poultry,
vegetables, and all kinds of
perishable farm produce. In ad
dition to dealing in these com
modities, cold-storage room will be
rented to grocers, butchers, hotel
keepers and others who have no
rofrigorators of their own. The firm
will also deal at wholesale in soda and
mineral waters and other carbonated
Dallas has long needed an enter
prise of this kind, and it is certain
that an ice factory will prove a pay
ing investment. Many times last
Summer there was an ice famine in
every town on the West side of the
Willamette river, notwithstanding the
"fact that the factorios in Portland,
Saiera, Albany and other cities were
kept running day and night. Dallas
has excellent shipping facilities, and
there is no reason why a factory lo
cated here should not supply ice to
every valley town between Corvallis
apd Forest Grove.
Ira Lowe, of Falls City, was a
Dallas visitor, Tuesday.
W. M. Shewey, who is visiting rela
tives in Clinton county, Missouri, will
return to Oregon early next Spring.
Don't fail to hear the lecture at the
'College chapel next Wednesday night.
A Tare treat is in store for all who
Tne ladies of the Independence
Lewis and Clark Division will give a
ball on the evening of December 4.
Watch for further notice in tiext
week's paper.
Card op Thanks I wish to thank
the many friends who assisted in
caring for my wife during her last
illness, and to assure them that their
many kindly acts will nover bo for
gotten. T. It. Oaynor.
Ladies stick your hat pin in your
calendar on dates of December 2 and
until noon of the 3rd. Dr. Lowe, the
eyesight specialist will be at Hotel
Gail those days, but will not send out
any circulars announcing his arrival.
Bring the children and have yours
and their eyes tested.
WANTED Trustworthy lady or
gentleman to manage business in this
County and adjoining territory for
house of solid financial standing. $20
straight cash salary and expenses
paid each Monday direct from head
quarters. Expense money advanced ;
position permanent Address Mana
ger, 60S, Monon Bldg., Chicago.
The I. O. O. F. Lodge has leased for
three years the Tice hall over the store
or tne iiora-iyson uroueiy iuipuj
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hollowell will
onon nhrlufmna In finlifnrnla. Thei
well-known faces will be missed by
all old-time residents.
A H. Watkins. secretary of the
Coast Kange Lumber Company, is :
Portland makinor preparations tosh
the loggingengine recently purchased
J. C. Havter. accompanied by Mr,
nnH Mrs. .T. O. IJflrlow. of South Bi
Wash., were viewing the sights in the
little city, Monday, and were welcomed
by their many inenas.
Trio npektie social eriven by the
Ladies of the Maccabees on Wednt'
dav last was considered a success by
nil who attended, and everyone went
home after enjoying a good supper
and a pleasant evening.
Pains in the Back
Arc symptoms of a weak, torpid or
stagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is extremely
Lazardous to neglect, so important
is a healthy action of these organs.
They are commonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of courage, and some
times by gloomy foreboding and de
spondency. "I had pains in my bark, could not sleep
and when I pot up in the morning felt
worse than tte nlpiit before. I beran tak
ing Hood's harsnnariUa and now I can
sleep and Ret up feeling rested and able to
do my work. I attribute my cure entirely
to Hood's SarsJiparilla." Mrs. J. N. Persy,
care 11. 8. Copoland, Pike Koad, Ala.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Cure kidney and liver troubles, reliev
tL back, ud build uj tbt whola iyatm.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bryan returned
from Portland, Tuesday,
F. G. Harris came oiit from his
claim Saturday, and expects to return
next Monday.
The new sidewalk is completed from
the depot to K. Js. liryan s residence,
which is the finest house in town.
The Brvan-Lucas sawmill resumed
operations Tuesday after being shut
down a lew aays on account oi
broken shaft.
The Coast Banco Mills have shut
down until the new logging road i
the timber is completed.
Ed Sampson is improving from the
injuries he received some time ago
when moving a building for Mr,
The public school gave a Thanks
giving program, Wednesday. The
object of the meeting was to give the
parents and teachers an opportunity
to become better acquainted. Talks
were made by County Superintendent
u. Li. Starr, via. a, h. voaa ana
others. About 50 patrons of the school
were present.
The first annual ball given bv the
Falls Uity Musical tiuild, Wednesday
evening, was well attended, many
fieople driving in trom the surround
ng towns and country. Excellent
music was furnished bv the Inde
pendence orchestra. A splendid supper
was served. The ball was a financial
success, and the band bovs desire to
thank the committee of three ladies
who assisted them in furnishing the
The Modorn Woodmen were busy at
worK last Haturaay night when
gentle rap was heard on the door.
Sentry L. B. Wonderly opened the
door to admit, as he supposed,
neignoor, ana to his surprise was
overpowered by a large number of
ladies. The neighbors were taken so
completely by surprise that they were
unable to speak for some time, but
the visitors were soon made welcome
by Chjef Forester F. J. Holman and
his well-trained team. The ladies
brought well-filled baskets, and after
tne rerresnments, consisting or meats
sandwiches, cakes, pies, cocoa, fruit,
candy and nuts, had been spread on
the table, a ladies' choice was called
for supper. After a most enjoyable
evening, Venerable Counsel L. T.
Murphy thanked the fair visitors for
their kindness and invited them to
call many times in the future.
Committee Has Been Appointed To
Estimate Cost of the Improvement.
The sidewalk from Dallas to the
Odd Fellows' cemetery now seems
assured. At a meeting of the com
mittees appointed by the various
lodges of the city, at the council
chamber, Monday evening, it was de
cided to proceed with the work of
raising the necessary funds as soon
as an estimate of the walk can be pro
pared. The committee appointed to
make this estimate aro to report Mon
day evening, December 14.
The meeting on Monday evening
was well attended, and various plans
for the construction of the walk were
discussed. Mayor J. C. Hayter was
chairman of the meeting, and Mrs.
H. B. Cosper acted as secretary. On
motion of A. B. Muir, the chairman
appointed a committee of five to esti
mate the cost of the work and place
the same before the lodges of the' city.
The members of the committee are
A. B. Muir, U. S. Grant, Charles F.
Belt, F. A. Stiles and W. F. Nichols.
The proposed plans contemplate the
the construction of a walk from the
west end of Ash street south along the
county road to the cemetery, a distance
of about three-quarters of a mile. The
wane is to be two planks wide, the
lumber to be 12 inches in width by lj
inches in thickness, laid lengthwise.
the boards to be 6 inches apart. It is be
lieved tnat tne walK eau be built for
about $200. A part of this money will
bo donated by the fraternal and bo-
nevoleut orders, and the remainder
will bo raised by private subscriptions.
Women May Visit LaCreole Club
Rooms Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The business meetfng of LaCreole
Club, Sunday afternoon, was well
attended. The affairs of the club
were found to bo in a nourishing con
dition, and many plans for strength
ening the org a n ization were d iscussed.
Tho question of admitting indies to
the club rooms camo up for con
sideration, and it was decided to ad
mit the fair sex on Tuesday afternoon
and Thursday evening of each week.
Admission will bo limited to ladv
guests holding cards or accompanying
a member of tho club, the rule being
the same as that regulating the ad
mission of gentlemen guests at the
present time. On Tuesday afternoons
no gentlemen other than members of
the club will bo admitted, but on
Thursday evenings both lady and
jreutlemen guests will bo granted the
privileges or the club.
T. J. Sherrington ana n. u. t nap-
man were elected directors to fill the
vacancies caused by the resignation
of Dr. Mark Hayter and D. J. Riley.
Next Wednesday and to Thursday
noon, IJtHvmbor 2 and 3. nr. lyiwt.
tti- well-known ooii!o-t!icinn will tx
iu Dallas at Hotel Gail. Have him
test voureves lor glumes.
Of the child is an event iu the mother'i
life. How Dioud she feels when the
nttenmt to walk is begun so early cs tc
evidence childish courage and sturdy
Rtreniah. Such pride should be enioyeo
by every mother. But it often happem
that the child ts timid,
weak and deficient in
vitality, and clings to the
mother's arms with no
desire to walk or wlay.
Jlothers should learn
that to have strong chil
dren they must them
selves be strong, for the
child s strength 18
The use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription by
expectant mothers
gives them health
and strength to
give their chil
dren. It n o u r -ishes
the nerves,
strengthens the body and gives great
muscular- strength and elasticity, so that
the baby's adve lit is practically painless,
"I have been using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, and can say it is Just what you adver
tise it to be, and cau cheer, ully recommend it,"
tyrites Mrs. Victor J. lladin, of Ionardville,
RtU-y Co., Kansas. "I began taking it just two
mouths beto baty came and was greatly bene,
filed bv its use. The doctor who attended me
raid I did about as well as any one he had seen
(as 1 was sick only about three hours), and also
that Vfinr ' Kavorite Prescription ' was ' the one
patent medicine' which he did have taith in.
We now have a darlillf baby bov, strong am
Jieaithy, who weighed nine ptin(U when horn
(July ?sth). During this month lie has gained
three an4 one-half pounds."
"Favorite Prescription'' makes weak
women strong, sick wouien well. Accept
no substitute for tlie niedicino wmcn
works wonders for weak women.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is
given away, enJ 21 one-cent stamps
for expense of ltiauiHif (inly, tor the book
in paper coverp, or i stamps for the
volume boiftid in cloth. Address Pr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mark Holmes, of McCoy i W.
McLain, of Buena Vista,
Jones & Hout to Lucy E Rowell,
tract in 1 7 s, r 5 w, $50,
Mary C Tedrow and hd
to James
r 5 w,
Helrniek, 202,33 acres, t 9 s,
James Helmick et ux to Sarah Hel-
mick, tract in 1 9 s, r 5 w, $100.
James Helmick et ux to Mary C,
Tedrow, 157.33 acres, t 9 s, r 5 w, $1000.
E R Cutler et al to William Tatom,
59.67 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $3878.55.
Northern Pacific Ry Co to Weyer
haeuser Timber Co., 2095.45 acres, t 8
and 9 s, r 7 w, $10,477.25.
Ira Foreman et ux to Amelia Wag
ner, lots 7, 8 and 9, block B, Falls City,
L R Blair et ux to J M Dickey, 44
acres, t 6 s, r 6 w, $800.
D D Gorsline et ux to C T Hall, 40
acres, t 6 s, r 4 w, $1700.
J M Wise et ux to C T Hall, lots l,
3 and 4, block 19, neflr add to McCoy,
F A Patterson et ux to George
Whiteaker, 2,0 acres, t8 s, r 5 w, $50.
G W Whiteaker et ux to II A Ben
nett, 20 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $100.
John S Courter et ux to H C and
ulia Courter, tracts in t 8 s, r7w,
J A Veness et ux to G A Wells, lots
in Buena Vista, $250.
Eva Hanson, guardian, to A F
Courter, lots 18, 19 and 20, block P,
Falls City. $250.
M L Baldwin et ux to J A Veness,
lots in Buena Vista, $300.
J A Veness et ux to M L Baldwin,
lots in Buena Vista, $350.
rreuericK Levin, dallas, oregon
Since coming to Dallas I have sold hundreds of Watches.
The fiisillty Prices
of both movement and cases
has always been the best to
be had.
have always been satisfactory
to customers in nearly every
instance lower than was asked
for same by other jewelers.
Other &tiies This If ear
What Is stated of Watches is
also true of my other jewel
ry lines.
my slock is larger than
before the largest and
selected in Polk County.
We wish to thank our many patrons
for the Increase of business that has fallen
to our lot. We have done the largest
business in our history so far this Fall.
We wish to merit still this patronage you
have given us. Next week we hope to
have our Christmas Goods and as soon as
possible will have them on display. You
will miss it if you buy before seeing our line
Wilson BI'K
Dallas, Ore.
Dr. Kershabbo, a native Persian,
will lecture on "Persia, its Manners
nd Customs," at Colletfe Cbupel next
Wednesday evening. Admission, 25
Don't lot self-styled opticians and
peddlers attempt to fit glasses to your
eyes. Don t take cnances witn your
vision, uonsuic jjr. .uowe aDout your
eyes when he is here. He has been
coming to .uanas ior over m years,
and has had over 17 years experience.
For a Thanksgiving present, Eobert
Hatton brought us several raspberry
stalks heavily laden with ripe, reel
berries. The fruit grew in Mr. Hat-
n's garden on the hill South of town,
ud the vines were in no way protect
ed from the weather. The berries are
the second crop, and aro well-de
veloped, sweet and juicy. Mr. Hatton
iys he wishes H were possible to send
few boxes of these berries to his rel
ives and friends iu tho East, just to
an idea of the mild and.
give them
ny wet
gon during the Winter months.
New Way of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, svs: "As
proof that l-hHiunerlain s Uough Kem-
edv is a cure suitable for old and young,
pen you the following: A neighbor of
ine had a child just over two months
oM. It had a very bad cough and the
parents did not know what to give it. I
suagested that if they would get a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
nut some upon the dummy teat the
miiy was sucking it would noaonotcure
he child. Ihis they did and nrotignt
bout a quick relief and cured the baby.
This remedy is for sale by Wilson Drug
sdc! Dyspepsia Curo
Cigects what you eat
co different games all new
one in each package of
at your Grocer's.
cm oo
Oopd Farm at a Bargain.
286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas;
50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres in
hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ;
well watered by living water ; several
springs on place ; good pastures, arid
plenty of timber; one mile from Eail-
road; house, barn and outbuildings.
A nice home, and a great bargain at
$15 per acre. Call on, or address
Dallas, Oregon.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubU
can remember when it was simple Indiges
tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, aro not only
traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken into the stomach
Which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
(wells the stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action ol
the heart, and In the course of time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D.Kaubls.of Nevada. 0.,ays: I hd stomach
trouble and was In a bad atata as I had heart trouble
with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul
months and It cured ma.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure. ' " J"
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Six holding VA timet the trial
size, which sails for 50c
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT CO., 0HI0AQO.
Runs Eg,sy no baek-ache
folds up like a pocket kpife,
and is easily carried,
offered, and we notice, without exception, that
where they go down from $2.00 to, say, $1.65,
the price has been
with us all the time, and the same proportion all
the way
we sell cheaper
We have the goods, and
because we buy cheaper. WE
NESS. Our clerks are accommodating, and,
although they are overworked, you shall be waited
on, Of course, we have to take in a new clerk
every few days, but that is all right. Our busi
ness warrants it.
You can accommodate yourself
by trading with us.
1 y
Main Street
J. 0. Van Grsdel
Notary Ptiblio
John p. Vsn Orsdel
(Surveying, Legging Roads, Dams
and Plumes a Specialty
J. G. Van Orsdel & Son
Everyone who has wood
saw should have one.
One r.I inula Ccsili Cura
For Coughs, Cold and Croup.
Portland residence to trade for a
good farm in tlie valley ; worth $2000.
What have ytfu to offer in exchange?
Steam cleaning and dyeing works
in Portland to trade for valley farm
worth $1000. What have you to offer?
Wanted a first-class dairying farm
of 100 acres or thereabouts immedi
ately. If you have a good one for
sale reasonablo I have a buyer.
I want immediately about 10 acres
of land that has already been arranged
for chickens. Where is it and whats
your price?
I have a nice little 10 acre fruit
farm for sale at $800. It Is in Italian
and Petite Trimes.
I have 10 acres of lands with build
ings, and 2 acres in fruit, 2 acres in
clover, balance in ats. For sale at
What have you to trade. I have
some fine properties that parties will
trade with you for.
I have a store buildinsr in Eastern
Oregon, that is worth $2000. I will
trade this for a farm worth $5500 and
pav the difference or a property of less
value, and pay the difference.
lniependtr.ee, - - Gregca
Elcdol Dysp Curo
Dlgtt what e?t
Watch For
C. H. norm9
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE, Effective November 23.
Daily except Sunday.
Weal-Bound: . A.M. P.M.
Lv. DALLAS. V:3 ):20
Teota' Siding 8:00 1:36
Gtlliama 8:03 1:39
Bridgeport S:10 1:45
Ar. FALLS CITY S:20 1:55
East-Bound: A.M. P.M.
Lv. FALLS CITY 9:20 4: 00
Bridgeport 9.:30 4:10
GilHaras 9:36 4:1 7
TeaU' Siding 9:39 4:20
Ar. DAIXAS 9:55 4:4 5
Tralna Stop on Signal only.
General Manager.
Tariits, $kxk Ranches, timber and$ and ity
m. e. mcGiurc, of umw, mm.
ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Qr.
:s.y j., s.s: s
j Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel
j Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth j
P Harrows, Spring Tuoth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible l
a with Extension Head. :::::::::::::
' All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to
cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs.
of All Kinds.
Fish, Game and Chickens
Farmers will find it to their
bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay
the highest cash price for same at all times.
Dallas, Oregon.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome
hes stood tho test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half lMHUcn
fccitlcs. Docs this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c
Enclosed wiib every bottle is a Tea Cent, package of Grove's Black Root liver Puis.