y MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nous Club. 170 Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insiated on an operation as the only v ay to pet well. 1 , however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened n well as 1, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of C'ardui for me to try, and Be did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. MJLXc Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of C'ardui cures that sick ness and brines health and happi ness again. 10 not go on suffer-' ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. If In a western town recently, while David Warfield was playing "The Auctioneer," the performance was witnessed by a number of girls from a local seminary. I hey were much pleased with the actor's work, so much so, in fact, that each ot them wrote her name on a program, the originator of the scheme adding the line: "Can we see you apart?" The message was duly delivered by one of the ushers and reached the star just as he was making up for the second act, Taking a pencil from one of his "props," he wrote the following reply: "Thanks awfully, but I don't come apart. Am all in one piece." The Best Liniment. "Chamberlain s Tain Balm is con sidered the best liniment n the market," write Post & Bliss, of ffeorgia Vt. No other liniment will heal a cu or bruise eo promptly. No other afford such quick relief fropi rheumatic pain No other is so valuable for deep seated nil in s like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial an vou will never wish to be without i Sold by Belt & Cherrington. J. L. Webster, living near Amity, brought five fat, hogs to town a few devs ago and sold them to the local butchers at 5 cents gross When it is remembered that these pigs were caught up off the stubble field and sold for this figure with out any expense for feeding, it looks as if there was some money somewhere for the careful farmer. McMinnville Reporter. Richard Clanfield, of Ballston, fell from a wagon last Thursday and was quite badly injured. Sheridan Sun. t ? Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1 Pleasant to Take. Fiftv marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of Marion county during the month of October breaking all previous records. k 11 60 VEARS' V EXPERIENCE f D Trade Marks .j Designs ''tail Copyrights Ac. Anrone iondlng a sketch nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an UlTemmn in proimuiy . ....... ...... - I Ions strictly Mfltentlal. Handbook on Patent! sent free. Oldest anoncy for seourliiu patents. 1'uionts taken thrnuiih Mui.n 4 Co. receive tptrinl notice, without charge, m toe Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse. Perhaps you have never thought of but the fact must be apparent to every one that constipation is caused by a lack of water in the system, and the use of drastic cathartics like the old fashioned pills only make? a bad matter worse, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets are much more mild and gentle their effect, and when the proper dose is taken their action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of a medicine. Try a 25 cent bottle them, For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Scientific JltnerScasu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nruest cir culation of any si'lentlOo journal. Terms, fa a your ; four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. Branch Olllce. 625 V BU Washington, I) (.'. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKYS AT LAW. W. E. Wann, the well-known Yachats stockman, passed through Friday morning on a business trip to Dallas and Portland. Toledo Leader. to Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGON. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails bIiow proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of Dr. King' New Life Pills. Thev cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever and Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25o at Belt & Cherrington's Drug Store. It TTORNEY AT LAW Julius N. Hart Office upstairs In Osfleld Building. Eoom 1. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW. Butler & Coad. Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON. JENTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. 9HYSICAN AND SURGEON, Polk County, Oregon, is fortunate in having a good number of enter prising breeders of fine stock is not surprising, therefore to find that livestock husbandry is rapidly growing 111 importance in tha county. The number of horses assessed in the county increased from 3.6G9 last year to 4,181 this year; tho number of cattle Irom 6,511 to 8,357; the number of sheep and goats from 36,721 to 40,664 and the number of swine from 4,383 to 5,226. Rural Northwest A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Hucklen s Arnica halve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at Belt & Cherrington's Drug Store L. N. Woods, M. D., Does general practice In any part of the county. Office on Main street. DALLAS, OREGON. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS, OREGON Dowie and his "restoration host" have returned to Zion City from New York. They say the trip was wonderfully successful. Some peo ple are easily satisfied. R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. Dallas Hit; hii Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to col lections. Wm. muscott, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OREGON. Not Sick a Day Since. I was taken severely sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi cines, none of winch relieved nie. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters nnd I determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, nnd soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not been sick a day since. Neigh bors of mine have been cured of Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility." This is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes. Only 60o, at Belt & Cherrington, Druggist. If will brln once au You Could Look intothe future anil see the condition to which your coukIi, if neglected, isr you, you wouiu are is relirl at 4 that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption Guaranteed to cure Con- fc - sumption, Bronchitis, ,-V Asthma, and all Lung Trouble. Cure CourIu and Colds in a day. 25 cent. Write to S. C. Wnixs & Co., te Roy, N. V., for free trial bottle. Ksrl't Clover Root Tit purifies the Blood This signature la on rrery box ot the genu in Laxative Brorno-Quinine Tweu A monster cougar, measuring at its greatest length 8 feet and 7 inches, was recently killed atPedee, this county. Tho beast had been a terror to livestock in that section, and the successful hunter, J. L. Condron, will receive a substantial reward. The finest Quality of erannlated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used in Its preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. VV. L. Roderick, of Poolesville, Md., in speak ing of this remedy, says : "I have used Uhamberlajn's fjough Remedy with my children for seyergl years and can truth fully say it is the best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like to take it and it has no injurious after effect. For sale by Wi)sjn Drug Co. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Slates Land Oilice, Oregon City, Oregon. October 27. 1!X)3. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress oi June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Lund States by act of Aueust 4. 18'J2. Harriet 11. Sibley, of Dallas. County of Polk, State of Oregon, has thla day filed in this oilice her sworn statement No., 6319 for the purchase of the N. A N. E. hi, S. E. hi N. E. hi and N. E. hi 8. E. li of Section No. 6 In Township No. 8 S. Runne No.fl W. and will otter proof to thow that the land sought isniorfc vujuaum iur iih muuurur biuiio tntui lor agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at his oilice at Dallas, Oregon, on Kriilav. the lftth dav of Januarv. 1904. She names as witnesses: C. 6. Cond. of Dallas, Oreiron; A. F. Toner, of Dallas. Oregon : A. E. Campbell, of Dallas, Oregon j S. D. Hubbnrd, of mums, irretaju. Anv and ail persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested lo file their cmim in tms oince on or oeiore saia tain any of January, 19UI. Register. Thousands Have KMney Trouble and Don't Know It How To Find Out. rin a Dome or common jiass with your water ana ici it siana iwcniy-iotir hours; a seonncnt or set tling Indicates an unheallhy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back Is aim convincing proof that theTcldneys and blad der are out oi oraer. What to Do. There is Comfort In the knmilrli sn often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every vim mi burin? rncuma'.iam, pain In the bacK, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part CI the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing u, or oaa ciiects ioiiowuie' use of auor. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often daring the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra pfdiRAiy effee) of SwAHipRoot is soon realized, ft stands the highest for its won- ocnui cures oi ine most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the pest. oia Dy druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. Toumay have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f-'vA! apd'a book that' tells-rfltlWjJBsSllS more about It.' both ktn.i !iSH!!!-:'j?a absolutely free by mall, -Lmzmgg address Dr. Kilmer & nnie of swamD-Roo. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Vhen writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make anv mistake, but remember me name, uwamp-Koot, ur. Mimer s Swamo-Root. and the address. Bincham- ton, in. i., on every bottle. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3,1878. United States Land Otlice, Oregon City. Oregon, August 25, 1H03. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, enliHed "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4, 18i2, Jay M. V. Butler, of Monmouth. County Of Polk. State of Oregon, has this day Hied in this otlice his sworn statement No. 6240, for the purchase of the N. E. of Section No. 20. in ToWDSlliD No. 7 8.. Runcn No 7 UVat nri will oiler proof to show that tlie land sought is more valuable for its tiinber or atone tliHit for agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to said land before the Register and kHneiuer of this oilice at- Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th duy of November. 190.). He nanics E.S witnesnoa: IlemAmiii F. XwAv of Falls City, Oregon; John E. Beezley, of Falls City, Oregon; Frank Butler, of Falls City, Ore gon; Nathan A. Emmett.of Falls City. Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this oilice on or before said 11th day of ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S78. United States Land Oilice, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 10, 1903. Notice is hereby eriven tha. in comnliancp with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of unioer lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and A ashinirton Territory." nsevir. Tid ed to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4, 1892, Aguatus J. Martin of Dallas, County of Polk, State of Oregon, has thi,s day Hied in this otlice his sworn statement r o. vbz, Notice For Publication. for the Dtirchase of the South u ni N. W, Wof 8. W i and H. W. V of S. E. of Sec tion No. 4, in Township No. 7 8.. Ranee No. 7 West, and will otter Droof to show that tlm lmirt sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to said land before tha f.'nnntv clerk ui i -on ouHty, uregon, at lianas, Oregon, on Monday, tne iiotti day of November 1903. He names as witnesses Genrro Hnornnri nf uunas, uregon; Aiuert nuruett, of Dallas, Ore gon; George Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; J. F. Groves, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all oersons claimine adversely the above-described Jands are requested to tile their uiauus in tins ouioe on or oeiore gaio aoin aay ui nuveuiuer, ivuq, ALUJSKINUiN B. DK1SS8ER, Register, Land Oilice at Oregon City, Oregon. October 17. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of her intention to make linal Droof in suoriort of her clnim. nnd that said moot Will be made liefore the k(uistrr and Repejvor, at Oregon City, Oregon, on De cembers, 1U03, viz: Mary Toomev II. E. No. 12U22 for the fractional 8. W. U of Sec. a, T. 9 S., it. u w. She names the followin&r witnesHna to nrove uer continuous restaence unon ana cultivation oi saiu lanu, viz: Milton j. minute, oi row- land, uregon; AlDert Teal, oi Falls City, Ore gon; Michael Flynn, of Falls City, Oregon; jaines nnyes, oi lianas, uregon. ALUJiliiNUlN S. DKKHS1SK, Register, Executor's Notice of Appointment. Tha New Issue in Temperance. "WHISKY MEDICINES." Notice is herebv ulvcn that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of Folk Countv. Oreeon. executor of the estateaud last will and testament of Mary J. Lett, de ceased, ah persons Indented to said estate are hereby required to make Immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the said THE VOICE, The Loading Temperance Paper, Soundj the Call to a New Crusade Id the Following Article. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer necessary. Sirs. Lois Craps; of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery. This great remedy is guaranteed for All Throat and Lung diseases by Relt A Cherrington, Druggist. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. IjwTttl OaIvT F or Piles Curtis, Sores. "ANOTHER HEAD ON THE HYDRA." "It is time attention was drawn to a form of alcoholic traffic that seems to have been overlooked by those engaged in the crusade against the nun power. If, as is believed and taught, alcohol if most daiikKious when it tisjlits in ambush, if it is most to be dreaded when it finds its first entrance to the system in the pleasant sauces and dishes of the home, then the form of alcoholic traffic in ques tion is doubly dnntjerous, for it comes in the guise or medicine and attacks a sys tem prepared by weakness to easily sur render to the assault. In many PATENT MEDICINES which are largely consumed throughout the country, by till classes of people, there is a percentage of alcohol which puts them on a level with beer, rum and whisky as intoxicants. It is the small ness only of the dose prescribed which prevents a prompt recognition of the in toxicating effects of these so-called medi cines by those who use them. " It is sale to alltnn that tney are MKDICINRS IN NAME ONI.V. Their chief value lies in their alcoholic dTect as a stimulant. In fact, those who know, attribute the benefits ascribed to this class of medicines wholly to the stimulative effect of the alcohol they contain. They are used largely by per sons not in the habit of drinking liquors, anil the little dose taken tnree or tour lime a dav is as stimulating to these people as his regular " finger" of "bit ters " is to the regular liquor-drinker. WHAT CAN BB DONE? 'What outrht to be done at least is to compc'l every patent-medicine manufact urer to put on the wrapper of his bottle the quantity of alcohol it contains. That would at least leave people to exercise their own judgments. More than that, no paper truly interested in temperance reform should print the advertisement of any alcoholic medicine. It should be the duty of every temperance organiza tion and branch in tlie country to look into this question, agitate it, and deal with the facts just as earnestly and as honestly as other facts have been dealt with." Aonreciatinir the trravrtv of the issue raised by the strong statement of facts maue in me loresjoniR urucie, we wish to call general attention to the fact that Dr. Pierce s Clolden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription contain NO ALCOHOL. NO WHISKY, NO INTOXI CANT OF ANY KIND. These medicines are equally free from opium and other narcotics. They are in the strictest meaning of the words, temperance tnfdicines. Of no other medicine, put up especially for oman s use can it be truthfully affirmed. as of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, that it contains neither alcohol nor opium or other narcotic in anv form. While the negative features of Doctor Pierce's medicines mav only interest some of the readers of this article, the positive features of these medicines must be of interest to every one. The great value of " Golden Medical Discovery " in the cure of diseased or deranged con ditions of the stomach and digestive and nutritive organs is testified to by tens of thousands who have found health and healing in this great remedy. The " Dis covery " increases the action of the blood making glands, and by curing the dis eases which corrupt and cripple the stomach aud digestive and nutritive or gans, it enables a full and pure supply of blood to be se.nt to every part of the body. WOMEN KNOW ITS WORTH. Women who are always appreciative of benefits, have been especially appre ciative of the benefits following the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Us wonderful cures of irregularities, inflam mations, ulcerations and female troubles, have caused women to name it. "that God-send to women." It is entitled to wear the " blue ribbon " of merit as well M the blue ribbon of teniir:H-e. claims tome, at Falls City Oregon, properly veri. lied as by law required, within Six months from date hereof. Dated this October 1st, A. D., 1003, O, E. LKET, Executor of the Last Will and Testu ment of Mary J, Leet, deceased. J. N. Hartr, Attorney, Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United 8tates Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 8, 1003. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend ed to ail the Publie Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Lewis Bradford, of Salem, county of Marion, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this oilice his sworn atatement No. 0277, for the purchase of the N. W. hi and Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, of lection No. 19 in Township No. 8 S.. Range No. 8 W., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to snid land before the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Saturday, the 28th day of iJovember, 1903. He names as witnesses: Goorue W. rear mine, of Salem. Oregon; Frank P. Farrington. of Salem, Oregon; Chas. L. Prince, of Salem, Oregon; Fred F. Prince, of Salem, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this oilice on or before said 28th dav oi iNovemuer luua. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 1878. United States Laud Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 12. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in comoliunce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of umber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevadaand Washington Territory. " as extend. cd to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, David S. McDonald, of Falls City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day llled in this oilice his sworn statement No. 6285, for the purchase of the Northeast of Section No. 32 in Township No, 8 8., itange pio. v w., anu will oner proot to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 1003. He names as witnesses; James Mitchell, of Dallas, Oregon; A. B. Muir. of Dallas. Oregon vv. N. Jimr, oi Dallas. Oreuon: A. M. Shelton. of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the auove aescnDea lancis are requested to hie their claims in this otlice on or before said 8th day of December, 1903. ALliliKJNOiN B. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 25. 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18112, Charles H. Bopdston, of Dallas, county of Polk State of Oregon has this day fifed in this oilice his sworn statement No. 6211, for the purchase of the N. E. y. of Section jno. au in Townstup no. 7 soutn. Kange no. 6 West, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more va' vable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on jfrittity, tne nth aay of December, 1903. He names as witnesses: Geo. Conlee, of Dallas, Oregon; Joseph Boydston. of Dallas. Oregon; J. C. Stingley, of Dallas, Oregon; Anderson Hinshaw, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in thisoffice on or before said 11th day of .ueeemoer, ivtw. AL,tiliUNON H. DKEB&E.K, Register. SUMMONS. Notice of Final Settlement; Notice is hereby given that Oscar Havtor. an cillary administrator of the estate of John Jeld- ncss, deceused, in and for the State of Oregon, has llled in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Mb final account as such administrator, and that Saturday, the 28th day of November, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. oi saia any. nas teen appointea ov tne Judge of said Court as the time lor the hearing oi onjections to tne saia tinai account and tne settlement thereof. All persons are therefore requirea to appear at said time and snow cause, if any exist, w hy the said account should not be approved and the said administrator dis charged and his bondsman exonerated. Dated tills 30th day of October, 190.1. OSCAR HAYTER. Ancillary Administrator of the estate of John Jcldness, deceased. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. for Polk County, Department No. 2. j. a. Thompson nnd Aimona K. Thompson, Plaintilt's, v. Andrew Jackson Lovelady, Mary A. Lovelady, Margaret Amanda McCarter, Hen ry McCarter, John Thomas McCarty, Mahala Jane McCarty, Roseannie Mary Waters, Milton Leroy Waters, William Asbury McCarty, Rosa McCarty, Alice Glorinda Fagan, John Thomas Fngan, Roma Etta (iagef Amanda Jane Sim mons, William David Simmons, Elijah Alfred fllcoarty, saian i ranees under, shadrach s. For You to Read "What puzzled me in the beginning was that I kept losing flesh without any cause for it that I could see. I bad a little trouble with my stomach, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. The cough, I thought, would uuu go away ana cure liseil, DUl it didn't. It grew worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one day I had a hemorrhage, and then was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to tho "doctor. He was either too busy, or something else, for he didn't do me any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a different turn, however, when I heard of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, and it not only cured my cough ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. I took, on per manent flesh, and today am just as healthy a man as you can find in a week's travel. You may be sure I always keep Acker's Eng lish Remedy in the bouse, and it is a good thing I do so, for one night my youngest child was seized with croup. That hoarse, wheezv couch was the first sicnal. and I lost no time in giving the poor liltle sufferer proper doses of this grad medicine. In almost no time the disease was under control, and my child was saved. I advise every parent to have a bottle handy all the time. It serves the same purpose in keeping croup out of the house that a good lock and key serve to keep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and a tonic. It cured me of con sumption and my child of croup, and I know what I am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M. Hogan, picture frame manufacturer, 242 Center Street, New York. Acker's English Remedy is sold by all druggists under a positive gunrttnteo that yonr money will be re funded in case of failure. 26c, toe. and $1 a bottle in U. S. and Canada. In England, Is. 2d., 2s. 3d.,aa44. 6d. Il'e authorize the above guarantee. W. II. HOOKER t CO., Proprietor), Xcw Yrk. -v Dallas AND : : : : : LaCreole Academy. Located at DALLAS, OREGON. Co-Educational. We offer superior advantages at reasonable rates. : Fall Term begins Sept. 22, 1903. Registration, September 22. For Catalogue or other information, address, C. C. POLING, Ph. D., President, DALLAS, OREGON. M M B belonging to the Scotch Companies, acquired by the foreclosure ol mortgages, are now offered on easy terms and at lower prices than ever before. The title to each one of these properties is perfect A new descriptive price list will be mailed on application. (Kf AD HAVTPD laUc (ra CHURCH DIRECTORY Grlilur, I.eviiia Lovelady. Octavia Badger, Knh Mutney, juatney, unknown to plnint- uoenrun, Assignee's Sale. DeWitt'a LUti Early Risers The famous littls pills. Notice is hereby (riven, that the undersigned, assignee of tlie estate ot D. M. Guthrie, an in solvent debtor, will on SATURDAY, NOVEMBEK 14, 1903, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, oiler for sale In front of the Courthouse door in Dallas. Tolk Countv. Oreson. the following de scribed real estate beloiiKintt to the estate of said insolvent debtor, to-wit: A part of Sec tions 17, ift, l'J and 20 In Township S douth of Ranite 5 West of the Willamette Meridian: be ginning at a point ii.OO chains East from the corner to said Sections 17. 18, 19 and 2o. thence South 20.00 chains, thence West 5.00 chains to section line between sections 19 and 20, thence soutn wun section line chains, tnence est 89.75 chains, thence North 27 degrees t5 minutes Eat 25 00 chains, to a point which is west 17.54 chains, from the Southeast corner of the I). I.. C of S. P. Thornton and In the County road from Dallas to Bridgeport; thence North 44 degrees .hi minutes fast 28 uu cnanis, tnence East J.(i2 chains to the Southeast corner of the District School Lot fence, thence North 2.00 chains, thence East H.21 chains to a rock in Section line between Sections 17 and 18 thence South .4:1 chains, thence Last 5.00 chains, tnence South l;:.ou ennuis to the place of beginning contaiu Ing 127.87 acres more or let.s. Said sale to be for cash in hand on day of sale, subject to continuation by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. M. M. EI.LIS, Assignee of the estate of 0. M. Guthrie, Insolvent. Executor's Notice of Appointment. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of I'olk County, Oregou, executor of the estate and last will aud testameut of Die Sampson, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to make immediate payment to me, ana an persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the said claims to me, at the law office of J. N. Hart, Dallas, Oregon, properly verified as by law re quired, within six months from dale hereof. Dated this October 1, l!tt. OLE AfRLAXP, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Ole Sampson, Deceased. J. N. Hart, Attorney. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the eMate of K. A. Kemp, deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County. All persons having claims airaiint tlie said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, together with tne proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence near l.ewisviile, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. iated this itn day of September, 1903. MARY KEMP, Administratrix of the estate of K. A. Kemp, defeased. soar Hayter, Attorney. 0.18 r.Ti.nuto Ccefi Curo For Cou-hs, Colds and Croup raim liodger, Carroll Matne; (whose Christum name is iffs), Sarah Jane Cochran, William and David .1. Riley, Defendants. To John Thomas McCarty, Mnhala Jane Mc Carty, Roseannie Mary Waters, Milton Leroy Waters, Carroll Matney, Matney, (wife of Carroll Matney, whose Christian name is un known to plaintiffs), Sarah Jane Cochran, aud William Cochran, defendants above named; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. Yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in me above-entitiea buh witnin six weeks from the date of the iirst publication of this summons, to wit, on or before the 12th day of December, v.m; ana it you tan so to answer, for want thereof the plaintilt's will apply to the Court for tlie relief prayed for in tlie said com plaint, to-wit; A decree of the Court directing the defendants in said suit to execute and de liver to the plaintitls a good and Butlicient deed so as to vest and confirm the title to Lot No. 5 in Block No. 10 in the original Town (now City) of Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, absolutely in said plaintitls as successors in title to Thomas aonnus i.oveiaciy, ana mat it De turtneraecreea bv the Court that in the event the defeadants fail, neglect or refuse so to do within thirty days trom the aate ot sucn aecree, mat Dy sucn decree mere snail De set tip, restorea ana re established a certain warranty deed in writing duly made, executed, acknowledged and de livered by l nomas J. Lovelady and Mary Love lady, his wife, to Thomas Bounds Lovelady, on the day of . 1.00, by which they did duly sell and convey to him the said tract of land and the whole thereof, which deed was afterwards wholly lost and destroyed, and that plaintiffs may have such other and further re lief as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons, by order of the Hon. J. E. Sibley. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at rmitas, uregon, on the 2lst day ot October, 1903, is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks in the "Polk County Observer," a news paper of general circulation published weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the lirst publication of this summons is October 23, 1903. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for the Plaintiffs. Christian Church. Bible School at 10 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3 :30 p. m. Senior 0. E. at 7 -00 p. in, rrayer meeting xnursday at 7:3U p. m. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. L. Gheen, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday, 9:45 a, m., Sunday School; 11a. m., preaching; 8:00 p. m., Epworth League ; 7 :00 p.m., preaching ; Thursday 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting. James Moore, Pastor. Adventist Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Bible study from 11 to 12. United Evangelical Church Services are held as follows : S. S. 10 a. m. Freaching, 11 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. K.L.O.E., 7 :00 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Y. W. C. A. and Junior Endeavor, 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 :30 p. m. A. A. Winter, .Pastor. Presbyterian Church. Sabbath services: Bible study at 10 a. m.: .Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. ; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m. ; Senior Endeavor, 7 :00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. W. T. Wardle, Pastor. Baptist Church. Bible school at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. U., 7:00 p.m. COUNTY OFFICIALS. STATE SENATOR B. F. Mulkey. REPRESENTATIVES G. L. Haw kins ana B. F. Jones. COUNTY JUDGE J. E. Sibley. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' Seth Rlggs and J. B. Teal. CLERK U. S. Loughary. SHERIFF John T. Ford. TREASURER E. V. Dalton. ASSESSOR F. E. Myer. SCHOOL SUPT. C. L. Starr. SURVEYOR L. Ground. CORONER-W. S. Cary. South and East VIA Southern Pacific Company Shasta Route. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. E. C. Kikkpathick, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First Thursday of each month. R. E. Williams, H. P. Willis Simonton, See. fdaomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated 4meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. Pauline Williams, tV. M. Mrs. Libbie Mcir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. .vgSjPjKNfe. Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets ?9Severy Saturday evening in I. O.O. F.Hall. B. M. Guy, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. IkaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. H. B. Cosper, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe. Qlniira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "every Friday evening. Mrs. S. E. Morrison, N. G. Mrs. Ora Cosper, Sec. Woodmen of the World. Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd Pollnn.a Y.nll TM G. N. Cherrington, C. C, W. G. Vassall, Clerk. Jtiristletoe Circle, No. 33, W. O. W; J'lmeets in Odd Fellows' hall. Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month MRS. x RANK K.ERSLAKE, G. N. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Trains leave Dallas for Portland and way stations at 7:00 a. m. Leave Inde pendence for Corvallis at 11 :00 a. m. Lv. Ar. Portland Albany Ashland Sacramento San Francisco 8:30 a. m 12:30 p. m. 12:55 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8:30 p m 11:35 p. m. 12:35 p. m 5:00 a. m 8:45 a. m. Ar. Oeden Denver Kansas City Chicago 4:55 a. m. 9:30 a.m. 7:25 a. m. 7:42 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 7:25 a. m. 9:30 a. m. Ar. Los Angeles 2:00 pm. 7:00 a.m. " El Paso 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. " Fort Worth 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. " City of Mexico 11:30 a. m. 11:30 a.m. " Houston 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. " New Orleans 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. " Washington 6:42. m. 6;42a. m. " NewPork 12:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeu and El 1'aso, and .tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for HONOLULU, JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. See Mr. I. N. address WOODS, agent at Dallas station, W. E. COMAN, G. F. and Pass Aet., Portland. Or. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.h'all. , W. Conkey, S, K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. T Lilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets --'on Second and Fourth Thursday after- noon of each month. Meda Holman, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eakin, R. K. A. 0. U. W. Union Lodge, No. 35 Meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. , L. Fenton, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of H., meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, C. of H. Mrs. H. B. Cosper, Fin. United Artisans. First Tues- TT ssembly No. 46 meets "day of each month. ' Willis Simonton, M. A. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, Sec. Fraternal Union of America Tkodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday of each month. W. J. Wagner, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec. To Cure a Cold in One Day Te Laxative romo Qimmr&uu. w Seven MSion bores soW In past 1 3 months, Tfc!s s!22tZTe, SXy Cores Crip In Two Days. on every