Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 18, 1903, Image 3

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' 10,
S il ORH
Dress Goods
i, Camels' Hair Zibalines, all
shades .at S9c yd.
Fancy Mixed and Plain
Shades, including' Blacks in
Zibalines at special $1.00 vd. I
Imported Zibalines in Navy.; J
Black enects at $1.(5 yd.
Ladies' Tailored Suits "Not only Up-to-date: ".
but a date ahead."
New Suitings for Ladles' Tai
lor Suits and Skirts at $1.00,
1.25, 1.50, 1.75 yd.
Pretty Cotton Fabrics
Cotton Zibalines in very
stylish Patterns suitable for
Waists and Wrappers at 15c
yd. .-;
New Vicuyna Flannel, figures
and stripes, at the low price
of 10c yd.
Cotton Eider Down in Polka
Kits, very pretty shadings,
lC-Jc yd.
Oxford Waistings
Cotton Waistings will be the
Thing this fall. We have a
b autiful assortment to selec
from at 50c, 65c, 75, 85c and
$1.00 yd.
We do not guess
the fashions.
Our garments
are reproduc
tions of latest
European crea
The "Anisfieid" "Qnality is remembered long after the price is forgotten," and in making the
garments win announcement of our display of Fall Merchandise we want to call your atten-
show by their
Highest Quality-Latest Styles-Lowest Price
own stylish and
tion to the fact that never before have we shown such a magnificent line, both
trustworthy make-up a superiority I " ; ; r- .
over any other garment ot to-aay. uicoucu ui uno ucou guuuo uuiamawc ncivc auuou ab uigii 4uaiioy, uuuiicu
The line is not only up-to- for the choicest, and brought in the best game.:
Our New Clothing: Department
Men's Tailor-made Clothing. Have
you in mind a suit just now? Our
remodeled clothing department is
now replete with as fine a line as
can be found in any exclusive store,
and prices are below competition.
Hand-made button holes, hand-felled
and hand-padded collars and lapels
are features worth taking into consideration.
date but. a date ahead.
Suits from $8.00 to $25.00.
Walking Skirts
We invite all thoughtful buyers to the store. Even though you don't buy,
you won't regret the time spent in looking oyer our stock.
We are confident our prices are the lowest, quality considered, and as all our goods
were purchased before the advance took place in the markets, we are in position
to quote the lowest figures.
New Linings
We carry Gilbert's famous
Dress Linings. Every yard
guaranteed to give satisfac
lion. Prices from 10c yd. to
40c yd.
New Outing Flannels
All this season's new patterns
now here. Also plain colors
' f Pink, Blue, Cream, White,
'led, Grey, Tan, Etc. Extra
values at 10c yd.
Table Linens
All grades in Irish and Scotch
Linens, Brown and Bleached,
at values lowest ever known
Sheets and Pillow Slips
We invite you to look over
our stocl in this line, ready
made Sheets and Pillow Slips
at price of material.
Sheets at 60c to 75c each.
Slips at 10c to 18c each.
Jkslinsand Sheeting
Ail standard makes in Cot
t ns now here, also a full line
of Catr brics, Long Cloth and
Gown Twills.
Ladies' Shoes
Our frilby line at $2.00,
This point ap
peala strongest
to all. Our
skirts are built
on this idea, it
is one of their
strongest characteristics. Besides
the materials used are the very
best, and the garments will hold
their shape longer than ordinary
Twenty-five different styles to
select from and all sizes
We understand
the full import
ance of perfect
fitting garments. Jhis store makes good every claim we make.
That's the "Bee Hive" Store's way of doing business
Grand Display of Ladies' Coats
T - j: I A ..I
jjauies Autumn
Oct acquainted with tH mm
progressive gloafc Department in
the Ualley JKfe Keep our cus
tomers hy 0m turn tbe right
merchandise at the rigbt time-
Ladies' 27-inch Kersey Jackets, all sizes and shades, at $5.00.
bile, medium
weights in Blacks ladies Black and Tan Melton Jackets Double Breasted style. Two piece Cape
and Silver Greys,
new bell sleeves
at $6.50, 8.00 and
Collars, pouch sleeves with turn back cuffs. Garments are well finished at
$6.85, $8.00, $9.50, $10.00. j - "
A very tasty line of Ladies'
Jackets, slashed at side, with
lay-down strap collars, and
Ladies Kain Uoats made witn two
capes and full belt, pouch sleeves, stole front, with ornaments and
velvet collar, side pocket and skirt
1 . A a
lift at $15.00. cords, at $12.50, $13.50,
Mackintoshes $,s 00 a "d $'6 50
r 1
New styles of Corset Coats and
Louis XIV Jackets, new col
lars, shoulder capes, inlaid vel
vet front, new large sleeves,
lined with good quality satin.
Prices at $12.50, $13.50, $15.00,
I and $20.00.
School going in rainy weather can
Ladies and Misses extremely stylish Jackets in Zibeline, in Black, Navy, Green
be made very comfortable for the and Red. Exclusive styles at $9.00, $12.50, $18.00 and $23.00.
ittle girl who wears one of our
Mackintoshes, plain and fancy
checks. Rubber lined made with
single attached cape. Sizes 34 to I
52 at $2.25, $2.48 and $3.50.
p.. J?c-z t i o n 8
n w -ft
hm Satteen' LJ
m Ami8ilk
I mi f -WV andTaf-
V'-i u w Every
m one a
Misses' and Children's Garments
in all the new styles and cloths
at $5.oof $6.85, $7.50, $10.00
and $12.50.
Oe Bee Rfoe Store
; Ijwtonwror for
T ' .
Styiisl) loali$
Season woj
In Our Fur Department
The new Majestic Scarf to wear with the new style cloth Jacket which is made with
out a collar.
nd 2.50.
livery pair a perfect fit and
go i vearers.
Ou" Goodear Welts and
I'at t Leather Shoes at
W', 3.50 and 4.00 are, be
y "s doubt, the best Shoes
t v,-r offered for the price.
Styles ahead of anything ever
shown in the city, and best values
at $1.25, $1.50, $1.85, $2.25, $2.50, NEW ASCOT SCARFS, NEW PELERINES, NEW PREMIER SCARFS
$2.85, $3.50, $5.00, $6.50, $9.00,
tin 00 and f 12.50 each.
Silk and Wool Waists Furs at aU prices from $150 up to $25.00 each.
All Wool Flannel Waists. Assort
ed colors at $1.25. Elegant line of I
Wool Waists in delicate colorings
of Pink, Blue, White and Red
at $3.00
Swell Silk Waists, all colors at
$5.00 and $6.50.- "The kind that
ii 'i
l tart
We are showing a splendid
line of Adler's famous over
coats in all the Novelties and
Staples of the season. Re
member Adlers coats are
made to fit and all marked at
prices that should clear out
quickly and completely.
Overcoats for little men Sizes 6 to 10
Overcoats for Boys " 9 to 15
Overcoats for Young Men " 16 to 23
Prices from $4.00 to $20.00.
Good Clothing for Boys
The boy of today knows what he wants, if
he is old enough to know anything. If he
isn't his mother knows. We constantly
give those who trade with us the benefit
of something better in Boys' Clothing at
a price as low and frequently lower than
others ask for merchandise of an inferior
and unreliable grade. Ask to see our
Single Breasted Junior Suits,
Double Breasted Long Reefers,
Single Breasted Norfolk Suits,
Boys' 3-piece, Knee Pants Suits,
Boys' Longf Pants Suits,
Young Men's Suits,
All prices All grades All new goods
3 to 10
3 to 10
6 to 12
9 to J6
sizes 10 to 15
sizes 16 to 19
Gordon Hats
The Big: Corner Store
Best $3.00 Hat on Earth.
That comfortable feeling that
comes from knowing your hat is
correct finds expression in "The
Gordon." The perfection of hat-making;.
Men's Fancy Shirts
Come here for your perfect
fitting shirts. Ask for the
"Monarch" and you get the
best. Price, $1.00. We are
also-showing about 15 styles
of Dress Shirts, with or with
out collars at 50 cents each.
Men's Underwear
Our season's stock is now
here. All kinds in Cotton,
Fleece-lined, Wool, and Wool
and Silk mixtures. $5.00
a Suit down to 75 cents. All
Men's Rain Coats
In Cravenettes aod Duckettes, com
bining style and durability, and suit
able for all occasions. Silver Grey
and Fancy Mixtures. Prices, $6.50
$8.00, $9.00, $10 and $11.
Ladies' Underwear
New Vega and pure Silk
Underwear, from 50 cents to
$1.00 each. New cotton
Underwear at 25c, 35c, 50c,
05c, 75c each. New wool
Underwear at 50c, 75c, $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.50 each.
Men's Shoes
Our "Bee Hive Special" rep
resents all that is best in
Shoo making the very high
est grades of leather, skilled
workmanship, original styles,
and exclusive lasts this is a
popular high grade shoe that
gives comfort, wears and will
give customers absolute satis
faction in every respect.
Prices from $3.50 to $5.00.
Men's High-Cut Shoes
Our line represents the best
manufacturers in the country.
We will show this season the
best line of Cruisers, Loggers,
and Waterproof Shoes ever
brought to the Willamette
Valley. Prices, $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00, $5.00, $0.00, $6.50.
Wet Weather Goods
A full line of Oil Clothing, Duck
Clothing, Boston and Goodyear
Glove Snagproof Boots, long and
short. All kinds of Rubbers.
Good Corsets
Royal Worcester
at $1.00, $1.50
and $2.00.
it- -
Glove Fitti
price $1.00.
Warner's, all
shapes at $1.00,
$1.50 and $2.00.
son's A.y--fitting,
l - N
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