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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1903)
Jit,ij-L, -t. y , v 4W VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY,' OREGON, JULY 10, 1903 NO 17. 1 If rrfV Our Sale Continues If Having removed our entire stock to Falls City, our Clearance Sale will continue in the departments -where we are overstocked Our ISargain Count ers there will lie tilled with things you can use. !ou can buy from us at Wholesale JPriccs. : : : : : : : : We Want Your Produce And will pay you for coming to trade at our new store. Remem ber that we carry everything, and always at the lowest prices. Bryan -Lucas Lumber Company Palls City, REDUCED EXCURSION RATES To The Seaside and Mountain Re sorts For The Summer. The Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale at very low rates round-trip tickets to the various resorts along its line3, and also, in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern Railroad, to De troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return until October 10th. Three day. tickets to Yaquina Bay, good going Saturdays, return ing Mondays, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eu gene and North on both East and West Side Lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at the seaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on the Southern Pacific, good going Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday, allowing Port land people lo spend Sunday in the country and the out of town people to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bay good for return via Albany and East Side, or Corvallis and West Side, at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to New port. A new feature at Newport this year will be an up-to date Kindergarten in charge of an ex perienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet describing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay has been published by the Southern Pacific and Cor vallis & Eastern Railroads, and cart be secured from any of their Agents, or by addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co., Port land, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany, Oregon. Yours truly, W. E. COMAN o G. P. Agt., S. P. Co., Portland, Oregon. Catarrh of The Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inflames the mucous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secret mucin, instead of the natural juices of digestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. For years I suffered with Catarrh of the Stomach, caused by indiges tion. Doctors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R. Rhea, Cop pell, Texas. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. LOWkTES TO SEASIDE Fast X y Train Service Between Portly and AH Beach Points After July 6. Commencing Monday July 6th, the Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Company will resume its Summer Special Seaside Schedule, and trains leaving Union Depot Portland at 8:00 a. m. daily will run through direct without transfer at Astoria to all Clatsop Beach points, arriving at Astoria 11:30 A. M., Gearhart Park 12:20 p. m and Seaside 12:30 p. m., making direct connection at Warrenton for Flavel. Beginning Saturday July 11th, and every Saturday thereafter the popular Portland-Seaside Flyer will leave Union Depot at 2:30 p. m. arriving at Astoria 5:50 p. m., Gearhart Park 6:40 p. m. and Sea side 6:50 p. m., making direct con nection at Warrenton for Flavel. In connection with this im proved service, round trip season excursion tickets between Portland and all Clatsop and North Beach points are sold at $4.00 for round trip, and Saturday Special round trip tickets between same points, good for return passage Sunday, at $2.50 for round trip. Special Sea son Commutation tickets, good for 5 rou,nd trips, from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points sold for $15.00. Beach excursion tickets sold by the O. R. & N? Co. will be honored on trains of this company in either direction be tw?en Portland and Astoria. For additional information dress J. C. Mayo, G. F. & P, ad A., Astoria, or E. L. Lewis, Comm'l. Agt., 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Write for the novel and catchy Seaside pamphlet just issued tell ing all about Summer Girls, Sea Serpents and Sunsets at Seaside. Mrs. Rena McLaughlin died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rodgers, in Lebanon, Or., at 1:30 a. m , July 1, 1903, of consumption. The home of de ceased was near Buena Vista, Polk county, and she was visiting her parents in Lebanon when taken with her final illness. She was born near Scio, Linn county, Ore gon, on March 5, 1872, therefore was aged 31 years, 3 months and 26 days. On July 16, 1901, she married Wm. McLaughlin, who Eurvives her. She leaves four children, three of whom were by her first husband and one by her Oregon last. She was a faithful Christian, a member of the Baptist church. The remains were taken to Buena Vista- for intermctita Lebanon- Express-Advance. jfalla Cm Bote Miss Maude James is back to Falls City. Mrs. Hugh Black has been ill for several days. Most of those who have had the sore throat find it most difficult to get "rid of, but none of the cases are serious. Several cars of lumber have been shipped over the new railroad, and this class of freight will be steadily on the increase. The Bryan-Lucas Lumber Com pany and the Mountain Mill Company have reached a satisfac tory agreement concerning the use of the water in Teal creek, and.from now on there will be no obstacles in the way of further improvement. Again the whistles blow, which announces to us that operation of the mills has been resumed after a few days lay-off to give the boys a chance to show their patriotism in celebrating the rourth. YeB, we celebrated the Fourth. There were perhaps larger crowds at the Buffalo Exposition than we had here, but taking into consideration the ob stacles that were in the way, we can justly say that our efforts were crowned with success. The ex ercises in the morning were necessarily brief. School Supt. C. L. Starr took the chair, and J. D. Mann, of Portland, made a neat and appropriate address, while the band lent its assistance by giving several well-rendered selections. After dinner, the various sports were carried out to the letter, and in the evening the fireworks were splendid for a town the size of Falls City. The dance given in Bryan-Lucas' hall was a most pleasing event. Mrs. W. G. Campbell is visitiDg relatives in Forest Grove and Gres ham this week. Mrs. M. E. Smith has gone to Salem th spend the summer. Hon. J. D. Lee, of Salem, was a Dallas visitor this week. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets cure a cold In one flay. No Cure, No Pay. Price Zi cents. MANY PROOFS ARE ALLOWED Wide Latitude Given Indian War Pensioners Aged People Given Every Show The two special agents in Port land, whose duty it is to examine claims of Indian War Veterans are getting on very rapidly, and a large proportion of the 900 claims have already been approved. The Pension Commissioner allows the agents a great deaTof latitude, as he realizes the difficulty of obtain ing positive evidence in cases re ternng to half a century ago. If, therefore, the aged applicant is un able lo find comrades to identify him, the fact that he has been known as an Indian War Veteran for 20 vears past bv reliable neighbors is considered sufficient proof. This is a more liberal con struction of the law than was ever applied before, but the Com missioner of Pensions feels justified in it, in the light of the extreme age of the applicants, many of whom have died since they applied for the $8 per monh voted them by tlongress a year or so ago. The ages of these veterans range from 66 to 93 years, -and many of them are well preserved at a very advanced age, while some of the younger ones are very feeble. One citizen of Portland niined Foster is 85 years old, and still is not so gray as some men are at 45. His step is light and his faculties are keen, apparently, as jthey were 40 years ago. ; There is a noticeable absence of young widows among the applicants, and those posted in pension matters think that ten years Svill be about the longest period that Uncle Sam's Oregon Indian War pension will draw on the treasury for anv amount. Most of i! u cn who fought' Indians in ( ' y eso"Viiy '-fyerts ivcL'irut.a 'muni tion by the government, and the handful remaining now will show rapid depletion in their ranks with in the next decade. Those awarded pensions now are allowed back pay since the law went into effect, so that many of obtain $96 in addition to their stipend of $8 per month. Evening Telegram. BUSY COUNCIL MEETING Street and Sidewalk Improvements Occupy Attention of City Law makers Until Late Hour. The city council transacted much business of importance at the regular meeting held on Monday evening of this week. Numerous street and sidewalk improvements came up for discussion, and much repairing was ordered. City Auditor Stouffer reported that the first de livery of water bonds, amounting to $3000, had been made to the purchaser, the city receiving for the three bonds the sum of $3037.50, The members of the board present were Muir, Belt, Fuller, Williams, Cosper and Shaw the Mayor pre siding. Sidewalks were ordered repaired as follows: On the east side of Mrs. M. E. Hallock'a residence property; on the west side of E. R. Tuttle's property on Main street; on the south side ot E. C. Kirk- patrick's property on Washington street. Thecouncil instructed the Auditor to notify the Nat Holman estate and the Trustees of the M. E. Church that the board will sit in the council chamber on July 20, at 7:30 p. m., to hear and determine objections and remonstrances to the passage of an ordinance requir ing the construction of a new 5-ft., 4 in. sidewalk on the west side of lot 5, block 9, and the south side of the property on the northwest corner of Levens and Court street. Certain property owners on Washington street were notified to repair the portions of the street in front of their respective premises by leveling the present grade and filling the depressions with gravel. The outhouse in the rear of the Pfeiffer property on Main street was declared a nuisance, and order- Ths Best Prescription tor Malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle of. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. Ko care, No pay. Fries 10a ed removed at once. Claims against the city wre allowed as follows: Wm. Faull, merchandise. . .$ 3.45 M. D. Ellis, electric lights. .130.00 Johnson Lumber Co., lumber 43.08 Guy Bros., nails ....... 3.75 M. D. Coulter, sprinkling sts. 6.00 J. J. Williams, salary. . .... 13.00 Wm. Kersey, labor 5.25 C. A. Black, hauling gravel. 1.05 W. J. Stowe, hauling 3.00 J. M. Grant, salary, etc 69.82 A resolution directing the manner of handling the city water fund, and re-transferring $1000 from said fund to the general fund of the city was passed by a unanimous vote. City Auditor Stouffer reported that the first delivery of bonds under the recent sale to A. O. Condit had been made, and that $3037.50, the amount realized there from, had been turned over to the City Treasurer. W. T. Muir was employed as attorney to represent the city in the Boiso and Hallock water cases, now pending in the Supreme Court, his compensation being fixed at $150 in each case. The next regular meeting of the council will be held on July 20. PACIFIC CABLE COMPLETED United States Is Now In Close Touch With Its Oriental Posse sions. Another great enterprise, the Pacific cable, is completed. Last Christmas the first message was flashed through the depths of the great Pacific Ocean from Honolulu to "San Francisco, 2300 miles; and now, only six and one-third months later, the big wire has carried a message sent by the President of this mighty Republic not only to 1 fo'"ioii!u. !"it thence, with a ! 1093 miles far! to Guau, hud tlionce, after a slight halt, 1700 miles farther through the unseen, unexplored watery waste to Manila; thence it was pulsated almost as quickly as thought moves in the brain to Hong Kong, and so on across two continents and narrower waters to Queenstown, and then in a breath or two across the Atlantic to New York, and so up to the little hamlet of Oyster Bay, where the President received it before he had time, after sending it forth on its journey around the world, to smoke half of a cigar. A Pacific cable has been talked of for many years and was looked upon as a great undertaking; but the late John W. Maekay said he could and would lay it, and lo! in a few months it is done. It is an important achievement, and will aid in bringing, the United States and the Orient into closer com mercial relations, and in developing our volume of commerce with the thronging hundreds 6f millions of people across the Pacific. Tele gram. ' And Overwork Caused Nervous Prostration Com pletely Worn Out. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. Dr. Miles' Nervine will cure nervous pros tration. It will brinjr sweet sleep and rest; it will relieve the mind o the tendency to worry; it will make the nerves strong and the patient well. It has cured thousands. It will cure you. Try it to-day. "Some years ago I was stricken with nerv ous prostration caused bv overwork and worry. I was in such a weakened, exhausted, run down condition that I was unable to do my housework. I felt too weak and tired to even make calls on my neighbors. Fre quently when out driving I would become so exhausted that it seemed that I would die before I reached home. I was also troubled with sinking spells at night which left me so weak that I thought I could not live until morning. I was in this deplorable condition when one day Dr. Miles' Nervine was brought to my notice. I had little faith in proprietary remedies but determined to give the Nervine a trial. After the second dose of the Restorative Nervine I was able to sit at the table and eat a meal, something 1 had been unable to do for manv days. I have since taken a number of battles of Nervine. I consider my.-.elf cured. I am doing my own work and give Dr. Miles' Nervine credit for my general good health. My object in writing this is to recommend your medicine but 1 cannot write as strongly as I feel." Miss AddieB. Varble, 405 h. Marion SL, Guthrie, Oklahoma. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Kennedies. Send for free book on Nervous and lieart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lnd. PASSED TO HIS REST John Ellis, a Highly Respected Citizen of Polk County, Died Sunday. John Ellis, one of Polk county's oldest and most respected citizens, died at his home one mile west of Dallas, Sunday, July 5, 1903, at 11:50 o'clock a. m. The end came peacefully, and to all appearances the old gentleman passed awav without pain. Mr. Ellis had been in failing health for several years, his ailment being of the nature of Bright's disease. Two years ago he suffered a plight paralytic stroke, which was followed by one of greater severity a few months ago. He rallied from the effects of these shocks to his nervous system, how ever, and for the past year had been tble to attend to his business affairs and to perform light labor about the farm. , Two weeks ago he be came violently ill, and from the effects of tbia attack he never re covered. During the last three or four days before his death he was entirely unconscious of his sur roundings, passing into a stupor from which he never aroused. John Ellis was born in Illinois on the 7th day of March, 1829. At an early age he moved to Iowa, where on October 31, 1850, he was married to Miss Julia Ann Stump. In the Summer of 1865, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis crossed the plains to Oregon. With the exception of one year's residence in Yamhill county and one year spent in Lake county, they made their home con tinuously in Polk county. About 15 years ago Mr. Ellis sold his farm two miles northeast of Dallas and purchased a tract of land just west of town, where he lived until his death. Although not a wealthy n, he provided ' well for his idiuily; and li'm " declining 'j'tais were spent in comfort. He is survived by his aged wife and five children Mrs. Mary A. Bogue, of Corvallis; Mrs. Martha E. Plunimer, of Dallas; William Ellis, of Falls City; M. D. Ellis, of Dallas, and Lee Ellis, of Roseburg. All the members of the family were with him in his last hours. Sarah, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, died 34 year9 ago, and a son, Philander, passed from earth, April 17, 1898, at Separ, New Mexico. The funeral services were held from the family residence Monday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. James Moore, pastor of the M. E. Church, of Dallas. The re mains were laid to rest in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. In the death of John Ellis, the community loses an upright citizen and a good neighbor. He .was scrupulously honest in his business dealings, and of him it could be truthfully said that "his word was as good as his bond." While of a quiet, unassuming nature, he was progressive and public spirited, and took an active interest in the growth and development of Dallas. No better proof of this spirit is needed than his generous sub scription to the capital stock of the woolen mill company a few ywars ago arfinvestment which resulted, however, in great finaneial loss to Mr. Ellis, as well as to other pro moters of the enterprise. Mr. Ellis was a staunch Re publican, but took no active part in political affairs, and never, ho far as we know, sought a public office. He preferred a quiet, home life, and his interest was centered in his family. He was kind to the poor and afflicted, and was always ready to aid the distressed. He was fond of children, and had a pleasant smile or a cheerful word for the little folks wherever he met them. He was honored and re spected by all who knew him, and the memory of his blameless life will lone be cherished by those who were so fortunate as to be numbered among his friends and acquaintances. Observer legal blanks are best. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS an sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. On little tablet elves Immediate relief, ets. and 0 cts. Belt & Cherrington Dallas, Oregon. THE OLD nZUJZHLE 1s) r it Absolutely Pars THERE IS ttD SUBSTITUTE TALK WAS APPRECIATED County School Superintendent C. L. Starr Makes Good Impression Upon His Hearers. C. L. Starr, superintendent of Polk county's schools, delivered theaddress to the grad uating classes of five public schools at Bell fountain schoolhouse, in Benton county, last Tuesday evening. The following complimentary mention of his speech is taken from the columns of the Corvallis Gazette: "Supt. C. L. Starr, of Polk county, proved himself to be a forceful and interesting speaker. His words were full of inspiration and timely advice to the class. He con gratulated the class upon their successful work, and the citizens of this section of the county for the interest and enthusiasm which they are giving their schools. He said that these exercises for boys and girls of rural schools was the only case in Oregon where a superin tendent had taken up the work in this fitting manner. Supt Starr row p.y IS fffMrtrs the tame life and interest which he is putting in the schools of his county." CAMPMEETING AT BALLSTON Special Motor Will Carry People Who Wish to Attend Next Sunday. The annual basket meeting of the Christian Church will be rheld in the beautiful grove on the Yam hill river, near Ballston, next Sun day, July 12. In order to give the people of Independence, Monmouth and Dallas a chance to attend, Manager Hirschberg has kindly consented to run a special motor to Ballston on that day. The motor will leave Independence at 7:30 a. rn.; Monmouth, at 8 a. m., and Dallas at 8:45 a m. Returning, it will leave Balltf ton at 5:00' p. m. The round trip fare from Inde pendence and Monmouth will be $1.00, and from Dallas, 65 cents. Ample provision will be made for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and a delightful trip is promised. This excursion will afford the people an excellent opportunity to escape the heat and dust, and spend a pleasant day on the shady banks of the Yamhill. The needs of flood-stricken Hep pner have all been supplied, and checks are being returned to people in the outside world. Approximately $52,000 was received by thelleppner organization, and of this amount Portland furnished over one-half. The executive com mil tee of Heppner has passed resolutions thanking the people who have so generously assisted in this time of sorrow and need, and serving notice that no further contributions will be necessar)'. Played Out. EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fall to K've Immediate relief money re funded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Belt & Cher rington. Dallas. Oregon. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently oured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satlsfar tlon guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and GO cts. Belt A Cherrington. Dallas. Drcirnn. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter how It be came so. It must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sp!1 every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Eal las, Oregon. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BY using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One lttUe Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin hne at 23 cents. Belt & Cherrington, Dallas, Oregon.