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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
0 I ffi a S 9 1 1 .1 y a VOL. XVI. DALLA5, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 3, 1903 NO 16. On Tf Having: removed our entire stock to Falls City, our Clearance Sale will continue iii the departments where wc are overstocked. Our Bargain Count ers there will be tilled with things you can use ou can buy from us at Wholesale We Want Your Produce And will pay you for coming to trade at our new store. Remem ber that we carry everything, and always at the lowest prices. BryanLucas Lumber Company Falls City, REDUCED EXCURSION RATES To The Seaside and Mountain Re sorts For The Summer. . The Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale at very low rates round-trip tickets to the various resorts along its lines, and also, in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern Railroad, to De troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return until October 10th. Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay, good going Saturdays, return ing Mondays, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eu gene and North on both East and West Side Lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at the seaside, Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on the Southern Pacific, good going Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday, allowing Port land people to spend Sunday in the country and the out of town people to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bay good for return via Albany and East Side, or Corvallis and West Side, at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to New port. A new feature at Newport this year will be an up-to date Kindergarten in charge of an ex perienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet describing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay has been published by the Southern Pacific and Cor vallis & Eastern Railroads, and can be secured from any of their Agents, or by addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S. P. Co., Port land, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany, Oregon. Yours truly, W. E. COMAN G. P. Agt., S. P. Co., Portland, Oregon. Catarrh of The Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded; when food is taken into it that fails to digest, it decays and inflames the mucous membrane, exposing the nerves, and causes the glands to secret mucin, instead of the natural juices of digestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. For years I suffered with Catarrh of the Stomach, caused by indiges tion. Doctors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. R. Rhea, Cop pell, Texas. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. r Sale Continues IPriccs. MAKES A DISCOVERY. Former Corvallis Blacksmith Has a New Process of Tempering Steel. B. J. Casterline, of Corvallis, is startling the country with a new process of tempering steel that'may bring him a fortune. He is now in Portland demonstrating his work for large crowds who pronounce it wonderful. A knot of spectators seized upon a drawknife he has tempered and began to whittle nails and pieces of steel with it. One took it to a wagon in the yard at the rear and proceeded to take off little shavings of steel from the steel tire of a wheel; after wnich he whittled a strip of the steel strap along the top of the wagon box. Finally, drawing a number of thin paste board cards from his pocket, he shaved off pieces of them with the same blade with ease. Tested with the thumb the edge of the tool was as smooth and unroughened as though fresh from the grinder. Smoothness seems to be peculiarity of the edges of all tools treated by Casterline. Casterline has some sort of liquid he keeps under lock and key that does the business. He says the secret is his own and he proposes getting the benefit of it. "I have not tried manganese steel," said Casterline later, "but I would be glad to experiment on it at once. My drills make no diffi culty of the hardest tool steel. I have one that has made six holes through a crosscut saw without any perceptible dullingof theedge and that's as good a test as can be asked for anything short of manganese steel. And I believe that my process will serve for that." A Surgical Operation is always dangerous do not sub mit to the surgeon's knife until you have tried De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will cure when every thing else fails it has done this in thousands of cases. Here is one of them. I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different specialists and used many remedies, but obtained no relief until I used DeWitt's Hazel Salve. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since. -H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding Piles no remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. Oregon DALLAS WOOL CENTER Polk County Pool Will Be Shipped Direct From This City. The 'wool in the Polk County pool will all be baled in Dallas. Bussard & Robson, the purchasers, will ship direct from Dallas to New York. Wool for baling will be shipped here from Independence, McCoy, Amity, McMinnville, Balls ton, Sheridan, Perrydale, and other outside points. The pool cou tains about 200,000 pounds, or nearly or quite enough for one trainload. The buyers bale the wool, and the growers load it on the cars. The Dallas sale at 17 cents last week is the best reported for a mixed lot in the State so far, and the growers all appear highly satisfied with the price lealized. jfalla to Botes Falls City will celebrate the Fourth. Tomorrow is the day. The glorious old Fourth is here again, and in spite of the sickness that has pervaded out town, ex pectations run high in the carrying out of a full program. Come and join us in having a good time. There was a time when a strange face in our town was an uncommon thing, but now new ones are seen every day. L. Gerlinger and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert were passengers on Tuesday's afternoon train. Work has commenced on the new store building west of the Courter furniture store. The build ing is to be a 24 by 50, two-story structure. T. D. Hollowell has bought the corner lot east of the bridge, and we understand that he thinks of building on it. Mrs. Woodward, a sister of Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Milligan, of this place, is here on a visit. She is from the flooded district' of Kansas, and can give a good de scription of it from personal obser vation. The Peedee Lumber Company's mill shut down last Monday for two weeks, so most of the boys are at home and will celebrate the Fourth with us. Scott Leavitt and Russell Daven port have been roughing it in the mountains for the past week. We all wish to extend our heart felt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Ray ! Kimes in the &u Iobs of their two little girls. One died on Wednes day, and the other on Saturday of last week. By the transfer of the stock of R. E. Bryan & Son from Dallas to the Bryan-Lucas Lumber Company's store here, the jig store building has been packed full, and it will take some time! to re-arrange the stock and get everything in ship shape. Mrs. T. A. Farley is having a neat addition built to her house. Miss Pearl Bryant, of Portland, is here for a short visit with her mother f Ralph Ford was seriously sick for a few days, but is now on the mend. - The reported excursion from Portland to Falls City last Sunday was a false alarm, although the coach came up,1 bringing several Dallas people who wished to view the pretty little city by the Falls. The readers of the Observer will pardon the correspondent for not sending in notes, as he has been absent for several weeks. RELIEF WORK AT HEPPNER Task of Tearing Down Great Wreck age Heaps Is Slow. Heppner, June 25. The details of the work here are losing all their novelty and the workmen are weary of the sight of the huge piles of rubbish and wreckage. The only keen incentive that urges them to work willingly at the monotonous task as the hope of finding a body hidden under the splinters and kindling wood that were once homes of happy families. The Bun has baked great masses of clay and mud that were piled up with the wreckage, until it is now like cemftivt.-TKft iask.-'Of tearing down these great heaps is very slow. The workmen must take hold of each little stick and pull it away from the pile separately. Shovels or pitchforks cannot be used and there are no large pieces of houses to be found. Naturally it would be expected that entire gable ends and side walls of some of the houBes would be found in the wreckage, but such is ndt the case. So great was the force and velo city of the storm and flood that everything is crushed into kindling wood. The sanitary conditions are improving every day. There is no sickness and the excellent discip line of the crews of laborers and the citizens is most remarkable. The total expenses of the relief committee is $1,620 per day and this amount will be increased as the workmen who are donating free labor leave. The hay crops of Morrow county are now ready to be harvested and the wheat crop is ripening very fast, and many of the willing farmers who have been working incessantly with their teams will be compelled to go home to care for their crops in order to able to feed those whose crops and homes are gone. Ihe scenes at the morgue are not so thrilling as at first. Most of the relatives of the missing are out with the crews searching the drifts and the first outburst of grief is seen when the bruised and disfigured corpse is taken from its temporarv tomb in the piles of drift and wreckage. The most conservative estimate of property losses by the Heppner disaster is as follows: Loss to in dividuals, $380,000; to the city of Heppner, $50,000; and to the valley below, $165,000,' making a total of $595,000. Many of th farms in the bottom are ruined. Excursion Rates To Yaquina Bay. On June 1, the Southern Pacific Company will resumed sale of Ex cursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. This resort is be coming more popular every year, and hotel accommodations are better than ever before, and at reasonable rates. Season tickets from Derry to Newport $4.50; to Yaquina $4.00; Saturday-to-Mon-day tickets to Newport $2.65. NARROWLY ESCAPED DEATH M G. Fiynn Knocked Insensible by Flying Timber in Log Chute. Michael JJiinn, one or the own ers of the Benton County Saw mill, narrowly escaped death the woods near the mill, 14 miles southeast of Corvallis, last Sat uraay morning. Mr. iinn was in charge of the logging crew which was engaged in placing logs in a chute leading to the mill. monster log caught hs it started down the chute and one end swun around, striking one of the sma timbers forming the side of the run way. rhis flew from its fastenings and struck Mr. Fliun a terrible blow across the neck and shoulders knocking him fifteen feet down the hill. He was insensible when picked up and remained so for nearly two hours. Dr. Newlh, of Philomath ana ut. rernot, ot thi9 city, were called by phone. Mr. Flinn had regained consciousness sufficiently to recognize Dr. Pernot when he reached his bedside, but he remain ed in a semi-stupor all day. A message received in Corvallis yesterday stated that Mr. Flinn was improving, and as no bones were broken or fractures suffered, it hoped that his recovery will be rapid. Corvallis Gazette. LOYAL TO POLK COUNTY Former Resident Still Thinks it the . . Best Part of Oregon. OLEAN, Mo., June 25 (To the Editor.) Having received a copy of your interesting paper, I write you a few lines from old Missouri- the best state in the Union, take it up one side and down the other. uvea in uregon or more years. and had plenty of everything that a man could desire, and will sav that I think Polk County the best in the State. I returned to my native land twenty years ago, after having been away for thirty years. I was very much surprised to see the timber in Missouri that I thojight large when I left home. It looked 1 1 1 I 1 I T T iiKe an apple orchard, we are harvesting our wheat to-day. The crop is light. Other crops are very promising. l saw in your paper the names of many men that I knew in Ore gon, among them that of Judge R P. Boise. Can it be possible that this is the same old man who was Judge when I left there twenty years ago? I have some friends in Tillamook County. If they should see this, would like to hear from them. Excuse this poor scribbling, for I am now 75 years old, and cannot see nor spell as I used to. JAMES I. TAYLOR.. Job printing of all kinds neatly and quickly done at this office. Of Fast Heart Lasted 160 Hours. Doctors Didn't Know What To Do. Dr.Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine Cured Me. "For (even years I have been troubled with what the doctors called a 'fast heart,' eoing at once from the usual beat to twice as fast, which in a short time would exhaust ine terribly and only after treatment by a physi cian it would pet back to normal speed. These attacks increased in frequency and seve ity until December, looi, when they came on once a week. Each attack would lay me up a day or more. The attack begin ning January 13th, 1902, lasted 160 hours I almost a week! my heart be it almost one hundred and fifty per minute and some times more. During this week my physician consulted with four other doctors, but all to no purpose. My heart finally slowed up, and it was then a serious question with my family what to do next; as tar me, I was too far gone to care much what happened. Dr. Miles' al manac said, "write for advice" and my son wrote, receiving; a nice reply. A neighbor told us he had used your remedies with great ben efit. I Holt courage, bean thi use ofDr.Miles' New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine until I had taken eleven bottlei of the Heart Cure and seven bottles of the Restorative Nervine. I had two slight attacks after I bean the use of your medicine the last one listinj only thirty minutes, for more than three months my heart has run without a Burry. I am cure L aud Dr. Miles' Remedies did the w.rk. 1 have been pjtmaster here fir more than tenears." M. T. CANTK.ZLL, P. M , Fredonia, Kansas. AH dra?ist sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Disease Address Dr. Miles' Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Attack WEST IS PROSPEROUS Money Is Easier Here Eastern States. Than In According to the reports of bond sales published in the Daily Bond Buyer, the Dallas city water bonds were sold at the lowest rate of interest bid at any sale in the United States last week, except one. Dallas disposed of $15,000 worth of bonds at 3.904 per cent interest, and the only sale reported at which a lower rate was bid was at Atlantic City, New Jersey, where bonds to the amount of $15,000 were floated at 3.827. The rate of interest bid in the Eastern cities ranged from 4 to 5 per cent in nearly every instance, even where the amount of bonds sold reached well up to $100,000. The only bids of low rates of interest offered at the Dallas sale were those of Coast buyers, the bids received from Eastern buyers ranging from 4 to 6 per cent. There seems to be no question that money is easier in the Western states than in the East at the present time. The Portland Ore- gonian sums up the financial situation in an able editorial, printed in Monday's issue. That paper says: The cloud which has been hover ing over me nnanciai situation in the East for several wet-ks is not showing signs of lifting, and, at the same time, business in the West continues to break records. The stock market last week was dull and lifeless, many of the prominent securities continuing to seek a lower level of prices. And yet wheat and corn advanced from 3 to 5 cents per bushel duiing the week, much of the advance being due to strong speculative buying, induced in part by unfavorable weather conditions, but mostly Ihrettgh - -the- decided ijr health v statistical position of the cereals. This apathy of the stock market and strength of the wheat market reflects in a marked degree the con ditions which make an easy money market and prosperous times in the West, while an uneasy money market and growing stringency in general trade is noticeable in the East. The West has wheat, corn, wool, umber, livestock, salmon and other commodities which are always in demand, whether times are good or bad. The sale f these commodities may be restricted at times, when the purchasing power of the people is abridged, but there is"someihing doing all the time." The man who purchases a bushel of wheat fcr 75 or 80 cents, whether he buys it on the farm or on the Chicago Board of Trade, knows that, under existing conditions, there will be no water queezed out of his purchase. It has an intrinsic value which the whole world recognizes. The man who invests in some of Wall street's 'undigested securities" is less cer tain of the intrinsic value of his purchase, and so long as this un certainty exists the stock market will remain heavy. New York bank clearings last week showed n decrease of 11.3 per cent, compared with the clearings for the sam week last year, and the average daily elt-arings for the week weie $24,000,000 smaller than for the week previous. Frequently in past years the West has suffered with New York, which is and will always remain the nnanciai center of the New World, but at the present time there is so much money in Western banks and the general condition of the people is so prosperous that thr strained situation in the East finds but f mall reflection here. According to Bradstreet's weekly review, every city west ot the Rocky Mountains except Seattle showed an increase in bank clear- ngs over the corresponding week ast year. This decrease in Seattle, which was over 18 per cent, was ndoubtedly due to a natural re- apse which follows overcrowding, nd is no indication of a change for the worse in the rest of the acific Coast cities, which were less ffected by the uncertainty which lways attends a mining boom. he entire system of mining in Alaska has changed. The hund- the old nzunnig Li u . Absolutely' Paro THERE IS KQ SUBSTITUTE reds of miners who in previous years came into Seattle with rich "pokes" of gold dust are no longer in evidence. The pockets and claims from which they secured their fortunes which they spent with a lavish hand in Seattle have either been worked out or have passed into the hands of the big companies, who are mining on a different scale. The rich dividends, when there are any, are now passed on to the stockholders of the big companies, many of whom reside in the East. Seattle, of course, has other resources, but they are insutri cient to warrant any such growth as followed the Alaska mining boom, and until there is a readjust ment of conditions' the financial showing of the Queen City will be less favorable than thatofthe cities dependent on natural resources of greater stability. Stock speculation and the financ ing and operation of big industrial undertakings have brought great wealth to many of the Eastern money centers. The Alaska min ing boom has been correspondingly. beneficial to Seattle, but for , assur ing steady, permanent growth of a city, through good times and ; bad times, there is nothing can equal the agricultural resources of a country. Factories may close, mines "peter out" and other in dustrial enterprises collapse, but the grains, grasses and fruit con tinue to grow, and by d,iy and by night are adding wealth to the country and to the cities to which it is tributary. The town put on a holiday appearance Saturday evening, as sembling on the postofh'ce corner, there to be amused and interested for an hour by the soul-stirring strains of music furnished by the Monmouth band in their incom parable manner. The first number was the popular air, "Hiawatha," now being whistled and played in everv citv. livery nuiuoer was happily received by all present. The first concert was a success and there is no excuse why a dozen more can't be given just as suc cessfully, if only some one will go ahead and work the concerts up. Independence Enterprise. You Know What You Are Taking WLn you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine in a tste- Iobk form. No Cure. No Pay. 50c Played Out. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BY u-lnt Acker's Dyspepsia Tebletg. One Utile Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cents. Belt & Cherrington, Dallas, Oregon. Dull Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how It be came so, It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal las, Oregon. EXPERIENCE IS THE TEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy tn any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to Kive immediate relief .noney re funded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Belt & Cher rington Dtllas. Oregon. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 23 cts. and 60 cts. Beit A Cherrington. Dxl'an SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea.. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sieep. work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 ets. and 60 ', f't V Cherrington, DaU&o, Oregon.