Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 12, 1903, Image 4

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    " W i
Of alveon, Texna.
"Wine of Cardul is Indeed i blessing
to tired women. Having suffered for
even yean with weakness ar d bear
In j-down pains, and having tried sev
eral dod rs and different remedies
with no success, your Wine of Cardul
was the lly thing which helped me,
and eventually cured me It seemed to
build up the weak parts, strengthen
the syste .1 and correct irregularities."
By "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means : wvous women, who have
disorderod menses, falling of the
womb, varian troubles or any of
these ai ments that women have.
You can cure yourself at home with
thisjjrett women's remedy, Wine
of Carwii. Wine of Curdui has
cured t ousands of cases which
doctors ave failed to benefit. Why
not begn to get well today? All
druggis's have $1.00 bottles. For
any stomach, liver or bowel disor
der Tlndford's Black-Draught
should be used.
Forad so And literature, address, glTlng
yufptoiritf, The Ltdies Advisory depart
ment, T 4 Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
ClMuannugK, Tens.
4 EArenicnbE
V"" Trade Marks
rrif,s(t Copyrights Ac.
Anyone pending a sketch and description may
oulcklj ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is protmbly patentable. Communlca.
tloiiast.rlctljroonfldeiitfal. Handbook on Patent
etit fre. Oldest uiiency for securlniipatents.
Patents taken ttirouuli Miiim Co. reoetve
tprrttit iwtice, without chares, In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air.
cnlntUm of any solentllio Journal, aorms, l a
ypiir; four niontha, U Sold byall newsdealers.
IVilINN & Co.36,Bpoadwray- New York
Branch Oltloe, 626 F St WashlnKton. I. C.
Oscar Hayter.
Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St
Sibley & Eakin.
The only reliable Bet of Abstracts In
Folk county. Office on Court St.
Julius N. Hart
Office upstairs In Osfleld Building.
Room 1.
Butler & Coad.
Office over Dallas City Bank.
M. Hayter,
Office over Wilson's Drug Store
L. N. Woods, M. D.,
Does general practice in any part of
of the county. Office on Mill street,
T. V. B. Embree,
Office Upstairs in Osfleld Building.
JJBhysician and Sl'KtiKON
E. J. Howard, M. D.
Room 8, UkIow Building
R. C. Craven, Pres.
XL E. Williams, Cashier.
Dallas Gil; hiL
Exchanges bought and sold on all
points. Special attention paid to col
lections. YOUR, FAITH
our if you try
j 4 yrv ad onrt is so stron we
yiIII guarantee cure or refund
Z- tncjcy, and we aend you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
6HILOH 8 coats 25 rents and will cure Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all
Lung Trouble. Will cure a cough or cold
in day, and thus prevent serious results.
It baa been doing these Ihintf. for 50 years,
a C Wells ft Co.. Le Rov. N. Y.
ft ur Liof tr vooi i em enrrnm th xi Amaru
v v
r 'r
This signature Is on every box ot the genuine
Laxative BroraoQuinlne Tabiu
tha rened tMt ctures st e14 $m stay
Notice For Publication.
T1MHKR I AND, A' T JUNK 3. 1878.
Juno 3, l-ib. euuin'u "An net lor nit u.e oi
Uuiuer lauus in tne States ul fjaliioinia, uregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terrltur ," as extend
m oil I hi. Pit), III' I.HIld Status hviict ol August
4, 18D2, John J. Colwell, ol Falls City, county of
folic, Blute Ol ureguii, una uin u; mcu
office his sworn statement So. W)56. lor the pur
chase of the N. lA N. W. , N. W. . N. E. iof
Section No. 28 in Township No. 9 Range o.
8 W and will oiler proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land beiore the County Clerk
of i'olk County at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday,
the 10th day of June, l'Joa.
lie names as witnesses: Warren Ward, of
Falls City, Oregon; Thomas Wright, of Sugar
loaf, Oregon; A. Harrington, of Fulls City, Ore
gon; W arren Wright, of Falls City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deseribed lands are requested to file their
claims in thisolliceon or before said loth day
of June, 1903.
City Marshal's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
wurraiit for the collection of the sums of money
assessed upon the hereinafter described parcel
of ground foi the improvement of all that part
of Mill Street and all that part of Church Street
in the City of Dallas, Oregon, in front of and
abutting upon the said parcef of ground, such
improvement being provided for in Ordinance
Number passed by the City Council of said
City on October 7, 1901, and approved October
10, 1901, together with interest on such sums
from the date of such assessment, Issued by the
Auditor and Police Judge of the said City of
Dallas on the 19th day of May, 190:1, under his
hand and name of office and with the seal of
said City atllxed, and to me, the City Marshal of
said City, directed, requiring me to forthwith
levy upon the said parcel of ground, hereinafter
described, upon which the said assessment is
unpaid, and sell the same in the manner re
quired by law, I have duly levied upon and
will, on
SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1903,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., of said day, at
the front door of the County Court House in the
City of Dallas, in l'olk County, Oregon, sell at
Eublic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
and on day of sale, the said parcel of ground,
which is described as follows, to-wt:
llecinuintr at a Doint 7.95 chains South from
the Northeast corner of the Inauc Levens and
wife Donation Land Claim, No. 51, in Township
7 South, Range 5 West of the Willamette Merid
ian, in I'olk County, Oregon, and running
thence West 200 feet; thence South 100 feet;
thence Kant 200 feet; thence North 100 feet to
the place of beginning.
That the sums of money assessed upon the
said parcel of ground for the said improvement
and Heretofore declared delinquent and now
due and unpuid are as follows, to-wil: The
sum of U.b0 and the further sum of 14.00, with
interest on eacn ot said sums at tne rate oi six
Eer cent, per annum from the 4th day of Noveni
er, 1901, until pnid, and the sum of 2.10, with
interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per
annum from the 10th day of April, 1903, until
That the said sale will be made subject to re
demption as provided in Section 76 of an act of
the legislative assembly of the State of Oregon,
entitled "An act to incorporate the City of
Dallas, in Folk county, Oregon, una to proviue
a charter therefor, and to reoeul all actB or parts
of acts heretofore passed to incorporate the
Town of Dallus, or City of Dallas, in said County
and State, and all amendments mereto, wnetner
in conflict with this actor otherwise," approved
February 4, 1901.
Dated wis uuy oi May, i-jus.
City Marshal of the City of
Dallas, In Polk County,
State of Oregon.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed ancillary admin
istrator of the estate of John Jeldness, deceased,
in the State of Oregon, by the County Court of
the State of Oreeon. for l'olk Countv.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same duly
verilled, together with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned, at his law oliice in
the Campbell Building In the City of Dallas, in
siiiil County, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Duted this 24th day of April, 1903.
Ancillary administrator of the es
tate of John Jeldness, deceased.
City of Dallas, Oregon.
Proposals will be received at the oliice of the
Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dullas,
Polk County, Oregsu, until June 20, 1903, at7:30
o ciock p. m., ior tne wnoie or any part oi rii
teen Thousand Dollars of the Water Bonds of
the Citv of Dallas. Oregon, being fifteen bonds
in denominations of One Thousand Dollars
each, each to be dated July 1,1903, payable twen
ty years iroin date anu neuriug inieresiai a rate
not to exceed five per cent, per annum; interest
payable semi-annuany on tne isi uay oi jau
uarv. and the 1st day of July of each year:
principal and interest payable in United States
Oold Coin at the Bunking House of Kountze
Brothers, in the City and State of New Y'ork.
Said bonds will be sold bv the City of Dullas.
to the highest bidder on June 20, 1903, at 8
o ciocK-p. in., ana me bias snail state tne rate
of interest, not exceeding nve per cent per mi
lium, nut suiu bonus will not oesoiaior lesstnau
their face value, with ace u nulla ted interest
tnereon iroin tne uav oi tneir uuie to tne uate
of delivery. Delivery of said bonds will be
made at the oliice of the City Treasurer of the
City of Dallas as follows: Three Thousand
Dollars on Julv 1. 1903: Six Thousand Dollars
on September 1, 1903; and Six Thousand Dollars
on December 1, 19U3.
The council oi said city reserves tne rigm to
reject any and all bids.
Proposals Bhould be marked "Proposals for
Vtalor uonds." and be addressed to Dan r.
H ton Her, Auditor and Police Judge, Dallas, Polk
County, Oregon.
Dune by order of the council, maue may 18,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Administrator's Sale
Notice li hereby given that under and by
virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk
County on the 23rd day of May, 1903, 1 will as
administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of K. h. Skinner, deceased, on Saturday,
the 27th day of June, 1903. it the hour of one
o'clock p. m. of suid day at the front door of the
court House m Dallas, Pom county, Oregon,
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest of
the estato of the said R. L. Skinner, deceased,
in and to the following described real property,
Beginning at the most Northerly Northwest
corner of the Jamts White Donation Laud
Claim No, bl in Section No. 21 in Township 7
South of Range 8 West of the Willamette
Meridian in i'oiK county, Slate of Oregon,
thence North 27 degrees 30 minutes Fast 19.84
chains, thence Weal l'.i.&ti chains, thence South
lti. 61 chains to the center of the County road,
thence Kast aloug the center of the County road
10.40 chains to the place of beginning, contain
ing 26. 70 acres, more or less.
Also the following described tract: Begin
ning in the center of the County road 10.40
chuins West of the most Northerly Northwest
corner of the J ami's White Donation Land Claim
No. !l in Soot loll No. 21 in Township 7 South,
Range 3 West of the Willamttte Meridian in
l'olk County. State of Oiegou. thence North Hi.'d
chains to an angle in the North line of the
Donation Land Maim of vt illiaiu and Rosanua
Colo, thence North 6.9." chains; thence West
27.35 chains, thence South 3 degrees W est 23.4(i
chains to the center of the County road, thence
South along the center of the Comity road 74
degrees East 2.50 chain!; thence East along the
center of said County road 36.46 chains to the
place of beginning containing 67,18 acres of
laud, more or less.
Also the following described tract of land:
Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Section 21 in Township 7
South, Range 3 Wert of the Willamette Meridian
in Polk County, Slate of Oregon, containing
37.;vl acres of land, more or less; having and ex
cepting a tract of 3.7o en sold to Nor Luker
ou the iird day of June, lMMi, by R. L. Slilnuer,
described as U-ginmng iu the South line of
J. c. ruruey a Donation i.ftuu claim in sec
tion 21 Township 7 South. Range 3 r.t of the
VUilamelie 1 Meridian iu Polk County. Oregon.
at point 662.61 let'l West of the Southeast
corner of said Donation Laud Claim, thence
North lit1, decrees Last llto feet to a point in
the Norm line of said Donation Laud Claim
440.60 feet Weal of the Northeast corner of said
initiation Land Claim, thence Went HO.lfi feet.
thence South 12'$ degree West bout 1155 feet
to a point in the South line of said Donation
Land Claim 16i.6 feet West from the place of
tfjtiiiiiinii, thence East 16.Y6i feet to the place
ol beginning, leaving iu the tract 33.78 acres of
land, more or leu.
Deled at Dallas ia Polk Countv, Oregon this
23rd day ot May, 190;!.
lifcO. JS. LEVI is.
Administrator w ith w ill annexed of
the CKtale of. R. L. Skinner, deceased.
Bean the yf If kind tot haft A:wrs fccrflt
Notice For Publication.
tniU 'i Stales Land OHice,
i.Kgxii i uy, Oregon
.uarcu 2s, i9u3.
. i, ,- i; i. mi,) flveu lhal in compliance
Hl.ll i l 'llt-lui. me uct of CoiigruSS Ol
lUne 3, i7o, entitled "An act lor tne sale of
timber lands in the StHtes of California, Ore
Kin, Nevuda, and Washington Territory," s
extended to all the Public Laud States by act of
August 4, 1892, K. w. uner, oi uaiiai,
county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day
11 1 (.(I in thia oliice his sworn statement No. 60(0.
for the purcnase of the 8. E. K of Section No.
2 iu Township No. 7 8., R. 7 W., and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or sione than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the County Clerk of Polk
County, ut Dallas, Oregon, on saiuraay.ineutn
day of June, 1903.
Ho names as witnesses: George C'onlee, of
Dallas, Oregon ; W. V. F uller, of Dallas, Oregon ;
Joseph crowtner, oi lianas, uregou; u. a
Morley, oi roresi uroye, vregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are required to tile their
claims in this oliice on or before said 13th day of
June, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United States Lund Oliice,
Oregon City, Oregon.
March 18. 1903.
Notice is herebv elven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the salo of
timber lands in tne states oi cauiornia, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
.......a. A iui, a Villa til Valla rMtv
county of Polk Stute of Oregon has this
day tiled In this oliice his sworn statement mo.
ttoil. for the purchase of the South i4 of South
east li and South H of Southwest l4 of Section
No. 28 in Township No. 9 South, Range No. 8
West, and will oiler proof to show that the land
Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud before the County Clerk
of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tne sin auy oi Juiy, iwm.
He names as witnesses: Warren Wright, of
Fulls City, Oregon; Alfred Harrington, of F'alls
City, Oregon: wiinam Jims, oi runs cuy, ure
gon; Thoinus Wright, of Rocca, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-aescnuea lunus are requesieu iu uie lueir
claims in this oliice on or before said Mh day of
July, 1903.
are weeds. Unless
tlicy are kept down,
tliey divert the nu
trition which the
soil provides from
the growing crops and ruin their pro
ductiveness. Diseases are to the body what weeds
are to the soil. They divert the nutri
tion which is necessary to sound health,
and the body, instead of being strong
and hardy, drags out a sickly existence.
When t1 1 stomach is diseased, and the
other o.siins of digestion and nutrition
are involved with it, there is a constant
loss of nutrition by the body. The stom
ache and its allied organs are not able to
convert the foods into nourishment, and
hence the body and its several organs are
deprived of the necessary elements of
vitality. What is known as "weak"
heart or " weak ". lungs, " weak " nervea
and other forms of so-called weakness, are
generally caused by "weak" stomach.
When the stomach and the other organs
of digestion and nutrition are cured, then
the other diseases are cured with it. Dis
eases which are caused by a diseased
condition of the stomach are cured
through the stomach. Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases
of the stomach and its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition. It cures
through the stomach diseases of heart,
lungs, liver and other organs. It in
creases the activity of the blood-making
glands, so that the whole body is nour
ished by an abundant supply of pure
blood, rich In the bright red corpuscles
of health.
There is no alcohol in " Golden Med
ical Discovery" and it contains neither
opium, cocaine, nor any other tiarcotic
It is strictly a temperance medicine.
Persons suffering from chronic forms
of disease are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Suffered for Years.
My gratitude to you and your 'Golden Med
ical Discovery ' is so great." writes Mr. Ross
Martin, of Arlee, Mnson Co.,West Virpuia, "that
I am at a loss to find words lo express my true
feeling. 1 had suffered for number of years
with lung and throat troubles, and doctored with
socialists, but got no better. Then I decided
to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and after using it I was greatly relieved. I have
all faith that it has saved my life.
I have one of your medical books and think
It a grand work."
Torpid Liver Cured.
"I was a sufferer from torpid Hver for over
yeor," writes Mrs. Nora Willis, of Wheatfield,
jasper Co., Ind., and could not sleep, nor eat
but very little, and then it would cause me great
distress. I tried several doctors but got no re
lief. Was advised by a friend to write to Dr.
Pierce, which I did, and in few dnys I received
letter dvising me to take his ' Golden Med
ical Discovery' and also his 'Pleasant Pellets.'
After I had taken only half a bottle I was greatly
Improved. I ouly took three bottles of the
' Golden Medical Discovery and two vials of the
Pellets,' aud, thanks to Dr. Pierce and his
wonderful medicine. I am as well as ever iu my
life, and feel that life is worth living after alt.
"Last winter I took. severe cold which re
sulted in pleurisy. Tongue can not tell what I
suffered. For two nights and two days I could
Dot move without it nearly killed me. I told
tnv husband I could not endure another night of
suffering. The weather was so cold and stormy
that it was almost too bad for any one to go six
miles to town, but he went, and got a bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart -Weed, which gave
me Instant relief. I can say that for all pains
that I have tried it for it has worked like magic.
We keep bottle of the 'Smrt-Weed' in the
bouse all the time. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce
enough for what he has done for me "
Constipation has almost countless con
sequences. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation and cure its conse
quences. They should always be used
with "Golden Medical Discovery," when
the use of a laxative is Indicated.
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott's Emulsion
summer as in winter.
Send for free tun pie,
SCOTT ft BOWSE. CtemUis,
409-415 Purl Street, Nw York,
joe and ti.eo; all druggists.
Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
How To Find Otit.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen H Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
m It A no In fn
fc- ll,A Ka1 lo al.A
...w . .1 .tow
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that . tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer &
Co.. Bincfhamton. N. Y.
TTome of Swamp-Root
When writing men-
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham
ton, N. Y., on every bottle.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Poik, Department No. 2.
Samuel O. Work, Plaintiff vs. Fanney Work,
Defendant, SUMMONS.
To Fanney Work, defendant :
You are required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above en
titled suit, on or before the expiration of Bix
weeks from the date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit, 011 or before the 19th day
of June, 1903, that being the date of the last
publication of this summons, and if you fall to
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the above named court for the relief
prayed lor in 11m said complaint ana win lane a
ueeree Bisaiuob you tiierciur, to-wit;
For a divorce dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant upon the grounds of wrongful and
willful desertion by you of defendant without
any cause therefor and without consent of
plaintiff; also for the custody of the two minor
ennaren 01 piumun ana aeienaani 10 wit;
uazei iien worn ana uien worn.
The date of the first publication of this sum
mons is the 8th day of May 1903, and the date of
the last publication thereof, is the 19th day of
June A. xi. i9Uo.
This summons is published by order of the
Honorable J. J. eiwey judge 01 tne tounty
court of Polk county, Oregon, duly made and
entered at chambers in the City of Dallas, Polk
county, Oregon, on tne nrst day 01 May A. v,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land OHice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
iiarch 28. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congree of
June a, is8, eniitiea "An act ior tne saie 01
timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Mrs. L. B. Morley, of
Washington County, State of Oiegon, has this
uay nieo 111 tins oiuce ner sworn statement no.
6Ui9, for the purchase of the S. W. of Section
No. 2 in Township No. 7 S.. Ranee No. 7 West.
and will offer proof to show that the land
sougni is more vaiuauie ior its umoer or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land beiore the County Clerk
01 pom county, Oregon, at lianas, uregon, on
Saturday, tne I3tn day ot J une, i'ma.
She names as witnesses: George Conlee, of
Dallas. Oregon: w. V. f uller. 01 Dallas. Oregon:
Joseph Crowther, of Dallas, Oregon; E. W.
! uner, 01 lianas, uregon.
Anv and all Demons claiming adversely the
above described lands are required to file their
claims in this oliice on or before suid June I3tn
Notice For Publication.
United States Lund Oliice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
March 14. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon.
Nevadaand Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1H92, Mary A. Hurley, of Inde
pendence, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this oliice her sworn statement
No. 6111. for the curchase of the Northeast 'A
of Section No. 14 in Township No, 8 8.,
Range No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land before
the County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas,
Oregon, on Monday, the 20th day of July,
She names as witnesses: E. W, Cooper, ot
Independence, Oregon: C. R. Wagoner, of Inde
pendence, Oregon; O. A. Hurley, of Inde
pendence, Oregon; Dare caiuream, 01 inue
pendeuce, Oregon.
Anv and all Dersoni claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this onice on or before said 20th day
01 Juiy.iyuB.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
May 4. 1903.
Notice ia herebv riven that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An act ior tnesaieoi
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
V'nn.1. n .wl U'u.kU.nn 'ra-l,Mw " at.vl.nil.
ilCTUO,IIUW KRaillUKlVIJ . lt,l.UI J VI ut. 111.-
ed to all the Public Land States by act of August
4, 1S9J, Irene D. Hart, of Dallus, county of Polk,
State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office
her sworn statement No. 6131 for the purchase
of the E. i of the N. E. of Section No. 10 in
TownshiD No. 8 8.. Kauire No. 8 W and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more vaiuauie ior lis timoer or stone man ior
agricultural purposes, aud to establish her
claim to said laud before the County clerk of
Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 25th day of July, 1903.
She names as witnesses: Albert Harrington,
of Falls City, Oregon; B. F. Beezley, of Kslls
City, Oregon; Zimri Hinshaw, of Falls City,
Oregon; . K. Beesley, of rails city, uregon.
Any and all nersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before said iilh day
of July, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregott City, Oregon.
April 23, 1903.
Notice is herebv eiven tha. in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the Slates otcaiiiornia, uregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
Angiibt 4, l.92, Lorin IS. Ketchum, oi inue
peudence, County of Polk, Stale of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office bis sworn statement
No. 6U3, for the purchase of the S. W. of Sec
lion No. 28, in Township No. 7 S., Range No. 7
West, and will otter imx.f to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim lo said land before the County Clerk
of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on
weonesuay, me l2tl aay ot August, iu.
He names as wiinmaps: -eoree Wilson, of
Independence, Oregon; Chas. Nattion, of Inde
pendence. Oreiron : t;. A. Hurley, of Independ
ence, Oregon: J. A. Mills, of fcalcm, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-deeeribed lands are requested to tile their
claims tn this office on or before said l-'ia day
of August, l.i3.
Notice For Publication.
United Suilen Land Office,
Oregon City. Oreg n,
May 4. 1903
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June A. 1878, entitled "An act ior tne saie oi
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 1, wesiey J. Atcnison, oi Lianas,
County of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No. 61 15,
for the purchase of the i. W. of Section No.
m: ln T, ........ v. ; v-n n u D ....... . vjn n I V . .... .1
.u. ill i vj rt iinii i u xw. , f., i.aiiiv , diiu
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish bisclaim
to said land before the County Clerk of Polk
County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Tburs
day. the 6th day of August. 1903.
He names as witnesses; Oeorge Cochrane, of
ouuas, oregou; J. I). Mcuonaiii, oi Hugarioai,
Oregon; William McHardy, of Sugarloaf, Ore
gon ; James Hayes, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 6th day of
AUgUSt, 19U3.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 28, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by actof August
4, 1892, Mabelle M. Dant, of Dallas, county of
Polk.State of Oregon, has this day tiled iu this
office her sworn statement No. 61o9 for the pur
chase of the 8. E. 14 of Section No. 30 in Town
ship No. 7 South of Range No. 6 West, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before the County Clerk of Polk
County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oreg n, on Monday,
the 24th day of August, 1903.
She names as witnesses: George P. Conlee, of
Dallas. Oregon; Melviu Conlee, of Bnell, Ore
gon; Tillman Hinsbaiv, of Bnell, Oregon; Wm.
Tillotson, of Bnell, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 24th day of
August, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
May 5, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Henry Q. Campbell, of Dallas,
county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6114,
for the purchase of the Southeast i of
Section No. 13 in Township No. f S.,
Range No. 10 W,, and will otter proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to suid land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the5th day of
August, 1903.
He names as witnesses: W. L. Gilson, of
Dallas, Oregon; J. R. Crowley, of Otis, Oregon;
T. M. Burton, of Otis, Oregon; J. M. Burton, of
Otis, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or beiore said 5th day
of August, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 21, 1903.
Notice is hereby given thnt in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Lund States by act of August
4, 1892, William Wardle, of Dallas, county of
Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 6157 for the pur
chase of the N. K of 8. E. 4 and 8. W. U of 8. E.
i of Section No. 26 in Township No. 7 South of
Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricnltural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at
Dallas, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st day of
August, 1903.
He names as witnesses : Matthew Digby, of
Dallas, Oregon; Geo. P. Conlee, of Dallas, Ore
gon; E. W. Hinshaw, of Dallas, Oregon; Thomas
Gill, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 21st day of
August, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 15, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public lnd States by act of
August 4, 1892, Eliza J. Fuller, of Dallas, county
of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this office her sworn statement No. 6140, for the
purchase of the S. W. y. of 8. W. i of Section
lo. o, in lun uerni nu. o o. mi ciaugo .u. u .,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim lo said land before the County Clerk
of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on
Monday, the 10th day of August, 1903.
She names as witnesses: J. D. McDonald, of
Dallas, Oregon; W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon;
Claud Dunn, of Dallas, Oregon; Geo. Cochrane,
of Dallas, Oregon.
Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or Deiore said xuin uay
of August, 1903.
Notice For Publication.
United Slates Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
May 19, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June S, 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and W ashington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Publio Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Hattie E. Gardner, of Dallas,
County of Polk, state of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this office her sworn statement No., 6146
for the purchase of the S. H of the N. W. li of
Sec. 15, Tp. 98., R. 8 W., Will. Mer., and will
off er proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to
aid land before the Countv Clerk of Polk
County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 13th day of August, law.
She names as witnesses: Albert Harrington,
of Falls City, Oregon; B. F. Beezley, of Falls
City, Oregon; B. . i. Harrington, oi runs iny,
Oregon; Zimri Hinshaw, of Falls City, Oregon.
Anv and all nersons claimine adversely the
above-described lands are requested o file their
claim in this office on or before saio. 13th lay
of August, 1903.
kins and B. F. Jones.
Riggs and J. B. Teal.
CLERK U. S. Loughary.
SHERIFF John T. Ford.
Seven MUSon bases sold in past 12
It is very unusual for a regular physician of good reputation to publicly
endorse a proprietary remedy. We have often heard of cases where doctors
have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most grattfyins; to
receive the toiiowing voluntary letter
from C. F. Smith, M. D., the most
successful physician of Ulean, N. Y. :
"Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
New York City: I wish to add my
professional testimony to the value
of your English pieparation known
as Acker's English Remedy for Asth
ma, etc. In several instances, after I
have tried my utmost to give even
relief, I have prescribed yourremedy,
and it has acted almost like a miracle,
not only relieving, but permanently
curing every one of the patients. I en
dorse the preparation as one of the
most valuable additions to the prac
tice of medicine."
Such a frank endorsement as the
above is phenomenal. Coming from
so distinguished a member of the
medical profession, it carries with it
an assurance which the public will be
sure to avail themselves of. It isrec
ommendations like this which irnke
it possible to give the broad guaran
tee that is a part of every i-aleoi Ack
er's English Remidv for Coui'ls.
Cola-i, Asthma, lin i clntis and Lonsumpticn. it must either ao ail that is
claimed for it, or your money will be refu. dcd. Do you know of any other
nndlcine sold on those ter.i.s ? Do you know of any other medicines which
prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than
prescriptions they write themselves? These facts are well worth considering.
They are of especial iu'teust to those with sore throats ar.d weak lungs.
Sold at ssc, 50c. and $r a bottle, throughout the Un;ted States nnd Canada ; and In Eng
land.nt is. ad , is. 3d., s. 6d. If you arc noi satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your
druggist, and get your money bark.
We authorize Uie above guarantee. II. II. HOOKER it CO., Proprietor), New York.
T t j a a " Located at DALLAS, OREGON.
l-J-rLtl Co-Educational.
mortgages, are now offered on easy terms and at lower prices
than ever before. The title to each one of these properties
is perfect A new descriptive price list will be mailed on
Christian Church.
Bible School at 10 a. m. Junior C. E.
at 3 :30 p.m. Senior C. E. at 7-00 p. m
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 :30 p. m
Preaching services every Sunday at 11
a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
L. Gbeen, Pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School;
11 a. m., preaching; 8:00 p. m., Epwortb
League ; 7 :00 p. m ., preaching ; Thursday
7:30 p. m., prayer meeting.
H. N. Rounds, Pastor.
Adventlst Church.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Bible
study from 11 to 12.
United Evangelical Church
Services are held as follows : S. S. 10
a.m. Preaching, 11 a. m., and 8:00 p,
m. K.L.O.E., 7 :00 p.m. Y.M.O.A.,
Y. W. C, A. and Junior Endeavor, 3:00
p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30
A. A. Wintkb, Pastor.
Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath services: Bible study at 10
a. m.; Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8:00
p. m. ; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Senior
Endeavor, 7 :00 p. m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
W. T. Wabdlb, Pastor.
Baptist Church.
Bible school at 10 a. m.; Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 :00 p. m. ; B. Y. P. U.,
7:00 p.m.
J. E. G. Russell, Pastor.
U li hi
Southern Pacific
Shasta Route.
Trains leave Dallas for Portland and
way stations at 6:10 a. m. Leave Inde
pendence for Corvallis at UtOO a. m.
Lv. Fortland 8:30 a. m 8:30 p.m.
" Albany 12:30 p.m. 11:35 p.m.
Ar. Ashland 12:55p.m. 12:35p.m.
" Sacramento 5:10 p.m. 5:00 a.m.
" San Francisco 7:45p.m. 8:45 a.m.
Ar. Oeden 4:55 s, m. 7:00 a.m.
" Denver 9:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m.
Kansas City 7:25a.m. 7:25a.m.
" Chicago 7:42 a.m. 9:30 a.m.
Ar. Los Angeles 2:00 pm. 7:00 a.m.
" El Paso 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
Fort Worth 6:30a.m. 6:30a.m.
" City of Mexico 11 :30 a. m. 11 :30 a. m.
" Houston 7:00a.m. 7:00 a.m.
" New Orleans 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
" Washington 6:42 a.m. 6;42a. m.
" New Pork . 12:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m.
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains.
Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeu and El
Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St
Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
steamship lines for HONOLULU, JAPAN,
See Mr. I. N. WOODS, agent at Dallas station,
6. F. and Pass Apt.,
Portland, Or.
To Cure a Cold in -Oms Bay
This, sJt!"!tt w
offer superior advantages at
reasonable rates.
: Fall Term begins Sept. 24, 1902.
Registration, September 23.
For Catalogue or other informtion, address,
C C POLING, Ph. D., President,
belonging to the Scotch
Companies, acquired
bv the foreclosure oi
HAYTER, Dallas, Ore.
Masonic Calendar.
Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated
communications, Second and
Fourth Fridavs of each month.
E. C. Kirkpateick, W. M.
Oscar Hayter, Sec.
Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R.
A. M., stated convocation, First
Thursday of each month.
R. E. Williams, H. P.
Willis Simonton, Sco.
fA aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated
"-meetings Second and Fonrth Tues
days of each month.
Mrs. Pauline Williams, rV. M.
Mrs. Libbib Mcir, Sec.
I. 0. 0. F.
.'V'-e., Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets
fe-,' v'Severy Saturday evening in I.
o. 0. F. Hall.
W. F. Nichols, N. G.
H. B. Cosfer, Rec. Sec.
T kaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets
"Second and Fourth Monday of each
H. B. Cosper, C. P.
F A. Stiles, Scribe.
Alniira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meet!
every Friday evening.
Nora Robertson, N. G.
Edith Houck, See.
Woodmen of the World.
fallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd
''Fellows ball every Thursday evening
F. H. Mubcott, C. C,
W. G. Vassall, Clerk.
TOristletoe Circle, No. S3, W. O. W.
VAmeets in Odd Fellows' hall, Second
and Fourth Wednesday of each month
Mrs. Frank Kerslakb, G. N.
Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk.
Knights of the Macabees.
SK:. Dallas Tent, No. 8, meets Second
J and Fourth Thursdays oi each
Vcy month in I. O. O. F.hall.
G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com.
I. N. Woods, R. K.
Tkilae Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets
on Second and Fourth Thursday after.
noon of each month.
Meda Holm an, L. C.
Mrs. Blanche Eakin, R. K.
A. 0. U. W.
Union Lodge, No. 36 Meets Fint
w-jKs and Third Wednesday of each
m month.
H. L. Fenton.M. W.
F. A. Stiles, Fia.
Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of H., meeta
First and Third Wednesday of each
Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, C. of H.
Mrs. II. B. Cosper, Fin.
United Artisans.
TJssembly No. 46 meets First Tnes-
-iInv rti pnrh mnnth
Mrs. Ella j. Mftzoer, M. A.
Mrs. M. E. Weaver, Sec.
Fraternal Union of America
T kodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday
of each month.
W. J. Wagner, F. M.
Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec
Cores Crip
ia Two Days.
oa every
box. 25c.