Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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III I 4 1 I i : 1 I ' I 1 :: I -,i 1
NO 13.
Special Motor Carried .Many Visitors
Program of
State Normal
the old nEunnuz
Over New Railroad.
ft A AY
" Hi! 1 A I '
Ladies and Children Invited.
All ladies and children who can
not stand the shocking strain of
laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are
invited to try the famous Little
Early Risers. They are different
from all other pills. They do not
purge the system. Even a double
dose will not. gripe, weaken or
sicken; many people call them the
Easy PiH. W. H. Howell, Hous
ton, Tex.," says nothing better can
be used for constipation, sick head
ache, etc. Bob Moore, Lafayette
Ind., says all others gripe and
sicken, while DuWitt's Little Early
Risers do their work well and easy.
Sold by Belt & Cherrington.
No-To-Bc for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco babtt cure, makes weafe
men strong, blood pure. 50o Si. All druggists
Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. By Its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevent formation of gas on the stom
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dletingunnecessary. Pleasant to take.
II csn't Its!?
tut da you cood
Vun $L botu contains Zri Umet Ui8 ou. liUr
fo (o)
Will Positively Close
"We must give possession of our
building, in Dallas at that time.
Now is the chance of your life to
get goods at your own prices.
The stock must go, and e very
thihg will he sacrificed regard
less of cost.
The Benefit of Change.
We are like house plants: We
need a change of soil now and then
to be replanted. New scenes,
new experiences, new surroundings,
a change of climate, dry air instead
of moisture, sunshine in place of
cloud. This is sometimes essential
to health. There are conditions
near at hand that are better than
Europe can offer. Take a month
or two in California. Plant your
self for a time where there are no
irritations, where the hotel is be
yond criticism, the landscape pleas
ing, and where warm sunny
weather invites to walks and drives.
Pure and drv air, and the increased
electric influences of sunshine are
vastly helpful.
You can make this trip at very
little expense, and enjoy a ride
over the scenic Siskiyou and Shasta
mountains, which, at this time of
the year with their snow-covered
peaks, are unsurpassed for their
For complete information regard
ing rates, points of interest, and
delightful hotels in California,
G. P. Agt., S. P. Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
You Know What You Ar Taking
When you take Grove'a Tasteless Chm
Tonic because the formula Is plainly
printed oh every bottle, cioTS-lss tat
it Is simply Iron and Quinine in a. taste
teas form. Na Cora, Ka ray. 60c.
Government Crop Bulletin Says Late
Sown Wheat Is Seriously Affected.
In the eastern part of the State
the first of the week was cool and a
few small Bhowers occurred, after
which dry and moderately warm
weather prevailed. In the western
section the week has been dry;
during the first few days the nights
were cool, and in some places light
frosts occurred; during the latter
part the temperature rose decidedly,
and Sunday the warmest day of
the season occurred, with the
thermometer registering between
90 and 100 degrees.
This warm weather has injuriously
affected late sown spring wheat
and forage crops, which now badly
need rain. In all parts of the
State, except in the coast counties.
fall wheat, barley and rye are be
ginning to head; in the case of
wheat the straw is unusually short,
and the crop as a whole promises
to be considerably below the
average unless timely rains arrive
to improve the condition of that
sown in the spring.
Corn also needs rain, but the hot
weather has caused it to grow
rapidly during the week. Gardens
are doing fairly well, but com
plaints are increasing of damage to
squashes, beans and pumpkins by
insect pests. -Hops that came up
are doing nicely, but quite a number
of yard3 have been abandoned owing J
to me great numDer or missing
hills. Some alfalfa and early clover
has been cut.
the iruit prospects, except
peaches, continue very promising,
although in the Willamette valley,
a few correspondents report cherries
and some varieties of apples as
only fair. Strawberries are abun
dant and of excellent quality.
The poet's exclamation: "OLifel
I feel thee bounding in my veins,"
is a joyous one. Persons that can
rarely or never make it, in honesty
to themselves, are among the most
unfortunate. They do not live, but
exist; for to live implies more than
to be. To live is to be well and
strong to arise feeling equal to
the ordinary duties of the day, and
to retire not overcome by them to
feel life bounding in the veins. A
medicine that has made thousands
of people, men and women, well
and strong, has accomplished a
great work, bestowing the richest
blessings, and that medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla. The weak,
run-down, or debilitated, from any
cause, should not fail to take it. It
builds up the whole system, changes
existence into life, and makes life
more abounding. We are glad to
say these words in its favor to the
readers of our columns.
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a, bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
iron ana quinine in m tasteless form.
Ho cure, No pay. Price BOo,
Another enjoyable excursion to
Falls City was given Sunday, a
special motor train over the new
railroad carrying a large number
of Independence and Monmouth
people to Polk county's pleasant
little mountain town. The motor
arrived in Dallas at 9:30 a. m., and
left over the track of the Dallas
and Falls City road a few minutes
later. The weather was perfect,
and the beautiful scenery along
route was greatly enjoyed by the
excursionists. The nine miles were
covered in 40 minutes, and many
expressions of surprise at the
smoothness of the new track were
heard. The visitors did not fail to
note the substantial character of
the construction of the road, and
all spoke Jn the highest terms of
the spirit of enterprise displayed
by the people, who were instrumen
tal in carrying the project through
to a successful finish.
The day at Falls City was most
enjoyable. The bracing mountain
air gave the excursionists good
appetites, and the visitors who had
taken lunch baskets spent
pleasant noon hour on the shady
banks of the Luckiamute above the
Falls. Many people partook of the
excellent dinner prepared by Land
ord Fugitt of the Falls City hotel.
This snug little tavern is rapidly
growing in favor with the Sunday
excursionists, and the meals served
there are among the most enjoyable
features of the trip.
The return trip to Dallas in the
evening, was mad" in 35 minutes.
resident Hirschberg, of the motor
company, accompanied the ex
cursiomsts, and, as usual, kept
himself busy looking after the
comfort and convenience of his
assengers. President Gerlinger,
f the Dallas and" Falls City rail
road, was among the number re
turning to Dallas in the evening.
The Sunday excursions to Falls
City afford an excellent opportunity
to the people of Dallas, Inde
pendence and Monmouth to escape
the heat and dust of Summer and
spend a quiet, restful day after a
busy week's work, and are sure to
grow rapidly in popular favor as
the season advances.
Have You Seen The Sea Serpent?
Watch for the unique and catchy
pamphlet just issued by the General
Passenger Department of the Astoria
and Columbia River Railroad Co
which tells a little Summer tale
about the Summer Girls. Sea
Serpents and Sunsets at Seaside
The story is short but weil told
and handsomely illustrated. Place
your order early and avoid the
July run. Copies mailed free upon
application to J. C. MAYO, G. F,
& P. A., Astoria, Oregon.
Of Insanity Despite
Doctor's Care.
Nervous Cramps in
Hands and Feet.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Was
My Salvation.
Sleeplessness is at once a symptom and a
disease. Just as soon as the nerves become
deranged the patient suffers from sleepless
ness. Deprived of their natural rest the
nerves soon lose all force and vitality and
while sleeplessness is a symptom in sucb
cases it frequently becomes chronic and
remains the chief effect of disordered nerves.
Dr. Miles' Nervine quiets the nerves and
strengthens them; soothes the tired brain
and permits sleep; restores lost energy and
vitality and brings sleep, health and strength.
"Previous to our coming to the territory
three years ago, we lived in Virginia, and it
was there that I got acquainted with the
wonderful powers of Dr. Miles' Nervine. I
had been under the doctor's care and taking
his medicine for over two years, but the nerv
ous trouble that was gnawing my life away
grew steadily worse. 1 had nervous cramps
in my hands and legs, which would draw up
and pain me so that I could not sleep at
nizht. Often 1 never closed my eyes for
days and nights together. The doctor finally
told n e he could do nothing more for me and
that I was on the verge of insanity. He told
me I might try your Nervine as a la.t resorL
and it proved to be my salvation. When I
had used four bottles of the remedy together
with the Nerve and Liver Tills I had is-
p lined my former good health. MRS.
Martha J. Sheffkjl Omer, Oklahoma.
All drunnsts sell and puarantee first bot-
t'r Or. Miles' kemedies. :nd lor free book
on N-rvous ami Heart Diseases. Addre
Dr. lUcs Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
The following program of exer
cises will be given at the State
Normal School in Monmouth, June
13 to 17. It will be the twenty
first commencement and will be
celebrated as the "attainment of
the Schools' majority." Rev. D. V.
Poling, of The Dalles, will deliver
the Baccalaureate sermon, and
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, will give
the address on Commencement
Day. Special music will be pro
vided by Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer,
soloist, of Portland; Miss Higgins,
musical director of the O. S. N. S
Normal Ladies Chorus; Christian
Church Choir; Normal Cadet Band
and Lucas Orchestra.
The calendar of events
is as
Baseball game, Dallas vs. Mon
moutn, p. m.
Drama, "District Attorney" 8:00
p. m.
Baccalaureate sermon, Rev. D. V.
T1-.1; . mi v-v 1 s n
juiing, 01 ine uanes, ii:uu a. m.
Closing Chapel Exercises, 9:00
Class Day, 2:00 p. m.
Students' Reunion,-8:00 p. m.
Promenade Concert, Normal Ca-
det Band.
Tuesday, june 16. largest peak of the Three Sisters,
Anjiual Meeting Board of Regents will be reached. Here the perma
Field Day, 1:30 p. m. nent camp will be made, and the
Joint Literary Society Session, party will take up their different
8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, june 17.
Graduating exercises Address,
Rabbi Stephen Wise, of Portland,
1U:UU a. m.
Alumni Banquet, 1:00 p. m.
Alumni Public Program,
Sale of Marion County Wool
Was Postponed.
The Marion County Wool Growers'
Association held a meeting Satur
day afternoon for the purpose of
receiving bids on their pool of
75,000 pounds of wool. A number
of buyers were present and bids
were offered as follows:
A. K. Jacobs, representing the
Oregon City Woolen Mills 153
rpnia nor- rv.nr.,1 (n. 171
cents ior medium ana fine.
Wm. Brown & Co., 15 cents for
coarse and 171 cents for medium
and fine-i
Theo. Bernheim & Co., of Port
land, 15A cents for coarse and 17
cents for medium and fine.
M. W. Hunt, 15$ cents for coarse,
and 17 cents for medium and fine.
The sales committee of the Associ
ation decided not to sell the pool
tor less man 104 cents lor coarse
wool, and 18 cents for medium and
fine, consequently none of the bids
were accepted, and the sale was
postponed. Statesman.
Excursion Rates To Yaqulna Bay.
On June 1, the Southern Pacific
Company will resume sale of Ex
cursion tickets to JNewport and
Yaqnina Bay. This resort is be
coming more popular every year,
and hotel accommodations are
better than ever before, and at
reasonable rates. Season tickets
from Derry to Newport $4.50; to
Yaquina $4.00; Saturday-to-Mon-
day tickets to Newport $2.G5.
Morris Walker, son of Mrs. M.
E. Walker, was drowned while
bathing in the Willamette river at
Salem, Sunday afternoon. His
mother was in Dallas at the time,
having spent the week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Thompson, who are
related to the Walker family. The
remains were taken to Lebanon for
burial. The deceased was an ex
cellent young man and his early
death is a sad blow to his mother.
He graduated from the Northwest
Normal school, in Salem, last Fri
day. He was aged 14 years and 8
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drurslsts refund the money If It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove'a signature
Is on each box. 25c
r'Mi h
Absolutely" Pur
Mazamas Are Getting Ready for Their
Annual Mountain Trip.
All arrangements have been corn-
pleted for the trip to the Three
bisters by the Mazamas. The party
will leave Eugene early Thursday
morning, July 9. The first night's
stop will be at Montgomery's place,
the second night at the bridse on
the Mackenzie; Saturday night,
w O
uig Meadows will be the stonnino-
place. Here the wagons will be
left and the party will proceed on
foot. Sunday afternoon the snow
line of the Bis Mountain, the
exploring tours. Mondav. Julv 13.
- j 1
the Big Mountain will be climbed,
and on Tuesday an attempt will be
made to ascend the North Sister.
There is no knowledge of any one
ever having reached the topmost
peak of this lofty mountain, but it
is thought that unless the feat ia
extremely hazardous, several brave
MaZamas will ascend "to "the highest '
Wednesday, July 15, the home
ward journey will begin, and stops
will be made at Foley and Belknap
Springs. The party will reach
Eugene on July 18.
The trip will be an extremely
interesting one, as there is beautiful
scenery all along the way. There
will be good fishing and hunting
for those so inclined.
A SeflOUS JYllSlaKe.
I -TO T-v ll? , , n .
i. v. Dewnt ik uo. is tne name
of the firm who make the genuine
Witch Hazel Salve that heals with
out leaving a scar. It is a serious
mistake to use any other. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
blind, bleeding, itching and pro
truding piles, bums, bruises.eczema
and all skin diseases. Sold bv
Belt & Cherrington.
There was much joy in Medford
Thursday night. The band played,
anvils boomed and rockets soared
through the sky. The cause of the
hilarity was the election of Miss
Centenna Rothermel queen of the
W. O. W. Carnival. Miss Rother
mel won by a vote of 10,174. Miss
Blackburn, Gold Hill's favorite,
followed by a vote of 8973. Miss
Hartman of Grants Pass was third.
Grants Pass Observer.
Played Out.
Acker's Dyspepsia Te Diets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or money
refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes
t 2i centa. Belt A Cherrington, Dallas.
Dull Headache, Pains In various parts
of the body Sinking at the Pit of the
Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences
of Impure blood. No matter how It be
came so, It must be purified In order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir
has never failed to cure Scrofulous or
Syphilitic polaons or any other blood
diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi
tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal
las, Oregon.
Use Acker's English Remedy In any
case of coughs, colli or croup. Should It
fall to give Immediate reilef money re
funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Belt & Cher
rington, D.illas. Oregon.
sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia. Ona
little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 :
cts. and 60 cts. Belt & Cherrington.
DMa. Oregon
permanently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and Indirection rVe yl at, s'erv
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 23 cts. and 60 cts. Beit
& Cherrington, Dallas. Oregon.