Pols Sonify Gtouwr J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeai Strictly in Ailvance. DALLAS, OKEGON, Mat 22, 1903, The way to build up Dallas is to pat nuke Dallas picpie. V OREGON'S HONORED GUEST Great were the honors and genuine the welcome extended to President Roosevelt by the people of Oregon yesterday. Ashland, Salem and Portland, the three cities in which brief stops were made, and all other towns through which the President parsed, were in gala attire, and thousands of people gathered to aid in welcoming the Chief Executive, And the President, who has been truly described as "An Eastern man with Western ideas" appeared to deeply enjoy every minute ofj his visit. His first words after crossing . the State line into Ash land expressed his kindly feeling toward the people of the West. "It is with a peculiar feeling pleasure that I come to the State of Oregon." he said. "It has never before been my good fortune visit it, and yet I know KILLED HIS NEIGHBOR W. P. Peacock Shoots and Mortally Wounds Alex S. Kerr at Parker Station. them, your peo and I be one the pie, I feel like lieve in them." The trip to Portland was continuous ovation, and demonstration in that city was on a scale of grandeur never before attempted in the Northwest. The Presidential party departed for the Sound this morning. Hon. Binger Hermann was i Dallas for a few hours, Wednesday greeting old friends and making many new ones. He upoke to large audience at Independence in the evening. Mr. Hermann will receive the entire strengt! of his party m Polk county and, in view of the fact that he is in a position to do more for Oregon than any other candi date at this time, it will not be eur prising if a large number of Demo cratio votes are cast for him. Since President Roosevelt has expressed a desire for Hermann's election, no talk is heard of his not being in Bympathy with the administration, and he will receive the usual heavy Republican majority in the district. Dr. S. S. Wise, of Portland, has been secured to doliver the annual ad' dreBS to the graduating class of the Oregon State Normal School at Mon mouth In June. Rev. D. V. Poling will deliver the baccalaureate sermon "The District Attorney" will be put on by the student body and some special numbers of high-grade music are bei n g arran god. The commence' ment exercises promise to be of un usual interest Derby & Willson, the real estate agents, have Bold to Dr. Lee Steiner lots 6 and 7, block 22, on Liberty street in Salem. These properties were owned by Hon.T.L. Davidson and the Scotch Loan Company The latter was formerly owned by Dr. Golden. The consideration was 18000. Dr. Steiner is at present practicing medicine at Lakeview, but he expects eventually to come back to Salem and make his home. Statesman. Dull Headache, Palna In various parti of the body, Sinking- at the Pit of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Ftverlshneas, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter how it be came so, it must be purified In order to obtain food health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee Belt 4 Cherrlngton, Dal las, Oregon. - jA(? ysnopsia uuro D!jcst3 what yoa eit. This preparation contains all cf tbs digestants and digests all kindt cf food, ltfrive lnstantrelief and never tails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitlva stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics cave beea cured it ter every thing else failed. It prevents formalionof gas on thestom Rfh, relieving all distress after eating; lectin 2 unnecessary, l'leasant to t&ka. - ,.,. p-r -.1 on' r by E. O. iwm a oa, t. ', &L Luvwocwuutincx Umm U. m. au BELT & CIIERIUNGTON Alexander S. Kerr was shot and fatally wounded by William P. Pea cock. Monday at 4:15 p. m. The tragedy occurred at Parker, a village five miles South of Independence. No one witnessed the shooting, and the details are not known. After the shooting, Mr. Kerr was seen walking from his barn toward the house, and his terrible groans of agony attracted the attention of Mrs. Swink, who was busy at her home. She was the first to come to his assistance, and alarmed the neighbors, some of whom had heard the report of the gun. Mr. Kerr was found to be badly wounded, the entire load of No. 4 shot having literally covered his breast, neck and face, even penetrating his eyes. Some of the shot had entered his lungs, and he was suffering from internal hemorrhage. He died about 30 minutes after the shooting occurred. Mr. Peacock is a single man, and lived one door south of the deceased The shooting occurred just outside of the gate of Mr. Kerr's residence, and blood was observable from the reel dence to the barn and to the residence again, which was decided to be the course of the deceased after the shoot ing. Mr. Kerr was an exemplary citizen, and was respected by his neighbors. He was a Civil War veteran, and was about 65 years of age. He leaves a wife, one son and one daughter. He was conscious until a few minutes be fore his death, but made no statement as to the motive for the crime, After shooting Kerr, Peacock im mediately left for Independence and gave himself over to Constable Moran, The diver dies without air to 'breathe. The consumptive dies without lungs to breathe the air. or of lungs rendered incapable of breathing by disease. The blood as it flows in and out of the lungs indicates the consumptive's pro gress. As the lungs grow weaker less oxygen is inhaled and the blood changes from scarlet to pur- nlple. Oxygen is the lite of tlie 7 blood as the blood is the life of the body. The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery upon weak lungs is to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenation of the blood, arrest the progress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases have been and are being cured by " Golden Medical Discovery," in cases where deep-seated cough, irequent hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, and night -sweats - have all pointed to a fatal termination by con sumption. "some yearn ago I was almost a help lu victim of that ,dread diwaae con sumption," vrritca Mr. cnai. proas, P. M., of Sitka. White Co.. Ind. I was confined to my room for several months ; my Inenoa ana neignDori naa given up an nope of mv recovery, until one day a friend advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Uncov er y, and after I had taken the contents of the second bottle I began to improve. After taking six bottles I wu, I honeatly believe, delivered from the grave and entirely cured. I am now a strong and hearty mau." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. CONTEST AT C0RVALLIS Special Motor Will Leave Dallas at 4 : o'clock This Afternoon. The intercollegiate oratorical con test will be held in Corvallis tonight A special motor will leave Dallas at 4 o'clock this afternoon and return im mediately after the contest. It is hoped that a large crowd will go from this city. Bemember that it Is an Oregon man against Washington and California men, and we want our Oregon man to win. Furthermore Oregon's contestant is a student of our own Dallas College, and victory will mean much for both the town and the school. Mr. Hirschberg has kindly placed the motor at our disposal, and we should show our appreciation of the favor. The train will leave promptly at 4 o'clock. Bound trip tickets will be sold for $1.30. Mrs. H. B. Cosper, secretary of the Bebekah Assembly of Oregon, went to Portland this week to attend the annual meeting of the Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ayres, Mrs. T. B. Bowell, Mrs. Geo. L. Hawkins, Mrs. F. J. Wagner and A. W. Teats are attend ing the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., in Portland this week. ' COURT HOUSE NOTES BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J E Baldwin et ux to Ellis David son, 45.44 acres, 1 9 s, r 4 w, $1136. J T Ford, sheriff, to H L Fenton, 100 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $730.19. T A Biggs et ux to V P Fiske, 174 by 180 feet, 1 7 s, r 5 w, save and ex cept right-of-way for mill race, $600. Nathaniel Crosiar to Wm S Branch- Picnics until vou can't reRt. Manv who brought him to Dallas, where he of the young folks talk of attending flower' 160 acre8 6 s r i w $3000- was lodged in the county jail. He the picnics to be held in neighboring spoke lightly of the affair, and claimed towns. Unless the weather changes, that the shooting was done in self de- we are afraid the ice cream served on fenso. When informed by theSheriff, these occasions will need warming. Tuesday afternoon tnat iterr was pnn ine 0f confections carried at dead, he displayed no particular rj. J. 'Pugh's. Ice cream served on interest or surprise. He says that Saturday and Sunday. Jierr naa ortenea tnreatenea nis me, and that when they met in the road Monday afternoon he thought from Kerr's actions that the latter Intended to kill him. He rushed to his house, and, siezing his shot-gun, stepped out and shot him, The only motive for the bloody tragedy appears to be a quarrel of long years' standing between the two men. Twelve years ago, so it is said, they had trouble and Peacock shot Kerr in the leg with a 22-caliber rifle, inflicting a slight flesh wound. Their relations had never been friendly since that time. Peacock is about 35 years old, and is a hunchback. The inquest was held by Coroner Cary, assisted by Dr. L. N. Woods We all expect to attend the Pioneer picnic at Dallas oh June 6. and what is more, we expect to ride down on the cars. The track-laying gang is creeping nearer and nearer our border, and the grading crew is just below town on the Frank Hubbard place. Mr. ahd Mrs. Oscar Bryan are stay ing here temporarily. He is assisting in the store while Fred Holman is doing some team work. The planers of- the Bryan-Lucas Lumber Company were started Tues day, and soon all kinds of dressed ana Kun-anea stun will be manu factured there. Their mill in the mountains is making an average of and Diatrict Attorney Hart Tuesday over 5.000 feet Per day. This Is over morning. Judge Burnett will hold an ad journed term of Circuit Court in Dallas next week, and an effort will j be made to place Peacock upon trial at that time, in order to save the ex- doubling last year's output jurs. Electa Bicnarason nas pur chased the Mrs. J. V. Murphy (Jarvis) place. Several of our people went to Port land to see "Teddy" on the 21st. Albert Schipper to George E Gil- more, tract in Dallas, $300. D F Courter et ux to C D Tice, lot 3, block S, Falls City, $100. H S Montgomery et ux to C D Tice, lots 1 and 2, block P, south side, Falls City, $85. - J S Courter et ux to C D Tice, lot 6, block C, Falls City, $225. P Heinrich et ux to A J Wise, lots 10 and 11, block 4, Perrydale, $100. J. G. VanOrsdel et ux to E B Tuttle, 1.81 acres, 1 8 s, r 4 w, $181. A Burkhalter et ux to J H O'Niel, lots 4 and 5, block 16, Imp. Co add to Dallas, $450. Jackson Baker et ux to Electa Eichardson, n e J sec 30, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $800. Louise C Murphy et al to Electa Eichardson, 160 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $900. PEOBATE. Estate of Thomas Churchill, de ceasedinventory filed and. approved. Estate of A. K. Wilson, deceased- petition to sell personal property granted. pense of holding him in jail until the Me88rs Tice M are attendi regular December term. District At torney Hart is ready to proceed with the prosecution, and will insist that the trial be held at this term, in order to save all the expense possible, HON. C. W. FULTON COMING Junior United States Senator Speak In Dallas Next Wed nesday Evening. Will the Odd Fellows' convention there. Mrs. Ada Clark, who has been stay ing with Mrs. Sullivan and doing dressmaking, was called to Portland, Tuesday, her mother being very sick. Ed VanPelt has cut up his place Into town lots, and will sell them. After he has disposed of his property here, he will move to Idaho. A move is on foot to get a system of water-works in our town. The move is a good one, if only carried far enough. Frank Butler will come over Saturday and survey a route for United States Senator Charles W, Fulton will speak at the courthouse in Dallas next Tuesdav even inc. - - i . . , . . May 26, at 8 o'clock. Dallas is one of tne P6 llna the favored few towns in which the The Coast Eange Lumber Com matchless eloquence of Oregon's pany's mill is doing good work, and brilliant junior Senator will be heard the building of the flume, under the during the present campaign, and management of Fred Eaymond, is be the audience will be limited only by ing rapidly pushed to completion. the seating capacity of the building. Johnny and Jesse Beezley are back Watch for posters containing further in the mountains, working on a trail announcements. Jrrank Miller, of liickreall, was a Dallas visitor, Monday. S. P. Kimball, of Salem, was in Dallas on a business visit this week. commencing at the Alvin Robinson cabin and ending at Ben Beezley's ranch. The contract was let for $200, the trail to.be cut out and graded, so that a pack-horse can be taken through. Those who have contributed to its cost are T. D. Hollowell. C. J. BRIGHTS DISEASE. The largest Bum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August SO, 19U1. The transfer in- volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seyen per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Joey Leitch has returned to Pugh, J. S. Courter, Melville Courter, Whatcom, wash., after a short visit Wm. Ellis, Robert and Bert Wondorly. with relatives in Dallas. This work Is of vast importance to all A largo number of Dallas people will attend tho annual teachers' pio- nio at BIckreall tomorrow, if the weather Is fair. A splendid program has been prepared for the occasion. J. H. Townsend, who has been in failing health for several months, was taken to Salem for medical treatment, Monday. His many friends through out the state will hope for his early recovery. Union Memorial services will be held in the Christian Church. Eev. those who have claims in this district, and each one should consider himself under obligations to help the project along financially. The young people of the Presby terian church will appreciate any donations for their Fair to be held during the Woodman Carnival. The Benefit of Change. We are like house plants: We need a change of soil now and then to be replanted. New scenes, new experiences, new surroundings, a change of climate, dry air instead of moisture, sunshine in place of cloud. This is sometimes essential to health. There are conditions near at hand that are better than Europe can offer. Take a month or two in California. Plant your self for a time where there are no irritations, where the hotel is be yond criticism, the landscape pleas ing, and where warm sunny weather invites to walks and drives. Pure and dry air, and the increased electric influences of sunshine are The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size A. Winter will preside, and all the loses two pounds of wornout tissue. churches in the city will take part. This waste cannot be replenished "and vastly helpful ine sermon wm De preacnea Dy imsv. tne neaitn ana strengtn Kept up witn- You can make this trip at very L. Green. out perfect digestion. When the nr,a A riAa The streets of Dallas presented a atom acn ana atgestive organs ran to rvprrnrm thAlr Tiinfrirms- thA crimnOT.h l i ...hi . . .. i mAiinrainfl wKitK fit thia time ff areds or people going to Salem or ,7 """"' "v"' , b'' , ' . '. , PortUn tr, th Pr9int Th disease sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the year with . their snow-covered D I . ai i . i a i j 1 i a i fari mnmino n.nmr troin enaoiea uie ewuiacu una uigesiive neaks. are unsurpassea ior ineir Portland was crowded to the limit, "rKU! U1fc1 uu wmui an w gran(Jeur and hundreds of people drove to ! ?0"8,T . en For complete information reKard- n-i . mm inn Kind ni ninrui mat rprmiitini otnum. Ainonff me passengers to . . . . . . : ...,, ;. :.t .,1 n.n ..o. rrI .1 twu the tissues and protects the health and "'S FV'.U" U1 ,UK'""i TMmnf Wvlm.B ,,n.W rmman A sireiigui oi uib niiua ana ooay. Jtvouon ucuguuui uuicia iu wuwiui, of CaDt&in V. P. Fiskft. Th trln cures indigestion, Dyspepsia and all address -----. i . i . was held in Portland until 6 o'clock, acn uvuoies. ins an weai spring in the evening, and arrived In Dallas shortly after 9 o'clock. tonic. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. Th Bt Prssoriptlon for Malaria Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove's Tasteles Chill Tonic. It la "Imply iron and sulnJce In sl tasteless form. K curs K par. Pries Oa.. This sifroatura is oa ever? box of Um ftaalne Laiative Iirc.r.3-Qu:n2 Tbi.u W. E. COMAN, . G. Pf .Agt., S. P. Co., Portland, Oregon. Stops the Cough and works off tho Coii Laxatlvo Eromo-Qulnlne Tablets cur a coll tn on day. No Cure, No Fay. Fries il ceaU. CL0S ING. OUT SALE On account of various reasons but mainly continued ill health, I have de cided to sacrifice my goods here and get into something in which I will not be so closely confined. Everything Goes Without Reserve HATS, CAPS, LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES LADIES' WAISTS, AND MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Many of these lines are just in, and some are still on the road : All will be included in the sale. Many things at less than cost and you don't have to buy $J or $10 worth to get the discount Men's $2.25 Pants, to close, at $1.75 Ladies' Shirt Waists, $1.50 values $1.15 Men's $1.50 Pants, to close, at $1.15 Ladies' Shirt Waists, $1.00 values .75 Men's $3.75 Pants, to close, at $2.50 Ladies' and Men's Shoes, $3.00 val. $2.25 SALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, MAY 8 This Is Your Chance To Get New Merchandise At Your Price SALE PR I CBS CASH C. DODSON Racket Store Dallas, Or. WE HAVE Business Chances TO TRADE FOR FARMS. What have You to Offer? Some of the best farms in Polk County for sale. We want more. Write for our list. Property listed with us in con fidence. We advertise no busi ness chances openly. If unable to close a deal with a prospective buyer, call on us. We will act as agent for you and help consummate the deal. Cooper & Hdrley REAL E8TATE OFFIOE Independence, Oregon WAGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, .Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel PIowr. T'ivft-Tnnt.h ChlHivAtnrA. Disn flnltixrntnrs Pow Tnnfh , - - . ' J Q SWVVU 0 Farrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OREGON. THIRD ANNUAL EH M9 PICNIC Given By Sunset Lodge No. 130 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to PORTLAND, OK. SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1903 A Partial List of Attractions: Sensational Feats of of Equipoise on the High Wire. Imperial Troupe of Eoyal Japan ese Acrobats in all their Oriental Splendor. A Company of Colored Jubilee Singers In songs and Beenes from the Sunny South. Wonderful Feats of strength and skill on the Roman P.ings. Mervelous Hoop Rolling, Juggling and Grotesque Acrobats, Gym nasts and Funny Clowns. All these and many more will bo seen at the Trainmen's Excursion at Hawthorne Park in Portland. $1.25 FARC I.2S FROM ALL POINTS SOUTH OF MCMINN VILLC 1.25 FOB FURTHER INFORMATION inoHire of ny S, P. or O. K. & X. gent, or dore C. C. Loi'cks, Sec. Committee, 28 Muliuomah Block, Portitud, Oregon. Watch Sale F-1653 Owing to the great success attending my watch sale last Fall, I have decided to again oner some special induce ments in this line. For the next thirtv days, or until MAY 1, 1 will offer bar gains In all the standard makes of Watches that you positively cannot afford to overlook. Come in and see the stock. c. n. MORRIS, JEWELER and OPTICIAN SADDUES. I have iuBt received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Folk county. They are strictly "down-to- date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A bz assortment prices according to ... . . -. i ttn . Li. o quality au nuea wild ijouoie our cinglee," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARXESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST., DALLAS. ORE. Carnival Time or any other time you can get WATCHES, JEWELRY, GLASSES FITTED and KODAK SUPPLIES, j j PFENNIG JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ii' rar OAP Biggest Bars In Town For A Nickel.. You can't afford to buy elsewhere Qj Main St., Dallas, Ore. tlfc. . Sl: A. A. . -A- OAfiTOniA, Bean tiw p T! Kind Yoi Haw iUwaw B015M ,. 7.... , TV..-.. .... -. f-.,-......1.:r mm ,., , ,..Z Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome bottles. Docs this record cf merit erped to yea ? No Cere, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every fcott! b a Tea Oat, pxkant of Oovc't Clock Hoot. Liver HHs.