7 i I i 11 S I hit hh li 1 1 1 1 V - u n i 23 -i ; j c DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREOON, MAY 22, 1903 - Nil in ------ i 1 : 1 1 R. E. BRYAN & SON R. E. BRYAN & SON R E. BRYAN & SON R. E. BRYAN & SON WE MAKE 000 OUR STATEMENTS HOSIERY Boys' regular 20c. Heavy Ribbed Bicycle - 10c. Children's, regular 10c, at 7Jc. Ladies', regular 35c, Drop . stitch, fancy and plain , 25c Men's, regular 35c,.... at 25c UNDERWEAR Ladies', regular 50c, mercer ized,' sleeveless and long sleeves; at.. 35c Children's llibbed, regular 35c, at 25c Men's regular, 75c and 50c, ribbed and flat, at.. 39c GLOVES Men's, regular $1.25, heavy or light backs, at... ......95c Ladies', regular $1.50, new Mannish kids, at ..$1.20 HATS Straw Hats, at any price. Men's, all styles, regular $1.75, at .... $1.15 Men's,' latest, regular $3.00, Waldorf, Thoroughbred and Conqueror, at .......$2.35 Cut To Our Cost ALL THE LATEST SHOES. ALL THE LATEST SKIRTS. ALL THE LATEST WAISTS. ALL THE LATE DRESS GOODS Such as Voiles, Etamines, Zibelines, Prunellas, Henriettas, Mohairs, in plain, fancy and pin-dot effects. DURING THIS CLOSING OUT SALE we have alreay sold you approximately: : : 2 BALES (5008 yds.) MUSLIN at 4c. 125 BOLTS (7500 yds) PRINTS at 4c. 50 CASES (12G0 cans)TC"ATGES 8k 75 GASES (1800 cans) CORN at 8k 1 We promised you that we were going to force all our goods on the market at prices which would move them; that there would be no reserve. :::::: 1 We have had your confi-4 ; dence, and would not under any circumstances do any thing to lose it. : : : : : 1 While we shall soon leave Dallas, we expect "to grow up" in this county and help to develop its resources. If Competitors cannot make expenses and meet our price cutting. Air this following the band-wagon shows that we lead ALL OTHERS FOLLOW DOMESTICS 36-in. Muslin,-regular . 6Jc, Lillian or Starr L. L. at 5c. . 36-in. Percale, regular 15c. to 10c, at ...8c. Percales and Calicoes, regu lar 6c, at . ...5c. Mottled Outings, regular 12c, at .;.8c. 36-in. Bleached Muslin, regular 12 and 10c. at 8c. 10-4 Cotton Blankets, reg ular 65c, at 49c. CLOTHING Men's New Suits, regular $12.50; at ... 1895 Men's Fancy Woolen, regular ! $10.00, at $7.45 Men's Black Birdseye, regular $8.00, at $5.95 Youths' Suits, regular $6.50 at $4.80 ' Youths' Suite, regular $5.00 at $3.85' "- Funcy Woolen Long Pants. CLiid's Norfolk, reg. $3.75, at $2.95 Child's Vestee, reg $4.25, at $3.40 Child's Suits, reg. $2.50, at $1.95 All Wool and New Patterns. FLAGS For Carnival Decorations. 2f x 4-in., regular 8c, at 4c. doz. 41 x 7-in., regular 10c, at'5c. doz. 12 x 20-in., regular 50c, at 30c. doz. W. O. W. BUNTING. GROCERIES 2o lbs. D. G. Sugar, $1.00 1500 Parlor Matches 08 Arbuckles or Lion Coffee .10 5 Minute Mush .07J Celluloid Starch .08 Schilling's Baking Powder 35 Corn and Tomatoes .08J Rising Sun Stove Polish 04 All 10-cent Spices 07 O B VERY TRULY RYAN SON MAIN STREET, DALLAS, ORE. jyANGRSDEL, H -DEAXERS IN. Hayes & Co. IReal Estate OU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO LIST VOUR PROPERTY WITH US. FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, TIMBER LANDS and CITY PROPERTY. itww.ii i Huuaii llllouli UtiltulilE, Luimci va ig Headquarters For WALL PAPER All the late and stylish designs in Wall Paper and Borders, direct from the East, can now be found at our store, and the prices are lower than ever before. You are invited to call and inspect our beautiful line of PICTURE FRAME MOULDING. PAINTS, OILS, VAENISHES AND GLASS Constantly on Hand. L. D. DANIEL, LULL STREET. DALLAS, ORE. Mrs. W. L. Skipton, of Salem, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. C. Garwood, this week. Noah Gregg, of Ballston,-is haul ing lumber from Danniels& Agee's mill for a very large barn to be con structed immediately. McMinn ville Telephone-Register. It is a sad commentary on the transitory character of things mortal that about nine-tenths of the ad vertisements one reads on the road side fences, and stuck up on the trees and bridges, are of men who are dead or cone out of business. observes the Yamhill Reporter. A. C. McKinnon. of Amitv. has purchased 400 acres of land of the Henderson farm of W. W. Nickell. The purchase price is 131.25 per acre. There are no buildings on this portion of the land, but Mr. Mc Kinnon will build buildings in the near future. Telephone-Register. Joe Murphy, Charlie Bird and George Robinson killed a large cougar on James Ford's ranch near Falls City la6t week. The animal had been killing Joe Card's sheep. Life A Little Early Riser. now and then, at bedtime will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the famous little pills that cure by arousing the secretions, moving the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is removed entirely, and if their use is continued for a few days, there will be no return of the complaint. Sold by Belt & Cherr-ington. Long Sick and Nerv ous Headaches. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Cured Me. DALLAS STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL ARNOLD'S BIG ORIENTAL SHOWS JUNE , 4, $ and 6. The accompanying illustration will give our readers an excellent idea of Arnold's big tented shows, as they will appear on the east side of Courthouse Square in Dallas at the Woodmen's Street Fair on June 3, 4, 5 and 6. In the upper leftt hand corner of the picture is a faithful likeness of the nronrietor himself. Mr. Arnold has a big show and a long list of attractions this year, and, as his bills announce, J "there will be something doing every minute" of the four days he is to exhibit in Dallas. You will see more to interest, amuse and entertain than ever before presented. Some of the more prominent features of this great tented exhibi tion are: Great Animal Collection In the menagerie will be .found one of the most valuable collections ever exhibited in the Northwest. mzz old ? rr w 1 ' VTl if i'l I I Absolutely Para wes mt:a SUBSTITUTE They Gave Me Instant Relief. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money It It fall to cure. E. W. Grove'i it mature U on each box. 25c. The common affliction of an BUUilcinj It headache. From it few are entirely free. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will cure and in most instances prevent headache of any kind or decree. If you cannot enjoy theatre going, car-riding, dancing, if you are subject to nausea from nervous excitement, the fatigues of travel or sight-seeing, take an Anti-Fain Pill before an attack comes on and you will find that you can successfully ward off all disagreeable symptoms. Anti-Pam Pills are the best of remedies for backache, neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatic pains; contain bo opiates, non-laxative; never sold ia bulk. "With the greatest pleasure I recommend Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills to everyone who suffers from nervous or sick headache. All my life long I was troubled with headaches of a vety severe nature, and have tried many powdere and other remedies without success. By chance 1 tried Dr. Mi es' Anti-Pain Pills and they gave immediate relief. Never since the brst dose have I been troubled with headache. Whenever I feel it coming on I take one or two Pain Pills and it au disappears." William Brown, Genesee, Id alio. This Is to certify that I have nsed Dr. Miles' Anti Pain fills for neuralgia and nea- ra!j.'ic headache and have found them to rive relief E. D. Wked, Ex-Mayor and a U. S, DisL Arty, Helena, Mont. All druggists sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Pills. Tbey are Bon-laxative; cost tain no opiate?, never sold in built, 2$ coses, aj cents, Dr.ilcs' MedicaCo,LJl-t,la4. Tigers, lions, elephants, camels, and many other zoological acquisitions. A valuable lesson for the child ren. and a ireatonnortum'fv for nmntnnr pfibtographers. Bud and Rosv. the only two trained coyotes in the world, will appear at everv ner formance and climb an 80-foot ladder and dive, head-foremost, in to a net stretched 75 feet below. The Hindoo Theatre With Hassan's Troupe of Magi cians, Gun Spinners, Sword fighters, Whirling Dervishes, Dancing Girls. The quaint, weird music should not be missed. Edison h'lectric Show The embodiment of all its name implies. All of the latest life-like, life-size moving pictures will be projected, where can be seen people walk, birds fly, trains move at full speed, boats plying through the water, etc. The whole world at your feet. Famous Ferris Wheel Has been secured. Don't fail to take a ride in Mid-Air. By so do ing one can enjoy the thrilling sen sations of a Balloon Ascension with the added pleasure of entire saiety. By ail means take a ride in the big sixty-foot Wheel. The Great Ver Valln The boy with many voices, and his family of wooden actors, intro ducing Happy Hooligan, etc., can be seen only with the LORETTA TWINS VAUDEVILLE CO., with the Arnold bhows. Old Plantation Theatre Presents an Ethiopian Entertain ment, replete with comedy, pathos and music. It is redolent of the Sunny Southland. Buck and wing dancing, jubilee singing, banjo playing, character sketches and a genuine bouthern Cake Walk Japanese Theatre The quaint and exceedingly odd performance in the Japanese theatre ia a rare treat, and no one chould miss this opportunity of witnessing it. Teteuwari's Japanese Actors and Acrobats are acknowledged to be the most finished of all artists in their line. This Company is the best in Japan. It was engaged with the Mikado's consent, and, to gether with all the scenery, effects, costumes, accessories, etc., was brought to America especially for this tour, by Mr. E. J. Arnold. A Scene From Fairyland Grand Entree and Coronation of the queen of the carnival, attend ed by her Royal Court of Ministers, Courtiers, Maids of Honor, Jesters, Heralds, Pages, etc., presenting a spectacle of mediaeval splendor. Heading the list of paid attrac tions will be found the Loretta Twins Vaudeville Company of Juvenile Stars, displaying science, skill and daring gyrations through the air, and executing marvelous feats of prowess and agility. j The mammoth steam Merry-go- round will furnish amusement for all. Grand balloon ascension and parachute jump, of the Roman Rings, and won derful feats of equipoise on the slender silver thread. The flying Victorellas, with their thrilling performance in mid-air. The famous Doro Family, pre senting their latest creation, "Ad ventures with Satan," introducing this wonderfuJ troupe of grotesque acrobats and pantomimists in the funniest comedy acts extant Mr. Arnold has a truly marvelous exhibition, and you cannot afford to miss it.. Uemember the dates June 3, 4, 5 and 6, and come to town and enjoy a few days o! recreation before the harvest work begins. MADE SPLENDID SHOWING Dallas College Athletes Defeated by Newberg Team by Only Four Points. The Dallas College boys made an excellent record at the held and track meet held at Newberg, last Saturday, bsing defeated by Pacific College by only four points. The rains of the morning made th track heavy, and good records were impossible. However, the meet was hotly contested, and some pretty events were pulled off. The result follows: 50-yard dash Poling first, Green second, Van Orsdel, third; time 6J seconds. Shot put Kramien (P, C.) first, Moore (r. U.) second, Coulson (P. C.) third; distance, 33 feet. Half-mile run Krumien (P, C.) first, Launcr, second, Wilson, third; time 2:30. 100-yard dash Green first, Pol ing second, Maris (P. C.) third; time, 11 4 seconds. Pole vault Daily (P. C.) first, Kramien P. C. second, Ford third. 120-yard hurdle D. Coulson P. C. first, Teats second, Gates third; time l'Ji seconds. Quarter mile Pemberton P. C. fi ret, Van Orsdel second, Williams third; time 59 seconds. High jump Kramien P. C. and Poling tied for first; Maris P. C. and Coad tied for second. 220-yard hurdle- -D. Coulson P. first, W. Coulson P. C. second, Ford, third; time, 32 seconds. 220 yard dash -Williams first, Maris P. C. second, VanOrsdel third; time, 27i seconds. Hammer throw Kramien P. C. first, Poling second, D. Coulson P. C. third; distance, 84 feet 5 inches. Mile run Wilson first, Teats second, W. Coulson P. C. third; time, 5:50. Broad jump Kramien P. C. first, oling second, D. Coulson P. C. third. wear store teeth) from Cape Cod to Kalamazoo. We are not afraid of thia diabolical kissing microbe; and the i man who would recommend the abolition of the health-giving kiss is fit only for treason, stratagem and spoils. and is clearly unconsti tutional and ehould be abolished himself. PORTLAND BOY WINS Rotch Traveling Contest Awarded to Edward T Foulkes. . Edward T. Foulkes, of New York, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, class of 1898, has been awarded the Rotch traveling scholarship, as the result of the competitions entered in Boston. , The scholarship eranta $1000 annually for two years, to be expended in foreign travel and study. the successful, competitor was born in Monmouth, Oregon, in 1875, and is a nephew of Morris if ones, of this city. A short time ago he won the gold medal in the .beaux Art competition, in New York. The Evening Telegram eavs: "MrJ Foulkes may be considered a Portland boy, as he lived in this city about 12 years and graduated at the Portland high school. Five years ago he went East and he has been engaged in the study and ap plication of architecture since then. The scholarship which has been awarded him by the Rotch Ineti- tule will enable him to send draw ings 1 and sketches of the great buildings of Europe to the institute during the next two years. These drawings are to remain the property of the Rotch Institute, which, in that way, will have valuable data at hand to compensate itself for ' the outlay on Mr. Foulkes' behalf.. 'he fortunate young man will visit ortland for a few weeks this Sum mer, as he desires to see his parents and brother, David Foulkes, before starting on his two years' tour." The TraTic!a3, ia their heavy and light weight juggling and hoop rolling. The marvelous Deuarros, Kings The Stillwater (Okla.) Advance refers to the alleged danger of kiss ing, and denounces it as an un mitigated slander on the women. "There can be no more danger in kissing a beautiful woman," says the paper, "than in kissing the annlioht or a new-blown roRe, and for the purpose of .demonstrating our position we stand ready to kiss any white woman (who does not Played Out. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BY ulnf Acker's Dyspepsia Te biota. On Uttla Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at ? cents. Belt Cherrinjton, Dallas, Oregon, Dull, Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the Stomach, Lobs of Appetite, FeverlshneM, Pimples or Bores are ail positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it be came so. It must be purified In order to obtain rood health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or ' Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It la certainly a wonderful remedy and we el! every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal las, Oregon. - EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fall to give immediate relief money re funded 25 cts. and 60 cts., Belt ft Cher rington Dallas. Oreron. .i ACKER'S DVSPEPSIA TABLETS ar sold a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dvspepsla. One little tablet rives hnmedlate relief. SS' cts. and 60 cts. Belt & Ctierriitgton, Dallas. Oreion SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY n4 permanently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant nero drink, cures cinntjvu" and Indigestion, makes you eat, .eri, work and happy. Satisfaction guarant or money back. 25 -eta. ard Ui eta. lust & Caerrlngton, Dallas, Oregon.