Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, April 17, 1903, Image 2

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    - 1"- I
Polft County .Observer
Published Weekly at One Dollur per Yeai,
Strictly In Advance.
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people.
Th Ob'krver I If s. il . . .
that no serious opposition i bt ii.g
encountered in Bccming a right-of-way
for the water pipe line from
Canyon Creek, to Dallas from
property-owners along th route,
and it is believed dial tin' work ili
the plant can begin within , the
next'month. One or two partite,
have refused to grant the email
concepsiniiH atked for, and it -nil
be necegHHry to begin ai. action
against them at once to secure the
same. Now is the time for the peo
ple of Dallas to stand together and
aid the council in getting the plant
under way as soon as possible. If
there is to be any opposition, let it
come from outside parties, and not
from the people of the town. The
water-works must be built this
Glancing through the columns
of last week's Prineville Review,
our attention was attracted by the
following editorial paragraph:
"Prineville has the best water
and electric light system of any
town of its size in the state and the
rates are more reasonable than any
we have come in contact with."
The electric light and water
plants in Prineville are owned by
the city, and operated under a lease
by II. V. Gates on substantially
the same terms as are provided for
in the Dallas ordinance. Mr.
Gates also operates the Heppner
water-works, and our exchanges
from that town have nothing but
good words for the manner in
which the same are conducted.
Walter T Wiles et al, executors, to
Mary J Wells, 325.73 acres, 1 10 s,. r i
and 5 w, $4000.
. United States to L O Kimsey, 80
acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, patent.
United States to James M Jackson,
125.63 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, patent.
United States to Thompson Warren,
160 acres, 1 8 s, r G w, patent.
R T Boothby et uxtoMN Bowman,
80 acres, 1 9 s, r 5 w, $2650.
Mary J Black to Henry Clanfleld,
25.34 acres, 1 6 and 7 s, r 5 w, $300.
Rodney Bowman et ux to Henry
Clanfleld, tracts in 1 6 and 7 s, r 5 w,
J N Olmsted to Gerhard Braun,
152.29 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w, $5700,
PBS Miller et ux to Henry Fawket
ux, 1G0 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $4500.
It P Poie et ux to E R Cutler. 24
acres, t 7 , I'aW, 4J.
W U Kraber et ux to Castle & Shaw,
tract ia 1 7 s, r 5 w, $225.
W C Brown to Alfred Haldeman,
lots 4 and 5, block 1, Levens LaCreola
Hd add to Dallas, $675.
M M lillits et ux to W C Brown, lots
2 and 7, block 2, Germantown, (North
Dallas,) $400. '
Thomas I Bowman to Henry Clan
fleld, tracts in 1 6 and 7 s, r 6 w, $850.
Sarah E Weston and hd to Jesse R
Young, lots 6 and 7, Orchard Co add
to West Salem, $1100.
John Ellis et ux to F T Brigham,
lots 6 and 6, block 21, Ellis add to
Dallas, $85.
Fred Kau et ux to Marcellus Reld et
ux, 130.73 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $1600.
Lucy and J R Mendenhall to Henry
Clanfleld, 168.76 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w,
Lewis Garbutt to George F McBee,
lot 8, block 15, Levens LaCreole Hd
add to Dallas, $65.
Alfred Haldeman et ux to Louis
Gerliuger, lots 4 and 5, block 2, Shultz
LaCreolo Hd add to Dallas, $775.
STBurchtoJ E Longnecker, lots
in Rickreall, $75.
Old Mens' Double Quartet Will Ap
pear In Dallas Next Friday Evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Dant, of
Lansing, Mich., are staying at the
Gail. Mr. Dant has extenslvo timber
interests in this part of the stato.
The Dallas City Bank will move in
to its elegant new quarters next Mon
day. The working men are putting
the finishing touches on the Inside
decorations. The new bank will be
one of the finest south of Portland.
Call for Warrants.
All Polk county warrants endorsed
"presented and not paid for want of
funds" prior to August 1, 1001, will be
paid upon presentation at my ofllce.
Interest on same will cease on and
after dato of this notico.
Dated, Dallas, Oregon, April 17,
County Treasurer.
Tired Feeling
Is a Common Spring Trouble.
It's a sign that the blood is deficient
In vitality, just as pimples and other
eruptions are signs that the blood
is impure.
It's a warning, too, which only the
hazardous full to heed.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Remove it, give new life, new cour
age, strength and animation.
They cleanso the blood and clear the
Accept no substitute.
"I felt tired all the time and could not
Bleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
a while I could sleep well and the tired
reeling had gone. This great medicine has
also cured me of scrofula." Mas. C. M.
Koot, Gilead, Conn.
Hood's) Sarsaparilla promises to
cura and keeps the promise.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat
This preparation contains all cf tie
di(.:estants and digests all kinds of
laod. It gives Instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat ail
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
afh, relieving all distress after eating.
Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can't help
but do you rood
Pwpa red only by E.C. PrWrrr A Co., "blraito
Vue U. Uiue contain UnwiUwWattHk
The Lndios' Professorship of Dallas
College are pleased to announce that
they have secured the Veterans'
Double Quartet, of Portland, for a
concert in this city next Friday eve
ning, April 24. This quartet, the
youngest member of which is over GO
years of ago, have sung all over the
Pacific Coast, and are in demand by
entertainment committees everywhere.
Their program of quartets, duetts and
solos is one of rare merit, and no one
eJioukl tail to hoar them. It might be
of interest to mention that this double
quartet Is made up of Grand Army
men. The ladles are congratulating
themselves on securing them, as it
has been learned that the fourth
lecture of tho Star Course was not up
to expectations, and this attraction
has been socured in its place. All
persons holding the lecture course
tickets are entitled to admission with
out extra chargo. The concert will be
held in tho College Chapel.
I ' 7.1 ;..nn
- Ask a
w man
i i. ii
v V v. wnai sue v. i:i.i
VS kpII her liealt"
for and she would tell
ii. . it. . : .
you inai uie ciiuh-oi
i a: i- j., n, ;
iiaiuuiui& in w"i. .
could not buy it. "
ise for diamond rings
"tnnhasize the shruii'-c
11 fingers, or earrings to lylu
I UP l'ie cheeks hollowed by
Health is the first requisite
ito wonia'ily happiness. Centra!
iill-health in women has its ori-
gin in local womanly diseases.
' Pur, trip diseases of the delicate
womanly organism and th gen
eral health is perfectly restored.
The remarkable rjenems ex
perienced from the use of Dr.
Pierre s Favorite Prescriction
are due to this medicine's per
fect cures ot woman ly diseases.
It establishes regularity, dries
weakening drains, heals in nom
ination and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
H aiiords Hio great jilwmrc to be
able t sav a' lew worjs iu tcf to
the merits of Dr. Pierce's favorite
Prescription and his ' Golden Medical
Diseovery,' writes Mrs. Mora irn, of
pallas, Jackson Co., Mo, "I was
tempted to try these medicines after
seeing the effect upon my mother. At
an earlv staee of married life I was
ereatlv 'bothered with painful peri
ods, also a troublesome drain which
rendered me verv weak and unfit for
work of any kind t became so thin
there was nothing left of me but skin
and bone. My husband became
alarmed and got me a bottle of ' Fa
vorite Prescription.' After he saw the
wonderful effects of that one he got
me o more, and after I used those
up ; re was no more pain, and I be
gan to gain iu flesh very rapidly."
Favorite Prescription " makes
weak women strong, sick women
well. Acccept no substiute for
the medicine which works won
ders tor wea.
Collection of Street Assessment.
To John Wolf.', M. M Ellis, A. B. Muir,
Amanda F. Hums. Hiid nil otliei (,ei s-ns.iit int
NOTICE IS li I'.lilill i ti Vi.N.'li I .i.
asseKSineil. it i.ic I impiin i-un ; I in ruin
and abut.i.iif on tin- irupvriy Ju-reij iieiuw de
scribed, t ii-ether with all costs and e rniiif
costs and merest from the date of said assess
ment sha i ue fully paid witinn i; nays imm
the dato h-reof, tlie City . ouncil of th i ity ol
Dallas wi.t declare the Snine delinquent, and
will order a warrant to issue for their collection.
That certain tract of land owned by John
oi.u ueuinninar at tho Nortlieiist corner of Lot
o. 5. in Block io. 10, Conkey's 1st addition to
tlieCif of Dallas, and runiiiUK thence hast to
the binds now owned by Jilla Keynolds; tiience
South lit feet; thence West to the Southeast
curlier of said Lot No. 5, in said block No 10,
and thence North HI feet to the pluce of begin
ning. Assessment, I13.H),
Also, that certain tract of land belonging to
I.M Ellis, A. B. Muir, and Amanda K. (larris
oegiuniiig 7."J.:) chains South from the Northeast
rainier of I. Levens u. L. C. to. 1 s., r. 5 w,, and
running thence West 200 feet; thence South 100
leet; tueuce r.BSt 2W icei ; aim meiice iiuiiu
UX) feet to place of beginning. Assessment,
All of said improvements being ordered by
Ordinance No, J(i, and asstssed by resolution
No. 4, and duly entered iu the Docket of City
Mens of tho City of Dallas, oil the Utll dny of
November, A. 1. nioi.
Done by order of the Council made on the 8th
day of April, A. V, 1003. .
WITN UBS my hand and Seal of
inesaiu iiiy miisvui uny oi apru
A, D. 1008.
Auditor and Police Judge.
j seal I
Notice For Publication.
Administratrix's Sale.
Notice is hereby clvon that by virtue of an
order of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, tor 1'olK tjouniv, uuiy mauo huh eniereu
oil the llith of April, 1 '. KJ.i. in the matter of tin
istiiluof David J. Whiteiiker. decensed. author
izing, licensing, empowering and directing me,
the iindersiKiieii. as aainitnsirairix oi inu siuu
estate, to sell the hereinafter described real
property belonging to sniu csmteai private saie,
lor ctisn, in uie manner prescnoeu uy iuw.j
will, fiom and after
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1903,
at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at
i .u... ne r...4. I....,.. 1..
Ul resilience in me v.ilj oi i uui;it-inn.-iii.!, u
said County, sell at private sale to the highest
bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by said
County Court, the snid real property, which is
ocscriocu as louows, io-wh:
Beginning nl the Southwest corner of the Di'
inillon Land Claim of David J. Whitcaker,
Notilteation No. 2aii, Claim No. 60, in Township
K houlh, Kange n West of the Hlllsuicilt
Meridian, in i'olk Counlv. State of Oreuon. and
running thence North 81) 80 chains, t the North
west corner of said Donation Land Claim;
thence East 42..0 chains, to the center of the
t ountv Koad; thence South 6 degr es !l
minutes West, along the center of said Koad,
ill ,rm chains, to the Kotith line of said Donation
Land l luim : and thence West ,'(8.8'.l chains to
the place of beginning, containing 137, r5 acres,
more or less; excepting therclrom the Kailroad
Hig'.tof Way.
1 ated this 17th day of April, l'.HW.
As administratrix of he estate of
David J. W hiteaker, deceased.
Oscar Haytcr, Attorney.
The Poetry of the Orange.
It appeals to you, when the fruit
hunga ripe and sweet on the tree late
in February, or early in March. Then
tho blossoms break out, and the trees
are yellow with golden globes, and
white with orange flowers. It may
to that a flurry of snow has whitened
the mountain tops, and then you have
an artistic background for a tropical
forest. Tho air is full et sunshine,
and heavy with fragrance as night
comes on, and then, if the moon be
shining, you may hear at midnight
through open windows, tho song of
tho mocking-bird in the scented grove,
and it never seemed so melodious before.
An experience like this is possible
any winter, and it is worth a journey
of a thousand miles, while you cun
have it, by taking tho scenic Suasta
ISoute through the grand and pictur
esque Siskiyou and Shasta Mountains,
to Southern California. Complete in
formation about the trip, and de
scriptive mutter, telling about Culi
furuia, may In had from uuy Southern
1'ueiiio Age tit or
Gen. Pass. Agt. S. V. Co.
Lines in Oregon, Port
land. Oregon.
The' Best Prescription for Malaria
Chllla and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply
Iron and qulnlae In tasteless form.
No cure. No pay. Price tOc
Land Office at Oregon City Oregon,
April ii. mm.
Kolico is liereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that Baid proof will be made before County
Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on
May 25, 1003, viz: Thomas E. Wright II. E. No.
VMM for the Lots 1 und 2, Section 7, T. 9 8., B. 8
He names tho following witn sses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz; F. J. Morrison, of Kocca, Ore
gon; Adohih Sampson, of Falls City, Oregon;
Dtto Byerley, of Airlie, Oregon; O. C. Bell, of
Kocca, Oregon.
Notice For Publication.
Land Ofllce at Oregon City, On gon,
April 11, 1U03.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof iu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of i'olk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on
May 25, IU03, viz: Henry w. rlu'iit ii. r.. Jo,
I 'll;t7 lor the S, E. li N. E. il Sec. 6. and Lot J,
and 8. tt . li N. W. Sec. i, T. it 8., It, 8 W.
He names the following witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: F. J. Morrison, of Kocca, Ore
gon; Adolph Sampson, of Falls City, Oregon;
Otto Byerley, o( Airlie, Oregon; O. C. Bell, of
Kocca, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for i'olk i utility.
in the matter of the estate)
Of Cl l A UU.V
R L. skinner, deceased. )
To Hannah Howling, Elinira (iordonier,
Vti liain Sua mi. Mrs. William htiaun, Altai
Straun, Nancy jane Bucnner, Allen Hiichuer,
rloreuce Michael, vnnncs iuienuei, .nauti jam
lne, John Janiine, Hiram ntraun, Nancy June
Hannah, Albert Hannah, 1'. A Skinner, N. J.
Skinner, Ida Miller. Frank Miller, Katy Beil,
James Bel!, Kona F.duar, James Edgar and
Rebecca A. Skinner, CiKtEJiNu:
Von are herebv cited and required to appear in
the County Court of the State ol Oregon, for the
County of Polk at the Court Koom thereof, at
Dallas ill the i ountv uf I'olk on sainnli.v, the
;kd uav ol miiv. l'.HW. ut tile nour ol Hi o clocK
a. in., of said day, to show cause, if any exist,
why the following uescnueu real esmie oeiong
ln to the estate aboved named should not be
Sold. Said real estate described as follows:
Beginning at the most Northerly Northwest
corner ol . the .fain 0 u line iiouaiM.i i...i,i
limn No. .il iu Section No. 2i In lowustnp
South ol Kaune 3 West of the Willimelte
Meridian in i'olk County. Slate ol 'irem.n.
thence North 27 degrees 30 minutes East 10.81
hains. thence est 111. .xi chains, thence South
lb ol chaMis to the renter ol the County road,
ll.ence East along the center oi the t ount road
10.40 chains to the Place of beginning, contain
ing 26. 7U acres, more or less.
Also the fiillowli.g deai rib.d tract: Bopin
mm! in l ie center ol me v ountv m.ia iu. iu
chains West oi the most Northerly Northwest
corner of the James W hite onaiion i.auil L.l'n
No 61 ill Section No. 21 in township i houth,
Knnire 8 vtest oi the Willam-tte Meridian in
I'olk Coiintv. Stale of Oreuon. thence North Iti.M
chains to an angle in the North line of the
Donation Land Claim ot William aim Kosanna
Cole, thence North b. chains; ttienee vtest
27.K5 chains, thence South H degrees West SSi 4ti
chains to the center of the County road, thence
South along the center of the County road 74
decrees Essi 2.M) chains; thence East along the
center of said County roa.i ;m.4h clu.iim to the
place ol bekiuning containing b. .IS acres ol
and, mure or less.
Also the following described tract of 1mm:
Lota 2. 1. 4 and 5 in S.-CU..H Jl in lonsliiw
South, Katiee S West ol the W lliaii.elte Meridian
iu I'olk County, state or Oregon, mumming
37 3 acres oi laud, more or less; savinr aim ex
leptim; a trnct of .1 7 aen s soul to Nora user
on the 23rd day of June, iss. by K L. skinner,
described as beginning in the South line of
L. J. S. Turoey's Donation and Claim iu Sec
tion 21 Tow nsnip 7 roiuh, Raufe 3 West ol the
Willamette Meridian in tolk County, ureron.
at a pom! 68J.61 livt wesi oi ine c'iuiiieisi
corner f S'liu . onalion Latui tMaitn, ttieiue
Sort., h 'i nvr-cs t. si ilti le t to a t-,t in
the Son., line ol n Hon .lion Ijiud ( l..lin
411i.i0te.-l VXesloithe Norlliesst C'Tnei of snld
Donaiion Land ( l .nn. Ih.-mv m I u I i le. t.
tlun eS-'Uih 121, deKtf8 West alxnit II si ii et
to a ) nit in the Sooth line ol said D onation
l and 1 lann lt".ti. le t West from the pl.ee of
lieeiuniiu. thence East Itvi 65 feet to the place
of bepiuiiiii. lenviux ill the tract 3.1.78 acres of
laud, more or less.
Witness: The Hon. J. E. Sibley.
Judge of the County Court of
the Stale of Oregon, for the
County of i'olk, with the seal
of said Court affixed, this itli
, day of April, A i'., 1hu.
Attest: V. S.I.oCC.H ARY. Clerk.
By W. F. Nichols, Deputy.
zrth rr n tco
" i l 'i "r4 ii ' fi v'i i
' 11 II '
n 0 I
1 1 li ii J si n
I li
t ( . : . i
1 p
Oommenoing SATURDAY, APRIL 18, and
continuing until our immense stock is all sold.
Oar Sawmill interests and Falls City business require all of our time and attention, and we have decided
to sacrifice our Dallas store.
Every article will be reduced, and staple articles which you need every day will be shipped in and sold
at, WHOLESALE PRICES, while everything on hand will be sold regardless of cost.
Our Full Line of
will be
which are arriving every day
included in this sale,
Which amounts to thousands of dollars' worth of the newest, finest and most desire
able merchandise on sale at the lowest prices ever made on equal quality in any store
in this valley.
We invite you to call early and select
your share of these bargains in a bill
of which we mention only a part:
OIE. Dry Granulated Sugar $1.00 25 yds. L. L. Muslin - $1.00
25 yds. Best Caico $1.00 3 cans "A. & L" Extra Corn Tomatoes, 25c.
& SON, Dallas, Ore.
8 I 2 I 1 1
r j
. I 5 I
I? P
c- D'
S j
Watch Sale
F -1653
Owing to the great success attending
my watch sale last Fall, I have decided
to again offer some special induce
ments in this line. For the next thirty
days, or until MAY 1, 1 will offer bar
gains in all the standard makes of
Watches that you positively cannot
afford to overlook. Come in and see
the stock.
C.H. MORRIS, !ssa!
Notice For Publication.
United States Lund Office,
Oreeon City, Oregon.
February 17, l'.ma.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of i onprrws of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the siile of
timber lands in theStateof California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territoiy," an extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 192, Nellie Dnnn, of Ia!!as,
county of P"lk, Stale of Oreeon, haa this dav
tiled in this-omce her tworn statement 0. 6030,
forthe purchase of the Northeast li of
tio fn). J Township N
Kasare No. 7 W., and will oiler proof to show
Th' ahove is a plai nf the Woodman Carnival grounds in thitfAjiierWsfrne thhn M acrtrnfrei ftiViWs.
Tiie square East of the C"U!thuse is reserved for the big tent.orthejfh;.co
Ai no d lOWS. iNorth t tile UOlUinouse is inermis s m;nennv iuun
M rry-lio-Uoui.d. The pmall squares, numbered from 1 tc-?3 inclusive,
me traeis reserved f.-r booths. Bids for these eonsessions must rei te
S- or.-iary, W. (I. Vassall, before May 16. The highest bidder will be
vivn. .-hoiei-of lwntion. Tlie bids must read so much per diem. No
i .Httbs will 1. allowed on tlie East side of the square, ns this space will
h,- taen up by six side-show tents. Carnival dates are June 3, 4, 5, 6.
Prepare to take in
(with a CAMERA)
Prices $1.00 and up
MR 111
day of Hay,
H jiy tlolman. of iana, Oregon; L.a. O am,
ol Palias, Orefron.
Anvandall persons claiming adve
alove described !andi aie reonested to
claims in this onice oo or belore said L!th oay
of May. 19u3.
Biggest Bars
In Town For
A Nickel..
1-.. You can't afford S
4 to buy elsewhere y .
A5H ai- - i Nv
S N-
TTH 1 1.1 1 11 1-
This signature w uu evury ux cf the genuine
Laxative B.yrao-Quiaine tmo
tba ruuedy tt cum cM la '
Grave's Tastelass CMli
has stocd she- t -3t 25 yezrs. Average AmvaJ Cols over C::j z1 a Itel Xuilicn
hnHlf. " r rd cf merit aaeal ta t " t. ? Nd C r-.?. : K 50c
fc-v V-, -:i ii tvery kotl!e is a Ten Cent, packasa of Grove's Clock f oot. U r PiliL