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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1903)
:. M , ' ' ' .:. u V VOL. XVI. DALLAS. POLK COUNTY,' OREGON, APRIL 17, 1903 NO 5. -7 m Ml W ffffl H few ROWN MAIN STREET, - DALLAS, f NEW We have on sale a strictly new line of Ladies' Waists, Belts, Belt Buckles, and Belt Brooches. LADIES' WAISTS from 50c. to $1.50 For the men we have a Nobby Line of Neckwear. Our Golf and Negligee Shirts will probably arrive this week. Our Shoe Line is about complete, with exception of Ladies' Low Shoes, which are delayed in transit. We ask you to look at our lines. ) ) S. C. Dodson, VanOrsdel, Hayes & Go. DEALERS IN IReal YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. RQQM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. Headquarters For WALL PAPER f All the late and stylish designs in Wall Paper and C Borders, direct from the East, can now be found at our 2 store, and the prices are lower than ever before. You are invited to call and inspect our beautiful line of PICTURE FRAME MOULDING. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS Constantly on Hand. L. D. DANIEL, LULL STEEET. OWN ur Sale is vei... AND NOW WE HAVE A FEW NICE THINGS LEFT TO CLOSE WITHOUT RESERVE. Some (Soob IRafn 2a Skirts,,., $2.00 and $2.50 values for last. Some IRice Wraps anb Jackets.,.. at half price. You can afford them at this price. flftore litems.... to go in this list. Please call if you want some extra bargains. GOODS Dallas, Ore. Estate FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, TIMBER LANDS and CITY PROPERTY. DALLAS, ORE. ELLI. $1.00 while they ELLI OREGON COUNTY OFFICIALS. STATE SENATOR B. F. Mulkey. REPRESENTATIVES G. L. Haw kins and B. F. Jones. COUNTY JUDGE J. E. Sibley. ' COUNTS COMMISSIONERS Seth Rlg-gs and J. B. Teal. CLERK U. S. Loughary. . SHERIFF John T. Ford. TREASURER E. V. Dalton. , ASSESSOR F. E. Myer. SCHOOL SUPT. C. L. Starr. SURVEYOR L. Ground. CORONER-W. S. Cary. TTORNEV AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs In Campbell building:. Mill St. DALLAS. OREGON. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of Abstracts In Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGON. A' TTOBNKY AT LAW Julius N. Hart Office upstairs In Osfield Building. Boom l. DALLAS, OREGON. lTORNEY AT LAW. Butler & Coad. Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON. 1 ENTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. Bhybican and scrgkon. L. N. Woods, M. D., Byes general practice in any part of of the county. Office on Mill street. DALLAS, OREGON. JBhysician and surgeon. T. V. B. Embree, Office Upstairs in Oatield Building. DALLAS, OREGON. R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. kills City hsh . Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to col lections. Wm. muscott, Truckman, Dots hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS, OREGON. HERMANN IS CHOSEN. Douglas County Statesman Named for Congress on Twenty-Third Ballot. On the twmty-thiid announced ballot, within twenty minutes of midnight, Binger Hermann, of Douglas county was nominated for Congress after a most spirited and prolonged contest, lasting all the afternoon from 2:30 and all the evening without intermission for cupper. Though the fight was a strenuous one, the defeated candi dates who were present, Gatch and Vnwti r, in speeclAs pledged their earnest support in the campaign, and there was general good feeling after all. The same Congressional Committeemen were returned, and the same chairman, Dr. T. W. Harris. Mr. Hermann pledged a vigorous campaign and gave assur ances of a victory in June. Hermann represented Oregon in Congress tor twelve years con tinuously, having been elected the first time in 1884. iln 1897 he was appointed Commissioner of the General Land Otnce by President McKinley and served until Novem ber last, when he resigned. THE PARTY PLATFORM. The platform, as adopted by the convention, follows; First, Resolved that we hereby record our high appreciation of the private worth and the public suc cess of the Hon. Thos. II. Tongue, Congressman from this district, and we deplore his death as a loss to his state and the nation. Resolved that we recognize in Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, a stalwart type of American citizenship worthy of these, the better days of the republic, and we heartily endorse bis position upon the great public questions of the day, and his administration. Ami be it by extend to him thVJhospitalities of this state "upon the occasion of his proposed visit. Resolved, that we do hereby en dorse and reaffirm the platform of the last Oregon State Republican Convention. Resol ed, that the Republican parly of this Congressional district favors and will earnestly labor for the improvement of our rivers and harbors by the National Govern ment. IN CUPID'S REALM. Popular Dallas Young People United in Marriage This Week. BROWN-MYER At their new home on Academy street, Mr. Frank V. Brown and Miss Mabel Myer were married at 7:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. Green, pastor of the Christian Church officiating. The wedding was a private one, only the members of the contract ing parties being present to witness the interesting ceremony. Mr. Brown is a son of H. M. Brown, and was born and raised in Dallas. He is a clever, popular young man, and is the proprietor of a rapidly growing confectionery business. His bride formerly resided in Salem, and was one of the Capitol City's most charming young ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have the congratu lations of a host of friends in their new relation. STA FRIN-ELLIOT'f At the home of th9 bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, one mile south of Dallas, at 10:30 o'clock, Wednesday morning, April 15, 1903, Mr. Conrad Stafrin and Miss Millie Elliott, Rev. H. N. Rounds, pastor of the M. E. Chun-h, officiating. The handsome farm home was beautifully decorated for the happy occasion, ferns and potted plants being used , in profusion in the parlor and dining nom. Promptly at the hour appointed, the bridal couple entered the room to the etrains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin," and took their places before a bank of ferns and ever greens, where they plighted their troth with the beautiful ring cere mony. The bride was charmingly gowned in white organdie. Wesley Elliott, a brother of the bride was the groom's best man, and Miss Lina Stouffer was the bride's maid. 151111 mm FOR 10 DAYS ONLY I will sell all Imported, Decorated and Chinaware AT 25 DISCOUNT NEW GOODS-Violet Oats, two 21b. packages for - , - - 25c. Country Buckwheat, 61b. pgs.. 25c. Country Buckwheat, 101b. pgs. 50c. Canada Sap Maple Syrup, J gal. 60c. Hill's Syrup, per gallon, - $1.00 Arbuckles or Lion Coffee, 2 pgs. 25c. MOHAIR SACKS FKEE T. A. Riggs, Prop. After the ceremony, and the con gratulations which followed, the bridal party and guests repaired to the dining room where a delightful wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stafrin were" then driven to town, where they took the aftef: noon train to Portland for a few days' visit. They will return to Dallas the last of the week and be gin housekeeping in their new home on the corner of Levens and Mill streets. This happy young couple begin thoir married life under the most favorable auspices, and with the kind wishes of a large circle of friends. Mr. Stafrin, who is man ager of the Wilson Drug Company in this city, began his connection with the firm as a clerk a few years ago, and owes hi3 present position to his habits of industry, honesty and close attention to business. His bride is the amiable daughter of one of Polk county's highly respected families. Those present at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, ftlrTamT MI-sriIcHiCrriCnioTTrRIi and Mrs Samuel Kennedy, John Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunn, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Elliott, Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Rounds, Mrs. F. G. Elliott, Mrs. John Olin and daughter Pauline, Miss Lina Stouffer, C. L. Starr, Ed Tighe, Isaac, Wesley, Burritt, Fred and Belle Elliott. Due Notice is Served. Due notice is hereby served o the public generally that DwWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only salve on the market that is made from the pure unadulterated witch hazel. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counterfeits. Those persons who get the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are never disappointed, because it cures. Belt & Cherrington. Of Suffering From Heart Disease. I Would Not be Alive Today But For Dr. Miles Heart Cure. Do not neflect the warning symptom! of a weak heart. Palpitation, imotherine spells, swelling of feet or ankles, pain in and around heart; oftentimes affections of the stomach, lungs, liver, bladder, kidneys, etc, arise from heart weakness. A weak heart must be helped. It cannot stop to rest It must be strengthened and regulated. The blood must be enriched, the heart nerves strengthened and the circulation improved by the great heart and blood tonic. Dr. Miles Heart Cure. There is positively nothing to equal this wonderful medicine in its beneficial influence upon hearts weakened from any cause. "I am Terr grateful for what Dr. Miles I leart Cure nas done for me, as I am confi dent I would not be alive today had I not - arned ot its wonderful virtues and taken it before it was too late. I had been a sufferer from valvular heart disea-e for many years, in fact ever since I was a little girl and for tiiree years before I began using J leart Cure I was in very bad shape. I could not sleep on rev left ide at all and would frequently have the moot dreadful smothering spells. At times my left side would swell up. I had p in in my head all the time from which I i.iferrd rreatly. Nothing I took did me v f .:- 'until I used eleven bottles of Dr. ' r rt Cure which removed all these symptoms and made me feel well nd strong." Mrs. IL C CRL5E, San Fran . iscn, CaL All druggists sell and guarantee first bot . ' Remedies. Send for free book ;iou and Heart Diseases. Address i,e Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Yeats i MOHAIR POOL SOLD WELL Price at Polk County Meeting Bid Up to 35 5-8 Cents. At a meeting of the Polk County Mohair Growers' Atwot iation, held in this city last Friday, bidB were received for the association's 1903 clip and that of Wm. Brown & Co., of Salem, was accepted The clip consisted of about 12,000 fleeces, amounting to something like 45,000 pounds. The meeting was held in Brown's Hall, and at the time it was railed to order, every available bit of floor space was -occupied by interested ni-il-:n of the pool and out-of-town buyers. G, W Me-, Bee was elected chairman of the meeting,, and in, a few words he announced the object of the. associ ation. E. ; C. Kirkpatrick, , the auctioneer, then stepped ; for wa rd and - announced himself as i being ready to receive bids for- the entire pool. j M. D. Ellis, of this city, started the bidding by offering, 35 cents, ajnd waa soon followed , by .others ntil the final offer of 38 5-8 cents as received, Among the prominent nohair dealers present sverej Theor ore Burnheim, of Portland;' A.: J. Ray, of Portland; Herman Metzger, of Portland; Ross Hibbler, of Scio; If. A. Douty, of Independence; . M. Brown, of Salem; M. D. Ellis, of Dallas, and a representative of fclandford Mills. After the bidding had ended, the association held a short consulta tion and decided to accept the price offered.: A time limit was then Bel when the sellers 6hould deliver their parts of the -pool, April 20 being the last day when the secre tary, H. L. Fenton, will receive mohair. This lot of mohair is the largest ever collected together to be sold outside of the State of Texas, and is also considered one of the cleanest w offered. Jor 1e. Much satis faction is expressed by members of the association on the price re ceived, as it is 2 cents higher than the regular market price. The 35 5-8 cents is the net price paid to the grower, but the actual cost of the hair to the buyers, including freight, charges of handling, baling, insurance, etc., will not , be less than 40 cents. Immediately after the adjourn ment of the mohair-growers' meet ing a large number of the wool growers of the county got together and perfected permanent organiza tion to be conducted on similar lines to the Mohair Association. Hon. J. H. Hawley, of Monmouth, was elected chairman, and. H. L. Fenton, of Dallas, secretary. CONFERENCE AT AN END Appointments for United Evangelical Church Are Announced. The United Evangelical Confer ence held its closing session Mon day forenoon in the First Church, East Tenth , and East Sherman streets, Bishop W. F. Heil presiding. At the missionary meeting Sunday night nearly $750 was raised for missions. Bishop Heil then read the appointments to the expectant assemblage of ministers for the en suing year, as follows: Portland district H. L. Pratt, presiding elder. Portland First Church L. M. Boozer. Portland Second J. Bowersox. Portland Mission A. W. Brick- ley. Troutdale J. L Burus. St. Johns F. E. Fisher. Columbia To bo supplied. Hillsboro G. H. Phtdp,. Gaston F. S. Locke. LaFayette S. E. Launer. Dayton M. J. Balluntyne. Brooks G. L. Lovell. Salem C. T. Hurd. Sodaville and Sweet Home E. C. Basom. Member of Salem Quarterly Conference C. C. Poling. Dallas district C. C. Poling, presiding elder. Dallas A. A. Winter. Beulah S. M. Wood. Stop th Cough nd work off tht Cold. L&xatlv Bromo-Quinlne Tablet cure a cola 1& one asy. No Cure. No , Pay. Prlct 11 cent. ' THE OLD n: "1 i! 1 f. I IT"" j ' ft 1 1 Bridgeport and Lewisville; S. J. Lindsay, Corvallis II. A. Deck. , Independence B..J.; Kelly. King's Valley William Plow man, . Florence T. A. Yost. Mapleton R. W. Overlin. Alsea and Coos Bay To be, sup plied. ' Rev. C. C. Poling, Ph. D. Presi dent of Dallas College; members of faculty, Rev. D. M. Metzger, A. M.; Rev. C. T. Whittlesey, A. M, Rev. C. C. Poling, Ph. D., presi ent of Dallas College, was author ised to proceed ' to increase the endowment of that college, and he hopes to add $25,000 to the , fund ijiiio year, lio la piumuug iu visit ; the entire conference district of Uregon. lie will also appeal to cli : the conferences of the denomination. r-v .I- it- vr. i oting says mat me outiooK. for the college is very hopeful, and tkaf nritlt an innriiic a A ari A rwx m n n f u. V 111! V I ItiVI VUCt-U VUUVIUUVIIV fund, larger and better equipment, the institution will rank among the best in the stale, Oregoniajn. ! BIG TIMBER TRANSFER ; Mrs. M. E. Hailock Sells Two Thous and Acres of Land to Eastern i Firm. ' A deal has been consummated whereby Mrs. M. E. Hailock has sold to Minnesota parties 2000 acres . of timber land on the LaCreole river about six miles above Dallas. : Rumors of a possible sale of the Hailock lands, which comprise one of the largest tracts of standing timber held by a single owner in Polk county, have been in the air for many months, and it was known that many Eastern capitalists had been negotiating for their purchase. The men who have purchased this land are experienced sawmill men,; and have capital sufficient to enable them to carry out any enterprise they may undertake. Messrs. Fuller & Lacey, who were instrumental in making this sale, are not at present prepared to say what the company will con clude to do in the way 'of putting in a milling plant, but it is hoped that the purchasers will be able to secure a sufficient amount of the first-clas timber tt jbutary to, the LaCreole river to justify them in putting in one of the largest mills on the Pacific Coast at Dallas. Come to this office for your job printing. We carry a complete stock of the best papers obtainable. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druretsta refund the money it It faila to cure. E. W. Grove'a signature I on each box. 25c Played Out. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BT us!n Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. On little Tablet will give Immediate relief or monej refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cents. Belt & Cherrington, Dallas, Oregon. ' Dull Headache, Pains In various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the 8tomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness, Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter how It be came so. It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington. Dal las, Oregon. EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fall to (rive Immediate relief money re funded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Belt & Cher rington, Dallas. Oregon. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the fiiod, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little- tablet gives immediate relief- 21 eta, and 60 cts. Belt & Cherrington. Dallas -Ore? ois. P; i I