W H ferfC D A Y L > *.^ . . I h r T r * vHi*r nr (• tm * » In m T o u r A r o tm i tire U u r li!. K IN G OKO JUM BO . — in some parts ol Alnci jca a man s | Forgive freely; hatred U a troublesome uom wealth is judged by tho n; 11 * er ut his | paniou. wives. A man with s i l _ives T h e C h ill H la »t looked upon as a sort of wrR ,i king. That seta the i»Hk**d branches a quivering. li not felt by the wealthy \alettniinariaii indoors. His wives probably go o V ’**®" ing at I but not m ' 1 the eoveriug that cun 1 m * piled oil hi* fifty cents a day, or mak\ ts at warm bed. nor all the furnace heat that anthra cite can furnish. w ill w arm hi# marrow w hen forty cents a dozeu. In thi^Crl1 ‘try a chill# aud fever run# it# icy fingers along hi# ! man’s wealth is judged by thflP? tuber Hidmtl colum n. Ho#tetter’# Stom ach Hitter# 1# i the thin# h mfu#e new warmth Into hi# ch illed of dogs he owns. The possA >r of | ami anguish frame, to remedy the tierce fever and cxhaiiatiu# sweat# which alternate w ith the eight dogs is generally too poor to ehill. Dumb ague, ague cake, billiou# remit- abort, every known form of m alarial pay school tax. and his wife takes in ! disease is subjugated by this potent, and at the washing.— Drake’s Magazine. i name time, wholesome aud genial m«*dlciue. 1 I Hi} Davlil Ker Tell. Hour an African Poten­ tate Itnctored llitn.elf. For »11 or.linary purpows, Ui • day King Oko Jumbo of Bonny—in whoso log in » at Hunri o, u , 1 act ; il'y d.ty !>.• august company Mrs. Ker and myself IfiliH at the first of tm * ttfloi had the honor of being shipwrecked midnight wherever you tuny li < >\> mi t< upon the west coast of Africa in the bo. But thin in not butliciontly exact summer of 1HH5—was said to be a bit of for tho purpose» of navigation, »iiior a humdrist in his way, but we saw very we know that when it in midnight at little trace of humor about him in the Philadelphia, for instance, it in nearly sourse of that disastrous voyage, dur­ one o’clock in Portland, Maine, and not ing tho whole of which ho was probably much after eleven o’clock in Chicago, the most wretched mun on board. In­ 111. On the land this makes very little deed, what with his chronic internal difference in business affairs, except iu malady, tho ceaseless rain that prevent­ the matter of telegrams. ed him from coming on deck, and the To illustrate: The difference in time prolonged sea-sickness which, like between Liverpool and New York is Death in Shirley’s famous poem, “ lays about live hours, so that a telegram its icy hand on kings,” the poor King sent from Liverpool ut noon will ar­ might well be weary of life at sea. rive in New York shortly after seven Nor were these his only troubles. in the morning, not allowing for de­ Having never been out of his own lays. sountry till the trip to Kugland from Usually, the great boat races be­ which he was returning, he had natu­ tween Oxford and Cambridge are rally very ha/.y ideas of geography, and rowt^tl about four p. m., and wo hear doubtless imagined his little kingdom the result at noon. on the B »any river (which he was San Francisco is eight hours in sun pining to see) to bo somewhere at the time from Kugland, and inconsoijuenc< Other end of the world, many long tho California papers can publish at i months away from him. six a. m. news of happenings in England But one night (the very night beforo and the Continent at two p. m. of the the shipwreck, by an ominous coinci­ same day. This is interesting but puzzling, es­ dence) w e at length got him out upon pecially to navigators, and in order to tho main-deck; and it was a fine sight prevent loss of reckoning it became to see our stalwart captain supporting the old man’ s tottering steps, and hel|>- necessary to fix on some particular spo* ing him on to the cane lounge set for where the astronomical or nautical day him upon the after-hatch. The sick should begin. man brightened up wonderfully be­ According to the way in which this neath the influence of good Captain arrangement is now carried out, the Porter's cheery talk about old times in first land that tho now day dawns upon West Africa, and did his best to eat the is Easter Island, about two hundred food that wo brought him; but no per­ and thirty miles west of the coast ol suasion could induce him either to take Chili, South America. That is to say, medicine or to see the ship's doctor, the second of July breaks here within who unfortunately happened to be a n few hours of tho first, having broken very young man. on the American coast to the east, and “ Medicine no good,” said tho old the two days run on alongside—the warrior, disdainfully; “ doctor no good second in Easter island and places west, —no sabbee nothing. One time I sick the first in all places on tho American at homo; no can sleep two night. I continent. make send for white man’ s doctor from We may, therefore, realize this idea English factory. White doctor come —that at 7:20 o’ clock any morning in —young boy, smooth face, no »abba Great Britain, or at noon in Philadel­ nothing. I say: ‘No can sleep now — phia, the next day is commencing in you make me sleep.’ Doctor say, the world, and is to lie found at this Spose you tako this bottle of sleep- little island in the Pacific Ocean, stuff, you drink ten-1»..’ ve drop one whence in due course it will travel time, ten-twelve drop other time, you round to us. sleep good.’ 1 take sleep-stuff; I drink But to have thus tho start of the him all up one time, I .sleep five whole worid is not an unmitigated advantage Jay, five whole night! Eh, Captain? to those islanders. Suppose one ol me sabbee better than doctor that time! them sails east to America, what is the Ha, ha. hal” result? Ho will find that they keep And tho King exploded into such the day there under a different date, boisterous laughter that all the features and he will have to reckon one day in of his queer old face seemed to change his calendar twice over to put himself places, and to dance a kind of insane right with their notions. quadrille in and out of each other, as if On tho other hand, if an American u ha’ r’ s breadth escape from death by crosses from east to west this wonder­ an overdose of laudanum wore the ful magic line where tho day begins, finest joke in tho world. But I could ho will find the dutos in this fresh net help thinking that there are not a part of tho world are one in advance of few Kings, in far more civilized re­ him, and he must needs strike a day | gions than Bonny, who are just as use­ out of his calender to keep up with ful and intelligent when broad-awake the times. as poor Oko Jumbo was during his five This fact was curiously illustrated in days’ nap,—David Ker, in llurjicr'n the case of Magellan, the Portugese Wetklu. captain, who sailed around the world from east to west In 1.522, and having —Guest (who has ordered cold roast crossed tho magic lino of “ day's birth” duck und is out of patience) — “ Wait­ in his wandering.'', his calendar be­ er, how long must I wait?” W aiter— came, of course, a day in arrear. Tho “ If you will kindly have patience, the sailors were completely ignorant ol duck is not yet quito cold.” — Fliegende this, and finding, on landing at home, tilat U f r . ____________________________ that their Sabbath was falling on a Monday, they accused one another ol tampering with the reckoning. It was not for some time that tho Skin &• Scalp true and simple explanation of the DISEASES wondorlul loss of tim > was disco verod ¡••cured b y — Golden Dtryi. —Mrs. Drew, the daughter of Me. Gladstone, is an efficient private sec­ retary, and opens every letter of tlu daily eighty which on an average or* delivered at Hawarden. “ If a w om an Is pretty, To m e 'tla no matter, He she blon de or brunette, Ho she lets me look at he*." An unhealthy wom an is rarely, If ever, beau- tiful. The peculiar diseases to w h ich so many o f the sex are subject, arc p rolific causes of pale, sallow faces, blotched with unsightly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and em aciated forms Wo­ men so afflicted, can be perm anently cured bv lining l)r. 1‘ terce‘i Favorite P ri-.rrlptlou; anil with the r cto n ttio n o f health c o m e that I m 'HII- ty w h ich , I'liinhiiicd with good quail tie . of lo a d and heart, m ake, w om en a n g el, o f lo v elln e... ’ ’ Favorite Prescription ” 1. the on ly m edicine for wom en, «old by rruggU t«, under n positive guarantee from the m anufacturer», that it w ill give satisfaction 111 every case, or m oney will be refunded. This guarantee has Iteeit printed on the bottle wrapper, und fa ith fu lly carried out for m any years. F roip sroU N €'<»>• «1 i t ion o f tlie W om en*» D e p o rt in**lit o t th e U n iv ersity. Perhaps the most interesting experi­ ment of tho day, iu the line of the higher education of women, is that ol tho "A n n ex" at Harvard, When tin* fine ami thoughtful educative work done for women at Michigan Uni­ versity, Cornell, Smith, Yassar and Wellesley is considered, he who would claim exoliisno pre-eminence for any one would be rash 1mlcod. But waving the question of ultimate results, the Annex must fairly be claimed as the most Interesting in tho process of pre­ sentation. Tho daughter of the poet lAUigfullow and the widow of tho noble Agassiz are active in tho work of the society, and the instructors are apt to bo men of cosmopolitan reputation. Tho magnificent oolloge library. Gore Hall, Is freely open to Fay House, ami the distinguished librarian, M Jiistlu Winter, shows a constant personal in­ terest and generosity to the woman students. The Annex has now completed its first deoade, and its growth lias b o o n an example of marked prosperity. The social life ol the Annex has widened greatly since the establishment of Fay House. This year a new club has b o o n formed by the young women, called tho Emanuel after the college from which John Harvard graduated, a club which devotes itself to tho con­ sideration of philanthropy aud ethics. The meetings are usually addressed by some s|«>aker o f ncio. Mr. Arthur Gilman says that they find in under­ graduate women the same ability to grasp every subject presented that is found in tiie undergraduate men; that they show diligence and energy, and do not break down under reasonable and rational work, and that the women, as tho men. are far bettor fitted tor general life after tho course of uni­ versity study, tioston Traveller. —By pulling up th e ca b b a g e stalks and storing aw ay and then settin g ‘ Hi! next spring as early as th e soil can be worked into a good condition, asuppiy o f early g re e n s can be secur'd earlier Ibu.i by so w in g spinach o r dandelion W hite Elephant of Slant, Lion of Eng­ land, Dragon of China, Crass of Switzer, lain!. Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt- Double Eagle of Hnssia, Star of Chill, The Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin. To get these buy a box o f the genuine 1 D k . C. M c L a n e ’ s C k i . k h k a t k d L iv e r P ills , price 2ft cent», and mail us the ou t­ side wrapper with your address, plainly written, and 4 cents in stamps. \\ e will then mall you the above li»t with an * le- gant package of oleographie and ch r o ­ m atic cards. J . H . r iH H . A n a a y cr aud « , . , . *' h e in i» t . Laboratory UM Kind I L P , V* Or. R eme “•.DY^r ■ t h e S P R A IN S ,r v* T R A I N 8 , HURTS. CONQUERS PAIN. HEALS, ÇURES. Aualysea made of all lUEjutanc«."'’ wt Preuiiuma ¿5.000 20 year. _ r e « list«nn-l steel T- ■ , „ , * vice. In u k tn no other Plano, by »hich 1U. ,, - Maini In tune 20 ) ear», good fo r ’.00 • not . i ’*“' by climate. No wood to «pltt, brea,, ,w,J crick, decay, or wear out ; we guaientee gant Roaewood C ues, 3 »tring,, Uounie rr- . action; fineet Ivor) key,; the Fane,«, a v t ì . „ v :» Caller write fot Catalogue, free. T. M A v n i.,1- PIANO CO., Manufacturer«, Odd Fellowi' u . 1 i ,i J ket and beventi! Street», San Francisco, ***• A t D ruggist and D ealers . TNE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Btllimor*. HI »W -Ovsu e , O O P , 0 0 0 people l - „ „ , ot the largett and tnoet It-Imp’ >1« -u»,’ àìij ^ ' D ia m o n d V e r a - C u r a F e r r y ’s S eed s F O R D Y S P E P S IA , curs ram lxoiosimos a *9 AU I k u W Trosbls, Arising Tturetrem. Tour Druggist or timer at Dealer wlU get V e » Cura fat you if wot already m stock, or it mil be mat by mail oa receipt qf 26 eta (6 boxes ft 00) to touapt. Sample mat oa receipt of » cent «amp. a Nun11 M FERRY J W l B acknowledged u. U 2 * “Araest Seedsmen w In the world. D M Fumy 1Co, INI CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Bsltlasra. HA SEED ANNUAL THE VAN For 1880 Will be mulled f Drr to ail applicami!, ^ pr vOlpt year’s custom«.,: without ordering it Earll.it Caullñower I aklc to w e. '* îir'a'vMawra Wtl I Danieli, rit-IQ Of J In e z i,Unce. In Í rlítense Miould »end for ,t AddrwS“ MONCISCAR P R IV A T E D IS P E N S A R Y . 1 3 » a n d 13 4 T l i l l i l l STK K K T, P ortla n d , O regon . I h the only Private Dia primary in Portland or on tin* Northwest Coast where patient* are success­ fully treated for all NERY Tim e d ivid ed Is never long, sud regula. Ity abridges all things.—-Nudarne de staci. o l S, CHRONIC Send $.'• and receive 100 v»ounds good dry fruit (10 varieties) <>r send $10 and receive 100 tt>s. best and finest C alifornia dried fruit made, (10 varie ties) securely packed. Sm ith's ( ash Store, 41« Front St., San Francisco, Cal. D- M. F E R U T A CO.. Detroit, Mic¿ WELL DRILLS AND P R IV A T E DIMKAMK8 iu young or old, single or married, such as LOST MANHOOD, Nervous debility, seminal losses, failing memory, syphilitic eruptions, ef­ fects o f mercury, kidney | and bladder troubles, gon orrhea, gleet, stricture etc. i TRY G e k m k a for breakfast. N oth in tf l i l k f I t ! Every' day swells the volum e o f p roof that as specific for all Blood diseases, nothing equals Dr. P ierce’s Golden M edical Discovery. R e­ m ember. this is an old established remedy with a record! It has been weighed in the balance and found fu ’ filllng every c la im ' It has been tested m any years !u thousands o f cases with Mattering success! For throat ami lung trou- l hies, Catarrh. K id n ey ,d isease. Diver C om plaint, Dyspepsia, Hick Headache aud all disorders re­ su lting from im poverished blood , there is n oth ­ ing like Dr. P ierce’s Golden M edical Discovery —w orld-renow ned and ever grow in g in favor!, i great CURES PROM PTLY F l e m i n g B r o s ., P i t t s b u r g , 1 a . Better poor, youn g and wise, thaii rich, old and a fool. —German Proverb. t u a W E IQHF PURE C O N S U L T A T IO N F03 IVIRY PURPOSE, Sold on Trial ! I K K K. nvefltment »ni.ll, i;»'ae. Send 2.,,. for nml ,,“ Inrire lllualrnlej I'.i.* »Ith full nnrtlonlan. J ïi ufaelured by mettiate relief in tho worst casti«, insures comfort-■ able sleep ; effects cure« where ail others fini.. AI trial convince* the most skeptical. Price £O c. and I GOULDS & AUSTIN 1 0 7 «V 1 0k# h a k e Nt CHICAGO, ILL. Hmall cheer aud great w elcom e mak.- a grand feast.. D W I G H T ’S, ’ ( I KK O F l* \ K I W illiam A . Saw yer, H e»» Hoad, Niagara Co , N. Y .. Say»: , SODA “ A bout a year ago I was taken w ith a THE CCT BRAND. severe pain In both lung». I wau first at­ ---- TO MAKE — tacked with a violen t chill, then a dread ful pain and then a cough accompanied bv or cnnsiderai Is fever. It looked very much | like a l»ad atta< k o f pneumonia. A friend «* USE of mine procured five A llccck ' s P i . a s ­ t e r s . One he put under each arm, one under each shoulder blade, and one on , my chest close around my throat. In a few hours the cough ceased, the pain gradnally abated, and I broke out in a ABSOLU TELY PURE. profuse perspiration. I fell into a pro found sleep, and the next dav was alm ost ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. well. I wore the Plasters eight days a f­ Us superior excellence proven In million# of home# for i terwards. and have never had any trouble more •• # v « that liter« Li e picture o f « Cow on your package «nil y oq will have than a quarter of a century. It i# used by the since.” United State« Government Endorsed by the head# of j ih s best S o d . made. THE COW BRAND, the Great Universities a# the Strongest, Pure#t and most DELICIOUS BISCUITS WHOLESOME BREAD D w ig h p s C ow -B rand S o d a - S aleratus , Life is n ot so short but that there is always tim e tor courtesy. Healthful I»r Price # Cream Baking Powder di»«# not oontain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Hold only in cans. PRICK BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK CHICAGO ST. LOUIS D W IG H T 'S ' H ow *« Y o u r L iv e rY The old lady w ho replied, when asked how her liver was, “ God bles# me, I never heard that there was nuch a thing in the hou se,” waa noted for her am iability. Prometheus, when chained D O R A N Y C A S E O F R H E U M A T I S M , to a rock, m ight aa w’ ell have pretended to be 1 Neuralgia, Stomach, k id n ev or Liver troubles happy, a# the man w ho i# ch ain ed to a diseased (n o mutter o f how lon g standing) thut HARMO­ liver. For poor Prom etheus there was no es­ NY (the new discovery) will not cure, and 1 will cape, but by tin* use o f Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant forfeit # 3 ,041 0 for any testim onial on my circu ­ Purgative Pellets, the disagreeable feelings, irri­ lars or in m y possession that is not genuine. table temper, con stipa tion , indigestion, dizzi C. li. WEBB, St>Ie Agent for the United Stub.*#. ness and sick headache, w h ich are caused by a 40 O’ Farndl street, San Francisco. diseased liver, prom ptly disappear. B r a n c h O pkh k —14d Last First St., Los Angeles. Send for Circulars. A g e n t « w a n te d E v ­ No d en u n ciation is so eloqu ent as the fiual e r y w h e r e . iufluence o f a good exam ple. $25 R E W A R D $25 For4’ntnrrlial and T h roat IM«order« “ Brown'» Bronchial Troches" are renowned and m arvellously effective, g iv in g im m ediate relief. A ccord in g to Bishop Horne, adversity bor­ rows lis sharpest stings from our im patience, The present is a bright snook between the darkness o f the future ami tne tw iligh t o f the past. Duiartlin's Life Essence has restored vigor to hundreds o f old -youn g men w h o have exhaust­ ed their vital forces by d issip ation , and other had practices. It has given back youthfulness and strength w henever used. Price, $l.f»0 a bot­ tle. A ll druggists. C U TIC Ü f\f\ ANNEX. W ho coverts more is everm ore a s!a\e.- -Her- rick. For the »ske o f on e (rood action a* bm idred evil one» ahould be forgotten —Chinese Prucerb. INFANTILE H A R V A R D ’S Hi I lion#ne##, constipation, dyspepsia, sick head 1 aches, loss o f appetite aud sleep, kidney trou* I hie, rheumatism and debility are also remedied by it. Use it with persistence to cttVct a thor­ ough cure. i n ■ I un ft r m e iiorst #fcut u ' ’•’•c.l w U « r « K '» SirsTT K«i» H old . t - ‘.I t o l i . «L1“ *- N othing Is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength.—St. Francis de Stiles. F f o /'A ç d i ç s . ALERATUS It* Makes Y o u Hungry “ I have used Paine's Celery Compound and It has had a salutary ellecL It Invigorat­ ed the system and I feel like a new man. It Improves the appetite and facilitates dlifes- \ t l o n . ” J. T. CorE- ‘ land , Primus, 8. C. PI3 OS CURE FOR CONSUMPTI ON Tha B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E fa Uaued March and Sept., each year. It la an en cy. clopedia o f u»efi.l in for­ mation for all who pur­ chase the luxuries or the necessities o f life. W e een olothe you and furnish you w ith all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, w aik, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, w ork, g o to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair estimate o f the value o f the B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E , which w ill b e sent upon receipt o f 19 cents to pay postage, O The Best Spring Medicine. Paine’s Celery Compound Is a unique tonic and appetizer. Pleasant to the taste, quick In Its action, and without any Injurious effect. It gives that rugged health which makes everything taste good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe It. *1.00. Six for $5.ou. Druggists. W ells , HiritAiuisoN & Co., Burlington, Vt. H U U n titi /ÏFfO Öhr u /ñ m u n u u r e i m itr i ; yprtui; m edicine means m ore now-a-days than It ^ ¡.j t en y ears a(fa Tne w ln terof 188S-8S lias left the riervcC all fugged out. The nerves must be strengthened, the blood purified, Uver and bowels regulated. Panic's Celery Compound- th e S p r in g m rtllrin e o f to-d a y- -does all this, as nothing else can. Prescribed by I'hynciune, Rteo,untended by 1/rugginte, Rationed by Mmiited, G u a r a n te e d by the Manufacturers to be sag «fiar. gasarsi “ In t he spring o f 1S87 I was all run down. I would gel up In the m orning with so tired s feeling, and was so weak that 1 could hardly get around. I bought a tiottleof Paine’»Celery com­ pound, and before 1 had taken It a wo k 1 hit very luurli better. 1 can cheeftilly recommend It to all who need a building up and 'trengthi n- Ing m edicine." Mrs it. A. Dow, Burlington. Vt L ACT ATEO FOOD M O N TG O M ERY W ARD A CO. 1 1 1-11 4 M ic h ig a n A v e n u e , C h ic a g o , 111. C H I C H E S T E R ’S E N G L I S H o r c l e a n sin g , h u h i k y i n g a n d b ed u tifyjn g the skin o f ch ild ren and infanta and cu rin g torturing. diHnguring. itch in g, scaly am i pim ply diseases o f the Hkin, scalp and blood, with loss o f hair, from in fa n cy to old age. the CUTIcURA H kmkiiikh art* infallible. CUTictTRA, the great S kin Curt*, and C u n - Ct’ KA S o a p , an exquiaite S kin Heautifier, ex­ ternally. ami Ct’Tlt'UKA U kh olvkn t , the new B lood I urifler, internally, c u ree* sry form o f •kin and blood diaeaaos, rroui pim ples to F PENNYROYAL PILLS : : : :::: :. scrofula. Hold every where. »*rice»CtTTlctTRA,Wc.; S o a p , 16c.: K kmoi \ k n t . $!. Prenarod by the P o t t e r DKCO AN!» ( ’ ll KM 1C AI. CO.. BOSTON. M AHH. Seyd fo " ’ H ow to P’ure Hgin iMHeaaea.” ter lla b y 's Skin »nil S calp preserved and "VA ter iMutiillflrd by C l TitT KA S o a p . >1 _____ « w lli’s N|HHirto 11a* cured m# o f % mallg 7227 N. 10th Hi., HI. lnouta. Mo. Our !>»»»<> when tw o m on th s o ld was at- ta- k.tl with ", r fula, w h ich f r a lon g tim e d eatioyed her evealght e n tire ly , ana cnu*ed u# to »!e#|»air o f her life. T h « d o cto r foiled i ‘ • t- . V. ’ her, And W « gave "\ n if!’* specific, w fili li «Mon cu red her en U raly, and «h « Hi n *n hale mm ! M a rl i o n k t . . W ill*« ill'« I P oint, T exa«. K. V. D f ki * < r* e n d for b »ok g iv in g history o f I Hllif.l I M -.CH.HCH and a d vice to sufferer«. I kiiaili’il free THF. BW I FT «PRUiriC CO.. D raw er!, Atlanta, (ia. And co n s id e ra b le Tim e b y pla cin g y o u r O rder» fo r Type. Hreeeee, Material, Inks, etc., w ith PALMER & REY. 112-114 Front Street. Portland. fast AGENTS WANTED K r.„d nd fil.ta u re n o hindrance. Big Profit». Pub. House, 8t. Paul. M luu. selling bible». Kinpyrvhl o f Seal o f North Carolina P i n g Cut will convince any Sm oke: that it is the lineet Stuck ing T obacco ever sold on this C oast. A PUFF Lions. Always ask for “ Seal," and •ee that yen get the genuine. «no H Y P O P H Q 4 P H I T H . Alm ost as Palatable as M ilk. rnoi>i rum. /> » » » » « n .v r.j>- uUy white taking IT. B C lIT T S B M n » t O V 1« s e k n o w lc lg e d by Pky uei.m to b* 111. riN KST sod BXbT prrparsilaa o f Its r l u . fo r tb » relief o f A R M & HAMMER B R A N D PRICE * 50CENTS. AMthinn. Cotighn. Cold». Croup, In . Ilitensa. Itronehitiis, Catarrh, \% lioop- lug-Cough. I.o»» o f V oice, Incipient Consumption, and _ a l l / I hroat and I.nng Trouble». To H otM ekoeperg and F a r m er s . — I t la im por­ tant that the hod* or Sftleretuiyou n»3 should be White and P ure same M «11 sim ilar substance« used for food . Tolnsure Obtaining only the “ Arm 6 Hammer” brand Soda o r Salerstw«, buy it is •pound o r half pound" oortoons. which beerour Borne and trade-mark, as Inferior goods are seme- llmeesubetltuted ft)»the •Arm & Hammer" brand When bought in bulk. Parties using Baking Powder should remem­ ber that it« sole rising property consist« of bi­ carbonate o f soda. On« t«a«poon ful o f the "Arm A H a m m er" brand o f Boda or Saleratui mixed with «our milk equal« w ir e d , «a a I n u ir U r o , DA four teaspoonfu lsof ih« best Baking Powder,sav­ ing twenty tim es It« cost, beside« being much healthier, because it does not cpn tain any Injurious substance«, ■ucb&s alum, terra alba etc., o f which many Bak­ ing Powders are mad«. Dairymen and Farmer* should use only the“ Arm & H am m er" brand for cleaning and keeplnc Milk Pan« 8w««t and Clean. C a u t io i . Be« that •very-pound package of " A r m an d H a m m er B rand’* contain, fall 13 ounce, net, and tbs pound packa*««>B euaeri net. Sods or ■alerstru lame aa .pest- » O ff E V E R T PACKAGE. o r W in p*cU **’ | A lw a y s keeps Soft. S ALERATUS Uni. SALESMEN We wish a few men to «ell our K'XHls by «ample to Hit- wholaale and re- - . lall I rade. Largest maiia- r r » ln urline. Fueloae; rent «tamp. Wau>»gii>er D»y. Permanent . poaltlon. „ - - .to , poatals ........... suiWerad. uisWered. Money advancedfor advanced f.ir « w aiti», adì em .ltig, etc. Cen le n n la l W a n n S e tn irlna r t o t Inclnnnli.uhlo b M ARK Packed in Card Board Boxes. -» J. R. GATES & CO., PROP’S. 41? « a n -o m e OUR T R A D E STIMULATES \ LIVER prom o tes (/) d ig e s t io n R ifrer than fhp CNwpPS* y//c \ PUilLArlD BLSIMSS j CUUEGE. iB B Portl a,:, tireeon. »'■‘ I cl rqilipin rlil, | I, l lie ." HCtlUtl, .1. H.m-.l rep it it loll , at W I k. t-onul in ly . Bui nest. Stoetkaak. Cnmoan be eon'amt P.nm -nthlg Oen-’ t- Big a UH fie r a SOI,SV Ml sstlstsetlos In ih* c u r , o f Oooorrbres sn4 Gleet. 1 p m c r t M I t s o « feel M ftlureeoinin «n a ­ ine It to nil (ufTeret* A. J. STOU R. X .ft* Onestar, IU. P R IC E t l.O O . . Bold by Drugs ISM * EMULSION OFFURE COD LIVER OIL Bm eSLyreeimt ttuil the memt .telim tr atom scA Can ta k e II. R .m a r k n * le •> . P f M M r < ^ R f ’t & i You will Save 25 per cent D on 't be fooletl by cheap imita SCOTT’S Street, Ban FranolMn RINTERS And PUBLISHERS. m ild break lug ou t o n m.v log. w h ich cameni in tolerable pain. It w a*called Revenía bv thedoctojr* four o f w h om treate«! m e wltk'A^ »relief. I ca n d id ly con fen« that I o w l I ray present c .»od health t «> h . h . h ., which in my etdtm lion U invalu a b le h * a blood rem edy. M ina J i 'LY a D r W i t t , I I Kurdett Orssui. baud instruments. Large, f Sheet Music and Boote. Band, supplied , Rastern Price. M ATTH IAS G R A Y C O , KC Fu. ikicheater Chemical t o.,Madison Sq..Pliila-,Pa. K id n e y I ’ a in s . B a ck a ch e and W eakne cured byC P TicvK A A n t i -I’ ain l ,i.A»Ti:K.an hiHUntaneoua painaululih nu planter. ZAc. IF O R T H E B L O O D . be bs s sum be an Original, bf»t, only genuine ami T liable pill for sale. Never Fail. An!» for CkiehsMtcr't Knghrh Diamond Brand, •» r«*d t at I to box«-», a« al*il wilh blue rib­ bon At llrHnUta. Accept no other. AIT pills in paste- bogr.i boxes, pink wrapper» are a «inngor- oiia counterfeit. 8en-1 4c. (stamp*> t<»r particulars ami “ R elief for I.adlea,** letter , bv return mail. 10.000 tvsti* »MIIIS who ba ve uae.l them. N ame Paper. • I C I U U / A V H K A W I t 'H , F K A N K i 9 1 U t l T I H I . H A T H , «a b le r , B oenlsl ML ZURCI S NIW BUT AND SUSPfNSOlY, w.nts. Students aamitteil ¡a any'ime. i ;,t*. J. A. S P v G .s e r , . - -Mn »,-nt f > "> t.l> . «KMsTKO.YG.Prls. O IP S CO ----------T E K A T K D F R F .fi.« ------- - Positively Cured with V w ta M p RetnMH»« Havp cured msnv cases. Cure patients Pft»nounc«d ht»pcies« bv the t»c#t p hyilcisia nrst #c #ympt«>ni9 rapidly di#si>p«*ar. and tn ten i W♦«■ ♦ SM»«,i'Noth sex««. I*rk>» IM in d iipwani. *pn.t 3c for sealed paiurhiet Ntxt. ■ I P T I J I K . I f ruptures! send stam p fr»r I*amphlPi No. 1. m R « . N>w In v en tion , «v u d Sc !* sm ,h le t Nix S. A dd rosa; fi*r!'am, CONSUM PTION. SC R O P U L A , GKNCRAL O IB IL IT Y . fl K- T Uw. S7D4 «Mt^ramento «t «an Frandspo, ( 'al. W a s tin g D l t e a s s i o f C hildren» and CHROMIC C O U C H «. N. P. N. Ü. No. 270-S. P. N. U. No. 34T M f Hr eM Itruggtoto, 1 BCY THE BKST. TAKE NO CHANCE* M E THE X IC CREAT A N HEALER. SALVE Cures Cut». Sore», Salt Rheum. Bolla Pimples. Felons. Skin Diseases, and all ailments for which a salve is suitable. Fot I taking out sorrnana and healing it acts 1 like magic. $A cents a box, at all druggists. pURIFES % BLOOD - j W REGULATES 'BOWELS P O R TLA N D , ORECON.