T T FROM WASHINGTON. / THE PACIFIC COAST. MISCELLANEOUS, AGRICULTURAL. I LUCK IN BIG NOSES. P C O N G R E S S M A N B R E C K EN RIDGE 18 R E Q U E STE D TO RESIGN. r i* N OF r e rio n n W ho H are Protuboranc«#. ProiAlntnt HU NTIN G IN RUSSIA. H o w th o O a r an d H u l'oui|>autoiu L iv e ly oila inv entire face. I'll pay aied the Czar on his visit to the r - j you any sum if you will tell me hew to casus, sends from Vladik, kas an reduce its size and change its shape!" teresting account of the sport to t,. j And a young heiress of gilded Murray in that part of bis Imperial M uvm ,. Hill sank Into an easy chair in the office iomiulon*. The whole of the south r) of the old family physician and began md eastern part of Russia, ht to pout. consists of great unduluting step,- “ Bless me, what’ j notion! My dear r.ot unlike the South Downs in plat-, The longer turnips and cabbages An exodus of negro laborers from The House public lands committee Sacramento is overrun with thieves. can remain out without actually > child, are you crazy? Do you think l’he undulations yield many plea»* * have recommended higher rates of pay In Ventura, Cal., dowers are bloom­ South Carolina i* now in progress. that we doctors go around with our to surveyors in • xceptional instances. ing prematurely President Cleveland will practice freezing, the better they are for eat­ sav. s In our hands, ready to shave peo­ surprises to the sportsman in th« - ing purposes and the better they will | of dense oak-coppices, which muke * j Ben .tor Mitchell lias introduced a Herring are caught in large num­ law in New York ciiy after March 4 keep through the winter. ple ¡ i . ii tojustthe pr > n Clons they ■client covert for wolves, fox.* bill to establish a port of entry at bers in Humboldt bay. The new union depot at Pueblo, woodcock. The result is thut^ Economy is certaiuly wealth in the may chouse for the moment? Blaine, W. T. T h « Gurney cab system has been Col., will cost between $209,090 and feeding of farm horses, and yet it does ^ “ But, doctor," petulantly resumed sport may be had. The correspond $300,000. Benator Btewort, of Virginia, has introduced into San Diego. not necessarily mean stinting or cu t-' the pampered pet of an old millionaire, gives the following description ut presented a p>lition for the restora The Kansas legislature has passed ting off of rations. Give this m atter1 " I'v e read in some newspapers that wolf-hunt. Sim Jones has completed his revi­ tion of silver to ita place as a co-equal val meetings at L " t Ang-les. a bill restricting the ownership of land a thorough investigation, and see if doctors now cut out the cartilage, or My host. Count Peter Schouva’.of! measure of value with gold. in that state there is not more in it than a super­ whatever you may call it, of the nos« keeps n pack of fox-hounds here, and The lumber mills of Olympia are The L'beral members of Parlia­ pushed to their utmost capacity. Wisconsin lumbermen are up in ficial glance would indicate. and then by putting on a plaster east some forty or fifty gray-hounds a ment at Ottawa,Canada, have decided arms at an order forbidding logging Corn meal in small quantities, lin­ it can he made *o grow into uny shape wolf-hounds. For those who can m». It is now unlawful to sell i#tox¡eat­ to contiuue the present policy, which in certain districts. or do not cure to ride, th.- way i- *1 seed meal iu small quantities, and a desired." ing liquors to a woman in Nevada. favors unrestricted reciprocity with “ Physicians do a great many things stand at a covert-corner and shoot thl The Dakota legislature has passed liberal qua. ‘ ity of good bran meal Eighty-two boxes of opium were the United States. a law taxing railroad property the with the rou, hues*, will make an ad­ when necessity compels them, and game ns the fox-hounds drive it bX The President has made the fol seized at San Luis Obispo, recently. same as other property. mirable winter feed for milch cows, noses have been cut when disease made Tha real sport, however, i- te ; 1 No immediate trouble is appre­ lowing nominations: C. I). Wright, •] and if given liberally, with good sltel it compulsory, and, as you say, plaster with three great wolf-hounds held b| The bill to provide for inflicting the M s«>c!m*etts, commissioner of labor hended with the Indians near Bridge­ death sentence by electricity has ter, it is possible to secure a good flow easts-have been used, but no sane per­ thong, fastened across the shoulder, Tnoina- M. Vance, of North Carolina port, Mono county. of milk during the winter; provided, son except yourself ever came to a phy­ passed through rings in their collar passed the Ohio senate. receiver of public moneys, at North It is believed that the voters of Ne­ of course, that you have a good breed sician on such an errand. It’s prepos­ and the loose end wound around th Four Chinamen were scalded to Yakima, W. T. vada will defeat the lottery amend­ of cows, that this feed can be given to terous, little one, really preposterous. left hand. death by a Geyser at Canyou City, When tho wolf break The Senate committee on woman ment to the constitution. uuring the winter. Run off for a walk and don’t bother covert, running carelessly enough L near Yellowstone Park, last week. Butrrage has reported favorably on the A scarlet gpranium leaf in Tulare By pouring boiling water over any your pretty head about such trifles." fore the noisy pack, whi<*h he know The post-mortem medical report in Joint resolution proposing a constitu county, Cal., measured forty-seven kind of grain, and allowing the grain . And as Miss Murray Hill flounced could never catch him, you slip you the case of Crown Prince Rudolph, tional amendment to prohibit the de inches in circumference. sets at rest the rumors of his murder. te remain twenty-four hours, it will j out of the office the long-headed old dogs, who have been for a moment l nial of the right to vote by the United The assessment roll of Vancouver swell and prove an acceptable change doctor took out his memorandum-book. two nearly dragging you out of th Major Stewart, of Austin, Texas, is States, or any State, on account of sex for 1889 shows an increase of 99 per to the fowls. The so iked grain un­ “ For professional advice about nose to saddle, between him and the cover in New York in the interest of a na­ The survey of the lands in the Urn cent over that of last year. dergoes a partial chemical change, Miss Murray Hill, and in due and then begins the race for life tional home for ex-Confederate sol­ atilla Indian reservation is to be made contains a , slightly The cold weather at Los Angeles has . ,, larger portion .. . of time it will be added to papa's bill, death. The other horsemen slip the! before they are effered for sale. The injured the ostrich-farm eggs that diers. sugar, and is really more digestible. digestible, t Xh„ g&my mUs who WIinted heP I1OS0 dogs in turn, and unless there is a go<{ secretary of the interior holds that were intended for hatching. Dr. E. A. Kelley, superintendent of Nothing is added to the gram by soak- made ov.„.' in pro,)ably didn't know covert near, the wolf is doomed. 1. they must first bo inspected, and an the State Insane asylum at Norfolk, ing it, bat it will be more readily - Since electric lights were i itro luced that a big nasal * appendage is one of not believe that a single dog wi] order to tins effect has already been Neb., has besn arrested on a charge of eaten for some time than dry grain, at Willows, Cal., not a wild goose has the sure indications of mental shrewd­ tackle a full-grown wolf, but two vrilf murder. issued. though the birds will return to dry ness. been seen to tly over the town. Even then they would come off secoij A Congressional committee has Ohio and Kentucky tobacco grow­ grain as a preference if fed too long “ I've never known of a man with a best unless the hunter, with his shod George Hopper, of Los Angeles, a been examining the construction of ers have agiced to raise twenty-five on that which is soaked. big nose who wasn't smart,” said a loaded stick (hung to the wrist), can the Washington aqueduct tunnel, and well known mining man, is the latest I>er ;ent less tobacco next season than A correspondent of the New Eng­ professor in Bellevue hospital college to the rescue. The first man up hi have concluded to order the entire victim of the gold brick swindle. the last. land Farmer gives the following direc­ when spoken toon the subject. Several earthquake shocks are re­ to jump down, bestraddle the wol lining of the tunnel replaced at It is said that Secretary Layard has tions for destroying the potato weevil: Tha great Napoleon's nose was big. and hold him by tho ears till the nei expense of the contractors, nearly ported to have occurred at San Ber­ accepted Bismarck's proposition for a Take an ordinary manure hod, one Gladstone’ s nose is big. but it end' in a arrives and gags him. The operatic nardino, Co ton and Los Angeles. #600,000. conference at Berlin on the Samoan that is broad and light is to be pre­ sharp point. Bismarck has a big nose, The [lostoHice authorities are nego­ question. Secretary Bayard suggests a very ferred, and grasping it by the hole that is. however, almost flat on the end. is generally left to the huntsmen, ad it is not u pleasant one, for though tn good scheme of constitutional govern­ tiating for the purpose of dispatching A very large meteor fell in Chicago for the left hand near the mouth of ment for Samoa, with a native legis­ the mail by the Golden Gate special. last week. It burst into many pieces the hod, with a broad and limber General Grant's nose was not too large, wolf can r.ot bite once you have g{ lature, securing its independence and The deposit of slickens in the Spo­ and specimens have been picked up broom carried with the right hand, but it was large enough to be promi­ hold of his ears, the dogs have a nas autonomy, including the acknowledge kane river has alarmed the people of for analysis. proceed through the field, placing the nent. Blaine’s nose is very prominent, habit of snapping at his neck, aj ment of Maliet'>a as king and Tama- Spokane Falls as to their future water hod against vines infested with grubs and all his children, including his often enough their ¿harp teeth mef Canada is making an effort to se­ daughters, are easily distinguishable in tho hunter's hand. sese as vice king. supply. cure independence of all lines of traf­ and gently beating or sweeping them One night, after an “ xciting davl A bill has been favorably reported A Sin Diego man has planted ten fic passing through any portion of the over the edge of the hod and into it by the same large protuberance. Jay with the broom. In this way a great Gould is possessed of a large nose. So work, during which we had shot thr in both Houses of Congress to place acres in mulberry trees, preparatory United States. Gen. W. S. Rosecrins on the retired to going into the business of raising majerity of all the grubs in a small arc Russell Sage and Cyrus W. Field wolves mid captured four, we heart The Trades assembly at Chicago at potato patch may be gathered in a President Cleveland’ s nose is a trifle list of the army. H e is at presen reg silk-worms. earful yelling. On inquiring wh a ma-s-meeting has demanded the re­ ister of the treasury. If the bill be­ A t Rincon,Cal., a thief had tliiiteen moval of Folice Inspector Bonfield and short time and destroyed. This may above the ordinary size. Dan Lamont’s was the matter, wo learned that oi come a law he will receive retired pay bullets put into his bodv while run­ be of service, especially in cases where nose is very prominent. The late John of the huntsmen had “ funked" durii Captain Schaak. there are objections to the use of pois­ Kelly had a flat pug nose. General the day, and refused to gag u wo at the rate of $4000 per annum. ning from a party ot cow-boys who ons offered iu the markets. A little Harrison's nasal organ is quite large, which another pluckier fellow w The cold wave and blizzard through­ were after him. There is an outspoken sentiment practice will enable a person to do ex­ but not so prominent as that of Lovi 1’. valiantly bestriding and holding* ameng the Republic in Senators and Petaluma ha* memoralized the leg­ out Canada is intense, the thermome­ Morton or the Old Roman. Joseph Republicans in the House, that a com islature of California to pass a law ter registering in many places forty ecution with the above implements Pulitzer and Charles A. Dana both the ears, while the hardly less save with considerable dispatch. degrees below zero. pi- te change he made in the civil making it unlawful to kill larks, rob­ have large noses. Pulitzer’s is very dogs snapped all around. He had service commission, and the commis­ ins or blackbirds. Straw as a material for stock shel­ prominent. Governor Hill is an ex­ return been immediately tried al The supreme court at Washington sion for the District of Columbia. The bill intro lucad into the Neva­ has lately decided the law constitu­ ters have favorable qualities: It is a ception to the rule. His nose is quite condemned, and was now undergoifl There is not a Republican on either da legislature restr.cling the wearing tional which prohibits ranchmen from very poor conductor of beat, lienee it small. Dr. Talmage and Dr. John a severe thrashing at the hands ofl makes a warm shelter. It costs little, Hall, both famous pulpit orators, have fellow-servants. We thought it board. of high hats in theaters, has been dt* fencing any of the public domain. So have Secretaries being produced in abundance on a large noses. ease for interference, especially as j The Senate committee on military lea ted in the upper house. At Marion, Indiana, an outbreak Bayard and Whitney. Ben Butler’s large majority of farms; and its em­ J. F. Glenn h i , the S.tn Francisco wis prevented among tobacco strip­ atfiirs has ordered a favorable report nose is quite small; so is Henry Wat- other man's hand hud been sevoj upon the proposition to present Mrs policeman wh * at'empted to murder pers and stemmers owing to the im­ ployment for this purpose does not terson’ s; but George W. Childs, Austin bitten. Another fori“ of the sport I r< quire special skill beyond the farm Corbin, Chauncey M. Depew. Lawrence to form in line about three '.hiindrT Irene Rucker Sheridan with $.‘>0,000, W illie Burke, his been found guilty portation of negroes to do the work. er. But it is not as economical as Barrett, ai d scores of others who are yards apart, each man with hisrtq in token of the country’s appreciation of assault t • commit murder. Some of the Canadians not only many sup;>o-‘e. It is as necessary of the services rendered by her lias It ¡ b reported that the O. R. and N. want annexation for their own coun­ that the top of the shelter be water prominent before the public have their whether wolf or gray-hounds, and full share of nasal organ.—.V. ) ’. Mail this way sweep over twenty or thill band, Gen. Phil H. Sheridan. This is will commence construction in the try to the United States, but want to tight as that the sides be wind tight— u ml Express. miles of country, running down A urged in lieu of a pension. spring on a line from La Grande to have Mexico annexed on the south. even more important. A straw roof you see. The only danger in ridil In view of the insufficient evidence Joseph, in the Wallowa valley. POLITE CONDUCTORS. The Arkansas legislature has of­ can be kept tain and snow proof only "lies in tile numerous iimmi6t-hol4 The young and dashing-looking produced to support the charges made iire o f S tre e t Car M an age* fered a reward of $500 for the arrest by frequent repairings. Straw is not A rifMiHrtiit I’ m lct which also now and then afford a i by Representative Steel, of Indiana, Spaniard, who has been swindling a e a t In (¿ «rin a n y . a durable material and a straw shelter ugc to some fox or hare just uboiitl against Judge Bond, of Arizona, as a number of Sin Fraicisco firms by and conviction of the thieves who 12 not long-lived. Official horse-car etiquette in Ger­ In many cases btsis for impeachment proceedings, means of bogus bank ctiecks, kas been stole the ballot-box and poll-book L'st where straw shelters are now used, a many is quite different from official I k * seized by the dogs. The state [ November. the House committee on judiciary arrested. proper computation would show lum­ horsc-ear etiquette in America. The things below, when first a Hare has declined to enter upon considera­ The wolves, it is said, are making ber to be more economical; and us it Garman horse-car conductor is polite. then a fox bolt into the midst of The people of Santa Fe are indig tion of the case at present. nant tnat a pe ition should have gone thing« deadly lively in some districts is usually cheaper to pan t lumber When a passenger boards or leaves the marmot family-party, must be nil oils. Tin* woodcock alight in o w l There is a very loud call for Con­ to Washington irom Albuquerque ask­ in Montana, killing colts and steers, than not to do so, the cheapest shel­ car tho conductor touches his hat and erable numbers in their autumn pil and in some instances pursuing hu­ ing that New Mexico should not be ter would be a neat, substantial paint* says "Good day.” When he collects a gressman Breckinridge, of Arkansas, man beings. e one. fare he attracts the passenger’s atten­ age south, and we .shot! many- ¡tqtj to resign his seat in the next Con­ admitted into the Union. very garden, including one complet^ gress and ask for a new election, on Hardin Yager, treasurer of San It is proposed by the people of Mon­ One of my neighbors had a fine pen tion by saying “ Please.” If on a nasty account of Clayton’s assassination; Bernardino county since 1865, was tana to elect two Senators, to go to of fowls; had had them confined in a day or late at night the passenger gives white. Other noble birds^nreit and many of his friends sre advising found dead recently. H e was known Washington in the interest of the small, dark house, with no run at­ a tip of one cent the conductor smiles greater and lesser bustard, of whil large quantities roam the. strpnJ him to do so. They insist that this is as “ honest old Hardin.” and was be­ Territory, and to urge its immediate tached, and I suppose all the corn broadly, touches his hat and bows. The former are very wary^-biit j)J the only way that he can clear him­ loved by all who knew him. admission into the Union. The German horse-car conductor does can get within shot by driving anT they could eat, as they were very fat self from the suspicion of sharing in The parents of Alexander Gulden Printed wain slowly to and fro. or round'aj when I purchased them. My neigh­ not over-crowd his car. Mr. and Mrs. James Oloen, with the results of the as-assiuiiliou. sun, »he slayer of Mamie Kelly, hav» their three children, were drowned in bor said lie was sick and tired of them ; notices in the ear tell him how many round, each time coming a little ne Secretary Whitney has issued an instituted suit for the possession of 101 the Missouri riverat Bismark recently no demand for eggs and no eggs; persons are to be admiitod. On each — London Standard.. im|H>rUnt ordei regarding the naval pictures paiuted by him during his when the ice broke. The hors«, could never make a living raising ian- platform four passengers are allowed feed T ng ~ da 7 ry cows . I records of the war of the rebellion. It confinement in the San Francisco jail. wagon and its occupants were all lost. cy fowls. 1 was not suitably fixed fori to stand, and no more. After this pre­ taking another breed, but as I got scribed standing-room has been occu­ A c c o r d in g to A l l Au thorities* Two has been found on examining the pa­ A first mortgage for $5,250,000 has l> »y 1« Kutllcicnt. * ^ I A bill ha* passed the Indiana Sen­ them for $1 each, about one-tenth pers on file in the navy department, been filed in San Dit go by represent­ pied the conductor allows no more per­ My practice in the pustkhas.been | ate declarikg unlawful all trusts, their value, I bought them and took sons to board the car. that almost the only ones there, are atives ol the Mercantile Trust com­ give two feeds a day. giving^thei those addressed directly to the depart­ pany of New York on the rights, fran­ pools, agreements and combinations, them home, intending to do the best i The conductor is phenomenally pa­ full time to remastieHte,\diges"« in restraint of trade, production, man­ possible by them,considering the con­ ment. He desires certified copies of chises and property of the San Dego, ufacture or sale. The H ouse will also veniences at hand. Took two orders tient with foreigners who do not under­ assimilate her food between f<-edin all orders to officers and war memo­ Cucamonga and Eastern railroad. stand the system of graded fares which pass the bill. for eggs before driving home. I placed ' prevails in Germany. If an American With silage and bran Ins factors^ randa to be forwarded to the war de­ seems to bo best to gi ve u noon (re A t Grass Valley, last Thursday, a* partment. Inspector Bonfield, Captain Schaak them in a small house with a 16x16 Superintendent Skewcss, of the North and Detective Lowenstein, prominent foot run. As I said before they were buys a two-cont ticket for a flve-cent ing of hay, olover or the like, os ibjf ride he invariably refuses to buy a five- to be disposed of in some way, nnd| Superintendent Thorn, of the coast Banner mine, was going to town he very fat. My first move was to see cent ticket when the conductor ex­ feed it at noon .seems the ls*st and geodetic survey, lias submitted was st >pped on the road by two in the trial at Chicago of the anarch­ that they had plenty of exercise, and an estimate for an additional appro­ masked men and relieved of three ists, have beer, indifinitely suspended plains the mistake to him. The Amer- most advantageous wav'dfJdispoSij thereby reduce them in flesh. I di­ from the police force pending chargcx priation of $3680, which he says is thousand dollars’ worth of bullion. ean always says he will buy a ■throe- of it. That the euw.on dry feed shojj vided a portion of their run oil' and of corruption. necessary to make the repairs on the put in about one foot of straw, and eent ticket in addition to his two-eent need time to digest her foo vhiM On the 31st of January, E. A. Har­ United States coast and geodetic sur The report that General BouUnger they had to scrateh for a living. It ticket, but will never buy a new five- cow on grass cuts all- t’ * »» ■ 'M vey steamer McArthur, now at San bour, an old and highly respected cit­ was to have been arrested at the insti­ was not very long until they were cent ticket, by which he would lose an argument against*'..; |/..an of-f* Francisco, to put it iu condition for izen of Meda, Or., was instantly killed gation of the government ministers on shelling out eggs to their full capacity. two cents’ worth of ride. The Amer­ ing only twice a day; as grass tssj tin* work off the coast of Washington by the top breaking out of a dead the night of his election from the de­ ican explains his position in bad Ger­ culent. is rapidly (’ igestcdiand is I" — Poultry Keeper. spruce and striking him on the head. Territory and Oregon the coming sea partment of the Seine, proves to be man, and the conductor replies in good pared for assihiib t uti by®’ the ■>*» Sam Poster was also struck and his unfounded. A good idea for a hoist for a barn German. son. Consequently neither one possible amount ol - onach I“’* ! recovery is doubtfu 1. is to erect two upright posts six iuches understands the other, and all sorts of whereas dry food .is <’ _*■ ted s.o*l It is announced that the recall of Otto Kaiser, a married street-car Two unknown men entered the of. conductor at I’hiladelphia, shot Anna square and firmly fastened in the up- complications arise. But the conductor American Consul General Sewell from and a greater amount ’ . .gestivefof Samoa, lias created an excellent feel­ fice of F. Reicliling, at San Francisco, Klaus, a young girl who believed him per part of the building, one on either rttrely lose s his temper. He quietly is used to' perform *b? work; 8D J side of the hatchway. Strong iron or i Friday last, and while one engaged ing in Berlin. The German paper* single. He then returned to his home, pleads, points to the rules, nnd appeals wooden boxes attached to these posts my opinion it is not v '>eV° *(e.'‘P urge the necessity for the recall of the the attention of the clerk, the other cut his wife’s throat and ended his to the other passengers for the corrob­ stomach of the uni mu ully actiif I support the journal of a round shaft succeeding in gaining possession of a English consul also, alleging that he own life at the approach of oiicers. one foot in diameter, upon which is a oration of his statements, until the the time with a'denl '.* duty of J contributed largely to the trouble. bar of gold bullion, valued at $40tK). A bill has been introduced in wooden wheel four to six feet in diam­ American gets tired and pays. Nearly riedly digesting t> •* od food be ty of a circle. They are put together two steel gnu-boa's, or cruisers, is pro­ inboxes; also a lot of silver coin, in with spikes or bolts in a manner to good-naturedly at all the babies in the digestive cana' hef eedily built, the appropria­ youngest engaged in a romp with the willed his property in hulk to the Unit­ spikes are driven and a groove turned tion for steel machinery is increased cal uatil he gut near the safe, which ed Stales government One of his rea­ in the onter periphery of the wheel to well-dressed that he Is a bit of a prince but with silage i.s part of the '"d way "< 1 by $1,50000, and that for armament shHsi partially ajtr, when slipping his sons was the government waa rich keep the rope from slipping off. The imong the women of his class in so­ l do not w e any three feeds per iy. W hi.'* ' J ciety.—X. Y. Sun. by $1 400,000. All the new we***U hand through he grasped a sack con- and could tight his sister if she at­ hoiet r. pe is firmly attached to the experiment;,1 <*.. a "n this su 'F** ( are to be lighted by electrify, and $»>0,- taing $249 in gold and the three cool­ tempted to contest the wilL He was shaft upon which it is coiled by the —Uf tho 2»*) goldbeaters of New practice hr. ■ nflrmed me worth $100,000. 000 it appropriated for that purpose. ly walked away, York not one is a woman, while of the a b o v e v .e w s . — | revolution of the wheel. (JotllU, *»• " u MO golilcutiers not one is a man. Yorker. A d d itio n a l Appropriation s In the N aval B ill- A Constitutional G overn ­ ment for Sam oa Sew ell to bo Relle ed as Consul. ft W O R K M A N 'S D IS C O V E R T RICH T R E A S U R E TR O V E . j id o u i C lever Sneak Thieves at W o rk In San The Eccentric W ilt o f a N ew Torte Ped­ A Good Idea fo r a H olst for a Barn- The Treatm ent that Should be Given a go gu e—The Ghastly Crim e o f a F ra n c ts c o -A F iv e and a Quar­ to Fow ls—R eceipt fo r De­ Philadelphia S treet-c.r Em ­ ter M illion M o rtg a g e —The stroying the Weevti. p loyee—Cold W a ve«. Q uake In California.