i P olk A vol . MEM I-W K KK LY I. O bserver JO ï l{N AL' bkvotkr --------l >A 1 ' l A S - I>(ll- K C O U N T Y to T in : m :\K H AL IXTKKKSTS OF OIK (OINTY. O R E G O N , T UESDAV, FEBRUARY 12. 188i>. NO. 50. C. C. D O U G H T Y , P IT H — PI'BLlî*HKH o r - AND POINT. A M E D IC A L TALK. ized as a model vegetable farm. There the sewage is subjected to chemical treatment, combined with intermittent soil filtration, until every particle of sewage matter is either precipitated or absorbed by the soil, Hnd the purified water Hows off through drain pipes into a creek which empties into the Passaic river. The system has been I d operation for several months, ami if it works as successfully through the win­ ter as thus far, may be regarded as one of the l>ost solutions yet reached of the difficult town sewage question.—A. T, Examiner. lady recently, who was pasting scraps into a book. Domsslic Animal« Considered as \ eItli-lM ,h“ h“ »t “ Well, you can save both,” said her of Ir.fertlon. Wonderful Trart of friend. It is reported from Chicago that e In the Northwest corner of the Ter- —The difference between Pig-head- “ Why how can 1 do that?” by no means inconsiderable local out­ edness and tinnì ,, ness i» this: it U vour ntory of Wyoming there is a tract “ There are two ways of splitting a «EMI-WEEKLY. - $2 Per Year. wife who is pig-headed.— Terre Haute more remarkable for natural curiosi­ break of scarlatina has boon brought piece of paper. One is to lay the sheet about by a cat, which acted as the Express. ties than an equal area in any other of paper on a piece of glass, soak it D IR tC T O R Y means of conveying the infection. It COUNTY O F F IC IA L —J lutterers portion of the globe. It was first thoroughly with water and then press has long been known that almost any County J luigi- I S STOUFFKK. brought into notice by a party of sut*. it smoothIv all over the glass. With a W. MiLKNClIj Cominia.ln i-r. thing whieh can servo as a vehicle for veyors from Helena. M. T., in 1869. (J W. McBBX, 1 a little care the upper half of the sheet carrying the desquamating epithelium IRA S. SMITH In 1870 an expedition, under the di- cat) I k 1 peeled off leaving the under Clerk t C (i. COAD. of scarlatina patients may act as an ft M. K IM ' , half on the glass. Let this dry and Treasurer / —Honest good humor is the oil and rection of the Surveyor-General of intermediary between the sick and School Superintendent W l.KKYNOl.PS it will come off the glass very easily; Senator wine of a merry meeting, and there is that lerritory. visited the region, and healthy: and although recent study of E T. HATCH f 8. POWELL j of course the glass must be perfectly ..Kepreten tat Ives no jovml companionship equal to that in 18.1 Prof. Hayden, at the head of a the speeifie fevers tends to show that C .o. FISHEKÌ clean. The second way a bettor are ----------- rather small and scientific corps, made an examination the period in whieh these diseases are . where . . the - jokes — P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S . one, but it requires some good prac­ WHY TEETH DECAY. the laughter abundant. — Washington of its remarkable features. This re­ most likely to bo communicated is the port induced Congress to pass an act, Im r, j. * acute stage rather than that of con­ Mlvroaroplr (•«rm* Haiti to I l» th » I «■»- tice. Paste a piece of cloth or strong approved March 1. 1872. by which the valescence, it must bo admitted that paper on each side of the sheet to be JOHN J . D A L Y , nietliata ('ana*. —You can’t turn a butterfly into a district now known as the YelliW- Decay of the teeth (caries) is ex­ split- When it has thoroughly dried caterpillar: yet some men are disap­ some of these diseases can be conveyed stone National Park was “ reserved by such methods as the reception and ceedingly common, especially so pull the t * « pieces of cloth apart sud­ pointed because the angel of courtship and withdrawn from settlement, oo- subsequent discharge of infectious ma­ among civilized people. The lack of denly and violently. The paste can Will promptly attend to all legal business en­ doesnt turn out to be the patient Jupuncy or sale under the laws of the trusted to him. terial from the coat of a cat nursed by power to resist this disease may be then bo softened with water and the drudge of marriage.— Pact. Laited States, and dedicated and set patients. Hut that any thing like i>n due to the depression of vital vigor two halves of the sheet easily taken off B A U .il» . . . . . OKELO.V —Witii full pockets and full stom­ apart as a public park or pleasuring the cloths. ’ .V. F. Mail and Express. achs, and good linen, and broadcloth ground, for the benefit and enjoyment outbreak of scarlatina should be di­ throogb ever-taxing the nervous sys­ " W AH K E N T H U IT T , rectly brought about by such a cause tem, or through sedentary habits or in i n . __ l _ i | | on your back, your heart and soul will of the people.” and was placed under —It is comparatively easy to be fair is contrary to experience, which goes luxurious living. In this, as in other ¡ g,‘ race of nre the exclusive control of the Secretary matters, there are inherited tenden­ to an opponent in a case where one is to show that this disease is not often ! y°'> wil1 ti,ld yourself surpassed by all of the Interior. The limits of this enlisted merely through sympathy l l t l . U K . OKKUOM. the poor boys around you. before you park, as first fixed, have been three communicated from one person to an­ cies, ami the children of those whose with another, lt is uxceedingly hard Will praetlee In all the courts of the State, teeth decay early themselves suffer the other through the agency of a third know it— J. a. Holland. ottlce in Court House. times extended by Congress. Its to bo fair where self-interest is same evil. —We are reformers in spring and western boundary now coincides with party who is free from the disease; Hut what is the immediate cause of touched. This causes a struggle with and it is far more probable that any J. II. T O W N S E N D , summer; in autumn and winter we that between Wyoming and Idaho and extension of scarlatina in the case re­ doutai decay? A paper on the subject self which few aro strongly enough stand by the old—reformers in the Montana, and its northern boundary is ferred to was due to Infection con­ was read by Dr. George S. Allen, of imbued with justice to make.— Stand­ 1 > morning, conservative at night. Re­ identical with that between Montana tracted directly from the first person New York, before a mooting of tin* ard. Office on Mill St., opposite Court House, form is affirmative, conservatism and Wyoming. The southern boundary —Common sense meant once some­ to whom the disease was conveyed Dental Union, lately held in Hoston. D ALLAM . - - ___ -____O H K i O J I negative,: conservatism goes for com­ of the park is the forty-fourth pa-allel According to this paper, the credit thing very different from that plain Hut our main object in referring to the fort, reform for truth. of latitude, and its oastern lino is the incident is to draw attention to the of solving the question belongs to Dr. wisdom, the common heritage of men, P H Y S IC IA N S ’ C A R D S . Ho is rich who lives upon what he meridian of 109 degrees 30 minutes fact that the domestic animals do con­ IV’ . D. Miller, an American residing in whom wc now call bv this name, hav­ I.. N . W O O D S , M . D . , has. He is poor who lives upon what west longitude. It is, therefore, now stitute a distinct danger to man, in so Berlin, Germany. The solution is ing been bequeathed to us by a very is coming. A prudent man lives with- about seventy-three miles e~ t aad far as some of the sjiecitic infectious found in the germ theory, which lias complex theory of the senses, and of a in his income, whatever that may be. west and nearly ninety miles north fevers are concerned. As vet we know already settled the origin of so many sense which was the common bond of County. Office In W ood’» Drug Store. j -md saves against a rainy day. Keep and 90uth, and has an area of about nothing about any disease in the eat infectious diseases. The microscopic them all, and which passed its verdicts Dallas. . . . . . Oregon, i your expenses within your income, and 6,509 miles. The entire park is more whlch can load to scarlatina in the hu­ germs, which are called bacteria, on the reports which they severally ■ * r f j , , , i r » «- J will avoid the temptation of doing than 6,000 feet above the sea. Yellow­ man subjecL Hut it is probably the smallest of organized beings, so made of it. — H. C. Trench. stone Lake has an altitude of 7,788 highly different as regards diph­ small that it takes one hundred thou­ ,1. IV Ih, A I . I f ., many shabby actions. Next to the evil of living beyond | feet, and the mountain ranges that theria, for a number of instances sand of them placed lengthwise to one’s means is that of spending all hem the valley on every side rise to have been placed on record in measure an inch, belong to the plant one’s income, There arc multitudes c . «J . S M I T H , O ffice Buena Vista, Oregon. the height of 10,000 and 12,000 feet, which, while diphtheria lias tx'en family. They multiply both by di- who are sailing so near shore that a — Proprietor of the — and are covered with perpetual snow. prevalent in the human subject, a | vis!on and by the formation of spores, T J. L ek . O. D. B cti . kr . slight wind In the wrong direction Until a comparatively recent period similar if not the same disease has j The spores which correspond to seeds LEE & B U T L E R , founders them, They get on well while in the geological history of the globe, . been ascertained to exist among oats, ! —have great vitality, and are unaffect- the times are usual and the wages this spot was evidently the scene of | and it u l!ertftln that itl somc preva- j ed by the temperature that would do- promptly paid; but a panic or a short remarkable volcanic activity. This is lerices there has been close association : stroy the parent plant. The multipli- Will answer rails from any point In the county. period of sickn. ss. and they drop hclp- Telegraphic com m unication from Momnoiitn. The Bar Is always supplied with the finest known from the hot springs and between the human sick and the af­ cation by division is exceedingly rapid. less. Office up stairs In Opera block. Wines, Liquors and (’ tears. Bool and Billiard geysers that are so numerous here. fected animals. Thus the total oradiction of the germs IIIlK P K V IflU C R . - • O R K f i O K . Table. —To women there is an inexpressi­ There are said to be fifty geysers here YVe are at present only just on the is almost out of the question, and in Main N t r f f t , D a lla s , O r e g o n . M ARK I I A Y T E R , that throw a column oI water to a borderland of a wide subject—namely, even a short time, if the post be neg­ ble fascination in dalliance with dan­ height of from 50 to 200 feet, and from that of the relationship of diseases of lected, it becomes difficult to limit the ger this com promise between love and ---- DENTIST,----- 5,000 to 10,000 springs. The latter are the lower animals to diseases in man; harm they can do. That harm may he coquetry. It is their ono excitement, D O U G . HANFORD, DALLAS«. . . UKKM1V. of two kinds, those depositing lime and wo may possibly learn hereafter effected either by the growth of the and it is worth to them ull the thou­ At Dental parlors doe* any kind of dental — Proprietor of the — work with neatness and dispatch. and those depositing silica. The de­ that, apart from the origin of infective bacteria at the expense of the cells of sand others that serve to relieve, or posits of these minerals on the diseases in the lower animals, the lat- the laxly, or, more probably, perhaps, more often to distract, the dullness of BANKS, j borders of the spring form crJ'8' : ter may serve as media for communi­ by developing a poison in their waste their lords and masters. They are con­ Wst. S avage , Banker. | M. M. E llis , Cashier. tals in many beautiful shapes and cating infections to an oxtent as yet products. It must l hi remembered, tent to he whirled out of their own of many varied colors. The tempera­ not understood. Certain it is that however, that many kinds of bacteria thoughts in that pleasing vortex. Its eddying rapidity is so delightful—its Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Pool and Bil- ture of the lime springs is from 160 to the manner in whieh dogs, cats and aro porfeotly harmioss, while it is pos­ surface, up to the very edge,so smooth Hard Tables. 170 degrees; that of the others rises other domestic animals are at times sible that some aid in the vital proc­ Exchanges bought ami sold on all points. and glassy; all is charming till the last Dalla«. Oregon to 200 degrees and more. Other feat­ fondled by those to whom they be­ Special attention paid to collections. VI III S tr e e t. esses of the organism. fatal plunge itself, when the abyss is DALLAS. . . . . o r t n .n x ures of interest in the park are the long, and to whom them become at­ The mouth is infested by several opened to its victim, and then closos Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, tached, is not free from risk.—Lancet. forms of innocent bacteria. D. T.S tanley , Bres. | J. W. I) awson , ( ’ashler. The upon her forever. CHAS. GIBBONS, where the perpendicular banks of — Broprletor of - saliva is never free from them. There­ The S ib e ria r F u r M arket. the river, from 200 to 500 yards apart, fore, in order to ascertain if dental DEAD SEA W O N D ER S rise to the height of 1,000 feet On N o n m o ith , O reg on . The number of animals killed in Si­ carles is due to bacteria, most rigorous Tower creek, a branch of the Yellow- Does a t #u Tal banking business. Sight tests wore necessary. The bacteria beria every year for their fur is enor­ Shaving, Fashiouable Hair Cutting. Sham­ A Denolittr. Go«l-Hmlt(en ttn<| Man -For* drafts on Nt w Vork, San Francisco or Bortland. Deposit« reciived subject to check or on certifi­ pooing and Hair Dressing. Hot and Cold Baths. stone, there is a gloomy canyon ten i mous. At the last summer fair of Irbit, must bo found in the decayed matter of nakrn Kant ei n Vail«/. • - Dalian. Oregon. miles long which is known as the Devil’ s cates of deposit. ( ’olleetions will receive prompt M ain s t r e e t . which is a market for only a part of the teeth; be isolated from every other One of the most interesting lakes or attention. Office hours, H a. in. to 5. p. m. Half’s Den. This creek has, a few yards the furs exported from Siberia, no less kind; cultivated outside of the body, Burglar Broof Safe, secured by Yale Time Ixx’k. inland seas in the world, is tho Dead from its mouth, a fall of 156 feet, on ( than 3,180,000 furs of squirrels were and the pure cultivation must produce JAMES H. LAWTON, Sea, which has no visible outlet. It is SU RVEYORS. of . which , A . • | each W K !U side »« iS U . « . V . . stands ----- - columns of offered for sale. Of those, 1,018,(K)0 a similar caries when introduced into not mere fancy that has clothed the I A n C A IT l ' -A I l l ' s ! breccia resembling towers. Above the were killed in the forests of Yenosoisk, a healthy tooth, and this carles must Dead Sea in gioorn. The desolate FRANK BUTLER, Great Falls of 455.000 in the Altai mountains, 200,(8)0 show I bo same form of bacteria. Dr. 1 U l l o U I k l l • • i l l 11- ( Grand Canyon are the Gr shore, with scarcely a green thing in the Yellowstone, Yellowstone, 350 350 foot feet high. The in Yakutsk, and 300,000 in Transbaika­ Miller's experiments have conformed Main St., opp. Coart H..u»e, D-lla*. Or. the sight, ami scattered over with black Hair < nttinK, Shaving and Shampooing neat; geographical local'ty of the park is lia. A considerable number of the to these tests. He found bacteria fill­ stones and ragged driftwood, form a Address him at DALLAS, Ail calls promptly Ijr done, special attention given to Ladle» [ interesting, as it has within its limits furs of squirrels killed in the last two ing the tubules of the decayed teeth; fitting framo for the dark sluggish answered. and Chihlr •ren’s Hair < mting. | Yellowstone lake and Madison lake, provinces are exported directly both obtained pure cultures from them, and, waters, covered witii a perpetual mist, and in the mountain springs, the to China and to Russia, without pass­ placing the latter in tubes with pieces W . B W R IG H T , and breaking in slow, heavy, sepul- PARKER «c FERCUSON, sources of great rivers flowing in vari­ ing through Irbit. It Is worthy of of Bound teeth, the microscope in from ehral-toned waves upon tho beach. It ous directions. On the north are the note that this year there was a con­ two to four weeks showod a similar seems as if the smoke of the wicked sources of the Yellowstone; on the siderable decrease in the furs of the (rarics, and the tubules distended with etties was yet ascending up to Heaven, west, those of the principal forks of black squirrel. U.H. Deputy N u rv ejor. Only a half a million similar bacteria. — Youth's Companion. and as if the moan of their fearful Plan«, »pwlfleaHon» a^^eati^tM^fnr'ililjed , Miggom.i; ,m the southwest and Will do wnrk in all parta of the oounty. I» of these furs were brought to the fair, sorrow would never leave that God- pri-jiared to furnish all desired informatiou in oil application city water-work». south, those ci Snake river, flowing as against more than a million in 1887. s“K»rd to land» surveyed. Office tu bank. smitten valley. O K F .M IS , A S L IP S O M E W H E F 1 rmiKPFATIKUCK >Qto the Columbia, and through it into Of other furs there were 11,000 blue » A L L A H ....................................O K K H O Y . lt is a strange thing to see those the Pacific Ocean, and those of Green fox, from Obdorsk and Berezoff; 140,- How a llltrr W u llltten to the Tune of waves, not dancing along and spark­ river, a branch of the Great Colorado, 000 marmot, chiefly from the Allal; ' fifty Dollar». ling in the sun, as other waves do, but which empties into the Gulf of Califor- 30.000 polecat, 10,000 badger, 1,300,000 j We were humping along at the rate moving with measured melancholy, 1 nia; while on the southeast side are hare, 2,000 fox, and a number of bear of thirty miles an hour on a train and sending to the ear, as they break i the numerous headwaters of YY'ind riv­ bound into Nashville, when I spotted languidly upon the rock, only doleful ----------- H E A D Q U A R T E R S ---------- and fox-skins.—H. Y. Post. er. The forests of the park abound in a couple of three-card monte men in sounds. This is, no doubt, owing to A N e w U»e f o r L e m o n s. deer, elk, bears and mountain sheep. the car. They had made up to a farm­ the great heaviness of the water, a fact By the latest ordinances of Congress, If you ever use lemons,” remarked er-like chap and had things all their well known, and which we amply veri­ and own way. One of them tossed the fied in the usual way, for, on attempt­ penalties are fi- ¡ -own one housewife to a lady friend, of any natural object, the cutting down I u IU,r, inn „f left, ov have a portion of ono left over, be cards and the other acted as a capper ing to swim, we went floating about of trees or killing game in the park. and made a hit of twenty dollars the like empty flasks. This experiment T™ d« n‘ * ‘ h™ * il u first thing. This was to egg the farmer was more satisfactory in its progress | A local magistrate lives within” the ! " l am never wl»’hout thom in the on, and he was willing to be egged. park to try all cases of violation of house, as I always use them foi flavor­ than in its results, which were a very the rules made for its preservation.— “ Reckon I’ ve got a leetle money that unctuous skin and a most pestifferous ing, but of what use are pieces?” I Chicago Inter Ocean. “ Just this. The next time you says I kin pick out that yere koerd,” stinging of every nerve, as if wo had think you have done with a l.imon, he said, and he slowly counted out been beuten with nettles. Nor was the An Extraordinary I n i dent water we took into our mouth a whit just dip it in salt and rub your copper three ten-dollar bills. “ You pick the ace of hearts, do loss vile than the most nauseous drugs lJ For four years Mrs. Benjamin Mover, kettle or stewpan with it You will you?” asked the thrower. of the apothecary. of Souderton. Pa., was totaiiy blind. be surprised to find what a brilliant “ She’s the one.” surface you will obtain if you rub the That fish can not live in this strong Not long ago she was taken ill. so that “ And which is lt?” solution of bitumen and salt is too ob­ _ . «I 1, she had to stay in bed several days article instantly with a dry, soft cloth. “ This ar’ the one.” You can polish all brass wurk by the vious to need proof, but to say that “ And you bet thirty dollars on It?” morning and exclaimed: “ My God in same means, every stain disappearing birds can not fly over it and live Is one “ I do.” of the exaggerations of travelers, who, Heaven. I see!” Her husband rushed as if by magic. A moldy lemon put BEST C R A D E 'O F GOODS AMO FAIR DSALINC. IS OUR MO ! The card was turned over, and lo! it perhaps, were not, like ourselves, so to the bedside =and was recognized. into a dirty sauce-pan half full of was the ace of hearts and the old man fortunate as to see a flock of ducks re­ All kinds of goods taken in exchange for produce. Then the other members of the house water and boiled for half an hour had won. He pocketed the money and posing on the water in apparently good hold came in and were recognized. cleanses the utensil amazingly and re­ moves any odor such as fish or onions, j the monte tnen retired i» She pointed out different articles health. And yet this was all the Ufa Later on I asked the thrower how he we did see. The whole valley was one furniture in the room, told different Try it and see if I am not r ig h t”—N . j < came to make such a mistake. oersons what they were wearing, and y. Mail and hxpre»». seething cauldron, under more than a “ Why, I paid a feller twenty dollars £ many ways proved that she saw. tropical sun. God-forsaken and man- N e w S yste m o f S ew era ge. i to learn me the business the other day, forsaken, no green thing grows within She asked that all her children and grandchildren, twenty-five in all. come East Ornnge, N. J., ha* in operation and this is my first trip. There’s fifty it, and it remains to this day as strik­ to her bedside, and they did. She told I a »ygtem of chemical and mechanical dollars clean cash gone to Goshen, and ing a monument of God's fearful judg­ I’ m going back home to farm it for the ments as when the fire from Heaven .h .. ,1 » b «i ! sewerage of a novel character, which, old man at eighteen dollars a month.” that she might see them all once be- j jy lt provei, successful after a reason- devoured the om.c mighty cities of the — Detroit Free Press. fore she died, and this was the answer j able period of trial, will, no doubt, be plain. Missionary Herald. -IDEALER IN — ■ ■ -- Then she said: “ This i wjri.c’ andin n>e Attorney ami Counselor at La Physician and Surgeon. Physician and S u rg e o n .------------------------------------- Physicians and Surgeons Dallas Sample Rooms. Belvidere Saloon. Dallas City Bank. POLK C O U N T Y B A N K . Dallas Tonsorial Parlors. County Surveyor am d Civil Engineer M Elil SHELLEY & VANDUYN, IN D E P E N D E N C E , O R EG O N . General Merchandise. Bed Rock rnees. 0n the fourth day (he awoke m Monmouth, Agricultural " Cooper, Implements E . W . Oreeon and Farm Machinery. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. ï S r  u... i b - r V ^ r ?