Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 05, 1889, Image 4

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c h u r c h
—The clergy of the Church of En-
Hweet potatoes will fatten a pig gland of all grades, from archbishops
Baker City, Oregon, is lighted with
The Clear L ike hank,at Mason City,
sooner than will corn. The small lu- j to curates, number 23,000.
Iowa, has cloned its d*ors.
can be used, as well as those that
—A good authority states that the
Snow fell at Pensacola, Fla., last
in the United States are
week, the first time in 22 yearn.
that purpose.
now building churches at the rate of
Mr. Jas. G. Blaine, jr., liaa signed a
Weeds'that have not perfected the five per day.
contract to go on the atage for three pcstofiice.
seeds can be : tc I for bedding, after
«—Mexico is called a ChrUtain eoun-
’ being dried, and then thrown on the try, yet Bishop IIurBt, of the Methodist
Two school children nearJHitclicock,
Foreatville, Honoma county, ia to manure pile, but if the seeds ripen EpigC0pal Church, says that in Mexico
1). T., periahed in the snow storm of
they will b# carried back to the land ^ gjoo0,t'00 have never seen a copy of the
a $ 20,000 hotel this spring.
last week.
in the manure.
Holy Scriptures.
Fires of unknown origin are becom­
The West Virginia Democratic leg­
The feeding places of poultry should
_ R 0llins Chapel, the Dartmouth
islative caucus has agreed to support
he spaded up and put in some kind oi t’ollog'o building, so badly damaged by
kenna for the aenatorahip.
A three point buck was lassoed while a cr ip I hey are excellent locations jjre a gjj„rt time ago, was the gift of
The messenger with the electoral swimming in Putah creek la.-t week.
for small gardens, and usually produce the late Hon. Edward A. Rollins, of
vote of Florida did not leave the state.
A Mrs. GublemCn '& charged with well, hut if they are uot convenient Philadelphia, and cost $30,000.
No reason is given for doing so.
the crime of murderiug her infant for garden purposes, sow oats on the
—Co-education has proved such a
ground, then turn on the fowls when
Ives and Btaynor were unable to ob­ child at Woodland.
great success at Cornell that Sage
James Corrigan, lately from Kansas, the oats are six inches high.
tain $250,000 bail, and are locked up
College, the women's department, is
in Ludlow atreet jail, New York.
while drunk, was kill by the cara at
Grooming should he thoroughly per- j crowded, and the faculty are puzzled
formed on every horse at least once a where to find accommodations for all
Ex-Governor Porter, of Indiana, in Fresno recently.
For 25-centa the hack drivers at day. Never groom a hori-e in its stall ■he applicants.
authority for the statement that War­
Walla Walla, W. T., will take a |>erson while the horse is eating, but take it j
ner Miller will be in the cabinet.
out for the purpose. Otherwise the I “ The twenty-fifth anniversary of
It ia anticipated that about 30 men to any (»art of the city.
dust and dirt which fill the air becomes ‘ lle introduction of bunday-schools
will be discharged from the apprais­
i c
j •
I i into
n f n i Germany
l o r t n untr u
r u a r recently
a n o n t l V P.Al
HhP ft tft fl.
ers’ otlice at New York in a day or be planted in the Han Jacinto Valley, mixed with the horse * food, making it There are now more than 1,000 Sun­
Han Diego couuty, this season.
day-schools, with 1,100 teachers and
Horses should he kept well shod and
'1 he House committee on commerce | The boys at H lom a celebrated ill-
230,000 children, in the German
will recommend the building of » arrival of the hook and ladder truck sharp while they are worked on roads Empire.
lighthouse near the mouth of the
—The money given by the women of
The cantilever bridge over the Ump­ tion to this point often causes lame­ the Presbyterian church in tue United
Hiuslaw river, Ur.
Jack Carkeek, the Cornish wrestler, qua river at Winchester, Or., haa been
loss to its owner. Rub the lege, and States during the past sixteen years
defeated Tom Cannon, the English accepted; it ia said to be a flue struct­
particularly the heels, dry with wisps amounts to $2,150,000, representing
champion, at Milwaukee, last w eek - ure.
of straw when the horse comes in the entire support of more than 200
Bannock Indians, now visiting Pi­
beat three in five falls.
from work in rain or snow. Obstin­ women missionaries, 200 native Bible*
President Tolleron and Cashier ules and Wasboea, in Washoe county, ate cases of scratches come from neg­ readers and more than 150 schools.
Richards, of the Mercantile Banking gave a peace dance at Reno on the lect of this.
—The first school census taken in
Company, at Atlanta, Ga., have been 26 th ult.
Georgia since 1882 has just been com-
sent to prison for theft.
The dedication of the Odd Fellows’ fortable, clean quarters, with freedom, pleted. It gives the total number of
F. J. Marshall, formerly cashier of hall, at Redding, was attended with or, at least, the liberty of a yard large j children of school age as 560.281, a*
the Northern Pacific Express Compa­ impressive ceremonies and proved a enough for moderate exercise. Do not against 508,722 in 1882, and shows
ny, at Ht. Paul, is under arrest for great success.
let them run with cattle or horses, that in the country districts the boys
embezzling money from the company.
The Arizona legislature have moved though, they should have generous outnumber the girls, while in the citiee
The Indianapolis people are await­ the capital from I'rescott to Phoenix, and plentiful rations of bran and and towns tho girls predominate.
ing with patience the report of the where the legislature will assemble in other muscle-forming food, but not
—Buddhist opposition in Ceylon it
grand jury to see the nanus of those about ten days.
much Indian corn or meal. Hkim becoming more and more virulent;
who have hud bills returned against
A new steamboat, to be named the milk, bran, oil-meal,-boiled to a 0thin and one of the greatest hindrances to
Mount Tacoma, which is to run be­ gruel, peas, etc., are good foods for the Gospel, writes a missionary, ‘ ‘is
The Marlow gang of deperadoes, o* tween Tacoma and Whatcom, W. T., them.
the coquetting with Buddhism which
the border of Texas and the Indian was contracted for lately.
The management of seed potatoes has become fashionable among many
Territory, has been broken up, Boone
Governor Ross and the New Mexico is one of the important arts of the Europeans. Buddha’ s birthday is no®
Marlow, tin head, being killed, and legislature are at swords points. All potato grower. The chief point is to » government holiday in this island of
his two brothers wounded.
his vetoes are passed over his head aud prevent them from sprouting, and for Queen Victoria.” — Spirit of Missions.
Senator Stewart received yesterday nearly all his appointments are pigeon this purpose a low temperature as near
Mr. Williamson, the Philadelphia
from the Nevada legislature a memo­ holed.
to the freezing as is possible, without mjmona(re who gave so many million
rial to President-elect Harrison, re­
Prospectors are staking oil all of the touching it, is desirable. Nearly ev- j dollairH to establish a manual training
questing the appointment of a Pacific island of Texada, where the recent erywhere farmers find that the ate j 8cjj00j for p00r boys, denies that col-
Coast man in his cabinet.
gold find is reported. Many miners varieties of potatoes are more product ored boys are to be excluded. This
The shortage of Moore, the Indian­ from British Columbia and Puget ive than the early ones. Is not this j statement was recently made in one of
apolis agent of the Connecticut Mutual 8 ound have gone there.
partly due to the fact that early vane-
PhilHdelphia paper9. Mr. William-
insurance Company, may reach to
The child of William Allen was lies have been injured by sprouting, j son maintains
that the word “ white”
•11,000,000. He has been missing for burned to death at the Stonewall Mine while late varieties are less liable to [ can not be found in the deed of trust
three days, and is believed to he in settlement, Han Diego county, yester this injury.
. • i ! —The pupils in the city schools of
day. The clothing of the child was
I he following receipt haa been tried j ^
Moineg> , ft expre88 their affec.
by a lady who says she has eggs that tlon for their teachers by bringing
Julian C. McClure, a prominent ignited in some unknown way.
man of Jackson county, Ind., has dis­
Mrs. E. Parks, who lives near Ban­ were pri served by it four years. They them presents of fruit. As the amount
appeared. It was reported that he is gor, Butte county, fell into the Forbes- are still good. Take one pound of
of fruit brought indicates tho intensity
short in his accounts as guardian of town fiume Sunday. She shot the unslacked lime ami one pint of com­
minor heirs to the amount of $ 20 , 000 . Hume, a distance of three quarters of mon salt to two gallons of soft water. of the affection, some of the teachers
Put your eggs on end, in layers, in are talking of quitting their present
Keeley, of motor fame, who hud a mile, without injury.
occupation and of going into the
been imprisoned for contempt of court
The survey of the Blackfoot, F> rt any good tight vessel—a j ir is good. wholesale fruit business. Several of the
in not answering questions propound­ Belknap and Fort Peek reset vations,
scholars, to show their originality,
ed to him, has been released, because in Montana, has been advertised for. j enough of the brine to completely
contribute pumpkins, red peppers and
the case in which he was under exam­ About 17,000,000 aeres will lie thrown cover the eggs. If you put the eggs
ination was not fairly at issue.
open to the public.
—Seven miles from Yankton, D. T.,
Rudolph Ericsson, of New Britain,
A move is being made in New Mex­ ly covered all the while.
is a farming community where several
Conn., inventoi of the new explosive, ico to increase the liquor license from
young honv’ missionaries labored off
extralite, has received a letter from his $100 to $1,000. The legislature is
In breeding and feeding cattle the
uncle in (Sweden, stating that the urged to pass a hill to that effect. The ti Oit legitimate purpose is to make the and on. and finally gave it up as a bad
right to use the discovery in England liquor men are making a savage fight. animal do the very best that it will. job. “ Father” Nicholls, a Congrega­
tional clergyman, over seventy-two
has been sold for $ 20 , 000 .
Eight tons of butter, eggs, cuied The saving of food-ajju» <«iie direction years old, went out there a year ago
The Supreme Court of New York meat, etc., were shipped from Port ! of depriving the •ftjo&r'/o# <jll that it
« I * » . calcula­ and the result ot his work was that a
has affirmed the verdict of the Circuit Harford on the 22d lilt., the greater will eat— has no
thaft Mi some few weeks ago a neat brick chapel, en­
Court of $45,000 against the million­ portion of which was sent souih to tion at all. It
iti^jtaad off, tirely paid for, was dedicated, and he
aire coffee merchant,Charles Arbuckle, feed the citizens of Los Angeles and
' though that will oe«*rr ufilvlHifi scrub was installed pastor over a congrega­
in the breach of promise suit brought Han Diego.
stock. But in such ca'iMROW animal tion of twenty-five church members,
by Clara Campbel', of Ironton, Ohio.
not one of them of Congregational an­
Ida Wilcox, daughter of Mrs. C. I In Utah the census of children of should lie got rid of. It does not de­
school age, between six and 18 years, stroy the rule that profitable dairying tecedents.
Wilcox, of Baiubridge, N. Y., a pretty
girl of 17 years, was arrested in Paris shows that there are in the Territory demands abundant food and good
By Rule and Measure.
last week, with a Dr. Seller, of Eng­ 041 boys and 3 641 girls of non-Mor­ food.
some harm is done by
land, with whom she had eloped. l>r.
Probably meal will finish up a steer
upon bringing up all
Seller, it is said, has a wife in Eng­ 23,280 girls of Mormon parentage.
better than ear corn, but for the bulk
The result of the Laguna de Tache of the feeding there are no trials to children after one cast-iron pattern.
The American ship, Henry Villard, grant land suit at Fresno, it is said, which we can point that show in favor In a certain sense it is true, as an old
cleared from New York last week for will be to transfer a water monopoly of meal over whole corn. A step still lady once said, that “ if you have thir­
(Seattle, W. T., with a general cargo of from one party to another. Nothing further in the right direction is to feed teen children, you'll find no two of
merchandise. This is the first vessel will he gained for the puhli« and the untuuked corn, fodder and all, to the them can be managed alike." But,
that has rvi r left New York for Seattle interest is more of curiosity to see cattle. Such innovations may appall after all, the worst harm, and a great
and she will be probably two months who will win than to anticipate bene­ many farmers, but what we are drift­ dealot the most of it. is committed by
ing toward is not more complicated those who say: “ There is no use in
on the trip.
Three messengers carrying state
The party who visited Wilson’s Peak methods of feeding, but big crops to trying to bring up a family by rule.”
electoral votea have not been paid to ascertain the feasibility of estab­ feed, better stuck to feed it to, and Compluin as you will about it, the
their mileage, because the certificates lishing an observatory there, have re‘ simple, rational methods of getting human frame is a machine, and all
human frames are pretty much alike,
identifying them are scaled in an en­ turned to Los Angeles well pleased feed to the animals.
velope which cannot be opened until with the atmospheric conditions found
If the owner of a small farm brings and, as Mrs. Browning says: “ need
Febmary Id. The messengers come on the mountain. The contract for to bis work the business capicity and one flannel, with a proper sense of
from Colorado, Kansas and Alabama. the 40 inch glass will be formally closed good judgment which the large land- difference in the quality.” The vast
The jHiatmastor-guneral has sent to at once.
owner does, it is very evident that, majority of children should be brought
the chairman of the house committee
Farmers in the southwestern part proportioned to the. acres cultivated, up to go to bed early; to rise early; to
on po. tolfioos and post reads a pro­ of Grass Valley township, Nevada he will have the most money at the eat three wholesome, abundant meals
posed plan for the classification of county, are organizing fi r the purpose end of the year. Hired help is not per day, and absolutely nothing else;
clerks in all first and second class poel- of constructing an irrigation ditch to only exjiensive, but Ht times very un­ to be scrupulously regular in main-
otfiecs. The general effect of this clas­ take water from theHoulh Yuba Canal certain and unreliable, but a man’s i taining both inner and outer cleanli-
sification of the present force, it is Company and lead it ovei Dress Hum- own hands, witli a heart in his work, | ness; to live as much a» possible in the
said, won Id 1 m * to increase the aggre­ mil, by Ostsirne bill, through Forest which seldom accompanies hired help, open air; and to abhor idleness. There
gate salaries by alsjut $1100,IKK).
Springs, aud then on down the coun­ are always available for every little de are said to be exceptions to this rule,
tail on which success depends. Many but the writer has never kn >wn one.
The re|H>rt of the Atchicon directors try.
men will do more with ten acres and
resulted in no enthusiasm in ib>ston,
At Hautaqiiin, Utah, J. Anderson, get more eut of, and from them, than There may bo children who are al­
but if any increased the gloom, for it
aged 33 years, has for some time past others v ill with a hundred. It re- lowed to break one or m ore of these
ia evident that the whole truth has
trained his 8 year-old girl cousin to the quirts as much lalior, however, for the regulations habitually, ar,d who yet
not yet been told, but that there is
maintain unbroken health from year's
use of tire arms. He would place the ten as the hundred. It is intelligent j en,i
to year's end, but we never sat
something being held back. Wall
muzzle of sit empty gun to his head labor and good management that
sire« t tried to boom the stock, and did
and the girl would pull the trigger and count on a farm, hence it is that small one. — Kate Upson Clark, in Home
wnd it up a few |>oints, but a full de­
snap the weapon. Thursday he loaded
tailed statement of the condition of the gnu with buckshot and playfully farms (tay the hi st and that farmers
continually complain that there is no
the system is necessary to secure con
How to Live a Successful Life.
placed the muzzle in his mouth, ask­ money in farmiHg. To our way of
ing the child to pull the trigger. She thinking, and we are familiar with
In order to be of practical service in
Membe.s of the New York legisla­
did so. and Anderson’s head was blown every department of farm business, this world, a man must have love for
ture complain of being worried by
to pieces. He was despondent ami and me suribly to with the city, some truth, or cause, or (»arty, or per­
corrupt lobbyists.
had taught the child to act as she did, there is no enterprise one can engage sonal leader, and must be loyal to the
Cincinnati is atranging for fuel gas,
with the deliberate intention of being in which offers better opportunities! °bjeet of his devotion. No man can
and expects to get it for 10 cents per killed.
for a healthful, independent and sue- compass any real good merely by be-
1000 feet.
Gold de|Hwnis of great value are re -1 Elijah Smith has accepted the pres­ cessini life than a moderate sized farm ing a hater, a scoffer or sneerer. A
man may do harm to one side, or to
ported as Having been discovered in idency of the Seattle, Lake Shore >t under good management.
Eastern Railroad. This road, w ith the
both sides, in any great contest, by his
the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Three women contested for the li- Union Pacific and Manitoba and Ore­
Eight thousand fruit trees and 10,- hostility to one or both of the
hrananship of the state of Tennessee. gon Railway, have formed a pool, with 000 grape vines were handed out to contestants: but he would be of little
The widow of a confederate soldier Smith as president. The Oregon will rannhers in the northern porliou of worth to either side through simplv
build to Spokane Falls from Rockford Han Luis Obispo county, last week.
got it.
disliking the other side. You may
The If gislature of Maine is deluged (a line of 25 miles) immediately. The
think it shows your superiority for you
The N -rth Pacific Canning Compa- to
__ ___
with petitions in favor of granting the material for the Seattle road will come
say that you care little who sue
municipal vole to the women of that by the Oregon line, and the Health ny is shipping large quantities of lum- \
!n a conflict which arouses th
road will be pushed to completion ber to 8 keens river for the purpose of deepest feelings of your fellows on
The Brooklyn, Mass., selectmen, within a year, if |x>*sihle, regardless erecting an extensive canning estab- every side of you; but the history of
putting an old blue law in force, have of expense. Thu Oregon will unite IishmenL
the race shows that men whoare worth
stopped Sunday fast driving, Sunday with the Union Pacific and Manitoba
The situation at the Newcastle coal imitating have never had that spirit
soda- water drinking aud Sunday randy at Missoula as soon as the line is com ( mines ia Washington Territory is still as observers of the struggles of human­
ity in Umir day. —A & Junes.
o .»
fk *
H o r r i b l t - a n il l i l a l i i i l l r s l I 'o n d n r t
T i p p o o T i b 's L l r u t a M W U .
P r e p a r a t io n *
S a il»
fo r
W ork
»D c
H a u l’» A r m y a n d Na*y.~
“ I paid a visit to Sayol’s camp. A
Every year the machinery JB
scaffolding of beams at its entrance Iron mills at Pittsburgh, Pa., is
was ornamented with fifty hewn-off made more ponderous. The necet«
right hands. Musket »hots later on for this lies in the demand for itnm
proclaimed that the leader of this oustings. Every thing Is growing iar
gang was practicing musketry at his than in former times. Ships are
prisoners. Home of my men told me gor, locomotives are more power!
that the victims of this cruelty had iron-front buildings are higher
been cut up immediately to furnish a
agricultural implements are vas
cannibal feast: for Tippoo lib s auxil­
larger. The development ot mill
iaries from the Lomami, the Bene paratus to meet this increase has
Kaiebwe, and the Batetela are canni­ gradual, but within the last two
bals." Reading these words one a wonderful impetus has been
would think that they were part of the forward movement by the buii
some romance, due to the vivid imag­ of the ri 0 v war vessels for the Un|
ination and genius of Mr. Rider Hag­ States navy.
gard: but no, they are, alas! an actual
Andrew Carnegie has just comply
narration of facts witnessed by the
building of a mill at Braddoek,
famoigi African traveler. Lieutenant
A'issmann, and related by him in a pa­ of the suburbs of Pittsburgh, expr^
per read before the Royal (¡»»ograph- intended for the manufacture of
ical (Society on the 25th of June, 1888. government work. There is not
single bit of apparatus in it but wba
it may be urged by some that surely
this horrible and diabolii al conduct of the largest of its kind in the wor
Sayol, the lieutenant of Tippoo Tip, Is The shears, which snu>> a bar of |
a solitary and isolated inslunce, and in two as though it wqye tissue pa
that other slave dealers do not be- exceeds any thing in size that has e
huve so atrociously. It may, perhaps, been known by the sons of Vulcan,
oe the worst case which has lip to the lathes are greater, the rolls are ion
present been witnessed and described and heavier than any thing the rem
by a European, but it is unfortunately der of the country can show, and e
only a fair sample of what is daily the steam boilers are the largest e
occurring in tropical Africa, where made by the hand of man. In theB
murder and rapine are destroying Diamond steel works. Thirtieth s'
whole tribes of negroes, the few and Pittsburgh, there is the largest st
scanty survivors being dragged away hammer in the United States,
as slaves. According to Cardinal blow of fifty tons, which it stri
Lavigerie, Africa is every year drained every second of time that it is ino
of 2,000,00/ human beings by the slave tiou, shakes the earth for two squ-
trade. Not a tithe of these ever come around the mill. Yet it is so
to be domestic slaves, “ who after all controlled, and so nicely adjusted t
are not so badly off,” as is so com­ the hammer-man has placed on
monly said by people who wish to anvil block beneath it a delicate w
plaster ove" the prick their conscience glass containing an egg and, turn
gives them when they say they are not on the steam full force, would let
the neighbor of the oppressed negro, ponderous weight above fall until
and like the priest and the Levite, certain distance, and then shut
pass by on the other side. For every steam off. In this way the ham
slave they carry off the slat e raiders his been kept for several minii
murder about twenty, and of those gently Upping the glass and egg wl
they do drive away not a fifth come out breaking them.
But now the Government itself
nlo the hands of the humane (?( slave
owners of Morocco, Fez, Tuat, Tripoli going to throw all those marvel
and Arabia. The ivory trade has achievements in the background bv
been blamed with causing most of the I improvements at the navy yard
slave hunts in Central Africa. This is 1 Washington City. They willtransf
no longer the case. In several regions ; that quiet place into the most po
the stock of ivory is nearly or quite ful workshop in the universe. For
exhausted, and still villages are hourly | stance, there was not found in the m
burned and their inhabitants murdered and foundries of tho whole Uni
or put into slave chains, clogs and States “ traveling cranes” big eno
forks. The only difference is that now, to move about the immense castings
the able-bodied men being no longer wrought iron parts of large cann
required for the painful and°laborious which tile war and navy departm
work of ivory porters, they, along have projected. Those cranes are v
with the aged of both sexes, are familiar objects in the yards of
slaughtered in cold blood, while their mills everywhere. They are sirapl
wives, sisters, daughters and young block and tackle arrangement so ti
children are dragged away to become upon a steam-car that they will p
the slaves, concubines and worse of d»> up a heavy piece of metal and rosl
praved and debauched mongrels.— speedily to any part of the build
Sational Review.
with it. The largest of these “ tra
ers" in Pittsburgh will carry a bur
of thirty tons with safety to the ro
The N a tu re o f th e N octu rn a l M ov em en t*
and rigging. In the Midvale
am i A ttitu d e » o f rian t*.
The clovers are indeed a drowsy works, Pennslyvania, a travel
family; they keep regular hours and crane of twenty-six tons cap:
make a thorough business of their has been erected to facilitate
slumbers—red clover with their heads handling of castings for the
¿licked under their wings, as it were, war ships. Those arc i u w the t
the young blossom clusters completely largest apparatus of the kind in
hooded beneath the overlapping uppei country. But work will soon be i
pair of leaves, and every individtia. menced on a traveling crane for
leaf below bowed with folded palms. Washington navy yard which will b
The white clovers were similarly well a carrying capacity of 110 tons,
brought up. and continued their ves­ is intended for use in the manufact
pers through the livelong night, theii of a 110-ton gun, which, when finish
little praying bands to be seen every­ will be the largest in the coast defe
where along the path. The yellow of the United States. To “ turn”
hop-clover played all sorts of antics wonderful cannon a lathe is now be
with its leaves without seeming rhyme made which will surpass ail ot
or reason. The tall bush clover, rising lathes in size. The machine will h
here and their among the slumberous to he 120 feet long and will hav
beds, presented a complete surprise, “ tread” of nine feet. The gun i
being entirely changed from its diurnal will be fifty feet long and to turn
aspect, the ordinary generous leafy bore it the luthe will of course be
spread of foliage now assuming the quired to lie double that length.
shape of an upright wand, each three-
All the tools aud machinery to m
foliate leaf being raised upon its stem, this big cannon are being made
with the leaflets folded inward, clasp­ posely for the job, so large and st
ing the maternal stalk. It had its must they be. The contract for
arms full indeed, and seemed conscious livery of the necessary steel for
of its heavy responsibility. The has been concluded with the Bethle
trailing ground-nut vine and the deli­ steel works of eastern Pennsylvr
cate wild bean were hardly recogniza­ But before that company could
ble in their odd night-dress: and the the forgings they had to erect a
desmodiuins at the l>order of the plant large enough for the big i
woods presented a singular contrast The 110-ton gun will be of 13-i
of drooping listlessness, with each caliber, will require z. charge of 1,
leaflet hanging as vertically as a plum­ pounds of powder, and will thro
met. I sought the familiar plumy beds projectile weighing 2,000 pounds,
of the little partridge-pea, wondering even make these projectiles will a'
what sort of a reception 1 would meet sitate larger machinery in that
run that quarter, hut I found these, than is now in existence. Then,
plants even more fast asleep and trans transport the gun finally over the
formed than their drowsy neighbors, ferent lines of a railroad (if the
and had trodden on a number of the route is not taken), would req
plants ere 1 discerned them, for, like stronger iron bridges than are now
the sensitive mimosa, which they s<’ use. So the work of enlargement
much resemble, and which
on almost indefinitely.—ISltsburgh
"open ed t* fun Ike leaves to the light.
Cltveumd Plain Dealer.
And c lo -e d them beneath the kisses of night,’
these tiny leaflets were now folded in
Origin o f Electrical Terms
a long flat ribbon for each leaf, pre­
senting thin edges to the sky, hardly
The technical terms used in re;
distinguishable from the thin seed- i to electricity refer to units of vari
pod s among them.
nature. Thus the uuit of capacit
1 he nature of the nocturnal move­ one farad; the unit of activity,
ments and attitudes of plants, b .th in watt; the unit of work, one joule;
leaves and flowers, has long been a unit of quantity, one coulomb; the
theme of speculation among botanists. of current, one ampere; the unit of
In the ease of many flowers the night sistance, one ohm; the unit of
attitudes have been conclusively netic field, one gauss; the unit of
shown to have relation solely to theii sure, one volt; the unit of force»
fertilization by insects.
dyne. These names are mostly
The drooping attitude jf leaves at rived from tho names of men who
night was commonly supposed to indi been famous in the field of elec
cate an aversion to moisture, many research.
Thus Michael lai -1
plants assuming the same position James Watt, and James P. •'
during rain as in the dew, thus seem­
ing to verify the eonjecture; but when famous English discoverers, give
t' e saire pranks were played in a names to the first three units
cloudy dry or a dewiess night, the ex- ! tioned; Charles A. Coulomb and A
planatiou had to be abandoned. In the M. Ampere. French inventors, to
clover tribe the nocturnal positions al- two units f< Lowing; G. S. Ohm
ready described seem to be assumed Carl F. Gauss, Germans, name
only in the darkness, and this invar­ more units, and th* volt is named
iably, dew or no dew. whlU the leaves t.ie Italian discoverer, Volta,
to rsvel in the min, remaining
freely iz/en. — W. Hamilton Gibson, in dyne is derived from the roct
Harper's Magazine.
inter t’coi i.