o polk C 3 ¡nly Observer. m :u i; i m » iii : « e v u o i t i . 1 hi* rii'.uis un* du»ty. Mr> **• Butler is in sdì.ni. J. II. UWIW i»'i i> ut iVrrviluli*. V u it. I mon torri-sjioiulents. Fa i :u niiT> an- plowing unii sowing. ■ ' -S’.outii-r cairn- u un un m „ „ . |> < >u Mon- day. Frank C od "us at Independence Snt- I unlay. Sheriff S" l,th «t Bal U ton Mmuluy. k>J c N. 'W u m lues moved ki« family Ne 11 Fi>kc In »use ti» to Dallas. Mr. Ni . lhl- (IsuuvER is Just beginning to i i .i d nt lu r home in Tao »in ».tunlay S’io .t* hurie«t at the feel at home. liters ! O in« irrouuj ¡a tltis county. Dallas is going to grow tin year, The 1‘olk County o V / w / - has and don’t you forget it. W‘!l i > iin«veil from Monmouth to Je|j. 1 Hi vis t,f Dougins precinct, winc-t, ‘ ^diiLs, the numty seat. It is a very at the county seat Friday. 11 !0 'e is not an empty busi ne-s lively, readable pajs-r anil deserves IiIK-r.tl suj»p irt.—Kitst Portland house in Dallas. I.F.TTK K KHOM O U K C O X . 4». ». N. S. 4 4 » I.I UN To show that Dallas, Oregon, I- \V. Ii. tIAWI.K.Y. Rl»IToU. i thu 1 «i kinu il»« heard outside the limit- o f our State, ....,* U*all a v. u¿i* t«» hi* It > 1. ml and burin!. P< we append the following from the . .lui»« ■>( Hi« Lisi US. !, ¡ .,,r\» i hildrtu w ake ! Texas ('hrMUnt .Ulro tf> o f Jail. ”ti: ds Stanley sjn'iit Saturila\ .uitl SilmUiy who tijok Hi*1 lent«-'ram e pieliti The church here at Dallas i» rather in IV Tic Motimouth. u«i .m rolli’* .nuli weak. Dr. Kelsey, our pastor, is an WiieH J li e life ut Ui»» perouive Several student* wi nt in th«* diri'x tion of C»»'1 M ,v «leu «ti i i» drink excellent man, who has many warm !• friends outside o f the church, and A i rile la» Su mia v tV \V Harr rtturnol laet Saturday from they an* doing their part toward pro­ r thu , ” in hunmu Ufo ; viding for his temporal wants, as you Salem, when' he had l»et*n taking in the e’re pioli«. ; 1 ’iiulirator. fault-» we plainly nje, would have «4 H.‘n it you had !»tvn at leg iiilat urt. " ’ " heeler and w ife, o f Inde- ini' *“ , _, jur owu. Uu.1 • iiuu •b>lni F. Fox was committed to the tin* parsonage Now Year'- eve. 4 »n M ìa ». ». Q-rv an 1 1 la Ituteman '»t Sheri­ l’< Idi-tuv. visit,Hi Dallas Monday. —Solitoti Courier. 1.. Dunum is at home from u trio I k * fori*, a friend »topped nit­ dan, en tens! j * f 1 hh »1 M» »udii y the day insane asylum last Tuestlay morn- Dr. L. \ . Wo.ds liadacull to visit to Eastern Oregon. 1 on the street a;id said, l want you to Place, bridge, Iiidependeiiee; titnc l.î P e d h a t i o x . -The Baptist Church ast.-k patient at (¡ramie Hound lest ing. He is from I’ matilla county. gi-t a few of the niemts-r- to go minuti « after dedieation >« rvi«v. Fee Fenton and wife . iniiepemleni-e, met at tin-ir new H iniagin* - tltat lu* Is followed l>v around to lire». Ki-lseyV t<»-ni"ir,>w were in Niturday, but could not go. Jay Franklin. \vh<» did v«m meet at the a 1 a 1 1.- ni. i n ©,v men, who are night and w»- will show you Imu to ;*hove ,«t 10 a. m., spent half an i.ottr Monmouth Sunday. immoti |»iaeo and what tii I they say. U in. Savage, the proerh-tor of the Mrs. Ira Townsend trying ilo him mjurv, and he treat a pra*cher for Mew S'• •»r. W ell, i» su tferin Dallas city liiink, \va- ¡„devotional exercises led by lle v . \ riunii r o f the student* atti nd I "The 1 on t! -tri -■ from a severe fall. said I, you will have some help, ’ Mortile Ihitehnian” . . . ..ï -, at ln»1e|H'ndeH«v lasf MF. S. IK-nton o f Sheridan. The j Monday. won’ t you? No, -aid lie, this i- our Friday evening. rho> >jK‘ak \ory hi^lily ol *r- ■ tin Walt/, «,f :i ;ir ], O. ¡„vilb followin'»» programme wan then ear- t«‘ Willamette Valley on ber! treat, and all we ask o f you i- to set* it a drama. I’ m «« e iOa;-{ in *s*iort M hi lav, o was hi town Monday. neilout: Address o f welcom e, by tjic and to-day, county court, balance of hist tri;, nude the quickest passage it done. W ell, we went; and such a t upMfl Ktlol! and Airlie are becoming # C. ( . B -II o f Bethel was notte ,i the week 1 un Xu'iuinu Bay to San Francisco treat we never witU4--S4*d t«-tori-. Tilt- vory jHipulur a< plo*e*uro renort»*. ,*.tort Kev. A. A . M cl.to.d; res- on o tr stri©;- Mondav. i < m . O and return, ever made between the procc—inn came in iieuiltsi l»y H on. 1 >nnlon> «1« mirili mod a il aid will do well* ' ,n,c, by Rev. C. A . W oody, o f A im - \V. t’. Brown, lion . J. J. Daly. J. J. H. M. Fin i ,o , ... J- s * Montgomery, o f Imlepend- two ¡Nirts, she wua only five days in Williams, Sheriff Smith, ex-sheriff’ t.» ronsult Mr Vincent, » practitioner **i |v- history of church, hy Rev. « . 1: . iii'iimia. e , * * * * « « « • making the tri;».— V ih / u I imi Repub- , Groves, A. S. Crider, J. II. Tow n­ tw ntl y aura sta idlng, and a grad daté «’t* ¿ „ o n ; report o f iftiiUlin^ eom m ii- , \ ■ ' * • ' d -to send and many other o f the most John (iriggs, of Monmouth, l,as ti<‘ :n. o d i« m teui • by iloa. I*. W . Haley, showing (>eo.o< lark, of Oregon City, is prominent men of Ihdlas, and depos­ • l>een visiting in Finn county. Dur idd friend, John Nichols,of ited such a load o f good things as Im IFs block ,he cost of the house Including viewing Dallas under the pilotage of XI* I» xi» . . 1 mirati Wort! % • Syra u-e, called on ns Friday and would warm the heart o f any \> m. Fiv. rim o was ,-xaminnl W. p. Wright -„unds, furniture, I k -11. ete.,am oun- he b lé of »ubscribed fur the O iiskrvkr . lie preacher. I’o mention all would In­ ber F'nindinothor, who M tlan^onnjy ill at b 0 Butlw Monday. E ?c. K ^ l ......... .... to SMilJo. Heading o f - ripturi* ti :o tedious, but in that pile we saw that »data ^ bv Bev. lleiiton; prayer, hy Itev. !*.• ‘ ' 'J.,v "un™, rallt.1 ilali* Kriilay, ami did liusim-. umoi'ij. I» »* year» old, but miivis around in a thirty dollar suit >1 »-lotlu-s, ten at the ( »usKltYKit office Monday. s.M'nil - : u ’ i - ii (> .m©i» o f riis-, one fat hog neatly I mts , Feb. 1 st, »8», agir!; weight 8 •f Portland; dedicatory prayer by M . bow fur i- it t.> Airlie? N I W 1 1 1 1 ,1 It girl; weight nine pounds, The fa­ to -avt* pounds. We imi '.im i Dave ('o.i>er on our dressisl and a suck o f jev. McLeod* The exercises were tlier is happy. The H<—|» rian» iiuniilMtcilofficer* at their him, and an order on th • Dallas mill streets last Saturday with a petition Win Stodilaril of Syracuse, called * highly interspersed with excellent for fi*i*d enough to k.-t-p tin- row and la-t incelili.: iilKeo anil i-ucuiinmiS ua with * * “ W W™'1' S‘" " to our legislators, asking them to hor»e all winter. Al'terthe-,- and all The Wehatcrinn* W I'njn* I b M e d .t ljl untie by^be -choir, 1«-<1 hy M . L. at olir llow of Salem, was over i * * That. Hnfifmi»i*»l» i- bi-st vvic'uu wish, W 4 »rk for ¡..id ai l the Stat4 - Normal small articles one eon hi think of, to­ qniatlon w'.uic. At the close o f the e x o r d ­ Sunday. thiin S laveryL entfast Mil School at Monmouth. The school i» gether with a fat gohler, thev handed More o f* Cura* V . i*. Wright elf. -ted the sale of Rivi Bd Ki > i "i* ilu-. neg»4.>c. ia »voluntary offering from the au­ A gri-at nuniU-r o f family- are the pride o f our county and an Mrs. Kelsey a purse containing m on­ John 4> Sjwrka Tlu^ rrraidrn] after c-n- dience aniountiffir to $17.7."> was tak­ FK) ai-r -s o f th« Magers farm*to Mr. plowing, and ahout all tlieirsevvllng is ey enough to swell the tot;»! to one • I, i n - y . rainent- fcr*-n«lit fori ft. «. im - Iunior to our State, and no member huiidrt-tinnil seventeen dollars. Now, <¡Cile- of > 'alieunia. hia iteeiai >n in IWvorof 111 * iflhftiuHli. en toward c -in iftin g a suftuble flnished for t!i« nextcrup. o • . * • repre citing Polk county could pre­ I wish I could givi* you some idea I* rank Fi- lwc'.i o; North Yamhill, l i ........How ing la. (he prwtrrjionMP o f tho friiivar.uiii I, , ■ ii' I" tin- aii- Fx-slii-riir lk 'o r of M.* ii.n eomi- sume to glv ■ it other than Ids open o f that old man’- looks and feeling- ■ ■ - . . • \. : .i next . meetin 1 ita- dii-n,.. were seated many from w .. visiting lii- lather, E. Bed well, ty. and now ofthe tirili o f B. M. on that invasion. 1 le talked, laughed, t)on, F. Montgomery, .aulo, C Y Miiqihv^. -upper;. o f Mourn uitli, tiiis week. eriisl and prayisl by turns, but as Urinal»«-* we I as from the stirround- e i I N-lirnne;. qimrtAte, Itufcl»,*. * M adì- A Co., was iloìng basili ss ii: Mrs. JcnnieCoad left Saturday for there was not even standing room in Stanley, (Vs hrnife, .Khliert; • ai-lis t^i-uuliniil. Mr Bryant, of Buena Vista, is Dallas Friday. ingcountry. The house was tilled |)*nn ratoni flute duetr, Murphy hnd lia cw4 « all the house, they -non iG-pcrs.-d, IN rtland, and on Sunday Clerk Coad to its utino-' capacity, not even -o.ppiiig with lier sister, Mis. Peak, Whlle our Michigan fri.nds are wen* by way o f Salem to the me­ saying they would come to church récitation, T. J Jackaon. 1 ‘ Wion.Dir ije- I V Ini * 1 . f'.imlliip ’•* «»tale The edifice is a at the Enterprise Hotel. enjoying a snowstorm, wo are takiu tropolis. Tiie causi* o f this depart­ next Sunday and hear tilt* iv»t, when hate R « • (Tmaeit more Misery nn/t/heath than War, lie (the preuchi-r) \\a- composed, and I. prisi-mativi I-idler was in Dal- in the sunshine 'al«In . w 11 for the» litui i'n ' iiitcitmery, ibjri« ami Blirelt;• ure is to attend the wedding o f Mrs. in his new -uit. ne ntive I '..... . D ii man a'n*l initwnfl •• • . «iPTegation who have lahoreil so las Saturday. " lie r ports tin* legi: Born on January :ti), to the wife of ('■ mil’s ii'"ir IVtee.d, Miss Della Ilill Sliver. rhe jlhv« tlie'hrat oben # ftithfully t-> its completion and who Iativc wo; g ling on smoothly. <). A. Wolverton o f; -aver, a d-ligh­ * J ic 1! ’( ' mf I t?» eb Me: ¡¡..iiviTi-- Suadayi-il at Mon- chitects as well. "N ovel ship an 4 *gg that is dirty, year. L. 1». Mulkey, late of Dalla», i- themw'lvi^ verv w« " #«” i ji mouth. | fluCsEsst’ci. ] ) i ; t k :T iv k . — Our r in any manner -oiled,” says an II - , .1 ' . 1 - ' . • ' » ' : 11 I « ' I > • I ■ Tin* F. s. D. ( . 1 iiiitncdiiiiely li.il coant.', ior the /,. , exeli *ige. By no means; always plowing. mdt-rs probably all recall tin* deep " \ I I Itili’» » ;. 4 . 1 1 . ( ‘oilin i- putting u ni'-t I H*b ^ ! mysti ry wiiich was h ft hanging over st(K-k ii], w¡tii , lin of furniture in The (). R. A N. ( ». i» hu'li lina a .-cl ub your egg carefully with soap combination fence around his neat h rv ' More • I W lap| iih sa in i 'I vi Ii • <1 I'h.m * * and water, then sand ]':«;»< r and pol- the murder o f th * two Chinamen at their old rooms. new I«,¡it to !»• use 1 on the up! er ®I|?H I i ! a I l Y II Judge l av.-ci i- abk* to in-out isli with k. In tliis way farm residence. - lit and A • Ihit hannn; n rativt*, L. I». * - Monmouth, in 1) c. o f ls»7. The Willamette river. It will driving. IFs friends all rejoice in 15. S. ( ’lark am? wife have return­ Mathews anti 1* 11 Voruz Miinjc, orylip -cicli egg- a» an-left w ill please tin- impression had lieconie general that his recovery. $ JO, two. ed from Portland, where they have I’ m rece»*, 10 minuti •• rtuuHiiig, I!. t** V” m /> 4 most fas.'uh'oiw eye. guitar aol ,0 , \ Hawley; apccir'lì; V ¡ill effort at detection had ceased, been vi-iting friends. I. . IF Atwater, of Iz-wisville, Tlte I’oik Cnanty On »KtlV i -; r U ,\# Em \\ R.dXnw.lc' A l'armer near Hawley, I*a., who«* hence, we w. re agreeably surprised Gi-orge Steele intends putting a ¡ii^trum* mi »tal nni'-ic. iiivh'.M*ra ? l>n isioi.i »»i* call -.1 t: 1 o;'-i a* and offered >u!i- now published ut Dallas as a serni- four-yi . r-olil daughter lmd .-wallow­ new steam threshing machine oiitllt débat ’ n >r t if affirm «tira 1 last S it inl.iy ;■> m -el ai Monmouth, cvery in weekly und i» improved slant la! i-iicoiirigeincnt. ed some berries which her father in this sivtinn o fth e country next S * ' -ffif a Chinaman e f unusual brightne-s Itii^incM»« ÜSrntfti.tn « The city is consirucring a new way.—D» ytt *n Jlerutri. thought should conio up at once, summer. 'giving his name as Ah Sue, who Mrs. llardy Holman left Corvallis - nit the following note to the vill­ stre t cro.--lug at*tlu- er asing of Mill .1. E. Hubbard and wile started M. 1 F iy ter d en tist, DaHas.. . . - , . claimed that he was a detective and Tuesday for Polk county to visit In-r age druggist: ‘‘ Mister druggist, for tin* Spokane country Thursday, and Main sire -ts. Go to lliy ir v Patterson fon*].*T-Pi'iifOv \va- now ('f.i-iiig up a sue -essful : till • *, . J. 1>. l'llis, frohi Salt Creek, visit­ daugliter Mrs. Myi r-, who i: ill please semi ipeeai enough to throw to spend a few week- visiting friends and relatives and looking at the ¡bunt for the criminals. 11 ¡»story is, G en e Iln y te r fo [ eh cnp good's. *- » * ed his fattier, our county treasurer, with typliid fever.—Le trier. • • up a four-vear-old girl.” country. Felix. that in* traced the murderers from (¡O til .1 * t < "n i : i |i!»i-fi' - fur \ ;.irrai\i!t yesterday. S rotary Bayard -ays the flag fired Dove Bros, and <). V. Bearil-ley of Monmouth to Sa:i Francis <>, and Syracuse J. W . Dawson, cashier in the Polk Kola, are the largest hop rai- -rs in upon at Sain.-a by the Germans! Head otir new advertisements t!ïis*> t :■ mi there to New Y ork, from win h As you lirvi* no correspondent "was n t a representative American this county. They have I t acres i: County Bank, lias resign1 si his posi­ Week. ' * , «pant they left for China. A h Hue • * , llag.” The proud banner bore the J from tiii- |iluee, we tlionglit that ¡1 cultivation all told. The F. M. A. store lias new giaslsV few items oi-ea-iomdiy would be of holds sufficient evldc-nci- to secure tion in the bank in order to devote * * # • imprr s of the glorious stars and interest. Miirk Ellis and wife r •: n-;i • the extradition o f the fugitives and his time to the study of law. We • A fre-h supply o f groei-rie* at J. t*V stri]»-, and tloa'ed over an Am eri­ \Vo are pleased t o -(•»*, ut le;i»t one Irvine’s. «1 8at Monmouth getting evidence wish him success in his new line o f Dallas Friday, from a f-'w weeks vis­ can consulate, on neutral ground- imiw-r, in the county, that has taken it to friends in Finn county. Mark liu-in . u'i.1 d ib it a g »"1 move .(, 'NI. ( '« tiij .I k -II lai.« i rcccivnt ¡1 lurgc of the ioin.nlssiou o f the crime. ta-y call a repro- a (leeided stand for tin- right, and * nik of wall iNtper. Ili- invite* »11 U* 4ne* Fil •le l Dickey Os!,or.ie is slowly says he can note ninny improve- What d • th" 1 )1.-key O uShould All Sue succeed in returning has tin red to unfurl to the tirei-ze tin- * 1* tu coll uni ’'xa’minc it lieftM• |mr- sentative llag'.’ That imslgn, lioistinl • Injuries, m il.- In our left. grand old republican Im 11 nor, and 1 Imsiii:: 1 l-cwhi'rc. fin- pi ire is ti wtiy them to justi -•-, he will dc ervegreat by a beard: •- boy, on a broomstick further that your paper is to run in down. • R. I). Cooper of Island 'B y , <>n- [credit for pnif . sional skill, and tin- Much credit is due to I)r. Butler, anywhere from tli North poi" to the interest o f the comity at lar,c not Speetaeles ]>r<»]v -rly loenssiMI and k. i Ii at Inde| county will hold itself indebted to the ¡’.ntipo b or from the Occident some certain localities pet. aeeurately fitteli nt Henry Patterson’s. Our i fri--ii(l Josiiua Brown is He has a host o f friends \vli(> are to the Orient is a ri*pn*si ntative Mm for relief from the odium nttucli- J. M. Parray our wideawake reid- Every jmir wnrmnteil. No lit, no tojtosti !i unpauish.-il oifen -i-s. quit.- ici-tile .igaili. lie left for Alba- always glad to see him. Amorlean ting. Fast I’ orthuid 17n- estati- agent, is constantly liesii-gi-d sale by anxious hmd buyt rs, ids time be­ ny Saturday in order to place him- David Davis of this county has 11 ie; i for. Hiilliv- putron« vvill Ivenrin intuii tlcit Prof. N ot B y a D a m B i t s .—A gentle­ ing almost constantly occupied show­ Ilnui-r will open a «clmol Iu re in rapii! |» li- made proof in the records of Cni-lo self under the care of Dr. Ilill. On Hu' morning o f April !50th, ing up the merits o f this section. in»n«liip ami cnivon pnrtmit instructlnn a« man from Minne-ota visited Milton It. 15 nnewitz is doing some hlgh- Sum, to his land. Fncle Sam’s land issi), at I) o'clock, it has been arrang­ W e hope his efforts w ill prov’e a M i n a n» terni ctii-c» ut Moninoutli. :*oSundr.y last In quest o f a site for is becoming quite scarce in Polk isi that the ehurcli bells all over the boom to this country er’i- long. The F. M. A . sture have as cheap * roller mill, which are abundant, ly cn-diiablc decoration on the front county, but occasionally some one country shall ring to celebrate the We know o f no plan* in the W ill- line o f generai merehandise as « in here. He stated that he had ample and side of the stage in the F. S. D. event of 1 ) » years ago, when the ametti* Valh»y, taking all things to la- found anv >#hi-re. means to Imild a line m ill, but lacked old g«K»ds In »splendid dam w’ould divert water What i» there to hinder Dallas , eh. l-> h. F u roim \ small outlay to set the many wheels Drop in and exumino that day inaugurated president of o f inncliiiierv into motion; siimnmd- Ids stock. »» the mill site, site, I,ut hut he he departed departed from having a cream ry. I/*t some ; attend and contribute their mite. tic in. in* Fuit. 1 State-. A 4*11 is made ed by a body of line timber o f the ion- ; th«‘¡r Our roads arc superb; nil r>.§- tsuist o f any prosperity, hut u large ing a republican in time o f need. I Oar city officers are waking up, and he lias gained nine pounds in weight Tin* arehitist o f our “ slough ers Miicllly and Vunduyn, Iii(l»-]K-n- On last Saturday wo tiHik in six­ iiumls-rof m w names have I m * cii ad­ jtolhillas during tin* t-oming season, Bridge” lias more preen, don tlum d»*ii(x.- in that country, and his health is teen cash »ubscrihers to theOusKUV- di I to our subscription list during Ins looks would indicate; after read- I there will not I k * found any sleeping We naine for you wuv clown prlc»-H much better. kk . Come oil Hcpublicans, Denio- ¡die ]in«t week, anil wg can't help hut ¡ f * >¡T rrnmrk.Mr MI,. h.H ...." , ¡»Oder the blanket o f old fogvism. John Murphy and brother, who f. i-l, that friends are with us. We . . Till- is a stop in the advance, which crats. Prohi’s and every body etoe. '¡■-“ ™IL « » » .'■ * V .....lu.vn, ......... «,„1 w<- will give .Vo«» 1,1MkP that iive a fe w m ih-above Ind-¡s-nd m>^ will try and make the <)nsi;itvK.K all t î Æ K T h S W Ï i M Ï Ï a ! S »li-nei-, Dell end o fth e bridge while la* cau­ *'!> lead to more con ven ¡unces ami I' (¡.and I' (.1 of Indi'js-ndrnc**, iffcr to Polk county I an feel proud of. have lost a coup f o f P»<« h o w * by we claim for it, a live newspiqs*r, tiously conveys his »nnd! carca-- up­ improvement.,. a very strange disease which seems any one I piinlii»iii» _ giwxl« of tlii-m and in doing t'ds, nothing stimulates on hi- No. Ill's to Syracuse. (o dm »mollili of ]."> hetwis-n now nnd thè Now that the City council has ^ ta‘ko hold o fth e spine. Several Our efficient road supervisor is limi of Man li a elilinee to wltl 11 43» drussing T hat S t r e e t ’ R a i l w a y .— W e con-ented to grant a franchise to par- j,orwH have l>ecn sick with it, hut tin* managers more, than to hear t>on't l'oract tln* off'cr for it is 11 geni gissi words and to see names cornei busily engaged at pre-enc grinding ; in«-. to'lwrtand th e coin|Huiy is formisi ties win» will construct water work» wnJ two died as yet. his old ax and polishing his long »od you woiild likc to liavu it. in. In publishing twice n week, we “ '■an- r. ,.,|y b> let t!ic\ -,m tru : t t , laved l»y shovel, preparatory to Bi'ople w In» uri- tnlk4*d ntiout, aro ai Dallas, who will take hold of tin- A young man named Igo was lin]«* to print nu re mutter than working th rei* or more as»i*siii(*nts. tImse ivlio go and examiiie thè tini* |*toW the street ca r line from Itulo- pitead under arrest Haturd r by here-tu-fore and it will lie fresher. Ye natives do likewise.— Miti Flo-e. tis-k o f artlsts material at Blister» proji-ct. I linlepenilenci*. Ile basa full lini* o f Our genial Siierifi Smith lias Isx ,i «heriffStnlth. The arrest «> • ■ ni «de With the many efficient ways o f .Sterling, who communication, news is known dy Tor Go to Vaughns, Dallas the leading Tuis-s, Academy IsMrds, plaques, tor the , n wmp|aint of H. Sterling, I ^ axi . k ( liiii.ix i / a t io N.—A t In- sustliug through the county frane.' . brn-lii -, eie. Culi und sei» icr*, ami of t.^arge8 1}r(, with stealing the sum of rn-arly in all parts of the coun­ Jeweler. I ltnilem- |, >» Saturday, a grange last few days serving PM them. sleeping ty before it is a week old, so It. B. Collins, the photographer, !■» * * organi/.i d with a charter mem- course putting coin in his official $7 from his pocket whil E. Hayter’s is thè plius- to buy all that the weekly ]>a|s-r D ol>- prepared to «»uri out photographs ¡it tlie latest styh-s o f siri*».- go.sls; fino T^ip of .‘Pi. J. \V. Masterson was pocket. together. Ibi!.',».* in nil its branches a» g<»MÌ a» A bout all the tickets an- so Id for llgisl to 1,4 * a purveyor o f stale stosed o f ( jlim.|i building in this city nn-en­ the M. E. (\ South, sociable to news. W e fisd that the cliangi*, is For fine watch work go to F. M JA S. II. L A W T O N , «e « ij F-* m ¡I farm; rs o f tint in igl'- cou ragin g. Subscriptions are o»m- night. The committee have bi-en :.ii improvement, and that it is be­ Grunt at ii. It. Butti-rson’s. ing appreciated. diligent In preparing for tlM ¡illv and in som e in-taiioi 'r'i'M xi and will no doubt prove ti ing In rapul At J. I). Irvine’s is tiie place to T o n s o r ia l A r tis t, rii. A few friends and *t will I an enjoyable affair. ^"'rr hi th lan d. get your gns-erh a, Inilepi-ndeiuv. tin : re very (.m ill* in « to A ll. Malo Ht., Oi»|Mwite Court Ilonw, viturdav even- ,,,, and enjoy your-elf. !:l»t i [Jtttiin. m u - vps' Tuie Writs.—H. rd- in a so a» u rete The high position attained and tin* Att'-nti-in o f tho-e who are taking Italia» . . . Oreran. m made up an ‘ on-gon ajfph 'flnd a reatly mnrke univer- 1 ace»-] tenee and approval of painting is ailinl to the full line ol lia. FiiuH.—Lawton tho Iwr- ng wi out IlF I ! 0#:— ' A' Truitt dry irood*.—Nov the list. B every w nere, lai-t fall hundreds of tin-pleasant liquid fruit reue dy Syr- artistic material at II. It. Pattersons f W lla lr l ' ul1 1112, — o to swell miun I iik midi Shnni|MH»tinr N ,, I to China, Ja- ill» of P igs, as tti • mo t #-x<-('!lei»t lax­ Inde-M-ndcnec. 1 ■ an 1 Í*. (' i.. T :i ■ I i-; K-M l»-li'' '. offer; n of.*» ii'fiil-’ *l**nr. mi ffitti-ntiou glvtD to L a ni eh * la« bushels were »hip] ved. nnd C hildkk » ' k i f » 1 r Cotti» 4. 1 «. TI **■ A Jill, line o f gr.-et -ii*» a' •'n- was ili ikfully re A tine iim I h ative known, illustrati* the value of The dry gtss.s store K. M. A. will pan anil Australia, while t prise Hotel.—4 'l»«i>. (iihl> -n* men of Dallas fts-l in Hon the qnailtic- on whn*h its -u'-cess is give you h tlargain if you will rail The bu*ine S r - n s . » '. ¡'Mini.—7,. K. Vntnrlin rii to their o f bushels and aquhk ^ ^ In- »1 an I ar abundantly gratifying and sei- them. G li AH. G IK B O X S, >f justice I*inr , o'* Hi* Ï Inv ter dry «,*>*!».—Nut !l"l- matter t » the Fai. Fig Syrup t ’omj»any. 11 vi »table.—IV. it- Wheeler that a* a livery — rKorm nToa ov— down oo the Francisa»* In fart our Mr- La Kandeiir, ( ’tty Bazaar town they must shut such a n admirable market that not Independence, ha* made a line who have been D a l l a 3 T o n s o r ia l P a rtorì ugh are are reía, retaini-d for home eon- comnK-rciHl - Notice. commerci«. n»en " f |f „ ft.w iv>a„ enough . ^ selis-tion o f wiN»li-n gissi», rib- Hi ni F-tiil» Trun«!rr*. * * ! 111 y 1 it 4 . Fi* toh loti uhi** Ifnlr CntHtif , MimnpooiiiK Isms, buttons, articles for fancy V. C K* >- 1 « A J M Uan!«;, 180 ». rv* of land: Hii'l Unir I>rt*tit«iii}i, t ï i ,F-^ h < v «tv..« tb»t f..nbe part.......i d n u m m " :' 1 ^ tosu|s»rt sum ption. "*! ' .. V a liforn ia work, remnants o f casliiiicri-, le**» r'f«:niiti.-ti ..t«n i« -*»«« n n d then leasing F I tel toslav will find lit i — ffat fftui fhffi Hnth*,— l J M Dm -I to *■ '■ K»rt, Mft »-'-•: 177»*. prints, hamlkeri-Kicfs, pnrs-s, W » K'k’ii. lii 1 I» I..T, filiti', ami I,i in Oal- 1: • - tthii* • ..niiiv. u,«- lu.untys.-ho»i the htite.s ami • «».»ter auphM ,,n • , cte. < J v • an «uriv mil. Mi»in St , - - UiH .v. l 'r h ' Mi, U-. »«<>. '•‘«ns** »ih h**W ■ puhHc «*• I To the boys i.i “•'> , , cxliuustisl. ¡ a F» b. ¿7, 1HH». t’ornnu’iiclilf II • 1 ^ j,|\ I- U ■* I KK.YNn ( \ I i