Polk C o u n t y Observer. DlMK S <*| u m L- * i lABi.K— a pleasant ;vermig was s,? t at the r L h J •h.ttl. im i IlK H K V B O i r a . Those w ho are not subs»*rilH*rs to work. It w ill lx* a gre*at thing for Mr. and Mrs. J. V . ihu ipb eil fuv- on-.l tlie O u s e r v e k ottiev w itli n the OiisKUvr.it, and who nxx-ive* this our farmers if it does prove asuceesst as a sample copy thereof, an* rexpe*- pleasant call Thursday. Kichard Orsborne o f ('tH)|R*r H o l­ J* J Williams, Nat Holm.in, J. F. texl to enclose $2 to this eitttvx* for the* low, w Idle* chopping wevtd was in Urnves ami John tiratit, ntunu-d paper for one yr.tr. A n y one thus some way caught by n falling tree from Salem Wednesday and report subscribing can have tlieir money and severely Injunxl. Dr. Butler return d to them ut the end o f the was called and found bis ankle and •ill <|uie*t then*. Many newcomer« at year i f they have not had the worth three rilis broken. A t present Is do­ it.v Hotel, biJt*- Record ol' 1 f'iipt. lteynolels issuesl a temporary (U inailciiri o f tlieir money, and a»k its return. ing very Well. eertitlcntc on Wexlnosduy to ('. E. Tlu* O b s e r v e r for issti w ill be far Mill new names are coining for the John Stump we note, is painting Moort*, o f Yam hill county, to tench »W*ynH*o*m. AlLVüuoMh ' Ä 1:.'"" OlJSKUVKK. more interesting than ever U*ftm*. Ids new house. in the* Butler district. r a M í i ' í ! ,k" ' " m í wiu “ ***'■ leriihleTUp K.\-sheritf Hall was at Salem the You w ill like it and are a'kexl to or- Jtmics Patom o f Monmouth, and I liiM n c « « M e n tio n . der it. ' t « - * near h ist o f the Wex*k. t" T* » n ,«i Croa ley siui.,,,, 1 j", ,V, M. Ila y ter dentist, Dallas. M>ml in your items at auy time o f Holx*rt William s o f Airli»>, mnde the It. P. Bateman and fam ily are* ^tv vviik ,r> Mere«nenr C ioh u - v < h « i „ !CM lu *■* the week. O bse r v er otHct* a pleasant cull on stopping at Mrs. Davis’ private Go to Henry Patterson for|x*rfumd '■ H.eulUu,Uv.rluJsüe«.r.>..*!Ä lM' r “ * » ! Tuesday. hoarding house* in Monmouth. Mr. Gene Ila y ter forchenp gixxls, i lie county court will I k < with us Our Itu-inc. Uen. Bateman comes amongst us well re- W. p. W right, our re al e*state* man ! next wet*k. i>»> to J. M. Campbell'« fur jremr wnll eximmendexl from Montana. He ]»ipcr. The following is a complete is kept busy these* days answering list of the and his fam ily carry with them an 1 lo -treels have almost U vuilustv buxine — of llalla- s,i fj,r as » e Bead our now advertisements tills letters o f inejniry, from eastern peo­ appeanuie e o f reliiicineiit and intelli­ have lieeii during the* past wex*k. able to observe: ple, Aliout our beautiful climate. gence* w hicli would insure* theht a week. Dr. L \. W -, Is,.Ira« st ire. Tin* F. M. A . store Inis new goods. An 1. <>.(». F, hxlgc will lx*organ- hearty we*lex line* to mir lx*st staaotv. Bobt. (¡rant, o f Bridgeport, wa­ The* Sli-'i's Biltcmau w ill im m edi­ It. H. Cull ns, (ileture gallery. ized in Monmouth. A fresh supply o f groceries at J. 1). Z. K. Vaughn Jewelry, in Dallas Wtxlnexday, paying liis ately enter the* Normal School and Irv in e ’s. Kt-uton A Truitt, uierehauts. ''rc- Stanlev. of Mumnoutli, was ut home taxes to S h i»itf Smith. A Is > James will le*a great aixiulsltiou te> the Trawlers tulwitute tlmt tlie Enterprise» “ few hours riiu rslay . W in. Pauli, hardware. Hotel is the lending Lulls.* of 1'alias. Richards, o f McCoy, visited tlie* ■vlioul and MH*ial eire*le*s. J. A. tt augiuan, pfflee ami confectionery Hrs. hx*«t; Butler Tin* O bserver was informexl J, M. i «tnplx-M lias iu«t r»xx*ivext n larjjt* «tore. pneumonia thmugLmih' enum^y ° f >lu'riff f*»P the sajjje purpose*. J■ H. I.awton, barber. Wexliicsday that Mrs. J. P. Frizzell «tm k of «all paper, lie invite* all Lis e*us- toiners to call an»l examine it Lcfiire plir- Hon. J. D. I ah *eame over from the l*»tterson, Merwin, Nol- < rider Bros., GrocuM. ^ diexl at Salem Tuesday morning at cliasing clsewLere*. TLe pi ¡ex* is n way Ibtllus City Bank. legislature Wednesday cvcninL' | son* l'entland, Viuiduyu and others evening. down. VN I' A i eif Independence* were more* or less I o'i*l(H*k. She* w ill lx* re*me*ii'be*re*d Sp»x*tnel('s properly focussed and Bunker Hirsch berg, of ]nde;x*nd- a> a resident o f lV rrvdale, this A. K. Wilaou, fiuri»t. l taking in tlie legislature this wexjv. accurate ly tittexlat I lenry Patterson’s. is at l'ortlund this week. Gene Ilayter, merchant. county, and was at Salem where* she E very pair warranted. N o tit, no Chinese New Year commenced at T. J. Peak, Enterpritte Hotel. wits sending ln*r cliildren to scliool. salt*. * Sum Worthington, touelier at Mill | Irv Wijtals, rai.lroH'l aifent. 12oV*hx*k Tuesday night. Tiiey gen- Her dentil, we understand, was very Freek, was in Dallas Wedncsdav. J I. i • II I* Psttersuu is cna-tantlv reex*iving . erally eelebrate the event for 0'ino sudden, lhvenscd was a daughter new gexxls. t all and examine Ins xt»«*k. N. I,. Butler, attorney.. , *. S ka Hi. v sdnon S t o l e n .— A very - " ir -*ui wcut on a few days time after; but as the Chinamen arc .1. If. T »w n sc mi /attorney. o f Mrs. Baskett o f Dixie. She leaves Tlit* 1*'. M. A . store have as cheap quiet robliery has taken place in I n- 'c - it t " i I lamina Licsdav. not very numerous in Dallas, we* will J. J. :I*aIy„.attorney. a Imsliand and tw o daughters, the* line* o f general merchandise as exm ' dcpeiideiiee, says the t'm t Side, and . W h r rt n.’T ru itt, at tor m* >■. I he transfer of pro|N*rty in Folk .miss tlie noise, latter about 13 and la years o f age, be found any w here. Felix No«!, flouritaff mill. until this week w e have not been Paints-, oils, varnishes, etc., ut O o county since Tuesday has been light. ; The total number o f business fuil- to mourn her demise. The funeral Bib > ek C hh 1. cash and door factorv. permitted to g iv e particulars Jack« K. BiikUe, foundry. B* I'. ^ hiteaker an 1 family were ures in the4'nited States in ¿he year starttxl from the* residence in Salem ¿Viiterhoiises ® son linker, together w ith several J. M amihbdl, f-uri||ure. Henry Patterson has Just received doing business in Dallas Thursday. 188S were lO.oSlf, an inrreas.* ^ f IJ.Vi Wexln*. - lay m o rn ijg at and the Win. K^iiotf, jv-wt* er. a new stock o f all tlu* la#*st novelties families.rtxx-utly came here from Car- I iist N’liiiunul Dank of Iiiile|x*mlence will ] over 1>77. ° interme-ut took plaev at the* Haskett in the Jewelry line*. No old gixxls in W. 8. . Fritìek, I n su run i e and Justice of the ° ’ x * m fur business uih I it new bond'ale, Penn. Aliout Christmas Vace. week* IUXI l’ rof. Hell, the principal o f the l .i>- faiuilv burying ground about 11 his stock. Drop in and exam ine OMr. linker banded hiatwife -? 1 Ktw and IO I. WNwn, mhwH. 9 M !*>. Dunn of this phuv, was quite Cresile Acadcmy^rejiorts the* school mill's north o f Dixie*,at ¿ o ’clock pin. them. two certificates o f deposit o f ¿dome To tlie lailii*x of llallns amt vicinity:— Mrs. Wia. Harris, Hiillltnsry and dpfciwmaking. preispering and running -ick Wexlne-day. Dr. Kirkpatrick, work ^•»S. 1 * 11 '-, shoe) 0ker. Tlioso wi«Liiig stamping or embroidering McCoy. each om the biin.lv o f Curhondult* ui 0 siiKHitb.ly. This is one o f t In* olileO, done, »all on Mrs. M. Ilayter, Pallas, Or. j; K. skmi. Tin* irrepn-ssiblc a *nz Brown, the* Hanrisort B. Kincaid, is said to huVe* think it w as getting a lit tle to near Shellv A- Vanduvii. Solcai il lui I carrier, luakc-bi > duily trhi* : like* laid it in the bottom o f Wes-ip Muii«- .t McDonald, tannery. • doc •* irl.. Palla- i- ¡u-tli pnmil of I .on. l»ex*a in the editorial harness in this to be* healthy, but since the*re* is no j The straight up-aiid-up storc-ktx*|>- new eases at A m ity, tlieir fears have ers Shellly and Vumluyn, Indepen* trunk and pih*d onltop o f it cl itldii.it J Av Mbirtwi, paint shop. I'rc-. . 1 . s Cnoper visited his brother at state on the* same paper lon jc r than subsided to s imc extent; although it elenix* ,r. C. -^iith, saloon. a ¡f dress goods, some not yet liunlt • W. -. K!kills, hotel. -aleni Wednesday. AIsoJ. J. Williams, o f any other man in it. He* entered is Lest to be careful yet. W e name for you w ay down prltx*s Pallas, was at Saloni the same day visitina up. On the 1711» o f January the l^iit Hughes, shoemaker. 0 last *veck on his o(Uli year as editor Since the good weather exam.lent*- ' on all our general merchandise. G ive hi-mint. M. K wowm , meat market. money was tir>t missed. Tilt* trunk o f tluij jiaper. ed, the* farmers have* started the plow us a cull. Shelly A Vumluyn, lmk*s Nat Holman, livery and feed »fable. J. L. Proctor is bask to Dallas luuHfeen opened and the vest taken Since my last, there has lx*en some dcltex*. C. Hughes, shoe s'^ 1.7. workmen tell some* hard yarns about them. the* panthers and Ixxirs bothering! A. F. A f M., R. A. M., I. 0. O. F., Encamp E. Ila y te r ’s is the place to buy all may be* found. We* may lx- able* t»» in ut Post, A. o. V. \V. four churches, and L i There is a good Apcning for this line There is considerable **',n«ig.* in the* them from work at this mountain tbe latest styles o f dress goods; tine * f my more ala lit this robber*- soon, as n - I A - adtmy m l Publki leko •’ * # TI m o f business. home. couaty sine? then. stock just received. certain facts art* suppressed to assist c unity olUidal directory is given in an other Nick Tartar o f Pi*(xl(*(*, was shak­ W illiam Frazer, or better known Our grist m ill, sas’ i and dexir ftic- (So to Vaughns, Dallas the leading column. ju-tice. ing liaml-.w itli his friends oil Wed­ Viry, foundry and tannery, arc all as " I'lic lc B illy,” is very sick and jew eler. fear - are entertained for his recovery. O. s. V S. c o l.I t v . nesday. busy. They have good, genial and A x A b s c o . v p k r W a n t e d .—T im B. B. Collins, tin* photographer, is Mr. Cook, o f the firm o f Sears A* W . It. H A W L E Y , EDITOR. Several emigrants were landed i*n rustling malingers, that while* p ro - t ook, is quite sick, but lie* says lie prepared to turn out pbotogrnplis at United .States Express Company Tire Dallas in all its branches us gexsl us licrc this week. They arc all look- poring themselves, build up a town. lias not got tin* smallpox. filings that we hs\,* noticed this scatleriiig dodgers broadcast contain­ it. any part o f the state. A. J. Tix'ltng made a visit to Mon­ T I» ! t l i - :irc 111 niinii'S un roll. ing for a home. ing the description o f one S. F. llig - The M. E. C. S. Sociable w ill be­ For line watch work go to U. M Tlmt Mi—c- Hiving, Hcn.lcrxnn, Pay ami The Dallas band give* our business held in the City hall Tuesda .* even­ mouth Sunday. What lit* went for, ens, an absconder. H * absconded a I won’ t tell, but she was not at home Grant at II. B. Patterson’s. Allixnn, ami Mi— r>. Stone* *ml a iln ruiv short time ago with over SJo iii be- lilt lli-rllt. nen a general si'n-nyde* Wednesday ing floxt, comniencitig nt 7 o ’clock. all tlu* same, mid In* cumo back as A t J. I>. Irvin e’s Is the place to That Jay wax sitting on tin* style sunning evening. The music was apjireeiated. A ll are cordially invite* 1 to *om * and mail a - a wet hen. ionging to the company. II¡gen s is get your groceries, lnde|H*nelenex>. described as being about 30 yi'*r- him— If la«t Mnmlay. cause. Ladies w ill Mrs. Messenger has lieeome n resi­ Mr. an 1 Mr-. Henry In m IN. and son W il­ help a good Attention o f those who are taking That there are 7 nr X new stuilents. li-. arc visiting»). II. V. Butler and flllllilv. please put tkeir names oil baskets dent o f McCoy, and has started into, w>lel; weight 1 AO pounds; m dsum painting is txillexl to tlm full lin e o t Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls bave* Ixxm on an e*x- That Rom and I 'lair ara en mi . dressmaking and m illinery. We build, about o feet s ¡flt4ic- I m H i , nr te tided II il11 1 eking try* through Califur- and the* committee w ill see* to re­ wish her success, for it is something! urtistic material at I I . It. Patterson» 'mast :«>- ia winter, fur tin* /.>-*< is gone. I ndcpendeiux*. nia ami Washington Territory. membering them. would lie* i f lie* sbx»d sAwi^fhl; W* that this town has needed very much. ] Tlant “ l.m i W illis" lias nut been knmvn Th e dry goods store F. M . A . w ill tsi - .■«» fur a week. James Ifelinick, one o f the* heavy left leg is erooiwnl o a l — ; * !«►. * For the space* o f H I years we* are The bulls here nit* trying to raise Mat >dun § «•• walking Mnmlay after- taxpayers of P o lli county, was here* to have tin* figure !i in our years, and money to get a bell for the church, g iv e you a bargain i f you w ill call knee*joint; w alk* on likp^eeji* a* r.nd sex*them. settling with the sheriff Tucs lay. hopping m otiwi; right V lb J the oceullsts, wim put so much stre-s . which is needed very much, ns some Mrs. La Uansleur, City Bazaar fe.— .+ * ,- tiri the b »vs out of the of our people arc a little slow ulxiut ,**«m the p second thiffiar »«rw u xl anti-SMSd# »ll*».*!s halls. Iiulependeiuxi, lias made a Him II. ( ’. McTiinmons eume up from oil numlxTs, predict tha* tin* condi- getting out to church, and some so selection o f woolen gotxls, ril>- 'JM Nh i -e MH U.nsh’s fr uit gate lias been re- Portland I n -day, w hen* he lias tion o f mankind w ill I k * greatly im- slow that they never get there at all, brown hair; cimn*, >k*«fcflft wri*- bons, buttons, articles for fancy ]*»». I. but we w ill wake them up when we -?*rved as E. s. juror for the past two ! proved over all past times during ersjiare face, lut**r i- w"t served by the Grom ut the him well, hut he thinks home a lx*t- take well with tlie people o f McCoy. ter place. Henry Butler o f Mon- succ.*>s in organizing his class in I : Which#* <]uit ■ dark; o f a j^v'.ael *»#»•- ('un you imsginc any Ailment tlmt will 1, . ... , , rapid penmanship at Monmouth, v is - i ¡nv.il!, awful lune- make u good iintured person xu peevixL, dix- A ir lic . position, usually smile- vvb»w»i tositk- • ir«M mouth, eame home on \\ exliieselay. ,11(H ull ,,ul,ns he* can in- - itlslleil. ill tempered und cranky ux Lillioitx- Beautiful sunshine*. mg; usi»s t'«Juaev*i lit* vly» :miuk ■ wp ** shipping on the up|H*r W illam ette ' struct, and reports himself highly ness? Tlieru ix no reason, wlmtever, wliy* i esjuy this fine weather. nit tic .Joe Tethcrow and w ife o f Crazy mu* one xLoeild xulfor fhein liidig*xtiini, Py*- ofte*n. is said to be very quiet at present, pleased with the progress. -*,ii..» . i- -till at Salem. »station, were visitin g in the city the |x*psiu, Turpiil Liver und Ins- of Ap|x*ti(e\ hi Wednesday to rpj,f. (>. K. A* N. Co’s, boats are* till­ F. lv. Hubbard o f Syracuse, was * II rst o f the week. I ( . W, K*xr went tu wlien Pr. Henley’» Piindelion Tonic, wldch F aiw + w ;> wi , P a r t y .— ' » pm* oPNavr I v-WMXT file legi-iokore. in Dill las Thursday and called at the every one knows isu certain cure, coll he so ing nothing, while the O. P. Ixiats Asa Stunts and K in g Tethcrow bis supper Monday easily uL'ulneel. Hold by N. it. Butler, - , ,, i-„ O bserver olllee. He is a firm stip­ Where *l*.l J'iku gel little M mnioutii friend- send • u- tin** are doing Risaltali ■ there is to be (tone. I((,rt),r |(:ll„.r. captured a catamount last Sunday druggist, MoniiioutL. I ert'iiing'* folowing report o f a narty given l-c in tlie hills m*ar town. Lillian Worth i» vixkiag at Eugene. Rev. J hi. ( »shorn.* has he*c*n hold- , .rii„ i v i Review : It is intimatesi her friend, w ho is going to live at There w ill lx* a grand bull here* on Citation. Mr T. \V. Parr, lather of our fellow-stu- ing meeting in the Baptist church t,mt t||(,r), is or^anixt-U band o f Friday evening Feb. 22nd. Every Tacoma* “ A t Monmouth, Tuc- lav dent, C. W. Harr, vi-ited with him Sunday. In tlie County Court of tlie Stale i»f Oregon, I he* ordinance o o f f bap- ,mP* t |,orst. thiev<*s located In the northern body invited. fur tin* t'utility nf I’olk. < . \V. Howard is practicing with the choir this week. niglot n fiprcNscIl party was given by tisin was administered by lo tlie mutter oftlx* estate* j at Ind.*ix*iidi*nce preparatory to the dedica- ( 'lias. Hamlin lias been quite sick *,' m ptirt o f tin* comity, who subsist by Lillie.* Link-inx* to h e r friend*. An tiiiti ..fiio* I.**» (burcii netti Smelai. of Win. Taloiu, deei'iiscd, > Citation. Wednesday to one candidate, in for tbe past two week, but at j>ri*s- taking horses off tin* range and eon- M I, ItuLLin-, odndx’tor. ) mjeivial.ile*. evening wa- spout in A Iiimiber o f Student* changad rooming ent w riting is reported as exmva- To Suriili E. Tiitum, Tliomux Tut*iio, Mur* Lacreole. T’lie* vending them to their own u«<*. game.-, etc., and all went and hourding plac - l“ -t Monday. lescnt. eiix Tutom, kute* Elliot, (Icorgexuiiia Walker, imx'ting A carload o f tics was thrown from '| -| u > iiorsemsti will do well to h xik ( The Wcbsterian» at the r next The ( H is e r v k k being a nice and Kii lmrd Tutom. Ellen Tatum, Mary Tutom, boine w-iith happy hearts with the lirfolltd, ! 1 lilt the track near here Wtxlnestlay. ¡nto the ixniduct ofthis alleged bund. Tut om and Ered Tutom, grix'ting: will eilbalc the 'tuc-tioi clean sh eet i ' beixtmiiig tin* lending Willie best.wa-l'p - fur Miss Lillie, Tho-e* , Murmuiii-iu is More ol t ( uímí Timi» I I I tlie name of tlie State of Oregon, you w ith our nre Lereliy elt.xl mid reipiirixl to up|x*ur in Conductor Smith and his train were w ’ ord comes from San l-’ranci-*o pn|x*r o f the county preseig vi*,>rc: Victoria Bat z ■»*, Het- Slavery. tlie < '»unity l 'inert of the State of Oregon, for j|)(, O|)f,,.rvatioii o f railroads now pextple*. Mr lir o - a u 1 wife, » b o havelieen “ u|x*r- not delayed blit a few niinut'«, w ben ta ('f I’olk at tlie ( 'ourt Room tlierc- they went on tlieir way to A irlic. shows a tendency this year to eini- inieiiiling Mu* d h .ii«. of, at Pulfux in the eoimty of I’olk on Collin.-^Editlr Brrcivnl, X tra But­ Un ir pusàioii. ill"» Will bave tor tlieir the* • ty hall last Friday night nisi dai.-. Mra. A t a quarterly conference o f the j,n,p. to Oregon and Washington, triped the light fantastic until tin- Tue-.lnv th»* .'»lb elay o f Bareli I hh O. Kugcm', in u lew Hier buine ler. CliHsepftu.* hrelaml, G»*>rge Mur­ W.irren tmw -up* intends tiif ball. iti fen iJeLx k in tin» form.mn o f tfmf day, M. E. Church South, at I »ixie, Jan, w |„.n* farming land cauls* taken up wee sum’ hours. phy. Vaii.s\’l»a't».*lihpii'<*, Eudie Iaink- U-t Monday, tbe narrow gauge train w»- 2 ith and 27th, Hew J. 1' • < ‘nilg, o f or purcimsexl at reasonaldi* pritx*s. It und tliere to «Low exmxe if nny tliere fie It vs. Oslxtrne* and Bailey w ill tLen why an oriler of sule slioutil not lie made ax v ,vine: Mi-C- H wing an 1 Hciniers.m u»a> , tre*e, andrjx i unJynjnitt.” preach hereon Saturday and Sunday Albany, prt*siding elder, prtwhed to ^ singular tlmt such word should ill tin* iidmiiii-trutor s |x*titinn pnivixl for to- s.imeftlu- traci, a»' nit a ...He >“** i ‘ ■'roVufbcTiuil w.i-'.l.*.1.im-l a.iuut Hire a large and interesting congregation f r„in the South, w lii li lias morning and evening Feb. (ith and wit: Aonc-third intcrexi in the following de- XH'V • PtOWHiiwfc Senator W ager ::: " ''s iV im i'.u.ic,,:- 7th. Let every lx sly come out. s< rilx’Ma,*it is -aid, w ill start a !;.;,ai,Kxl tbe la.«.*. w.bile .be* -laiimgc wa Ixitli (lays. One person was received |,itL«*rt<» enjoytxl a monopoly o f Married, nt the* residence o f the S. \V. .xirner of fruet. Iil»x*k No. 1 in thetown liide|x*ii county. provocation o f which was the a|>- soon to lx* a wedding in town, in south-.xiat corner of sai»l fntet hlock 1, thence Paper at HiMisboro. It w ill lx* (icm- which one o f our young Indies and The JitveiiileVx’iety will at tb<'ir Wliilt* in Salem the O b s e r v e r p«*aninee before him o f a timn cliarg- a young man not far away are the east 24« f»x*t, thetiix« north 30 fex»t, then ex- wratic in, jAilitics and the* second we»t *_’t!t tcet. theuee south dd f»x»t to pluee .if . man had tlie* pleasure to visit the w jth vagrancy’ , itse lf an everyday participants. Boys get your tin Is ginning; id«»» a lot on the river iX'ituneOe - can ! h * v l’;ll' r in tlie. county. *» mr d. ni- M rc Kb wlyslge’ ing x r»«ls north and 20 rods , k No, 1, thence to be getting,-' in» earuc-t in tin- .' -j-ivc lv.-ular month y as held rinn-« lay U'Mirk. Myers ami Wright. Prof. wqth lemlinga blind negro from -tore north t rods, then* e exist to the Willamette •ì.i'l.r.i'RV' 'A—'*1 ia"'"1 Roork is the Unitarian jmstor and to sjor,. und salixni to saloon and tle with tlu* follow ing question next river, t lienee south 4 rex Is, thence to plot« of n‘tter. W'e.uiliu-tln in pro-;"■rb.v. cm i... i-* in Mi* cn*pe*. Saturday evening, lift'd ret I, “ That lieginning. w ith liim the eop;»crs o f the exainty seat should remain at * *n ' organ- ¡, as practically useful in his ela-s r*» • .v. *..*■■:■■ •*. |. ‘ V review rlict »ri.* class lia- W Witness, the Hon J. H. BtoufTer, in the library n">m r.ximasiu the pulpit. W illanl W right r | lurRy. R,is white paraslteof n blind Dalln*;.M Affirm ative: J. A . Stunts, ( ---- j jmlge o f the county court o f tha lU ftV A B Y 1 »t*!,? - Chi-I > ilLi-Lan.l .m l ■" ¡t-' ¡** ■ M,>naay sexil. \ stute of Oregon, tor the 'county II. M. Berry and It. L. W illiam s; i« plea-sinily know n to all our Dallas |„.(rgar was Harry (»tiflln—and "'ill give a -M-ial ilan -i 'a t .'tili* .I'itv ' Ic-: H*u« .|ll!i»*l »n tbeu.igm bismrv I - - > of I’olk w'itli the Seal of said nxider* and sjieak highly of him a- a few years ago H arry was prixecu- negative: ( E. Stoat*, Kd. Berry ixmrt ntlixed, this 10th day of lb‘il oh February M th j- Tie; " “ »'-* J • ¡in.I Dora William s. Jan. A. f) lxsil. " * for the e\ ning w ill be all that enn I k * \cr> mt* ' lkll.;ltt( mi.-t. Tucsluy a „ instructor in ^liort hand. Prof, tor for Marion county, a power at the Atti-st: C. (J. Ctxwl, Clerk. Mvers tix.clu's |s*nmanship in the |n,|¡„n;,|M>lis har, a young man to Mount Wttimpi“. Jno. J. I>aly, J J tod for,M U tetm od h M a * »n eu n . èitv se hixils and 1" highly qualified w tMHe rt|s*r ytx,rs the govem orsldp Attorney tor Estate. T. F. Gunn o f Mo., is visiting his orchestra as enn is* fomid anywhere. s|,i|, at ilu p1'1*1" " ; in all resjiects. The sehes»! is a sue- (jr genatorship o f the* state* might unt ie, J. II. Hampton. A general Invitation is extended to -um l bc »»«sj ^ 1 --- — u-.,t sh<>n i.r u t ily ia g to A ll. <•(•— and tlie chis- now numbers 2- |iav<> dcemixl no improlwble W illie i limes, we an* sorry to say *11 to ix »me and enjoy a sexial even- The Inst number <» « f tbe Tim higlt (sisHion attainetl and the voung men and women, who are act- contingency. A few years ago tin* universal iuxx*ptiii«*e and approval o f Ing witli thein. Tickets inelutling u,,online contains engra> , , is still very low. ^iTic bui'l'dings o f On*gon. incliid- ployed hi the day in some futun. ,,f tin* vagrant wits far mort supix r |2. W . II. Dexter who is stopping at the pltxis.mt liquid fruit remtxly Hyr- l,u 1 capítol, -. » «.».Ountliirv. . ;___ promising than that o f the m ayor up o f Figs, as the* most excellent lax* „ g the penitentiary, insane msi.m* ljUfl|nw. Mr. Hampton’s, is s«x»n with a swol- ative known, illustrak* the value o f sold his home (mfore whom he n|i|s*iirwl ns a homt*- ’„ . —There I stalk « J ....... .. un , other views n A NEW ClH’ RC the einalities on which its xuix-esal* utli, to Judge I r.i culprit. There is a le —on con- cn eye. poison oak is the cause. **rs - ... of the North •» . ’ itn| city, accom|«nied ^ Momnoutl atiion^r the m enila. o f f buildin building anew Halem.thee.ipi« ^ ^ with l j ^ » ' „„„¡.ic r.t Ul ldle «V Kaye’s grubbing ma­ Ixt-ixl and are* abundantly g ra tifyin g Alethodist Church o ‘xiVto bt *i.Vanother taim xlii, th eals.ve which n.x.1- no t i the* Cal. F ig Myrup Company. mui-x* 0f v>(irslii| chine, we understand, Is doing line v «* g «^ tr a f its Ä .If ’i m l em ber ot tm* .eg.— , e w n . r e e s ;;. a , ; . r - 1 m in tin g out. “z h * . « i t i » * w s ’'i’irit that moves the action i vVrv portrait I,oust* for hin.s»df. «»nm endable, and w ill no tun* now in -cs-ion. Miexxxxl. W e st .—T here is every CilMlN'i lirlifVt“ tlmt f in i” ration reason to tlii-, w ay «luriiiyr tlii i year, will ootue known be*fnre, ■tore than ever . . . . < >nr „1 estate men ureal read v beginning ,rri(liii under tlieir Inrge* load o f rn.M«mdenee o f inquiries about r own W illam ette valley, and we ou> expeet a lurge em igration. The * following account recorded in the Riverton A w if I-1 one o f tlie many favorable opinion« o f this goodly lountry: “ W . Estes, form erly from Colorado, now a resident o f Silver- toil, railed Thursday. M r. Estes, who is (HI years old, says the regret of lii.s life is that ho did not come to Oregon twenty years ago. H e is in corresponds-neo with relatives and friends, a number o f whom w ill start for Oregon Justus soon as they etm dispose o f tlieir property. Mr. Ivstes is greatly pleased with our m ild w in­ ter, our beautiful crop* o f grain, hops, fruit, etc., and thinks this country ought to s u it'th e most e x ­ acting of persons. H e has purchase I a good farm, and some land near town for his sou, whom he expects soon to Join him. February 1st. Mi ite , society, K r,kp* tri: k Tu‘^ luy. by the Business gouda M who are contributing their mite to the building fUn,l ,,f 1 »alias will grow this year. It rii tu Mrs. Moiitguincre the M. K Juu. 24th, a t hureh North of this place, 1x3 V T .iey meet every two weeks Our hllsiueMP and tuen rejxirt trade enjoy tlieneelvcs and gixxl. glKld.