might ruin their health, but we un 0glad to timi this is all a mistake In the senate a •'rout amount o f busi new is Itcing done in an exjwdious and harmonious manner. Wliat ever else* his opponents may say of Subscript ioti U nte«. Senator Simon, I'hey are corny ll»*d b r Year. -e admit he is an excellent presiding offi­ IVr Six M ÿ 1“ - cer, and the siati; is indebted to him Adver-Uin rates inaili) known un u|i|ili- for much of cat ii m. CorresimiaUncu i» . ilii i^ l fruni nil friends ness. In the House Speaker Siili » I» ing the coming season. « f the |>u|icr. directed its larger membership in a prise is one much needed and will masterly manner and avoided as give Mr. Whitman handsome re- Is sil. Oregon, mueli us possible needless delay* turns for lulior and capital employed I ___ The sharpest set-too of the session and result in a great benefit and con-, N ^ U R E S P lfA S A N T T a x a t i v e s t a t i : no rm al , sc h o o l . The Oregon'um o f Jan. ¿sth eon- was liad on the resolution urging venlence to our town uml county. t ai nit I some very pertinent and sug- that I ’ . S. Senator be elected by the It may 1 m ? pffiper to mention this is A Pleasing Sense of Health ami i stive uueries' why Oregon J t P°Putar voto* This resolution all the nursery in I*olk County and gestivo queries as a to ......... , ___ Strength Renewed, and of should give a! least a recognition of '"-"ught to ;l.e front the , is a step in the advance. and Comfort ------ — our Slate Normal School, To a stu­ best sjieukers in the house. The lob- j ly and galleries were highly eiger- Representative Herman appeared Follow* the use of Syrup of Fig*, a» it seta dent o f human affairs, whose obser­ gertly on tlu vations liave.ln^'ii as varied as have, tained by Harrington o f Multno- before the house committee on mili- K id n e y s * L i v e r a n d B o w e l s B I Y Y O U R G R O C E R IE S A T mah, when he delivered his brilliant tary affairs Wednesday, Jan. iitrd, doubtle , been those o f the pro­ Etfectually Cleansing the System w hen eulogium upon the wisdom o f our and argued the ease o f the state of pounder o f such queries; the1 reasons Costive or Bilious, Dispelling governmental founders. In his en- Oregon for claims o f *12,898 for ordl-j WATERHOUSES. are certainly manifold why the State tin: iasm to maintain intact their dinanee and ordinance stores, which should extend this meager encour­ and permanently curing every idea he approached very elos ■ were liorrowed -¿tiring the Nez agement toward - the young men and H A B IT L A L C O N S T IP A T IO N to the dead body o f “ state rights,” I’ erees Indian war o f 1M77-7M, and -Carries at all times a fresh and complete stock of groceries.---- women who are to-day devoting^ but did not undertake to set it on its which were lost ami largely destroy- without weakening or irritating tho organs from one to thre# years to special on which it acta. legs. M iller o f Jackson, maiptnined ed, and for that reason cotdd not be! fo r Sale In B Oc ami SJ.OO Hatties liy »11 training in ord r that they may meet I.endlnn: o<-> • M o t io n s ! n o t io n s ! ! ^the gr iwing di mauds society is mak­ that the popular will was the safest returned by the state to the territory MANTFACTCRED ONLY BY THU and final guide in ¡«1 matters and o f Washington, and which haw , ing upon their profession. When we CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. insisted that a eei?tury had so (level- since been charged by the general say growing demands, we use the S an F rancisco , C a u . r- every descri|»tion, a« cheat? as the cheapest Your patronage It sntt opt si the subject o f liberal govern- government against the st^te of Ore- U n m u , K y ., ' term with more than ordinary in- cited. Call and see him. * inent that it would be no insult to gon. The effmmittee agreed to re- tent, for society Is awaking from day the dead to rectify some of their mis- port the bilffavorably^ an1 is really the takes. From this discussion w iden- e j Col. Marsh, o f Pennsylvania, to ed out and dragged in the “ M ill’s ri>|«»rt the bill back to the house, only barrier preventing mankind — Dealer in— from lapsing into at least semi-bar­ bill,” the June election and other which was done, o o irrelevant topics. Roth our represen­ Drugs andoMedieincs, barism. The causes which produced o Nasal Catarrh is proltahly one of the m ust I followed out what they be- Jew elry and Perfumery. our civilization, are practically dead tatives di-agre -»hie ailments limi li |iersuii run be o or dying; chivalry, which as a pass­ Moved to be the will of • their constit- atHicttxl with. If Dillard's Specific is used with a douche or even snutteu up the nose; 1 *U 0 - ing breeze, vibrated the tenderest uents and voted for the rcsifution. according to dirccti ns, morning uml even­ ______ _______ °o rtT T / tt; t chord in man’s breast, has almost ing, u radical cure can in most eases is- i I N D E l V . N D F . X C K , <>UP “ «W E N UltOWN.” .dieted. Sold by X. H. Itutlcr, druggist, j ceased to be a subject for historic • :():------ This name may at first strike our Monmouth. study; war, which developed the iron firmness which results in men­ readers as does the half forgotten O w i» ofdB aoBHttoa» to fife Mm) afe qnft % B X J T L 1 Í5 ;, 3ST. H . N o tic e ut I-'miti Xrttlciricat. ié tal vigor, is a lost art; ?md religion, notes of a childhood memory; hut h a ««*} ty eM l MN in U t P^fhlleti« Eafefc, I t e » whose mystic alternations o f hope when we explain that we refer to a In tlic inutter of the estate 1 D ra ggist and Apot*.3Ciry. —of— M. D. ITn1 1 1 > o r < 1 , son of old John Brown, every person Sì., iH tepenfc»«, f i n i « . —Dealer in-- and fear held the masses in easy rule Uba.«. Iiulihard, deceosed. I Aditi. rugs, Chemicals, Hook*, Stationery, Toilet tor so long, i- fast becoming os a tale whose experience carries them back OTICK is lierehy given to all whoin it articles. en-. that is told to the |»)pular miitd. It to the days of slavery agitation, will N " mai concerti iluU *»id •dniinistrator PreserT ptiuas C arefully Compounded. lias Ilici 1 1 is lina! aeeoiint « idi said estaft in we maintain what these elements recall with more than passing intcr- tIte Monmouth, - - - Oregon. ' County Court of l*olk Uountv, Oregon, •est the heroic tragedies in which this combined have produced, we must and nxke.1 for a final settlemr*t of thè sanie, rail into active effectiveness the only man so nobly supported his martyr and said Court ha» set thè hearing of suid Am «ngst the uncrowned aeeoiint for Tue*day, Marcii •'?. ls.sn. at 111 remainini! factor that can be brought father. o’eloek, al «liieli Ulne any olijeetions tlicreto hcrocs who raise tin* human race should lie madc. into universal action upon the • M I». I I i hrvkii . Adminislrator. masses. All men o f ordinary per­ above tiie sordid facts of mere exist­ W a « ri : n T hiitt . Attornov. ence, no name stands more pre-emi­ Dateti Jan. il, Isso. ception adTnit that th is ‘great motor of popular influence should be en­ nent than that o f Owen Brown, to ----- :0: --- trusted to individuals o f highest those w lio knew him; no name can possible mental and moral develop­ I k * more suggestive o f honesty, virtue W e are prepared tu pay . ment; such development is not ncr- and hemic devotion to right than »v a m o s « T a t o in . < ssarilv a natural ability—it is large­ his. When a young mau with all of R eal Estate and Insurance A g e x t |y the result of proper training. Tin life’s possibilities and nmhiti-jns MÉT-Cloods delivered free o f charge in Monmouth and i ndependence.—W. bright before him, lie entered w hat State owes it to itself, first, to pro- Ease Colds, Headaches and Ferers O II. Ii. PATTERSON. gonmouth^ Curries ¡i largo .torli. THE F A.MERS fi li OC FI Fi ANI) DUCECÓ.MI’ANY- G&&3& D Semi-weckly Grccerierí, Cftnaed $$id ProTÌMoa», Wood u à E. Hayter’a Willow witrc, Gias* and • for. etc. Dry Goods. CASH FOR PRODUCE. V WOOttlfwl •» Iwiiwilnww liirlil *»,*••»«**■•♦ <»«>••"* l i l t b T O V , jpc-nornl iininnigc to protect it,«elf against teachers who fess odds. In Kansas he supported lack such requirements. Tin iMtate* tlie cause o f freedom at every ri-k of Normal School as it exists at Mon­ life nnd honor; at Harpers Ferry he mouth 1u-day, i- in shape to I k 'N miu * was one o f tin* twenty-three who # O r * f on Stag.-« Itorm ai ichool. EEAi T hu b : f : » : ir b ir e ì G' the nucleus of such a training sys­ risked tin* crime o f treason to uphold tem. Its location, organization and the cause o f right; chance allowed FULL FACULTY, M R IS T IA N S T A W B A H © i’o lk C o u n ty G bsprypi*, T fS * C leading paper of the < hristian f’hurch. present ‘ patronage, makes it essen* him to be one o f the five who escap­ GOOD BUILDINGS, IM A AC I R ^ i r n , i ^ l l l o r - l n - € laier. tiall;. tin* in-titutinn which the State ed death by enduring perils beyond LIGHT EXPENSES. Single copy, per year.............................$ 1.73 A 11 extra copy for each list of «is naiiios. should use to meet the ¡mmediate the power o f pen V? portray. In — D ealer in- demands I'm- mmc proficient teachers. after lift* when others, tired by his 6 e ll«g ifl^ , a a <1 SUBIDAT-SCHOOL SUPPLIES. The legislature can hen* find in enthusiasm, took up the cause o f the mici - lid operate n a* complete negro in active strife, lie passed from ! Standarfi Eclectic Scries far 1389. Normal sehocl which no reasonable before the public eye, yet, was none Hardwaro, tinware and stoves, OUR. P A P E R S . Flic Younir Feoplc's Mlandard Weekly'. A effort could re-prixluoe from the be- the less an active hero. His soul was Furniture, house furnishing ----------; 0 : ---------- large I page paper for voting people. Single copy, Oo.^ls, w ife mattresses, etc. ginning in lc--s than four or five great enough to be magnanimous, per year. 7.V., hi clubs of five or in- re, t acli. t»0c. All Norma! Uraduat«. r*.'*ir* » Dipiomr Pwr*« Word» W eekly A large, beautifully illu n - year-. It w ill find in Monmouth an and lie even forgave his enemies the from Ut* Stai* wliich •»uthcril** th*m It trat«d paper tor intermediate classes, with Lesson Text, Stories, ktc. i w l i ti «tir [.ubile »chool in t|i* Stai* Oth.r ideal school town, combining the killing of fattier and brothers. The Ilu«t« of Hope Weekly). With L rsb >n Text, •tata» -I’ U B L IS IIE D - «i» i * »m ttatlm V i-*rtiflr^ie» *n pre»*nt». writer recnl Is two pleasing incidents of Golden Text. Lending Tiiougfit, Questions, **tc. 5a)'“Wir(®fenee and Itarbed w ire. **« tion quiet < -si'iitinl to study, with the ad- >n *i tli««» ?V)rtnal Diplomas, witliotii * t* Handsomely illustrated viith colored ergraiin.s Mnecially designed for this pnp»*r The most t*oH»i »mination. vantag -s of fine social surroundings. this almost more than mortal ability tiful paper for Children yet published this ---- O: country. The investigator can readily sec that , to forgive his enemies and do good o u r L B s s o a r h b l p ». at its present lo ation, the Normal them. Just »»efori* the great RtandgVit l/csaon lx*af Weekly). For Intcrms»- diato class's, iandaomely and pr..fusel- illus- school requires fifty per cent, less Charlestown earthquake hc, in cott­ C H E A P L I^ T J S T G . trate«l The illuatrationn are a uew featuro for this rear. ami sister, ’.^»vernoieut than is exereist*d iti any nivtion with a brother _ o Hlaudaeit la*t»f (Qnarterlr'. Same a§ Carpenter tools, sash andaloors. ,were made made the the n*eiyieut- recinients o f u pleas­ .. kk I talile boar.1 is fitrnislipH to -»t't- ntln-r - I....I of it-size on the coast; 0were Weekly, with h Mon§ fur 3 month« bound together. .iciit«at the "Normal Dining Hall at H i Mandanl H il>l<* L*i«nn Q uarterly W ith full ulsii the expeiis.*s necessary to l»e ing testimonial in the way of finan­ comments on the lessons fur intermediate and ad- [>er week. G. hi .1 I>..aniitia*ui families wi'i. j rauced claMkes. met a*rc here redu (*<1 fully om*-third cial aid, which was secured through fitrniklie.l room, fuel ami lights, lii.UO to $.»..4 1 Samples of any of the above pent free upon appli- per week. O ! :atiou from w hat would Is* required, was tin* efforts o f Mark Tw ain and other O U R A N N U A L S F O R 1889. -:0:- the seho d loeati d ill a large town, literary men who ad mi rc Itandard KchTKr hessou ComnieutAry. btngleiopy.rlotb.pt- paid.... ............ *..*1 no Practical Colise of Sftbiy, Kt ixecntmll - *l in the Wiliam* erty. When 1 ’harlestow n cnllcd for I Her dozen, not pre-paid .................... oo Di da » I Hop.- \ I. mi*l . \ l.o.-k ,,f idle va-Mcy where now is, aifl, prob- aid hi*^tnd hi- hrotlter Ja>on iusistisi t*»f' l.tmtlier ttnd shingles in 1 ;nr » m « i . »rintv.l i .^ k ....v. ,.„p-r. »uh —Completed in a— h nnd reds of iHiintrauxn«, and c<*h>re 1 picture* any quantity. A ll orders irhly. alway- \v*j11 pei*ui>ÍM tile highest that tin* money raised to relieve their • ntravod miu f,.r ih s i......... h pu tnr* will receive prompt at- ° • si illustrati.>n having sp . t.l reference to the soeiad development of the State; at pressing needs, be entirely devoted lesson under consideration ; ih- whola I- hr I la tention. Farm prtKluee one »ohimè, with h'-atiiifal i iumianted cover. this p.dir i- i die red the State to the relief of Charlestown’s unfor­ The only work of tl is high order yet attempted ia eonsigni*d to us w ill l>e th e line of S u n d ay sch ool help*. Again, when a shrewd free nitotds uni Iniililiiigs worth tunates. disposed of to tilt* t>est ® Single copy, bound in b<»ar„M, pre paid..... f l on Per dozen, not pre paid....................... g ^ jxtssihh* advantage and sot* I om than $JU,0U0. The Khool negro held a musical entertainment Send for Untai.igne. Address tlie Uresidant W” ftirnish Hihl- t imiii»*nt;irit"». Pi- ti- nari s immeiliatereturns made. t i* D. T. S taslxy , Jtonmouth, Oregon. I ieocordmre* < ,cl pe liae. Ftlipit. Family anti may er ni tV not lie self-supporting at 1’asadenu, Cal., and by promising , reacner* Hihl*«. ami, in fa r . e» »*r\thine in tlm way of a: 1 « and supplies f..» Church ted Stindav* us future demands are made upon it, to apply the progtssls to the !»enelit fchool work. IVraoite wanting I ... k* eh. uld have 0 It will give the freshest news of •ur large catah>gue All >nndav-e, h o| w.-rk-ra hut even shield the State in time o f tin* John Brown children, drew a ’houId have .»nr new Mmd.o -cho..| catalogue, tlie e.iu n ty.^tf hither one sent free up. i. ipplicati.-n >p*s't,il ;»t- he asked to add to the present build- large house and gicn decunt|>cd with leniion Adlreas, given to all correspondence and .luestion*. in g', it cun f< I that for every brick tin* entire procoHls. After indignant STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY. used in Normal school huild- sympathizers caused the nrris*t o f tIn* ¿rtf <’ov»r«*d hack and coxeiiianrea for riding ¿2 E. Ninfti St. C IN C IN N A T I,«. in had weather. iugs, tho future w ill save ten from negro, ( »wen Bit?wn otferetl to p> the A n y o n e having ft*ed they want Make« Keirular Connection V* nal institutions. I : j i'y argument scamps hail, and trit-d hy **v«*ry pos­ chopped w ill find me ready to do it of safety, economy and fair dealing sible means to aid the ungrateful With north and south Ixnind trains and boats fur them in the Ix-st anti quickest at lnde|iendence w ith teachers, dictates that the ae- rascal at his trial, even »itting lM*side »lin|-e, Come before the mill shuts tion a-k d be h id. rite present lussi» hint in the court room; this extreme down. -Frank Collins, Monmouth, < »regon. it; tlie fittine demands it, and tin* instance but truthfully portrays the l’a «».i iu*. -r» baggage and [«v-kages carried tn child-like depth and sincerity o f his prisent legislature will I h * held to and from at rcasonahle rates. Or. 1er« left W e notice bv exchanges have been recreant to it» trust if it nature. at WortliV gr.«vry store will receive »' allows I.Hul »el fish ness to delay or from l.os Angeles that this man’s f>ronq.t attention.—A. N. HALLSUK. deter action, it any trading is to Is* life ended I.*»» titan a month ago, and done, do it in a legitimate line, w here that a well deserved tribute o f re- no evil etr.s ts die with tlu* action. sp.*et was paid t.» hi-- remains. He Druggists ami Apothecaries. I n t hi» mat ter w e beg all to remem­ lies buried in a lonely «pur o f tin* ber that tld» legislation is tor tile Sierra Madre mountain« at a place ... - -i? A k T ,i,E C A »ft h ruc« I’aiiit* Oil*. Ola«* and all other Arj ¡ railed lats Casita», which hi* »|M>nt entire State and for all time. A p p ç t i z e r î ;. GENERAL BLACKSMifHING. tides kapt in a fimt-da«a drug atora the last years o f his lit«* trying to - -AVI, Tin-slay tlu* -- riIs* put on Ids ls*st make habitable. Then* survive him Prescript Ion» t'arefnllT^I 'ompoiindeil.^ air» in a new hat and took In the af­ as honored en-heirs o f a noble fath­ fair» at the State lion«.*. The first er» memory, a brother and »i»tcr. If thing notisi wit» the »¡xirtive gnm- the negro race in Amerira contain» a FOR ALL SKIN O LSEASES. l«.l» of the gray-haired «nions man o f sufficient ability, he owes it - tadu t u r Ma Dealer* in K «* l A Barton'* tlir-.t.glt tbe erriders at noon. \V<* to his race to give in brief form a life t S T A R K M E O / C ,^ .; «er and Plated \\ are. Jewelry. Musicai tatr-A Specialtv .-- «* w.-rv gbul to have our anxiety r.*- sketch o f tlu* hero o f < »»anatomic, " e O R T U % O F ^ C0. «trumet.M of all kinds. licvcd. »<>tnohow we ls*gttn to f«*ur and of hi» devoted sons. sln>]> np|Knitc liven- stable at the foun lr7 lliat to eh*** a|>|.licutioii to busiiies» Yanghti, the Jeweler. ln.le[«iidence. Sold by N. H. Butler. Brtck Block. Iryiiicnct, F. 8 . D. Co. Ambition. Hirtlder's Manorial. Short Time. Monmouth, Oregon. Chopping! Chopping!! o Monmouth Stage. Every Oay. Buster & Vernon, Subscribe now Vannini iV Hillard. CURES IN DIGESnO N. Horse-Shoeing $2 J Per Year. i ■V-- _ ' V • * » Y fe» % 1