-s Polk County Observer. -T. ¡«I ,,E,IB VN1‘ MEllEABOl TH ^ *’ aekiiou leljri n pleasant reivp- O. s. >. s. C OLI MI. Jeweler Vaughn «¡ts at I’ev. Hoy a l attended o inferen ■«* at 1 Perry «Iixlc. Portland :i" :' 1 ■ our n< this week Busine»» '»li uuon. 1 „dependence and his pulpit was B. HABÍ u n . 1 i*t rom. A. Mcfirew, o f Weston, was in our Dallas. ti 1 Ks 1 |,y Kev. MclVrmott the midst for a few days visiting friends N. Y ovum, of this M. Ha.vtiT « 1 .utist, 1 »alia-, is at I f thl lin** weather continu® it *manager of tin* P orti,ml 1 '. autiful sunshine, hos­ and relatives. Salem to-duy. lit» to Henry I alter-on I I h ID-sperians will nominate of- y. ill soon U* a question whether this pital, under the charge o f the M. 1'allas presented a hu llen ry Keyt o f tills plan*, made a fleer», at their next meeting. («•lit Huyter for cln-ap goods. i- heaven or earth. 1-. Church. Mis sermon in theeven- Hying visit ¡titee S .turdiiv. to 1 ndi‘(K*udi ui*e last Tiie joint «issimi of the societies Head <>ur new advert i.- mf*n;.s this I’rof. Wash, the editor o f the Prm- i"g was unusually able and enter- Monday, last I r.,1 y was w ill attemled. The r; J* Graves, ,,f McCoy is a clerk week. Stmdaye.l at Independ *neo, at­ t »¡ling, !» is them, Ì» Ing the “ pra ;i- pro -rantiii was well curried out, Prof. Print* Mi-sick's first term o f even down to the paper. The K. M. A . store has new goods. at the legislative halls. c.tl preparation for life.” This suh- tending the M. K. conference. school w ill do«,* here next month. A fresh supply o f gr« series at J. |>. J.J. Italy visit,s| : . C. T'arley ,piit school la-t week, lluena Vista li »liuan drove over to Salem }ivt he discuss.*d in a pleasingly lib­ He is engaged t > teach a spring term Irviue’s. and w.nt home. Me informisi us -Monday and Salem eral manner. After his sermon he Monday evi '■ling with a plug hat and 'O Tuesday. that be w • going to firming. Spectacles properly t ......... . ,IMi| e.\p!aiiied the object and working o f three citizens. A liusint accurately fitted at ll ury Patterson's rh! l.aymnn, how iiiueh diti you a teacher, anil shows tlu* great e«- Dr. Woods rc|M»rt Mrs. Frank tlu* hospital un i r,veivial the gener­ Kvery |»air warranted. No at, i.,’, ‘ » « ‘terat the O iw kkvku office. itvin in which he is held by hi« pu­ sell for last Week? sale. Myers of Smithtleld, sick with ty- ous support of all of his auditors by pils and potrón«. The Wcbsierians bave eleeted thè i' • J. i,. \ . Butlerof Monmouth way of a neat little subscription. The phoid fever. fop.'wir.g olHivrs for ensulng terni: H K Putters.»n is I n-tant! « re. , v n - was reported quit«* sick Saturday. lllder Doty o f Am ity, failed to till Pr. -i'I' it, S 0 I 011 Slunld; Vice l’ resi- new goo.Is. Call aiui examine I.is st•■ k. J. NN . Daw on, the leading ÌKH»k- I institution disserves the attention of i every person who desires to lend hisnppi intment here hist Sunday on • lent. Word Hutler; - cretary, J o h n M i- Flore,i,*e Smith of Monmouth The F. M. A . storo leave as cheap '»•l!er of Monmoutn, has moved his Spark ■; tn*osun*r, B. C. Altinan; Hue of general merchandise ns can J'an . Indent clerk of the legislatue j efficient aid to his fellow men. At account o f snialli>ox at the latter marsball, l„ Sisemore. -tore to the store building on the be fount! any when*. ut Nih'in. I tin* llaptist Church Hi*v. Osborne place. corner. Mi- Cochran, ¡i -¡-ter o f Chas. Paints, oils, varnish i*t at Our Sunday -H'hool is in n flourish- C cliran luis b, , ii visiting bini for » iur IT iir -, i tut Ives are acting ' p rea,* lud toa large audience, and Mr. Waterhouses O J- *»• las* hus sold hi» si» acre tariti v, ral da\ -. She is a clerk in tilt* Martin Mvcrly was received into i 11 : 4 .condition uad well attendili,:, Henry Patterson has jus' • ■ «.¡v ,| at Syracuse to Irvine Stoddard for wisely, ¡uni will do their l»i*«t to enr- membership. I gi ì.òurc and w ill return to Salem. {. real deal o f zeal lK*ing manifested a new stock oi all tin* la > s* ,, y .... r> out the wdsli o f all our pi*ople hi bv all th.* participating in the diti- , S ,‘ Wo* two '*»«* in tie jewelry line. N old {roods i i if nts were s,i|,i ter a small ligu re Hicliardson and •.*rof. Hrucc 1 ° ‘ benefit- o f the county. l*,»lk Co. T 1 * 1 ,cher»' V-soca.mu, his stock. Drop in and examine crcnt rc:«es. eaeh. last Thursday evening. It’s a Messick of Perry,¡ale, were in Dallas Abe l glow reeeiviHl on Monday Mitmm < > iw i . k v i ; iu them. Normal students won’t Dev. Ifrark dellverixl an ablt ser- »ity that Norma! Saturday. a-tine a piano as there is in town. bring better pruvs. T he Polk County T,wi‘h,*rs’ A".>- mon last Sunday. No trouble to show you mir g Shellv Jt Vuwluvn Messrs. Daw son, Slurry and Par- • t will add much to the pleasantness ciation met in the Normal scinsi l lxaminations are over. The gen­ Prof. Fleiehtier’s singing school eral average in class. « was as good as chapel at Monmouth, Jan. libili, ami The straight up-aml-up -t*>r«*-kce-*,- r: |1 "l^Iominiuth, willed in our n w of lib- elegant home. dosed !a«t Friday. wa-called b> order ¡it 10 :.{*( a. m. by o f any time past. ers—Shellly and Vanduyn, ludepeu- office Saturday. J- II- Hampton, o f Monmouth, Supt. Heynolds. H. 15. Tingle was in Portland last Several students have quit school >Song ” Oiir lioarts are Might,” bv called at our utllce Monday. To all and returned home. week. We* name for you wav down price- visit * li. ' 'r* f ' 1'1'Vi,<’ ar° 0,1 !l our friends, «Aland new, we extend Prof. Powell', vocal music class. N. Yocum, o f the OnsKKVF.il, and on all one general merchandise. < i Jiv,* ' '" ‘lr ,;ulu‘r H'»n. IraS I VC , “ Prayer was olierei bv Supt. Uov- Mr. and Mrs. J.H,Townsend were a nearly invitation t > drop in anil uolds. Prof. Bauer, penman, visited the -all. 8 heUy A usaeaii. oneny w Vanduyn^. \ aii<’ association then took up the those w ho go and examine tin* line town bi't Saturday. Farmers begin to talk of scaling. n»po. s.b|e to name questions on physiology, w hid! lmd I .a\ e. 1 Hiring the pn«t wei'k several stock o f artists material at Duster« Seliotil t !i -v's tliis week reason student** have » dn-enttsl to link their _ llu all. Hilt they are all welcome been prepared hy tin* executive «*om- Independence. 11 • has a full line of 15. M. Turnergif the White ; lives w it h that of our Savior. 1 ’ rick, ju-t the same, and we will he glad to mi t tee. These question ■ nroustsl want of funds. Tubes, Academy bo.ii plaque-, and family, spent Suiul ty among «ee you all ixnno in a,ruin. much interest and excited considera­ frames, brushes,etc. Pres. Stanley mine home from Sa­ i all and «ee Thos. Dodson, who has been very lluena N'ssta friends. ble discussion, This work was eon- lt in i luirsday and returned again them. J* !’• Lucas, tlu* efficient clerk of tlnuwl un*” at Inde­ stock just received. pendeuce, Friday. They lem this week. D evis itisl hi- nemo i t'alied to ordì r hy Superint ndeiit. was la re at grange a week ago. He pendent*. Friday evi nine. Onto Vaughns, Dallas tin* leading sneak v. r.v highly of it. We think Judge Daw - m of Monmnitli, wlio al Monmouth, Friday. to bear tin* work o f tin* se-sion Movisi tliat a iniiiiidttce ofthn*t* lai jeweler. has luvn in very poor haith for so ¡ippointed to prepari* a programmo well, so far, anil Polk county may tic company might come over Mrs. Miranda Franklin, lier father, and play here. It. 15. Collins, the photographer, i- long, „ a ablB to attend church !a-t ■■ nex! in e:mg. Mitili* 1 ) ùnji- J. !.. Lewis, and miele, ami F. M, ty. Prof. B. L. Murphx and Anna , feel «lire that his energy will make Yesterday, (Monday), was matric­ prepar i! to,turn out photographs at ,sUn.’a\ Dallas in ail its brancheras ; »od a Lewis, were in town Saturday in I k'mnaa w eivappoiiued tu «aid oom- itself felt in the lionne ere the end of ulation day. in any part o f tin* stun the session. Hick- ays he will begin hoarding Wo want the news and « not * of eomiection with tlu* matters o f tin* mittiv. ttnmotlon, Dixie was «eleeted as be ly to id the dining hall next Friday. For fine watch work go to l*. M nil tlie improvments going un in the estate of tin* iati* Clarence Franklin, It is alunit time for thè piaci* for holding thè m xt meet­ Grant at II. 15. P. tter .on’s. George Thorp returned to Mon- county do not I h ? ufmid to end of Buena Vista. ing. 'The associatimi wasthen favor­ ay the roads are muddy. Well il II*.,Kith la«t : itiu.lay. and w ill in » u - them in. ° A' J. D. Irvin ■ the pi., The Dalias homo guard, under ii! wltli a song eatltled, “ Ile Lovis won’ t i»e that way next winter. Al. tinue Id- studies in tin* normal, lie get your groceries,' Indep■•niieiicc. D this fine winter weather does enmmand of Colonel Jim Williams, M e ’foii,” by «i ven little girl«; a iv,"- Baxter Avili have the roads in good inform- 11 « that Ids «¡«ter Kmma, w ill iia ,o;i , nliiled, “ l ‘ in flu iv a Poy,” Attention o f thos ■ wii > an* t;tking u m "U fur! -.igli ! *i s mm. bv llalpn 15oothby;a dneii entltied, iiape; f r he wants the ofllec again, not return for some tinn*, on necount painting is railed to tin* lull line ,T. not take with the emigrants, we mi.-« | of sickness. Jim t binas Sa ¡i*: : i , a good i-unpiag “ A l'oitage by thè Svi,” hy Nora (in a le n i o f supervisor. artistic material at il. U. 1 ’attersons our guess. Mi-- Florence Smith left last reeiia- We all welcome the ( kiwrttvrcn to Thor« lay for Salem, w here she had lnilejiendeiiee. VS e will ask ail our readers to not ground, but for permanent barracks 1 Hitler and Lilli** Ikirrìsli; tion entitled, “ Tiie L io le Fireman,” Dallas. We like its complexion anil The dry goods store F. M. A. will criticise tins issue of the OnsKiivbu lie prefers Dallas. i.red a tl rk -hip in tla* legisla- by Miss Maini Hender-on, and a give you a bargain il you w ill call wish it success. Luculhis. j tun*. . 1 . h . ( lark, who has been t -ach­ too severely, us you know we have song entitled, “ Little Joe,” l»v ¡tetta and see them. lollie, that was not llleks wo been moving. ing at the < ¡range Hall .M*!io,il, was l ‘oad. UriilRport. gave mention o f last week, it was Mrs. Lit Hansieur, < ity Bazaar •. <)n motion, tla* lust Saturday There is more or less smallpox in town Saturday. Mr. ('¡¡irk . i- a . Fe »ruary \. u> elts*ted us the < 1« In any re-location of tlu* county • l i t r l t ‘.v » liidepenilenee, lui> made a tine .voui::: man oi ability as a i eiLk - ui our’citizen:» intend to iiave the selection o f woolen goods, rib­ throughout the country, though Xt 111" ' T i: • ■ • .ill ' M> riuutn left Sunday for « ‘at at Myracusi*. Indepenili nei' and M< 'liflffjw b c r e sla* lias secured a bons, buttons, article for limey i - il J tí ns on pay :,e'o , . \\. t:lk: yet, w e have not heard of a casein Dallas, you no.d’ nt worry, you’ ll •.•o-i;i»W% teacher. Misses Cala- work, remnants o f ixtslmiere, ■ the ono glving. t#i* and aiiswcivil. Polk county. neither of you have your wisiies nan, 1 ! d, and N’ anderberg aci*om- prints, handkerchiefs, purses, Arithmetic was e’uisen as thesuh- beet returns; hence, we will n o f lie \ etc. Give an early call. Tin* teachers institure at Mon­ ji*et for consideration at next mei t- grati tied. “ Westward the star o f I anie I h '»’ to Salem. We regret to surprised to learn of hi- chosingan- i I : g. empire takes her way,” which is I* * her, but w hit h i« our loss ¡s their mouth, was la te ly attended Satm- good enough for us. i life offeri Citaban. Th<* conimitt. * on programme re- gain. day by tin* b arbers of tile county. Jay Brow n has found K o f his In In the County < '.»art .»fil» s of « >r«*g m. | end rewards lor tudious application. portisl I In* followin'.' programme for Although the Ousr.uvF.n with all Prof. ¡5. F. M ill key o f Bethel, re- Feb. - id: M-say, Nellie » ollin«; rec­ missing i- th . Tiiev eamo home o.T i> , ivc In- left us, we are still hen*, fir tin* I Vnuitv of l*o!k. Kev. I.aye of Mocmottth, closed a itation, J. N . Hart; two recitations the mountain roiling lat. The snow In tlie matter of ilio estate ) ports his eh noi m a prosperous like,(i the O. S, N. S.; how long of Win. Tatom, ileo mv .|. ri se hi . very .-'.tivessfu! revival meeting last and some s mgs by tic Dixie school; at tiie* tan bark camp is two fe >t deep w e will lie able to head our column condition. M I. Kolibius. ailm¡s tor. I Sunday evening. Tin* ordinance of nielle» Is of ti*adi ingarithne*tie. Prof. and as far as lite huniers could go lie thus, we ¡ire unable to say, but j»re- To Sanili K. Tatom, Thomas Tutolo, M.ir- : i » Gooduigiit caiMi* trae .- were still more westerly diet no great change, Sunday was a coutiful day. baptism was admini-terel to ten 15. F. Mul cy. M ens Tatuili, Kate Klliot. Ih’o;-oaiiiia \\ i.i; Itiilisr.l l'aiolo. K,leu Tafooi. lar Tal mi. More like a day in April than in candidates Sunday afternoon at In­ re ited ¡i -election entiled, “ A ion- The great value o f these mountain We understand a street railway is vict Ship.” cattle rime's is often overlookeil and being tinkc I of between here and In Willie Tal lin an i Fred Tutolo 're." in January. dep ndcnci*. Mr. Lave is being < > n nimioii, l!i* a ¡ »a ail- very little capital is invested at nres- lu U*" name of tin* Suite of Oregon, yon Phis Is a thing much »re hereby cited un.I r * j 11 ¡ r 1 lo a|.jK*ar in cut in stocking them; yet there ih no dependence. Tiie North Methodist Church at erowncil v. ¡ill mu li success at that jouriie |. in edfil and will be a great aeeom- the County Court of the S.a'e of Do .■on. for T'b. • following »am 'i teacher- were ¡»lowing, owing, harrowing or fenc­ niodatloii to students, if accom­ the county of Polk at Clio < ' >1111 . in there­ Independence, is now making ar­ place. in at leudan ee: ing -nothing but gathering in the plished. of, at Palla» in the county of I’..Ik . hi rangements to build a new house ol .Mollinomi» — J. M. 1* meli, Milli • Dmtgh- beef, and milch harvest. “ Unde Dicky” Osborne of ( .».»per Tuesiiii) ili. 5th ,ii,\ «il ìli,re!i ISS.). worship. It will make the sixth Hollow, who was m » ,-i‘verely crushed !(. Ms Ida <¡oo.Inibii . I» . -a i* i nan n, J. The tmlciits hoarding at tiie «lin­ Our (*x(*. 'lent county school super­ ing \\ . MiK'iilliK'h. II. k. Sinr|>hy. \. \. lim- hall in order to show tludr ap- at ten o eloek in the fmeno n of tha' .l.c . church building for that town. intendent is rapidly bringing order last Thursday, by th * limbs of a tree »Ulti. 1' L. * aaitHH'll, .- . :• She l.l. \* i. I a H. I I'eciation for tin* kindness o f the tie n and there to sh out of chaos, in ddliiing accurately A. d i'H("‘, W. K. Ilawiev, ¡[. ¡lindi:- ly, Mrs. Gross, presented her whv an order of sale shoal I n . h" mil e The Dallas band discoursil some falling on him, is now fasi recover­ Wurth, IN»«- I 1.1 W i |' m 1 , m . ... Mil.» Wil lid HI .• > 11 , our « 'bool district boundaries. What ia the adioinistrat >r's potiti hi pr r I for t >- splendid mu ic Sunday afternoon, ing. II-* had three ribs-¡¡.il iiis left l*. \ w illi a nice moriNTo covered Bible. . 1 ' - • i ■ i. ( ■ . !.. A . h■ ■ .- , - oillcer of the county lias equally im- Mi-' wit: a one-third interest in Ilm I .il »wing 1 . lini - will long be rememlM*rtHl •riliel premises to-ivil f.m . :. 11 . from tiie balcony of the city hall. iegl.roken nec.r the ankle. Dr. (>. • r, I!. M. .- : i » i : li, W, ( ». ' ',», Ma Mawv. II. poi't.mt dutie- as that one, to whom by her boarders, as one whole-souled i.u v 1 Muchly, A. J. llachanan. 1 c inter of fraet. block No. the instruction o f our future citizens 1 ». ¡’ - '.tier: care.'uily attending him. The weather was line and many in ' Dalia- siijh . itcyliol«Is, i1!. I. m ¡acre. In dig, who was very kind to all, es­ of Independence. Polk county. Or theme die I'otliiis, Mary l’.illili.s, K. !.. l 'odili», is entrusted’.' 1 answer, nary one. pecially in sickness. Parki r i-'orguson o f Indeiien- .» N N. north ti >2 feet, them e east g»l feet, thence joved the musical treat. 11 a ; ;. — ],. Noè- hi . 1 ,. s - 1 i . , ‘, \ <■ na » itali hi.’ feet, thence w est !'.■■ t ■ p... County t',.'"k Coail issue. 1 intimagc*licoim’s denee, will eree! a sell and door fac­ •(( a » *i. li alii: • S a an il. *'St«'Iht,” of the Xorthtrest, comes of beginning; also a strip of land i nimienc- I> VtlPM OItl AVI. tilde, .elidi 'lie * Artie Pal \ r ! -on, Ague» ing H rods north and lit fee ea*t of tlm to the following partic.-: Frank Chapman tory on the lot ¡!iat was used by the Deiiman, Anna Denmmi N to tin* front again w ith one o f her it Hill J south-east corner of said frac: !•! i. a I, the... to Ida M. bran- hi ; Alhtvt J.liiljs.ii to Kilu Chinamen for a wash house. The ! I>. Hawes. Fitvilln l ’owell, win»««* maiden iiutiiu wim sayings euiitied, “ How to make east Jl i feet, tlienee north ¿ < I et. tilde M. lax'kh*'.'. llethttl - It. F. Mul key, E. \V . Euiiuctt. gentlcmc! are rustiing ¡'o.rtl fellows, I smith, mu li nn in »irceli county, Uliki, west JtU feet, thence so rh 50 feet to plae • .f both end.« meet.” I f the dear girl -'* '■•111 -Eva bee. ' lara I .ee. Secretary McBride, in his late re- and you may expect to see them do- j Otli beginning; also a lot on the r . . r e.ininien. ■ plnee M ary Alli-oii, X| had consulted Mark Twain’» story S’ i |... L», 1 10. In l oiiipaiiy with her fuirent» and famil; »lie removed to llliiini», when ing S ro Is north and g*. -..d . : of t lie * ntth port to the legislature, says that “ the ing a good business. : ! wl • bntlie \'al-l her fill ru'. Idi Fruncí», bida east eoroer of said fraet. hloek'No I, them ■ ■ Do....... Delle I 'lark. * allie lirodie, Minnie about the picnic party before she ■lu* m - . h nit l i year» o f age, and nettled in north 4 rods, thence o.t-' to the .......... te levy for all purposes in lS-St» was In1. limy with their family o ften jj , asking that tin* savug,, Sophie Oroiim l. f —s- ) judge of the county court of the Postmasters, at postoillees in vil­ people and municipal olHivrsof that .—. ¡'.. Net-iiV SecnH-.nrv. it L- ¡u v e r -c and refers t o i l d u d e children undcrtmik the Innx und is>rilim» seal «tate of Oregon, tor the e uinly wii i attended an out door so cia b le "»-k o f «ru»»!..* the* plain» t . O mrihi with sociable i I of Polk w ith the s- il of Saai lage- where ¡i newspaper is publish- town la* given mor-' authority in the I.uckinmut«'. iixli.iin ». Pausing in the lilac* mountains court atllxe l. this 1 lith day of ed, have received orders to weigh all and sat down on a yellow Jacket’s ■ ' ' ■ o to Iniry tln-ir «lil<»l daughter, they weml Jan. A. I). 1 ssp. r winter •>« en taf tin ■ that ue.-t. i >:» • cwuplet read" thu.: papers taken to their ofllces, those G »o'nts. c.unity, Ori " hi , liF i i f i‘ Scplciiihcr, making Now the festive vellow jacket . Attorney for Usiate. was antieijiated, bi*sidi s mue'i of the oil wlli.'.i —Hill »born Imi e] tendent. weary trinci o f live month«. They »<’ttli«l a _________________________ ___ ___county as wc*ll as those Tumble« to h:» light |units racket. o ° ( b m t M f n-«i(|t«l summer-fallow i» alriNuly plowed. • •ralityiiig to All. po-.age i« pai'l. A young man tir re than usually #Both end m 1 on that parSteuIar until th nd which occur- , (or , 1 in lh< year !-«•>. I» ochiukk I rwhled rt Tin* high position attain ■ I and timo The play “ The III r de Dutchman overcome l»y tiny situation, applied Fail wheat is looking well, l»ut if we _ ^ the llnic o f her death, January 7, ISSO, with don’ t have harder freezing wild oats uni ver» il ae,*ei »lance ¡uni approvai of , ,f was rendenti in verv uè- " fo r a lie :i.'• to wed, ai d win n the * lo-r eldest »on, F. W. l’owell, near Mon- will also assert theni.*.elvt*s in the Vi l i ' « o i«l riM h a . ..... th Oregon ....... .. with tb«ld iiirch clerk re ¡u¡rod the name of the fair (-oiinng •rop U r I am ready to charge of 11 « 1 • 1 »-'-in.,ii,,«u »ttve know il, illustrate tfec vaine o f Tridav eve, and will l»e mp .it. d o.i one, ’th I thal his * <•< mimi -h’li? ! i »« iii I ht ft»r tlu? l'»n^ | mmi * h t o f 60 ' About a dozen men have* been eut- the gate. Wiw 1 gone long? thè qrialities on whieli il« « ucm ' - ìs Frida;, or Satur.lay of tic ■ vvi * i * k . year* fill deuth «•I o ' m m ì her time o f prohution mental machinery was so blissfully liav-d ¡in,| arc abundan:ly gratifying ith In Vceommodating Upirit I ¡ ■» mecí on eurtli in her 70th year. Thu« closed a The narrow gauge pa-senger train Intoxic'iP d F ■’ he liad for..". n him eventful and worthy life*. The highi'at t° the Cai. Fig Syrup Company. moments Mid I attended dll >xy that can I k * pronounced up*»n her wat« derailed Is-twwn this place and 1:1 1 tri;: e. N " - Tinll* c Hi-- q'.l •::«'. ■ the titffbor belonging to Mr. Lough- o n ly a l life, te the worthy nini f 'liri^tian lives and • n > yqu Intint a» well iw 1 rould. Monmoutli, Monday. 'There was no followed this break, but it certainly “Thank you. But »eo here; wh o « : .,i.«i i ni t-i «i in. Notice o f FinaJ S cltlem cn l. damage, except delayed time. calls for cigars all around. ... ... , » « A itili* fi/itiv» wave hy the temiK'st lonir fluì you * l»< I tlie»*< * live imi ni< n up # | ri\ • I. !.. • .be: . ° . o la tl»f ‘ matter : The city is covering tiie race near nf the estate i • t » tile liitfliiMt Hcntrt for*.*” Hweeisi out on the sun-Kirr1e«l shore, _ —of— . M. I». IIii'nliar.1, the corner of Oak ami Mill streets, *> with a suggestive editorial on tie* puny with another gentleman, inis '•T«ii*v nn* li 1 1 llin ti’ i *<'v* h r" 11 thesweet imieic that ever U given »>»» HnMianl. deceused. ) A lin. i . Hj a n uiltlloimi Myth« » that huve m»«h.»l it beC.rw. m ater o f taxation. Th*» ground ! m ‘(* ii engaged this winter in digging “ Iluinph! Who tin those p'-ople a 8 . D. P owkij .. --- the -mall boy will Itavi , to , g > . OTICE ¡» hereby given to all wli *»n it that niav concern that said administrator elsewhere to l(*tirn tin*art na\ lgatioa. taken is progressive and appeals to out nome large oak trees in Pres. crouching bark again t the wall?” ! — *—-------- •¡•filed his final account with sail «state in This improvement is much nei*ded the thought of all its renders. We Holman’» field, which improves np- “ O, they’re noUaly; just ordinary James Fuyn, the novel 1st and cor- »*' "»nity C.nirt o f polk 1 nii:''' i*r. : hi pearanees greatly. *01 a.li,.,| f,,r a (¡na| „'ttlenieiit of the same mid has been long demanded by the an: glad to -<*e any newspaper take f .lks. I told ih *m I giics-od they n*s|K»iideiit, has ««nun to Lite eonclu- (••ailing grounds urt hu» »et the hearing o f -aid parti«'« annoyed. The painful monotony of our burg w < hi l«in’ t Ite put out if they kept «¡oil that the only salvation o f our *! ' i" I'm-.I iv. Man h r l-- * at 1" form. The newspaper should always was greatly relieved last Friday quiet.” writers, and literary <*lass in general, 'Kiork. at which time anv ohj«» .ioiis thereto The OBSERVER f<’r»,e i-;ai Would be made. “ \V< I!! W ell! W hy, you have r< - Ih*» in going to Issi early,getting ten stopping at the Knteri»ri«e M-tcl, Is* found in the advance- not in the evi ning by Marry Wilson's ventrilo- M. I> Mr biiikh Administrator. . lit.... fn iu d h • iiiuglcio-jugiuri«» entertainment at fils.» I to : I low quite a nutnlsT o f hour« o f sleep, and understanding and from the way the boy« arc grow­ ,'wmr\ Tin itt . Attorney. Frof. C. A. Ban r the crayon i»»r- th«* Klkiiis school hous*. Among gyMM| p»«»pl»> to <-ome in at all. I • *. that the bmin work need» more com* i»»tc I j a„. 9 iks : i , ing, ¡t is «afe to infer that the lar«' is very tine. Mr. and Mrs. Peak make tn it artist, allowed ns to sec ami other strange feats, it may ! o f in- fhey are |morly att!n*>l, to I»” sure, ph*te and certain recujs*ration than lt«‘al llsliite Tran-fr-. criticise Ids la-t crayon portrait of torost to note that in all tin: audi­ but tln-ir re* onls are »hilnli-». What onllnary physical lalH»r. The oA c 0 H i'Sterling to Cha». McDonald J»*» acre ail 'edi.-¡eat and genial host and Ml«« Jennie ! hi vis o f .tonmouth, ence, there eollhl I h * hut two lia 11 were you on earth, anyhow ?1 •>” and necessity o f slei*p is getting to l,„s e s a n d the hotel is runs» as U t n*ar Italia»: |i)n_ with no de-ire to advertise tlu Pro* found wliosc combined strength was I»«- bi tter appreciated. Little is “ I was a cliuit !i tidier.’ J W Leonard to W \V Percival, 1 lot» in make the guests feel p rfectly at Insird nowadays aNnit burning the home. The tone o f the hous* i- ft... r or make him nc dl« - y proud, sufficient to hold the magician» arm. 0 ■•‘Is'U lene,*; .Moo. Oiitfnmrn frt»(iirn*ly r iinj»'#:ii o f tin •ir midnight oil. Ola«lienee to physio­ When it rains money, some men J W Leonard to C W Ios.nard, 2 1 *t* •'» higlilv moral and the h< Ip is e..i- we will say that in perfection of ex­ I mi .-I kt »liavinz them t.► » « I'»-»., aiid Ilia fac wJrjliideiKv; *-V»(i. cient;*no Chines * arc employe 1 and ecution « » viewed in general effect are sure to have their barrel light n: 1 nock brpaz’ n;: «ait Into »iiittll |.ifvi}.|«— • logical laws alone will ■■■able a man John Rhodes und wife to J.i«|K'r K tin* lio.ise is quiet and orderly, wan I» or in »letail the portrait is the finest end up. Fork is high thl» y«~.«r, ««» 1 1 ! ar-i»-;. . i :<• tin* fa Hu- to « - a;«* menial break-down at an Rh,»l,r 33» aeres; jtsooti. ag •. < «ettius can not overrida ¡. not often seen in a hotel o f its «zi». of its kind ever seen by us. It <1»»<- John Burns kilis forty hogs fatten««! *h" -have ■Il . * Franklin and wife i J A Veil. »», lot credit alike to the Inauty <»rits suis mi chop frolli li:« own mill, and now Soi l hy \ natun*. It i-' iiiiponnlblo to turn *\¡ Dan Van Fatten, from n»*ar the *« Blau* Vista; H.125. i«vt and the high artistic training *»f li¡» I«est sow ««»'lies off with seven­ A t «»in in the b k oftrn leuda to r*»inp!i- night into day, or to habitually do frac, of unlit« Fall» was in «»ur office it» exe utor. Frof. liau. r is prrpar- teen pigs. tliat tre limon« iiK Uitble. »ir­ , lam.lreth t«» Elisa Foster, ,Lu. —A . A . A . M. two «lay- work in one. Common tilings flourishing In tin li Ki ln y T*‘ii « in*n »he Hr»t and prewnti ^ in Indr|K'ndciuv: llj»». - - - ■■ i - and r«*¡s»rt work In thl line in i do «»the tin UU^r. it ix pMprlv vwrtiWr, and b* ••use and method un* bettor than rn-ar -------- , , e oiry Hi|| t,» Eliza Foster, o a( i p that sto**k D in Born to the wife of Jane » lioyd- r'runted and !«i hy V. If. liu.tler, dnij^- brilliancy and judgement is, ¡n the ertion witli his p< nmanshif llyh« ri«Wm*': Ann. itimi and ur«* being winter- • n«(, aiii'ielof geniti.-. . M'Kfll 'U ll -on. a girl, on Jan. 27t’i *'•'>. ** »nd wife to J F Jcrman, lot in ?>ut little ft“*d. « r ..... I 1 "dT £ ^ S i “ N » Z.h: (t|«o. I-___ -A — ___i . i V