^ t ja c o b s o ik PR E T TY flo w T o J 1* 7 1 WHITE C'lrraMkKn ( i l r l i P r r p a r r fu r A p p n tra iM n In t h r M a rti. We have wanted a g o d deal ol sympathy on the (iroaaeiun ^ix*l» who ure wfltl to tho highent bidder in the Turkish »lave market. They have been brought up with an eye to thin fate from babyhood. They are ex­ pected to make the family fortune: are given the daintiest food, and J.hei* health and beauty are mat ter* of con stunt solicitude. Warm, perfumed baths and silken clothing keep their skins soft and fresh, and they are allowed to do no work. The lest of the family usually fare hard, eat coarse food, and do rough labor. Wh^n the future slave girl has reached budding womunhood she is dis)>osed of to u dealer in slaves, who lets his best customers know that he possesses a treasure almost priceless, and all her virtues and beauties are detailed with the usual Oriental exag­ geration. Finally some royal Princess or rich l ’asha’s wife expresses a wish to see her, and extra care having been taken with her bath and dress, she is presented for inspection, E rotn long preparation and jealous guarding from the sun she has a skin white as milk, and her naturally beautiful typo of face is adorned wilh the usual tints of kohl to the eyebrows and eyelashes and rogue to the full red lips. Her exquisitely shaped nails glow with henna, and her own luxuriant hair is intertwined with meshes of silk (for . the prophet curses women who join their hair to that of another) till it and talks most friendly to me.” A t reaches her ankles in an uneven num­ his last visit he weighed sixteen stone ber of tails, an even number being for­ and three pounds. —The richest Japanese outside of bidden. the royal family is said to be R. • S h e g i v e s samples of her accom­ plishments, musical, gymnastic and Kondo of the Mining University of otherwise. Accepted, she is at once Japan. He is the operator of sixteen clothed with a rich silk dreBS, and ro- gold, silver, and copper mines, and is about to visit the Lake Superior min­ e . i i v e s a p r e s e n t of nuceklu ...... . b r a c e ­ let as an earnest of favor before she ing districts in order to get a knowl­ joins her follow slaves. Beyond as­ edge of the mining machinery used sisting her mistress in the toilet, ac­ there. companying her in her drives, and — David jCrack, of Marlboro, Md., handing her coffee and cigarettes, she 6aid to be one hundred and seven has little to do. She is an ornamental years old, was recently married to appendage rather than a servant. Susanna Oaks, a buxom widow of sev­ When tho time eotnes for hor to be enty-five years. The groom was an married her cwnor chooses a suitable old slave of Major B. Bruce, then was husband and gives a rich dower, and bought by John B. Brooks. Crack muny of the marriages of slave girls says he took part in the war of 1812, eclipse in magnificence even those of at which time ho was a robust young the wealthier classes. man. The erstwhile barefooted, ragged lit­ —W. P. Taulbee, of Kentucky, rep­ tle Circassian from Turcoman’ s land is resents the largest Congressional dis­ now a princess or Pasha's wife with trict in tho country. It is composed slaves of her own; but she would of twenty-one counties, and extends laugh if you suggested to her that from the famous Blue Grass region to there was any thing degrading in their Cumberland Gap, a distance of over position or had been in her own. The two hundred miles. It is a backwoods degradation and tho hardship are sim­ district, without railroad or telegraph ple ideas formed in ignorance of the communication, and is canvassed on facts and conditions of Oriental domes­ horseback by tho candidate for Con­ tic life and have no plneo to reality. gressional honors. Of course there is another side to the picture, but even that is not a dark D oes (h r C a r H i (t r a il)' ( l « v r ? Holcnco says that It does, b at we cannot help one. The girl may full under tho dis­ wondering sometimes It there isn't some mis pleasure of the master or mistress nnd* take about It, when we see how stubbornly err will then get punished. She may be tain obi fogies clin g to their musty ami anti limited Ideas. It was believed oneo that eon locked up for a few hours, or, if her sumption was Incurable, and although It has been clearly demonstrated that It Is not, th ou­ mistress is hot-tempered, have her sands o f old tim e physicians close their eyes hair pulled and receive a sounding box and put their hands to their ears and refuse to abandon the theory. But for all that the world on the ear. Perhaps in rare and ex­ moves on, ami I)r. fie r c e ’ » Unideii Medical treme cases a severe beating may las Discovery continues to rescue sufferers from plve»' graves. It is a sure cure administered, but the sumo might and eonsum for this dreadful disease, i f taken in time. would often happen in tho ease of a All scrofulous diseases and consumption Is included In the list—yield to It. paid servant. A reconciliation, how­ ever, shortly takes place, and the The lazy man takes eight steps to avoid one.— peace is cemented with a present of a Portugese Proverb ----------- * new dress or a trinket.—Fashion Un- For Rickets, Marasmus, and Wast­ tar. BARDED-WIRE P r o te c t h»(j FEN CES. S to rk l»y f l o w i n g A ro u n d llo t li Slileo. F u rrow « During tho winter and especially in spring when colts are turned out to pasture, we hear of ease after ease ol cuts on barbed wire. Tho animal is frisky, runs and jumps about and tho next thing we know, it gets tangled up in the wire fence. Very often a valuable young animal is ruined for market, and even killed. The writer has known many eases of older horses In'ing rendered practically worthless by coming in contact with the barbed wire fence. Often, too, during the spring, a young colt is crowded against the wire by the older animals. Nine- tenths of the oases can he avoided by simply plowing several furi;o.ws on either side of the fence In fall. It will take but a short -time and will give the animals a chance to protect themselves. \V hen once accustomed to the ftir n f« they will always afterward assoc tho barbell fence with the furrow, gourd against it. It may seem inn essary, but after a farmer has h;Ti valuable animal destroyed in this w he will consider the time and la well .spent. A rain or snow storm is liable to occur at any time, blinding the animals and driving them into the fence. This furrow will warn them and turn them hack many times. Dur­ ing the s immer, work horses when turned out to pasture are especially liable to lie down near the fence, and roll into it. This is prevented by the furrows. Two furrows on either side close up to the fence will suffice. If the ground does not turn up smoothly, all the better for this purpose. — Or- angt Jutltl Farmrr. Bound to Be Fam ous. BUY I O e o r m V a n d e r b ilt , the niilliuua.re I Tou of ths late Wm. H. Vanderbilt,/ P E R S O N A L AND I M P E R S O N A L . has p u r c h a s e d a tract of 3000 acres of For Horses and Cattle. valuable land in North Carolina. It — The lute Kli/.atieth Tabor, of Ma­ is believed he intends to erect a R e c a n t, P r o m p t , C o o d R e s u lt *. rion, Mass., bequeathed $lu7,Odd to re­ (¡•sellings. ■•peasst. in , Msy It. l O t woman’« collt-K«- _________ Mr mar* t u*ht cold. r#»slt »w*ll*4 U«*fc*i ligious and charitable objects. ls a p b * * »* «a tor# *»d C«r«4 Hunters in Massachusetts concede bar wltS bt /scoba Oil I* 0 GAKDM1E. — Mine. Christine Nilsson is an hon­ that deer never were so numerous in Th# Arm# Palico and Stock Car Oo.. orary member of the Young Women s T b e B e s t . §» Clair Bid« . Tolodo 0 Jam*. the woods of Cape Cod as at the pret­ Christian Association of New \ or*. w * ckoorfallr recommend Bt Jacoba Oil a* t t t boat tor general use on etock H A JIMS A 00. ent time. It is unlawful, however, to —General Sherman says that of all F o r 10 M o u t h « . Wlneboro Texa*. Jane I0 M. the nuisances on earth, the shaking or kill them. Mr berM wai kart on hind leg. euffered 10 w oaths; * u cared by St Jacob* Oil. ka* hands by American people is the worst. S o one so old that he may not live a year, 1 - T h e housekeeper of Warwick Cas­ mine so young but he may die to-day.—be rmun AY DRUGGISTS AMD DEALERS tle. England, who died recently, left a Proverb. TNI CHARLES A V06ELE« CO , Baltiaere. HE. fortune of $350,000. all of which hau Contented minds are more conducive to han- come to her in the shape of fees from plueaa thau riches, glory to fame. In o u rU fe- work let us remember that it w ill profit ns but Diamond V e ra -C u ra visitors. little if we gain a world o f wealth and lose con FOR D Y 8 P E P S IA . __The power of penitence m mat­ tentmeut aud happiness. A N ALL »T0MACB TX0D1LX* •«<>■ * « 1 . ItAlzM ll*■ M s l ' w « * H »»r tb »r » N . u w . o to - ters of love was well illustrated in tho a,_ ‘ Coaetlnation. Falla*«* after aatl&f. Food A re U r to H a v e A n o t h e r W a r ? y i - i . , u u e Mouth and dlaagraaabte »art* aArt courtship of Browning’s so^i. For four Rome political rrophet» aver that we shall. iw| i t m a u u i aad Low-Spirt I*. teen years he maintained a suit at first Be that a . It may, the battle waged by medical At Dnggxds ch when the hu Mtfg (J lo e U (4 truet ( l .00) 0» Samp*, bampit man fam ily shall eea»>- to he afflicted with text am i on receipt J (-osiM Stamp. success. ily ailments. One o f the most potent weapon« THE CHARLES A V0GELEH CO.. ■ « » • * « . ■ * —The richest widow in this country, whi,di rhe armory of m edicine furuiabes, Is H<>»- tetter's Stomach Bitters, which is o f special if not in tho world, is Mrs. Moses Tay-< utility a» a fam ily remedy, a* it to adapted to lor, whose fortune is estimated at *40.- the Immediate relief aud ultimate cure or those disorders o f the stomach, liv e r and bowels 000,000. She lives in New York, Long which are o f commonest occurrence. Indiges­ Branch ami several other places, us tion. biliousness atnl <1 L iver O il with IIyi>ophoNphtti,N is unequaled. The philty with which children gain flesh and strength upon It Is very wonderful. Read the follo w in g : I have used Scott’s Emulsion In uses of Rickets and Marasmus o f long stand­ ing, and have been more than pleased with the results, as In everv ease the Im provem ent was m arked."—J. M. M a i n , M. 1)., New York. "HJ 50. CENTS. r . C. M c L a n e ’ s C k i . e b r a t k d L iv e r P il l s , price 25 cents, and mail us the out­ 4'onauifiption, a m l i » l l . T l i r o » t an d side wrapper with your address, plainly L o n g T r o u b le * . written, and 4 cents in stamps. \\ e will ' J. R. CATES & CO.,' PROFS. then q)ail you the above list with an ele­ gant package of ideographic and chro- All San.ouir Street, 8au CraueUro, Cal. matic cards. F l e m in g B r o s ., P it t s b u r g , P a . DR. PIERCE S NEW BELT AND SUSPENSORY, D The days are made ou a loom whereof the warp aud w oof are past and future time.—Emer­ son. T r y G e r m k a fo r breakfast. 41 P u r g a t o r y H u l l e t a . ” An excited Irishman lately rushed into a Bos­ ton drug store, having a “ broken un” appear auce generally. “ Re Jabbers ’ ! he yelled« “ I'm all wrong eutoirely. I want some shtuff to straighten me out. Some o ’ them ‘ Purgatory Bullet«’ w ill tlx me, I’ m thinkln'. What d ’ ye tax for thira?" “ What do you mean?" askt»d the clerk. “ Purgatory Bullets,* sor, somethin lolke that, they call thim ,” replied the man Shu re, I'm in purgatory already, with head ache and liv e r com plaint, and bad shtomach, and thV d iv il knows what a ll." Tho clerk passed out a vial o f l>r. Pierce’s Pleasant Purg­ ative Pellets, and Pat went o ff contented. These little Pellets cure all derangement« of liver, stomach and bowclft Sugar-coated, little larger than mustard seeds, and pleusant to take. l>rug gists. ¡he f ats that d rive away »lic e are as good as that catch them —( k rmun l'n n crb . F e r r y ’s S e e d s ^ SEED ANNUAL PENNYROYAL 1,1 e l.0.1. ïî»y \ Aek For rA ú i?. À - ------ --- P>Lk «;qttDrr’^ * ^ Rsther than the Cheaprwt g , s-. Æ ts r A> f f e jf ' COL-ECiE Porti ad, Ore»-is. I'eTl—e l equipilieht, tu É» ltta«rt*< '.ion. • *' li-tlt-d reiillt llio n ,»ro w in g lemillority. Busmen Shrrthanc. Common tkhoolmné Benrnmihlp Doptet mentt. Bt mien t- adm itted al any 'une. t ativ logue and «ucci.... ns o f pentnsnshlgsent fice. t. i'. Ut II MKOK U. fri a. J. h . W Kk( O .K »c ’» . Big O nas given entree- sol oatlofactloD lu ih# cure of Gonorrbeea and Uleet. I prescribe Baud feel safe I d recommend- lug It to all sufferers. B S T iTsa S S tÄ i j**«!' 'I tiiiit »k,k.,?:*7! S A L ES M E N ¿p fr s In cor line. Enclose 2 *-«,J S Dey. Permanent piwl'leu * ¡ ¡ J t Money udvun. ed fo r Wug,-,' le n n tu l W an u A l c l M r l n « ( g \ 7 ^ ^ 4*,j P IA N 0 S .S 1 C a,-e. hi urn, la nooUier Piano, by . I J “' mo «Luid in tune 20 years, good for inn. by climate. No wood to spUt. br^J L *" * 3 crack, decay, or wear out; wi **'“ ■- g a n t KoaewiMgi Caaea, 3 striLir. a action; finest Ivory keys- the t v . Call er write fo, W B t i e . h s T “ ? «7 ® PIANO CO., Munufacturer» Odd e .u, f-'i» Lai nssJ Unvu.,tKut_ __ J - * ‘l0*rl ^ ket and Hsveath StreeU, I A. J. MTOHkK. H.D.. Oecstur, IU. P R IC E 8 1 .0 0 . . t k le b e s t, r th e n iic a l POHTLAriD BUhl’ iESS m My Poor Back! Sold by Druggist» I That “ poor back ” is held responsible for more than its share of the s„|j ma ikind. If your dog bites a man who kicks it, do you blame the dog? o„ principle the kidneys utter tireir protest J * against nervousness, impure Lie, ; ^ resulting constipation '1 hese force them t ÿ to do extraordinary w ork inn:, system of tlie poisons wliich arc the .V blood. Then the sufferer says the ' ’ back aches; the kidney, C C f t l, A M — - - - _ cased. “ Not yet; ” hut they w ill be unless the nerves are strtngthrw | the blood purified, and the cqpstipation removed. These are Uie, 1 of kidney troubles, and Paine's Celery Compound removes them a * « With its k>mc. purifying, and laxative effect, it also strengthens the » * kidneys, making it almost infallible in curing all diseases of the nerve, neys. If your hopes of cure have not been realized, try Paine’s Celety r* pound; it gives perfect health to all w h o complain o f “ their poor hacks.” &v*tm S o^u b y D r u g g is t s . S e n d fo r I l l u s t r a t e d P a per , W ELLS, RICHARDSON & CO„ Proprietors B U R LIN G TO N , V E R M O N T. THK COW BRAND, — TO MAKE — ■\ D ELIC IO U S BISCUITS or W H O LES O M E BREAD USE D wighps C ow -B rand S oda -S alemto I ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FU LL WEIGHT. Be «are that tkara la a picture o f a Cow on your package and you will tuvt th. beat hod. nmdo. D- M. FER R Y & CO., Detroit, Mich. THkCOWBMal D WIGHTS' C T « OH a D a y . S am ple« w orth $1.50, FR E E . Linen n ot under th e horse* fegt. W rite B r k w . w w n t e k ' h S afrty H xix H sldkr C o ., K u lly . H t c h . W ELL DRILLS Z . FOR E V E R Y P U R P O S E. Sold on Trial ! ro o t u * superior excellence proreu in m illion* of hom e« for moTtt than a quarter o f a century. I t la u»ed by the U nited State* Government. Endorsed by the head* of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and moat Healthful. D r Price a Cream Baking Pow der does not contain Am m onia, Lim e or Alum , hold only in cans. P R IC E B A K I N G P O W D E R CO. NSW YORK CHICAGO O o J o l l i t y . L o g « o f V ig o r . S pm in a’ MIDDLE-AGED M E N K ^ I ' Ww»k Bin k, Nervous V,1'*“ ,in x ,° f b ex n u l B lr v u g tb , etc., cu red * n d restored to h ea lth y v ig o r . .L «* vi e r* ° a i u n a b le to v is it n * m a y be trea ted at tn e lr hom es, b y co rresp o n d en c e. M ed icin es and i n s t r u c t i o n s s e u t b y m » d o r e ip r e s x . L 'o u »u lt »t io t ' PR IV A TE DISPENSARY. T H IK D Msguified ¡60 Tim «», tm .gin c m illions o f these .n im a lc n t* In the nose, throat and lung», « s w e ll us the minute eustachian tuhe* leading front the back part o f the throat to the middle ear, and you w ill imagine the misery they can produce. Thou­ sands arc swallowed when thepaticut is nslcep, causing kidney and liv e r trouble, headache, blood poison, general debility, eta. We have a specific for destroying them and eTpeinug the poison from the blood. I so the CAllFOf IVI ANO Nt CATIVA ■ L ELE - CTR ■ IC COUCH . «1 to take end the CALIFORNIA ___ sunt tnVE ELECTRIC UNiM'NY to ai ly, and if the stornai h is bad, use tho CALIFOI NEGATIVE EIECTRK’ SVSTE:A OUilDEI [ it D U ^ i. up tile system and purines the poisoned blood. They are manufactured from roots, herbs ami flower* that grow in California, aud are safe for child­ ren. They never fail. The Cough Cure Is ex­ cellent for Conglis, Colds, Croup, Ac., no child w ill ever F£ i f s a M K V R die with croup when Mils 1 s T y j j P M N K j l i-« used. O n rM nim en tkillstiB iu H i» instantly.B eeou rTradoM ark«si-V H on every wrapper, bold by 4J u L i l JT1 S e* all druggists. w* C y . y ¡8 I especially request thove contem plating purchasing either an Engine or Thrwt«» season to look up the record o f the AD V A N C E . It fs the only machine ever sold on the I Coast that has given n itr e tr.tis/action. I also deal in Laundry Machinery, Marine Engines. All kinds ^ Brass Goods, Inspirators, Injectors, Oilers, Reapers, Mowers Chemical Fire Extinguishers, and Engines, Oils, Belting, Hose, Wrenches, Etc. THE ONLY DEALER»| PACIFIC COAST That ship» IN C A R LOADS. CrmmsiT & Co., Props, r IDS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA.’ PRICES GREATLY A ll PI 3 O'S CUR t: F Ori CONSUMATI ON Is U m only Priva te Dia» iw nsary MIT in in Poi ortlaud or| on the S en d STREET. Portland, Oregon. Northwest Const. where patients are suco._ fully treated fe r a ll N E R V - t T S . C H R o N IC AND P R I V A T E DINK AS KM id _____ DISCOVERY MONCISCAR 134 I'o r t'a n d . Orega*. BEST AND FASTEST THRESH IN THE WORLD. denoy, atc., du e to excesses o r abuse, cu red , Y O U N C M B ? I N s u ffe rin g fr o m th e e ffect* " TT w ° f y»»iitlifu l fe llie s o r in d is­ c r e tio n sh ou ld a v a il th em selves o f o u r trea tm en t, A p o s itiv e cu re g u a ra n te e d In e v e r y ca^e. S y p h ilis , u r in a r y a n d \ e u e re a l D iseases n il u a n a tu ra l d is- ch arges, p ro m p tly au d safeljr Cured- 133 a n d , ADVANCE ENGINES THRESHEKS AND A CALIFORNIA N K A T T I«K .,W . T . NO®# H tre e t. T Tho paras it os, o f which w . give cut below, rlfa- covereff by uh , sre the direct cause o f Catarrh anJ Cuusumptiuu, also many other discuses. ▼ w V » I.o**es, Weak M em ory, Deapon TH E VAN H CHICAGO. ILL. O r .SPINNEY vou ° « m“ I G GOULDS A AUSTIN, p l t lh ib i.K u B'T * or R 1 6 7 A t 1 6 » L a k e B t ., lil-1 1 4 M ichigan Avenue, Chicago, 111, N lE R V O L M o f V lo rrle o n W ...vestm ent sm all, profit* lAige. Bend 80c fo r m ailin g la rg e illu strated Catalogue w ith fu ll particulars. Man­ ufactured by T he B U Y E R S ’ O U T R E 1« Issued March and Sept., each year. I t U an ency. olopedia o f useful Infor­ mation for all who pur­ chase the luxuries or tha necessities o f life. W e can olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to rido, walk, dance, sleep, est, f i s h , hunt, w ork, g o to church, or stay at home, and in various sises, styles and quantities. Just figure out what Is required to do all thesd'things C O M FO R T A B LY , and you can make a fair estimate of the value o f the B U Y E B S ’ O U ID E , which w ill b e sent upon receipt o f 10 cents to pay postage^ _ _________ o SeaflTe Dispensary, T . General Agent for the ST. LOUIS young t>r old, single or married, such as LOST MANHOOD, t Nervous debility, seminal losses, failing mernery. syphilitic eruptions, ef fects of mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, gnu- orrhea, gleet, stricture etc C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E . V a lrY * • V i s a . A s s a y r r a a d A n a ly tlr a l The q licitim i o f temale snffrase has asltated \ a r a s l . t . lab oratory, 104 First st.. I'orUand, tho tensile» and peni of reforme,-» for m an; Or. A n a lyse« made o f ail substanoea. year». and ganti arsument» havr beoti a d d a rv i for and asalnst tt. M an; o f thè softer »ex eonld vote Intclligcntly, and many would vote a» thelr hn.hand» ,ild. and *tve no thought to thè merita o f a politi, al 1«»ne. T h e; w,,ai,1 all vote for Dr. IMeree s Favorite Pronerfptlon, l-r they know It 1* a booa to thelr »ex. It 1» un eotialed for thè rare o f leneorrhea. abnormal dfw-hxrse. m o rtilo» »lekness. and theeoantleaa III» lo whleh n o tile « aro sutdert. It I» thè only reniodv for woman s peeullar weakncssee and H a rin g fo r th e jw st fo u r c r fir e r e s r s been t r o n t je t alimenta, »old by ,lrn ««i,n . under a positive w ith pini|4> s and M o teh e . on tuy fv - s and b « »ly , and snarant.-e from thè manttfactnrvr» that It wtll finding no re lie f in a n y o f t h . c h e m lc a llr pr< | *r id pive »atlafaetlon In rv -y rase, or moncv wtll S > . ) . and in e . fr e s c r iV J fo r m e b « phvsi, ians ho rofnnded. “ S -------- ee s n a — r a i . ^ — v o n w ra p p e r airound le o n r lik le d t o t r y y o u r 8. 8. S. reined i , and h a v e botile. found g r e a t relief in t h . sam e, fo u r b o ttle , clea rin g Here her. CHIlHLbl LH S, îiapïSsi • U8 «’U UNI «r i» II. VViil be mailed TREE to a:l i pplicants, and r to last year’s customers without ordering it. I hk i I u . _ ,. . i able Until. Every rM»r?ion using Earliest Canliilowei Qj^rd^n Field or Flower Heeds inexistence. 1 should send for it. Address Temporaneo is the moderate u«e o f (rood th in s, sud total ahatlnvuce from bad thins* — The Voice. tender shadows which our sorrow cast CREAT HEALER. F o r 1880 RÎT: “ r. •'There is a man whoso name will go down In history,” said a traveling man to a companion. "You don't mean it! He looks like u very ordinary |H>rson. He is most too young to 1 h > a (Jeneral.” "No, lie never smelled gunpowder." "Is he an actorr* "Not a bit of it." Cheerfulness Is an excellent wearing qnallty "Politician or statesman?" It has been .a ile d the brl*ht weather of the "N o .’’ heart. "Then how will his name go down in Sta w a f e r R e m e d y van he found for history ?’’ 1 nog h i and fo ld s , or ant trouble of the Throat, "H is parents christened him after thau "Hrmrn's Bronchial Trochee.’’ Price h rts A ¡old only la bojei. George Washington. M e r c h a n t True- c Ur. In this world fall ofteu oar Joy* are only the CHANCK8. C u re s Cu te, S o r e «, S a lt K h eu tu , Hoila. P im p le a , Felo n s, S k in D ieeaoe., a n d all a ilm e n t » fo r w h ich a n aive in » u i u h l e . i o r ta k in g o u t a o r e tie »» an d h e a lin g it acta lik e m a fflc. 2A cen ts a box. a t a ll d r u jjK iftc . acknowledged to be the Ulustrntod. Descrip­ tive and Priced iu r i ! * d i a l i W «m ieli he A l l o u e d l a THE D. M. FERRY A CO an a rge st Seedsmen In th e w orld. D M F erry A Co’s C O N S U M P T IO N C U B E D . old nhyslelsn, retlvfd from practice, hav- hadgplacmi In h1s hands by an East India -Tdotiary the formula o f a simple vegetable edy for the speedy and permanent “ ire of _ sumption, Bronchiti«. Catarrh, Asthma, d all Throat and Lung Affection*, also a posi ve and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous t'omplalnts, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make It kuow n to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this m otive and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 w ill send free o f charge, to all who desire It. this re­ elin', In German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this r, W. A. N o y k s , i ¡Hoch, Roches- NO i N “ OvEB 6 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. The piety that does not g iv e Is piety thut does not ^pay.’’—Bongrfgationalest. TAKK MEXICAN SALVE (P a t . Oct. l l . ’itTJcarca all N e rv o u s and C h ro u lc Dia* , « a^es o f b o th sexes. P r ic e ’ M6 and u p w a rd . S en d Uo1 i >r scull'd p a m p h let N o . t 1(1 P T I U K . I f ru p tu re d send sta m p fo r P a m p h le t N o . 1. stam p I * H | .< u^. I * * * * ? »»elieYe thafcA nay h l>«8t t-u buy beedti o f the largest and must reliable hiAute, and th. > uuo BK8T. THK s.s.s. m y skin en tire ly . I ch eerfu lly recom m end y o u r medicina t o a d wh > are in th e positi >n th a t I h ave been in. T o n can n a . th ie le t t e r and m y nam e a . a testim onial to t h . n w r it . o f t h . S. 8. 8. rem edy V e ry t r u lr y o n r*. A t r a s o f K ostasox, XJO 8 inaiane S t. San K ran ci.-o, Val. U T S em i fi r o u r h «...k» o n Bim-d and s k in I K , aud »te tre to •tiffercrwruatled free T f t K S W I t T e t- R C lP IO CO . D ra w e r » . A tlan ta , tie . N. P. K. U. No. 267—S. F. N. U. No. 3U B Y M A Rem em ber It is » “ »4 good« or answer questions “ 6 cannot cal) write I U Shopping by m ail ts quite a practice, and onr cxp«wlcnce has proven It satisfactory to tmver and seller. We offbr to w ild postpaid—School Handkerchief», border, each, 3c. Sc. be: la d ies' Handkerchief», border, each, 4c, i.c, 6c, 10c; l.a dies’ Hdkfs., border, each, lfto. 20o,'2f>e; lad ies' Hdkf»., scalloped, each, 10c, i;>e, 25c; la d ies' Hdkfs., embroidered, each. 12r, 18c, 25c, 50c; la d les' Hdkf».. fine linen. 15c. 20r, :5c; Ladle»' Hdkf»., hemstitched. ¿V, 50c; silk lld k f« figured, 250. .'.Or-. 75c »1. (1.25; silk Hdkf».. plain! , white or rid, 4.-, , 75c, t l , Bandanas, two sixes, 7c, 10c; Men's W hite lld kf».. 5e, 15c, 2T«-, 50c- »m ail reduction In ',-d o i. and dos lot. Meti s Necktie», light, 12c, l>c, 2S, Men's Neckties, dark. 15e, '25c, .50.'; Men's K id Gloves, *1, Il.'25, I I . '0, |2; M p i i ' s Kid Gloves, fnr top. (1,(125 It .: « ; Men's Btiek Glove». »1. »1.25, »1.40; Men's Buck Gauntlets, |1 ¿5, »1.50; M en'« Working Gloves, .Oo. 7.5c. |t; Men'« Woolen Gloves, 50c; Ladies' Warm Mlttons, 25c; la d ie s ' Word Hose, extra, 45e. 50c; Infants' W ool Hoar, extra. 20c, 25o; Misses' W ool Hose, 5 to «>-, 30c to 4,'ie' Men’»C o tton H alf nose, «e, 10c, 1?«-. JOr Men's r a n e y c o tto n Hose, r.o. Hoc, 80r; Meh's Wool H alf H ow , S5c, 45e; Garden Siad«. '25 paper» »«•o rt.d for (1 Rogers' plated Teaspoons, U dot.. (1.16; Rogers' Plated Bntti* Knives, each. >0r. i V h * W hite Undt*rve«t*. ladies’ , 48r, fiHr.fi, *1*0; R,d Pnderrest*. ladies'.7. e. ft. (1 It :<0 Combination »nits, wool, red or white, each (2.2.; Corsets, 56r. fiOe. tt. (125. |1 50. ( 3. l f t o he registered, add 10c to aN ive price» «.-nd «tamn«. P, O. or express order ruder*.-ear of all kind«, »hoes. Rubber Goods, Notions and many Other g<««ls by mall at a trifle aN ive list prices W rite for complete list o f :wou articles st wholesale price«, in any quantity, to s r ii: S T E I N W A Y . S * c J .>c& £ ‘ « & 2 Plaaoa; Burdett Omaa. tout ORAT OO, « T sizes in stock fron pound« to 1.*™. f o r R ED U C ED PB® V ) PROMOTES DIGESTION v> I LURES C hi lls m . 'cIC V E R D y s p e p s i a PURIFIES 4; B LO O D REGULATES ' I o W EL s J m PO RTLAN D , ORECON.