Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 23, 1889, Image 1

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    P olk C ounty
V O L . I.
)An Interesting R esu m e o f the W eek's
H appenings In B oth B ranches o f
the N a tion ’s L egislatu re
era of L ocal and General Import
Gathered from All Source* for
the Benefit c f Our Reader«
Samuel N. Bixley has been appoirft-
Fr'»n o tailors are striking for better
eti postmaster at Kelso, Cowlitz coun- **!Sv*.
r. 8U„ he ten
k"iU * »
r g r s j s p r s s t s r s (.?
* * .• * w . „ . Walla are now
counecteil by rail.
The Secretary of the Navy has is-
sued peremptory orders to hasten the
work of preparing the Uniteu States
ships Atlanta, Vaudalia and Mohican
for sea. It is reported that the last
two named will be sent to Samoa to
reinforce the Nipsic.
R ice trouble^ are feared at Areola,
Bernhardt gave ten performances
at Cairo, Egypt, recently.
i.ast year 13.>0 people died of de­
lirium tremens in Eugland.
for the official trial of the
pneumatic dynamite gun.»
Another valuable coal deposit has
just been discovered in Dakota, three
miles north of Centerville.
The Italian railway system is un­
Many arrests have been madron ac- dergoing a radical reform to facilitate
; court of the recent riot .at the New the mobilization of troops.
' castle mines.
The largest organ in the world is
Tile sealing schooner* are all pre­ now being built iu London for Syd­
paring to leave British Columbia ports ney. It will cost abeut $75,000.
for the north.
France appears to la* somewhat dis­
The^ repairing shoj* of the Oregon pleased over the debate in the U. 8.
and W aahington Territory road are to Senate on the Panama cal project.
be located at Walla Walls.
Eugene Wetherill, husband of E m ­
The Ions highwayman appears t* ma Abbott, the noted piima donna,
Li* busily esgags.1 in bokling up stsf* died suddenly at Denver last week.
coaches in northern California.
Mrs. Kherid.cn has accepted the de­
GROCERIES —Sugars have fallen (c
sklM our last report. \Ve quote C f (c,
extra C 5Jc. dry granulated tUo, cuts),
crushed and powdered 7j)c. (,'ottees firm,
Guatemala 18j(A21*c, «.'osta Hlca 18((e2l<\
itlo XOfsUlic, KiA'adortGi: Ah-, Arbuekle’s
Georgia is to have an immigration roasted MSfe.
bureau to encourage iniurigration to I PROVISIONS Oregon hams are qnot-
atlGVvlUr, breakfast bacon Lit* 1 He.
the State of iudustriuuj’ wiid intelli­ ed
Eastern meat Isqnoted as fololws: Hants
gent fanuers and mechanics.
I t« la;*, Sinclairs 14 s 15c, Oregon break*
1 » „
ii «•
i i
fast bae.m ldpo-llc, Eastern 13<«tl3 c.
J i
r HI II.«. Green fruit receipts L’.fit bxs.
straw yet, or you may find yourself , Uril fruit scarce, and the supply of ap-
short of a supply before the winter is p es not equal to .tlie demand. Apples ttntal
over. The amount to be retained de- ^ l'<'f *>x, Mexican oranges j$l, lemons
(»ends oil the condition of the stock **k«.0.50 tier bx, lutnauas $ti.5Out4.50,
and the severity of the weather b e-! qu, '! l.t,lI,.r
La . . . .
.. .
A Brief M ention o f M atters o f General New sy Notes Concerning the Farm a -
In terest.-N otes Gathered from
o f E special U tarest to tb s Pa­
Home and A b roa d .
cific Const Husbandman.
A railway mail service lias been es­
P; , 8,t-,John win « » k e bis resi-
I he Paris police will search the
deuce in California.
tablished on the route from Wood-
houses of all kuowu anarchists.
ville to Snohomish, six times a week I 1 raver, Tulare county, Cal., now
The Sultan is one of the most en­
boasts a cheese factory.
to take effect from the 28th.
thusiastic chess players in E urope
Governofrelect Hovey has left Wash­
The penitentiary of Washington
In Russia last year 80,000 dram-
ington for his home in Indiana. He
erntorv is now heated by steam.
shsps were done away with by law.
will resign his seat in the House,
A gang of hoodlums at Victoria at­
which will be ttlkd by a special elec­
Lord Coleridge lias collected $35,000
tacked the salvation army recently.
tion next month.
for the widow and daughters of Mat­
North Yakirya is soon to have a thew Arnold.
Senator Cullom has reported favor­
system ol waterworks to cost $100,000.
TJje British government states that
ably a bill from the commerce com­
Attempts have been made to rob
successor to 8ack\ille West will
mittee to increase the salary of the
surgeon general of the marine hos­ people while gettir - on trains at Col- shortly be appointed.
pital service to $G000 tier annum.
0 ton.
Final preparations have been made
J. C. Leisure, of Pendleton, has re­
The total coinage of the United
States mints for the twelve monttis. signed the i>osition of deputy district
ending the calendar year of 1888 Was ! at,orney*
$65,318,614, divided us follows : G old ,! An effort is to be made in the.Ne-
$ 31 , 380 , 0 8 0 ; silver, $33,025,606; mi- vada legislature to obtain a charter
nor, $912,200.
■ for a lottery.
•**» ■ » »»It -pH"«.
Every f.rn ier'. k . i , .h o u lj W s ta -
rated to a knowledge ofo bjdany ami
to ^ thoroughly inulersUnd all th?
points of the different breeds of stock,
ns well as lie familiar with the nature
of fertilizers and their titness for cer­
tain crops and soils.
IX) not be afraid to open the doors
and windows of the cellar on clear
days. It is tiluch better to have pure
air in the cellar than to keep it close
and damp. When the cellar is musty
and a disagreeable odor noticed the
entire house is likewise affected.
A farm must not only be self-sup
porting but should pay , a profit.
Wh6n the farmer reaches that stage
when he is compelled to borrow, or de­
pend on some income from another
source, hia farm is unprofitable, and
he should then endeavor not only to
discover the causa of his loss but also
aim to improve iu some manner, in
order that the farm may be self-sup­
C .I K S t K ^ i s n 'd r u S !? ;
a i.C
« ¿ T l & K ’i 'r K “ “ “
n n m r) k HUITS Receipts m pUgi-s.
Sun tlried apples 4 « 5c per tt>, factory
slie d Sc, factory plums T
tV, pears B
1) .o.
a 10c, peac!
Prunes 7 i " tic,
peaches HstRa-
a 2._5 per box, Cali oruia tigs
8c, Smyrna 18c per tb.
DAIRY PRODUCE Oregon creamery
and choice <tair> .35c, medium :7<sit0c 1 al-
Ifornia fancy 30c, choice dairy 37tc,
eastern AV« ;uio.
EGGS Receipts 293 cases. Oregon 25c.
Chickens $V*5.2I, for
large young and $4 4 75 for old, turkeys
lltiul.V per tb, ducks f5(s7 per dozen.
WOOL -Valley I8a20c Eastern Oregon
IOC? Inc.
HOPS Choice 8trl4c.
GRAIN Valiev $I.:15, Eastern Oregon
$1.:*» Oats ddi&toc.
Ft OUR-Standard #1.50, other brands
il.'.’.-i, Dayton and Cascade #4.10, Gzahaii)
$3.2.5, rye Hour #0, do Graham #5.50.
FRESH MEATS lieef, live, dpddtc,
dressed 7c, mutton, live, 3py die, dressed
7e, lambs
0 each, hogs, live, opgde,
dreaped 7(fli74, veal <k«8c.
N O . 45.
T h s n s m r o f M U * I .« « . N o w t h *
W ife o f C o u n t t V a lifr r a o o .
P o tto #
lh o Countess von VValdorseo, who
Is now the most powerful woman in
Europe, began life as a grocer's
daughter, lio r father was the lats
David B. Lee, head of th^ old grocery
house of l^e. Dater & Miller. Mary
was the only child and was beautiful,
ambitious and clover. She was sent to
school to the famous Holton priory on
the Sound, which was then the most
elegant and exclusive of young ladies’
seminaries. Immediately upon leaving
school she wont abroad and In a short
time sent cards home to her school-
mutes announcing her marriage to
Prince Frederick Emile August of
Schleswig-Holstein, a cousin of Queen
Victoria. He was not in very good re­
pair, this Prince, lie was decidedly
damaged in fact, boitig old and being
on the point of putting his second foot
in the grave, one having been there
some time.
She took this dilapidated scion of
royalty tq the East in hope* of restor­
ing him, but to quote the sorrowful
phrase of the Misses Holton,rwho had
I r ' oii
her instructress. " .‘ ‘ lie only
reached Boyrout to die.” Then the
widowed Princess, with her beauty and
her millions, was pursued by every for-
tune hunter in Europe and had beside
some of the proudest positions and
titles offered her. When she re­
linquished her high rank to marry ■
Prussian Count her friends began to
think that they wore mistaken regard­
ing her overweening ambition, but to
one of those gossips at Tuxedo, who
was in Europe at the time, Bho said:
•‘ Von Waldersee is only a Count now,
but wait—with his talents and my
money and encouragement he will bs
something more.” Tho young Count
soon beoatne marked in Berlin as a man
who knew his business thoroughly. He
distinguished himself in tho Franco*
Prussian war, and was German Charge
d'Affaires during the occupation of
Paris. Meantime the grocer's daughter
was not Idle. She warmly espoused
Bismarck's party as opposed to that ol
the Crown Princess, and when the for­
mer began to foment discord between
young William and his mother she was
W illiam's confidant and sympathizer.
Then William married, and the spirited,
intellectual and liberal-minded Crown
Princes, who would bo a second Eliza­
beth were she allowed to come to th«
English throno instead of her fat and
dissipated brother, discovered that hoi
daughter-in-law was a dull-witted Ger­
man hnus frau, from whom she could
export no sympathy, and was disposed
to rather eontemptously pas* her over.
This tho < ’ountoss von Waldersee saw
and used. William's wife deeply re­
sented tier brilliant mother-in-law's
contempt and fell buck on tho Countess
for advice, and allowed her to manags
her salon as she pleased and for hei
own uses. When Frederick came ta
the throne the Von Waldersees wore
promptly sent into political exile at
Vienna, out departed cheerfully, know­
ing the hour of their triumphal return
would not bo long delayed. Now Von
Waldersee, net yet fifty yoars old, ha*
succeeded tho great Von Moltke, as
commander of all tho Imperial forces.
The Countess is a pet and trusted em­
ploye of Bismarck. The Emperor ii
deeply attached to her and tho Empress
is her most intimate friend, so that all
things considered the Now York gro­
cer's daughter is to-day the most pow­
erful womau in Europe. —Brooklyn
A party of Dakota Democrats, re­
The National Woolgrowers’ Associ­
cently elected
The most disagreeable thing on the ation met in convention at W ashing­
Mitchell convention, are now in Wash­
fajuu in winter is mud, and, although ton last week.
Resolutions were
ington, their object being to secure
it can not be entirely avoided, yet adopted declaring, that while C on­
necessary legislation to carry into ef­
some of its disadvantages may be gress maintained a genet al policy of
fect the desiies of the convention, and
overcome by carefully draining every protection, tlie wool growers asd wool
they express the intention of remain­
The wind from oaatern Oregon sign of Samuel H. Kittson, of New location that allows an excess of wa­ manufacturers in the United States
ing there until that is accomplished. blow* alkali dual which settles on the York, for the monument to General ter to accumulate. When the cattle have a right to demand that the du­
are compelled to stand knee deep in ties on wool and on woolen and worst­
The President gave a state dinner gla»* of the Fort Cataby lightliouee.
mud there is a loss of animal heat, and ed goods eliali be adjusted and main­
of forty-eight covers to m e««ben of | A colored man
President Carnot of France received a greater proportion of food will be tained so as to secure to them the
uL#d a pt**4ly
the cabinet Friday night, the ascond Pasadena girl laat week, aud if he »early a thousand Christmas presents
required to keep them in condition.
Anieric in market.
The n solutions
of the winter’s serif » of official enter­ bail been caught Id« naob Wo«dd hare from his admiring fellow-citizens of
tariff bill so
tainment*. The White House * »« lynched him.
th« Republic.
sour, as is the custom in the Holstein far as it affects wool, and providing for
handsomely decorated for the occa­
Mrs. Parnell ha# deeded to her sou, dairies, yields butter of a peculiar and a committee of seven to formulate
Large n u a h n of i m w ,iee Mock­
sion. A miniature lake, with baabs
Ktewart Parnell, the Ironside* tine aroma. Butter mads front very such schedule of tariff duties for wool
l.ned with evergreens au.l red and
white rose«, was the pvi*»« ¡#*«1 Moral Mala m o u h U n ii * in Yuma a,«*d Mari­ homestead and other property at sour cream is destitute of this aroma, as may be deemed just ami necessary,
Bordentown, N. J.
anti has the taste which the Holstein and to prest lit the sumeto tlie finance
copa cownti**, A. T.
committee of the Senate a.' l urgo its
Thou o*i nearly a million Lebel butter acquires after keeping aottte adoption. They further d -c ’ a.o that
John and FiW. Mize, who attempted
Claus Sj»re»lmA has used*- a »t*4w-
time. Stirring ol cream does not pro­
nifMit before the Ss*»<*4e i»***mitt«e of t*» w a ifh f their fatWr-in-law, Henry
mote souring, hut rather hinders it h.{ the determination of the econom ic
finance, concerning his exjieriment« CaM'ery, at Santa Kosa, will have to the government workshops are still increasing access of air ; it may be ad­ and financial policy of this govern­
turning out 300*» a day more.
in the manufacture of beet sugar in serve one year in 8a* Quentin.
vantageous iu making the souring ment is so important to wool-growing
and till other industrie» and business
Califorma, intended a« an argument
A Chinaman at Bacramrneo at-
against the proposed reduction
ut? I tem p trfto" T k . ” Hone"from a rail- structed the bishops of his little realm
For very early eggs warm, com ­ of the nation as to require immediate
ou sugar and the substitution thereof ■ r(M(|ltrack topreTent wiiat h, bou gh t to have prayers offered constantly for fortable houses, proper feed, and good and definite legislation, and if this
of a bounty of 1 cent a pound
Dor- ; woulj (* an Lenient, and was killed the safety of Stanley and Emin Pasha. care are necessary. If the hens have shall not be accomplished during the
present Congress an early extra ses­
mg tlie hearing it was intimated tka b a
n train,
A celebrated team of bull-fighters to use all the feed they get to keep
sion of the 51st Congress is recom­
the committee would insert in the hill
from Ksville, Kpaiu, performed before themselves warm, if they are not sup­
a provision, making the bounty of one j The wife of Chari«* Altep, of Grass 3(1,0t*» excited people at the City of plied with food containing egg-forming mended.
cent a pound oyeerative until the yum Valley, has bs*n sent to the insane Mr-xioo recently.
Four bull* were material, and if the houses are not
Allowing each tree* thirty feet of
'asylum. She fancies she is a bird, killed.
kept clean and well ventilated, the room (that is planting the trees thirty
egg basket need not be a large one.
A kit*«’ was laid before the S*n*t#
Articles have been signed by Sulli­ The roof of the poultry house should feet apart in checked rows), an acre
tempt* to cliusb tress.
Friday from the Secretary of the
van and Kilraiu for a fight near New be tight, the sides well battened and will (a rmit of about fifty trees. Tliey
will not he ready for market, or to be
Treasury in reply to a resolution of
John Marry, a drunken scoundrel Orleans for a purse of $10,000 and the
the Son*** asking for copies of tlie rul­ at Portland, was arrested recently for diamond championship belt now held the knot-holes covered, or the entire sawed un as lumber, until they are
sides covered with tarred paper to pre­ about I wenty years of age. Their
ing made by the department as to tlie whipping his wife’s dead body and by the latter.
vent draughts, and the floor made in value will then depend on the kind of
classification of gill-nets made in dragging it from the bed to the ffoor,
a way to take no drainage front the trees and the number of feet of lum ­
Scotland, and imported for salmon because it would not rise at bis bid­
For ber i hat can l>e sawed from each troe.
China, H o Ta Lao-lm, has been cap­ outside and be perfectly dry.
fisheries on th* Pacific Coast. The ding.
ventilation, any plan wher'eby the If the trees are'twenty-five feet apart
Secretary says no deeieiou has been
At a recent meeting of the Colum­ being 7 feet 2 inches in height and fowls can be supplied with pur« fresh about sixty-liva trees can lie grown sn
made during the past year oh gill-
air without being subjected to draughts an acre, but tlio closer the trees the
Fishermen’s Protective broad in proportion.
nsts ready and fit for use by salmon
will answer.
slower the growth and the sooner they
Union at Astoria, the price of salmon
Five negro murderers were drowned
On how mauy places is it a pleas­ must be cut down. Each acre of land
for the next cannery season was set at in Broad river, 8. C., a few days ago,
The members of the Senate commit- $1 per fish if caught in cannery nets while struggling far the possession of ure to visit the lien house? Although' can be made to produce $1000 in
t*e having charge of the tariff bill and $1 25 if caught in private nets.
money they had jusi taken from the there has been a great change for the choice trees in twenty years, or at the
have decide« to offer an amendment
body of one whom tliey had murdered. letter during the last few years, the rate of $25 per acre annually, while
The colored church in Sacramento
average lien house is still slnuined by tlie yield of nuts will more than pay
making the duty on lumber $1.50 per
a sensation last week, when the
James L. Wright, R. N. Keen, R. C. ia|i whci are* not obliged to visit it. the interest on capital. No correct
16W0 feet, a reduction of 25 j* r cent
janitor found a number of loud ciga- .McAuley and Joseph 8. Kennedy, the |This is not. surprising, as it is full of estimate can lie made on the vuluu of
in the bill as reported from the com­
awtts pictures in Hie sent which lias ; four orig i„al members of the Knights lice jn HUmm«r, and in winter is foul an acre of walnut. In Indiana re­
th# duty $125 but a compiomise on
been occupied the previous evening | of Labor, have issued circulars to the with t(ie „tench from a year’s accu-
cently trees sold at the rate of $3000
’ a $1 50 rate’ was secured by the sena-
by Si party of young female members. , knights whith are expected to over- rauiation of filth.
This need not and per acre, but they were very large. If W l m t K l g l i t l y- l l l r f r l . i l P t r i n u l o a s u d
A r « m n « n t * W ill A c c o m p lla li.
tor* from ,h
the „ Northwest. A nroviso
proviso I , , .John Vwie
Foster, who
who stole
stole a a hon
e from
iron, I ^ dirow
¿ ow } tlip
' * Fowderly -u
.u .u ».m « u ,. ...
in ; ought
ought not
not to
to 1«.
be T1:
The poultry on a an application of ashes ho given the
[Railway xtation in the backwoods
will be in s e r t e d that this rate shall be the
tlia neighborhood
„ILhhorhood of
a c-, j th% order-
place, especially if a pure b«eed is trees every year the growth will be in­
of Elk
Elk Grove,
Grove, S
The Czar is said to have become kept, should be a joy forever.
I hey creased. The profit arises from the of Kentucky. Old Zob Trotter and his
conditional on Canada removing her ramcnt0 COUntv, Cal., last month, and
export duty on lumber.
who left a piece of doggerel after him reconciled to Prince A lexander of Bat- j never lose their interest. Each has utilization of land that would remain wife, who liuvo come out, a distance ol
fifteen miles, to sell two dozen eggs
tenherg nivinir
owing 4n
to lllf>
the kindly
efforts o of f HS
>ts individuality,
its likes and dislikes, •
if not occupied by trees
- 1
l . « : ------ ; » l l ,a n p n v im ilv tanlukpfr
k in illV CttiirtS
n n ii? n r , /»
( tT.n1, to induue ft believe in the proximity
anil three pounds of blue butter, are
C. C. \\ . A\ cst, governor of
,* ’ ! 0f Black Birt, has been sentenced to a mo herly Grand Du cheat who tnkea like all Othero stock, and a half hour
Charles Johnson, recently an in­ anxiously awaiting the arrival of the
is uow in V\ aehmgton. H e inteuds«to of
interest i«n the Princess Victoria of spent in watching them is always full
*p(>«ar licfore the House committee ten years
• Q
Prussia, and wants to see the young cf pleasure, and seldom without profit. mate of the#British Columbia peniten­ train, which, if tho weather is good,
Something new can be learned at tiary, and now a resident of Portland, makes two trips per week.]
on teyitories to oppose the admission
w'hile passengers wpre being landed couple happy and married.
was engaged last week in circulating
every visit.
of Utah as a state. This sentiment, fronl
„tearner Point Arena at Lit­
Zeb -“ Mahaly, let’ s go home. That
“ “ “ i"
“ 7 ”’ “ ™
Deputy Sheriff Moore, of Dallas,
he say*, is „hared by neuily every Gen- ^
Kiver, Mefldocino county, last
W ood ashes have too great a value a paper io Victoria headed, “ Prison I ,
- t a k e d train aln t oo.nln . nohow.”
a brief ac­
^ wiu)te,|. Every farmer’s family
tile in the territory. West, pls< es his weejj ¡n a boat, the latter *?as ca(>size I Texas, twice rescued a burglar from
Mahaly—“ O, now, don't be snatched
objection on the broad grouud that an(j ^jrg_ K-,iJay and the daughter of the hands of a mob last week» and „hould make its own noap supply. It count of the tyrany, injustice and op­
ll be erlong titter while.**
Mormons ¿ire unfitted to exercise the aQ a„„i,tant keej^g at the light-house each time ths culprit was l?anging ¡g cheaper for the farmer to make pression practiced iu the British Co­
Zeb—“ Yas, but we’ ve been awaitin'
tights of citizenship. He says: “ To at p0jnl Arena were drowiAd.
cue was made the deputy fired upon jzetj on ^ e farm, ‘‘soap grease” is maiie against the officials are very se­ putty nigh ever sense sun-up, an' it
give these people sovereign rights, a* ,
ain't come yit.”
proposed, would be to place every non-1 Last week, at Bonita, Graham the lynchers and injured several.
either wasted or sold for a pittance. rious.
Mahaly—“ But It raout bo along al­
Mormon in Utah completely at their county, A. T., several sieepnitn
The city council of Cheyenne, Wy. Aftcr ll' e
* re. leacbed the>; are
mercy. Under tlie territorial form of graiing their flocks near the range ol T., has closed the deal with the Unum “ V * * ,l* before for manure where one million (Miunds of tobasco will be most any hour. Do you reckon a body
government we are protected by Con- some Chiricahna cattenu n, w io p L ific and workshops will be in,me- “ *e .oil does not lack potash
If a raised iu Egypt this year, although, wants ter stay out yaruler In the
gress and the Executive. Confer the wanted the sheepmen to 8'» el^ L ' er ' dUtely established. The citizen, of teaspoonfi.l of clean worn! ashes is three million ( miuik I s have been pro­ hills an' work all the time an* not
right of Statehood upon Utah and the a battle ensued and five sheap-hwders Cheyenne are overjoyed, a boom has *>ven every third day to horse. ,n duced in former seasoiis. The de­ see nothin'? Jest becaae you don't
Mormons would frame a constitution j were killed and one cattleman set in, and land in the Neighborhood
feed they will will very rarely crease if owing to the recent action of keer nothin' fur the ’ joymonts an’
The same the Khedive in putting a tax of V-itoments o’ this here life you think
tfid laws so unjust and arbitrary in wounded.
condition powders.
has increased in value
amount given to cattle will have good $157.50 on each acre of groonu d e­ that nobody else do. Here I've been
tbeir character that an outsider could
. trou(,ie over land claims at within the last few weeks.
results. Cattle, also swine, are fre­ voted to this crop.
er layin' off to see these kyars ever
not live among them. I favor learr-1
oiivos Squatters are flocking
M. Lucien Gaulard, who had ao quently seen licking ashes where rub­
mg it a territory, but so amending the L
aU (, uart„ „ and Uking
Eggs are scarce this season, com ­ since last fall was six year ago, an'
bish has been burned. The ashes pared with the corresponding period jiow that the good Lawd has give me
ss to abridge the power of the i "
>g-i(in 0f land on the Brinkerhoff large a share in the introduction of
the transformer eys'em of electric given to hogs may be mixed with of last year, and prices are higher the chance, you wanter snatch it away
their salt. Ashes correct acidity of
1 Tlie land in dispute is claimed to be lighting, died recently in a lunatic the stomach and destroys some in­ everywhere. The operators of incu­ from mo. I ain’ t a goin’ to move er
bators find great difficulty in securing peg from hero till that train comes.”
Dzvid Hart, a blacksmith and train-
the Bell ranch, between Los
tribute his mental failure to the legal testinal worms. Wood ashes are a eggs that give gessi hatches, and offer
Zeb —“ That terbacker oiu .A to b«
ing with the Salvation army at Port- ¡ j * ^ ' , ’nd Lompoc, Santa Barbara
ic^ f<>|>
(rom choice
troubles he had experienced in con­ valuable fertilizer for all crops but e^ xlra
land, took morphine and told the sum- gtmnty.
pecially for orchard crops. They con-1 ^
ArtificU1 ¡„“ „bation is being
nection with his various patents.
Mahaly—“ Don’ t keer if it d o.”
tain all the mineral elements required
iriontd physician that he had had the
little daughter of L. 8. Kenne
conducted new on a larger scale than
Zeb— “ An* I bet the chickens air
drug for two years, but had not had ; . ljving at pilot Rock, had a nar- Bright, wanted to reprove his father peculiar proportion of their in g n -
scratchin’ up the ingons.*’
• j U iow
V » “ escape . i fiom
___ ,l.,.i4%
eek. 1 I W wo
death l**f
last w week.
the courage to use it before. He said
Mahaly —“ Let ’em scratch.”
Empress Frederick is understood to
for the latter’s »«verity for comment- ,|ients make their real agricultural
Z e b —Old Mix Buck will git her soap
be wanted something given him to “ h0® f i e k f o n
her way ing on his son’s adherence to home Ta|ue greater than the value coin- have made friends with her eldest son.
“rake death easy, and wh*n asked
j t(,e ch ild was struck by a rule principles, the young men wrote: puted from chemical analysis. Coal the Emperor, but she failed to receive made 'fy ' you.”
Mahaly (much e x cite d )—“ Git ths
c inflicting
— a painful “ My dear fsther. these are not the Mhes are comparatively worthless, the customary Christmas present
why he didn’t jump in the Willamette a„„jng bullet,
kind of letters that should be aff but wood ashes should never be from him. It is given out that she bosses, Zeb, an’ les hurry on home.” —»
rivsr, he said he did not know how to lbough not serious woun
requested him not to send it.
dressed by one statesman to another.” thrown away.
Arkantaw Traveler.
right temple.
S T u S « ««»•»»..