H From the crowded columns o f the N ew Y»".ir's Oregonian we glean n A n yon e having - ‘‘ d they want chopp'd w ill find*me r-udv to do do it it I few facts that w ill be o f interest to l'ubli Iw r. our m ulcM: fiVr them in the U~t and quickest C. D OUGHTY, Come before th e m ill -h u ts Register llu m e y , o f the Oregon d o w n .’- F r a n k Collins, M onm outh, Subscription Rute«. C ity land office, reports the biwines* Oregon. ______ j Per Year. •1 ,vt of his office ns nearly throe times l*er Six Montili*. n larger than ever before la Its history, Per Four Montili*. .Ml and a great portion o f this Increase is A d v e r tis in g rates m a ile k n ow n on uppli- credited to Columbia county. cation. Physician sod Surgeon. Correapondcnoe i- »olicited from all friends N early (V i . imhi jm oplc settled in Or- of the j i.ijK*r. ' e/on in 1HKH. and prol»tbly double ifflee, Buena Vista, Oregon.-- t numlier w ill c«>tne in I shi *. Moninnnlli, Oregon, Jiffi. 0, Is s i). that o Almost every section felt the quick- lenlng throb. J O H N J. D A L Y , N/VTURESpLEASAHT U X A T IV E There liave lieen 115 school houses built during the your. 50 G T S The total loss by tire m_ Portland during the year w:is i5.1,!HT7 <0. For Four Wlon^i*. The Portland real estate sales for Fill promptly att.nd to all 1-E»' kutin»*» •nimitad tu him. the year amounted to $3,03.‘>,.S<>6, an inorea-e o f Nearly f l.aw.OOO compar­ D A LLA S , OREGON. • MENATOHIA1. Pl.F.CTION. Followc* tlio use of Syrup of Fig», as it act* 'd with 1 W . , _* « ^ >n next Monday the legislature o f More tanneries are needed. It is gertly on the this State convenes and w hile tlifl-e estimated that Oregon produces KM»,- K i d n e y s , L i v e r a n d B o w e l s W A R R E N T I^ C IT T , Effectually Clean ins; the System when is some legislation in the w ay of! n»Ki tiiile- a yea " wliich would make ii . ,. | , i , l ’ im . ooo sides. L cat her loses little or Costive or bilious, Dispelling am ending existing law s ami enacting m W(.ig ,lt by tanning, ¡»»«1 the t| „ ,. i,ides would average -"»0 jounds new ones needed; yet perhaps the most im[>ortant service which tlie the ;it 30 cents, or i 15 each. The total and jicrmanently curing D A L L A S , OREGON. members o f that lx sly can render the value o f the tanned leather should l»e H ABITU SIX C O N S TIPA TIO N a m illion and a hiilf*of dollars and without weakening or irritatin; the organa r\\ ill pra- ti- • in all tha courts of die Stati people w ill lie to nrevent visciousand fully one-half would is* for lalxirand on which it acts. Office in Court House. unnecessary legislation. profit, but Oregon sends lier hiiU* to r » r Sale in BOo and »1.00 Bottle» By »11 Th e first important duty w ill Is* California to lx* manufactured into Lending I»ruBBl»ls. ■AKrrxcnmaD oslt *» v tup the election o f a United States sena­ lent tier and the tanneries o f that state CALIFO RNIA FIG SYRUP C0. tor, and the sooner that duty is per­ make the profit. Oregon horses Ii ive acquired repu­ formed in an intelligent manner the tation and compare favorably with tunmui, K t ., 8 a * F a x s c is o o , C a l ., * V o * k . X- > I h *11* r for the legislature, and for Un­ those o f any other state. The de­ Office on Mill St.. npposiie thè roiirt lions*' people o f the State. Senator Doiph mand is good for tin* heavy work on Dalla», Oregon. this North coast and San Francisco, has made a good record and we and orders have been tilled for teams believe it w ill lie for the best inter­ averaging from iNOO to 3000 pounds, ests o f Oregon, the Republican party for use in tIi«* mines o f Colorado, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. and the great northwest, to re-elect i’here are many teams in Portland o him. in a certain sense, our over­ in heavy work there that are valued at ¡¡stoo to^iiuo, and well worth the \NI> whelm ing majority in this state was money. an Indorsement o f Senator l>olph,for The wool clip o f the Columbia re­ lie was prominently b fore the peo­ gion was is,;».",i>,iloo pounds. The year l ■* *s was remarkable for ple as a probable candidate in ca.e rug». Paint». Oil». Ola»» aii-1 all other Ar lioîe» kept in a firat-clas» drug »tora. flic legislature should tie republican, several nu ti rologieul facts. The lo w » c.-i t« mperatur • ever recorded in ( >r® and whenever a democrat thought a eg: hi occurred January 15; the month ttef-A Specialty.*^# vote m ight be changed by t ir i n g oi May was the warmest with the Prescription* C arefu lly Confpoiinded. that a republican legislature meant least rainfall o f any M ay on record; Shop <>i>;>nxite livery atable, at the foundry the re-election o f Dolph he urged it. June had tin* most rainfall o f any Iu-lci-uiacncc. June oti record and July hail seven Then as a rule it is dangerous to days in sucees-ion on which the tem­ change a true and tried officer for an perature was alxive ¡ hi degree's. -A n­ ff*»- Vlso Deuler» in Kce-1 A barton'» bib untried one, just for the sake- o f a other fact which should not be lost rer and Plate-1 Ware. Jewelry, Jfuakal In- sight o f is that for eight months change. It was a concession to that atnirnent» o f all kinds. there was no freezing weather. political heresy which elected (¡ro ve r The total value oft »regon’s exports Cleveland, hut which has now been was ¡¡Ml,¡KM),000, an increase o f over Iivlrpendenci. lirick Iilork, repudiated by the return o f the Re­ i2,iMin,ooii. The grain fleet for the year num- publican party to power. Mr. Ikilph’s -Dealers in— b it>d lo i vessel-, registering lit»,703 course in the Senate has been consist­ toils, an increase o f 31 vessels. ent, energetic, able, honest and patri­ Oregon imported from England otic, and < tregon, as a state, ought to goods to the amount o f $781,102, the Hardware, tinware and stoves, fool proud o f him. Resides, adm itting largest item in the list being $455,¡351 Furniture, house furnishing wortli o f steel rails. that we m ight get a new man as able Goods, wire mattresses, etc. Tiie salmon pack for the year was and w orthy, yet lie holds and w ill the largest ever known, amounting hold positions upon important eom- to 1,121,000 ca es. 'Flit' assi s>od valuation o f nil f 0 , 00 - 1 , 000 . 1 S cjfW ire fence and bnrlied w ire.-fc* Jew elry, Plush Toilet rience and a regular line* o f promo­ Cases, Etc. Colunibia county is poorer than it | tion. For these reasons, we believe was lust year, l i i a horn. Flour and fetd worth iicaviv the wisest thing that the legislature can do is to re-elect Senator Rolpli 50o,ouo was ground in Port! Albina. - without delay or wrangling, and Tin* total pnxluct o f Carpenter tools, sash and doors. then settle down to the consideration mamifaetorii's was s| i.lKMl.lun, K-A7' Portland's improvements a o f the other imporbmt mutters that od to over f l , 500,000. w ill come upon them. Chopping! Chopping Polk County Observer. SHELLEY &VANDUYN, C General Merchandise, ¡load Q uarters fo r J. K. Locke, Independence . • Oregon. THE OBSERVED Föfi Attorney at Law, A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort g r o c e r ie s a t S. J. WATERHOUSES. ____Carries at all times a fresh and com plete stock ol groceries.— Attorney at Law, Colds, Headaches and Fevers YOUlt buy NOTIONS! NOTIONS ! ! • every description,"a« cheap ns the cheain-st. O r cited. Call and see him. J. ]L Townsend, Attorney at Law. Y ou r patnuiag* i, ** Monmouth, Oregon. Vaughn A Hillard. Buster & Vernon, Farmers Mercantile Druggists and Apethccaries. Horse-Shoeing' D E A L E R S n In General Merchandise. Bsd Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, F. S. D. Co. And Fair Dealing fs Our Motto. H. E. Fatter- son, has mov­ ed his stock oi -A ll kind» o f produce taken in exahange for goods.- M O X M O U TJr, O R EGOS. Agricultural Im plem ents ami Farm Machinery, To the new Opera House, ¡L Amunition. COOPER & C0NNAWAY, Independence A ll along the line the towns o f Polk county allow a steady and sure grow tli. W e turn our faces to the ii . future w ith iiiueh promise and (> en­ couragement. It can w ell it • doubt­ ed whether there is any other s r - thin more prosperous Hum is the W illam ette valley and I’.ilk county. There is no boom and .Y>exaggerated or fictitious vices o f any sort, hut everyth in g is on a substantia! and permanent basis, wliich cannot b Mud- disturbed by any Huctuation McCoy. I have liven waiting a lo n g time to see if some one would liave the courage to send tiie items from Mc­ A arL u m b er and shingles in Coy to the O iis k k v k k ; but I believe in y quantity. A ll ordern every la d y iiere would rather be en­ w ill rcceivc prompt at­ tirely forgotten by tin* r--t o f Polk tention. Farm produce county than to exert themselves tiie consigncsl to us w ill he least. Rut for all that our little disposisi o f to tlie lasd town is looking ahead fo ra bright iMissilde adv.m tage and futuri'. The hammers and saws are im m ediate returns iiiudo.-feja lu-anl a go id deal of tiie time. A . J. reeling ii.is bought property and is fencing it in, and w ill soon erect a Monmouth, Oregon. house and liaro, and then no telling | what w ill take place—look out girls dings, roads, bridges, and farm.* a hous * is no go-Ml without a woman arc living extended and repaired in ! ia it. ail directions, and before the year I hear that .% school toucher I* JM»* Covered hark and mvenienre» for ridinjf in had weather. lsHlI clones there w ill I h > greater im ­ wanted at McCoy a lady teacher is provements, value will inerea- • l> - prvfered. Makes R eg u la r Coiineetlon I >. W . Scars has just got baine With north and south k’-uud truin» and Kint­ yond all conception and Industrie' from Dallas. I shouldn't think it al Inde|ieiidenee w ill m ultiply in every direction. was nee- ssary that Dave should go to Dallas so often. A s tin ' tim e seem s to lx* p m p itlou s What was the matter with the lor c.illiiig the :it 1--i. t ■- hi <>l tin* le g ;- p j,q rt that the girls Inulto walk ¡ l'assenger». lw«mge and pn-knges-iirrie-l to hiture t > need* and want- - f our ¡ t i - down tiie mountain. i and from at reaaonahle nil-». (inters lelt ul Worth'« grixs'rv «lore will rrrriv*-* pie, w hy -lot experiment with a law Miss Oita l ’ ig g bus gone to Ilose- prompt attention.— A. X. H A LLK <’K ttiat would « hum ' every owner o f a burg, l'-xir Charlie we feel very dog to pay a specified tax, and lhal sorry for you. J. 11. Sears iia- sold his farm lier-^! t u to be kept epanite front other and 1 hear he intends m oving east o f funds o f tli;* county, und tis, -1 to in- (he mountains. Mr. Sears w ill i s '1 . . . • . deninlfy |K'rsons for I--■—> ->f s!i.***|t m i - 1 a great I’.eul by the farmers o f A l V I l l t P C l S ;1 Ilf i B llllU iT N by dogs, when the guilty dog cannot till*'' cfuinty. i-c id- ntitied, - I as to make lii- ow n­ young r-ilks, ;m- îf!& * i i w r iw ..v w i»w u «w .m l C U er rvqxinsible. Such a law would, W Î Ü ^ Â W in ? ' Himtera last " ,n*C* »p p lio itlo n . w e think, !>.' whohsH-me to the mu's, met at Shop tw o doors sont It o f ilio city night and -I meed all night ’ till greater iiuin^- r. l-ro.td daylight and, well I don’ t water-work*. ----- o know wiiat they did in tin* morn­ Independence, Oregon. Pre-ideiit Cleveland is determined ing. Dut I guess they went home to sigimli/e his retirement by tiie ex. with their wives. hit-item o f |x>litleal ~j*!**«»ii at every I Ia r r y G la n d o li and fa m ily have op|x-rtunRy. Th en' is no ^ta ute 1-- ii v i« it in g fri-'it'ls and r e la tiv e s that pmt«vt* him ngains* m aking an Iiere fo r th e last w e e k , Dut w ill re­ n-** o^liimsetf if In' cliixisi's t-> do so. turn to S ea ttle in a fe w -lays, l i e is v e r v »n iu i'ii pi* a.-tsi w ith his new I «-.I"«- n«*n e it.T.r Irnl. r. t ,1 ..I - . I 11 is Li | exhibition is the apjxdnt- h om e. I 1rs. (d a n d o li ex|xs'ts to Builder’s Material. Monmouth Stage. Every Day. Parker & Ferguson. v o te fo r G em m l 11 a rr lio n who is ru n - fo r R ie seeond te rm . Imme city, o f iasm Halley, tin1 author o f tiie dollar-u-day lie, to lx C. S. Didrlct Attorney. HuRey, as in* must have known lx-fnre lie ap- INilntisl lilin, w ill never 1«' i»>n- tirinisl iiy the Senate. His u;>point- ment tlivrefoix1, « in only I«' look»*! upon tv* an exhibition on the ¡a rt o f President CievelniMl o f |M>r-onai inn- ievok nee, intended as an in»nlt to General Harri«--n. K S. i aun>n ha* ■ i i 1 1 i*t inf. in flit* l-’ S. IV <’«»., Id M.irv K Ihi./f convideratioii íl.iav IV imoüi in.U* NOTICE c *in|MinT w ill i'lriiM«* »••ttlc in or»K* may rl m e « mr i •• »k« fur t ht ' l l \ • i>. r. w«iien In* W e m id in all the |>a|iers al Hint ih ■ Christmas tris« a! every pia«* exix'pt M s'.-\ ■ , li tile ID tllofcor- r '«pondent teils aUa.t theirs; but tliv i-isiple t iw got on to the trts'. —D EALERS IN — Hardware, Oregon Stite Normal School. Stoves » '¿ “ Agent* for K app, Burrell A Co. and Tinware. Indppeiul«iee, f>rcgon." F U LL F A C U L T Y , GOOD B U L D IX G S , L IG H T EXPENSES. Hormal, Collegiate, and Commercial Departments — : 0 :------ All Norma! Gradual« r«r»ir» a Diplomr from tha Slat» which authorixM th»in to iMMh in any public »ch^ol in th* Auia oihat • '^ l« «rani laarhar» ' «rtiflcaie» an prenant» lion arihwa Normal Diplomas, without *x amination. C H E A P THE FAMERS GROCERY AND PRO­ DUCE COM MANY. PuI^PPYSTGr. Goofl table hoard is furnished to stu- dent» at the "Normal Dining Hall" at $ La­ per week. Go*«! boarding in lannlie» w:t!i nimi»h(st room, fuel and light.», to f.V - por week. * --------------: Desire to announce to the People that they are now ready to ¿t busines, having opened out in the Poppleton Brick, Main St., Independence, Oregon. 0 : --------------- Practical Course of --------:o:-------- Study, Groceries, Canned Goods and Provisions, W ood and W illo w ware, Glass ana Q,ueensware, etc. —Complrtcfl in a— Short Time. Send for Catalogno. Add r e » the I’ residcnl D. T. S t a s h y , Jfiininuiith, Oregon. -:0:- . We are prepared to pay C A S H F O R PRODUCE. [M ETHUSELAH naaf in pn i i mt-eh-*t Harri*onV Association, Civ-Goods delivered free o jc h a rg e in Monm outh and Independence. E . D A L T O N , general manager. _\V. I- l h ^ d i e f T il» igo iw o fth e ino-«t tnr«T*-*tin»r (it I U*»nx t o bo A iin a crv u 'r o m the I ' i S50C^aiN GOLD COIN I • »n ^ b w lb r r * * !•»» •« n*| w rmrrr* t a n * ir r r », ITÌIE AMEiiî 2&a~H C H EST FÀÒ] Ï T . LL. Real Estate and Insurance ^ ] *• ...... . • ««• * ! > ■' Il i. *'*'< * «»*. ■ , .... . I , I • . . , r, ...p, 4l, , I,*“. ' " ' 1 (■•»-•■ r..r . 1 , mo.ik. : |( r|,. ■ 1 »ri-c m.alk., * 1 • n . . . . . * ’’ ’ » ■ > ----- * n mi ii ir--» i i ^ j_._ r 1 *t •en.llfijr ä « " r m * « an- I I i , n . lìov.ii . ................. .. ta» nu i. Druggist and Apothecary. J I '* w ' m i ifer« «4T*r wiH he rar-fei r »•iM« )•« wrtu. -■ s • Monmouth, Oregon. — Iiralrr in— Polk County Bank. I XHur*. Cli*mical», Hook». Stationery, Toilet I f ' ; am- U«, fto. ¡.--vi r ’ M'('t A n a w r i , « , «11 III» M fil .. ........ Co. V I ■ t !» t I • «w e r . m t » • . - » K I » iT il e r ia. n t 't le.H*>c*>rip.de f.»r < h e o D o re preqwtitn IV ».• 1 • * er • s • . f , tb . I- nth« tn.% • b ^ - n p t i. " 1ft <*•«»• f o r «ix P io m b a o r fo r I ' ■ ■ • ft * i-» • t i» stag * - ■ • t « t .a k e a i - THF. AMERlf A1«t«0MC$TMD ** ' I» K I « « , M W Ì O I. K i ITT. James Tatom. B U T L E R , r m c r lp IlM * - t r t fu llj - ^ M ONM OUTH , OFF.OOS .fit ' Draft« 1 New '.U ^ t land. l 'e; aaita received ' " ’’J? , ,, r.» r* on certi:'..-ate» of déposa . 1 » The F. G. and P. Co. " f fn-le|-endenee, receive prompt attention. 'pr„,t t kee|* bran. l'--*«l and '.bxir from Dixie, (V>r- Am unition cheaper than any other i m. to.s p. m. IO 11'1 ! valli« and Salem mili». place in I ’olk county, F. 8. D. Co. cu-* i h'J Fai* Tim* Lock. Sold by N. H. Butler. • Monmouth, - - - Oregon.