Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 09, 1889, Image 1

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    ’Oí .K C ounty O bserver .
M o n m o u t h , p o l k c o u n t y , O r e g o n , W e d n e s d a y ; J a n u a r y ». is«».
■Movers o f L ocal and General Import
A B rief Mention of Matters o f General
Gathered frojp All S o u rces for
Interest.-N otes Gathered from
the Benefit o f Our R eaders.
Home and Abroad.
Virginia City ha» many idle men.
Sm all- pox at Merced is disappear
New Cumberland, \V. Va had
íloO.OUO tire Tuesday night "
the tree is chained to one
locality and ca n n o t go abroad for
¡food, but fortu nately it lias no sense
Newsy Notes Conce tUu# the Farm •' d
| of suffering, or a t least none th a t we
o f Especial li tereet to the P a­
oan appreciate. And yet even for a
cific Cosat Husbsndman.
tree there must be som eth in g akin to
pain in th e process of slow starvation
the seeking by exhau sted rootlets
It will be a sign of progressive farm -
| *ng when the o n e r of swine a s tree of food that c a n n o t be found. I t takes
clover for his hogs in w inter, or goes an enorm ous am o u n t of various m a­
I flirtilus
____ in a sile sweet nures to form fru it and seeds. T h e
further an.l
and preserves
I corn, w ith which to w inter and help I leafy part of the tree m ay m ostly
this hogs. T h e possibilities ««f ho- com e from ca rb o n ic acid gas of tb s
rearinar with the r i g h t i n id of ensilage atm osphere, bu t the stone fru its need
a giHid deal of potash. G rapes and
are beyond reckoning.
pears require a consid erable am ount
Never grow trees of different kinds of phosphate in ad dition. T h ere is.
tog« ther until satisfied on«“ does not perhaps, no plaoe on tlie farm where
I in - ■
„ , ' nierl ^nver Star*w assu n k
Or U month Mtiino
„.. I.
Maine, l.ia*
last n.
Redwood City complains of burg- j near * 1 OtUmouth,
A conference of wool-growers will
V ancouver has lim ite d its saloons ne held in Washington on January 10.
. Sunday ¿tips of the Fifth avenue,
There is a wood famine ¿it Grass -New York, stages have been abolished.
Naw ) ork and Washington were
Burglafies are still plentiful at Los eurpriced Tuesday with pleasant wea- injure (lie other, as is frequently the a good dressing of manure would de
case when plums are grown near greater good than in an old applti
| Angeles.
peaches, thus inducing the curoulio orchard where the trees seem to bo
San Luis Obispo works its prisoners
A i - hour match was in progress last to sometimes attack the Utter. A running out.
|in a chain-gang..
single wild cherry tree near au apple
Much of the feeding of chickens is
Salt Lake City has an 1814-pound
orchard will provide a harboring of soft food. It is easily picket! by
t añada prohibits the importation of place for caterpillars, which finally in-
I3 year-old Hereford heifer.
the little fellows, and they can quickly
improper literature from the United jure the apple orchard
fill their crops from a dab of wet meal
Crescent City, Del Norte county, States.
[proposes to establish a pork factory.
I There m a time to market produce, thrown on the ground before them.
The secret service of the Missouri
This too rapid eating is one of the
Phopnix, A. T., has succeeded in its acific road will cease to exist after I and that must be regarded if success
[ is hoped for. It is decide«)! * best/o worst evils in artificial fe«*«ling young
[eff .rts to secure the Territorial capital. January 1.
market as Bocbfppoduoe a ' poMibk chickens They gorge themselves, be-
The remains of an unknown man
The Butchers’ Protective associa­ j in the immediate vicity of one’* Rome, \ come surfeited and die. We have
I were found on the tract at Bakers- tion at Cincinnati, has declared a boy­ and to sell directly to the coneumer. i found whole wheat grains much bet-
In this way usually better prices are j <«r» beginning for two or three days
I field.
cott on Chicago dress, d beeJ.
maintained, as there are no m iddle- I by breaking the grain in two pieces,
San Bernardino charges $40 a day
A heavy fall of snow in Michigan men to get their/hare, and there is , It d«>ea not matter, however, if the lit-
Ifor circuses and $10 per day for dance has enabled the lumbermen to begin
¿■lao the advantage of dealing with peo Ue follow is forced to do this work
I houses.
° the winter logging operations.
pie whose standing is fairly known, i himself. He will struggle with a
Mi'S Emma llolm afi was fqprfully
Two thousand people witnessed a But « wen if lower prices must be taken grain of wheat or oat grain for two or
¡injured by a neighbor’s dog at A1 gume of base-ball at Philadelphia la s t: as a rule it is better to sell near home three minutes, and at last, after a ties-
Ibany, Or.
Sunday, played in-doors at the state ! t“ ai1 to ,ako tlie ri-k of marketing at perate struggle, swallow it. The very
, hardness of the whole grain keeps his
a distance.
j A fatal disease has appeared among fair building.
food from compacting in his crop.
|tb« horses on Dry .Creek, Han Luis
Mrs. John Priestly and her grand­
Wo would not, however, fee«! whole
¡Obispo county.
son were murdered last Saturday and available material contained therein corns to very young chicks, nor in­
deed corn ground into meal, as their
Sait L ake has risen three inches in then burned in an incendiary tire at
only, but also in the amount and qual­ principal diet.
Itlie last BO days, after a fall last tum- Forest City, Penn.
ity of manure derived therefrom. It
pner of 26 incb< 8,
At present many country people
The French-Eversoll actions in has been estimated that one-third of
to know Jimv to make quickly
the foixi eaten goes into the manure.
Idaho lawmakers complain of the
Itrcks by which Mormons evade the paring for a fight. The French party As the manure, then, is simply the vinegar out of cider. Apples vary in
H«s 35 men, heavily armed.
food store«! away for future use, it is the amount, of sugar they contain.
■laws denying them a vote.
Home that make thin and watery ci
Francis Murphy has made 2000 to­ important that in order to drive the >.er or are largely diluted with water,
About 50 pat-song* r and freight con-
greatest benefit from the food manure
Iduelers on the Atlantic and Pacific
will never make strong vinegar unless
His methods appear to be more effec­ should he car* fully managed to pre­ reinforced with more sweet. Any
[railroad Hue been discarged.
vent loss. As the food is not exposed
tive than the prohibition vote.
to injury by air and water the manure couse sugar or molasses will do, as
The Gilroy Advocate intimates that
is equally deserving of Care. The whatever impurities it contains must
|th# reported discovery of coal near
slides on tlie Canadian Pacific rail­ manure-heap is the saving- bank of be thrown up to the surface in violent
Itliat city has been exaggerated,
fermentation, and may lie skimmed
road in the mountains during the last the farm.
A Cnincse gardner applied to the few weeks, all at or near Field.
« ff. If the cider is all right, place it
If it is desired to have poppies very in a place, where somo may be drawn
Ibntsu- r actory at Watsonville for
The owners of the released stearoei early, it is well to take “ time by the
off and p iuretl hack every day, taking
la contract on 70 acres of Iteels.
Hartian Republic, demand damages fort-look ” anti prepare the bed in the pains to bring it into contact with the
The «illcisl count in Nevada gives from Hayti amounting to $200,000, fall. Sprinkle the seed oil tile top of
.ir as much as possible. For this pur­
Barline (Itcp.) for congress, 0021 and the ship’s crew $15,000.
the ground just betore winter fairly pose it is often tiltereil over coarse
[votes, Him Cassidy, (D tin.) 5682.
Bogardus was defeated in a pigon- sets in, <>i it can he done later. The shavings or straw. The ox « gen the
Santa Rosa believes it will, within a sliooting match at Cincinnati by A1 finest poppies I have ever grown were air starts first the vinous or alcoholic
■ year, be connected by rail with the Bandle. The latter killed all his sown during a January thaw, while fermentation, which is quickly fol­
the bed was free from snow for a day lowed by the acid fermentation. The
birds, 100; Bogardus killed 05.
■western boundary line of SonontyL
or two. Poppy seeds are very tiny, more sweet there is in the cider the
An artesian well at Elsinor, San
Four woman had an 8-hour bicycle an if planted too deep will not come stronger th e ferm en tatio n and th e
|Diego county, furnishes bath houses race at New York Tuesday night. Lot­ up, or if not sufficiently covered soon sharper the vinegar. II you have old
I with water 108 di grees temperature. tie Stanley made 80 miles and secured dry up, but the rains and the melting | ci(i< r th a t d on’t tu rn readily in to vine­
snov seem to regulate the matter gar, put it in to an old m olasses hugs
A seam of bituminous coal, three $500 and the diamond medal.
C. J . Kershaw, who failed for two nicely. U«e as little se«?d as your con­ head or barrel, and give it an oth er
I feet in width, lias been discovered in
- i nil, B C., SO fnt from the sur* millions in the Cincinnati wheat cor­ science will let you, else the work of trial. T here are various m ethods o'
ner, has arranged to pay nearly 90 thinning out will be tiresome. Puppies ; keeping cider from w orking. If y««ur
cents os the dollar on all the claims. should always he sown where they ; o'd cider has been su b jected to any of
Thirteen and one-half tons of bar-
are to bloom, for they are very dif­ , these, it is b etter to m ake <>r buy a
Foster, Dixey’s advance agent, ficult to transplant.
Inacles and shell fish were scraped off
: barrel of new. T h e ciile r th a t has
[the bottom of the Olympian at Vic- jumped from a swift moving train,
1 been doctored to keep it sweet is hard
while 30 miles from Cheyenne, Tues­
! tori a.
, to ch an ge in to viuegar, and is not of
day. He was not killed, but badly warm [dace. Feed often and but lit­ the best when m ade. Thu «mutuum
A boy tramp, aged about 13 years,
p ractice of p u tting the cid er barrel in
I arrested at the Suicun depot, was bruised.
always come to the' trough with a
Since 1835, and including the one good appetite, and there will he noth­ the coldest corn er of the cellar, and
f und to have two loadtd revolvers o i
last wtek, nine explosions have oc­ ing left to sour. Feed the swill as th en lettin g it work itself in to vinegar
this person.
curred at the powder works in Winu- fast us it is made, so that it doesn’t w ithout help, is n o t one to be gener­
The jury in the Teller murder case bam, Maine. Altogether 33 lives have
ally rt c im memled.
get sour. Try to get your litter of
[at Spokane Falls brought in a verdict
A correspond ent of th e C ountry
been lost.
of not guilty. Mrs. Teller killed her
Indictments have been found in be fit for sale in eaily winter. Breed G entlem an writes from C aliforn ia how
husband in self defense.
Jefferson county, Ind., against every once a year, as this is a sufficient he saves and cu res ¡«caches in the »un.
Leading lawyers in Nevada believe pilot who took out a Huuday excur­ strain on tlie vitality, and breed to H e says ueaely all evaporators are
the constitutional amendments that sion from tliat locality during the mature parents. If you breed from abandoned and th e ray s of the sun
were adopted by the popular .vote last past summer.
too young parents you increase the are depended on and answ er as g< od a
I summer, are null and void.
probabilities of infirmity and disease purpose ss the best system of artificial
Lincoln, Neb., lias s jitiien named
wl,ich the P‘K liable. Whenever heat. If«« goes on a t len gth to ssy how
At an undertaker’s shop in San Ber- John McAllister, worth $30,000
th e fru it is gathered , p eaches being
lu&rdino William Graham took a drink lives alone in a small room in » ’sta te you 1,1 >>>g a n* W P'K * ,Q th e fa rm » «his cwu crop, th a t it is bleached by
up by itself for at least three
| ot embalming tluitl, thinking it was of abject squalor. He is a monouia shut it uu
( jj y0U
ascertained it use of sulphur fum es htilf an hour,
| beer. He dieil in great agony.
and the atwi dne* large fru it that is in
niac*ou "logic."
to be perfectly healthy.
halves in three d ays’ tim e. C aliforn ia
Mrs. Alice C. Whitford, wife of a
The football team at Durnam, N.
Denver banker, has gone hopelessly C., has had powerful electric lights
T h e pulling of feathers is a pure evidently has a g reat advantage» in its
I insane at Pomona on account of her suspended over As grounds and pro- hab it, which is brought on in flocks warm sun and dry clim ate, hut while
husband’s complaint in a divorce suit.*. |K>se to play the game during the th a t have not enough to occupy th eir they depend on th e sun s ray s only,
tim e and attention. W hen they onee tlyjy have not any decided ailvant*
Sixty acres of land were purchased evening hereafter.
I*t Health for the site of a big smeller • F o u n t Horner, aged 20, while erssy
in reduce the ores i f the northwest, drunk, ran through the streets
. . . of
and «specially those of the Cutur Charleston, W. Va., Tuesday wnh a
I d Ah it*.
club, hitting everybody he met. He
struck Edward Ames, who su bbed
Shipments of fish from Hanfor«)
I unit L*-mi oje, Tulare county, 60 625 him to death.
G?neral David Stanley was arrested
pounds from September 15th to I)e-
reifib. r 1, 1888. The fish were taken rpcertlv bv order of the mayor of Aus-
on Tex but the jstlo r refused to iu-
from Tulare lake.
carcerate him. The general was exe-
I A rattlesnake three fret long with curing »n order of ejectment issued by
___ war
, i . rf „lent.
J »even ratth s was found the other day the
<’n the roof of the Palace hotol at Tuc- lI,c
The model of the monument whi h
<0ni A. T. The building has bri« k
’tails and is sixty feet high. It is sup- iato he erected in Haymarke. square,
p sed the reptile was dropped by Chicago, in memory of the policemen
who fell in the encounter with the an-
toiue bin! of prey.
arebiats, has been finished, and will
It has been discovered that over be sent to New York for casting.
JvtoJiOO in coupons of the funded debt,
T)1P q> Louis Post-Dispatch Christ-
1 purchased by the city of Sacrament««,
.. fund
>„nd reach«
reach'd d flh
flU.OUO. The sub-
18 missing «nd not canceled.
10 cents. Fully
toupons are of 1865. I ri s believed
15 0 0 0 poor children received pres­
*13.000 ■ f the issue n««w in the botiks
ents Tuesday, and for hour, the v.c.m
*nd canceled has been paiu twice.
ity of the exposition building was
A. N Polymath, the Han Diego j°w packed.
rier who was arresteu a few days ago
A riot broke out afresh at Bevter,
will« gaily restraining Mr. and Mrs.
scene «.f the recent mine
Tab r in his shop two or three «7 I.’t.les last Week. The negroe# were
“ours and sufijacting them to a search
; ‘ res-nre. and not only did they
,0 the skin, because they refused to j l ow Glister.«us. but attempted intinn-
, llP free use of firearms. The
j P*v him $45 for three rings all« ged to *
] h*'e been taken by them, has been | '
, i promptly, »nd Tuttday
hrid to answer before the superior
^urt on a charge of false imprison­
were “ ^
Ket a ta*te of the m eaty end of tb s *K<-« over the evaporating m achines
®w th # r lfa
|r| Hfthle
e, , e luj their «»>" in xogue in O regon. T h e y do all
picking to som ething more than th e work of preparation and layin g on
feathers, tsk in g
advantage of the trays, and while th ey place these trays
naked condition of th eir com panions in the sun the evap o ratin g con cern s
by nipping a t ex nosed bloody parts, hold them m ere c uiveiiien tly and the
and allow ing the poor hens no peace &>»t of wood is sm' 4 j l * T h e cost of
till they or th eir m ates are taken ont handling is th e sam e in eith er ciua.
• h^re was a short time last summer
ut the psu.
„ . p During
u ì i „ s the
...~ winter - con-J
fin rn .en t of fowls they should be kept w hen, sun drying * was effi'-ient, but
as busy as possible by scatterin g their not to b* depended ou. The sun in
can be
be ut.
utilised hare in c«)n-
August can
ilh evaporating by heat.
Last summer when peach plums
were threatening to spoil because
there was not evaporating space to
them, the expedient was rcs««rted
, hold
to of spreading the fruit cu t. and pitt-
upon boards and partially drying
't i"u»- “ was louna to oe an ao-
* aoUge,as the fruit partially sun-dned
was even !>etter than that p u l at first
into the evap< rator. If we have a
g«KxI sun it san be ulilixed to dry fruit
and it can be bleached a* well before
If any person were to chain an ani­ sun dryang as when dried in an evap­
mal to a stake i • a field and eave it to orator.
shift for ilae'.f, then to watch the ani­
The latest advices from Wahalak
mal until it get* ‘ hi" »nd «fecrepid
from loss of flesh and atrength, it is Miss., the scene of the race troubles
qujte probable that the humane we are to the »fleet that three more ne-
ciety would he after him with properly
gr«.es have been captured, but there
deserved punishment.
Yet »hie
ithheUl. From
w|imt thousands of farmers are duing names are
».u ... . a pris-
F ..«-
Wlt^ their fruit orchard«, of
( oner juat Uken it U learned that there
grain among leaves and chaff, so that
in g will
hard scratch
will be
be necessary
necessary on
si» :« n«rt in order to get enough to
This will take their rime end be
^ keep them wut of mischief.
^ # further prevention, some trim
g of l l i e ^ k s , s > that when
thf>y Atu>mpt to poll a feather it will
.i!« through and thev cannot hold it.
Another remedy is to put on the fowl
an appliance called the poultry bit,
which can be obtained of almost any
dealer in ¡»oultry supplies.
IS S l
n ection
^ ««“ •
NO. 43.
The st ite of ih» im ir.autiie marki t Ua
rematue.i unchanged throtiirhol the pasi
week, wheat being
alone affected.
Cable advices from Liverpool do not give
proniise.of a change for ihe bettor until
after (.he Christm as holidays. The retail
holiday trade is very active, re a jy money
lieing more plentiful than usual at this
time of the year.
G R O C ER IES Sugars have fallen ¿c
siu csou r last report. We quote C 5$c,
extra C I'll-, dry granulated 71c, cube,
crushed and powdered 7Jo. I ’olloes hriu,
■lava 23c, Coata Kioa lit ,c a 80c, Salvador
lSiilltte, Arbuckle’s roasted 24*c.
canned table fruit, assorted, 2W $2 per
do*: pie fruit, assorted, 2 jh $ 1.2(8« I .Si).
8« $:i.7.5.
PR O V ISIO N S—Oregon hanis are qnot
«slat Upoil.V iircakfast tiacon 14<-, shoul­
ders ItRc, Eastern meat is quoted as fol­
lows: Hams Rita lt»c, breakfast b<cou 11) c,
side« 11 [c.
F R U IT S Green fruit receipts 1253 bxs.
Hard fruit is scarce, and the supply of ap
pjes not equal to the demand. Apple« ñOírt
« |H>r bx, Mexican oranges f t. lemons
fitnat.SO per bx, Italianas 8:1.50^4,00,
quince« 4l)uti0c,
V E G E T A B L E S Market well «uppMixi.
Cabbage J x l c per R>, carrots and turnip«
75.- per sack, red pepper 3c pertt), potato««
411 *45c per sack, sweet lfiai.'c per it«.
I D RIED F R U IT S Receipts 4*>!1 pkge«.
Sun «tried apples 4 a5c per tt>, factory
« lie d Sc, factory plums 8 99c, Oregon
prune« 7 «We, pears It u 10c, peaches ilka lie,
raisin« $2.25 per box, Cali'oruia tigs 8c,
Smyrna 18c per lt>.
D A IR Y PRODUCE B u tter receipts for
the week 150 pkge«. Fancy creamery :!2jc
per th, choice dairy #*c, medium ¡.7($90c
20c, eastern 25«r;tOc.
EGGS Receipts 102 cases. Oregon 35c,
eastern 32t«32i«-.
P O U L T R Y — Chickens (3 .5 0 9 4 ,
large young and $ ! 4 50 for old, turkeys
l lW l Uc per tb, ducks $5(oi7 per doaeu,
geese $8 a 9.
WOOL- Receipts for week 821,800 lbs.
Valley 18 a) 20 c Eastern Oregon 10cm 15c.
HOPS Receipts for
Choice I s t a l l o .
1027 lbs.
GRAIN Receipts Ifor week 141,200 ctls.
Valley $1.37t(a 1.40. Eastern Oregon $1.324
(«01.40. Oats 32 al35c
F lO U R Receipts for week 5070 bbbt.
Standard $4,75, otner brands $1.25,
FEED Harley $23 per ton, mill do
$18 <118.50,
shorts $10 5(1, bran$15.50,
baled hay $13(0)15, loo.e $1291-5.
FR E SH M EA TS Beef, live, 3c, dressed
Or, mutton, live, 3c, dressed lie, lambs
$2.2.5 each, hog«, live, 51«« 0c, dressed 7(#
74, veal 0 » 7c.
— M asculine breach of promise oases
will never succeed until there are to­
mato ju ries. —Baltimore American.
— Ira scib le wife to husband: “ You
art« no m atch fo r me, s ir .” Husband
(w e a k ly ): “ If I am not, my dear, why
do you alw ays want to scratch me?” —
Washington Critic.
— Besides preventing consumption,
the boiling of m ilk is important other­
wise. It « • , „ ] , the amount of w ater
th a t lias been pumped into the millc
cans. -Louisville Courier-Journal.
— W hen you know all about a tiling
it loses all in te r e s t It is the imagina­
tion playing upon a suspicion that gives
it those beautiful colors which gossip
d eligh ts in .— San Francisco Chronicle.
— A man will dislocate his arm trying
to h it a base-ball, and spend an entire
day in d eb ilitatin g '-.fTortii to make a
home run -b u t he won’t heat p carpet
Not m uch.— Merchant Traveler.
— 4V hen a foreign prince comes ol
age he gon««rally receives many
pres«>ntsof jewelry. This is aa it should
b«>, for about the only thing that a
foreign prince ever does to distinguish
him self is com ing of age.—Jeweler's
—“ I s«*j," said Mr. Barklns, “that
thore ar«« a million more women than
men in Germany.” “ Yes,” said Mr.
Smarty; “ th««y do that to evade the
military requirements of the Gorman
Governm««nt.”—Harper's Razar.
—A white woman in Columbia, S. C.,
who was charged with her colored
hushnnd with violating the law against
miscegenation, swore that she had
negro blood in her veins and secured a
disagreement of the jury.
—Irresolution on the scliemtis of lif*
which offer thera«elv«9S to our chutoe«
and in««onstancy in pursuing them, are
the greatest causes of all our unhappi­
ness. —Addison.
— A man does not compliment you
when he gives you some slanderous,
disagreeable information and says: “I
thought you would like to know i t " —
A. Y. Picayune.
—For the best redblts there needs be
the longest waiting. The true harvest
is She longest in being reeijjied. The
failures come first, the success last
The unsatisfactory is generally sooiuwt
—It is a great thing to know that
there is a I’ower and Wisdom which
guides us and the world; and to feel
that there is a Justice Immense, lra-
m««astirable, irresistable, which sways
the ocean of human forces. — Theodore
Virtue and talents, though allowed
; their due eonsideration, yet are not
enough to procure a man a welcome
wherever he comes. Nobody contents
himself with rough diamonds, or wears
them so. When polished and set then
they give a lustre. Locke.
— So far aa we have the opportunity
of shaping our lives, so far we are re­
sponsible for their forma Our lives
are influen<«ed by circumstances; but
we have the opportunity of making cir­
cumstance«. If we make these circum­
stances evil we are reeponsible for the
ein which reeultn
— Superstitious people at K ioku k, Ta.,
were alm ost «cared to death by a
w histling buoy, which was placed in
the riv er by the G overnm ent They
thought it was a g h o s t
— A Boston clerk , after having spent
sev eral hours gettin g a stove in readi­
ness for use, discovered to his g reat
disgust th a t lie had pass«*! the pipe be-
tween the rounds of a long ladder which
he used.
— An exp erien ced fisherman at the
seaside fold a gentlem an not long since
that lie did not b elieve a lobster was fit
eating for any one in sum mer, l ie said
the only time to eat lobster wus in fall
and winter.
C hicago men a rc said to irmrk th e ir
en tran ce Into th e Inner shrine of the
tem ple of cu ltu re by saying “ lu ncheon"
Instead of “ lu nch.” In Kansas C ity the
same stage Is m arkinl by the us«« of th e
word “ v ictu als" instead of “ g ru b ."
—The Chinese are m aking such la rg e
demand.« upon soap that in tim e they
may rank among th e clean nations. The
imiHirtation of foreign soap ha« in-
ereastHl 133 per c e n t in five years and
8(>(t per cent more is wanted now thau
was sought a fte r ten years ago.
According to the Post- Intelligencer,
tlie tii-Ht tiling an Indian buys is a tinge
Then, if he lias money enough,
lie tills i t T h is trunk acts ua u store­
house for trin k ets a» long as the lo?1*
remains good, then it is turn«*! into a
baby cradle, and when its ow ner dtos
lie is buried in i t
—There are only three salamanders
in this country, but even three have
been a large ««nough number to prove
the falsity of the old belief, that sala­
manders live in the fire. Th«*y like to
b«« wlu'i'o it is warm, but they can not
live in the tiro. Their diet consists of
worms and jolly fish.
A bright young woman of Lake
Weir, Fla., suggested the other day
that the cheap way (iitn-ause the only
way) for the United States to get rid of
these recurrent yi'llow fever epidemic«
is to buy»
and so give American
sanitary sobmro a chance to strangle
the plague in its cradle.
“You would bo surprised," said a
certain physician, "to h « sj how strong
men weaken under the simple proctsts
of vaccination. I have had railroiul
engineers ami robust machinists faint
away while receiving the few slight
scratches on tlie arm incident to vac­
cination, while delicute women never
A negro in Dalton. Ga., has what
might Is« termed a “ fowl mugwump."
It is a freak of nature, described os half
duck anil half chicken. The he«ui and
breast are those of a hen, while the
back, tail and legs are formed like
those of a duck. It is feminine in
gender, ruckles like a hen, and wab­
bles like a duck when walking. It is
six months old, and said to be the fun­
niest tiling ever soon in a barn-yard.
— ’« ue elopement of a North Bergen,
N. J ., woman with an employe of her
husband's had an extraordinary out­
come. The pair were arrested upon a
warrant sworn out by the husbund, and
in court the wife handed over $900
which she had abstracted from her hus­
band's safe immediately before fleeing,
whereupon the husband offer««d to sell
her to her new admirer for $50. The
money was paid and the couple depart­
ed, taking a train forRhiladelphia.
— Says an Ktiglish periodical: “No
one can say for certain that the Prince
of Wales will survive his illustrious
mother, whose health is fairly g;x)d for
her age. The prospect of the helr-ai>-
parent's family have iieen lately under
considerable discussion, and some pa-
pers have taken his royal highness to
tank for not applyingoarlier for further
grants in aid of his children; but we
are assured thut Albert Edward has not
applied to the Government for any grant
for his eldest son, nor does he intend to
do bo at present”
.T h e Iajwiston Jou rn al recently pro­
pounded the following question: 1. Of
what nature will be the next economic
invention? 2. What great economic
invention is most ne«»ded anl called for
ivy the world? 8. Does any tiling re­
main to be invented by man, which
shall be as revolutionary in its eftoots
as the application of steam power?
Tii«-so were the answers received by
General A. W. Greely: 1. The storage,
without appreciable loss of electricity
produced by natural forces, such as
waterfalls, tides, etc. 8. A cotton
pikrer. 3. No.
—The «inly place In which amber Is
found in ¡laying quantities is said to ex­
ist in the Baltic Sea. Formerly the
supply depended upon the storms,
which tore up the amber lying at the
bottom of the sea and threw it on shore;
but for twenty-five year« past various
appliance« have heon used for obtaining
it cheaply and quickly.
The moat
profitable strata have been found in the
vicinity of Memo), and there are twenty
large dre«lging boats constantly at work
day and night for eight months of the
year. Further to the west the amber
is obtained by diver«.