Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 26, 1888, Image 1

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    C ounty
O bserver .
•MOXMQlTir, 1>( >I.K COUNTY, OREGON, \\ EI)N ESDAY, «DE( KM HER 2«, lass.
N O . 41.
with a thick wash of lime w o e bitter . I P O R T L A N D M A R K E T REPORT.
but were quite seriously at-
------- ——-
l I
I tacked with worms; tl os-pos's.-oat, d
The condition of tha local market
Mat-era o f Local and General Import
A B rief Mention o f M atter* o f G eu :r*l Newsy Notes Concerning the Farm and with hot tar were pe. fectly sounds* 1« all that could be desired, orders from
Gathered from Alt Source# for
In terest.-N otes Gathered from
whan pul in the ground : thosepainted 1
r,,.r I h -I ii * numerous. •>« ina t.. the
o f Especial Interest to the Ra­
the Benettt o fO u r Readers.
with petroleum and kerosene were K' cal er* circulai Ion amona the fanning,
Home and Abroad.
d ile Coast HusbiRdman.
file holiday traile lia* augmented salea to
McCreary boj**« fo get through th«
House at thin session a lull to provide
for a permanent expo.sitit?h of tin-
three A m erica«, in honor of the 400ih
anniversary of the discovery
CiJumbus. Th e bill ¡* merely pr«v
At Mariposa hay is $25 a ton.
lim in sry in i's provisions, authorizing
1 he Fresno Expositor has been en-
the President to apiujint a board of
nine directors to formulate a plan for larged.
the . exposition, and
appropri tling
The Dalles, Or., pay* a bounty for
$20,000 for the expenses of their mi-ct- dog scalps.
4 *ng. T h eir plan, it i» prov¿led,'s|¿all
A turnpike from Chico to Oroville
’ be to constitute an advisory board of
is projected.
i | members, appointed by U m
ors of the States and Territories and
1 ®e sugar refinery at W atsonville
o the ex lcu tivrs of 16 American nations. gives $8 a ton for beets.
Spac# is to*be pn vided in Washington
,1 he itTM tgof '1 rigver, Tulre county,
for the exposition, and h suitabti
ire to be graded this winter? .
selected foPth e statue of Columbus.
A woolen mill is to be stUrted at
A lively discussion arose in ¿he
H use Friday afternoon, based mi an Browtftville, Linn county« Or.
article „in a New ^ ork paper, declar­
1 he strike on the Montana Union
ing iliat there were two. elements railroad has forced several mine* to
united against the Nicaragua canal clone down.
• •
bill, the agents of the Pacific railroads
Hon. Stephen lli. W h ile fainted in
and the attorneys of the Panama
canal, and containing an interview the gourt room at Los Angeles recent­
with Judge Daily on the subject, inti­ ly, the t-ttect of overwork.
m atin g that the gentlemen (naming
1 wo squaws, vflio were intoxicated,
them ) who ottered amendments to I 1 rolled into a camp fire at Colton re­
the bill did ho for the purpose of de­ cently and were badly burned.
feating the measure. Messrs. W ils >u
lh e Woodland ^ town authorities
and Bland, o f Missouri, Cobb, of A la­
to drive out the Balvation army-
bama, and Hpinola, of New* York, in­
dignan tly denied being influenced in and raise the price of theatrical li­
their action in offering« ameud<pents cense.
by any purja-se except a desire to per­
.Senator Stanford will be shown
fect the measure. The latter referred points for needed legislation' on the
to Judge W ily as a man who, since his .southern
retirem ent from the bepch, had been
publishing the San
connected with breezy enterprises.
taken the name
Ci>x, of N ew Y ork , paid a warm tribute
to Judge D aly’s integrity, and in an of The L. M. H o lt'P u b lish in g Com ­
emphatic manner denied.the charge
that he was a lobbyist.
Chinese gamblers have been hiring
As regaids the commission recently substitutes to appear for them in the
appointed by the Secretary of the Na­ Los Angeles courts and have thua es­
vy, under a provision for that purpose caped.
contained in the last naval appropria­
W illiam W right, a 14-year old col­
tion bill, to examine the coast north ored hoy, stabbed Fraiikliu McAllen,
of the forty-second parallel of north aged 1*1, with a pocket knife at Stock-
latitude, in the Suite of Oregon and ton last week.
the Territories of Washington and
The Board of Supervisors of Sono­
Alaska, and to sell cl a suitable site for
a navy-yard and docks,-it may be said ma county have let a contract to
that the commissioners had an inter­ build a $2U,000 bridge across Kussiau
view with the Oregon Senators at the river at Cloverdale.
capitol, and discussed various possible
locations. Th e names of promir ent
business men at each lecation were se­
lected :’ also such other information as
the Senators could give them. Th e
commissioners will examine Coos b iy,
Yaqu ina bay, Portland, Aston i, T a ­
coma, Seattle, Port Towns nd and
other places yn Puget sound. The
commission w ill confer with promi­
nent men at eftch point, and will
make a careful examination of the ad­
vantages which each presents.
Th ere are eome very important
measures affecting the north Pacific
coast pending before Congress. Senator
D olpli states that he has been prom­
ised a favorable rt port on the bill in
the Senate for the payment of Oregon
and W ashington Indian war claims,
pending before the comm ittee on mil­
itary affairs, and the bill tor the crea­
tion of a court to adjudicate Ind ah
depredation claims, which isj before
the Senate com m ittee on Indian af­
fairs, which he thought would be re­
ported with amendments making the
bill perfect. H e had strong hopes
that the conference committee on the
railroad forfeiture bill, npw that tin*
election was over, would be able to
com e to an agreement, and if not,
when the disagreement was reported
the House would recede from its
amendment, arid f. rfeiture of the land
grant from
NVallula to Portland
would be secured. A m ong the hills
which had passed the Senate anil
were pending in the House, lie said,
were his bill for forfeiture of Oregon
wagon road grants; for the erection
of public bridges at Portland and Sa­
lem ; to grant certain townships to
Oregon for a public .park; to extend
the lim its of Portland as a l«<rt of
entry, and to create ports of entry at
Tacom a and Seattle, and a port of de­
livery at Port A ngelts, and to credit
the State of Oregon with the value of
arm »
rowed of Washington r«rri-
tory and lost in the Nex Peree lnd.an
war ; also Senator Mitchell s bill mak-
an anpror riation for a boat rai
ing an
way at the dalles of the Colum -ta
river. H e said that the Oregon dele-1
gation was doing all it could to
" re
lor these and other
measures of interest to Oregon, and
that they hoped that some cr all of
them would pass the House » t the
present session. Th e bill which has
already passed the House, providing
for equipm ent of the m ilitia °r
Slate of Oregon with certain arms,
amm unition and equipage, has »• <
referred to Senator Stewart of the
com m ittee on military fla ir s . * «
tor Stewart will report in favor of tl^
bill and in all probabilities it w illip * *
the Senate within a short lime. -
tor M itch ell’s bill, which he intro­
duced in the Senate Fnday provid ng
for the admission of Idaho in the
Union, is identical with that mtio-
d u c e d b y Delegate £ubois, of Idaho,
with one exception, lb® * '
confers upon women to the '
the right to vote. Both of «h® Oregon
Senators are in favor of woman -nh
I rage, and on every occasion they
have ,o te d to give the ballot to wo-
The orchards, vineyards and can­
nery connected with General Bid-
well’s rancho Chico are to be leased
to a Sail Francisco company.
Dip th e m still afflicts Bloomfield,
Sonoma count \ Several cases are
yet in danger. The schools have been
closed for six weeks.
tq u a lly as sound and as good for set-1# point entirely satisfactory to our m«r-
L.-t the posts get th orou gh ' dry, chants, and Christmas week promise# to
Portsmouth, Ohio, is to have a corn
The fresh fruit crop of California and Then with a pan of ohenjpLkeroeene be unusually seti vs.
this irt-isoil has an estimated value of am a whitew ash brush, g iv e the low er . GKtX’ h K lK S Suguars have declined Ic
Diphtheria rage« in Morristown, I
rt to
* 1
,'', “ c ,uc''
a* follows:
tinnì of
ill Um
tin iw .t t, the
tin „a
to co
go in
in the
tlie c *? pj
Ci Kra'1
,iry report,
New Jersey.
II is said that by forcing -alt into ground, tw -w or three app lication s o f cube crushed
— *- ■ and * powdered
7$c. Coffee*
H eavy stitching ou tha back of a tlie holes made by borers iu trees, the the oil, le ttin g it soak iu w ell each firm, wiln a limited stock on , the I market.
borers will be#destroyed.
Posts so treated will not I k - Salvador lHalblc, ,'osta Rle* «and Rio !9e,
glove is bad form.
Arbuckle's roasted 24tc.
The water trough needs a thorough troubled with worm* or insects of any
P R O V IS IO N S Oregoi] h im « «re ipio*
Archbishop Rioideu lias left Korne I
scrubbing and scalding occasionally, kind, but will resist decay to a remark­ ed at 14c, breakfast bacon 14c, «boulder* Itq
for the Uuited States.
(V<llc. Eastern meat is i|noted as follows:
or it will soou lie coated with slime.
simplest, cheapest and bv#tomolliod Hams RfifclSic, breakfast bacon lG^c, lard
A famine is threatened among the
It iS better to feed a cow every ounce
of preparation.
Rtoast African colonists.
of food she has the ability to take cart
FRUITS-G reen fruit receipts 11X2 has.
m a „ breeder of dsxMMei
'Here am • tpole*rt v tlic , Mexican orange* $ti, iem-
There are 3,000,(KX) women- in the oT than to try to gain profit By saving
few tilings that excel the average on# »flat!30 (ier b\, bananas $:i.S0vg4,:-0
United States who work for wages.
farmhouse cellar.
It iiiiderliws the per buneh, quince# 40 *64) per box.
Too much grain is more detrimental whole Ileuses with nothing to prevent
v 'u GETABLKS—Market
r . i a i h . i -.- s —market well
welt supplied.
Th e New York law against car
,i1M nitiker Cabbage $ "4c per ».c a rro t* and turnips
to breeding stock p u n not enough. its exhalations rising
stoves^joes into ettect January 1st.
ng into tin upper -,V per sa, k, red pepper 3r per tb, potato«#
The fotwl should be bulky, with a rooms, except a ihii
ilu (man, lloor. Ill |u«ziV per »ack, sweet 1 fwu2c per tt>.
Straw bail goers are having an en­ small allowance of grain.
'his cellar all niaiine*- of things for
lm 'K l) FR U ITS- R-ceipU 3.1/ pkgi-s.
counter with the cour*ts iu New Y o rk
i-imiiy use are ki
x> pt
pi m
e ypar
year round.
romm. | oun-uriea
Sun-dried apuie
apples 4 j . xj i*-r It», factory
N o animal is so hardy as to require family
plums 8<ilA, Oregon
Two-fifths of the Dominion of Can­ no attention. Th e more ail animal is Meat, vegetables, milk, butter, bread. Mlit' '* 'J'* factory
ars 11« 10c, peaches lu 1 1 Ic,
ada are unde! no-license liquor laws. exposed the less it will produce, either pastry, preserves, pickles and fruits
i •
-,---- tier box, Cali oral* figs 0c,
are here stored in their various recep Smyrna IXo per tt>.
Laiuisiaaa has five newspapers edit- of pork, wool, mutton, beef or milk.
taclcs. There is very seldom anything
D A IR Y PRODUCE Butter receipt* for
jed by women. The New Orleans Pic- i
Major Alvord condemns dehorning to separate the fruit and vegetables j the week 04 pkge*. Fancy creamery :t2*c
syune it one!
choice dairy :i“o, metliumg i(g3Uc,
in tolo. He ssys in t he Boston Culti from (lie other parts of the collar, and lH‘r
Th e sword that Ethan Allen oariied vutor that it is cruel, and argues thst there is d u a lly more or less decaying
at Ticonderoga, iii owned by a Lansing, it doe* not render cattle less pugna­ vegetable matter to load tlie air with ea^tora
“ “ “ * Oregon 3So,
Mich., woman.
poisonous germ «. A t various seasons
POULTR Y C h ic k e n s »3.*0«4, for
The Iowa Agricultural college, it is of the year the cellar walls collect large young amt *4 4 5<J for old, turkey*
W innijieg, Manitoba, is rapidly he­
m m ing oue of the most enterprising said, has lieen crossing Southdown dampness, or small pools of water lie l W U *c per lb, ducks $o®7 per dozen,
ewes with Shropshire bucks for four under their loose board floors, sending geese fs a G.
cities of Canada.
W OOI, Receipt« for week ¡45,000 lb*.
years. As a result the average of all up malarious dors into the rooms Valley
lXmAk Eastern Oregon 1V(< ii |5 c .
The Bible has to bo printed in 29
fleeces lias increased from 4.58 to 8 2It above.
HOPS Receipts for week 25,8:40 llm.
different languages to supply tlie peo­
pounds, and the percentage of lambs
ple living in Pennsylvania.
Th e trade in Christmas trees and Choice 12fc* l4c.
from 77 per cent, in 1880 to 131 per
G R A IN Receipts for week 80,0-41 oils.
greens grows larger year by year,
From the best statistics obtainable cent, in 1888.
Valley $1.42Kai1.45. Eastern Oregon $1.274
ago a Christmas tree was to 1.50. Oat* «42 u>:45c.
there are about 1,000,000 Union sol­
Horses can, of course, stand more seldom seen except in some home of
F i.O U R Receipts for v/eek :4l:i0 bids.
diers living at the present time.
exposure ill cold weather than men, the richest class, and the adornment Standard *5, outer braids $4.75,
Tram ps have filled up the Brooklyn but the same kind of exposure that of churches for the festival season was
FEED Harley $20 «25 per ton. bran
almshouse. One hundred men have produ es colds, rheumatism, etc., in confined to the Catolic and Episcopal $10, < bop $10*21), shoits $17, lulled liay
been put at work on the sand pile.
| men, will he liable to t fleet horses in denominations. But the immense in $I.'4<rl5, ioo-e $12ia l">.
F R I’SH M E A TS -Beef, live, 3c, dre**ed
Alexander H. Stephens during his the same way. It is, therefore, ap­ c ease of our German imputation has 0 , mutton, live, :tc, dressed 0% Iambi
tree *¿25 each, ’hogs.’ llve’, 5)<s 6c, Jraüaed 7<*
life educated 150 boys and 50 girls, parent thst Warm stables, good blank iMipilUirized
giving them all collegiate educations. ¡ eU a,ul Protection from severe weather lliroiighuiit the length and brctt-lth of ¡7b veal 0.«7c.
I are necessary.
the land ; and with the waniug of old
There are 1,100 colored preachers iu
In the trial of John A. Dim m ig, of
Professor H en ry gives the following Puritan ideas the decoration ol church­
Tennessee, and the highest salary re­
S m Francisco, a book agt lit, for tlie
ceived by any of them is $200 a year. as a good ration for a dairy cow whore customary. The extent to which ma­ alleged murder of H en ry B.mhayon
corn fodder constitutes the main por­
Military men believe that the W hite tion of tlie coarse fod d er: Corn stalks terials for these purpose* are now re­ I in Octolier, 1887, a number of wit­
nesses were called, but the testimon
Pasha, now at Bahr el Gbaxel, and 1 cut, 15 to 16 pounds; clover liay, 5 quired is shown by the fact that a
moving north, is the great explorer, 1 pounds, bran, 6 pounds; corn meal, single dealer in New England last v.iriid little if any from that elicit*
at the form er trial. Louis Gold her
' 4 pounds. This can be fid twice or year disposed of 10,00.) Christmas
trees, 25,003 yards o f wreathing and a cloak dealer and a close associate /
A Brooklyn boarding-school propri- Hires times a day, as the feeder prefers,
800 barrels of evergreen spray. The j B -nhavon, testified that he didn’t
etress has sued a plumber for $15,00# | xhtj dniing ghould ,(e put dl)WI1 ^
smallest that are sold bring oil the think that the latter could have writ­
because the pupils have become sick fore the ground freezes. A single tile ground 10 cents apiece, while the ten his alleged confession at the time
from sewer gas.
¡drain will sometime* carry o ff f lie sur largest— 25 to 30 feet in hek'ht— i he called at witness’ place o f business
8t. Louis painters have condemned | plus water from a large field, but bring from $4 to $ 8 — Uanlen nnd For- to do some writing, as he remained too
short a time to write so long a docu,
the practice of the painting of fire- enough draiu should be used to Toll­ e»t.
Hll lit.
er the field dry in early spring and
The question conies to the stock
j bo iu pro|ier condition for plowing. raiser, how shall 1 lessen the cost of
Tlu-re is n odixlging thu fact that the
I The use of the drain w ill add hun- pr xlucing c lives ?
One way is to feed j American arbor v i t » is tha best all-
,ir«ds of dollars to an early crop,
new milk almost wholly at. the start around tree for an evergreen hedge.
! A Western dairyman has hit ti|H>n Give it t<i llio young animal fresh from Its hardiness, density obtained by
a very simple plan of warming wster the cow, hut never let it suck, reed it ¡shearing, and its rapid growth alone
for his stock to drink in wiuti r. Me w ill when young, at three or four [ recommend* it for the general pur-
puts an iron plate, «ny 18 inch»* square, wt- k» Ic. sen the quantity, and at two p o .e n fa hedge above all coniferous
on thu bottom of his water tank, cut­ months gradually wean it.. In the competitors.
ting away the wixxl, of course, where summer season the calf will do well if
For a narrow and effectual wind­
the iron was. Under the plate he uses weaned at less than two months’ old.
break, a double row of Hcotchor white
an oil stove. H e says 10 cents’ worth In winter,skim-milk, after two months,
■Governor Reaver has just sent in of oil a day would warm the- water for will help calve* a. great d. al. Th ey de pine, iu rows eight or ten feet apart
and at about the same diatance be­
$l,(JO0 for the John A. Logan monu­ 60 cows up to 70 degrees or more.
velop naturally and easily, learn to
tween tlie tress iu tlie rows, will form
ment fund of the G. A. R., collected in |
take care of themselves, growing fairly
various Pennsylvania post*.
In developing cows for butter lhe- well. The green feed doe.* most gixxl in six or eight years, in a clim ate
where they can bo grown, a close aud
feeder should be sure that he does not
The Newark Law aud Order league overfeed, but as he finds they eut witli to an suimal when it i» three or four effectual screen.
¡•'taking step* to counteract what it a good appetite lie may add a little year* old.
The estimated los* to the cotton,
deems the “ growing influence ef more to each feed, and so continue
Chairman Britton, of the inaugural
apple and (xitato crops from insects i*
liquor interests in State politics.”
gradually to increase the feed as they committee, haa received
$40,000,000. Y e t the farmers take no
Minneapolis flour men have selected will bear it. «T h is power of digestion answers to his requests for the use of precaution to protect the birds. Every
8t. Albans, Vt., as their distributing will increase, and he may gradually
bird killed adds just, tlie work it woubJ
center for New England, and intend | increase the m ilking capacity of hi* office department buildings for sleep­ perform to the labor of the farmer,
building tl^ro two immense storage cows aud their* productiou of butter,
whe consequently Iris a greater nuiu
! The skill ef that feeder has much to auguration. Th e available space will her of insects to destroy.
Mccammodate about 10,000 men. The
( do with the result.
sub-committee on eiv.c organization
Public men in Canada say that the ;
Aged horses should have ground
Liberal party will ultimately take up
T in editor of the M irk L in e E* lias alieatlv received applications for grain at all times or they will not
annexation inf opposition to the Im- press advises farmer* to cut o ff po- positioas in the p T a il« from 75 organ­ thrive, owing to their inability to mas­
perial ft deration policy of the Con- tato blossoms as they apjxrar. The ball isations, aggregating 18000 men. This ticate the whole grains. W here a
or true seed of the potato, which re­ is 2000 more than there were in the horse is subject to heaves it is liesl to
sults from the hlosiom, are net .silly parade four years ago.
moisten* all the chopped or ground
Colorado is becoming an oil-produc­
unnecessary to the formation of tip-
Now l* the time to get rid of the food.
ing State. In the valley of the Arkan-
tuber below, but are a prejudicial pixirer animal*. It will not pay to
sas, near Pueblo, there are a number
There is no n«'ce«*ity for pampering
s'rain on the plant.
H e says : “ I winter them, as belter animals will
of wells, thu yiuld of whicl^ i* 1,UU0
have tried it again and again on a give larger return* for shelter, care a bull and allowing it to become
barrels per?iay.
vicious. It can he made to work, if dt-
large scale— three row» left and thre«-
un<l f«xd. It ts ^ « m n o m y to keep . Hlredf io provi,,ing p ò » « for fodder-
The Rev. Dr. David Hpurgeon, aged rows cut— md the results have more a p<x>r animal through any season;
cutters, grain-m ill», etc. It is done in
8V, is an inmate of Flatbusb, Long than satisfied me.”
but it is most extravagnnt to keep it
Europe, and is practicable here.
Island, almshouse
H e gave away
There are several State*'wbich pro­ through the winter. It is the bight of
large sum* and was ruined by the
There are 2,800 members of the
duce a surplus of corn. Of these Illi­
failurtoof a company.
nois and Iow a are «quals, the product and keep the worst. True, the best Michigan Anti-Horse Th ief society,
tiring the largest prices; but if you sell ai d during the past year they have
It i* estimated that fiom five to six of each being estimated at 270,(400, the best and keep the worst, soon
not iiad a cent’s worth of property
million pounds of turkey and a m ill­
your boat will lx) no bitter than your stolen, although they are worth an ag­
ion quart* of cranberries were neces­ with 21*),004),000 bushels; and of the
worst is now, and your worst will be gregate of $2 800,000.
sary to enable the city of New York other four, Kansas has made a g a it of
such that the mo^b you have the
to enjoy it* Thanksgiving feasts.
A man in New Bruswick has dis
»Lu, by this plan,
the crop of 1887; Indiana lias gained pixrrer you will be.
played a strange taste about dying,
Minneapolis street-ear drivers are no 69.000. 000 bushels ; Ni-hraska, 54,000,-
lie dug his grave, lowered his coffin,
longer furnished with free passe*. 000, and Ohio 41,000,(XX). Th e total and a* the stock raiser makes bis ani­ cql in and t«x>k a dose of poison and
Fare must be rung up when the pas­ increase for the yea. is believed to be mals poor he makes himself pixirer. then pulled a string to a landslide,
senger gets on Ike car instead of at not far from 560,000,000 bushels, or If he keep* up tlie procea*, bankruptcy which descended upon him.
the time of payment of the fare.
more than twice the entire product of is as sure as fate. The opposite policy
Feeding red pepper to laying hens
Illinois and Iowa together- Th e com- is the winning policy. Hell the poor­
Seventy per cent, of the infants in parisoa affords aid to the imagination est and retain the (rest. Arid sell i* not beneficial unless given very
the Foundling hospital at Ottawa have in forming a conception of tlie surplus enough o f the poorer animals that luixlcrately, and not ofteuer than three
died during the year. W ithin five available for exportation, either rii- you may buy a few better than the times a week. It, acts as a temporary
year* fl07 have been buried.
Im ­ reetly or in the form of meat and beat you now have. This is making stimulant, but if given continually
proper nureing is »aid to be tne cause. other provisions ; but only when the your animals constantly better and causes injurious effects.
mind dwells upon the magnitude of yourself richer, fix m your worst will
No flower is more popular than the
A deposit of natural gas wa* »truck the entire product of more than 2,001),- bring os much a- your liest now. If
the other day nine mile* north-east of 000,000 bushels is it possible to realise you have not pure bred animal*, sell aster, and few have held eo high a
Tuscola, 111. The pressure create* a the significance of the name to which enough scrubs or grade* to buy nn an­ place in popular esteem for so many
flame thirty feet high. The discovery corn is now entitled as king of cereals. imal of each sex, pure bred. Hold fast vears, and it is still growing in favor.
to the full-bloodeil pnxluce and to the For an autumn show of flower* we
has caused great excitement in the
highest grades. A lm o«t before you have not its equal.
young orchards several years ago we are aware of it you will have only
MHe crackers and burglars are mak­
Th e Toronto Trade# Council has re­ tried many plane for preserving p -»is. pure-bred animal*. If once we start
quested the city to inform intending H aving occasion t o remove the fence with pure-bred animals, the increase ing profitable hauls in Ban Bernar­
'em igrants from England that the this winter > * noted the conditions of of breeding make* us rich in flix-ka dino.
1 Canadian labor market is overstocked. the posts *• fo llo w s: TlKiee set with and her«l* of the liest blood in what,
There is a larger yield of cotton per
Th * Leeislature will be asked to abol- no prei*ucd7ion were decayed an inch when the goal i* reached, seems a very acre iu Missouri than iu any other
I ish the existing immigration laws.
8 late.
or mor^ in th ick n e»»; those coated short time.
houses and police statious by police-
. Four celestials on a hand-car were men and fireman.
badly injured near San F< rnando, Los
Angeles ceunty, last week, in collieiim
They are going back in PhHadel-
phia to the old fashion of selling
with a special train.
grains and vegetables by weight in
Jacob Hodge, a carpenter at the
stead of measure.
Coe mine at Grass V alley, had both
arms broken recently in a fall, and it
The Brooklyn Engineers’ society
is believed lie is internally injured.
last week protested against the gra. *-
Three deaths so far are reported to ing of permission to a company to lay
tlie Portland police as a result of the pipes for hot water.
Chinese battle recently.
Many are
wounded, but they are keeping quiet.
Reve.ige and not robbery is de­
clared to have been -lie motive that
actuated theseouodrela whoattempted
to wreck the Oregon express on Tues
The S ilvation’ army at«Petaluina has
won a victory. They have obtained
permission to parade the streets, and
parties molesting them will be qrrested.
Samuel Sheplar.of Chicago, has pur­
chased a $25,000 ranch a few miles
west of Santa Rosa, which he intends
converting into a stock and breeding
Railway |tost) fflee service has lieen
established on the line of the North­
ern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore
railroads between Seattle and Tacoma.
Alfred Schwartz, of Slaughter, W .
T., nas beeg swindling tae people by
obtaining money on pretended cer­
tificates of dejiosit on San Francisco
The first annual promenade con­
cert and hall of the Grand Arm y of the
Republic was given last week at the
State capital at 8*icruinento and was a
great success.
Rails have been lai 1 on the Feather
river bridge of the Knights Landing
extension of the Northern California
company, ard an engine cros*ed from
Marysviile into Sutter county recently.
Oregon’* tax levy ha* been fixed as
State levy for current ex­
penses, three and seven-tenth* of a
m ill; militia tax, one-fifth c. a m ill;
U niversity, one-tenih of a mill. To­
tal, four mills.
follow s:
Charles Marshall, a noted horse-
ttiief, was shot in the leg recently by
W ill Roberts, a Han Bernardino deputy
sheriff. Marshall was found in the
brush in the mountaiu*.
H e will
probably die. There are eight charge*
of robbery agaiaat him in Los A n ­
gela* aud Sau Bernardino countie*.
It is proposed to build a sea-wall
200 feet wide on top around the en­
tire city front of Ban Diego. Th e iden
i, to furnish terminal facilities, main
tracks, switehes-round-houses, etc., for
sll railroad* entering the city, b e « d^
Lo*l bunker* and warehouse* for all
♦ he shipping busineea of the water