Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 19, 1888, Image 2

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    Vmunition chetiperthan a n y other
Ah There!
- in Polk county, F» "* ' "•
Anv yerson purohiisimr $1 worth of g»*>d*
Air. J . II. H a w ley is in Portland
at Z F. Yaugho'» is entitled tu a (tue** ut tin*
this w eek.
number of needs in the pumkiii in Ids show
Publisher. Q < 'u rt H aw ley is at hom e rustica­ «*iuduw The p e n s q
a n i
tin g.
° Physician and Surgeon.
Mr. 'H its«lore J e ffr e y ® - quite -ick . Seeds to Is* counted on New A ear's day.
S u b tcr ip lio u K a te *.
T w o m ore children o f G. W . R ich ­
J*cr Year.
f t 50
^-Office, Buena Vista, < »repon.
ardson are quite sick w ith dipL*
Fer Si* Month*.
Per Four Muit»«.*. I theria.
The people o f Bethel and McCoy
Advertising rate* uncle known on uppli-
A n y o n e h avin g feed th ey want
; will unite and hohl a C hristin ^ tree ch opped will find m e ready to d o it
f'ornojintnlenco i* solicit«*! from all frieinls ■ at the latter place.
of the laijier.
.Mr. \V. H . H aw ley has pom; to -hat a
C om e before tin* m iil shuts
9 .— l ...................................
’rank C ollins, M ifi
on m ou th ,
Monmouth, Oregon, !»*■<•. ID, l*s s s « Indi-pi'n<ie§(V where lie w ill occupy d • o w n
a position in C ooper’ s hank.
Will promptly stt'nid to all legal business
entrusted to him.
Hettiel enjoys* the distine’ ron o f
o --------- • - • ----------
havin g a fre»- w riting class.
.Mr. J. R . Sears m ade a .-»ale o f his
farm «tear M cC oy a few days ago.
•»For Four'MofrthS'.
M rs.#M. L. Richardson o f M on-
OB E G OX. < o
W A R R E N T U L IT T ,
jn o u th , visited friends bure Saturday *0~I)o»* a generai banking busi#**» Sigi;
Mind Sunday. _
Th e official vote o f all the states o f
Mrs. Julia f inn .m o th e r o f Cadet land. Depositi recoived *ubji*ct to check or |
the north giv e the republicans a D avij is convalescent.
on certi ficat«*» of depusit. < ollcction* will
receivo prompt attontion. Otti* e honr* S a.
plu rality o f 4<»D,<W1.
Mr. G eorge K e lty lost a valuable m. tn5 p. in Hall'* Hurglar Proof Safe, le­
cow* last week.
Wi* practic« in ail the courts of tlie State.
nir ed by Yale Time l.ork.0
N ew Y o r k ’ s official vote on the
Oili'-e in Court ilou»e.
A Jiorse belon gin g to M r. K. Bail­
threw principal tickets is a*, follows: ey, w hile m im in g in the» pasture a
H*pfll>Iieaij,.hijrh'-s: elector, <>■">
few diiys ago fell braking h is.n eck .
L. B .'F razer returned from GfP-
iKuiHH’catie, C3.),«C*r>;
eopnty M on day, lit* found iiis
tlaiigliXer Cit-sie v ery sick, with a
de-ease vvlfieh the d u tor pronouAces
The last inossage o f President very much like diphtheria.
Oiïico en Mill St., opposiio the court house.
Cleveland, it* a whole expresses flu*! The Sunday acliool concert at M c­
J »¡illai, Oregon.
prevailing ideas dom inating' the Coy Sunday « veiling was a pleasant
Ilemncratie party, l*it is Utrdjy in intuir. M eCoy ìh biÌ sstHl w ith soiik *
Polk County Observer.
J . K. Locke,
Chopping! Chopping!!
Attojyieydit Law,
Polk County Bai^k.
Attorney at Law,
kpi tiniihr w itb ! Imp* ut" • \ a i 1 i i ì *r
«t*n g.w itfc » I * 1 salini^ pr sgie.
slve spirit o f tin* Am erican people.
A capital kka o f tUr i h « ko* I.etul-
er: Tt+rrr aro ju*4- ni«** dem ocrats in
ti h * house and nine in tlw- »enate.
Mr. Cautlvorti, one o f the renate nino
•Hugest*, tlwit there he organised tw o
buse hall clubs, a 1 siane uine and a
senate rune, w h o will play Idtl dur­
ing the session. T h ey will have no­
thing ( 1* 0 to d o as the repulrlieaius
will nm the legislature. It is al*,,
suggested that G ovenor P ennoyer
would m ake a good um pire and
Treasurer W eld) could d o the scor­
ing. It is really a valuable hk*a.
Then, if the republicans w'ouhl go
ami watch rivogarne, the state w ould
doubtless I«* saved a great infliction.
<¡cnernl Harrison, in his liricf and
vigorous*q«'cch to ( iencra.1 CIvaiiiK'rs,
put tire South**™ case exa ctly. Th e
next President w ill execute the laws.
The South, like the rest o f the cou n ­
try, must obey them . T h e South Is
a part o f the U nion — no m ore, no
less. The war w as, fought tiiat it
should lie n othing m ore, and the
laws will lie executed to the* end that
it m a y be noth in g less— not a white
mutts part o f the U nion alone, for in­
stance. Pliilidclplda /V c . m .
H^Ui4ful tu lciit o l \v hl( H
^ T _ |Ja{rW
w ife and Mrs. < O.
Graves de-erve special m ention.
H ardw are, tinw are and stoves,
Furniture, house furnishing
On la~t Tuesiksy night death visif-
O oofls, w ire mattresses, etc.
ed tin* hom e o f John Beeket and
took from tlM*m their little daughter
o f seven years, Pearl. She laid liccn
ill but a* few days.
T h e sutklen
blow fell with terrible severity upon IhgrW irp fesiee and barbed wire.
the m other w h o lias been for som e
m onths in p oor health. The little
one was borne to the cem etery on
Thursday. A s the hand o f school
children sorrow fu lly took a last look
at their ikqiarted sahooJmato the
question, w hich o f you w ill n ex t lie
Carpenter tools, sash a n d d oors.
follow ed to the grave, cam e forcibly
to ou r m ind.
Th e question was
not long unnnswer<*d, for tin tin* fol­
low in g day the news reached us that
H elen, the little daughter o f G. \V.
Itiehardson, had )alk*n »sleep. £he
1 was borne to the church on la. f Sun­
d a y ’ s quiet m orn w hen Eld. D oty
delivered a feeling discourse to the
L u m b er and shingh's in
large audience tlwt hml gathered.
any quantity. A ll orders
Th e rianains were interred at 12 m.
w ill receive prom pt at-
Tiro bereaved fam ilies have tin* co m ­
tention. Farm produce
fort Hint can famsiUy be di*-ired from
consigned to us w ill he
the unbroken sym p ath y o f a large
disposed o f to tin* host
circle o f frk*mls.
possible advantage and
im m ediate returns made, (¿a
C row ley.
( Kir seh ooi w ill close this w eek. It
is iim F r the successful num agem ent
O n y 0,1 •
¡o f Miss N ora llaM iard.
A valued exchange has this to say
about the man w h o kApws it all.
“ Then slum the durk-brow ed stran­
ger \s bo leans against the w all, he is
tls* soiir-snuled villia n , the man w ho
know s it all. W h en at the realm
that sm oulders, w here Satin b n o d s
in ire, w e hand our parquet ticket to
plunge into the lire; above the walls
o f sorrow w e’ ll here one fnwitie call,
th e /a te o f that poor sinner, the man
w h o k n ow s il all.
At this tim e we slqiuhl look ou t for
applications to help the poor w hom
w e alw ays have with us. It is no
m ore a d u ty to giv e than it is to g iv e
It is not possible to inves­
tigate thorou ghly all eases that np-
|ieiil to the charitable, and it is per­
haps better to give un w isely than to
w ith h old w ron gfu lly. Hut one rule
is certainly safe. If )>ossible, g iv e a
medieant w ork , let liellevo h e is
earning w hat he gi*ts. Y ou m ay
save bis -clfrespect b y d oin g so. Hi*
w h o says “ G o w ork in m y vineyard
and wlmt i* right 1 will pay thee,” is
m ore truly charitable than he w h o
Ivistows a d a y 's wages us alm s. If
y ou have no w ork , or the applicant
is from age or in firm ity unable to
w ork, o f cours*' the rule d<H*s not ap ­
p ly. In all other case* to g iv e w ork
and pay i * the wisest charity.
Buster A Vernon,
Bruÿjpsia anti ^ ^ s ta r ic s .
JjniK* I’aint*. Oils. Class anj all otlter Ar
tide* kept in a firet-c!*ss .¡rug store.
Prescriptimui Carefiilljr Coinpottnded
A m u n itio a .
JHT* Also Dealers in Iteci Jt Harten’* Sil
ver a id Piateli Ware. Jewelry, J/usical In
struinent* of all kind.*.
BuiH»r\i Material.
llrick Mock,
James Tatom.
Real Estato and Insurance A gent
A . G. Rolicrts brok e his ankle
I last wtA<k w h ile h elping put h i s !
horse pow er under th** shed. H e is
for flu* precinct of Mon­
| getting along well.
mouth, State of Oregon, County o f Folk.
Ouk G rove aixl D ixie w ill have a John C. Worth, plaintiff, )
Civil action to
I < ’hrlstmas tree.
Kit Wing, defendant.
W’t'st V irginia voted at the lust
erection on an am endm ent to the
HUite Coiistitutiou to proh ibit the
'manufae!ure and salo o f in toxicatin g
I’ I m * propostxl am endm ent
was defeated b y the follow in g aston­
ish in g voti*. For the am endm ent
A gainst the am endm ent ;w>,20ß.
1!. Townseml,
PdHrm] a! Lsw.
H .
B L ^ L E B ,
Druggist and Apothecary.
— Dealer in
recover money.
rug*. Chemieais, Books, Stationery, Toilet
To Kit Wing, the above named defendant:
article», etc.
The third party received 2IS votes
r ilK NAMF. OF TI1K STA Ti; ( i f !
in Mississippi and ;>«{ in Alabam a, P o Oregon, you are hereby required to ap-
w ho dare den y the fact plain as the j pear befure ilie umlersignod," a Justice o f the Prescription« Fare fully
in se on you r face that the w h ole Peace, fnr the precinct nfotvsui 1. yn the glib
third party racket is a D em ocratic day o f DeceiniKT, l.ssH, at 10 o'el x k in the
Monmouth, - - -
I forenoon of said day at tin* office o f said
side-show. Selah.
Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above
W h y d o n ’ t “ T a xp ay er” in H’r.it named plaintiff, in n civil action. The de­
SUh‘ sign his real nam e to his co m ­ fendant will take notice. that if in* fail to
plaints o f our ( ’ouiity < »Hirers. If his answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff
will take judgment against him*for$7 SO and
name is honorable his purpose pure, bis
costs ami disbursement* in this action, i
let him com e out like a man audit The defendeut will further notice that his : Oregon State Normal
taxpayer uits I not sling mud from the 1 proi**rty lias been attached in th • above 1
¡shelter o f tin' \ M Shir. Judges I named action, published jn the F olk i ' ocxty ! FULL FACULTY,
1 »aly and Collins signed their onin - < InsKKVKu for six consecutive weeks, by or­
Ions like m en. G o thou and d o lik e­ der '/ t h e undersigned, made Nov. 10,' IH.ss.
wise thou tim id ghost o f a “ taxpay­
er. I hunt yer got a nam e?
Dan Van l’uten is bu ild in g an ad-
ditlon to J. H. M itchells barn f o r a
U'*q'r'U |
is la'tter though still
weak and ailing.
W illiam R u ble is n ow liv in g at his
All Normal Graduât«« r«c«ire a Diploma
place am on g us. lie has lost a white
from lii« Stat« which autiioriïe» them k>
cow w ith a boll—an yon e seen her.
u»cl, in any public «ehool in th« Stat« Oth«
The new canal or cut o f the Luck- n ^ l ’ lans, spool float ions and esti­ Stat«« »rant teacher»' certificat«« on n n w it«-
' lion or tii««« Normal Itipiomaa, witti
iumute is almost ennipick'd.
From mates furnished on application.
indications in the I ks I o f the new cut
Shop tw o dortrs south o f the city amination.
it was once the ertx>k bod, many w ater-w orks.
yours slhce.
— H iuCultult.
formal, Coilegiate, and
Commercial Oeparimsnl
Architects and Ihiilders,
Som e sickness,
toothache and
rheum atism , is abroad in our midst.
Our citizen, J. ft.» Sheppard, will
in the manufacture o f woven
\virc^ft *nce. This fette«* is becom ing
quite popular.
Our w h a rf pres*>nts quit*'a lively
ati|K*iininA‘ since bouts make regti-
lar tripa. Our farmers are shipping
tlu ir p rod u ct to Portland.
The closin g exercises o f our school
was attended by the direetors and
{Nitrons and all express«»«! satisfac­
tion with th«> sueii'ssful term just
clo sin g .
Viiiiirlm A: H illa rd .
E i ^ p 'L r v i i r a - .
ffiff-G. ><>d tafilc board is furnished to stu-
dents at the “ Normal Dffiing Hall” ni |] Bi
week *.... 1 tsiardiug in familiee with
furnish«*! room, fuel and lights,
t i.OU to $3.6«
per week.
-------- : :—
Practical Course
—Completed in a—
• Short
ftuf’ .V Specialty.iá i»
The accidents o f Josic Lewis being
throw n otr her |Hinv and John Mn>-
S||. P npp..«ite liven* Stable, at die fuindry
rittgiT running against a stump are lndejH'tidenee.
Inith till riglit ugjfin.
Send for Catalogue. Add rev* the President
h T. S taüley , Afonmouth, Oregon.
D. Warren,
liu e n a t i*tn.
< 'lytic Caldwell, w h o had his shoul-
«1« r disloejiteil hist w«xlk, !>v falling
otfa hor-c, is now all right again.
Hnllstoa is t«> lmve a C hristin:«, Dr. 1. *•!,«* attendtsl the little fellow.
tm .
.Lx* anil K in g rethrow had a grand
Mrs. A oeutn, w h o lias I khui In |«o«>r w olf hunt on the river Tuesday.
h tilth for a long tim e has g o n e to
O n r |ieople are afflicted with a
Salem for m edical treatment.
g«K»«l many colds.
A Chinam an, w h o is engitgial on
M. N. Prather made a business
tli«> narrow gauge, putting in new tit's,
got nuwl at his Loss ami struck on the call at Ind '{M»n«leiiee Saturday.
H arley Alexandt r ha- made some
head w ith a sh ovel, cutting quite a
im provm ent to his store.
«as«-, and has athl«'«l a flue stock
W e liav«' n -in gin g selu>*»| that show
o f holiday good*.
meet* M onday, Tuesday and Satur­
*’»i« I'vangi'Ih'al ehtireh have now
day evenings, and the til««' Club
meets every Thursday. Balls ton is fitti’tl up u phut* o f w orship in our
mi«l-t. Rev Heaueamp held a meet-
liecotuinK «iniie musical,
in hero a few even in g- ago.
A •s-rles o f m w i i n p are Is'lng eou-
duetisl her*» b y R ev. Oshoru with
"h u m s from flocts up, scrap l*,*>ks
vonshler.ihly inU<r«.ait.
Our w orth y friend l»nn Stouff»*r H*« t ' up. plush g«*»N. china war«',
hits l»v n laid up w ith the rheam ati-m toys and notions at the lowest pri-
ce*. at Mrs. M. K . latR. ihcu F s In-
u f lat«'.
j. E. Jerman*
Warren A Joriuaii,
Blacksmiths and
Wood Work a Specialty.
W A l l charges rea».mab’ o.
Sold by N. H. Bt tier.
Give usa
Christmas G oods.
pay Afinas cards.
ia-c-Photo and A utograph A lb u m s.
Poem s, Billies and Story hooks,
iold Pens, Pencils and T ooth picks.
fe rK cru p album s, F an cy w ritin g papers, etc.
j « ) “ A lso a tine line o f candies alw ays on hand at
J. W. Dawson’s B ook Store.