polk County Observer. 1IL11E AMI l l i : i u : \IIOt r s . I City election. £ Pul»IMn'il Every Saturday, Holdays come nigh. yhr Observer four months for ¿Oet«. Don’t forget the sociable. 1 lit* lick are all improving. liiM tu'ft* M ention. ( n>ss-walks neetl repairing. >1. lla.vter dentist, Dallas. Sidewalks will I k * repaired in Mon­ Sics A Smith are silling out at cost. mouth. Go to Henry Patter-on fur|»orfuiiie More lumber and more improve­ ment». (¡em* Hayter for cheap good-. ¡P ad our new n*l©'i'ti-i iiient- this Ex-Sheriff Hall was among us week. Tuesday. The F. M. A store has new good- J . II. Townsend, the genial lawyer For the best bargain,-¿n ladies and of Dallas, eg!its underwear, huts, cups, 1 m a>ts Maggie Butler was at Salem ¿h ies, tine clothing, etc., go to Hay- Wednesduy. ter's 1 »alias. For tine wateli work go to V. M I lie Airiie school w ill lie furnished ({rant at l i . D. Patterson’s. with new seats. Spectacles properly focussed «ntl ...... ....... some one who w ill Dallas wants accurately lifted at Henry Patterson’s, burn a brick kiln Every pair warranted. No tit, no ( ';l" Pig.» and family t>f Crowley sale. The F. Jf. A . store have as cheap were here Sunday. |bn- of general merchandise as can • res. Stanley w ill go to Portland *• found any where. thi- week on bu.-mc-s. q Student-w ill remember they can i he Lincoln school closed its ,r, t tirst-ela." Photograph work done term on last Saturday. at M. 1 ». E llis’ Dallas.^ E. lla y te r's is the place to buy all A ll care should be taken to pre- jhe latest -f \ les of tire-- goods; fine vent small-pox coiuiffg here, stock just received. J m ,.Timmons, of Lewisville, 11 nut’s axes $1 (HI at F. S. D. Co. ¡s at Portland as a V. S. juror. Paints, oils, varnishes, etc., at All are smiling at such handsome 1 ^ a*’ r^lu,I'< • winter weather we are having. llen rv Patterson has just recclveiP \ i , i , „ ;n 1 1 O a new stock of ¿1 the latest novelties , •'•"c her . effy #in the jewi Iry line. X old goods ¡u J' tl(,li <»n next Monday. his stock. Drop in and exam ine Hciut'inber the O iiskkvkh w ill be them, published earlier in tin* week after ('onnowaS «V- Cooper hardware this. men, Independence. N't'is A Sm ith ¡jre offering their The brick building of Drt Davitl- s"H and J . S. Cooper is nearing coift- goods cheap. pletiou. (¡0 to Vaughns, Dallas the leading Some sickness is reportt'd* in the jew eler. Henry Pattevson is not behind Salt Creek neighliorhotid in this county. vvitha line line of jew elry. Most every school district in Polk Fenton A T ruitt have received their new dress goods and now have county have a debating society or­ the best assortment in the county; ganized. consisting of the newest shades ami j. prices to suit eVcry body. Hons. Daly, Butler and Truitt, are W. H. W heeler has the finest line (attending the supreme court aiiSalem of holiday goods'ever brought to In­ tliis week. dependence. A. \V. Lucas, who lias been sick No trouble to show you ourgoods— for the past few weeks is now much Shelly «V Vanduyn. improved. Fenton «V* Truitt have received The Onsr.nvKii is proud of its tlieir new stock of fall goods, and call corps of correspondents. There is special attention to tlieir Drt— goods department which is the ‘most coni- none better. plctc of an y in the county. Born to tin* wife of B. L. Murphy, K H ayter now has the neatest gen- pit*. ¡ kss , a s m. All arc getting Merchandise store in Polk coun- along . . • . eral nit nicely. ty and he w ill not la* undersold. Call Prof. Newbury, of this county, is and sec for yourself. Tho straight up-and-up ston*-kc(*i teaching a school near Lebanon, cr- -Shcllly and V anduyn, lndepon- Linn county. O. S. \. S COM VIM W. U. II \WI ,KY, KIlIToH. Boxing and s«ir« noses are a rage at pivr-ent. Don't I lisitn Up. A tl 11 mb hell association has Is-en forme*I, ami a tlozen dumb bells orJ tlertsl, which w ill is' hero in a short lim e. The Atldet'*- have plenty of tick now. A new literary nssisdatloil i» Is-ing ■ '■„■■■ 5i ; b t ' talked of. ment soou. the b u llin g im il U ttin g In of cells, |„,u. q Mi— Cidlit* Urodio lias ts-cn abtsent W ayne W illiam s left lndepRiil- "h icli i- no'O nnished. q <)l:r l»oa-!~ two -tar-o f from sehtsd for -ome time on iiceouiit eoœ with his flu n llyth il week, and M i" lla iiie Parri-h, tie sweet the first m ag n itele . Olio prapares of sieknes.-. will go In bu-ines- at A shland Or- singer, after m aking a tour for pleas- our k u - c s « m l w agon-tti travel the J . T. Fr.inel- ofTualatj|i, a brother rocky roads of tin pre-ent lift«; the egon. ore through the eastern -tate- of -ov Q Ml 1 Ida Francis, vlalted thoNor- _ >‘tber ...... pn*|j^rt*- ¿g u (if wt iu :. n tn ; of John Kennedy has purchased the er.il months, has return^ 1 to In r ! bim to tn'rt I tìie narrow vvay, r i-a rti-tic ami "T vln i't he ” tin* church roll. ! hi> Athlcti*'assm'iation w ill #ive (patcnt applitsl fori 1 > 11 1 perliajis a a concert f a n . IP, 'sti. F.nterprisc and Lincoln. W . K^ Dalton is having several le* Ile tl», dt'IIKH'tatie in t*aie l'or a N' otii ’ i :. Lost, stravi'd or stolon, A. F. «V A. M,—The i*li*"tio:i of staimeli road carts put up at Independence to rcjmbilcan lik e Adam, Just one pair of gl*af.-. The out liav ing officers of Lyon Lodge Y *'Jo , A. 1'. take to Harney valley in the spring. t ter sudi a y e ’..v;*ona- v iri: .ve had. them w ill be liberally rewardt^l if lit* M., w ill he b e lila ; the regular La-; -'mnl tv soni« of uà wont twer tloe- n * return them. The “ little folks concert” Sunday A Frank llu tler’s l'or un cvening's # — B. C. Altman. evening at McCoy, was a ¿dca-aut meeting of the lo.lgc next Saffirdiy singiug, and in Iti- nbsenco had a evefting, Dt*e. 10th. The \Y. M. de­ Prof. Powell has invited a mimber affair. gissi timi*. al I in ('ultus. of students to meet with him In tin* sires a full attendance. Remember the sociable ijpiday ; clmpel Saturday evening-. »Purpose, Don’t fail to attuiti tin* a.Ption . 1 *i,. . . 0 a • • r affi' < iiiinl* >**(*•-. vis ,1 tl culture* evening by the Ladies Aid Sfflcty, sale of L. 1». ,'lulkv on Saturday, The following wan the programme ii'Pr vvagon n ad ■ are d n a w er at the new«!ndl. All go. * 1 >«r. loth, at Dallas. vear ef .............. the Vespertine , -- - siieiety . last _ Friday; Patronize t!u* advrtiisers in the Him, t.) tin* Ä-I'' rf Jolin Wyatt, near t'fcSIt itimi at this tim e of t... ..— Song, Mi-- Powell; Instrumental ever w a* OnsKKVKU and you will receive fair I'liilnneitli, avo son- ami a dan. liter. Mr. titan . Miisjc. Miss ( Jeizeninner; Heading, Starici ¡ever ha- made it- appear* Lmma W hitney; Instrumental Music ¿rentment, low prices and gootl \V>aC ivas liai‘nrvallis \ e-tenlai n. «ai - - — Porter; Heading, Libido to - Kate llie mn.'ni'.ulutions of bis freiitN. The anco m *■’ 1 iugi h ■*'* i *Uy„ and * ¡celli- goods for your money. Vaughn. 1 ' i ir, Are ant] (Iv c wiiUa hall lx* increasing rapidi^. Already petitioi* are in circula­ | hiuh la ’v>, i* , ly. I #.i U t . The programme at the last m»H>t- IT is ri'^iortisl linn small "pox has iag o fth o 11 •spijfiun -.H-lety, consist­ tion for the Albany postottlee, to W hy i« a newspaper lik e a pr*tty mado it- nppearamt* in Junction. ed of a vitv interesting oration l>y take efftet nA soon as pos-ible after J . lUienanan, and a di'l.iffi* on the girl? To be perfect it must be tin* A Mr. Blue via- taken a weeR ago. the inauguration sf President Har­ question: /*V. vì .', That eniifrfatiun embodiment of many type-; its form rison. Thi* societies of tin* F n iv er-ity arc to tin* F. s . should be eneouragisl. \ lllrm ative, Mathews and Maw ley; 11. It. Piflterson is now in his new ¡-‘made up; it Is elm- d, though gid- doing a gr.imì va. rk. quarters. Mis drug store puts on a* d y; it enjoys a gootl pre-s, the more Tlu* Fug ne Firemans baud gave, negative, Fium itt and Barr. The president dividisi in favor of tho neat appearance as the best. Hi- rapid the better; it luis a wtakacs- a masquerade Kill tlu* evening of iH*gatlve. for gossip; talks a good deal, can four new show cases are im m ense,1 ’¿'hank-giving at Laic - hall andVeul- Next iTidav flu* Vespertine- w ill stand praise, and is awful proud of a . and prescription case just being tin-, new dress. It cannot be kept in a b:od ila.DO. deVati* tlu* qui*stion: AV.«n/e<./, That isiie.l, all adds greatly to the oozy Thi'brass 1 >and at Pleasant H ill num­ jnoney is better than education. The societies again met last Tucs-* businc-s house. Henry is stopping goodlium or without ci-li. !'\ . ber- 1!> memltor- and lour are e\-stu- in flit* advance and we are glad t<> No institution in Oregon has quite denLs to the Normal school; \V. T. day and accepted tin* constitution, as revised'hy tin* committis*, and cleat- a.- much fun poked at it as the Nar­ Sellers, \\ . L. Bristow, I'. 11. Mnl- j (t| sec it. tin* fol'iowing otthvn: President, Clara (¡aril; Vice, C. L._Ilaw ley{ Prof. John Denman, of Independ­ row Gang* railroad. The following key, and Ilalsey Calllson. Voruz; Treasurer, ence, hits been engaged.to teach the is from an Astoria pajH-r: “Thoy’ve Tl... Mill L ra - ta .'ll «.«'*•! Librarian, L. R. public school here during the illness got a little fatherless and moliierle- a !. ' don’t upset or jump the track they The nr. -ident of the Wcbstcriatis were expo-i d, as the patient broke get tlirougli with about as much eer- Tlu* Normalités of Lane county dii'idctl that thera was not as much <»ut with tin* disea-e w hile at a dance. ‘tainty and promptness as does the have m ost all settled (? do.wn to act­ knowledge gained by traveling as by There is almost certain to in* other m ail to this city, brought down on ual life. Prof. 15. F. M idkey, wields reading. cases then*. < »wing to tin* tim e of going to press the ‘Black Mnrinh.’ ” the rod of dlsipHno at Bethel school. tlu* column w ill be short this week. Our correspondent« w ill remember of! We publish this week tin* cast of Prof. , . W. T. Scll<*rs, , lias , charge .. , By not liav in g a stenographer at our day of publication w ill be cV.aractcrs for the play at Indepen­ the Pleasant Hill s-hool; of which fl„. ||,.> ,,<.r¡an so* iety last Friday. “ Fanners w anting to buy a fall bill -Th® Ifemixer counts à i butchers Wednesday. A ll communications W ill i- w ell adapti'd to tin* work. ; we are unable to give the president’s dence. We w ill g’ive the time next will save money by buying goods of who have sold meat at one time jmi - -'■lit F riday, Saturday and Monday, Tin--.* two Profs, have taken unto ! Inaugural address, hut must say that week. We wish everybody to avail Fenton A Truitt, Dallas. ] other in Dallas. w ill In* on time for the issue; but themselves of the'opportunity to at­ them elves a lair 0111 fair one to comlbrt ! «I«; V.?r.!í.l. ‘ ,,,t..Í.V:!!!V.í\í,Tl\..!ll,/;,?,j;J", nte speech something lik e tl We name for you way down price The F. 8. I). Co. have had an in- send any tiiye. tend. The proe; eds’ go to the bene­ them through the sad paths of “ wo­ Harrison w ill make next Marcii. (five (.r0iisisl force of help on tlieir huild- on all our generili merchandise. Give Lewisville has a grange. It meets fit of the new scenery. mens rights.” II. F. Keeney is far­ 1 acu ii. .Wholly A Vanduyn, I ndo-! ing this vv cck. It will soon be ready the tlrst Saturday in each month. ----- — Saver. ming near Goshen, and is engaged Mence. to occupy. Dallas. Not seeing any items in your val- The grange interest is gro w in g.ill in sb r’k raising. Ben is a wlioli E. lla y te r makes a specialty of »able pnner from this place for some Dr. Popi»leton and wife of Lafay­ our county, and their goodw ill be Dallas w ill have a Christmas tree. s*tilled lien, lie too has Insania tired 1 time, silks, satins, plushes, velvets and in w ill send you a few this week. fact all kinds of fancy goods. Rem­ ette, -[»ent several days in town this felt. of single hie- islness and lias taken We are sorry to note tlvd Uncle Considerable plowing is liclng ember that all the goods in Ids stock week. unto him a wife. The next in our don«*; yet most every one Is through The Polk County Land Company Ed. Delashinutt is no better. are new and of best styles. Mrs. A. J. Richardson of this place are prepared for business. A ny ¡117 Circuit court lias .adjourned and memory is of Lucien Parker, who is seeding. All orders sent Fenton A Truitt by \V. W. Collins had three sheep was called to attend the funeral of formation desired, address 1». W. 1 the crowd tlnft enlivened our town teiiehing near Goshen. Mr. Parker mail w ill receive prompt and careful attention; goods sent by return mail. her little granddaughter at Bethel Sears, secretary, McCoy, or F. A. so much last week has disappe.irisl. has had several year experience in killed by coyotes a felv «lays ago. (Juite a iiim ilier of farmers nro ¡nit-* teaching, he lias been employed at Patterson, president, Indi'iiendence. H. B. Collins, the photographer, i- Saturday, W ldttler dav w ill be observed at Goshen sin ce’HH. Lucien lias great ing out fruit-tret's this fall. prepared to turn out photographs at prof. Reynolds, our worthy school Prompt attention w ill be given to all the academy F riday ufternoon, Dec School at this place, progressing attractions at Goshen besides ld- Dallas in all its brandies as good a- 4UIK,rintt.n’(|s „r pro,x*rly callctl in tln ir Inn m ills have bt*en put up in our the Dry g(*od- lines, w ill save money county, the druggist of that place, pastor of tho < hristian church her** Tlu* Ladies M ite Bocicty w ill give guagc Ute M urphy. W ill is talkeil wind neighborhood this fall, and they uro by buying of Fenton «V Truitt, Dallas an* 1 an old-time friend of m any of ooqld not conic, and tin* church has a -Upper at the Enterprise Hotel of la>iiig m-renadeil by the tmnd 011 giving universal satisfaction. At j . D. Irvine’s i- the place to III!- tow s, ¡'lit re this V. *". k . . , engaged Elder Lay <>1 Pomeroy, \\ . ' |,,,x ( Satyrdav night tho stipo-iiion tlait he—well wo w ill : \ church house is ls*ing talked of got your groceries, Jndepcndcne**. his lir-t : .... ... j be a grand . masquerade . inform you w liea it takes ¡liais«. at this ¡liais*. It Is very much nis*d- Those who failed to got their T. He . w ill lik ely •, preach ' , I lien* will I i d and we hope it w ill be built» Students when in want of good- *» . Again tin* name of R. E. Bristow (lultc a iiiiiii I kt have already signi­ On—KitVEK last week at the usual sermon hen* next Sunday. • ‘ at . the ( .... itv Hall l»et\voeii < hristmas any kind, go to Fenton A Truitt s. A large number of ('h ri-tii.a- tree- ,md Ncw Years day. W e Is-Iieve ¡»resent-to our memory, tin* good fied there zeal in the matter by off­ time will please censure the narrow A fresh supply of groceries at J . D. have 1 hs * ii deelded on for F liristm a- ¡i„ d a te 1- Dee. gsth. Jovial whole s*»uiisl Fi l i - tin* same ering a liberal ismtribution. gauge for delay. The track was Irvine’s. blockaded and the m ail car did not throughout tlu rount.x. , Marricil at the bride’s res!den«‘ on ns of yore, ivi has a good ritimtion H o w Hi* D e l» T h e r e . Mr-. La Ransiour, Cffy Bazaar reach here till Monday. Hie Mill t reek school was dosed ]) Hit* Nomini m aking and repairing lN>autiful H oliday goods at Wheelers Inde­ taking off with it a flat car and coach. Imw on to a -and -¡»it at the je tty >uth of town, agalli soon. Halsey Galli un is at things. Articles of gold and silver There was no harm done to anything w hile on its fir-t trip to tin* bay. was done pendence. liis homo a-si-ting in the generai and pris'imis stones, and more gen ­ Her stern lies in twenty-two fis*t of Attention of those who are t a l 'ng ¡)Ut tlw track, which was pretty T h e I I c r . ii' Dutchman o f ’ 70 work of a ranch, and prefers l.ane ius and gissi taste the ¡»risif of orig- water. Tin* passengers and fr* ight painting is called to the full line "I ^„¡¡y torn up. Tu 1 )* * plavi-1 In ilii'iicnr futiim t»v thf In- ixiunty to that of Polk, for il has artistic material at H. R. Pattersons F re d ' Douty, the enterprising wen* all safely tran-fereil to the gov­ .1 . |" ,;'. II.. V„M«.'i.r Ifraiaaii. m -¡ ;ty. pre- „ the vear round, whicll i- Hot 1 in ality and expression. He was I ndependemx*. « (•( 1- tn I m * ajiplicfi un thè s«•ciiury oi tlic iu | * ’ happy and "ids heart was young as ernment j “ttv, with the* assistants* of Cheapest place In the countv for young hardware in* rclmi't of- imK - »jK rm hniiiM ’. in Polk ci»unty for him . Jotinie he told of wind In* had seen and two tugs. hardware, K. S. 1». Co. iwndenn*, was married to M .-s L e i. , S " rr, r Tr isath o ..«* , he w a- e n g a g .sl. Thi*stori*isfùi 1 of School iKxiks and stationary at *,f Junction City, T n ^ ayN ^ j A freight train dashed into a ¡>as- l*,. ,m.!; T r'”C 1>l"' i,n’ y summer in the canvass for IsH.ks lll(,lWH1,|s of line a r t ic i« , of the hest s**nger train that wnsstanding at tin* W heelers Independence. not tlu* particulars of the w* Mm , Gol. lirown,« Rotimi frani-h Ofllrcr.W. in w Iddi he suuceedixl vory w ell. mat* rials, and as m any different ¡»at­ People who ait* talked about, are however, Fr.sl and hi- m w bride; station Puyallup, Monday morning I P. Conniiway. The ladies of tin* Normal from lame Mjj**r J mmi , a Iìriti-1 1 Ofllccr, J. W. county have not lss‘ii so mimerons torns as the ideas of others or your those who go and exam ine tin* fm1, have a ho-t of friends t hat w i-ritlem and killed one lady and seriously own can suggest. A ll to I k * sivn, r. injured another. Tlu* engineer of BinSi stock wf artist- m aterial at Bu-ters .„„j ¡^ -¡le r ity . <'«I*i. IJ-lv, a Hrit!i*li Olltccr, Warrcti a « the gi*ntlemi*n and I can only i-.ill ii-* *1 and worn by men, women and Independents*. He has a full line <> , the freight train was badly hurt. ( 'r«*.-*y to memory the name of MJ-s Jen n ie children, which adds to the ls*auti- T u ls i, Acisb'ujy board-, plnqui*s, The enterprising people of Lincoln Harry Waltrrs, an American. V A. Dotile \V. I> . Worth finis!usl the fir-t Hain,(>)I Hn>»n'- servant,!' W Inrili*' Bu-hn<*ll of Junction C ity. 1 canuot fnI and helps to form attractions. frames, brushes,etc. CnLI and sis* ^ putting things aniuisl alsmt term of the Huver school last Friday. Mi.v ami Katc, Dnu»{lil, r-o f fot- bromi, - l ywl mt Jefinll*’- weupation is at them. right there for the long w inter even- Noveltie- in clocks, watches, silver- Ali—i oni «nell nini 11 « Ni llii* Ititi The F. 8. 1». Co. have ft V*r~-n ’/l" imr- Thev have agnssl on giving a On account of pressing work at home To r .ne lui il* «riti» or»c of tlic mosf lau^ha- ¡irifi'iit, bill nm glad to noti* that war**, stone-goods, s]M>etacl**», and volts* of skates e .« I n g which w ill bo m g . «» ,.llt,.rt;llnI11..„t and some business matters he w:is hi«' farri- of llic seanM». .»mali bili» «fili Is' Jennic has Just nH*overe*l from a si*- *»th**r ¡»n*tty things, gathcnsl fn»m out in ituc lime announcing dio timi' of verc s|M*il of typhoid fcvcr. Mori* » , I,I a . * v „ , ,* T-?. i . h f..r .1,. par...... ... n ,l„ not able to continue for the n**xt remiering tl»c suine. all the tleidcrs of the worlti. To get term. Prof. E. Fa-»*, of I.inn is,un­ Wood token In e«,-haap* r,„ ^0.1« « ' ,,„r,.ha . . an nnnu*. in the future m ay prcsent them -d ve­ a sample of these goods, go for your­ —M. A. C. Itobarùmi». Mimar* r. to m y meniory and will ris oni In m y self, they an- sold reasonable, and if at the Fumn-ra Snpi'l.v *1*1—*t- » , 1„ |„ ll„ i„0 Tin y tv, has charge of the school instead W ani A New Hotel. of Mr. Worth for »''•* second term. next. —Ca|M*r. A ll hills due us must l-e llUl, llold fr.s* -isialso n Satur- you buy they w ill .d raw friends to w ill also hold free The school has been very ¡in»-|s'niiis. nionthlv,unless special arrange di nts i rj-.ty The ;ss»|»!e of Monmuuth wnnt a A »r*s**l ilim-iioii waits **n nj*i»«»»itc* and a you as n “ pretty girl draws deacons evening of each week thereafter. are m aiie, F. 8. D. < o. An exchange says that -*»me mer­ hotel very m udi, and mu* ls Im lly H m«js*til*' i- *>n** ni tlir sum*l -i'.*n- <*f at a m m p-m eeting.” __ \Ve wish them «Il succo-. I healtli. I f ) **»i an* l**«r spiriteli, l*i!- chants would lik e to advertise their ntsslisl. A sulisidy of over #4®n ln^- • M-rf.* then wc advl-c y»n lo Uki* 1 >r. Ilen- Crider Bros, of Dallas have a A fii'rim nnint. Is'i'ii rni-isl and w illb e g iv t n, a s w d l Iry • Ooii'Minii tulli**. 8*»l*l by X. II. bnll**r. goisls if it did not cost anything. In as l*»t- to put thi* building on, to • it—* on Al *>» » - Chopping! Chopping!! mammoth stock of holiday good-. This la»- I *. Tlu* F. 8. 1». Co. huy f**r case * mi l.'. J*il.,i- ri .i-*»n tiicy u:i*b r 'In il tifai, rintani, l.nlllai.tan.1 ni.Kn.H- ; ( lia :. * ¡ibi» m * an.I Catherin*« that liberal a d v e rti- p * get n.or* building. Thfc« i» a gissi chance for -•Il any «»th»*r limi •• In l ’olk c*»unt> . Ä f t s Ä T n ,? 'i n « . - * lav n i Shunto In I » * .......>• tn,l** in- T hisfirei i- guining friem l-cvcrj'day ««•r*' marni*. I, Jiotiei* Krtik All .if I »¡ill:*-. within th< * r»*n'*h *m * bv th«*ir f;’»r divllng. They -*11 at price: tb»n -’•* b a- 'lo oM adverti-**. “ »"* vcntii’. in t. Ä : _ F ™ n k tao 3 5 l » Mtonnnuth. ¡ » ,f all. Oregon. • Hi itigrporl* Uev. A. A. McLeod is the pastor of the slirewde-t btislm— men ad­ ! ,ast Friday we learn that some of the Baptist chnrvh of Independ­ vertise most when trade to Is* get- few friends had a imMeal evening at ence. tine dullest, Frank Itiitler'-. tf«? note the gcniid J ih * Hubbard M. D. Kills w ill now net as deputy The grand Jury found a true hill of W ells Station among ns Wednes­ sheriff for Sheriff Sm ith. Mr, , “ lis against 'I r. ami Mr-. Mitehell for day, is a genial good fellow, full of Inisi-®:’. -'m !t on Gordon I'hompson. Mr. pleat ling not gu ilty, we Hattie Cox died at Indi ¡»endence m—. A d can lie count« d »»11 a- d >'.ne: M itelujl tne ä sc Is continned t<> n . i Saturday, Ihr. 1, 1-—, of typhoid his duty. m rcugi urn in May next year. w ft'Mxr, aced e years. sheriff Sm itli lias had the ja il yard Q th ir bridge is well under way and The amateur dramatic conijvnnv oC¿» k an, 1 no .m l all the old ru'Aish w ill prolmbly In* roundelcd tin- year.