Polk County Observer. C. C. DOUGHTY, — - - J'ublidii'r. • Nil b*criplioi^U iiti'it. $1 AO '5 .Vj ^ - ■ - O - ■ I Vi X- nr. IVr Six VTitl'X. IVr F«>ur Momh». Advertising rutui inaili kumvii on . O 0 O ©. o of tlif iHt|N.‘r. o Monmonlli, Ori'gou, I»'r. 12, Iss*«. THE°OBS£aVER Ftfri 50 CSTTS Fer Four Months. H c iy ifliilifliu r r is o n v#ll • •• fltty- tiv c years, 0\ m o u t h ' ami .ail four- O t«t*n (lays o ld w licn lie i innSgiira- l.ft! B r c d d c g t o f tlic .l "uitcil Stall Dress disp atch es say that * »** ii . Ito u la i^ v r um l will- a n ' al*out to he a iv u r r c ii n fil that a v ery w i'altliy w^ilow i- ready tu m arry the noted F rcnclflnati. Ilow Na| • »»iMiif! W h o » i l l n ow d e n y llm ila n yir - title to greatn ess? W hen w ill tliis w orhl cease glorify iiig scoundrel \ u in 11 it ii >n e h ea p erth a n a n y oth er pluce in P olk co u n ty , F . S . D. C o. O |>.t *mU*rterm |v^. I, / k ' Vuiiglui - ¡» ••nulled a guesH nt the | Tin; circuit «***.»111 «locket completed. "nmiilier oi'-«'<'d.' in ll**' piiuikin in his »how T he ^r:»nn «Milling I he munst cull I/ifonai«! Livermore. !• »reman; ivt* t t ,M,k. luki' •hoii'i' of a l.idi.-’ urgents g"ld »vaUli I • I •' II. B Physician and Surgeon. ° Ï ert < irunt and J. H. i.' o I üiin . < TilloU oit WW B|»|HJÍlltrtl »Xliliff o t ^l aipl i mils', Id e ila V ista, I trogoli. UÄ ! jury an:11 ri~ ill 's ic I c Why will |»s’i*l -ill. ll-l UjHill The following caH< s liad U»»-!i n they might I h * made bul k limi loin», wh up l«» T'uvxlas noon O — O ------------- -troiig un I happy I . . iimìm - llris/mi Kidney I Met ’rucket it To V* T 1 '• » u; action l,.i S,.1.1 by N. If. Hull O ' - - 1 Q 1 in JO H N J. D A L Y , I 'hilhliiilis, uiipU'.isun .. ld< fisu,i 1ÍÍ» li'. t und oilier purl' o f the h, „ 0 n.dil ealurrli O o 0 on the eye, all “nil in ctiuily; atI«»nicy“ TowH'«*ndand l^'>- Judgment in favor o f plaint it! against Win. disipi-ur by iL'ing llutunls Sjiwilie. Sollt bv ' N. 11. lJulh-r,druggist. Svili proli pi ' O e " '1 to nil legul business Harri“. f« . t»ntrliquid to inni. witrUsUxí >|.,h of u M. K. lint t II. ll DA Id . A S, O H E G O X . tor iiefeiniunt ïliuiniiboii and iruitt. ti o tin ucd o Verdi» i Hen Hayden • - ( niw I •1 ! 1 j v i o , « ntitH uk plaintiff to i-M^^ioii O , r W A K K K N T H U IT T , Stilt i• i»/ Oregon V“ A I ilanc*H‘k-. I li‘«id 5(ir-|ioes a g- nerul banking business. Sight | M-ntfiiced to tin r^nitcli* guilty and ww Drafts ou New York. Sun Kruneiseo or Port- ' • (¡mil d land. D«'|«,sits rixeivod subj.s t to eheek or j , .! It DttWM.n v- D y < Conlir on certitieutes of de]«.sit. Col list ions will [ I Win. tirc^ory vs > (i liailcy it al nsx'ive ; ; Ogi atlenlio-., iIfllt« boni - « D A L L A R O U F .iíO X . II . I • i on. • I m. to,'> p m. //<«//'•« HurjUu I'nutf Safe, tt > In, i h ■ £ < k. O VS'ill pia, lire in all the courts. of the Slate. I.am and llainnivr. Midi r T *ir c'.c'u Ofllce in < ourt House. t.T . o \\ M Kn d \“ I»« h I' .n it Minch Slier- ill’ ordered to make tleed. State of Oregon n . T’. !>■ I**-rrymini; a- ! s .iilt and hatterv; for plaintilf Hewitt, for • I c guilty as charged in tlie indictment. I«» rc- 0 t 'Ill:' - Il M O 't .. oppos'd«' tlie eourt liou.-i d ° ivd to.I II Townsend to take testimony. ° Dallas, OlVgoii. -D eniers in — llann tli I atoin^ ' < n ■ i I atom. , 1" ,; . ,i i nlru T uguilist ikleiiduul; rehrredTo N I. Uutli r ii N Towisend vs Win Hams et :J. • mi- Ah T here! ( trou t < our! Xmas. »!. K. Locke, o o o n Ä o Attorney at Law, o Polk C o m itv Bank. .}/< . . / / ni oiy o o y attorney at Isuw, F. b. p . Christmas Goods. j M r X ’ m us cards. » O s P h oto a n d A u to g ra p h A lb u m s . a ^ P o e n w , B ib les o n d S to r v liook s. o i ¡o ld 1‘i f t ', P en cil* anti T o o th p ick s. ftar fstrap a lb u m s, F a m y w r itin g papers, e tc , je » - A l s o a tine lin e o f can d ies a lw a y s o n 114ml at I 1 o I 0 J. W. Dawson’s Book Store, a J. IS. Townsend? Có. B û sîo r 02 |r B o c i> h* • V , Vernon, W e liuvt changed the publication i in u",I as t" ul I parti» m but Wm Harria. a llartlware, tinwareftiiiil doves, .« 11 VVi l - ■ ■, i ■ i v . |K»ftitionf d a y for the O nsi i:v i:n , an d. all it ' l''iinfiture, house liirnishiug attorney - Daly and Butler. Continueil. (iimils, wire mattresses, et»'. reade rs w ill get it in the tdrejiart o f Ju!n, - ll,■ 1 111,1 k V' *, I*, anil ^1 I*. I.," kr. i, lion ul la«, uttoniey Daly. Judgment lor Druggists and A»aîh6ôart63. the w eek . pluiiitUf •----- .1 |> ,, II llubl>:ir,| aeiioti at law; Siipt. IWynnlds favors a law re- uttorney Butler, i ontinued. rugs, raints. < lib. Class and all other Ar Win -''iiage vs i' A tioiihh Sliv ri li'order- L* ¿è Wire feue« ami barbed wire, eri! i jui ring holder ■ o f Stale and it: .iai j i.i to muk,' dts'd 1.» pluintili. líeles kept in a first-class drug store. l)i|ilonias to register tjiem w itli the II Mi'oojH r v • t ' and 1. ¿i Sloj^r. i Q C ou n ty Su|»erinti nilants, w hen they timiution. (itsi. Poster is. Samuel «Irr; suit for resrri.ítons ( arefiilly ( onipounded. (th e holders) g o in to a courtly lor the danuigi ■: for pluilliiil HlllliT, 1 rilitt iili't pyr|Kise o f teaching:, aleo rcn u lrflig Townsend I r «li ft iiduiit l ollins and Daly. | Motion to strike out ovi milisl. - V " '" their attendance at tin co u n ty Insti­ W. MWirew vs. A. W. Btttler; for plain- T • Car(K'iiter toni.-, sash aiel û rs. tutes, the sam e its tlio.-e • h o ld in g till' '| i i , -, ’ .■ I for ,1 IWhliml Butler. De muni r withdrawn; plaintilf lak» s judgment t ' 9 * M-o Dealers ill Heed A Barton's Sib cou n ty certifica te'. A lso yiereasin g I ;, liefauh. o V*r anil Piateli Ware. Jewelry, J/usieal In- the ap p rop ria tion to each d istrict 'Slate o f Oregon vs. K Thurmai.; lai',',:iy: « c iuiieins o f all kinds. m a k in g a correct report from ♦ ; to for Plaintiff Hewitt, for defendant Duly., ('ii', ontinued. • ♦MO; th ereb y increasing th e efficien ­ \-- gmnftil ,(f I’ .1 I! • dm«'; alt,Mia '- Independent*. Hrick Mark, i oiiligim d. c y o f ou r p u b lic school w h ere it is I : nil and 11 dnu \\ I i Ii , ii - i - ', I :•!!; 11 al. i ntiuued. m ost lieedisl n a m ely o u r weak ' .1. II. t oils*able v-. t ’has.. I olili ,V I 'o.; in- t>. L tim her anil liinglus in | junction: attorneys Daly und Duller, l>i;- districts. any q u an tity A ll orders mis-ed; defenduilt to pavi'iisls. • .1, W. I ¡union vs. A. Strain; «oiitest. Con- I w ill re«'iiv e p rom p t at­ It is n o « reported that S tan ley , 1 liniusl. ten tion . Farm produix' Idi'ii r vs■ < >rr. Judgment for plaintilf in co n sig m x l to n - w ill lie the A frican e x p lo r e r , is safe. W e Hie -inn of .- i'io and i - Real Estate and Insurance Agent disposi li o f to tlie Ix'st h ope so, hut the fact Wait he has not II. P. Beardsley v ■ T. I. l’errymun; suit possible advaiitag«' a n d ’ for damages; lor pliiinlilf Truitt and Daly, heen heard from for several m oitths, im m e d ia te returns m ade. uit. j for del 'iidant Duller. Judgment for plaiit- there are g ra v e ijia n ees lie w ill ¿»ev­ | till' in the sum of Slim. J. W. Cliamli. riain \ -. M. A. Diei: tu tioli er uny m ore Is- soon a liv e . • at law;* for plaintilf Daly, for defendant Ore.fon. Duller. Judgment lor plaintilf in the sum T h e ORsratVKH is in receip i o f of So' -U and «sols. B U T L E R , 1ST. J r î . .1. II. Smith vs. Ira S. Smith; for plaiutid liu lletili N o. 1, ju st issueil hy the Blltlnr, for ,blind.ml .[iH-inent foi sum m on.. Wtatc. A gricu ltu ra l O il lege, »c itin g plainlitfin the spin o f f i l J and rusts. Di^iggist and Apothecary. J'istie»*', Court for Ihe preeiiwt nf Mmi- Joshua Drown vs. I.. D. Martin; fiirerlos- forth th e h isto ry and establish m en t 111,,ulli, s'ule ,,f I , j ,,n, 1 ouuty ,1 l’i o ure; al^imei Town-,'ml. Ihs-ree. o f that colle g e . T h e w o rk is cre d it­ — Dealer in— It P Smith \ -. John M' Murray; utlorn»\ John C. Worth, pluintitr, ) Civil U'tinn to • vs. a b ly d o n e , and a ltog eth er a fair 1 Duly. Settled. r ntonev. reei i ve Julia Tillot.'on vs I. TilliN-oii. Divorei Kit Whig, defendunt. I j ^rii - Chemi al«. Books, Koitionery, Tollet source o f in form a tion pw H aining to grantisl. To Kit Wing, Ihe als,ve mimed defendnnt: 'artirlos, ete. agricu ltural u «p c r im c n t station s in Asa .Strain v«.‘ (l. P. and • •. J. lbsanlslev; ! I N TDK N \ M !•: OK T fl K S I ATj: nF I apis'al; attorneys Dali and TTuitt. Juda- coniU 'ctioii w ith co lle g i s in th e dl Rer­ | mi-nt for plaintilf in the sum of >17 no and I llreirnn. von are hl i'. le lXsiuired Io ap- I'rrseriptlons C arrfn llj Compounded. ur tiefore the undersigmsl, 11 ............. . Ihe un t slab's. J copti*. II the gdlh Peaee, for the preeinet afor,sai i J. H. DoiVning v-. I>. P. Wetherfonl «'t da.v of Ihss'inlier, 1SSS, at tu o’eiis'U ill the I aetion ul law; attorney Daly. Continued. Monmouth, (len era l H arrison is th e first Ileu- Kdna P. M M M # foreniMin nf saiil duy al Ihe utllee of said Jusliee in said preeine t, tonnswer the nhovi' ja iy in e v e r eleeteil P resident o f .the titi,m. II, p ,rt • r• i. •. Stale of Oregon \s Win She] liar 1. Con- 11.mied plaintitf, iij a eivil aetion. The dc- I'n itisl States, as his grad father wit' f, miaut will take noli , 1l . 1t if he f.,il I,, ; Unued th e llrst and o n ly W illia m elected to Klmira K Smith vs C Smith. Divorce answer the mmplaint herein, the plaintilf will lakejuilgment against hintfor$7 HO amt ; . that h igh office. T h e n am e J a n ie- gruut ,rv vs S O Dailrv t'oni’iriiH'd nann;,l aetion. imhlislnM in the P oi . k C oi ntv I FI LI, FACULTY, (le o r g e , T h o m a s, M artin, F ru n k lin , - ............ gon vs i ,, 11 .. Mitchell. PI,.«! Olisi.KVKH for six isiiisei'U'ive wis'ks, hv o r -( GOOD BUILDINGS, iler of Ihe undersigmsl, müde Nov. 10, ts.ss. Z a ch a ry , M illia rd , A b ra h a m , F ly s- I not guilty, case lontimusl. LIGHT EXI'KN'SES. Witni'ss my liaiul, H. C. Pereival »ttule ol Oregon vs Win It Davis, assault nes, Itu th c r fo n lk C hester and < ¡rov er ----- : 0:----- J»istict of the Peace. with de.idly weap n Plead not guilty; •once. W illi th e e x ce p tio n o f Joh n enntinmsl \\ K Da :. •• M L Ilali. n. Judgment J,y ° A d a m s and J o h n tju in o y A d a m s, the , ilefailit p a tr o n y m ic o f H arrison w ill l»o tin s, las,I I'oii.niissioners vs H ^imjison et al o n ly o n e that appears iiitxv than 'Cunflrniation on ce in o u r list o f Presidents. ----*>:---- ® - 0 5 CD o CO CD ^ ui Ü P Amnnition. *• • •» 4 0 Ul P Ul Q Ul trf- CO :o ^ cd 'r 5 Ilf & p » o p << & o y D Ul H“' w Cl O p CD Builder's Material. •Limes Tatom. Monmauth, Oregon. Monmouth, SHELLEY &VANHÜYN, Hoad Quarters fur General Merchandise, independence Oregon. Oregon. T lie a n n e x a tio n o f t unada, by the I'n itis l states, i ' U 'in g '«-riou sly d is ­ cussed on liotli side* o f th e line. G en eral Hherm an has ^ m p llcly c\ - 0 p re s'i'd h im s e lf in fa v o r o f tin u nion o f th e tw o cou n tries. It is not p r o b ­ able that E ngland w o u ld en ter a n y serious ohjis'tinn, if Canada w ere to ex p ress a n y th in g lik e a d ecid ed p re­ ference to iMssuue a ;>nrt o f th e great A m e rica n ilp u b lli insl ul o f re m a i­ n in g a colon ia l d e p e n d e n c y . T h e C anadians and th e citi/.ciis o f the N orth e rn states m ight lie -a id to in- a h om e-g en iu s p eop le. It Is certuin fluff tlie pro|N>sition o f a n n e x a tio n is g r o w in g in fa vor, its con su n in m - t ion w o u ld end ft!I «• >n•. .-i»\ < r-ii - and w idi'ii the lat it |de el is a i ii i e l a i d e n ­ terprise (Mi th e A tla n tic sea-hoard for I hi I cou ntries. A irliitod s and Builders. AD Normal Graduât«« -«e«i»« « Diplom» from tli9 Stat« whirh muthorii«» th«m K> i l«ac!'. ;:i «ny public«chool in tha Si«i« Olher •m vri.i SI N«-il. o f Toted", Dimton Co., Or., in Plans, sjMM'ifinition.« and osti- *!:«;»• gnuit tenrher»' , «rtillr*!9« on iirmenta- the 41st Mtir.ofher ng«*. She lirtd I hsmi an ; tion orth««« Normal DiploniM, without «x° 1 • ! f ■ r .• numb, r of year-, mid her plivs- m ates flirilisluxi lilt lipplillltilin , imination. |, îan id vised a , 1. ¡ins:«.- of climate .is licronlv ' < 1,.., >,, . ..,.,1. e «I... At .'‘ 1 - , sue I .i l- Nov » „ ...... lit.*, wife I, -, 1 -s Mrs, Al- !.,l. going.,. S|s.k:,ne Bnitp t" 0 d.Kirs south Id the c ity Independence \ net ion i • Sale. ° \ ( I I H I O . . t |> i l ;> l ,1 h. i w ill 'o il at p u b lic a u ction to the highest b id d e r, ut tin- l ’ ione t L iv - , i S ta b le m ! »alias, ali m y sttM'k,* in c lu d in g Imrses, carriages, Imggitt-, carts, Im rnc'S, Isitii sin g h ' and doti- b le, m bps, etc. A ll -u n is midi r ÿlu, cash in hand, and for am ou n ts o v e r thaï i n nioirths , 1 ¡ it'w ith e s t, but v ¡t* a p p rov iv i sej'ur ity . !,. D. M c.lkv. A - ^1 NOTIONS! NOTIONS ! ! every description, as cheap os the cheapest. O r cited. Call and see him. Your patronage i* Monmouth, Oregon. Practical Course Horse-Shoeing- oí Study, Short Tiaie. send fori i:.«l Association, D E A L E R S ■ ®. Farmers Mercantile 0 ; - f-'si A S jH tiiilty P tn l ♦ ♦ An irr.xT, —On Saturday ni*»rninp laul, Mhi Minnie «MHwlricIi w«-« nt »1»«* \\**11 driwiilK wilYtv, in MitTM1 Hiftiiiiff tin whul- l»"«* flfW l.m« k. Mrikinst her m ru » tlie let! vyr n»nl temple, inHi< ting very *»*von* wtHiitd. Her tnainy fin ini« liojie for her ift’nly rv- Sul vriU' for the O iusfkyf . k . vuvrry. w ill 'i rv«' you well. . L iy iL T O -, -: VND H. R. Fatter- son, has mov­ ed his stock of To the new i Opera House, Independence S. J. WATERHOUSES. -Carries at all times a fresh and complete stock ot groceries.- »fe-doorl tallio ls«inl i» furnished to sti^ di'ti il,. No ual Dining Hall" nt Ç1 |« t w ,,'k. G. hmi l„,anting in families « i l i furnishisl nsun, fuel and lights, i-i.Oli to GÉNÉRAL CLACKSMIÏHING.. Iten u 'in licr that in b u y in g go«*d' at th e F. S. D. C o. house, y o u get th e ln'iii'llt o f m sli figuri s, a sa v in g T h e O regon D ev elop m en t C o m ­ o f 1Ä per n n t, w h ich i ' w orth a n y Itises on th e b a y four C U R E S IN D IG E S T IO N . m ilt's u lsive Y atpilna i ’ity , al■m m a k ­ • R “ i* ri«- ^ in g m ore track a cco m m o d a tio n s at that city and b u ild in g new car sh ops. — 77 wi « j ». C H E A P • Oregon. ¡I iil't is j », IIi5» ( I . . o ----- :0:----- I .ills, out t. lat, She leave!« a kind and JAatCr-WOrKs. f.iitI.fill husluiml and rrlativi's. Funeral ser- ' o BUY YOL R GUOCKlUKä AT Normal, Collegiate, and Comir