Polk County Observer. ----------------- ------------------- The narrow U‘ difi' things. is ■■ ru- Ititi" Urr.iril "I ltccd«. er» w » re killing lues. Tht* railroad Tlie basket given under tlnsimc** Alcntiun. ¡tool Thanks-1 track is in much better eomlitiuu IIX Bum* to John F i ’roves, lot I, elk 'J, the nu-pie» - of the Pol M. Ilnyter dentist, Dallas. giving «•veiling, was a -nee * finan-1 Now tins nr»' tH*ing put in on the since our last trip to that town. lhkllas—4*1 '*»' daily u< well as soolully. After a 1 ii V Well* to V N r.vH-Ii, lot* 1, .1 n i l 4. Nit - A Smith are selling out at cost, ••Til» town of M nun or J ill t narrow gauge tit u rapid rati*. New ties ar«* strewn all along the ML It. Thoip'» addition to lnd«*|»*t»di*n«s— lltenirv • nr programmo carne»! out by I center of tl»e riclim’ | irt of I rullili (li) to Henry I’ntterson forperfume «Ton .ifs. the baskets were sold tit I the pupi ciglit milvH - »util i il u' * m tv ■ut. I». me* T lic F .s . 1>. Co’ s. hall will noon line and several hutulred have I hvii !. I.cuion to W I* Klkin». I*l!i ’ . ’ I, Thorp"* auction, many of '.item bringing! Cem* llayter for cheap goo«ls. and two ami «»iic-lmlt' mil I Wt' 'll til ic t put in. It was altogether a p'.e.w- ¡xldition to Iiulv|H'i>iU'iuv—$MQ. bo ready for their entertainment. [ng town of ln.!c|n lull u coll o v e rs!. The ret ipts of the enter­ 1 1 t ’¡iri-tinn to J P llurri-, ti) «or»** of 1 » I. ll'*ail mir new twlvertiseuientH this ant ride and a nodal time. iK»|>ulation of ovi r 4"). w ltich will . K. Dalton is putting a neat *' • Aaron « hnniherhiiu, >|* !> - r o w *1 »* prise ainonnti I to y>7 week. ll-l i " beautiful one, on n ri li r I k * used In buying additional appara­ Columbus am! King T**throw were Flins l'lirkcr to t’ A ,.u.l K 1’ l*ark«r, lot* fence around his tlire«* mat little for «euvral livaltlit l* Ì- ! »)•. c. i I’ll" F. M. A . store lias new gttods. l. - and.'!, l.ik II. Flitters..li’* addition to bi­ tus for the m -I usi I. t e i t ige- in town, also, wood hou-es out with their »logs last week »-.ip- could I h - desiitil. Monti ff v*j>cudet»«.'«>T-i l- l'or tbi* best bargains in ladies anti turing coyotes. They killed a couple I i lll ll llW Mi I ili"- v '■ leave been built. O. s. X. s . t OM .UN gents underwear, hats, caps, hoots, ter|*ri*e ttreitivited ' * - and a third »me the «logs kill s!, but Palla*. rh e OasEltvea « i l l tier : sit". -, thioclothing, i*tc., go to Hay- ! rank Collins has shipped eonsiej- W. It. ! ! UVI.ItV, '•.PITOU. they »iid not get its setup. The and in ever) i ■• »IMn t"r’:< Dallas. Citai. MeDonaltl has returiuxl front1 eruble wheat trotu It is hoi:?*“ during and tbereforit uuexivlli- i <»nt* luii'.iiritl mi fifty three itati:. comity pays tlu‘ sum of ¡«K lor the liarncy Vftlley. tlie pat few weeks. I' tr fine watch work go to U. M medium." - nips, the boys have claimed. Coy­ Kditor Doughty was among thè | on the roll. i Grant at 11. B. I‘alterstm’a. *'Mne of the cross-walks about ote» have been numerous in the hill* tlirong that was iti town this week. The folio wing tînmes have bt*»*n ' The OhserTor four tuoni h. fir " enrolled be tit...... er. arv during the ^[»octa les prop-Tly focussed ami town ought to lie repaired. T h e y 1 back of town this fulloand have ki 11- iloti. F. 8. l’owell is attending past we *k! ( < :*g • .i. id A r.;i.* :(*• Vr- ; a<-’ttrttely titUslat Henry Pattersoit's. I are m wretched bad shape. 1 l’olirt fili- week, he beingonthe petit ed a O good --------- many but hunter- HERE AMI IlEltltABOi 18. ( »■ sheep, -- I * --- * -- fluir, M. “Kobin-oa anti \dna l¡bi*ert. -.very pair warranted. No tit, no tjury. sale. in:, net ity is alarmed over the rap-¡ are now keeping th»Mn pretty wen Howard, llewitt A Co. are having The year 1SS3 is n trior it end. , , . , , I Great nuinbers are courting this id spread of scarlet fever. The pub­ run back in tiu» inountains. some nevi *.l * tu ; ». iv o :vs made ' Tito F. Jf. A. sttire have as cheap i week. among thein, boitig some of Congrt. - has mi ■ a. in. around their ho.!--* in tli way of line of general meivliaudise as can lic school lias I kcii closed in conse­ Therc 1« «juite a numltor of snudi thè Acatlemy students. fencing. bo fouml any where. Aceonling to tl.e aiue.iutc till- i quence. bovahere, whoaro in thè liabit of The in Si.* tys are approuehlng and Tin* Methods ela-s is now e- in- Students will reim'tnlH'r they can winter. Zed Rozcndorf will buy’ your pork, getting on tlie traiu as it palla o u t, ‘»«r merehiuik bave falci in ampie H*se.lof-r t.i et'-ers, t*m, ... . • > . they « i. ... a.- om- ...» at ... M. m :i i.'in ! Dallas. ».111.1 w Misses Nettie and In« ■: Nias. it 1 pay- the cash, and you don’ t tr no tIto depot to riti«' aways and queticetherenf. I). Ellis i’rof. Stanley'- ro httVA to take goods. (Jo and res tlieti jump off. Some of thom art* ble in the «‘Impel. Dallas, are in Salem visit: tg. F. I layter' • is tin* plaee to buy all Theftilli.wiugattorneysfromneigh- At las! ivoo-Mit Mr. llurn v Lake, tit * latest stylos of dress gix*ds; tin»» U*coming ..uit«* «*\pt rt iti landingull borittg eountie-, art* attemiing court J. S. Cooper, the Independenc; him at Independence. had not so fully iv»*over»*d its to be * Prof. It. L. Murphy is again suff­ right side up, yet the practict • s a bere this week: 11. 11. llewitt, dist. nb!»* to walk, but he hope- to be able ••:.»ck Juat received. banker, was at I‘ rtlan*! this v ek. vou attorney, Albany; ( leo. II. Iiingham iitint’s axe* $1 0 0 at F. S. D. Co. dangerous one, and we tliink ering with neuralgia which uiilils to return after Chrl.stm , lunty i- The mx levy in Lane county i 1C» ami Witt. Holmes, Salem; J. M. Mr- him for teaehing. Jiiss Maggie But­ had better not dolt. Paints, oils, varnishes, etc., at Mr. Morgan, arriv 1 in Monmouth : Fain, Laftiyett»*. mills. In Douglas enunty • ?■> mili miii- s. Waterhouses. ter Teacliers examination of tlie seven in ci r.rge ofth es liooi in his Now that tin* muddy season of tin* last W»*duo lay alter tbn • weeks Wni. Dawson has a tine assort mcut St( î! this week. applicants for e«*rtilk‘ates befor»* l ’rof. your ha- conn*, th* no.*d of ntor«'n«»w al»«<*tn*«* and w iii emui.uio to pursue Henry Patterson Ins Just received of X ’masgoods. Head lits ¡>.:1. s • “ • ad.” a now -‘took ©full tlie latest novelties Bell, Longaere and Sui»t. Reynold«. -id walk- li.'onmos ajqmrent. *!'(ii* his studies in the Normal. The Sundav s itool Tin* 1 l«'s;»eri.’ 1 • ! ty \vi\s enter- in tin*jewelry line. N.nihi goods in If. J. Butler lias .on Portlar.il ( . ristems tree for the school. Com­ ( ’. A . Witoddy, J. F. Clark and v alk« leading totheS.mth Metho'list ; cliurvh iK-idc- w»verai cross walks tulli«’*! last Fri*!Liv I >y i x n\\ding, bv his stock. Drop in and ’examine ns a U. H. juror. mittees were ajipoiuted to arrange Carrie L. Roy al, 1st grade; Bonnie are in bad eoudition and should h,* 1«. i!., Vincent, ay • la ?citt- grade. Lowest average S7.7; highest lly to California to reside Miss Jennie Bushneil of Junction \(»is .1: Smith are offering their Th<• ladies of e art floj:•artment average i»s.S; M is-H id w ould have tion met at the otlbv of W . S. Frink Ex-senator Alien of Ko’a, , was \\; at City, lias many friends here who and eleetetl ft director for tbeensuiug liave just Hai-died sona* line1 views, gomi'i cheap. (•eon entitled to Î -t grad«', but had year. \vht«*h now adorn tite walls of the enjoyir.g will lx* plea -<-d to hear ••he about well Dallas Thursday. II» (to to Vaughns, Dallas the leading no experience in teaching. f Wl'.at has In* -omeof“ John Sawyer” chap» •. very good health. again from a several weeks sickness j» wider. Th * law tilt is a thing of the post, H niry Patterson is not behhnl John Woods of Dallas, i n Il• )W e; tei ! * - - of typhoid lever. but tin* attori»(‘y.- are wittohiug very C irvuit ( »»nrt l'roceciiiiia*. Ilri due port. wit ha flat* line of jewelry. closely for a huo J i * ci for another, wt* '.v gauge graph operator at tii narrow The narrow gauge train killed a December t rai ISSS. II. N. Hrant, I*'. Iv. il'iblmrd and would warn till* to In * v* ry carelli! F«*nton A Truitt itave roeelve«l line e<>\v for Amo? Holman last The Kritul juror- ilrnwn r.n* u* follow-: Frank Butler, won* at eireuit i*ourt depot. • what you say, think twiee befor*' tin ir new ilre-s goods and now Itave I... u n ivi l.ia'iiiMfo. ¡'on aulii; lVter Cook, has invi­ , week at Elkins crossing. The dam­ K. ink 1’oM, II. Hvertev. J. X. t-kuife, ltoli- all the week, but we got along just you spook. die U st a-soi tnn'nt, in the county; i as well without Vm . Stop away a- li-rison to age: were s.*;tl«d, however Mr. Hol­ ert tinnii an 1.1. lì. Collin-. tints (Whritn arrived in Mon­ «•»insisting «>f the new«*st shades ami long i.v s you w ant t< * boys, but reUtom- 1». Tilloi-on w as a ;< | ' unti l baillir >f trail i man r grott«l the loss of the row. | mouth last S u urtlay, front his horn«» ;»ric«'s to suit «-very Ixsly. visit Iter tliis winter. jury, amt Jn-. Dctnp-ey baililf of court. l)«*r the new stool cells and forgot the in Ea*dern Oregon w here Jt - was Tlie loj'.owint casi«, liu ti lussi ucted up > n I ’ll Ladies Aid Society of Mon­ W . H. Wheeler itas tin* finest line new saloon. This is thè sonori of thè y *tr «innpolled in go on ncvtamt of il! of itoliday goods ever lirouglit to lu- lip to Tuesdut ikmui : mouth will give their soeinl and The U. S. militia division of our health. when thè attendali v nt Sunday . J. MeCrtiela ti A Co. vs. 7.. I>. n-*niT action ! iloji« lulcncc. -upper at the new hail on u«*>.t Fri- at law. Juilgmeiit in favor of plaiutitr in precinct, Col. Thomjtson mi l Capt. i school is inm a t d. Mr. Fnrrish Ins b.vn s'.iff.Ting j die -uni of ¿-51‘ . ) il nini eo-ìi). Mitchell, luivo been mnstoritig at the No trouble to «how you eurgootls— day evening. Kvaryliotly is res- f«>r the past *,c k with a sprain«*» Crider Bros, of Dallas bave a • i. X. Towns«*ti(l vs. M ia. Barri* et al.: , ounty ;t in grout force. ¡inkle. Another v'; ! ini of tlie <«vm. Shellv «V \ amluyn. pe. ¡fully inviteli to I k * ifresent. The -nit in roiiity: attorneysTown-en.l ami ì'ilv. jiiuintnoth stock of boli l.«y : < .1-. in W in. Kills commnuccd hauling ; .belt)neilt in favor ol' plaintiff :'.;::iisist Win. T itoli aierians hr « ' oh tod the i !*>nton A Truitt have re»*«*ive«l a lmission fee is f>Octs. ■ lumber for our new bridge on M ui- fnllowing odi- theirshow window i- t'i • m Uo.u- Harris. for tin* titolino their n«*w -toi'k of fail goo»ls, un«l cull ! day. ¡1«' reports the iIazyi Dell saw A good »leal of “ kicking” was iti- State of Oregon vs. M. It. Robins; iuee-t; term: Pres. J". \V. Mot ’iillo«'!t. \ io' speeial attention to thoir Dress gocnls tiful, elegatit, hriliiant and maguiti- : II. He* ) itiiil in full rttning order. <’. 1'. in hv the editor of the I'W \Y. R. 1 1 |. partment which is the most coin- cent display of album to be i'ound. tla! I for «leleisìant Thompson ami Truitt. »Vti- Howell b.as employed iiv . Kaw, Pres. Ann»- ITac'.i lion, Hawley, a-.-iitaut ¡'e*'. !.. H. Viti. I piòte of any in the county, Si.li- ¡¡i-t week about the side-walk to tiime.l. They soli ut pricos within thè r«iHi Louis Kaw, Frank Bay nml Frank lien I lay «lei» vs. Clini«. I sii nrt reo Verdict , Kaw, so the pond will b© full <*f log«. cent, iron . < c. . 1 (owar !, • . tism , ^ Hayt»*r now has the neatest gen- !>•• built betwi . n !;i- town nml this, of all. 1 entitling plaintiff to | k >— e—ion. ' '' ' :l drill. ,.rid meñ handiso store in I’olk eottn- lie takes quite a live interest in .1. M. Carry is battling the bigge.-t ( uit I law I' y. State of Oreyon v<. A. T. H.incoek. Flead lv ¡„, wju not lx* undersold. Call Il «mem’oer timi. in buylng goods 1 guilty nml wo- sentenetsl to the p« niten- «•arrois we ever saw and also is tak­ thin-/--that lie knows little about. at thè F. S. Dr Co. iloti « ', .volt ,:el Tin* »piostio.'i, rn tlv'tl, tin* for- a‘t,d see for yourself, tiiiVy for two year*. ing orders for genuine Oregon corn thè benetlt of risii ligure.-», a -.ivittg Fleas.* give facts or »¡nil blowing „ . , .1 It. Daw-on vs. D. <’. Saliug. ('«'titiniusl. meal, grown by himself on his place eign emigration shoulti b* enoour- agi »1 in tltr Ik S. w II I- d o r,' I rue Straight Iip-aml-ttp st*m*-koep. of là per cent, wltieh i w >r;ii any your horn. Win. Gregory vs S G Hailey et al. C.uilir- south of the Luekiainute. next week by tie* It* ■ pori a ns. 1 wr:) -tshellly and \ anduyn, lny buying goods of S- attle, and afterwards thought he W B Knylninl v- Do.!.- m «A Minch. Sher­ W e regret to learn tiiat Mrs. Wil- last Friday. The firmerà Mv'kiliin.' their \ >rk- Fe ttim «V Truitt, Dallas. iff «infensi to make ilisvl. had made a poor bargain, but the Tin* iiospor'an 'a t Friday deln:- -on !«ce is no bettor. ers. Some fine on s bave 1»<> i haitl- :-tat« o f 1 m vs. T. I,. Ferryman; ti - W e name for yon way down prices t«xl tin* question, r >iv'd iltat - Ityvi turned and li It is let till »unit ami battery; lor plaintiff llewitt, for ed t » m ari. t. \* 'fin* Polk county council of gmng- j education i:t i . ,-n alt our g.'ti.’rtd ui«'r thaiulise. < liv«* itigli S t land slip at (l.t'ii iani Truitt, Daly, llutler. Vcnlirt good, and witli gomì orice . prosi r- , m u ll. Shelly & Vanduyn, Inde- Tit ■ pres idem guilty as charged in the imluTmeiit. To re- or- held their meeting at Bridgeport is b. no'l. iai. •nee. On;* cannot help admiring the 1 'i‘ive MiiteiH ‘ a* 1 o'elo, !; Ilmr-diiy. ity lixik.s them rigid i* Hie faee. last Saturday with the Pleasant val­ his decision in favor oi'the Rimini C. Siiiith v*. C. Hiuitli: service; Last Thursday inns', itave f * ,\ ife of tlie recently pardoned t mln*/.- E. llayter makes ft sjieeiftlty of Mr. Wilson i* now li«!* ^ « •' , i ; attorney Daly. De'imm r overndcil; refer- ley grange. sad day to titai;y f: "in It. amimi bks, sitiins, jihi dtes, velvets ami in zier, Dixon. Site had obtained a di- riv l to J li 'J'ow nsend to H ike le-dmouv. Will Brov. n lias iH'gun a now l>oard crape display«''!, ami tlie mimbor W ' fu *t all kinds of fancy g o * s ls . Rem- Eola. Tlie ofllce ha* bee a moved I [annali Tatum v« Goo Tat.ml. Default vorce from him wln*n tie left Iter and > • • « • , when» it back to Asa St I iiils r tiiat all tlie goods ia Ids stock entered u/aiiu>; »lefemlant; re ferrosi til X I. f 'tice to his !a:nl ¡»tirehase-'l from th«1 rt*»i eyes Friday. Brown Lee claims lutidy. was removed from when Mr. site did not know wltere he had ! Hutler. if gum cl i ai:*;,' is contagioiik weliir*' new anti of lx"-t styles. (i X Townsend v* Win Harris et al. t’on- gone. Wlu it he came back and was Mr. J. M. Dennis, of Sn.ithn.'ld, !' " 1 » n'vay m».n Mi rs. lleard'ly t :ok it. All orders scut Fenton A Truitt by : tinned ns to all parties hut Win llaiTis. s >nt to prison, she never e. ased to i John Ford vs. Win. Ford «*t al.; |»urtitioii; mail will rccelv«* iiromjit and earefnl oy, is now at itli wifeand family, jiass*xl throug'i ( . with Wifi C. E. Boon»* of el * ietit*.- met ;n j.»»:i w< rk lor iiis pardon. As soon ns lie attorney- Daly ami H itler. Continued, • sion attention; goods sent by return mail. Salem, wh« ro Is i ; ¡"i •suing a eoursc was out of the penit«*nltinry, they .lam*“ llelmiek » «. G. F au t M. F. Dneke; our town to tho council meeting and in the chapel tape! last Tue Tuc dey U. B. (dllitv, the t)l)otogruj)li»*r, is tuition at law; attorney lhily. Judgment for -daycd ihe night with our neighbor, ¡airjMise Ol.COI of.eoi-ni siti' '¡’ -iiig illg île* »jurstion of studies with a view of qualifying were Jii:iri-i»*«T again and seem to la' j plnintiif. of the i prepared to turn out photographs nt if torndng a «*orj ration out himself for a jiharm.tcist. • J. I). Doe vs, II, Iluhiurd; action at law; Mr. Murphy, a relative. A eornt commute»* «)! »'»Bas in all it« hranehes as g«s)«l us very hai^»y.— Deader. library association. A attorney Hutler. foiitinutsl. Tlie solid fact that the steel cells at six was appointed to make nee. , ary in any part of the state. Mat. Smith, win) iiv c - a few mile- Wm Savage \ s C A Gould. Stierilf onlcr- An old ,);*\vi>h proverb says: “ Oet Dallas are in going or rather kivjdng eitange in tho roii-iilati'ut. ami re- It don’t make any »inference, it is od to make dissi to plaintiff. west of here, is a Me.\ can war Veto- lose to tin* seller of perfumes, if you li M Coojier vs C and DM Slo|K*r. C’on- order, lias east a gloom over* the ! l*ort tiie same next Tuesday. a ihet you can g«*t tin* b«**t goo«!s,and ran and draws a pension want to be fragrant.” Tlie goodness tirniation. Worn!* r what Howard and Davis at tin* be-t baog.rin at Z. F. Vaughn’s (Ksi. Foster vs. Samuel Orr; suit for wilder spirits of o tr neighborhood. | I independence Drum were talking about - i long the otbor Delias, uf good people, tjie purity of pure damages; fir jilaintilf Hutler, Truitt and No names. (Amateurs). Will g iv- 1 he “ i* ' night. minded people, lend something to To.vn-cml, f *r defendant Collins and Daly. Students in want of anything in \Ve are ¡is dull n ; diteh-water. W e Dutchman of ’7(5. The *nt ri.t’.n- Motion to -trike out *>\. rrulejl. Tho Vecs'rtirvs debated the the Dry good* lines, will save money the- nearest titem. B.-st of all, hear Moyer is goln J. \V. MeGrew vs. A. W. Initier: for plain- g to elieer us up qtl,...ti»nt. rc olvc*!, "that t!:. avage: by buying of Fenton A Truitt, Dallas ment is for the 1 neilt marne-sto H. R. Patterson Who tiir Town-nd. for «lef'inlant Hutler. De w ith a turkey «hoot sitoriy. Clean ar»* liajiptc" than «•ivi!i/.<"l je-.iple,” A t J . D. Irvine’s is tho jilaeo to scenery of the opera hou and m will sell you the 11 nest silver ware, i niurrer withdrawn; pluintiff takes jn Igiuetit out your guns and come over to .Syr- ‘ division in favor of the atilrmutiw. ¿j get your groceries, Indc|>end«*nce. hv default. wish it well. jewelry, artists material, etc., tit the State of Oregon vs. K. Thurman; lare»*ny; aousg and iielp us. A petition, lias been going the Stuihmts when in want of goods o for Flaintiff Hewitt, for defemlant Daly. The following are the ofReors elec­ lowed price going.. rounds, for tho jmrnoc of getting Democrats, Prolils and Republi­ suliscriptions toward building a side any kind, go to Fenton «t Truitt’s. Case «saltitiu<*d- ted at Indepetidonce Moeilny: . icy- A—iglimeiit of I). J. II ilnies; -attorneys cans all* celebrated Thauksgiving walk to Ind. p"ndom o at.cl lie.- met J. B. Stump found the following A fresh supply of groe«*ri«*s at J. D. or, A . J. (ioodman; Conn • htfit. Trait ami Holmes- ( 'olitimi'.*!. n >tieo hieke.1 to ltis gate post on ' \\ ; ; Blindi » t * i i Rigirici al. C ai'inurd. heartily ;tll divisions forgotten in with g "t. rai approval. .71 day.» work Irvine’s. 1st ward, J. S. C«K»pt ran*! I -i i *b T il. jay: “ I)tv..‘Jr«l Mr. John , J. H. ('unstable vs. Chi«. Colin AC«».; in­ tía* national prosperity and pros- has been sub • Tib I. Mrs. Lu Bansieur, City Bazaar son; 2tid ward, J. D. Irvine and junction; at’ »nicy» Daly and Hutler, D:s- [xx't.-*. No «'ivili/asl nation in the The library a-s K'i 'tion ni)i»olntc»l linlcpcudeiic»*, has mad«* a lino Sfip, sir wo li.tr«i you was going to ; mi—o«I: def n hint to |>av is>-;<. Mi-s<*s S tvu;.e n I P ortc*’ lior. ri n, \Y. Bu-t r; T n J. W . B H»'l»»ction of woolen goo«ls, rib- harrow Chinaman to cut wootl you! j. W. Gordon v». A.Strain; eonte-t. Con­ ■world hits our cause for thanksgiv­ for the next two we *ks. The libra­ Recorder,.!. B. John- n. Mar haii,j Ixiii , buttons, articles for fancy ing itivi rejoicing. Even tin* jxior ry will is* ojien from *•>,-! * to U), 10. b'.*tl -r S *’.id tiietji off or you might tinued. work, ri mounts of cashmere, ihvirge MeCauly. turkeys must proud of contributing haft to go your self.— L a nous.” The Websp ri.tns deb it'd resolved, |irints, Inunlkcrchicfs. purses, County Court Z* -'»»’reding*. Fifty thousand tlollars in g >! » v.a to the festlvit'M* of the occasion and “ that a lawyer is Justifiable in d«*- etc. tiive nn enrly cull. < 1.¡tinmen ¡ire preferable to any one i fonding a el'«*nt lit) knows is guilty, who wouid lie guilty of w riting the j Oil Wcihic-duy tlie court nirt with utlli cr- ; no doubt they do. otfcn d by W o Huh Holiday goo«!« at Wheelers Inde­ decision in favor affirmative. i.ri—iit. J lithe* Htoutr«*r and coninii**iom*r- above. The ¡»arty or parties who) pendence. Wall s.nv t milll wml ■ nnd clerk. The twaal am »lint of work was l i f t (M l. to his physician,for «»»naneipat i ever they are, would not work if it di-i*ccd of. Ait *nti»m of tlifts" who arc taking Ituci.it Vi*In’ P R O U A T n . FnriinTs arc «till busy s<* xlfttg, from the cigarette, when, at I - . In* w e r e offered them. Tin y mean no - painting i- ea!l<*l to the full lino of It scema as tiiongit ottr . i n n ; ' - :ir(isu,. mi'.,.rial at H. It. Pattersons In the matter of tin* c-tnti’ «»fC .1 * .inpor. had come to an undi r.-ta o ling oi ih*’ rood and should go to Chicago and; <’.ci--.is.'.—A M Barley «i»|> >into«l adinluiv ; Miss Kllen White of the jnibiic « *itool iitt«'ti«l"»l te.ich.'r*’ examina­ cun’t g<’t han I- to dig potato"!. A Independence. condition into which lie hail ' *; live with those of their own ilk, the trat or. : gissi ali tr" of !>:»’ crop wlll lx* lost. nt Di the matter of the <**:ate of » hit* Iltth-1 tion at 1 lallan in*! arwfc. t ’inupe-t pin«*«* in tito county for hr night by the inveterate sin 'king anarchists. Irani, (kvea- il—D M Huhhnrd •uliniiii.-tra- W . H. Hawley is vi.sltipg in Port- (ì. W . Pori r of «ho Fotti ry left harclwan.*, F. S. D. Co. of the deadly thing. But it was t * Portland cabin» t makers for Presi- tnr; sale *.f r • »! l>r*>i«*rt.y mtirini-l. fund this w«' k. for Porthmd la-t week. Thopottery . . . • i- ft,,i .. w’ si In the matter i»l tli »-tate>*f I M SinijiNin \ s»*ho:)l Ixxiks and stationary at late. T h e -’ » J"*: It itiiz.T. i": G j Mrs. Julia Finn liu* lxs*n very lAw fioints mor thtin Ih« ir op|Min«*nts. W ood taken in exchange for goods kisstnl one, but that a k i--1 ° !1 minutes ritlc brought u* safely “ h ïî -‘ TVlr —. 4J4; * l)i*«'rvort é IÓ: G. hm I- M tny lnughuli!'* Inehl nts of thè at the Farmers Hnpjily depot. lips is a token oflovg. Kls-iit.r t o that plea-ant little town, where, as iii;, ii IXiuty. tuen’luimli-«*. D X I'.van*. th»* past ten »lays. H«'r recovery is «iays hnppeui.:■/« \t n* piatisi, bnt ciirnestly I f ped for. A ll hills duo us must lx* settled hand of another expre--es willing­ u ual, W . Ik Williams the ware­ keet'ing in'ijx-r-. .<*) *>); Warren Truitt. $10: Fanil .« ) <*|>rr. ; H »' Dale, la'sir on Mr. 0 ,( 1 . ShurtlllThas txs*n con­ thè most » njoyabb* fc.ituro of th " a monthly,unless special arrangements ness s«*rve her; but kissing y »ttr houseman, Dr. Wilson and others lirii'g*. .4 J: J ¡*t »'unipHell. $1 -Vi; Ira Smith. fined to his lx*d for sowrul days. 1 fulr v ii; thè game ajuxr at t!n* arc made, F. S. 1). Co. J.I; A M Mrt.:i'ighlin. «vitti*-* f v. <’> JA hand to another is a love-t 'Ten. * * an* found. The little town is very Mr. John B ’ckott, of Lom* Star, hot"l. M \ Tethcrow, s ’ Ve-i SI*I«*. - 7 ': Kaull. nifying that you would k 1-* her » *1» quiet now, however, Mr Willi .tn? U^*: I M Hti'icr, jiiPtl«», # W it k,*!ly. cal I«» I I»r. P«M>I<* to the Itctlsifle of his Our toA’n boai-t» of goni marks- j Halter. n;*iirlnit brxljt*-. daughter Pearl, la-* Satuniny. «Sht* your best »flection nml gme ¡1 ' •’ is shipping wheat a* fast as lie ean court, 8 J); in #i; C II Rowell, lumlxr. ¿4 II; Xie* : jnrots, Jann-< n A nyon e having feed they want Messrs. F. K. Emmett, o f the itoti» hav<* i • d nitdnls. v .1 X sl,c;*i-l. «> : «Hirer S'nith. - i"!» " f hi house lias been sold, with the that now? Stttm pshooi, and J. F. W I siht , of ,, .... „■r , ;n ,*» ('hopt»o.l will timi ino rtwiy to do it eoyot«*, .V, 1!« Pereira!, ó; W H Frink. exception of alwut 1500 bu.*h»*ls wltich Dr. I /.■ k.* s n *\v o.l. * .. id s.xm is. ».,r ,,»«•?„ th»* Ix-t ami «inickest Some 1 5 or tin Chinan" n i* t"* nil *** etui rl'*rk» o f «k*rti«»n. 3 '* B Hmitlifleld, vlsit«*«l here Tlmnksgiv- retidy for bini t.i fvenpy. Ila» Dr. -pape, (otiti* beiore th«* miti shuts i**r. 2; King Tether >w, 5; John M Grant. iug. bintlers) engagitl in a peneml i > I,,, thinks will stay with him till an- Porrai)*-' Hro*. lumlx r. » G l i Itarttanl j I». i'nwell is tenchingtho toni" i* guining ma ty warm friemis ber; «lown.— Frank Collins, Monmouth, in Portland lost Sunday. 1 he r - otle r rise iu price. The l*r. n*js*rts \ i C o .-• iT-o'T'y 1.V2 15; <’ G « '»t‘ l »eniee!». good, 172 2 Brown & FolUrton, 3«>.'t; G*»*«lmaii *ol-fa metliod of music in Illinoir. nn»l we oro gi vi to note the iuiprov* <>r*'g«)n. suit was that two were kllf sl out­ hi-atth in that community What e. grand thing it wotild b • f«*r m a|| ------------------------------ there la*t <; D»mty, •> 17. right anil three mortally wotind1 d, The sehool entertainment Xo»l«*e. the inui«»l develonnnmt of A m e r ic a 's ____ *________________________________ »bout 40 shots were exchang'd. I- Saturday evening was a pleasant af- . , _ .. r_ n Aff por*'>n» «rr wsm«*t not to nr^ntiato The F. D. Co. buy for ca>h and children if wc ha»! one thousond M taught a v< rj’ s-!l f..rei-h is th«* reason they under min who, Ilke Prof. P«»w»*ll, wotild . f »¡,.. , t «*f for any n*.t*- *»r not*** -iirtu*l t«_v tue in ù * was quite a lively deal. ¡e,, if y.. i .ir* hiv [.¡riteii. Hl- nf tli« : a .e lit-araiHv « «»., ut Saltsn, OR/i» , ¿g rtfc ¡»toil »ny oth»*r hous»' in Polk eounty. tak«* tti«*ir stand In favor of this , . • tiu-n v il» • r"n t.» t»k • l>r. M.- ii - a- tIn- 1 »*vincili li.i* tv . n -ii«|*'inli-l for «vani A host of p«*oph* have t I '. ... 11 t*'r. t m Tl i* n:t i- gaining fri« til* everyday simple, altho'jgh eomplet’* ni«*tliod of writing music. ‘ l»-;’»«DmU'* n t mi s !'.»>«• N. II. Ibcivr. <>f »■ ti-idrnition,—J. F. IVlanry. way to the county sent th.s a * e ,;t*- r. ;m “ -• lioticerl euv *ral fenn- by their fair «Ic.ding. Circuit eourt was the attr ’ti” '• J Chopping ! Chopping!! *