Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 08, 1888, Image 1

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    P olk C ounty O bserver .
Portland Market Report.
An EugUah farmer who has been in­
vestigating the caterpillar poet, which
\%uf» T h p ^ a H u r l i n t l i r | > a r k ?
has proved so destructive to the fruit i
and nut crops in Kent, has concluded . ’ • ** , * —
Valley, $1 40®$ 1 421 A UUa|i|M>lntr<t T m tr l-t til K o n x — T h e l i t »
Constern ition \ vhj $ caused unioug
"util uml llte lil-t-ek.
Farmers in the Palouse are happy
Turn the sod under after frost ap- that the spawn which produced the , ’ ’ H" li " H^*i $1 * ^ ® l do.
It was not unlike a shook of pain or «lisap-
tue park police of New York by the over the recent raius.
l»ears if you wish to kill out the cut- . caterpillars was deposited by the swarm i B A R L E Y — Whole, 10 8 5 0 1 00; | pointment when for the first time 1 thrvailoil
receipt of a note that two society
of butterflies w b ieb swept the const
A Chilian employed at the Tacoma worms.
my way through the llonmn streets, passed
ground, per ton, *20 00®21 60.
young men were to tight a duel during mill fell dead Monday la:-0
i j last
“ *ov rtuvu
iii it, and
nuu which
ninvu were
w cio sup­
out into the Forum and wandered around the
the night over a young society woman,
Winter oats grow in Virginia and posed to have been driveu over the
OATS— Milling, 32®34c.
feed, 28 Coliseum. Bo dingy and denuded did the
in Central park.
All officers were
A cow killed at Chelatchie, Clarke are seeled down in ¿he fall.
reiies of oid Home uppeur to me that they
is 30c.
It might continent by the storms.
(old to look vigilantly
the uu 'n-t-
were more like the few browu bones which
pay to try a small plot in this section, j H . Hendricks, of Ulster county, N.
thes;>adoof the sexton has just thrown up
thryffghout the night, and arrest any
H A Y — Baled, $10®$13.
At Cheney there are no vacant
by the sidoof a reopened grat a I have never
suspected persons.
An officer found houses and constant dtma< d for them
Cooked clover, and the mess thick- Y., writes that he has found very sat-
SEED— Blue Gras«, 12® 1 6c.; Tim seen a plate whero the remains were so few
in a seclud'd place near the west drive
aud tile suggestions of tvlmt was lost were so
W heat is worth 65 rents a bu-liel at ened With ground oats, makes an ex ¡»factory results in close pruning of othy, 7 ® 8 c .; Red Clover, 11® 12$«.
amt opposite Ninety-second street,
many. Home looked like a place whieh first
cellent addition to the food of the grapes. Last summer he stopped the
early in the morning, two blood-stained
rampant growth of the canes by print-
FLOUR— Patent Roller,
$5 00; had been a cradle and afterwards had been
brood row.
handkerchiefs, clots of Wood and a
turned into u grave.
The new foundry -v tin ft*i brgwrv'
ing each one at two leaves from the Country Brand, $4 50.
Cold frames can be used for torcing j ja8t c i „ 8ter 0f fruit, and pinching off
cheap pistol.
All hospitals wen work November lo‘.
It seemed ns if everything had been bom
there, everything had grown old there, every­
searched for persons who arrived dur­
•EGGS— Per do*, 30o.
, some of tho hardy plants in winter, every latterel to but oue leaf. The re­
Tacoma has a new’ company of
thing had died there, nnd everything had
ing the night with gun or pistol shot
1 7 Early cabbage and lettuce are grown suit in amount and quantity of fruit
BU TTE R — Fancy roll, j>er pound been buried jhere. Home is the city of tho
wounds, and inquiries were made dets, 15 members already, 15 to
i in this manner.
j was eminently satisfactory.
years old.
25e. ; pickled,
221®25c. ; inferior Holy Sepulehre. At Jerusalem pilgrims
among physicians and drug -¡tortss in
visit the spot where Christ was once laid. At
Mix wood ashes, cinder and gravel
An 0 h io man answer* an inqqiry as grade, 20®22|o.
the neighborhood, hut without result.
The Tom Paine is turninh out large
Home wo seem to visit the shrine where old
The police think they have been made quantities of $40ore.
together for your garden walks, and to how a cow can be cqred of kick j C H E E S E — Eastern, ®13^c. Ore- Time himself had been buried. Under thu
head I may briefly note down a few first im­
game of, and ure further perplexed a>
The Worley mine at Robinsonville f “ “ ia. ro’ le' ov" it1afu,r e»cli rain un­ ing, thus; Take a surcingle of suffio- | gon, 13® 14c. ; California, 14c.
reporters came in to ask for informa­
til it is well packed.
will be ojierutcd all winter.
It was said that Augustus found Homo of
ient length to go around the cow just
V E G E TA BLE S— Beets, per* sack
tion five minutes after the things were
The best varieties of early raspber­ in front of the bag and hips; draw i t , $1 0 0; cabbage, per lb., l c . ; carrots, brick and left it of marble. It might bo
Many new companies will operate
It was an,unusual visit at
ries are the Tyler and Bouhegan. The gently but firmly. You can then sit per sk., $ 75; lettuce, per do*. 10c.; added that tho Goths, the po|>cs and the
in Baker county n lxt season.
such an earjy hour.
down and milk .quietly. After repeat­ onions. $ 85; potatoes, jter 100 lbs., nobles found Homo of marblo and left it of
brick, so completely have these despoiling
1 he Pandora at Huntington is giv- Ohio ami Mammoth Cluster are ex­ ing this a few times, draw the surcin­
D e p a r t m e n t K illin g » .
40c.; radishes, |>er do*., 16® 20c. ; powers |*ecled off the beautiful white flesh
; ing great, encouragement to its owners. cellent late varieties.
gle lightly, but, if she persists in kick­ rhubarb, per lb., 6c.
and left Home like a body, brown, shapeless
The Treasury Department having
In feeding grain to poultry it is bet­ ing, draw it tightly.
In time she will
Miners are happy with the prospects
nnd divested of every trace of tier former
been informed by the Collectorof (Jus
loveliness. Hut tiie Homans themselves pro-
toms of Ban Francisco of the result of a large water supply the coining ter to vary it, allowing wheat and oats
strained, 5 gal. tine, per lb. 8$c.
I'ared the way for this desolation. Their par­
as well as corn. ' Cooked potatoes
of the trial in tho United States season.
The color of the hog seems to be a
simony brought its own punishment. For
Court, wherein J. P. Ames and others
POULTRY — Chickens, j>er do*.. parsimony, we must remember, is a sin fol­
Mose Saxon, of the Pantheon sn­
matter of importance.
secured judgment awarding
them loon, Colfax, fell ort' a bridge and hens.
$3 00@4 0 0 ; ducks, per do*., $5 00® lowed up by its sjieeial retribution, quite aa
^.¡75 55 colle< ted from thorn by Col­ broke bis left arm.
6 0 0 ; geese, $6 00® 7 00; turkeys, much as prodigality. Tho men of R o m e -
Plant your trees, vines, etc., this
hard, practienl uml utilitailan—wore us i»*-
black hog, such as the Essex ami per lb., 121c.
lector Huger for services and expenses
l)o not postpone the work until Berkshire, thrives Lest iu the South,
At Wa-Wa-Wai, on Snake river, J. fall.
nurious in all works of art as they were
of an inspector of Customs sent to
B. Holt grew a sweet potato that spring. If you cannot possibly plant while the white breeds, such as tiie
PROVISIONS— Oregon hams, 12Jc shamefully extravagant in all pursuits
Port Costa to count and inspect grain
I weighed 12 pounds.
; Eastern, 15(<t> lb c .; Eastern o f physiea! enjoyment. Even iu tho uso
bags manufactured iu the United
bacon, 12c. per lb.; Oregon of the cheap travertine etono they were
States from foreign material, which
Uniontown is to have a distillery.
ridiculously stingy. But wiien it came
China, a spotted hog, and the Jersey 10<S>lle.; Eastern lard, lOtQll^c. jasr to marble they were by necessity ua
were exported tilled with grain from The company is organized and it will
Watermelons for the
Red are preferred in the Western I lb .; Oregon, 10c.
well as by nature most economical in tiie use
Ban Francisco, and on which the man­ soon be running.
dinner are not an impossibility. It is
of it. Athens hud a w hole mount o f marblo
ufacturer claims a drawback, has in­
' GREEN FRUITS— Apples, $ 00 ut her buck door, and could hew out of
Over fifty men arrived at Farming- said that they will keep perfectly if lStlUe8'
structed the Collector to take the ton, W. T., in one day.
Raspberries will thrive on almost @ 75c.; Sicily lemons, $6 0 0@ 6 50 iVntelius all the shrinos and statues she
Hotels put away in a mow of well cured hay,
necessary steps to pay the judgment. crowded and restaurants.
any well draiued soil of moderate California,$6 00® 6 50; Naval oranges wanted Home had almost the same advan­
free front dampness.
He is also instructed to discontinue
richness, but wet land is always injur-
***>„ Riverside, $.) O ); Mcditerru- tages; for it run hardly lie urged as an apol­
The Tacoma jail has thirteen pris­
Sweet potatoes will fatten a pig
the practice of exacting such fees and
ogy for the eity on the Tiber, that she was at
tiean, $4 25.
a distance from the mountains of Luna and
expenses in investigations to establish oners in six cells. Criminals increase sooner than will corn.
The small | ious and often fatal to them. Harrow
I smooth and fine and plant deep. Plant
the great quarries of Carrara, when we re-
the right to the drawback on such as fast as the town.
tubers can lie used as well as those in late fall or early spring, in straight
memtier that nn easy waterway was ever
bugs, and is requested to furnish the
Stockmen in Umatilla county com ­ that may be damaged by cooking
between the shores of Liguria nnd thu
lrows seven feet apart, with bashes 11c; pitless plums,
Italian open
department with a certified list of plain of short grass and hard frosts them for that purpose.
foot o f the I’alatine; nnd when we remember,
prunes, 10® 12c.; peaches, 1 0 ^ ® llc.; moreover, how no obstacles were allowed to
such fees and expenses collected by make it shorter.
Here is a good health mixture for late in the spring, tender shoots are raising, $2 40®2 50.
him since the commencement of the
remuiii between the Homr.n and tho object
Little Georgia Ruder, of Brookfield, hogs; One bushel of charcoal broken i liable to retard future growth.
of his ambition or ins appetite—both of
H IDES— Dry beef hides, 12®13c.; which he was ready to gratify at an un­
Clatsop county, is in the hospital with
! ihe first season give clean culture, and,
into small pieces, a peck of wood
a broken bone.
t ,
1 f desirable, other crops may liegiown culls, 6 ® 7 c .; kip and calf, 10® 12c.• bounded price.
’I ' h r w t r i k i ’ a t I n d i a n a p o l i s .
aslies and twelve bushels of salt.
Murrain, 10 (o ji2 c.; tallow, 4®4^c.
But when it comes to works of taste tho
among them without injury.
Charles Cowan has been bound over
l4 • ______ , . ,, .
The strike of railroad ; witchmen is
Roman betrayed his time nature. With him
taking an ugly phase in Indianapolis.
W OOL— Valley, 15® 18c.; Eastern nothing was too much when lavish'»! on bod­
. .
ily gratification, nothing was to« little when
Not a sikgle switch < ngine in tiie city and not furnishing $700 bail is in the croP> ^ loaded for railroad shipment,
Oregon. 10® 15c.
county jail.
would fill 2,878,571 cars and make a ' ^ c u l t u r a l College, says hi* plan i.
sismt on urt. Tho Athenian built Ins temples
was moved.
In the freight yards
train that would reach 16,441) miles, or L> *®®P on ly large, tine mares to do
worthily of Ihugixlsin solid blocks o f mar­
everything is in confusion. Morning
Tacoma is to have a street railway
edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G.
in unmeasund splendor, giving to the
trains were abandoned half made up, of the electric motor sort, run with a two-thirds the way around the world. I b*8 worl£ ou the farm. Those that are sheathing, per M, $13 0 0 ; No. 2 floor­ ble,
deities w lint cost him something. T he Homan,
! half percheron will do, though those of
or net made up at all. in nil the yards wire over the track. They are said to
If mice ate troublesome they can three-quarter or seven-eighths blood ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per when ho came to raise Ins temples, win con­
business was at a complete standstill. work well.
often be easily got rid of by soaking will be better.
These high-grade M,$18 0 0 ; No. 2 rustic, perM, $18 00; tent tomnkn them of brick or stucco or cheap
In several places the engineers and
stone, nnd then to sheathe those in a thin cas­
wheat in a good solution of arsenic percheron are fine walkers, and to clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 ing o f marble. When, therefore, tho destroy­
fiiemen, or other employes pressed in­
and burying it at the reots of trees break them it is only necessary to hitch S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, per ing hands of (loth or the Gothic hands of luter
to service, tried to go on with the
where the mice will be likely to them in at three years of age and go M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, Homan nobles, such as tho Coloinins, tin*
work, but the strikers interfered and ably fatally burl by the breaking of
to working them.
The fall colts are $22 50; No. 1 rustic, i>er M, $22 5®; Farnceo nnd tho Borghese families, were laid
find it.
successfully prevented the departure
valuable, and can he raised at a profit. stepping, per M, $25 0 0 ; over 12 ill» hi the ancient edifices, it was an easy task,
of any (rains:
Tho engineers and
Two new anchors and buoys are on
In France whitewash is used to pro­ He says he is delighted with bin plan. inches wide, extra, $1 0 0; lengths 40 as well ns a great temptation, to remove
firemen sue in symoalhy with the the way from Ban Francisco for Ta­ tect the frame and interior cf build­
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, t lies" light coats of marble niul to iiivisit
switchmen, and made no attempt to coma harbor.
The anchors weigli
It is the verdict everywhere that extra, $4 0 0; 1$ la*h, per M, $2 25; their rising palaces with such apparel of
ings from tire. The beams, joists nnd
many colors ns tho marbles o f old Home pre­
nian their ongines. In nearly every 5,000 pounds each.
1} lath, per M; $2 7*0.
under side of floorings being thickly- creameries stimulate farmers to keep
sented, rea<ly made, to their ru]>acioushunds.
inst: nee they quit work, ran their en­
17c, Had the men of Hurtio followed the example
Several valuable horses have died coated with a lime-wash before they more and better cows. Mr. J. H. Hal 5 CO FFE E — Quote Salvador,
gines to ttieir stalls and drew the fire
says that where creameries have been Costa Rica, 18® 20c.; Rio, 18®2 0c.; o f tho men o f Athens, and dedicated to their
near Sherman, Lincoln county, of a are placed in position.
when the switchmen requested it. All
located ninny nf the brush pastures Java, 27$c.; Arbuckle’s’s reasted,22c. divinities a few sam-tunnes of solid marble,
new and unknown disease, which
forenoon strikers hove been going from
Now is the time to secure rams if have been cle.red up within the past
seem* to »fleet the lungs of mares
MEAT— Beef, wholesale, 2 J @ 3 c .; they would have left behind them such mon­
one yard to another and warning ap­
early lambs ot the mutton breeds are few years, and he notices that more of dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3 c ; dressed, 6c.; uments ns would have defied tho assault* o f
inter generations, and would have com ­
plicants for work that if they under­
Sheep should this work is going on this season than ' bogs, dressed, b i@ 7 o .; veal, 6®7c.
manded at this day the wonder o f tho world.
The new tug Sea Lion is soon to ar­ desired next spring.
took to touch switch engines they
—H. Bernard Carpenter in Boston Globe.
would be handled roughly.
The offi­ rive from San Francisco to engage in not he too fat at thi* season if intended that before the days of creameries
BEANS— Quote small whites, $4 50;
Dry pasture
She is for breeding purposes.
cers of the road called for police pro­ the Puget Sound business.
kept from three to five cows that are pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50;
T h e J ou rn al o f th e Frontier.
tection, and n efibrt will be made to one of the most powerful tugs on the is better for theai than heavy grain now keeping from eight to twenty.
Limas, $4 50 per cental.
In tho early times, that is. half a century
start out tie« crews.
ago nnd more (for tho magnificent empire
PICK LES— Kegs quoted steady at beyond tbo Alleghany mountains is tiie child
Now is the time to get rid of the
It is a curious fact that wasps’ nests
The Cornwall Company, at What­
In te re ste d
1C 1 . 1 1 r o il i l ?
T r y in g
$1 35.
of but two generations), the west, especially
sometimes take fire, as is supposed by poorer animals.
It will not pay to
K ' - m i ’ d ) S o m e o f t h e K i l i l i n x K i l l » . com, will push the railroad over the
SALT— Liverjiool grades of fine on tho frontier, was tho Mecca o f tw o classes
Cascades ; also will build to promising the chemical action of the wax upon winter them, as better animals will
men from tbo older mi-tious of tiie coun­
The committee appointed at the coal beds on the Nooksack early in the material of which the nest is com ­ give larger returns for shelter, care and quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three of
try —tlio great nrtny of hardy jiioneers, who
conference of ref resentatives of tlie the spring.
posed. Undoubtedly many tires of feed.
■ought Inmies for their families, and the few
It is not econom y to keep a
Transcontinental and Central Traffic
SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden who, being “ off <'olor" in the east, found resi-
unknown origin in hay-stacks and poor animal through any season, but
The Farmingto i Register tells liow farm buildings may thus be accounted
Associations and trunk lines, at St.
it is most extravagant to keep it |C,6j|c.; extra C .O fc .; dry granulated denco more convenient in newly settled
Louis, to remedy the existing evils on L. Denson uicked a quarrel with one [ for.
through the winter. It is tho height 7 § c.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and towns, w hero tlio | s » iii 1 p wore too busy to
Pacific^coast business, reported that Barnum, a working man, and got
i powdered, 7J c .; extra C, 6|c.; halves euro os much for thiiBhntoeedents as for tbo
The wells on the farm should be of folly in stock-raising to sell the host
presents acts o f their noighlsirs. Among the
the condition which unfavorably af­ knocked down. • He tried to shoot
and boxes, $c. higher.
latter were many of tlio no called ‘ Vhiy-
cleaned ryut every fall.
Despite all
fected the revenues from east bound j Barnum and got into jail for it.
bring the largest prices, but if you sell
acters” who, rather than tbo average, every
precautions but lew wells are free from
passenger traffic from the Pacific coast
day citizen, mado for tho west its popular
John Loclifelm fell off a train nnd
, r . . . *•
• . i important mining operations are
toads. It is not safe to wait until the , ,
were attributable to the fact that the
bad his fingers crushed so that ampu­ water becomes »fleeted before clean­ best will be no better loan your w orst, ^ ¡„ ¿ c a r r ie d on in the Arctic Circle reputation, but not its real character.
Many of these restless, erratic geniuses
representatives on the coast improp­
¡, mined . 0reenUnd and
tation was necessary.
He was in ing, but do it now, before the late rains is now, and your gorH will bo such , c
drifted into journalism, aud tho frontier
erly received and disbursed funds for
charge of a car of stock going from come on, so as to render the work
newsjiapers they made, often written
the purpose of securing business. As
will be. V on. by, this plan, constantly can‘(„ ei) Kxteu<ivo £
min<.„ llaV* and printed under great difficulties, |ios-
Chehalis to Tacoma. He nearly died easier.
the Eastern lines are desirous of bet­
i from cold and exhaustion before lie
make your an.maU poorer, and 88 the ! been worked for a long time in Fin­ sessed the merit o f having at least a positive
tering the conditions under which such
anil unmistakable individuality. They wore
Good cider vinegar is always salable, stock-raiser makes his animals poorer | land.
troffi - exists a> present, it is probable was found.
crude in style and iu moral tone ns well as
and it pays to convert the surplus ap­ lie makes himself poorer. If he keeps
some action will be taken ere long, on
up the process bankruptcy is aa sure ! John L. Sullivan is only twenty- in mechanical construction, it is true, for tho
on tiie recommendation of the com­ Tacoma Lumber Company, will be of
as fat«.
The opposite policy is the j nine years of age. It is said that he picket lino of civilisation is not generally in
The artificial vinegar
its surroundings uml associations favorable
mittee that nil lines adopt such re«tric- colossal size, being just twice the ing vinegar.
winning policy.
hss made and spent $300,000 in the to the attainment o f literary exceiler.ie or
• i> ns as weuld secure uniforrn action, length of the present building, and can be used for choiee pickles and
last three years, and now, with an im­ nice ethical distictions, although some of the
and that each association take up the will have a capacity of 600,000 feet of other purposes for which good cider
A prominent woman lawyer o( Ohio paired constitution. and a weakened editors wero men of gocxl education; but the
subject and consider it separately.
is Mias Florence Croniae, of Tiffin. right arm, he once more faces the |«|ieni were made for a constituency that was
Any association agreeing upon uni­ put of any lumber company on the therefore, largely compete with.
as |>eculiar in its tastes as it was independent
problem of life.
form rules will doubtless receive the coast.
in it* habits o f thought, anil cared less for
Don’t try to crowd fifty hens into a Hlie baa been in active practice for
co-operation of all to o t h e r s .
Messr*. Harris and Young, owners poultry-house suitable for only twenty- fifteen years, and lias secured a com ­
The Chinese frequently place little tho form than for tbo substance of what it
of the Toni Paine mine, now have five, as the larger the crop the fewer petence and a largo list of clients.
D i e d i n n F o r e l g n . I.n n d .
metal idols within the shells of mul-
Tbe frontier journal no longer exists, ex­
(seventeen men on their pay roll. the eggs proportionately, unless they
The Chinese Government has re­ lusks, removing them several years cept at a few remote points in sonic ot the
Word has iicen received in New I Their Salmon mill has been kept run-
, have perfect accommodations.
As a fused an English firm iiermissisn to afterward covered with a substance territories to which tbo railroails have no*
5 ork of the recent death in Cannes, ning on very rich o r y o r the past se\- raje> urn all docks give a larger profit
as yet |icnetrated, but it bos left its impress
France, of Andrew J. Baker, a wealthy eral weeks until tlie late cold weatner from tiie same outlay* than when num­ set up cotton e'eaning machinery in resembling pearl; they also ley strings upon tbe character o f its morn mature and
banker.of Tacoma, W . T.
Baker left froze up their water power,
rliich bers are kept that can not be properly that country. The decision is made of small ¡K’urls separated by knots in­ polished suceesHors.—7 . L. White iu liar-
that foreigners have no right to start side of the shells, and on taking them l>er'* Magazine.
for Franc« with his wife about a year compelled them to order an engine provided for.
out, after a lapse of some years, ob­
manufactories on Chinese soil.
ago, a id before his depaiture called ! and boiler from Portland, which will
tain large and costly j »ear Is.
Place your manure heap under
on Josef>li B. Braman, attorney at 120 arrive in a few days. This will enable
Panama is to have a street railway.
Ssnator Ingalls U tbe thinnest man in coo-
Broadway, and had his will drawn, them to keep their mill running all cover so as to be able to work it over The builder has tpen granted a fran­
The Steel Car Company is said to ( gres*.
Barnes, of Georgia, is the heaviest man in
leaving as heirs two sons and a mar­ winter.
in winter. Rains should never fan on
chise for fifty years, during which be constructing a fire-proof steel car congress.
ried daughter.
One of these sons,
the manure at any season.
It is of
Mtowart, o f Texas, Is the tallest man In
!li,m McCloud,
lirtiiouo, living
im «| five Jn,j* " Kreat advantage to turn over the heap time he is to pay a privilege tax of 2 0 1 at Boston, which will contain nothing
Leslie C. Biker, when last heard from,
per cent, of the net profits of the that can bum except the upholstery, • congress.
heat and thereby
eight years ago, was a barkeeper in westof Pullman, with hi* family, got ?n winl- . cr^
in, »1 5 o clo ck as usual, went out aud *n
_ wH»»
road. At the end of that time the and even that is constructed of unin­
Benator Sawyer and Senator Stanford are
Detroit. His whereabout* is at pres­ did*r!ot returo! He
found hang- cornPO~ the materials, in order to road and all appurtenance« revert to
| the heaviest men in tbe senate. Together
ent unknown.
in i b i the n™ k to a beam in an old
,‘ n *<*>* «>**'■ the municipality.
munity from fire, but an increase in f bey would outweigh Salisbury, Bpencer, In­
galls and Brown combined.
The length of pipeTaid in Paris for ^
mile away. The pain, he took Lon to spread on the land u, spnng.
R. Kondo, of the Mining Univer­ strength, a decrease in the liability
Gen. Wheeler, of Alabama, is tbe smallest,
th* distribution of power by com- to splice old ropes and leather straps
In storing apple* a free circulation
to telescope and diminish dead weight
to hang himself by, and the fact that of the sir through the barrel will he sity of Japan, said to be the wealthiest are expected to he some of the good as well as tbe shortest, man, pbysicially, in
- *i air already exceeds thirty i
(be house Hs la a venr little man, indeed,
it broke once and he tried the second of advantage.
The fruit should be
miles. The compressing engines are - time, show it was a deliberaie suicide, kept in a cool place, but should be be Japanese outside of the Royal family, features of the new car.
but he is an intellectual giant, not inferior
S till a t l.a r g r .
to Alexander II. Btepbens. Wheeler was a
of three thousand horse-power, and | He w»s to move into a new house in yond the reach of frost. Only sound
and copper mines, is about lo visit the
lieutenant general in tbe Confederate army
•bout thtee million cubic feet of air Pullman that week.
He was very apples should be used, as the slightest ; Lake Superior mineral region to ob-
W m. Wilson, the gambler who killed when be was only 24 year* old, and at one
■re compressed daily to a pressure of dyspeptic and had «evere spells of touch of decay on a single apple will
' lain a knowledge of the mining ma­ Frank Robinson over a game of cards, time be commanded tbe whole Confederate
eighty pounds per square inch, at aB j sickness.
sometime* cans« the whole to rot.
at Ln« Angeles. Cal., is (till at large.
chinery uaed in this co ««try .
expenditure of fifty tons of coal.
V '»