P olk O V O L .J . PACIFIC COAST NEWS. ts C ounty O bserver . MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, T l D ecap itated H im »elf. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. | . A „ t % l the „ n i e « wintering . , . , hum cf Wallace 18S8. N O . 37. ■4 THE POOL BETHESDA. Portland Market Report. It 11». U««n Ol.oov.rotl »< l.u l Willi Km. A l'o., near Per\j, Ind., a valuable ring A T e r r i b l e Deed. ■onaM« Certainty. I horse was turned in a field, and in D evoicd to n i k I nterests or F armers The cabin of Marie Berthune, of some manner became entangled in a W H E A T — Valley, $1 40®$1 42* "W e have generally an announce­ and S tockmkm , DEAD ON THE SIDEWALK. Walla Walla, $1 32® l 35. ment to make, but not often of so much Pittsburg, Kan , widow of Louis Ber- barbed wire feuee, and before he eould importance ns that of this day. It i* thuue, one of (lie miners killed in the be taken out, had nearly cut his liei(*j B A R L E Y — Whole, $0 85® 1 00; tho discovery of the Pool of Bethesda." o Low wagons should be preferred on Frontean explosion, was discoverer! tv off, but fortunately not severing the ground, per ton, $20 00® 21 60. A B r t k r a ia K i l l e d . A Fe arfa l Leap be on fire. Before the il ones were ex- windpipe. So writes Mr. Walter Besant in thn Ho will die, although the farm. The difference in the labor A B rutal Murder. Fatal Mhool O ATS— Milling, 32®34c.; feed, 28 Qarterly Statement issued by the Pales­ tinguised the widow and four of her every effort is being made to save him. required to load an unload a low wag tine Exploration Fund. He is jubilant, i d s Affair. children were burned to death. The on, as compared with a higher on«*, is ®30o. FrJLghtful I.rap. as all Palestine enthusiasts are likely eldest child, a girl of 9 years, who suc­ very great. Broad tiresjare also belter W liile delerioue from tophoid leveYj H A Y — Baled, $10®$13. to he. that a vexed question in regard ceeded in escaping, said her mother than those that are narrow. to a sit*» is apparently Bettled forever. sent each of the children off to bed Mrs. T. J. Lynch, the pretty wife of oJ SEED— Blue Grass, 12® 15c.; Tim ­ POISONED BY EATINQ WILD PEAS. with a kiss and then sat down near the wealthy man of New York, threw her Farmers in the sectiou of New Soujjr Rethesda Is mentioned only by tbs othy, 7®8c. ; Red Clover, 11® 12*«. stove. The girl could not sleep, and self from the third floOr window of the Wales that arc suffering from drought fourth Evangelist. In the fifth chapter FLO U R— Patent Roller, $6 00; of his gospel, John »ays: "Now there lay watching her mother, whe, after Bristol apartment house, Fifth avenue find consolation in the fact that the singing for some time, took a can of and Forty second street. She struck dry spell has cut a wide swath through Country Brand, $4 50. is at Jerusalem by the sheep market D e a d o n the S id e w a lk . coal oil and poured it over herself, head foremost upon a glass skylight the rabbit army. In some localities [or gate] a pool which is nailed in the An old man named C. E. P. Wood EGGS— Per doz, 30c. bed clothes and children. The grief- about four feet in diameter, which there are scarcely any of these pest* Hebrew tongue Hothcsda, having live wan found dead on the sidewalk ino| stricken woman then set fire to som£ formed a portion of the ground of the left. The word translated B U T TE R — Fancy roll, per pound, porches.” East Oakland, Cal., by Henry Week, pieces of paper and scattered it about yard, and Clashed through the half­ Rattlesnakes have been unusually 25c.; pickled, 22*®25c.; inferior "pool” in tho authorized version is who lives near by. Wood was°on his the room. aSid soon the whole place inch plate as if it were pasteboard. numerous in Georgia this year, and grade, 20®22*o. • given by some authorities as "swim­ way from a grocery« store, where he was in tlanies. The girl jumped from Tearing between the ragged edges of ming bath;" and the phrase “ pool by their increase is attributed by news­ C H E E S E — Eastern, ® 13*c.; Ore­ had been with his 111 tie sou. It is sup­ bed and bolted for the half-open door. the broken glass with the fearful feloc- the sheep market" is possibly better posed he died of heart disease. It is Her mother, whose loose dress was ity gained by her fall of thirty feet, papers of the State to the enforce­ gon, 13® 14c.; California, 14c. rendered "sheep pool." Eusebius ex­ said that he was, until lately,a wealthy burning fiercely, caught her in her the woman’s body passed between two ment of the stock law, which pro­ V E G E TA B LE S — Beets, per sack, plains tho occasional red color of the miller of Port Townsend, but having arms and tried to prevent her escape. iron girders just twelve inches apart hibits the hog, the rattler's greatest $1 00 ; cabbage, )>er lb., l c . ; carrots, water of this "sheep pool” as being a lost his wealth, he has been employed The girl fought for freedom, her strug­ and landed, after another fall of about enemy, from roaming at large. per sk., $ 75 ; lottnee, per do*. 10c.; trace of tho carcasses of sheep washed by the Central Pacific as a laborer. gles being strengthened by tne death twelve feet, torn, bloody and dead onions, $ 85; potatoes, )*er 100 lbs., in it before sacrifice; hence the nan«*. The general farmer, with two bun scarcely a foot from where one of th? shrieks of the other children, who P o is o n e d by K a t i n s W i l d Peas. 40c.; radishes, per do*., 15®20c.; There wore, according to the Evangelist, dreif acres of land, should keep fifty were writhing in the tlanies Unt were bakers was at work at a range. rhubarb, per lb., 6c. G. Thompson shipped 150 Spanish five porches, or porticoes, around the fast consuming the cabin. Mrs. Ber- sheep for utility’s sake alone. Such F ired o n n sch o o l t.lrl. merino buejes to Ritzville, W. T., from thune passed her “ arms arouffd the H O N E Y — In comb, per lb., 18c.; pool. These, Dr. Gelkle thinks, charity As W ilber S. Jordan, aged about men can afford to estimate the value built for tho accommodation of snffci^ Pendleton, for sale. Sunday they struggling child’s body, and, unmind­ of sheep from the standpoint of meat, strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8*o. ers. It seems to us, however, equally were turned out of the enclosure and ful of the fire that was slowly burning sixteen years, was returning from feriilit •’ and the general advantage of P O U L T R Y — Chickens, per do*., probable that they formed part of the driven to the hills for a day’s feed. her, endeavored to hold her, but her school at Bellefontaine, Ohio, pointed the farm, regardless of the maiket $3 00($4 00; ducks, per do*., $5 00® original scheme for the bath. Five Monday night thirty-two had died strength soon gave way before the aw­ a revolver full iu the face of Minnie price of wool. 6 00; geese, $6 00® 7 00; turkeys, jHirticoes would seem to imply a penta­ from eating wild peas. Many ijiore ful torture. The girl finally made one Brubaker, a handsome seventeen-year- gonal structure; hut this is by no means It costs nothing to be gentle with per lb., 12*c. are sick and will undoubtedly die. meve effort to tear herself from the old school-girl, and saying, “ Your These bucks belong to the Ross estate, maniac, lleleas^l from the arms of money or your life,” discharged the the cows, and it pays a big 0interest. PR O V ISIO N S— Oregon haws, 12*c essential. A rectangular pool with a and are known all over this coast as her mother, the girl staggered through weapon. The hall struck her just be­ The cultivation of the habit of gentle­ per lb.; Eastern, 15(a*16e.; Eastern portico on every side, divided by one excellent breeders, and of fine stock. the door and Jell headlong into a ditch, low the nose, and, passing through the ness when among the cows is big breakfast bacon, 12c. per lb.; Oregon across the middle, would answer the from which she was rescued a few lip, knocked out several teeth. Unless money in the pocket of the owner. If 10(a) 1 l c .; Eastern lard, 10(a)ll*c. per description. The loss is $15 per head. "Bethesda” ^a Hebrew complications arise she will recover. minutes later by a party of miners. name which was probably invented by lb.; Oregon, 10c. we shall stop to think wo shall won­ A State H eld I p. He did not know it was loaded. St. John) may mean either "house of der when we consider the rough way K i d n a p e d a S c h o o l t . l r l . As the stagg from Camptonville, G RE EN F R U IT S — Apples. $ «0 mercy” or "the place of tho pouring in which heifers are often handled D a m u K c d * M e w in g t.lrl. Nelson Moore, a widower with six Cal., neared a place called Nigger Tent, (5) 75c.; Sicily lemons, $t! 00(a)tt 50 forth" [of water.] . Miss Jennie Quick, formerly a sew­ that there are no more kicking cows California, $ti 00@6 50; Navalorauges A masked man appeared at the top of children, living near Huntersville, At the northeast of modAii Jerusa­ then there are.“ ing girl in the employ of Lewis Nay- $fi 00; Riverside, $5 00; Mediterra­ lem. close to St. Steven’s . .t-p, stands the grade with a gun, which he pointed Pocahontas County, \V. Y a , a few Michigan Agricultural College ex­ nean, $4 25. at the driver and ordered him to throw days ago stole a fourteen-year-old tor, a dry goods dealer, of Kansas tiu* Church of St. An»4; At the out the mail bags and express box, daughter of M. \V. Gordon from City, Mo., was awarded $7,000 against periments with wheat show that salt time of the Crimean war it witsn ruined D R IE D F R U IT S — Sun dried ap­ him. Some months ago Naylor ten- which was done. He was then ordered school, and hid with her in an unfre- mosque, but when the French came into lessoned the yield of wheat, 150 to drive on. The express box was quented point in the mountains, lie i dere.d ber a check in payment for her poutids being sown to the acre. Prof. ples, 4c. per lb .; machine drier!, 10® possession of it they restored thechurch 11c; pitless plums, 7c,; Italian found broken open and its contents started to leave the State with her, 8®rvlce8, ^ ,e wallled cash, and in Jobnsou inclines to think that one and handed it over to the Algerian taken. The box contained bullion, but was capture*! near the Virginia Rm Mjtsjrel which ensued Naylor and a quarter bushels of seed gives prunes, 10(5)12c.; peaches, 1 0 *® llc .; monks. It is near this Church of St. raisins, $2 40(¿2 60. ejected the girl, who is only seventeen line by a party who had been follow bar and coin, amounting to about the best yield. The old Clawson \nnc, and in connection with excava­ Her arm was broken $2,500. The mail bags were taken ing him, and was lodged in jail at years of age. seems to retain, in good degree, those H ID E S — Dry beef hides, 12«» 13c.; tions made around it. that the real away. Nothing has yet been heard Huntersville. The girl’s father was and she sued for $10,(XX) damages. qualities which have made it popular culls, 6®7c.; kip am! calf, 10® 12c.; Pool of Bethesda lias recently lieon dis­ of the robber, although officers are on with the pursuers and fired two shots The jury returned a verdict for $7,000 for a longer term of yearu than most Murrain, 10 @12c.; tallow, 4®4*c. covered by Herr Conrad Schick. Thera at Mrere, neither taking effect. after ten minutes’ deliberation. his track. other varieties. is a courtyard to the northwest of the Moore wanted to marry the girl, and W O O L— Valley, 15® 18c.; Eastern The last ninety-five babies born in An E ilrn a lT e Fire. htirch, which leads through a newly- has dodged her steps for two years. When a man is too fat the doctor Oregon. 10® 15c. Vanceburg, Ky., are all girls, and every opened passage into another courtyard The total loss by the fire in San recommends him to eat lemons and C h o p p e d H I « H e a d O ff. LU M B E R — Rough, per M, $10 00; some iifly-feet square. At tho north of hotly is puxz’ ed by the phenomenon. Francisco is estimated at $127,000, partake of acids to reduce his Hesh. edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G. this latter courtyard there was at one George Wetherell, of Denver, Col., divided as follows: McCue’s carriage Paris is said to be full to overflow­ All these things the farmer knows. sheathing, per M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor­ time » small church. Itenoath the floor factory, $00,000, insurance $15,000; induced Charles McKane, of Pueblo, ing with ladies from all parts of the But strangely enough he forgets them ing, )>er M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per of this sometime church arc vaults, and to start with him for the mountains Fink & Schindler’s furniture factory all when he stands in the presence of M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, |>er M, $18 00; through tho floor of those vaults a cis­ Nothing woilil seeking the latest fashions. $55,000, insurance $15,000; Prindle’s to visit a mining camp. the sour swill barrel. No woman clear rough, per M, $20 00; clear P. 4 tern is reached, cut into tho rock to a shoe factory $8,000. insurance $fl,uu0; more was heard of McKane until his would think of feeding a human baby 8, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, j>er depth of thirty fret. This cistern i* a por­ A female school-teacher in Amador mutilated remains were found in and another loss of $4 000. on sour milk, but her husband will M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, tion of tho original Pool of Bethesda. Beaver Creek. His head had almost county, California, is an ardent sports­ F i r e a t Hen. drive «bead and feed the calves and $22 50; No. 1 rustic, tier M, $22 50; There is still water in it, but it is diffi­ been severed with an ax, while his stepping, per M, $25 00; over 12 The British ship Strathearn, which body was shockingly mangled. Weth man. She killed eight quail at one pigs on sour milk, and even look you incites wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 cult to say whence It comes. This, in shot a few days ago. full in the face and tell you that the arrived at San Francisco from Swan­ erell had murdered his victim while to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 60 to 60. brief, is Herr Schick's report of April calves will thrive best on sour milk. sea, reports that on August 21st the ^he slept. He then abstracted $238 extra, $4 00; 1* lath, per M, $2 25; 5. Since then further excavations have It is estimated that in England one iss-n made, and bo has prosecuted more coal, which formed the ship’s cargo, from McKane’s pocket, stole his team man in tire hundred gets a college ed- j Every young person knows that 1* la i, per M, $2 50. He could not extended inquiries. A twin pool has caught tire in the main hatch. A por and drove to Denver. C O F FE E — Quote Salvador, 17c, ueation, and in this country one in nuts, after they have dried somewhat, tion of the cargo had to be jettisoned satisfactorily account for the team, Costa ltica, 18®20e.; Rio, 18®20c.; boon discovered. Further examination every two hundred. are sweeter than when first gathered. to get at the fire, which was not ex­ and the police arrested him on sus­ Java, 27*c ; Arbnckle’s’s reasteil,22c. will tiring more details to light; but it picion of being a horse-thief, but when But the drying process goes on until may now fairly bo assumed that the two tinguished for twenty-four hours. ME A ’! — Beef, wholesale, 2*@ 3c.; Miss Susan Winter, of Wheatland a bloody ax was found in his wagon it they, especially chestnuts, become too pools, tanks, or cisterns thus discov­ drew ed, 6c.; sheep, 3ct dressed, 6c.; F a t a l S h o o tin g A ffa ir . appeared certain that he committed Montana, is engaged to be married to hard to be eatable. These and other ered, really constituted tho Pool of Charlie Garrett, colored, and Joe murder. When the newsof McKane’s a young man named Spring. Another nuts can be kept from becoming too hogs, dressed, b*® 7c.; veal, 5i3?c. Betliesda, "having flvo porches," where Morgan, white, commenced shooting death was received the suspicion was case of Winter lingering in the lap of dry by mixing them with sand. If BEAN S— Quote small whites,$4 60; Christ Iicul6d the paralytic of eightand mixed with an equal bulk of sand, iu pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 60; __________________ each other in Angus McDonald’s sa­ verified. Wetherell was sent to the Spring. thirty year«’ standing. — l'o! I Mall Ga­ a box or barrel, and kept in a cool Limas, $4 50 per cental. zette. loon, near Spokane Falls, W. T., which penitentiary on a life sentence eigh­ A wonderful real estate dealer does place, the nuts may be preserved in resulted in the wounding of two by teen years ago for (he murder of a T H E Y 'R E T O O I M P A T IE N T . TIC K L E S — Kegs auoted steady at He an eatable condition until spring. standers named James Shannon and sheep herder, but, under the law passed business at Gladstone, Mich. two years ago, making twenty-five $1 35. On«« I{«- hmoii W h y W o m e n H a r d ly R y o r W illiam Lynott. Shannon was shot won’t sell a lot unless the buyer signs It is important to find how much of H n r r rn l a « K n f m v r n i . through the abdomen, and is not ex­ years the maximum imprisonment, a forfeiture contract not to allow H ALT— Liverpool grades of fine Wetherell, with his commutations for any fodder is digested, as well as to quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three It is a matter requiring explanation pected to live. Lynott was shot through wliisky-3elling on the premises. He why women »noreed no better than they know how much can be grown on an sizes; stock salt, $10. the shoulder, and will recover. Neither good behavior, secured a release. do as engravers. It i» not a business of the shooters were hurt, and one es­ was taken to Canyon City and placed A St. Louis doctor lias removed the here, or eaten by a certain amount of SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden into which they have gone recently. caped. Charles Garrett, one of those in the penitentiary, as there was talk brains from a dozen different frogs, stock, for on the amount digested de­ C ,6 *c.; extra C, 6§c.; dry granulated On the contrary, their beginnings In of lynching him. who did the shooting, came in and In 7§c.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and and healed the wound and let them pends the result in milk or beef. tne art date hack some time. The dia P rem atu rely F ip lo d r d . gave himself up. He was also shot in go. They went off as if nothing had using rough fodder we must add some jsjwdered, 7Jc.; extra C, 6$e.; halves erepancy between the wages earned by the arm. A few days ago the machine works happened out of the usual, and, it was concentrated food to make up for its and boxes, $c. higher. men and women In wood engraving is Bran, at Worthington, Ind., cast a small plain that they had lost notning o f ,. poverty A H otel B urned , in . certain . . . elements. , , probably somewhat larger than would m«*,1 » nd cotton-seed meal are A F e a r fu l l.ra p . A large, fine hotel at Long Beach, canyon, to be used in firing salutes. value. A frog which depended on his I bo found In analogous trade«; and,what best to make the rations complete brains instead of his legs would stand A charge was being tamped into the George Daily, serving a term of about twenty-two miles from Los An­ is not always the rase, it seems In a Brewers’ grains are a cheap milk-pro­ a mighty poor show in a puddle near gun, when a premature explosion oc­ three years at Han Quentin State majority of instances to bo justified, geles, Cal., caught fire from a defec­ ducing food, but at $3 a ton arc not curred, bursting the gun into many a school-house, prison, in California, for assault to lino could counton her fingers the wo­ tive flue in the kitchen at midnight, equal to cotton .seed at $30 a ton. fragment*. A machine works em­ murder, attempted suicid« by spring­ men who can claim nnv thing that dfv and was totally destroyed, with nearly According to the census of 1880-81, ploye, George Dyer, was struck by the That labor on the farm enables the ing from tho top of the building to all the costly furniture. Loss, $90,- •ervea to bo called sucrcas as engraven*. flying missiles, and hiB right leg man­ the last one taken, there were at that farmer not only to be repaid for such the ground below, a distance of There are ha id to bo three or four who 000; insurance, $45 000. gled near the body in a horrible man­ time 20‘.<,0.626 widows in India, of seventy five feet. His injuries are be rank well os compared with good men. ner. The fingers on his left hand were whom 669,000 were under nineteen expense, but also returns a profit can I l r a t e n to D entil. lieved to be fatal. The cause was des­ The work of women in ongravlng shows be easily shown by a comparison of torn off. Physicians were secured and W illiam Slack, a railroad laborer, of years of age and 278,900 under four­ pondency. the fault from which the work of wo­ Los Angeles, Cal., while asleep, was his arm amputated near the elbow, teen years. According to the native crops that demand much labor in men etchers is comparatively free. but before the physicians could per­ custom, none of these widows are at their production and those that call Jum prff Ovcrboarff. beaten to death by William Lannaga form a like operation on bis leg the I’here are numbers of worn«: who etch The same for but little. A crop of celery, for The captain of the steamer Mexico, Ran. There was no provocation for poor fellow died. He was a sturdy, lil»erty to nrmrry again. a plate in strong, vigorous style, but instance, is one that keep* the grower census gave the total female popula­ the crime. Lannagan was drunk »t industrious mechanic. His mother, tion at 99,700,000, and of these only busy, and with extra help, from the ^hich arrived at Han Francis«» from the wood engraving of women is apt to the time. who lives a Washington, Ind., was tele­ 900,000 were able to read. time the seed is planted untii it is Victoria, reports that on Sunday night he petty, weak, broad effect sacrificed ^ graphed for, but did net get here in A Lane H igh w a r man. finally banked up for bleaching, and Ronald Charters, a steerage passenger, to effeminate detail. They drift often created a sensation by jumping from into fashion plate engraving, which Frank The Reddi-ig and Weaverville stage time to see her boy alive. Charles F. Peck, a retired lawyer of as compared with corn it gives a much the dock of the steamer. The vessel blocks the further advance of an artist. Keen was also injured in the hand by larger profit, though requiring more whs robbed by one masked man about Englewood, N. J., startled the people was stepped an soon as (smsible and a The main difficulty, no doubt, with the same explosion, as was also Joe • mile from Redding, Cal. The rob­ Borders, but the latter two not ser­ in a New York horse-car recently by labor. The work is concentrated on a boat was lowered, but owing to dark­ many of the women who try engraving small area, and the shovel spade and ber blindfolded .the passengers and asking a policeman to take charge of iously. _________________ hoe mu«t be used to a great extent. ness was unable to rescue Charters. Is that they learn it as mechanical robbed them. Two treasure boxes him, saying that he was getting sick T o a D esolate H om e. The crop, therefore, pays a profit on Mhul W b l l e f *4 u p i n g . work, while no success is possible loan were taken. The loss is unknown. and thought that it was yellow fever. Samuel 8holly, a prominent farmer There was a great scampering out of labor as well as on the materials of John Atkins, arrested for burning engraver who is not more than a little The town almost enmasse turned out While it is railroad property, while being taken of an artist, capable of translating a who resides a mile snd s half east of the car, but a physician who was sent which it is composed. in pursuit of the robber. proper to economise by usiug labor- picture into another art language, not Wabash, Ind., arrived in the city in a for found the patient suffering front A H rn ln l R u rd fr. saving implements, yet where the to jail by Deputy Constable MaGee at «imply copying it with his tools. Pho­ carriage with his family and a basket heart trouble, and without any symp­ cost of labor is one that increases the Los Angeles, Cal., made a break for A t San Fernando, Cal., Wm. Lani- containing the charred and blackened toms of yellow jack. liberty. He was fatally shot by togravure work requires art originality. profits it is unwise to omit it. g*n entered the room of William bones of his twelve-year-old son. The More than this, art is a jealous mis­ McGee. tress. who requires a long apprentice­ Bernard Meyer, of Omaim rscsmlv Stock, and pulling him out of bed family had made an excursion to F i r e ut T a l a r * . The ('v in e w « i J astlflahle. ship, which women seldom give to any jumped on him several times, inflict­ Howard County, to visit the family of felt a slight pain under his W t sho,/ Fire broke out on Front street, in brejMl-evnin«» tw * died Edward Dolan, the young man who Jacob Coomler, formerly neighbor, o f » der. The pain soon ing a wound from which Stock rhich Sholly. A t an early hour ia the morn-t and a doctor was sou? — «T It shot and killed his father the 4th inst., Brennan’s saloon, at Tulare, Cal. •oon after. The cause — A pastor some time since sought ing the two families were awaked by a ¡nation o f the spot . ? * m.‘ near Sacramento, Cal., w.u tried be- burned the saloon, Farmer A Kendell’s promied Lanigan is unknown. financial help for an important charity. substance, which, on real estate building, and Briggs A stifling smoke. They rushed out as ,i e x t r a c t e d , i fore Justice Stevens and acquitted A F a ta l Jum p. ---- - . , « ¡llie was proved to be a needle g " *1 condi and discharged by the court. Twenty Holloway's meat market. Loss on Among thorn* whom he asked to give Thomas J. Gallagher, a well known fM lr ^ » h e d m the tion. Meyer has no recollection of a of the best citixens testified that the buildings and stocks burned, $12,000. something was a lady who, unfortun­ their . needle having entered his ^ l y . b u t ately, bore n vinegary face. She de­ attorney of San Francieco, »boat 45 u n a b l e to g e t up^n pe^ ^ ^ father’s character was violent and that Ten or twelve stores were emptied ifi- ysars of age, while under the influence flames. totally con-, *>'• mother say« that it occurred when young Dolan was a splendid young to the street« making a heavy loea to clined to give money but promised to ^ WM an infiU, H fif,y.four years »go. “ lend her countenance" to the cause, of hquor, jumped from a third-story clothing- The houee was wna y stock«; partially in«ured. man. ■u med.______ _______ lie retired iu dismay. — t'krütian In- window and was fatally injured. 1 AGRICULTURAL. . ■ i * V, i n m j it J ! •14