Polk Coaftty Observer. ------------------------------------------------- -a lIL Ili: IM ) III.KIIABOI i s . H publicuiLs w ear -m ilin g face- ll.d 1st on is to have a new grocery th e s o day». store. I. G. David-'>u, of P o rtlan d eame Rev. H . I». B itner calicsl on u s up T hursday. Tuesday. •V. A. Bently lias inovtsl Ida fam i­ ly to t >wa from th e farm for the Pres. I). T. Stanley went to P o rt­ w inter. land F riday. Instirunee m en Tatom an d Dalton ^ ,N‘- A. M. \ \ o rth lias gone to v is ­ took in the tow n of Ihillas Wwlnes- it her m other at Eugene City. day. Fresh straw berries were in th e Shei itl Sm ith i- sum m oning ju ro r- Portland m arket th is week says th e fu r th e Decem ber term o f court tlii-» f r tjoiti'tn. D a tta a . J . 1*. Lord anil wife o f California, llusint*»» Mentiun. are v isitin g J . B. V .B u tler. E x sheriff Lagk Hull of Buena I M. lla y te r dentist, Dallas. S urveyor B utler was at Ruenn Vista, Sundaycvl in tow n. Ni**» a Sm ith ar*' U ln g o u tatco st. “ T he tow n of M ouiuouih in »¡muted in the Vista last tvivk. T he Clius. H ubbard farm snlil at center of th e riche* part o f p.,lk eoiintv ( i*> to Ile n ry Patt* rson for(icrfuine eight mile.« '. n t h of the * unity seat. |i. The law yers ar»* busy g ettin g rea­ ad m in istrato r’s -ale for $_’7no. am i tw o am i one-half mil. » « ’ -t of the th riv ­ Geni* lla y to r for cheap ginvl». dy for th e Decernls r t**rin o f court. in g tow n " f |m h|«-m l.'n iv . ami nm tain» a O rville B utler of Cheney, W . T ., ll* id .air new advertisem ents th is population o f over 4"». lh e loeati-.u is a Miss A llie B utler, w ho has U***ii vi-iiisl hi- brother Ju d u e N. I,, -hit­ Week. beautiful one, on a rich rolling prairie, ami ler, th e latter part of last week. for general healthful***-»», the »in* in all that »(»ending ;i few wa*ks w ith M ends nt Tiie E. M . A. .re has new gtxsls, could I m * il.—ir*-1 M onm outh oiler» many A lbany retu rn ed last S unday. A new fence has been built bet woe n udvantufte», am i tlio.».; eonteniplatingurn cii- l .-r the bo»! ! I'-gaiu- in hulies and ter|>ri»e ar. invite I toeoiif.T with our rituen». There will bo nine dem ocrats in H olm an’s liv e ry -ta b le and the jail. gent» undcrv* ar, hats, e:q»s, hoots, Tlie Oa-KUVi.lt xxill lie re td in every towuahip tlie u|»j»er house and nine in th e low ­ T hree w ed d in g sth ls week and more *lii;*'-. H th * eiotliing, etc., go to Iia y - and at every po-toiti. .■ in the entire county, er house of tiie n ex t legislature. -• ton. V erily H ym en reign* th in our te r’s Dallas. and therefore uuexixlled a» uu advertising Wt e k . m edium .” For fin" watch w ork go to V. N. The Salem street railw ay will be A n A storia girl nam ed h er 2 suiters m idst. G rant at II. 11. Pat ter-on'.». T he population of Indojieudcnee com pleted by th e first of Jan u ary . •Grover and Ben before election, d e­ Our flouring m ill lias started. This The O bserrer four months for 50cts. was increasai by a ntimU-r o f east­ Spcctai-b s properly t»ciis.-«*d anti ciding in her own m in d to m arry j mill has th e best m achinery’ m ade Senator Dolph left for W ashing­ •urai"ly Iltt*slat lli ttry Patterson’s. ern pi*ople d u rin g th e w eek. the smve-sful candidate's nam esake. and certainly* ought to he a stu n ton Sat unlay. L is t o f J u r o r s . 1 Every .pair warrant*» 1. No fit, no T be m onum ent of g ra n ite sixteen She will wed Ben. Poor Ben. A t a m eeting o fth e o ity e m in '11 la.- t isale. T he follow ing list o f jurors have been V Shakespeare club was organized feet high w ith a polished Uise cover­ draw n for the D co m b e r term of Circuit in M onm outh Tuesday evening. Prof. W. T. Sellers i- teach in g a S '.tu rd ay evening, Doug H anford ’Pin* F. .If. A. store hove as cheap ing 10 square feet, now m ark s th e Court for the year 1 is,»; line of general m erchandise as can successful scho d at Pleasant H ill, wit» granted lit-ensi* to sell liquors. Jo h n Riggs of Rallston, w a s h o -1 last resting plaev on the old farm at T J Merry, A irlie Peter Cm >lt. Iutlepen’ ticed here Thursday. I«uio county. Prof. s<-lh-rs is a Our citizens should h ave tak en a D«* found an y w here. 0 C Molter. Silver, A S his-We, Dixie of one who had a host of m em ber of tb e N o rn u ! class of Student» will rem em ber th ey can livelier inter* -t in rem onstrating. W P Ireland, M >no‘th .1 II Collin», P rohibition vote of N ovem ber friends in the county and state, Sen­ get tirst-c'a».» photograph w ork done J A I laide! -, Indep. n 1! V Harris. Halla- It i.-< -iiii..it«»I tiiat tin ro .**'»■ live T he sociable given hy tin* m ile so­ at M. I*. E llis' i)ali:ts. -hows a falling oir of last Ju n e vote. ator J . W . N esm ith. J o I iii Kurre, Mu Vista I-a i Levins. ,, Am erican citizens w ho are w orth ciety last M onday night was a pleas­ K S Powell, M onnei’th M HavU r, E. lla y te r’» is tlie place to buy nil The grunge of Oak Grove hold- T he Dallas public school lias an at- ¡Soil, tHMi,onu, titty Worth *H0,(8Mi,0tH) 1) liilliam . Mridgeport .1 A lia-.l -, ant affair. T h e proceeds go to tin* th e latest style» of dress good»; fine N K Crowley. 11ixie \V Fc i-t; Bridge;* >rr regular and interesting m eetings. tondancoof 11-T and it is expected stock Just received. etu-li, liMi w orth $.>,000,0*10 each, new church fund. Joshua M. Daniel ,, li ih/rt (¡rant Miss .Mary Stevens of Oak Grove th at the m imltor will I k - incretis d. J M Burch, „ II .1 Muller, Mon th w orth $-'5,ooo,o*'il ea«-li, flltu w orth $1, T h an ksgiving services will he held Paints, oils, varnishes, etc., at Jo h n < l-liorm-. II C MeTimoiis Lew is teaching a successful term of lio n . A. II . T an n er, lias bet*n ap ­ L*Ni,tKK) ead i and lntai w orth $.VH),000 at tbe city hall n xt T h u ” lay. Also W aterhouses. C A Miller, ., II lly.-rly, Maliston school at Kola. pointed I’oiia* Jtidgi* of P ortland. each. a union service at th e school house in F ran k Post, McCoy Jo h n Campiteli, „ H enry P atter-on has Just received T J U ra v e o , ,, J M Skaife, I.ineoln M:ss A ddic Clark of Zena i- a tte n ­ A llvrt is a graduate of C hristian Col­ th e evening by’ the Simday-schooN. a now -t «ek of all (li** latest novelties oitsF.nviut for Dallas last winds o n ­ V M Holm* L L ii e P r’.lule ding the M cM innville college tins lege of tin* class of ’7(i. in th e jew clrv line. Nil old goods in F K H ubhunl M. i'por ly juirt re:u-he*l th e office in tim e. A fam ily o f em igrant -, 11 in n u m ­ ID* took. "Drop in anti exam ine winter. From a p riv ate letter we learn T be m ail i» put up In four packages ber, l*y tin* nam e of Sym niingt-m , th em . A protracted m eeting is being held that Dr. C. E. W orthington and and three were sent on tin* Salem h a w arriv ed from P ennsylvania. E n te r p r is e . C oup .wav A Cooper hard w are at Zena w ith considerable interest family arriv ed a t th e ir new hom e stage which cau sal th e delay. On Tu»day Mr. Schrag, living west nii'ii, Independence. Locatoti in t h > edmo of Dallas on during the week th at is past. at Mo-cow, !. T. safely and well Clerk Coad is kept busy these days o f tow n, sent to his r-lativ* - in Da­ N e i s A S m ith are offering th eir th e m ain wagon road from the east, The m erchants of Independence pleased w ith th e location. T iie court, roc >rd of deeds and neces­ kota a pear w eighing 1 pounds and 1J g*)*Hts clieup. are th ree new substantial buildings, ! and Dallas are displaying th eir holi­ The next annual m eeting of th e sary duties of th at office, issuing ounces. W ho says th e W illam ette < ■*> i Vaiiglm s, Dallas th e leading foundry, sash &, door factory and day goods. Teachers In stitu te for th e second m arriage license, etc., caused him to valley doc» not raise large fruit. jow eler. , flouring m ill, ow ned respectively by F rank Collins, our w arehousem an, Judicial district w ill be held at Cor­ tak e in an assistant. H arry Cosper, H enry Patterson i» not behind Biddle, R iley A- Co-ad and Noel. Mach At tin* residence of th e b rid e’s par­ vallis Da*, gfith and L'Tth ’8S. The well qualified, will fill tlie (»'-»itionas ents ;5 m iles we t of tow n ’ Rev. Royal. On th e same d ay tlu ir new d o ' » a axis anil now have tain in tit*- way of m achinery and of­ ings of A irlie, were here T hurs lay. counties w ill In* in attendance. Rev. II. L. B itner w ill preach'nt l>er li *v • dis-lived partn ersh ip by W illiam s B urns of Lew isville, and tin* b*»t assortm ent in th e county: fices. Mr. Biddle of the foundry, i- The sociable of the Ladies Aid So­ consisting of tin* new * t sluulcs an d Calvary Church next Sab’iatli ¡it lu:- m utual con t-iit, H arry Cosper ta k ­ Miss M aggie McDonald of this phue prices to su it every body. now m anu factu ring choppers, that ciety has lie n postponed till the i !th •’!<) A. M. and in the evcjiin .■ at Intle- ing leave of tin* firm am i W in. Faull were in arm 'd . W e ex pre-s th e .vi»h are h av in g an extensive sale among of next m onth. W . H. W heeler has th e finest line pendcnc: 7 o’clock. Tlie jtublic arc continuing th e busines- as before. of m any for both these happy couples of holiday goods ever brought to in ­ th e farm ers and warehousem en; it is T he new cells for th e Polk" county th e best m achine o f the kind we have 1 jail have just been put in and turned . all cordially invitisl to atten d ¡ill Robt. Per.-ival, son of W in. I’erci- joy. On W ednesday Eugene lla y te r dependence. ev e r seen. ltiley A- Coad are kept over to the county commissioners, a t I services. val of th i- pla -e, who lias been so ve­ and Mi.-s Eva Shultz o f o ur town No trouble to how you o u r good»— Rev. 1 Jerry left here M onday for ry low w ith ty p h o id fever at Ya- were m arried, Rev. Preston Holm an Shelly A V andtiyn. busy in th e ir splendid appartment.». a cost of $2,1 MX), his hom e in California. Mr. Berry q ll iim Bay, we are glad to note officiating, 'flit* happy couple a v IMr. Noel lias in every way a first- I * nion A T ru itt h av e received J . W . Il.ister and Zed Rosendorf is a very pleasant gentlem an and class m ill and is ju st cleaning up to was able to lie brought to In d ep en ­ well anil favorbly know n anti we join th eir new stock of fall goods, and call atten tio n to tlieir Dress goods m ake ready to put a plentiful supply of Independence, were at the capital gained q u ite a num ber of friends d u r­ dence W ednesday, w here lie was left th eir m any friends in w ishing them * d -pccial ep artm en t w hich is tlie m ost com ­ city last Saturday. joy ¡ind prosperity’. a t th e hom e of his sister, Mrs. Jeff. o f Hour on th e m arket. Those gen­ ing his short stay here. plete of any in th e county. S. W. S m ith’s fam ily have gone to RKontn or iu.r.;» tlem en have la-on at several thousand Tite C hristian Church here is w ith ­ F ry er. H e was m oved to liis hom e E. lla y te r now ha» th e neatest g;*n- i 1 W DixlcnlmiV to Vii-tm- I’inh 3'J> *ic--t » in eral n r ivhan li • store in Polk coun­ dollars expense in replacing their W aitsliurg, W. T., w here Mr. Sm ith out a pastor. M eetings have been here on T hursday. t7 i- .a v\ i-iii-i. i on all our general m eivliandi-e. G ive II. L. H ither has hud the outlook in bri.le !n iv.tllw.-s. \V. J. Munì- m l Mis» Ma . A lm ost every paper in this -tat* finished. .1 !l"!in tr iin to >1 S i" •rniansca part of *1 us a call. Shelly A V atiduyn, Hide-' gie Mel) mal I were uniteli in marriage. has spoken its sentim ents against Independence not content w ith the bis hands and lias m ade a canvas» of 1 r of I ami Mary t 'ox $| loo, II Ka mi II < SO'ilina t.> W II W yman lienee. RUhS Wc -f. Il Sunti N or. 18, 1 -»». a change of school books. usual d ry -ro t and lazy rut that is this tow n for th e m an». W e li iw !• HI iu-n-s t 7 » r 3 w + »'si*i. Mart Klliot mi l Miss May Westfall were E. Ha.yi. r nod. < a specialty of I M Sim p *n to J A W ithrow 15J arres silks, satin», plushes, velvets and in uniteli in marriage, Iiodi of this county. C. E. Brunson of Sheridan, a s t u ­ characteristic of some of th e “ Web- not learned th e exact am »lint raised |>arl *11 c of J i l i n Lewis s - j nni . lla y te r S hull-. On Wc Im -lav eveiiin:; dent of last year, gave his friends fool:’’ tow n-, is im proving h er streets or the encouragem ent received for <' K Mil!*-:- to W 1’ lto*, n 10 ncr*'» in t 0 - fm t a l l kind* of fancy goods. R em ­ at 7:30 o'clock Nov. 21, '88, Eugene Ilavter and the (>n»KKVi-:n office a pleasant by load» of gravel. Independence i» th e enterprise, but it i» s il> ‘.in tially r 4 .v Sloo, em ber th at all tbe goods in Ids stock •ml Miss Kvu Shu re n in ite l in m an ¡age .1 S Dalton to Jo h n 1' ihi I c lot ono town of I are new and of lx*st stylet*. stut.-d th at th e building will go call this week. going to get there. «1 the hom e of the brille in Dalla.», Kev. P. »i 00. ahead. Tlie need of an o th er church Airlie All orders «eld F enton *V T ru itt by H olm an obi iutin,.-. Sarah A I)*mfv to 11 Ilirsi'lihcrg lota (!, 7,8 Tite q u arterly conference of th e Our county scat town is to have a n ­ building in th is place ha-< been well block ! i Th*>i'|i lalilition Iiiili'ia-niioni'** $8*.Ni. \ m ail will rcceiv«* prom pt and careful Both th e e infracting parties nr.* well other saloon. It will he managed hy Evangelical Church w ill lx* held at J S t'.Miner to Polk <’ottntv Liiial «'*> lot» 7 atten tio n ; goods .- n it by retu rn m all. know n in th a t town am i on - c unity. Mr. looked to, an d th e finding of all th a t Hillock 4 Path-rsoii ail'f linlcni'inlcni'c SI.Si. Doug. Hanford of Independence, j IndeiKUidenceSaturday Dec. 1st lass, H uyter or "-¡v iiJ as he is u»ua ! :div»»e ’ Wood taken in exchange for goods we have talked w ith are in sy m p a­ S I! Crowley t • W ¿mil M V Fiiwhs UOacres at - o’cl o',-k. It -v. C. C. P oling of hy his friends, is one of prosperous merchant.» lie is an experienc -d saloon m an. •'t th e F arm ers .Supply depot. th y w ith th e m ove. It will certain ­ t 7 * r 4 w $¿700. • >f Dallas. T hu yuan : lady is a favorite am n r 1 In tin* show window of V aughn at Salem, P. E. ly lie built. It d on’t m ake anv difference, it is I!ri. Collins, th e photographer, is a fact you can get th e l *-t goo«is, an d O rville B utler left for bis Cheney Moyer A Yv ¡Ison are celling A dam at th e ticst baogain at Z. E. V au g h n 's friends only were present at the e-.-r-ninny: . -lineclocks w ith frames ornam ented prepartsi to tu rn out photographs at Dallas in ail its branches as good as W. T. imme tin* last of th is week. Brow n’s house. they were th e re ¡¡dents o f m any •vr.h'ahle w ith precious stones. I »alias. in any part of th e state. Tills is his first visit to his m other presenls. T heir hom e has been neatly fu rn ­ Last Thur.-day evening loud reports j Student» in w ant of a n y th in g in Capt. W illiani Young, U nited ished and the happy couple im mediately en­ A concert will be given by tlie and th e valley in ton year». like cannon startled o u r citizens; suh- th e Dry goods lines, w illsuyo m oney tered U’sm th e ai,Inoli», yet pleasant duly of States engineer, is now at Yuquina Sunday School T hanksgiving even­ Robt. C lark was in tow n M onday -equent enquire» proved th at there by Inlying of Fenton Ar T ru itt, Dallas H e is m aking p re p ara tio n s, ing in the College chapel. T he pro­ Im usckeckiug, with the In-st wi»he- of many buy. At J . 1). Irv in e 's is th e place to and reports th at coyotes h ave been had been ¡i national election, tmd for comm encing work on th e north \ gram m e includes a cantata, several friends for prosperity and pleasure. k illing siie: (» in Ids neighborhood, th at H arri-on and M orton bail been get your groceries, Independence. jetty at the entrance of the buy, concerted pieces, recitations and west of tow n. F iv e of th e little h u n ­ chosen Prt »¡dentand Vice President. S tudents when in w ant o f goods o Utili u m e ut 1» J . b . >e»rnith. An exchange has b e e n inquiring songs. P reparations are being m ade g ry fellow» w ere seen in one bunch any kind, go to Fenton & T ru itt’s. Titos. S tum p is qu ite sick w ith n D u rin g th e past w eek a stately into the fate of divorced wom en, and to m ake tin* evening an enjoyable A fresh supply of gr.ni ries at J . I>. week. sore th ro at and sore foot. polished g ra n iti1 m onum ent has bet n seems surprised to find th at seventy- one, and all are cordially invited to in th e foot hills last ♦ ---- 1 rv in e’s. p ia m i to m urk th e spot w here lie live per cent are m arried w ithin a attend. T he adm ission fee will be A repor. is afloat th at Jam es G. Normal Nofc*. Mrs. La R insieur, C ity B azaar th e rem ain s of the late Senator No - year. Inilopeiiden**«*, has m ade i\ fin«» The second term opened on M o n -, Blaine has applied for onr post office, fifteen cents. Go an d pa s a pleas­ n iith , on th e hank ; of the Kick real. »«•loetion of woolen good», rib­ ant evening, and help th e S unday d ay w iili a large increase in numbers-. if he is not appointed to th e court of “ 'Tis rhubarb pie in early spring. bons, buttons, articles for fancy The inscription on the front of die And f»in iselnTry in June: School along. Every county in Oregon is ri »»res­ England as m inister. Wt* doubt this w ork, rem nants of casliiiiore, A nd < liristii-«» lime it’s rii -h mince pic, is as follows: (irin'.s, hnndkereliiefs, purses, Morning, niyiit ami iv u i . ented w ith th e exception o f C urry, how ever. One of tw o things: T his tow n JA M E S W IL L IS NESMITH. O ur dem ocratic lions now roar a lint the loyal pie for Thank-giving etc. G ive an * a rly i-.ill. should eith er build a good sidew alk Wasco and W allow a. Several coun­ BOR.N JULY Si, 1831, 1» pum pkin, yoidon yellt/W. -'oftly. as - ncking doves. DIED J l NE 17, ISSÒ. H oliday goods a t VVlieelera Inde- ties from W ashington te rrito ry nroi to M onm outh so th a t our children Ah! that »the '• in 1 for iim . If Bat For any other fellow!” ( til. i*ei> is g etting his new hom e p ntleiicc. m ay tak e advantage of th a t school or also represented. A n C pright Judge, Prof. W . E. Cressey is acting “ Na-- els.- we should have a high school of A Mravc Soldier, A ttention of those w ho are ta k in g Pres. S tanley lectured at Ballstoi* in fair order and it begins to look A M is*' Legislator, p ain tin g is culled to th e full line of hy” a t Independence this week for o:ne kind here. Progress g o e s in ln»t S atu rd ay evening, an d Prof. very com fortable. A i t Hottest Miuj. Onr com m i -inner, G. MeBee has artistic m aterial at II. It. Pattersons Joh n n y Ford, who is attending the , hand will) education.— HV.-f Side. Campbell at Buena V ista. let th e contract for tlie bridge which Independence. On th e n verse th e inscription is a» debate at Silverton, iK'tween Braden i W e can heartily endorse eith er. A n o th er class in horth ind was o r­ is to un ite us in closer bond , of so­ Ch ap f place ¡>1 th e county for follows: and End* rwood, on “ Infidelity vs Horace W . K nox died suddenly nt ganized M onday. Mi-s W o rth its Pinne r o f 1 » 1!. hardw are, E. S. D. Co. ciability w ith Hazel Dell to J . Teal. C hristianity. Judge P iu ler the Pro­ his hom e in Cheney W . T. la»t Sat- teacher is m eeting w ith good sue.--»s. School books and taiio n ary a t vision il I iovernm ent 1s|.'<, O ur chop m illcn g h v in:-been busy The m em orial w indow s for the tiuday N ov. 17th lxss, of B rig h t’.- W heelers Independence. I ’niteil State- Marshal TiuMik-gi vinge.xorci« - will be held every «lay la»t week. Titis is great new B aptist church at independence desease of th e kidneys. H orace was 1S.VMS.V», People w ho are talked about, are in th e chapel on T hursday a t 10 a. in. convenience to our city and precinct. Colonel of Volunteers 1 have arrived and art* living put in a gnwiuate of C hristian College of th<>»<‘ who go and ex am in e th e fine Rev. Ilersclin er will «leliver th e ser­ Sii]ierinteiident of “ B riiiski's Ghn»t” line not visit -*! stock of artists m aterial nt Buster» this place, ela-s of ’7.1; afterw ar Is t>e- m on. E v ery lsn ly invited. position. In d ian Affairs 1S.V7-1S.V), Iiulependeii'"*. H e liu» a full line of filite li State» Senator Hon. F. H. I ’, w ill attended the eaine a law yer and w ell-know n , A nu m b er of new clauses were or- us for m any a d a y —com e over ol*i Tubes, Aenf Th«* attendance at present is larger m onum ent; also, th e «tate appropri­ who had hi-» face and hands Iwdly dental room:», provided w ith furni­ than usual for tin» tim e of th e year. uiii- m inute; from H! to 20 years of atisi a certain sum , hut th e fam ily, burned w ith powder a t tin* ratifica­ tu re am i -.irglcnl instrum ents suita­ ago, 50 «’.-lit»; from 20 t*> 25, 75 Tiie tosw*hers and student» arc ta k ­ *<>nfs; school m a’am s, 40 f tim e. M inister- are not shu)»*, Com** before tin* luill shut» T he following student« entered on charge«!. Editor» pay in ad v ertis­ d o w n .—F ran k Collins, M onm outh, lines of silver wan*, v\c th in k , satisfactory service by calling on him . T k a a k iftiin . s < n l< ' • A larg • num ber of fruit trees were M onday: 11. C. F arley Dallas; L. ing, but an* not allowed to p artici­ ( >r**gon. ever brought to th a t tow n. W e a d ­ T here will lie Tliank«giv:n* w n i'" * a} " ,c unload i ¡it th is d -p »t from th e n u r ­ Fischer Corvallis; E .J . M asters Sum ­ pate u n til e v o ry W Iy tl.<* get« If nieft.IT» »tu Ii»t dn-irtM-it Interest» ttiov khapel on Thursday, at 10 a. m. Key J- *-■ vise you all to go am i see his -t«ck. vvmiiil lei,I tlm “ *". Ill ntoy’s IVmi’i'IUin sery of S hm ian, Mt. Tabor, W ednes­ ner; In* B. S hirley, Colfax, W . T.; th ro u g h . IH en ch n cr o f forvoilin will deliver ll A m eeting of the Isuird of direct­ mori. Music and d. v,.Iwmil ever i«e- " * " ' ................ . . j Toni e -it**- i»1-’ lieu-* tinl'l reiiKstjr. Sol*t day evening. T hey are for tlie fol­ L. C. Bidwt 1!, 0 . 0 . H owell and T. t»y N. 11. lliitlor, o j-i.ii f.-vl *!r * - it : - :C ion - In the place in Polk county, F. H. I). Co. ia*, lias lx»-n called by W arren T ru ­ *'f the citizen-«Mould troike ur'iio r-'in. : ’ county: Jo sh u a Brown, O. J . Bagiev, Currisvlll**; J . F. H all, W ells; Clara Im* k mul loin«, nn- y ate>nl>l*»t with wake- itt president of tbe board for to-day T he F. H. T). Co. buy fo** ca»h end fillnn». f.iiutln-M :*l:!**- oil of Ite- stomach'.’ ttltend, and bv th eir preseli e a»*:*t in I ti'lM;- Jan. W heeler, Jam es H a rris, Jo h n H all, Buena V ista; How* I>ay, Gstk- “*rai«c to H im w h o le .- -ll"V.ered • (Hatunlay) to discuss tite advisability sell for cash i» the rea’- on th ey un«l**r A nn-you im rvoii» or irritatiti-? i f *»> we i**t- B um s, A . W . Lucas, H a rry C hris­ iand; F. M. P arrish , Zena; W aiter sell a n y oth**r house in Polk connty. ri»p you t . trv '%» *• •*> Kidney Tea. Sot*l lew in p upon ti». of erecting a new Im ilding for the tian, .Tallies H iller! rand, Sol S tom p, McMeckin, H urri-hunr, L ucy D ough­ T his firm 1» gaining friends « very day li_v N. II ! ' -cho i|. T he present building and A I n h win* w e nffltrtcl w ith Satt Rhum Gcs», Stis I, I). W. D riskel, M irt ty , TllhiinfK*k; Zola and E*lr an v », .te ..r notes signed by me in t.v. or probably be sold, ami a new build­ Yestei-, It. Steel, A lv in Ireland. ■ ; i I u m' (»>iii|'*.uint A m ity; J . Jack-»m. Dougin» county; m 'liiU .ly .u n l'- »jsvial arrangi-nunts b- *-it n t ne- f 11 ' ing em rtcd cis-w here w ith tiie pn> the State Insurance Co., of Salem. On"■ S'»1.1 hy N II IJ-.iilcr. iln»>s*ls«. are Iii'ule, F. H. I ). < <». ’ W . I Ia».-h r, W a»hington county. H u n t’- a x t- : i do at I’. S. Ik Co. 1 thepaenicnt lui» lie -n -u-p-oidi- i for wan' c*-e* u o w id n ttu n ,—J. F. iK-taney. I' u UIM i . m I livery Saturday. I Chopping! Chopping!!