I VO L. MONMOUTH, POLK C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 24, 1888. ÂCIFIG COAST NEWS. CABLE CAR ¡recov ry is doubtful. George Ellis was badlv injured in the back and it is probable that his spinal cord is i ir jured. Both men reside heie and l are married. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A V ly s trr io u * C rim e. AGRICULTURAL. D k v o ie d to t h e and A C C ID E N T I nterests S t o c k m e n , os - F armkhs MARKET REPORT. _______ _ iÌKiiAHi r . Q uotations C akkko i . i . y R e vise d E very W eek . NO. 3L HAWAIIAN ISLANDS’ LEPROSY. T h e O n ly H o p e o f t h e N a t iv e L©|wrs* C o lo n y . lla c e — T h s A very mysterious shooting affair, It is now more than half a century which will, in all likelihood, cause the since leprosy was introduced into tbe The British hark Minmyhive came Regularity in feeding, watering and W H E A T — Valley, *1 40($f 1 42j Hawaiian Islands. It would lie quite death of Mrs. Kottie Stocks*, residing Walla Walla, f¡l 32<5l 35. impossible to point with certainty tc the B rak on ian T e rrib ly V la u g le d . into j»ort at San F rancisco from New­ on Greenwich street, in Philadelphia, milking are important matters in the original case, but it is generally under­ dairy. Practice it. castle, and Junes Blines, one of the occurred. Three shots were heard in | Kam i «h o o t in g A ffra y. A «a lto r B A R L E Y — Whole, #0 85(51 00; stood that the seed o f tho dreadful mal­ st amen, smuggled a note ashore to the O T e r r ib ly lliu ten . the house, and an offioer, upon in- ! The latest returns show that pleura- ground, per ton, $20 00(521 50. ady came from Asia, and came in the Coast Seamen’s Union, asking for a>- ventilation, found that a Cuban j. « . . . .. pei-son o f an ill fated foreigner. He may i u - j u i i i 4 m i pneumonia is more pro? went in Soot- OATS- I instance. The patrolmen of the union named 1* red Kaunoe had eli<>t Mr*, f. -Milling, 32(534c. ; feed, 28 or may not have been aware o f the in- , , at once investigated the case. He Stocke© thre time?, two «>f the bu l-* an<* y 1* 11 ln England ; thirty <5 30c. calculable injury be was about to inilict O MURDERER PLEADS GUILTY. found that Bune< was a union man, lets taking otToet in her face and the ^,nP \\ .llie are reported from ulion a nation that had been, until the H A Y — Baled, $D»<5$13. and on the 15th of last month, while third one in one of her lungs. The English counties; and thirty-nine arrival o f Capt. Cook, in 17DO, almost he was.unable ty.work, be was set iy>- t rticer arre-ded K.iimos. hut ouly suc­ from Scotch counties; while of the SEED— Blue Grass, 12(515e.; Tim ­ entirely free from the numerous conta­ on by Capt. Webster anfl the first ceeded in doing so after the prisoner ^catile rtacked 140 were in England othy, 7@8c.; Red Clover, ll@12^c. gious dLseaaea that prevail among civil­ f i r e in u C o llie r. 'and 170 in Scotland. The districts in ized cominullities; but the life lie Its) in mate, aud w,n Com- able tef American law, and the only } latter is either feigning or is actually in which about two-thirds of the out­ kingdom. Leprosy develojw slow ly: one ny at the Pacific street wharf, 8 m hope the sailor has of redress is unconscious. Not the slightest clue breaks have been reported B U T T E R — Fancy roll, per pound, may lie n WjH-r for months or even years ancisco. 1 lie Talbot is an oldtimer through ttie British vice-consul. as the motive for the crime can he 22j<525c.; inferió! before the symptoms o f the disease be­ The practice of putting fodder down 25c.; pickled, d when it was learned that fire had learned, the woman Wang unable, by grade, 22J@25j. gin to discover themselves and at last in silos has led to many experiments aken out on lier evi rybody got K i l l e d by a t a i l i n g T t i e . reason of the wounds in her face, to become externally evident. Then they C H E E S E — Eastern, <5l3¿c.; Ore­ are unmistakable; but by this time great yre as quickly as possible. She William Ames, a young man from talk, and the prisoner is likewise si­ in preserving fodder, and the last ef­ gon, 13(514c.; California, 14c. fort is given in the Country G-ntUman s loaded with Cheiry valley coal Michigan, was found dead in the woods lent. Mrs. Stockes has a seven-year- mischief may have been done, und done jni Washington t rritory, which innocently enough, perhaps; for the old child, and lived with her husband as follows “ I cut and shocked when V E G E TA B LE S — Beets, par sack, become ignited bv «(icntaneous near Edmonds, W. T. He had been in the house where she received her corn was in the dough and let it stand | $1 00; cabbage, per lb., l c . ; carrots, lejH-r w ill have hut recently become con­ mhustion. The fireboat w is not working in the woods, and was caught wounds. Her husband, who returned until dry enough to husk ami thresh. per sk„ $ 75; lettnce, per do*. 10c.; scious o f his state. Thus leprosy spread lit for, as it was feared that the salt by a falling tree, his neck being to the house shortly after the affair, Then cut it up in half-inch lengths onions, $ 85; |H>taU>ea, per 100 lbs., through the kingdom, and spread to such Young Ames leaves a and tilled the -ilo heaping full of it, an alarming degree that it became neces­ ter she used would damage the coal, broken. can throw no light upon it. 40c.; radishes, j>er do»., 15(520c.; sary to take public action in the matter. and put on neither weight nor cover. d a stream was introduced into the mother and sister in Michigan, wh* The disease is acknowledged by tho I have tried every WHy to handle the rhubarb, |>er lb., 6c. f a t a l H oller fx p lo s io n . Id from shore, which, after some have been depending on him for sup- Vorf. . . corn crap and like this the best. My s, extinguished the flames. H O N E Y — In comb, per lb., 18c.; medical world to la- incurable. It has An accident, resulting in the killing ever been so considered; and as yet, thresher leaves chaff, blade* and htn-ks strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8 je. T r a i n A ccid en t. of five persons and injuring many though a thousand experiments have been \ V reek s i l l A r c t i c W i f t r r s . about two-third* the bulk. In feed­ The late train from Alameda for others, took place on the farm of Jonas Capt. C. T. Thomas, superintendent PO U LTR Y — Chickens, per do*,. tried, the most hojieful o f the scientists ing this cut feed a few hogs are needed, have abandoned tbe Held in d. spair. Tho the Aleutian Fishing & Mining I San Francisco, ran into the previous Spayd, near Redding, P a , where the as scavingers, a* cattle do not digest." $4 00@4 50; ducks, per do*., $5 00(5 Mosaic law was explicit in regard to the boiler of a steam threshing machine 6 00; geese, $6 00(57 00; turkeys, train, which had disabled its engine mpanyon Kodiak island, Alaska,} treatment o f thus», afflicted by leprosy: Where the quantity of manure is per lb., 10c. in operation exploded, and killed Irvin arrived at San Francisco by the ¡and was lying over being repaired. they were to lie set apart, without the Duntelberger, William Rover, Joseph j limited and the soil poor, larger crops | The conductor of the disabled train, : Hope, gives an account of the PR O V ISIO N S— Oregon haws, 12*c gates, and to walk alone, crying, ‘ •Un­ H Machmer and Isaac Marberger, nking of the schooner Isabella and Hubert Gaunce, had his spine injured, j boys, and Joseph Spayd. The bodies of corn can undoudledly be grown by jier lb.; Eastern, 15@16r.; Eastern clean 1 unclean 1” Their gurments were The engine and applying the manure in the lull than to lie burned, their bouses cleansed, and venteen of her crew. There were | probably fatally. of all five were hurled from thirty to by spreading broadcast, provided it is breakfast bacon, 12c. per lb.; Oregon all direct communication between the four cars were badly smashed up. v®ral other wrecks in the vicinity of 1 0 @ llc .; Eastern lard, 1 0 0 ll^c. per I fifty feet, and were terribly mutilated. thoroughly decomposed. clean and the unclean was expressly pro­ Green ma­ lb.; Oregon, 10c. odiak island, but no clue to the I A W o m a n I r i g Ii tl'ul I > l l u r n c d The body of Machmer wa* hurled hibited. In like manner, segregation entity of any could be found in the | Ellen Kobler, a middle-aged woman,} clear through the weather boarding of nure fresh from the stable or cellar, was considered to ho the only fiojieof the should never be applied in the hill, G R E E N F R U ITS — Apples. $ 50 -eckage that every day, during bad | of Los Angeles, Cal., becoming im­ a barn. The building was a complete hut should he spread broadcast upon @ 75c.; Sicily lemons, $(i 00@6 50 Hawaiian race. A suitable spot was eather, drifted on the is’ands. All ! wreck, and the force of the explosion the furrows and harrowed in. It is California, $6 00@ 6 50; Naval oranges sought to which the le|H-rs might lie re­ at is known is they were principally j patient at the tardy lighting of the was felt many miles away. Georg. much better for succeeding crop* to $6 00; Riverside, $5 00; Mediterra­ moved, where they might 1st tenderly wood in her cooking stote, poured 'King crafts. cared for and jealously guarded, and coal oil on the smouldering wood from Hennershitx, Sr., was badly injurede spread well decomposed manure and nean, $4 25. there they were to end their miserable and cannot recover. Engineer ( alilt1 C a r A ccid en t* a can. A fi tsh and an explosion fol­ hasten the growth the first of the sea* days. The prospect of life banishment severe bruises. John As a train on the California street lowed, covering, the woman with the _ Hoover D R IE D F R U IT S — Sun dried ap­ alarmed the natives, both tho sick nnd . . sustained . . , . ,, . son by applying a spoonful of first- She was frightfully Kiegel was injured internally, and two c]at.s commercial fertiliser in the hill, ples, 4c. per lb .; machine dried, 10(5 the bale; they were not, and they still b!e line in San Francisco was com ignited oil. burned about the head and arms. ior three others are seriously hurt. covering it with earth before dropping 11c; pitless plums, 7c,; Italian ure not, afraid o f the disease. They are gdown the hill between Stockton Minnie Baer, aged 10 years, suffered a the corn. The injuries may prove fatal. prunes, 10@12c.; peaches, 10^(5 l l o . : a most affectionate people: they love Veet and Dupont, the grip broke and concussion of the brain, and will die. raisins, $2 40(52 50. their friends with a love passing the love e car immediately shot rapidly . H u ttr a s s f a c t o r ) ' H u r n r d . "Last week,” says the Rural New of wom an; moreover, they ar«x fearlesa K i l l e d h ) t h e I n d i a n * . wnward. The conductor and grip A fire started in the mattrass fac- H ID E S — Dry beef biilen, 12@13c.; A party of prospectors, headed by Yorker, “ we ate a piece of beef that culls, 6@7c.; kip and calf, 10(5l2o.; »f death at heart they are fatalist i. an, and a few passengers^ applied , , , . tory on the corner of Eighteenth \\ hen the health agent o f tho govern­ emselves to putting mr the br-«*ff. , ,, „ ,, ... McD nttld, thu hali-breed, wi*o iuta in­ had been packed in snow for more Murrain, 10 @ 12c.; tallow, 4i54¿<-, r.f „r k street Sail Oak- i ment went forth in search o f the afflicted, ut a majority of those oil t. -H- ,= , and , , , Pablo . . aveaue, . . , , duced the Flathead Indians to divulge than a month. The flavor was delic­ hoping to gather them together, house , ... , , land. Cal., and before the blnze could ious. The beef was packed during a niped off ami several were more or ’ r ’ . ... W O O L— Valley, 15(5l8c.; Eastern them, feed them and clothe them at the \ , be extinguished it had burned the a long-kept secret as to the location of comparatively warm spell. The only as brun-ed. One man lit squarely . , , ,, Oregon. 10(515c. government expense, he found great dif- ... f i • i i ,i i ' i budding to t lie ground and partially some remarkably rich mines in the snow to be obtained was the remains ___ ______ 1 - the top of his head on the cobbles , . , Ucuity in securing any o f them. A t thu LU M B E R — Rough, per M, $10 00 ; destroyed the adjacent structure. The Blackfoot country, Montana, while of a drift under a shady hank. A d lay for a few unguents as if dead, mattrai-s factory was also occupied as clambering over the steep mountain quantity of this snow was placed at edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G. approach o f this health officer the lejiers ut afterwards recovered. would 1st secreted by friends, who were a «arpentering and machin« shop. sides were horrified to find the skele­ the bottom of a barrel and well sheathing, j>er M, $13 00; No. 2 floor­ tons of xwo white men. One had a pounded down. A piece of ttie meat ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, tier willing to brave po -ible contagion rather Upstairs a family resided. The build­ A .11 i i r i l c r c r I ' l c i n l * l . u l l l ) . bullet-hole through his forehead, and wa® placed upon the snow and then M,$18 (XI; N o.2 rustic, p erM ,$18 00; tlum part with those so dear to ¿hem. R. L. Sykes, charged with the mur­ ing was owned by Mrs. William Greg­ Sometime* the unfortunates were sur­ ory, and was valued at $12,U00; insur­ j both had evidently been killed by bos more snow firmly packed around it. clear rough, per M, $20 (X); clear P. 4 prised and given into the hands o f tho er of George Henderson at Redding, tile Indians. Beside the skeletons lay S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, per ance was $8,000. A portion of the The barrel stood in the barn and the police, who were to have charge o f them al., hag pleaded guilty. It w ill bere- building owned by J. C. Wilson, and ! a small pile of quar.z. Evidently they meat has kept in perfect condition. If M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, until they could ■bipjx'd to the new aenibered that Henderson was killed occupied as a carriage factory, was al­ were the first prospectors and.pioneers the snow had melLd the meat would $22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50, settlement. Eye witnesses o f the heart­ stepping, per M, $25 IX); over 12 rending scenes that followed these cap­ hile riding on the stage from Red- so destroyed. Several hundred dol- ¡of the Blackfoot Hills, and for years have been placed at once in brine.” had lain oil the bare, bleak hillside. inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 tures w ill not sixin forget the agony o f to Alturus, al a point about forty-! Uirs" will' cover this’ damage. •vi ll.ta east a at of /if D a al al i *■% aa l in n / Octo L it A ___ The discoveries made have caused a =ven miles Redding, A Massachusetts journal says : The to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60. the ffnal partings. Terrible os was tho A l i g h t C o l l i s i o n In Hit- l l n r b o r . stampede to that section. r ’87. The arrest and conviction of quality of Northern farm help is de­ extra, $4 00; 1| lath, a>er M, $2 25; emergency, ttie voice o f tho government There was a collision in the bay near H lath, per M, $2 50. could justly say, with Huiulct: iykes was due to tho f flirts of a de- A H url U r i w r r n H ro tlirrs . teriorating. In nothing is this seen 1 must lie cniol only to I)© b .Vid. active of Wells, Fargo & Co., who has ! Sau Francisco. The schooner Orient COFFF1FI— Quote Salvador, 17c; A terrible and fatal shooting affray more clearly than in the management ¡pared no efforts to bring to justice from Ceos Bay, while beating in Costa Rica, 18@20c.¡ Rio, 18@20o.; It was a question o f saving the remnant of teams. Every hired man wants to occurred at Blackfoot, I. T. James o f the nation at the price of the hopeless he perpetrator of the crime. against an ebb tide, fouled the Danish work with tlie team, most of them be­ Java, 27^c.; Arbnckle’s’s roasted, 22c. few. The little lowland at our feet was and John Hutchinson had been at hark Hydra from Hong Kong, which M E A T — Beef, wholesale, 2¿@ 3c.; found to l»o. by all odds, tho most desir­ cause they think this part of the work A R r n k i'in iin T e r r i t i l ) M a n g le d . was anchored off the Lombard street I outs for some months past, and James the easiest. The team has to suffer, dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; dressed. 6c.; able locality in the whole group for a E. A. Dowlein, a brakeman oil the ] wharf. The damage done was trifimg, often threatened to shoot his brother poorly cared for at all time*, and bogs, dressed, b i@ 7c.; veal, 5@7c. settlement such as was proixieed. ¡on sight. John evaded him in every orthern Pacific, met with a terrible and the Orient anchored in the stream possible wav, and w is on the point of liable to severe beatings when the There are few white jieoplo on tho BFIANH—Quote small whites,$4 50, A high-spirited Island of Molokai. This lowland was ccident at Buekley, W. T. While while the crew set up her damaged leaving the country to avoid him when diiver is provoked. pinks, $3; bayos. $3; butter, *4 5G, horse is soon ruined by such treatment, seldom, |>erhu|is never, visited; certainly, rossing from one car to another he rigging. the affair occurred. The brothers there was no necessity o f its I icing visited i and this fact is causing a great in­ Limas, $4 50 per cental. til between them while they were in were in a salojin, and both reached for f i r e a t 1.0 * A n g e l o * . by those who were not concerned in tho crease in the number of mule* now otion. The cars passed over Lis P IC K L E S — Kegs quoted steady at Fire broke out in a two-story frame their revolvers. Five «hot* were fired, kept by Noithem tanners. The mule welfare o f the natives. T iler« was ample ight ieg below the knee, and the left $1 35. and James was shot through the head, sustenance both on lund and sea; Ushers ............. ................. .. .......... . building ino Los Angeles, Cal. The has long been considered necessary at nkle, cutting both off. . When the dying two hours alter. John received S A L T — Liverjiool grades of fine were living among the foatn crested rain backed up to the scene of the upper story was occupied as a lodging a bullet through hi* ear. He surrend­ i the Bouth, where tne farm labor has quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three rocks; the husbandman would lind an been much less intelligent than it is ccideut it was found that he had house and th® lower story used as a ered at onee to tin» sheriff. immediate market for Ilia produce, nnd sizes; stock salt, $10. here. und biflh stumps with his handker- j freight store, pawn shop and dry lie wus alike fearless nnd hospitably dis­ P a rris M «. SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden posed. Indeed, all things considered, no hief «nd crawled to a ditch and ini- good* store. The upper story wa* Appearance has much to do with H. C. Biyans, who resided a few C,<4c.; extra C, fife .; dry granulated, better refuge for the leper could be ereed them in water. Both legs gutted. Losses are estimated between ; miles eiouth of Bonham, Tex., was | the sale of manure. It is a popular 7 jc .; crushed, fine crushed, cube and found; and so the little lowland under ere amputated. He is in a yitical $5,000 anu $6000. slabbed by hi* 17 year-old ion, Neely fallacy that muck, being black, must powdered, 7j c . ; extra C, 6§c.; halve» the great windward cliff o f Molokai was ondition._________________ _ Su icide o f a n » I d Soldier. It is often and boxes, ¿c. higher. s|*-cdily and jiermanently secured. Trans- Bryan*. The knife severed an artery, therefore be very riel). f a t a l S h oo tin g A ffr a y . H. W. Copeland has been found causing the old man’s almost instant used by ladles in making flower beds, (lortation began immediately, and for twenty year* it Las continued; it has As court adjourned at Fresn', Cal , dead w ith hi* throat cut in an old I death. The difficulty was occasioned ! where 11 Bundled with great ».iti«- The new wire gun at Shoeburynes*, continued in spite of the pitiful protesta­ n the case of Ida Hitchcock, who is • building near Santa Maria, Cal. „ T h e by the father asking bis son, who had faction, being light, porous aud not adhesive when dry. But unless it has England, throws a five hundred-|>ound tions of friends and relations, and in uing W. A. Caruthers for $25 000 for ieceased w.is an old soldier, a native been away two years, either to come l>«en out of I he swamp a year or two, j of Massachusetts, and suffered from | i0nle and go to work or get his clothes shell a distance of twelve miles, the spite o f the lirst instinct o f Immunity— efamation of character, Henry Kard- expo-ed to air and light, it is poor j greatest distance ever covered by a the natural ap|ieal o f the sympathetic. wounds and otliar troubles. He com anj leave lor good. Immediately af- Tck and Robt. Seconce, witne*se* for It has continued— it must rontinuo until l n ter the murder the boy fled, and has stuff for roots to feed in, not nearly so „ e defendant and plaintiff respec- mitted suicide. the last vestige o f leprosy has disap|x-ared good as the rich soil from a well-ma­ not yet been apprehended. from the kingdom .— “ Tho Lepers of ively, became engaged in an alterca­ A C a p t a in D r o p * Dead. nured garden. The jtorousnesa of Mayor Filler, of Philadelphia, is a Molokai.” tion which resulted in Hardwick fa- H rm ln a r) H orned. I) >nald Campbell, captain of the muck fits it admirably for a mulch for lly shooting Seconoe. A brother of British bark Trongate, now in port at The Monticello ladies’ seminary at newly planted roots or plants, but this ioj>e-maker, and hesometimesexliibits flh o p p o f t h o W o r ld . the, latter, who was present, drew a re- , , . . ■ Godfrey, 111., caught fire at 1 o’clock makes the soil dry out much too ; to hi* friend* a curious rope cable that The numbers o f sheep kept by the prin­ olver and fired sever.,1 shots st Hard- Bin Diego, C a l, dropped dead aboard j his ship. She has been here two in the morning, and by daylight was 1 quit kly when one* the muck is mixed | he keeps in his offi e, It is made of cipal Hhcep raising nations o f th e' world ■wick, who fell also (»tally wounded. hangman’s rope, each strand having are almost post enumeration. It is com ­ h weeks and >s chartered to carry a destroyed. Mi*s. Haskell, the princi­ with it. been takeu from a nq>e by which puted that in Russia there are at least I cargo of lumber from Puget 8 mud to pal, aroused all the pupils, ordered A mixture of resin and lard is re­ some |ioor criminal’s neck was broken. 60.000. 000, in Germany 24,000,000, in O n r o f t h e C henier** V ic t im * them to secure what effects thev could Astralia. F’ranco 25,000,000, while Bpaln has 22,- commended for applying on tfee trunks A boatman found the body of a wo­ — | and escape. A ll got out without in- 000,000, Hungary 14,000.000, Turkey of trees to repel the borer Li usee«I A melon patdh near Orlando, Fla., man floating in the b *y, on the north t 10.000. 000, and Great lSniain 22.000,000. A Bangor family ha* a very bright I jury, though many failed to properly oil mixed with soot, and applied the clothe themJfelves in haste to escape, is said to be haunted by the ghost of a In A frica the Algerians raise 10,000,000, *ide of Aloatrax island, near San . , • . th. o first week in Juno, has kept tha borer Francisco. The remains were towed and k n o w i n g parrot which the Ud.es I Of ... all ........^ the property of the school from attacking trees thus protected boy who died after eating some of its nnd Cape Colony produces 11,000,000. to a wharf and taken to the m rgue. have taught to go thro ign^tne ^ac « | (wo pianos and three organs were Persons Uruguay, in South America, has over for two or three years after it* appli­ fruit which he hail stolen. the request, MTed The loss agregates $J50,IXX);| The condition of the body indicates ki-in g in response to who pass the puce al night claim to 20.000. 000, while the Argentine Confed­ cation. Carbolic soap is also a good eration has more than 70 000,000. The that it had been in the water a long « Kiss me, Polly. Dne of the male I insurance, $75 (XX). Tin- loss to pupils lepellant. If the borer lias already have *. en a while figure and to have numbers in Australia are variously esti­ her* in clothing, j welry, etc., «• . i i , , . ___ _ . time, as the flesh is totally removed member* of the family is in the nibit i and tea« . , , , ■ ... . ti effected a lodgment, he must be dug heard unearthly shrieks and groans. mated lietween 75.000,000 and 125,000,- On® is not . included in tli a estimate. The . . ... from the head and upper and lower 0f plaguing the bird a little. . • _____, , _ . ., ... lout or followed up into his hole with a Evidently a case of cholera in phan­ 000. and in the Uniuxl btates there are at limbs. The coroner is of the opinion day h • took Monsieur PjxmX ini his pupils are being cared for by the cili- [ - “— - Apple and tom. least 40,000,000.—G lobe Democrat. that the remain* are those of one o ban 1*. and, after siroku.g h.s fea h r- sens for awhile, when they will be flexible wire and killed. I (.each trees should be examined the sent to their home*. the victim» of the ete*m*hi|> Citv cf until lie imagine* t ia , Last year, out in Iowa, a mad dog i latter part of the summer, even if T o S to p a D o f r i g h t * Chester, which was sunk in G. lden was in tbe t A H o rrib le M H r N u rS rr. i some off. naive substance baa been bit a steer, which in turn bit a {>onr, Gate i . August last. “ Now kiss me Poll). At this the A certain means o f stopping a dog ; used to drive away the enemy. It Thomas Kane fatally stabbed his which tried its teeth upoa a bull, fight is showering something over tho _____ _____ ¡p ollym a d ea lanous grab and tore may have failed to reach «very part of man's nose. wife at Pittsburg, Pa. which, upon going mad, chewed up The woman dogs that will produce sneezing. I3e his TW . B sd ir away a lame p-rt o t^ e . j the trunk liable to attack. fence rails as though they were hay, will ever so good, the motion o f sneezing The cave in the tunnel of the North They never speak now aa they pass was sitting up with herdead child and Kane, who had been drinking, came The finest roses are »ciling in New and wound up by biting and goring Involuntarily opens a d og’s jaws. I ’ep- Banner mine at Gras* Valley, Cal., re b y . ---------- —-------- - j into the room and accused her of j York at one cent each. They are his owner. 8o far the man has es­ per answers very well, but snuff is proba­ •ulted in injuring William Jones moat i According to Pasteur and Chamber* 8b# dcnkd U)e BCemaio|li cheaper than vegetables, but not quite caped rabies, but bis neighbors have bly the liest, as it can be used ad lmituin, •everelv. His right arm was crushed Und typhoid bacillus is in mnety-niue b(jt wilhoUl furtk,er 4 rKUm«.m he drew *o nourishing. It is «aid, however, raised a purse to aeud him tfi Pasteur and will certainly produce the effect If nd had to be amputated '*'luW caee* <,u: of a hundred communicated » knife sand thrust it into her ibdo- that Turkish women who want to be for treatment, and he is now on hit enough is used. In a large kennel a supply o f snuff should always be kept way, in charge of a local physician. Ibow and his left foot was crushed on . drink,ug water. I men. plump eat them with butter. on hand. --Foreat and Stream. d was amputated higher up. H** A S a ilor H a iti) H raleit, I 0