THE IN I fcl L t C T VS. M O N E Y. PERSO NAL T h e H e a l a n d I m • H u rru tO o f l*«»or Y ou g M il. * aro omplovi-a in YoUll* I” lì ?r». »eom ing imp > i* iity of their ever I hey argue thu. lin^ into tiuMii» * with thorn '«*' v « m und with us aoinu- i'tt'-rs: “ T o carry ua tirn»*s in dolor«» thin —- with »‘fleet requires a capita! of ont> h'in'ired thousand dol­ lars; how is it p -«lt»le for a young bil­ low, with a s i ary of live «>r six hundred •■if that sum?” They answer that it is Impossible, and hence conclude-that it is the unalterable decree of fate that they must remain hireling drudges all th<‘ days of their lives. This masoning appears to come home with withering power to th<‘ minds of young gentlemen who have had the lu r k » ’ i I i • • >••»• it i* ® o h AND IM P E R S O N A L . 1 mm ' ii Ho ir r » n ® t 1 fo r bfkok to Zimini*. Thou who wouldtt irtvr. *1%'* *|ulrkly. Jn tttl iravg thy loved OIK* rail fi* rivo no kiudtu»®. railroad in ^ T j Ä C O B S 0 1 VAN I V I Ü N C I S C a . P R IV A T E h Iloa. 133 DISPENSARY. ** an d 134 Third r o c iia u il, U reivu , StNet, »1 i h tor M r>. Black, - C’ani mil Mu/zofanti, the linguist, . » l\ | « A N » t l U I I I » V CANON r VI . “ I'm wean *.f llvhik. n « tm- a tu- lu in y 11 » ; mi if h it 111 r« '.Tl i 8 ■•Vor I'm fairly woru out i* * • “"‘y im . u , who i» bilid lo have known a hundred , w v • t i._ph mnl ffae ration ball Bol !■ •• > T" **‘rn. I‘ . D> haelt; c Mv nerve« arc a enftin « o ‘»-rfUssst s I ,.u sfjt.ii rtallj «rom® worthy • »f some con | language*' declared that he never lor* j o f y .1 akn.'S« ami palli. “ « « M i auJ, '<» l. fHti »li In view "f the wlie of tonic of the | Ani my |«'..r heaUlsaeUluKaaifitwonMcrai'L got a word he had once learned. I tl « ' arc i r* for «tilfrriiit' humanity. ••Sow anu’t in* dli*c**urag -d, erica gboU . mth . th« 111 d ogt," and to^• i » I -rvATK mirA*i*» — Mr. Chase, the Quaker Senator , Why t , w t throw i lirt-Hiit Purgative Pellet*? ¿inali, u uever ft** dark but then- » j»rouil»e of light. Piel T H E C R E A T R E M E D d i 'F O R P A I N . „at.fl, purely vegetable, perfectly httrui* from Rhode Island, is credited with y « I eau tell you, In lirlcf. k-iuBi». and ways f r ‘#h L ost >:. u (H0( j W hai will give yon relief— this remark: “ The longer lam in pub­ Cur..» K h e n in n tla m . N e u ia l u l a . Heiat- Pien e » Favorite Prvwriptiou will mou »et you j tw (Uii:u,_ w lic the more I am convinced that teui- le a . Lumliaito, Ita e k a e h a , t le a .la r li e , An i-ltM-tril- railway is in .|H‘, 'alimi at Carls'll' ' )vhintio,.utr1 Is , . "s-s, right/* . . , ► T o o l In« ehe, Höre T h r o a t , Swelling», it jw the only remedy f«*r women » pectina*- tal lYnu. the one thing which every man !»• r l _ _______ _ u eakneare» una »ilmeut*. «old bv ürmrg**tH u«> f r o s t b i t e » . S p r a in », U r u i » e » , C u t», should have, should always keep, and ix »N T r m k n o w «ii'i h positive giiaraut«**1 fr»»m tr*e in*iimiaetiir , lt u r u a an.l Seal.l«- s that it will give virinhiftiou lu e'* r> ea»e never let his neighbor know that ha ! that you < am :i)l atforil to n«irl. Sold I'll liruff'/uli " " I i>.«/rrr Ertryirhcre. bus it.” i. .i,, i,, in.iiuity. I" ih nth' I Mm t you kne" I m > ule wrapper, l^irge bottle® (100 uoaea) 41 . > ïx \ THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. MS. H iv ilia m -v i. take , n 0 ChA.\,fc — Isaiah V. Williamson, of Philadel­ c ,it It «-Mil Is- , i».ily i iirisl' iMiu’t ymi know f« r Iloti » liti«- tin- tho«i»Min«i nostrums you phia, is reported to he the wealthiest l,m,. tri. .1 tune uiterly (uil.‘J tiiut tir. m i -” - D ia m o n d V e r a - C u r a A piano (a. tory i. U'init ereetisl at Atlanta, M E X I C A N SALVE niiirrli K.-i.iist« 1« « r. rlalu mire' It Inis st.ssl bachelor in tin- 1 'nited States, lie has ■ the FO R D Y S P E P S IA . I. -t of years. Hint there ar»' hmotrisls of f ia. T H E C R E A T H EA LER S A FOBITIVH C U M F 0 1 IlfD IU E S f I J B AWV ALh a fortune of twenty million dollar* and th..U'lin.Is ..f s’ rut. fiil men an.l wouu-il in ail I , ,1 ! : i l; I « : s I I l o » ‘ « « N s i M P T I O N , Cure«* v'ut*, Sme-, Sail U!,sUI„ ,, Btam»cA T r o n b i« A r U In f T^ «x»from . I .«-I» of the comitiy w ho i-au testify to its etli gives away a large jwirtiou of it annu­ «■«uy. A ll itrus'u’ isls I’ iin p lea . F e lo n » S k in D ise ase, r’nc * „ „.filili, lirom-l.Ills, an.l General iK'btlity » Your Prugifirf » Q tm nü l ko U t teiU g* Vero a i l m e n t , for w h ic h a s a l » « m suitab1» v Ir. • . e o l i » K l U l l l a i » « “ I 1 I l e i «Ul llilll ally in charities. li» is a p l a i n l y ll'\ i...|.t¡.,sphltl -, ti,.» » i l i limi H iine.bute o in k ir g o u t m «i. i « uhs a m i liealli a i«’ „ It..stilli 111 to have ti z.uiloKtri.1 vanirli Hint liéfam ,|, ® '.t l.'t: in, very modest l |H‘rinlnat.‘ ìs-nettf. ili«' M stirai I r»' ,c.mfii -Samp’« >rn' an rrcrtjA oi ¡ cent ic.imp. lik e m a g ic , f t C en t» a !».x . at aanurlum. fessimi uni«'Ts.iìly «loriare it a reme. » of the ■od retiriag in h i* w a ja . THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. MA ar. iitest »ulne anil very palatable. Keu'l: 1 v P V . IT N o. ?/i7—s v N r Ka du.« fropntiun mg Cb .elcs Primeau, tiio aged inter- l\ I I I « Il » A H I T * I* A* * » > «>K S H A K h s - lia»e usisi s< ott’» KmuUlmi in •■. »eral rases of ¡Scrofula an.l Debility In « hlldreu. I, suits l'K vi:»:. o 1 „1 s! nratli'lng. M » little pm leni» li.». ‘.V .« The authornhlp of thè ilram atir produrtinus 1 «sure " V.'lli l.BKKT, M .H..-iilishiirv. ,11. Dakota, was an early Indian tradei attriliiitisl tu thè la«t of thè abova nauiisl in aal U W IC H T ’S/ among the Sioux in the Northwest, tutina llterary ri relè« tu thr very centre, biit ni f. i m tho t.rai'tli al maasea far le«» thau thè ni.»- ] lie had many perilous and exciting ad­ ni. nt.iu» iiuentlnu. how tu r«‘K »lu *>r proaerve | . t.iat essential nf Is.itily ami un litui ur ventures, sometimes barely escaping i ti» i l « . hiislness su« «-«’« » ami tlie “ |MUaiiit o f Imi | O «In. SS We .u n throw far unire tiulit oli Ibis / s ODA P U R E thie, thè profoum l slmk. ■ p r o p e r t y destroyed in a twinkling by T H E COW BKAND. « ali oli thè iiui stion flrst propouiul.s! ¡ T O M A K E ----- # n .arimi ih.1 s\ stoni 1« «lepleteil, thè nervi-« sloik» ; ili the »avugeg. in.lini sii..0 ..r «‘ointlpatlou r» ime at times. \ — O n e of the brightest and most or eoiistautly; tí tile' skIII t« yetlow, ami Ilio DELICIOUS BISCUITS o r WHOLESOME BREAO i, ,1 ... in Mil. iisir" if ri earn1 st of the students at the Baptist O premonitori twinrea o f .... «omine rhewmattmin USE Th« ological Seminary in Louisville wait ..r neiiralKia; if thè kidneya are inaetlve— ime r, . e ■« n as a “ Street i llo.telt“ r'« stonuieh Bitter». Ili“ fu -t remi.. ■ , rot nicrl^ » ai isjw iow n MI1, ull , . e, Is-nefli lai a ut - pretty girls. Out of every hundred letters we receive, at least ten are from young men of ardent feelings and small incomes, who are dead In lova and hav»i no prospects ef an advance, and who would like to be in formed whether it is the part of wisdom to go to South Ann - i m l make aQ apid fortune in the cofT- • trade, or marry at home and live in a gurrot. or lay them­ selves and their sorrows at the bottom f;.. Il lim i * .t b i s e x p e r li n e « f n ir • II.- K.iuenils-r. If m a a -ia ttir. :«» of their native river, having previously thè « m U i 1 u, u,rttlll,‘' “ >e | k » I « id m.d tied a brick-hat to each wrist; and if in l a u d i n g t h è v i r t ù « , o f p a t e n t m e d i- J------- !— ------------ none of these are «vi-»o, then what do c in e s b e f o r e S tr e e t e r o w d s h tis b e e n ol ireo'it helo in^leveloplng his oratorical At thè Iuternationnl Kxhibltlon at Hrussel». ] we rocommotid? 0 - thè \V« stiiiglioii8e air bruke reeeiveil tbe higbest J.rize. Those ardent youths overlook a power« .^1 thè pilli#!. fa»-t with which they are perfectly fa­ — A « r u 'e , d e n a t - o n p a r t i o s a r o n , ‘OII|{hH * „ d H o a r w e i i e « « . T!««-Irritatimi miliar, namely, that the very men t e r r o r a n d a n o v c T - l i v i n g a p p r e h e n s i o r w h irh ruducr» «'oiighina im nuilintely r. llt'\i‘'t by 1 1 of “ Ilr mtpt riur excellence proven iu uiillioc.J *»f huincBftr 0 conducted by men who began their ca­ as dthors hear it, theorized that by the same effect, other purgatives require moti than a quarter of a century. It i* dm I W tl.* reer in poverty, ami whose prospects speaking into a phonograph and then inert-aat-d doses and finally cease acting. Uniler I rlce n Cream Bakiior P*>u- 1 er dt h not Fourth They invigorate the digestion oon’ain Ammonia, Lime **r A’lirn. Hold only iu c * k L. s . were quite as tlisheartoniug as those of rètti idea of her declamations. Her an«! 1 leanse the stomach and l«jwel». PRK E F A K IN ii I’oW D K R C<* any of our love*lorn correspondents. experiments have not been exactly NEW YORK CHICCO. »T. LOUIS. _ Fifth v .._ They , stimulate the liver and And witli regard to that delusive dream successful, as the repeated tones lack carry off vitiated bile and oilier depraved K K is f « l . returns. of emigrating to some other State or the volume of tho original utterances, The first two or three «loses tell the country, wo can assure our young but tht-re is said to be a precise mim­ storv. The skin becomes dear, the eye friends that the conditions of prosper­ icry yf emphasis, inllectioe and tone. bright; the mind active; digestion is re­ stored; costlveness. curtd, the Animal ity in every land are the Maine. The vigor is reel uited and all decay arrested. — As illustrative of tin« average ne­ on») source of prosperity, at all times and in all pluc «H, is this: Iw luftry Ui- gro character a gentleman sai«l that an There are IsO.OOO Tt«m««r kh U siii » ill England, old negro woman made application for JU.OOOiif whlibar. In lj.ndiin. reeteil In/ tut' V II«- lent her the money The real capital of a great business a loan of T h i U i k m v a for breakfast. is not money, but intellect. This is and. true to her promise, she returned thi* corner-stone of our political econo­ it. That was several years since, and Big n Tias given omvap* my. The degree of intelligence* with nearly every time ¡-In- has seen him FOR FVERY PURPOSE. sal satisfaction in th* which a badness is conducted is the sine«« slit« would accost him with the cure of Gonorrhtca ard Sold on Trial ! Gleet. I prescribe U and measure of its permanent prosperity. ! Bulutatiou: “ Mr. Blank, you loaned feel safe In recommend­ Millions of capital can not, save it if m efA./lidnit you?” “ Yes.” “ W ell, 1 ing It to all sufferer*. there Is a fool in the counting-room paid it back, didn't J?” “ That you A . J . S T O im . “ W ell, «hin't you think you who exercées control. This funda- did.” Decstur, HU ought«-!- g iv e m«-a quart«'!-?” The gen- P R IC E § l . « 0 . • mental business truth is not often Bold by Drug»i®t& acknowledged «in so many words, but tIonian said In« gem-rally thought so, •fej? ln\t .'tm« iit vniall, profit it is constantly aided upon in the sure and that lie had responded to her culls H . PF I»K S irge. Send to • for mailing S I EINVVA Y. K U K %i A t i N i r G.ibler. K o .n id ariro illustrated Catai gtio and rapid promotion of young men who clnjor/ully. Album/ {H it.) Xttvs. •uth full particulars. Man- InstruuienU. Larjíes' PLtuos; Biurdett Oruar ■nhaf.d s. •-Ï- jifactured by • show that they po— -sa decide 1 talent of Sheet M wf T c m ! Books. B>ru\s ,u^ '* p Äl — “ But me in tho snmo room ” says stock • teru MATIHLAA )R.^ Y OO . 5 GOULDS & AUSTIN, for business. The best, bead tends uj»- an old philosopher, "w ith t number Strtiet. Han KruatH» ;n JUS? d l - 1 M L u k e Ht., ward by a law as sure us gravitation. of young girls, and I w ill tell you, >v ■ -Í-* C H IC A C O . IL L . WEAK, NEKYOUS PEOPLc. That best head may bo, to-day, in the when tin- postman knoeks merely by . t . 1 »N. IIOKNE '8 KI.IUTHO.WiCL 1st Premiums. ‘¿.‘»,000 in use, UH T poftttlvfly cures basement, officiating as water-bearer watching the looks of som>3, and the 20 year® Established. New on' 4 "iSttt \KTK Kill I S t lP l.SICl K iU lt.U V . _ _ {»atciited Stoet Tuning I>e- and «‘m ind boy to the puckers. W e actions tif others how many of them K, KI 1 »*.K.Y and cxhanNting ftCCTBIC ( lir*»nle« 1 i*-«**»■<«*•< of l>««ths«-xe8 * look in next year, and lind him the are in love.” Contolnft >3 t«» IOOdegree» of stand in tuno *20 } cara, go«*d for lC-i ; not aifeeted ..... ...........- ■ K.«*tn*ity U AEAStfcKDthe l»y climate. No wood t*> split, hr* uk, sw *il, sbriuK. foreman of that di pa mont; and so he t« «>t Imp ( \ roved, eh**«» • • '«••lentifti* i»«iw-»*rful,«iu- — Young Featherly (w aitin g for i > ,1,.« mil KJ ;ir.*t. v. WH»I( Al. M MTKIC KKLT in lh- ciuck, decay, or wear out ; we guarantee it. Ele­ marches upward through all the gra­ r, ,> UI.|>. Eleetrie Sut*pens<>rie« free with Malt* Be I to. gant Rosewood Cases, 3 strings *i il-U* rej eating Miss C lara) “ And so your sister ex- A void l>Mirus e*>inpnr.Dit with rnunv uliaft* S anil w«iHh tir«rt ivon keys; the Famous ANTI-** KI.I*. dations, unt'l he lands safe and sound 1 «■ » imit.vl intis tin nut TKIftftKM HUl RMNUIIU action; t ’all or write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTl.':F,Ll pooted me to call this evening, did she, cured 8 * nd FtHinp forilltifttn.tefi iiamphl u in the counting-room as junior partner. PIANO CO., Manufactures, n- Suct-CHsirs to f»10 TMMKJRATIflN ASSlK'IA- GERM AN ASTHM A CURF riON o r « VU KORN I A. trustod with the more difficult duties ItuBtamly relieves the rauht violent attack. *nc I Einsun'«comfort ible t-Jpcp NO Yi a I i IN g f„r 1; k . r that ladong to a superior station. And ,-'1 O f 1 1 c i d rect and certain * rnd a euro f.-t the! 415 Montgomery St.. S. F., Cal. ■ ■ i mediate, nowhere is this so generally true as in result in all cnvablo cas.^s. A inirle tri«! con-1 & Scalp 1 1 ( tho business w orld.— .V. Lodger. I of any OruKk’i-t, or hy .unit J rnpic I re** t..? L. ( V 'ñ ' ¿ I . ^ t c f ^ e u 1 Ur. li» ^ i l l M V . Y N * 1 , ? 1 • u.W W c are ottering the follow ing 20, 10, 80 or ItiO acre Farina: stam r i v »* it nppears. froip experiments at ACHK8 ' S u * t i c ’!»<;i C V ji ^ ^ K f* Tt»ik8 a liny. Samples worth $l..r> 0, FIU’.K. Vie W ar Department, that the space > 4 " H o « « ki i f b il l I o i o u y . l . t aiTiA Colon >. IMMKI K Lines n*rt under the horses feet. Write B p . kw » b u i l t \ D tlii Mhanu *' I.AO O between American eyes is gradually f^ / v y ^ d i^ s . l/W'HTKI.' S SAFKTT H fi N tfof.DKRt . "llo llv llic h. 1» l i e a l a M 1 .4 «« • • !.ll I 1» * I it n |*.(MM» decreasing, until now it is found that A WALKING ADVERTISEMENT. ** *' our soldh'rs can not use the tield-glassos N O T H I N G IS K N O W N T O F C IK N C K A T , i 1» 4» * 1» ‘ o w n ** II all ci'inparable to the ( ’» n m a H f m k i h i 4 n < le ■ **•# ■ ” « e e d ln Continental armies. 1 ’he best • i n m arvellou® properties of - >. sing J llr a * d * le « .(»10 or PQ T i f f m ilitary Held , - is t it with which ■ u rm v tkU'turinif. diaflK’H'1' »4. ifchinK*. seaiy anti U H u k r n a sTH CAROLINA I ularo ll.lH H » the German soldiery is suppUtal. This, piiri l;. -teast'S of tho skin, hcalp »Jl»tl blood. I ’o l n t H e y * P 0 ,y & CMT M n r in t 4,fKH» x] 0 KI NO TOBACCO # ----- a i . so ------ however, is so broad between the with I o n of hair. I ’l ’TU I’HA, the great S k i n I't k k . and CVT! ! other lands for general »arm ing, fruit g lo w in g glasses as to Is« unavailable by the > ( K ( d o an ♦ v n j : . 'k in Hcnutiflt^r, i»r* „1 raising, JÍSIY- part'd from it, ©»ternally. and C it t ic u h a HH i narrow e\ e l American. • •OL> kn r. the new llUxsl Intrider, internally H O M E F O K K V K It Y H O IlY HKtTJKK » uro every form of skin and blood disease, from 4 a home on easy U rms irt the countr>. w hile retslning your pn^sent residence, position ami — A Pittsburgh optician makes the pira nie* to scrofula. Sold every w horv. Price: ('U T lc r n A . 50e.; H k s«lur>; 10. 2U or more acres of land, y»ith or with­ * \ »■ n t *1; Prep «-* t* out a house, on the in®Uülme t plia In one ol * an 1 m ' m t .« - \ M,-,-. w e will plan the same to j nr harmful etToct on th«« ©yes, and wl»«ti ' or ' .» ( -k i Í ' * <•-> - i der o i:h fruit trees or raisin Q tpe * and will carried to »‘ «tress is apt t»> »'H«i-«‘ blllid- - Ml , ' si a ' 11'. <• i 1 y ' * k.-.'p if il g'H»tl «‘elidi inn un i full b. arii g, . h r t ’TI I’ RA A u r . " .ft-•. r W M titilli irrigai ion; (bete lan«is lie n o n b I ® — -, Hull A r * r « . ¡ '« in . Aii-1 in I ‘TiYi- nlTi-ct- tlie u leu® l»«ad from m f . .I »•« .'«T I.... « ,.«. «Nil . V n ‘L U,* H i n O’ ‘r t r ... ■« n Ami »a ry in l ri, r. It i l l . W l & spin«« to the optic nerves and straius ..... ............................ . ml« I > k. ( O., m u eeasor* to the In .n u *i alion Asso«*ia the latter until they g iv e out. 1 alifornia 415 Montgoin *ry n reef — Vi EI QHf D w ’S C -B o w S r a n d o da •>« S £ ratu s , al ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. B » »ur# tliat tliaro ia «ctyletnre of a row on your pucka«;» and you win j , , , , th» boat^o da ma.1«. THE COW MUX* DWIGHTS' L ^ T tus M T T K E O NLY i P a in e s Brilliant r Durable WELL DRILLS PIANOS. ig h t C SLW j COMPOUND . CURES Economical 'Neuralgia Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all otvers in Strength, Vurity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations—they are made of ^heap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors , 10 cents each. Nervous Prostration Sen*! postal for l>yc Rook, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by Kidney Diseases WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlingtont ¡It. ▲ NI> All Liver Disorders DIAMOND PAINTS. Gol,§, Silver, Bronze, Coppe*\ Only to Cents. PROMOTES DIGESTION ous sick headachca" U L. A Bum» San Jacinto, Cat “After using six bol ties of Paine’s Celoy Compound, I am curtí of rheumatism.’’ S am I'BI. 1 TCH 1 N 50 ». South Cornish, N. H H R h e u m a t is m For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE PROO FS “ Paine's ( pound cured my run. * “ li h.ts done m*mcK good For kidney disa® than any other m e 4 - cine.” G ki ^ A bbott , Sioux City, Iowa "Paine’s Celery Co® pound hns been of by ® Lentilt for torpid livs, u.digfslion, and hilioa ness ” K u /. abe . i L U dali ., (¿uechee, Vl stimulates V LIVER | KJgy!HRED 1 L i 1 1 1 1 : 4 4 1 i « * r i n \ l a i n n \ I 4 I 4 KH: Oil,SPINNEYs ( HALLS' ■ti-ni y. ,V . ,!„«• Foot o r .YI«n-ri«oii T . o OgECON. W K K J I I T , M tre et, I ’o rt lu u d . «regon. GcneralaVgei t for the rni SA R SA PA R ILLA , YELLOW DCC& -----AKI>----- cr,-« 1 .,r »houl.l th.m. «, . ,.f o-ir trratniint. A i - w i i « . . iir“ g,,Atant..,- l In »,<•«•» . Srtbill*. 1J n I . : . r.-Ai I 1 .,1 uuu.U:rk , 1 . » < hAry» «, prt-mptly anil » a I vij i-umt. M id d l e - a g e d m e n MT K w Bladder. Weak Pvk. Nemi i l^htlirv. U a-t ng of Hexe^f 8trvugth, etc., cured l«xlt«l<- o (* It «*urv^ R h BI’M *riftM. K l l RAUI1A Boil«, Pti.iplra -* or TiU, Goal, i'at»oHt Tum >r« Halt Rheum, and and ri'ft'.orcit t <» headhf v »:«>r. Merc triai pen« It INirifirft» th«‘ HI «rod, Rt*t« «r»*ii UW . . « " ' .»V r"°«>* n »»M * <-* »'«It 1« ITlAT h. trr«t»4 U » .r ti il Ki-li rY* It» hca.thj act) u. and make« th* at t irh rue-, by correencndeuce, JledlcincH au«* | inatructiont «ent by mat! orexpre«®. PoaBuitatioi tMnii'l« it« n Bright and ('tear f f a . K t a l cent® in »taznpafer i he Young M aui J. R. C A T E S A CO.f P r o p rie to r» rlcud or Guide to M adhicit. K 4 1 7 S h N N O in r M l. M a n I- ra n c ia «*«». A 4. m m \ 0 1 i n it n 4 i t \ . RAISIN AND FRUIT S|n*eial Inducement® to SIGNOR. FERRY 4 SELOVER ^*> ÿ / / f fa rii j/ i " » » (N apt * ” IV,D Bt; inl . n S CbLEGt. rtl ad. O ffrii, Tho B U Y E R S ’ O r i D B i * iaaned March And Sept., •Ach year. It is an ency. olopedia of u*eful infor­ mation for all who pur- cha»o the luxuriea or the neceaaitiua of Ufa. W e can clothe you and ftirnlah you with all the necoAAAry and unn««oe»aary Appliances to rtdc, walk, dance, sleep, eat. fish, hunt, work, *o to church, or stay at home, and in various stses, styles and quantities. 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REGULATES 'eOWELs K V A .Semi for (»artieulars and tuli descriptions. — *• Tommy," said his pi nurious tin ale, how would you f«>el if I were t< g iv e you in. gel ■ ■ " I t M n k , " n Tommy, “ that I would feel a little faint at first." l ift. — Mrs. \\ il 1 iatins— “ I am sorry tc hour that your mother is ill, Géorgie» I hope she ish t sick abed." G»«orghs— “ Ob. no, Mr- \\ * limns. She is only •lok »lon n ». " .v. r. Mi ng Jour mil. — •». wha t tun ko* th« tie ptW ie# eat » , fm t ?” ••IV ’ wii » 1 * » »«aIt) tbnt he Ifivo it up. *•’( hums ' Xl hojf!»,” ft ml f«»ur-yi‘» r PURIFIES ^ BLOOD ____ __________ _ A N D F A S T E S T THRES» IN T H E W O R LD . I esp< c ally reqiie»t tho e cont mpfatin« purcTaalng either an Eingine or Thi n xtaeaxon to look up t*-e record of tlie ADVANCE. It in the djdy nuirlmv sold on the Pacific t'oait that ht* given entire not is fa rt ion. 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M U m A « A C O . , r u b Y » , f PrtagtM«l « ' - » -r - ■ ** - - t . - . r-- ».... lie mem ber it H a pi i good® oi answer cannot call, a n te .