— O P a ll!»». R. L. Williams o f Airlie, was here , Bury the enutker out in the woods - -hoot lias-tings in one minute in The fiillowing li»t of jurors bave I si i i Thuns lay. in a bcjiutiful hole In the ground, Publlslictl Every Saturila). In ch ' Ed. Ikiaslimutto is still very Haael lK'll timii the r»*»t ofth«» eoun- drawn tor the IK sv iii I mt terni of Cirvuit , ty* provides p«*r annum. Where This is good weather for repair­ where the Mfoodpeeker peck- and tin- low. “ Tin1 town of Monili nuli i» situate UrTthe > nt;iiiis a J V 1 hlliiels InileiH-n' H W Harris, palla» ids brother, l>r. 1. T. Mastín at Sa­ numltics U* a bond of union U'twoen tieai, stingy anil deatl, but they population of over 4 h . i i»c locution j., ;i Jylin Kiitre. Hu Vista Isaac la'vin». »•ounty, wa* in town Tuesday. lem last Friday. beautiful one, on a rich rolling prairie, an,I 1- is Howell, Monmo'th K lluy ter, u- stronger tiuin tin* handcuflk o f want the whole earth and all of its B. L. ('ollins has moved into liis e 1 a fur general hcalthfuInc-M the >iie ¡» all that A. S. H ill, teacher of the Bridge­ ■I A Itaxter, their stalwart eonstabh* or tin* chain Could !>e desired. Monmouth otte in unir, s K i 'rowdev, Hi vie \\ Ernst; Hriilr'i' ,rt port school, reports a pleasant work erust and the stars that shine over new photograph gallery, next door o f tlaflr isninty sorvevor.-HiuCultus mlvuiltrg», and tli we l oiitemplutiii.; am ,ii- Judina Mrlianiel „ heatl. Then hustle them to the I! ih.'rt linint to Vaughn’ s jew elry *t>»re. terpri-e are iiivl**sl toeoiifer with n.. . t,/.en­ J II Bureh, Il .1 Uutler, Mmi th and an attendane«* o f HO seholars. humble lire’s rotust awl bury them file « >11 1 HV Kit •Vili lie n .1 I in «Vt'l'V ! vigilili .lohn I tslsirne. Il • ' Mi rim ili» l.ew John I .a Blanc, general agent of tin* Ut'thel. John M. Parry, o f Syracuse, this tleep in the ground, they are no u-e und ai every pillottil e in tin entire roiuuv, ( ’ A Miller, Il llyerly. Hallstoii county participad*! in the republican to us here, get them out o f the way Home Mutual Lift* lnsuramv Co., o f mid therefore unexcelled as an advertising Frank l*iwt. McCoy Items (xxuslotiaHy tixiiate for put»- John t ainplM'll, „ T J tiravi», lllei tinnì.” J M Slmile, l.i ileii|ti jubilee at Saleut last Saturday. I teat ion. ami make room for men thaf art- New York, i- in tow'll tliis wvek. A M Holms I. Li vera lori- i*er itale The republican demonstration on Rev. F’ . Dillard Holman, late o f 1' K lluhhard Hri’|sirt Nat Holman of Hallas, lost one of sound. E x.— The Observer four mouths for ó Gets. la-t Friday night wa* quite a lively ; (Ailorailo, visited hen* Tuesday and liis fa^irite horses “ old Bill” last Now the politieui excitement is , Wisinesday. a* r. Anvils were tired until a late week, by falling through a imrn floor.! ov«*r The O im k u v k k provisos to i H ills A llo w e d . Ilnsili«*« Vlention. K F\ R. Neal has movisi to McCoy, Tracy Staat o f Lewisville who has vote itself entirely to the lnten*st \S agniin, teaming Nit** A Smith aresellingout nt cost. ."> IN) ing now from a severe attack o f ty- cal news every w«s'k and -ueh o f tin J . !., v. ; » ...Hit \ Murk .> , XI Alxxit i^500 was let at MeC«»y on • ¿I.* new -leel eell- for the county fio to Henry Fattcr-on foriierfmue general events as will lie o f interest Il II s* John, Met 'ov bridges ins 7(i plioid fever. the «-lection. Some lengtliy fius«« are h (j Howell, bridge plank Jail are now completed. Sliouhl any ft H I The people livin g along the river j to the people. The low subscription («ent1 I lay ter for clump gnoil-. I S l ’owell, road work l * i as are rejoicing to hear the whistles and price places it within the reach of more o f our too exasperated |K'dago- now s»s'ii on the streets iKsnsioually'. I- M A ( 'o., nails Itomi our new advertisements this S 80 Mi-.» W hite o f Harrlsliurg, arrived \\ M Shewey, wood H off see the steamers plowing up and I every one, and we ho|x* to place cv- giu* tied (iieir way to that place, I hey Week. Prc-c *tt «V: \*ciless, Ium)>cr d 02 will find it a little more difficult to Monday and is touching in tin* pub­ dow n the Willamette. cry eiti/.en o f Folk eount^’ on our list. The F\ M. A. store has new goods. H M .> Grant at 11. 11. Patterson's. « >ur pris'inet cast 12 vote* for Gen. 1» 1 'I- I.inch, servie s 20 i hi publican plurality is 82,000. I fair sex promptly retorted, says an tion- on the general subject, “ moun­ I j Wells, services till! Harrison, (0 for Grover ( 'U'veland, Spectacles properly toenssed and tains.” Several o f the ^nitrous and Eugene Jiayter was at Salem exchange: “ Let up on the hustle I>an Syron, wi»rk 0 no and II for Gen. F’ isk. F'Jts'tlon pass- accurately fitti-« I at Henry Patterson’s. .1 L Illin^swoitli, road work 27 00 Buesday. Gene is a rustling mer­ for the Lord’s sake. A man has no friends w ere present. The Academy Every, pair warranted.' No lit, no < » ojhti V: Connaway. road plows ito 7A right to criticise the wearing appar­ h ; a larg. r atu-nfflamv than usual ed off quietly. chant o f Dallas. l ia S Smith, sundries sale. 102 0A el o f a lady. Let them wear any- tillsyearandall aredoing goixl work. . Mattie Murnett o f Corvallis, visit­ < |»it:il luiid'emi;: ( oinpany 0 (Nl ! A protracted meeting under the 'J’ he F. M A. store have a cheap ing ri'latives In re. .1 <' Uwis, I uiii I ht • i s 20 Theoilleial count o f the Folk coun- leadership o f Rev. Berry is being ¡ *Ling—any way Bnywhere,—it- no line of general luereluuidise as can Film me I lay ter, cloth 1 2A Gisi. Kelty and wife have I hx * o iiio T l ’arley «V ('«» 0 lie found any where. 0A conducted at tlio Ciiristian eliureh busi ness o f yours, besides, if they iy vote*give tiu* Republicans, 785; residents of our town. < _rori Pottery < 'o. tiling 4 H O Student- will remember they can athiM week. Plie attendance is repor­ were to wear hustles as large ns Democrats, 72’>; Frohihitionisls, 71. T 1» 1 low ell, work on jiiil i ro Fro-. Stanley l(S'tur«HÌ at the church flour-barrels, or small as hat l»«>\es, Republican plurality, •'> ; you would worship t ic dear creat­ Mr-. J >hn Grant was at Monmouth Don’t for get tlie Ladies Aid socia- ¡ A K Wilson, hlank 1 >«»<»k.s 1 (H I E. lin y ter’s is the place to buy all ures, just the same. Tuesday. * > \\ Mciiec, services • Anil«'. 2o U0 hie they nre preparing to make tilings O ° the latest styles of tires- goods; line Fanil tk Cosj>er, seruj»er JO AO The elect ion ix'ts art* all paid off. The State Normal School starteli ‘ nice for you. • The sick are all much Ix’tter. stock just received. I llevnolds, salary 02 A0 There i- talk o f laiililiiig a now II M Lines, justice ices i Jo The resilience of Geo. Belt at Inde­ j on its second tArm for this session on Election Is'ts ar** all paid. Ik-nio- Faints, oils, varnishes, etc., at *) S Hohannon, eotistnhle fees :< io Methodist eliureh here. Tliis move I Tuesday. The increase o f students Waterhouses. pendence, «im e near being destroy- «•rats with long faces. W V Wash, printing ° .» 75 will la* me; with, by favor o f our I ' ed by lire Thusday morning, by I has been large and the present term Henry Fatter-on has just received townnm a, and wt* trust it will l»e \ School closes in alKiut two moro I bids fair to go even lieyond any ex- The Ollleiai Count a new stock o f all the latest novelties catching tire from a defective flue. weeks with a grand entertainment. built imtmxliately’. . 1 peetatjon. The workings o f the in the jewelry line. N<> old goods i-i The official count- of Folk county One dollar and fifty cents will pay W e will giv«- the programme in our liis stock. Drop in and examine Th -social dances at the city' hall vote was made Tuesdav hv County for the < HisnuvKH from now till 1st | school is all harmonious and the -tu- next. them, j dents doing good wo/k, with ««u-h Saturday evenings are bc-oming Clerk (bail, Justices Ft ■rei val and Jan. 18‘jo. Send in your name. 11. Brinkley, oneof our «l«*melll. Pro. at Parker Station, this county, for Harrison mid cast his vote for him. Neis A Smith are offering their i Kiughis letic association and the literary so­ been completed the race has been wid­ 28 1 !» Ask W . E. Dalton aliout tiio lioots 7(k-ts. jicr hii-diel. goods cheap. cieties are all organized with lll- ened and deepened, a new flume has | Jackson * 31 (5 «3 he bet veitli Mr. B. •> The population at the Oregon in- creased numliers and interest, (lo to Vaughns, Dallas the leading Salt Lake A been built at the mills to supply I Zi 34 The qu«‘sti«m for debate next Sat- Spring N^,«!k*y .'Fi jeweler. 24 14 sine asylum is increasing at an ! great amount o f work is being He­ power to No l'-»m :!l, and soon Dal­ 30 34 4 alarming rate; The number is now eomplislicd by the school. urday evening is “ B*‘solv«sl that u Henry Patterson is not behind Lola las will export instead of importing i «i 38 1 »i x ie 52 college education is necessary,” with witha line line of jewelry. • 1 ns, plete of any in the county. Tiic vote of Oregon lias inereastsl deuce are worthy the iwtnmage o f ¡ the |ump and was groping his way * * * As the election is now over Campla>ll mid Powell huv«* all I xhiii ail who liave business in their line. across the room feeling for the bed E. 11 ay ter now has the neatest gen­ 12,000 in four years. thousands w ill follow tin* star »if em­ pnwented with campaign budgtw. See their ad. eral merchandise store in Polk coun­ when his toe struck something cold pire and come to < iregon.” Frank Collins is still busy with Ntiss By rani and Mr, Gilibs, o f ty and he will not he undersold. Call John Jordan, who was engaged to land pliant. The tiling seemed to his chopping machine and > e for yourself. Grant county, 11. C. Altman, o f I^inn llriil (report. chop wood for J. H. Moran last Hat- j open its mouth as the gentleman put Only M7 days from to day till it unlay’ cut a frightful gash in his «■ounty, and Miss Doughty, o f Tilla- The straight up-nnd-ttp -tore-keep the weight o f his too upon it, and h'- Our local chop mill owner C. A ers— Shrilly and Vandiiyn, Indepen-, will he I ‘resident Ilarri on. foot. The wound was dressed l»y* Jerked his foot up in double quick Stoddard -till works two days each mr. fax*, hut it willix* several weeks time, while the tiling held and dan­ week. Farmers wanting to buy a fall bill visiting hi- folk- here. before John will lie aide to» work G«s>. Maxwell n'turii«*«! to hia gled from his too. H e did some live­ < >iir county* surveyor's iron wagon will save money by buying good- of Mrs. J. B. V. Rath r and Mrs. ¡»gain. home, at Halsey, Monday. Fenton A Truitt, Dallas. ly' dancing around tin* darkened and p inny team lias h«*«>ii s«x»n at Fenton have I khmi in N am hi 11 conn- George M. son o f W in. F’ uqua o f McCoy and Lincoln tin' past xve«'k. room, and made a lively racket w itii Tlie xecond t«'rm o f .- m 'I hxi I w ill We name for you way down prices Luekiamute, agtsl 13 years and only’ Ids mouth until he succeeded in on all o.tr general merchandise. < live ty visiting during the week. o|>cn next Monday. 'l'lie news o f our great victory us a call. Shelly A- Vanduyn, Intle- Robt. i’ercival, J. I’ ., w«*nt to Ihd- child died la-t Saturday 10th Nov. throwing the tiling across the room. brought from Dallas on Friday last, A new debating s«x*iety has re­ dence. las on Tuesday’, to aid in the official ’88, o f kidney trouble. Rev. I f. I. Then hejuiii|>ed upon th«* table and stirred th;' precinct’- -oui tsterian.” ember that all the good* in hi- stock face anio^g us Hunday; also I.d Wei». Smith, o f the firm o f Ni'is & hustle lying on the floor. II* kicked until tli«' worst is over; they are are new and o f lie-t styles. The pliysiology class pawMxl its ex- A ll orders sent Fenton A- Truitt by Bond of Irv ing, lai#" county; both Smith o f Dallas,„Is at Tacoma, W . T. himself a few times and went to lied, much sick.* mninution on Friday afternoon. mail will receive prompt and caret ul looking after the inti rff-t of tla ir this week. The Arm are closing «ait but liis wife kept awake an hour Bridgeport returned Harrison and 0 Pres. Stanley will l«*«'tun* at Ralls- attention; goods sent by return mail. iiest girl. their latsines at Dallas, and will laughing at him.— Lcfiaihtn Kjrprv**. Morton and brought our sliipof state ton tliis evening, (Saturday.) S. S. Whitman is building a largo move to the sound country, Wood taken in exchange for good- The greatest excitement, fun and safely to its haven. Tli is may s<>«'in barn on hi.* phr'c. L. Damon has » Hichard Ih'iinewitz says he has re- admiration yet manifest<*d over the isiastfui t(l some who do not know I.e tle r l.is l. at tiic Farmers Supply depot. a letter from his old home in payment o f an election wager was how u little helm can «lin*ct a big It don’t m a k e nny difference, it i- not hegun his yet on account ul not i Jst o f letters remainingin the pist a fact you can get t he best good , and getting lumber. (hrmany, informing him he Las Saturday afternoon, says the Stah .-- ship. Bridgeport precint is now ¡fl- office at Monmouth, Or., Nov. 17, at the ix'.-t baogaiu at Z. F. N’aughn’- Some of the Monmouth I mivs at- lieen left 3, ihhi marks aud a house man; Miss Beatrice Hiolierg, a I ».m- lowed to Is* tin* “ helm” of the goo«l 18*8. Prof. J. M. Arnold, Miss Fliiima Dallas. tended the Republican ratification at and lot, by the death of an unclP ¡ h I i lady' o f rank, refinement and ship “ l*. H. A .,” A. 1 eopper bottom Ikrringer, Stephen linker, A . I). Students in want o f anything in Salem last Saturday evening. ¡Pichoi'd feels «piite proud of h is! wealth, who has Ixs-n sojourning in well found, with a republican captain Coomlis, Peter I'aka, Jackison A the Dry good- lines, w ill-aye money The narrow gauge decision so long prospirts and we hop« he may not Salem for some months ami who has ainl crew for a four years voyage at 1 lendricks, Mrs. Mary la-wis, P. W. by buying o f Fenton A-Truitt, Dallas waited by interested persons, is lie disappointed. \\ illiaae, Kit Wing.' traveled extensively over the world, 1 *:i-1 and perhaps for 2t years! A t J. D. Irvine’s i- the place to again p<»spoiled till later on. W e mention tli«we fa-ts for fear in —G. T. W aller, I*. M. had made a is*t with Mr. Isaac Scott, Ourfrieinl, Dan Hewitt, o f Luck- got your groceries, Imlependene*'. t ic exultation and f NI < in­ A fresh supply o f groceries at J. D. with a load of hops; w hile unload­ Miller, who i- now o f Ashlaml, Or., ci*ssful she would wheel him in a “ tumble to tli«1 racket.” ni. M i t li. Slate of < Involi, « Ollllty of folk. wheel-barrow from Mr*. R iely’s to ing, the team o f four horses got vt-rv si« k and that tier recovery is Hay boys a fl«s*eeof wool seems soft John «' Worth, plaintiff. ) ... ., Irvine’s. . v, 1 r < tvil action to frightened and ran away; but fortu­ louhtful. Her son George anti Mrs. the post oftiee, a distan«x* «fr (i hlo«*ks, bul w!im a «L'vil of a tumble Cleve- Mrs. La Bansieur, City Bazaar Kit WiiiR, liefen.laut. ) «w»v«tr inomty. nately little damage was done. F’ish«'r. Iier sister, left last F'riday to he carrying an Atii«*rican flag and land got though a kicking against independence, lm-- mailea fine T«, Kit Wing, tlio ul*>ve named «lefenilnnt: liurr.ih'.ng ft»r Harrison; if ( h*vchmd one in tlie dark. -i h etion o f w oolen goods, rib­ Everybody has settled «piietiy attend her. |N TI IK N AM K OE TUE. STATK « »K bons, buttons, articles for fancy down to work since the election. Our genial county survej’or, should win, Mr. Hintt was to whirl .1 <\inl: Ite-pectful sympathy is I Oregon, yon un- lierehy r«*inir«»l to n|e work, remnants of cashmere, He her down town and punflias ■ h«*r a oflcm l to our Bridgeport Britisher* is'ar lK*f«>r«, the undersign«*!, a Jiistiir o f Uw Several inton-sting entertainments Frank Butler, calhsl Tuesday. prints, handkerchiefs, pur-os, l ’i'a« «' for the pris inet albresaiil, on the Jltth ha- I ms ' ii doing some surveying at pair of gloves. Having lost the bet wlio will have to wear American «lay of IXsvnihrr, (ss*. at 10 o'el«*‘k In tin* will Is- given in Monmouth soon, by etc. (iiv c an early call. Miss Hjols-pg lnsist«sl on paying it, gixsls for a time at least. fori noon of *ai«l «lay at the odti e o f «a»i«l Holiday goeds at Wheelers Inde­ the Ladies Aid, Sumlay -choo! and McCoy anti Dixie, and for H. J. But­ Jnrtice, ill saiil prei itu f, to an-wer the above so a barrow was pnx*uml, Isaac s«wt- ler o f tliis phwe this w«*ek. W e al­ W cari'gh u l to learn that Mrs. pendence. mx'ietie*. limned (ilaintiff, in a civil action. The »«ni|4aint herein, the |>luintitr the sidewalk she trudgisl, the li*ln l in the P oi . k I'«»I'* ty rhopiNil will And i«e nwl.v to «1«. it | 1 y to In«le]inmlence, »hen* h. has P«»rtlan«l Tuesday «‘vening in honor grit «lispl-.iyisl by tin* Imly In r< «le«'m- timi one among us. hskkvck for six eoniH* utive week*, by or­ o f Indiana’ s chief, we note the foll­ Home of oar «lenioeniti«* i-apit.dist­ O , for them in tli«' ls‘-t and qui« ki -t j,|ircha-«8l prnpi'rty. der of the lind«'rsigne«l, inadi- Nov. I«», 1HSH. ing lo r f«»rf«*it. It. II. Dearlsim, illivi* io-t va.-t sum* in IH*t < on the Witness mjr hand, — R. t'. IVirivnl, l-bap«'. Come before the mill ' , tll-iMix ¡s -aid to is* raging at owing representative men o f our Juatiecof the I’eniX*. county: Judge Warren Truitt, Dal­ witii his usual kind for«*siglit, lia«l a election. carriage. «hs’orHtosI with flags, all Our ncighb >r ■ mth o f t'n* Luck- -------------------------- ---------- ----------- - ' scatteml thrmigli the to M tl) M las: H«*nator «*l«8 t Fk T. I latch, Mc­ ready and «*onvcy«l h«*r home In tri- If mothers *tndi«sl their l*»»f Intereata thev Coy; T. Wann, F’. A . Patterson, ianiute »pi»» ar to have found a cham­ would find that I»r. llt-nlcy'* Fniiilelion Willanl McCunc. deputy marshall Clackamasand M a rio n counties«. Th, H. M. Lewis, J. I). C«KtjM*r, J. M. uinph, ainiil th«* hearty salutes of the pion “ A. B. C. H.” who appears to Tonic i* the l*s«t hons<'h«>ld remeily. Hold hy X. H Ihitler, druggist. of Sheridan, Yamhill county, was w»* necessary n««s»-urv 1 pr,'cauti«»n agan.-t » crowds that lin«*l the sidewalks. tliink our n maks hav«* l*e«'n ratlier look« <1 to Vanduyn, M. A. C. Robertson, In- I n » y,ui f.sd dragging -< n*atlon* in the |r«-arrt'-t*si tin* other day for tLc dmill«*I «kneaseahoulil Is' The Polk County Land Company «lisn~-|x*«'tful t*i his fri«*n«is. We di«i «lis-» not «le|x*ndence. Ui, k and loin*, un« you tmuhlcd with wake- ■killing of .Linie- Reu ley la-t G, t >- by all «»nr peo|»le, that it Th* «leatii o f F'.ilis Hall, son o f ex- are now prepared for bu-in«**«. D. not name their place o f nulihoice and fnlnes«. luintnes* at the pit o f the w»ionia<-li? A a re yon nerviui* or irnlahl«'? If *«> we ad­ per. His liearing lx*ft»re Jii*ti«v come thi- way. at sheriff la r k Hall, afto-ra brief illness W. H»-ars, secretary, at McCoy, or 1’. are <|ulte willing in future to esili it vise« on to try tir«v«>n Kidney T**n. Sohl A double wediling took place piarding o f McMinville, resulto 1 in A. I’atterxin, Imlepemlene«*, will “ Hazel 1 M l” in pla v o f K - t K -t. hv X. ii Ihitler, druggist. at i’onieroy, W . T. was sail news to» pi-Is-ing I miuik I over t«> await tae the n*si«l« n