o o Polk County Observer. IHd iiHTV, $1 r>o I’ubli.-'hfr. Niih-criplioii Itili)'». - - IVr Year. - - IVr Hi X Montili». J‘er F o u r .Mouth*. Advertising rate» inaile known un appli- rution. O. •.... * .«■ilii iteli frolli all Irieliili plea-ant that it men; but th i-y e a r they have made is a pleasure t i t-a It. .It acts as an large preparations and ex poet to »ap­ incentive to tlu* » -holars too, for w e found the boys busy, and givin g ply the increased dem and. 3S r. H L BUTLER, e their teacher but little trouble. A n d I ® the teacher was w orkin g with enthu­ Tli«* Bo 'burg /.’ ririr taking the D ru g g is t a n d A p o th e c a ry . “ Salt B iver R oute:” “ In departing siasm amid such surroundings from we have on ly to say, that our Boos­ all o f which will emu ■ goo I tidings o Dealer in— ter is d ad and huried^henee he does and good results! I »topped all night not appear in this is-ae. R ¡s hard with the Riggs boys, and a ph*asan- J^rugs, Chemical», Hooks, Stationery, Toilet ¡ 'articles, etc. The on ii- to ipiit the premise», on ly hav- ter cvtMimg 1 never spout. in g a foretaste o f the g e l things to mother, four sons, ‘ and a daughter, B u ild rr s .* Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. conic. W o “ whistle to keep our with books music around them made \r c liit e c t x a n d courage u p ,” a id eon tic ourselves a picture o f a hom e hard to sfirpass. speeitU'ations and esti- M onmouth , Orrnon. with the grand old ».i ing “ wo had A tier - ipp V there w a s « mi • delight- ItaC Rian rather be right than pro»ident.” ful singing with Miss Ktnmu at (I,,. mates furnished on application. Shop xiion tw two o i doors south o f tlie city You w ill find ii » a- usual, leading all organ and t lc n I was shown souu water-works y .iu rp m c e - ions. W e lik e posts o f o f her oil paintings that were b ca u - honor either livifig or dead, hence tlful, and then she favored us witb Ort^gon S ta te N o rm a l S chool.. Independence, ( iregon. w«> arc alw ays in the front in sum's.» some instrumental music. Miss Dora H ubbard, in Dist . N o. or defeat. W e are ju »t sim ply FULL FACri.TY, “ lick ed ,’ tin t is all, and what are 15, was visit«»! N o w m b o r (itb. Tlu* S. i . WATERHOUSES. GOOD BCII.DINGS, ^ oiisi * i» .poorly suited to modern w e to do about it'.‘ The three liun- • LIGHT EXPENSES. tnp and t ike dinner, w hich I did 11c W'UI ride i ti a lio». rliariot, dents at the “ Normal Dining Hall" at $l .:Ti ! enjoying it very much. And sil in slatu |« m - week. Good hoarding in families with ! Olí a osl-hot plato Di . No. :t, under the charge o f furnished room, fuel and lights, $.-1.00 to £J .it 1 ' I wixl Alan a..«l Juda» I- ■ariof. [H-r week. Prof. W i-tier. was next visited. Says th«1 Devil, "M I*' Tills district has a fair house and unite full GENERAL BLACKSWIITHIÍÍ . DEALERS you sis', good grounds, and they have lately Hut I'll *r> n.l do all that I < an. Practical Course of Study, invested in som e nice maps, reading Sol'll let Alian, o and Judas p.. ih',1 AND \ n.l I o.i hi the 11 l and ( lid M ill and phvslologi 'nl charts, etc. | (.n- lid . » le , thing a —Completed in a— Joycd Prof. Winner’ s method o f g iv ­ sell. I* or old i fin* l.ly e» >rn iptisl all 11 1 o t * • *. - pio in ing lessons from the physiological lb lb * N V. Tribune. charts having the children tell what they knoM about tile different The prv-ident lui» told ali ititi muti* obji*et- presented. I also sum - the ter .V S|KH*ialty. ^ friend that he Mill di-pose o f tlie Pond for Catalogue. Address tho President little folk» d io o -e up and -| h ‘1I «low n D. T. S tam . ey , Jfomnouth, Oregon. fanioiM < >ak \ ieM re-idenc»*, arraug- an old fa«ldnnod s|n.||ing mateb. Shop opposit livery stable, at the foundry ing to Liive |ni— ». —ion ,-liortly nl'ter ¡ 1 ndcjK’mlciuv. W . 1. B. thè Hh o f March. Mr. and Mrx. f , ________ f lev» land Wotlld tild i go to l ‘urope TiuMlry pH xl' stoiv K. M. A. will D. Warren, J. E. Jcmian, and >|H'iid a yenr or more. « in tlieir Lrivr you ;i luirpiin if you w iII rail return tlu* presidimi wili pm ctiiv I um t!Hl MVtlll îil. in tlu* «'¡iv oi New \ ork. 11 i- w orthy S i 'I km I luniks and -tatiunary at o f note to -ee luiw generai and gen­ \\ In'"Icrs I ndo|x'iidi'Uis‘. -Al. kinds of produce taken ,n exchange for goixi».- uine i» t.ie rroM o ver t he ili ; ..tri lire P«*nplc M'lin an* talked about, tire General o f tlu* ytmiig misti - o f thè W liite tlaiM* M ho go and exam ine the line M O X M O UT1I, O REU 0X. -t'x k o f a rti-l- itnTorial nt Husten house. Mira. Cleveland wa» a favor­ Indi'iH'iidcnci*. He has a full liti«* o f ite u itli all m ho knew In r, and -he I tils s, Ai'.iilcmv I nani», pimpa*». Ma- m idely ì. iìom ' ii tot). She ha ’ invìi Irann , brushes,etc. Cull and »cu the re -¡pieni e f ¡1 (lerlect ^Itowcr of* them. n-grets al thè |Mditi-Utv. IXs l:’., Is.th luv M'lf «ad 1 li t-'l »nine V,‘i|rs alllir'e.l with Whlcli M ¡11 take her avi ;t\ fr>mi tlu* ** " CURES IN D IG E S T IO N • li-. ..-.- • >f the kidnrv«. nn I have triisl many N a tio n .il e a p iia l. • I - without jx-nnaueat cure Atsuit tlirvs moiitli- > we tri«sl a |su koge of i»r, . gol i Kidiii-y T isi vvhieli Ims .»t really curisi Anarch i.Mn tit Chkng. Wood Work a Specialty. ail. A th "t I I - We can heart Ij •commend il o'lu .i- who arc -iniilnrlv ,,t*! •tisi.- M I,. Th«* next « M ill M hin s-'ld by \ Il I In nr. Iniggist. POR ALL SKIN DISEASES chi»*' il» In pai IV III b ill'pm bibi j. 1 Vote ill New York —D E A L E R S I N — Pr- »¡dent < d. uid » |ie\t un—sji^i* >vi!l go up to nearly fld.HMk i» liki'ly In lx* I . mid rciH».it with *A11 charge« reasonable. Give usa rail The A lbany rcpublhans mlitied empiutala, the PPRTtA.ifo.oiy c 0 uunienui: ilion» ot Thur»«lay evening, tin- ehvtion o f hi» la-t unitu.il I lurri-siii ii n«l Morton. Big time. Sold by N. H. Butler. Former Offers Fade Away In Oblivion. Next Week, Goods will be Sold Cheap. Dallas, F. S. D. Co. Jam es Monmouth, Oregon. T atom . Oregon. SHELLEY & VANDUYN, H ead Q uarters fo r G eneral Merchandise, Parker & Ferguson. Independence Oregon. B U Y Y O U R G R O C E R IE S A T Mew Stable, Normal, Collegiate, and Commercial Departments Vaughn A H illa rd . N O T IO N S ! N O T IO N S ! ! F a n n e rs M ercan tilo A ssociation , 3 Ilorse-Shoeing In S h ort Genera] Merchandise. T im e. Bed Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, W arren And Fair Dealing Is Our Motto. Jerinan, Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Agricultural Implements ami Farm Machinery, COOPER & C 0 N N A W A Y , j^STkRKMEO/Cj/Vf Hardware, M ONM OUTH, OREGON. Stoves •tf^A g v o ts for K app, B urrvll A Cu. and Tinware. In«lc^*ciKlcnco, ( i r e v r . * ^ !