o O bserver . r a y o E . i M O S M O l PACIFIC COAST HEfS.j- j F u BY A dt I m m y I 'I I I . K C O l 'N T V , O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y . . N O V E M B E R AGRICULTURAL. »»►i of removal fell down will) « loud ladies bocanie frightened and went T w> you in; ladies narrowly upou ÜM : í > f, from th ic k ijm ^ ® in g cru*he«l to death. ilit'V were rescui-d with great diffi­ culty. Dnvoiiiu ^ r r l i i h i 1 ' m l i u \l r n k t t l , • j ILLE D T il, ie ij ^Ho ii e$matdilip ¿1 1‘ iuolo, A tt<‘ iiip t«'d Su it l d f . o to p u e I n t k k k m ■ .«► F a k m k k s an i » S tock uKM. © 17. M AR K E T IH S t«. REPO RT. ÜK1 IAHÍ » 1¿J ««TATIONS CAHKK.fU Y wü V isas kvKHT \V u a -, N O . 35. O THE PASSINO OF BOAH. Hr W mii I i to T »k *’ a Vote muti U Smote QtVlth Send- Ha g». And it eamo to puss that after four years were expired, at the time that kfli>;s go out to battle in the land of the Ammah Rekahns, that Houh the (iaddite. the son of Agun, rode to and fro in the chariots <*f thioSinashtip, Windown A Breakneck, ami spake unto all uien. and sat In the seat orthe scornful, amt got iu the way of the »Inner. * For all the sons of men feared him ami lied before his face; for the staff of hJa"tTiugiie Van us the bolt of a tly wheel, and he smote all the coasts of Ammah Rckuh with an eight-day clllu which he kept by him. And It was so that about the tenth day of the month of Ralliz, after the beginning» of the feast of lfoo-Riiw, that Itoah the Gtuldito went into the chariot of the Sino-Kahs, as tlmu comost to the fords of liar Lem, by­ way of Al-Bani, which is, by interpre­ tation. Pie. And Itoah, the son of Agnn. arose in the chariot, amt spake in a loiul voice, saying: •‘Hear ye me. men of Ammah Rekah. and all who dwell in the tents of Grovah, and ye sons of Benjamin, and all ye who dwell by the water Brooks of Pri»hi-Bi»hon; go to, let us take a Cal. A ¡Uot iineuktfri.ight train rau A tramp, having ev«*,^ appaarance W M K x f — Valiev, $1 4U(«$1 A2j into tin .west bound grave! train, one- of a lunatic, cute red Tttonuw Jonea’a If the old ruts have proved profit­ Walla Walla, $1 3 2 « 1 35. ludi mite east of Pinole, smashing Barber shop, at Albany, Or., and after able, stick to lie. m. If not. get out. ( o n v r n t T i i i i i I i I cm D o u i i . T wo .'• v * th 1 height ear- and throwing them »Uunling around for a few miiible» B A R L E Y — Whole, $0 U0; l-rriu litT ia lu » M r n ked. t v i l It is estimated *that to collect one the diltth. The «i.gin- of the seized a raz >r ¿ind attempt*d to cut ground, |*u ba«, $20 00\g21 60. Fumi a Iti-iilge. trail)/ is a total wreck. The hi» throat. Mr. Jour* anti Win. Mack pound of honey from clover (»2,000 engineer and fir tup an of the freight interfered ait«l put him out of the hea«ls of elovnr must he deprived of OATS— Milling, 32«34c. ; feed, 28 train jum|>ed off and were consider- »hop. He wait then taken in charge nectar and 4,750,000 visits from bees «3 0 c. a MISSINO HUNTER FOUND DEAD sl.ly bruised. The conductor was, a t 1 j". Policeman McClain and ww-led'off must be made. H A Y — Baled, $10«$13. the time of the accident, walk ng on tu u,e city ;all. He grew Yiotont «»- If. the apple tree haves turn lighter lop o a h t i'ar, and was llfrown into when captured and was a tough cus- SEED— Blue (lr rgs 4as, l ) A l & ; Tim a pond of wates nearby. V hen p ic k e t' to handle. He was accorapan- ooht,»'«I before frost change« them utliy, 7(«i8c. ; Red Clover,'! 1 « 12^« u phew as more scared than hurt ied by one Wm. Garnett, an itinerant look for the cause in the trunk near K illeil It)- M Dummy. «6 00; FLO U R— Patent Roller, 0. P. Grant, an employe of the Sut­ .is«enger trains were delayed one m, rble cutter, who some months ago the root. The cause will be found in Country Brand, $4 f>0. hour by the accident.______ nearly died in this city in a fit, and a borer working his way to the heart ler Street R ad road Company of San who was recently released from the of tne tree, and the way to find him lu ll trnin a Kriilg«* EGGS— Per doz, 30o. Francisco, was run over by a dummy, The woik train of the- Heppner insane asylum. He was arrested for is with a flexible wire inserted in the Lid received injuries in the back auii lagging, but escaped from the |>olice opeuing to his retreat. B U T TE R — Fancy roll, per pound, Lip which caused his death. He was branch arrived at Arlington, Or., mag and ran down the street like a 25c.; pickled, 22 ^«25c.; inferior Ling Hat on his face and reaching bringing wi h it a man named Peter­ Don’t neglect to clean your orchard grade, 2 2 $ «2’>.\ professional fool-racer, and could not rougli a man-hole, engaged in re- son, wlio was badly hurt by falling afterwards bo found. of all nests of worms, etc., and, if .iring the roid, and did not notice from a bridge near Bedford. His arm C H E E S E — Eastern, «13$c.; Ore­ necessary, make a missionary tour to he approach of the dummy. The is broken and he appears to be hurt A fc o ld ie r .Tlu rdprrd a n t i gon, 13@ 14c.; California, 14c. your lax neighbor’» orchard— for it is ripman apparently did not see the internally. He wis foreman of a The remain« of a man dressed in a not only an act of charity, hut of self- V E G E TA B L E S — Beets, per sack, rostrate man until too late to avoid gang of bridge builders. soldier's uniform were found five miles defense. And the tame remark will $1 00; cabbage, per lb., l c . ; carrots, unning over him. The dummy west of Tucson, Ariz. The body was apply to such contagious and cantan­ per sk., $ 75; lettuce, per doz. 10c,; A Too Hi In Trouble. taught Grant and tolled him about Win. Montgomery, of Portland, covered with rocks, and the pockets kerous nuisance« as Canada thistles onions, $ 85; potatoes, per 100 11»»., twenty feet before the train was had been rilled. He is believed to | and like evil weeds» It is something 40c.; radishes, per doz.,»• 15(si20c.; topped. Or., was arrested in San Francisco have been »»no of the deserters from wise to discharge the duties of your rhubarb, per lb., tie. and taken to the city prison where a Fort Lowt 11 who had been murdered neighbors in addition to your own, I ort t i l im i. jg c . ««» lb , p< Dr. J< nes and It. H. Shingle of warrant was waiting for aim, charg- [ by his companions for his few dollars. such benevolence bring profitable. trot*" ing him with forgciy. It steins that i strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8$o. Irass Valley, Cal., had a fearful ex- And certain sons of Belial moi-ki'd This is what a good many farmers Chas. Crumby and Montgomery have erience. While driving home from a been rooming together. P O U L T R Y — Chickens, per doz., him and said: “ Nay, but rather ¡ot us Crumley < a III« lie «Im re h m u ll n lli1,« Du meal want to know, that is how to make lace known as “ You Bet” they ran the says he paid the rent of his room­ $4 00@4 50; ducks, per doz., $5 0 0 « j take h drink.” The Catholic church and college amulet of a hot lire for two miles, mate, as the latter was out of funds, building in St. Helena, Cal., caught more corn, and here is a bit of sensi fi 00; geese, $6 00@7 00; turkeys, But Itoah, th«< son of Agun, would ble talk alanut the matter: The b«*t n both sides of the road huge pines and also advanced him money at 1 fire and was totally destroyed. not hi'arken unto them, but spake all For- way to get more corn i» get increased per lb., 10c. )az«d, and one place on their way times. September 20ih Crumley be tunately an exclusion train returning A poor | PR O V ISIO N S— Oregon haws, 12$«- the more vehemently, 'and cried: ras blocked by fallen trees that they came seriously ill and Montgomery, it from Napa arrived ten minutes after yieltl from the same acreage. corn cr«>p necessarily costs so much |«r lli.; Eastern, 15@J6e.; Easteri. "Nay, hut I will take a vote." ad to assist to burn, so as to get a is claimed, sent a telegram to the sick the fire started, and 200 excursionists And the sons of B<-njnp)ln. and all labor that it rarely pays a profit. But breakfast bacon. 12c. in-rlb.; Oregon oadway. The absence of wind is all Uiy’s parents ¡it Phila«lelphia, signing of St. Helena and Galistoga were very j the children of Grovah, and all the lint allow« d them to get through. All Crumley’s name, in which lie stated: quickly on the scene, and assisted in if the laud is manured highly and cul­ 1 0 « )llc .; Eastern l«ir«t, H‘(alll$e. |>er ' mighty men of Fisk, which is a pleas­ ie timber east of Greenhorn creek ‘ Send money ; I am very si« k.” When saving personal property and adjoin- tivated thoroughly the crop rarely or 11».; Oregon, 10$c. ant land and a large, where there are never fails to pay. It is easily possible i on tire. At Johnston an extensive ^ m o n e y arrived, amounting to $10, ing buildings. The loss to the Cath««- G RE EN F R U I IS Appto*» f 3.» tr,.,«H and wells of living waters; to double tne corn yield on the pres­ liingle mill is reported destroyed. Montgomery procured it at the tele- lie society is $10000. The college i* ent acreage, and that, bat, without @ 50c.; Hicily lemons. $<> tM*(t» 50 limj (li[ (|)e trllx-s of Mugwump, which insured for $.'».600. The origin of the coming near the large yields which California,$fi U0Co i e Crumley has seen nothing of his 1 nt an, $4 25. and cried: A (•amltlrr Sun tuiMtd. tes t he account of finding the liody room mate, but liis disappearance was The advantages of dishoruing old “ Are thy servants dogs and one T. G. Lacy, recently found guilty of D R IE D F R U IT S — Sun dried a;*- a hunter. Mr. Wallace Brown, son explained alien Crumley received a animals lisve probably been exagger­ thing and anoth«»r, that th««y should Robert Brown, proprietor of the letter from home asking him if lie re­ conducting a clock game in Platt’s| ated. A bull or cow used to hooking ples, 4c. per lb .; machine dried, 1 0 « Italian stand this sort of thing more '.ban row nlee Ferry, s'arteil with a com- ceived the money. Crumley invest- hall in San Francisco, was sentence«! is only U-mporarily made harmless by l i e ; pit less plums, 7c,; throe or four tiineH a minute all anion named Charles White on a gated the matter, then swore to a to pay a fine of $100 or serve 100 «lays 1 dishorning. W hile the recent wounds prunes, 10(atl2c.; |H-aches, 1 0 $ «llc .; through the campaign?" raisins, $2 4 0 «2 50. anting expedition to tlie mountains, warrant f ir Montgomery’s arrest, in jail. His council gave notice of s i« sere, such animals will keep quiet, And lladarazzar, the Ethiopian, fell hey had with them a g«io«l supply oi When seen at the city prison Mont appeal to the superior court. The but wit.it returning freedom from pain H ID E S— Dry beef hides, 1 2 « 13c.; ^■munition, blankets and food, ho-1 ginnery acknowledged his guilt in charges against the ¡500 men arrested will be found a return of former vie- culls, t>«7« .; kip and ctilf, 1 0 « Pic.; upon him and cut him bad, and th«» sons of Belial smote lisin with sainl lies taking with them a tent. They part, but claimed a companion, whose for visiting the game wer«' dismissed iotisucss. The art of butting is not Murrain, 10 (o>12c.; tallow, 4«4$c. bags, an«l.Gran Paw, the husbandman, Itched their tent at the head water« name be will not give at present, was on motion of the prosecuting attorney, lost with th« horns, and a good butter, struck him with the hinder end of an f the west folk of Brownlee creek, more implicated than Ii«»; lurther, who said the arrests were made more if viciously inclined, needs to be W O O L— Valley, 15 «18 c.; Eastern umberell, ex«*eding hard and heavy, ¡id about noon of the 2nd of Decern-, that he, Montgomery, was under the for the purpose of serving as a warn­ guarded against with or without horns. Oregon. 10« 15c. anil all who could reach him got hold r tlu«y started in search of deer, influence of liquor at the time the ing than with a desire of securing It is held that the destruction of the LU M B E R — Rough, j»er M, $10 00; of him hih I gave him one for luck, and lieu out some time they separate«!. | dispatch was sent and ditf not realize their conviction. cabbage worm may I hj accomplished etlged, i»er M, $12 00; T. and G. spoiled the chariot with him, for there liite’s statement is to the « ff ct that the criminality of the act. He -ays looked around for Brown but could he has writ ten to his famer in Fort- I ' a r r l i ' M I , l l h it l . n i i . by tlie» use of pyrethruni. It should sheathing, p« r M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor­ was much spoil In him. And there was quiet In the land for David N. W'inhigVr, age.l 20 years, be in the us«- of fr«-sh powder and iu ing, l»er M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per ot find him, and returned to the teu t; land telling him the circumstances the evening. Brown did not re- fully and has secure«! a postponement while cleaning two guns at iiis father’s this form may be bought at any drug M ,$18 00; N o.3 rustic, p erM ,$18 00; ten minutes. And all the land of Ain- rn up to the end of forty-eight hours 'o f the trial for ten days, us he «xpects store. It “ should be mixed with about clear rougli, per M, $20 (X); clear P. 4 mah Kekah rebelled against the house residence in Sinta Ana, Cal., acci­ White relume«I to the terry and a reply by that time. He left l’ort- three times it bulk of wh«-nt flour and K, i»er M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, pei iif Boah unto this day.—Burdette, in dentally let a shotgun fall « n a rifle, otitied the people there th it snow had land about six months since. He is applied to the plant by means of a M, $22 50; N<». 1 ceiling, per M, Brooklyn h'.iujle. discharging the latter ami fatally lien to the depth « f two feet he fore I ,ig d prob «hly 22 or 23. To spare the small Itellows, made «-xpressly for ap­ $22 50; No. 1 rustic, j»er M, $22 50, wounding himself in the abdomen. i 1« f * camp. On hi- reporting feelings of iiis family he doe* not care plying insect powder. These ladlows stepping, per M, $25 00; over 12 He died shortly after. H i» parents r.,wn’s disappearance, all the men in to give his father's interests or place of are also kept by druggists. A very inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 TALKS ABOUT WOMEN. are well-to-do people and olii settlers small quantity of this mixture will be to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, le m ighborhood start« d in search of business, _________________ I there. __________________ lluw 111 . » Muke thfl Tlin«*« K e e p sufficient for each plant. One pound extra, $4 BO; 1$ lath, per M, $2 25; lie botly, and remained out until snow o f T hw lr rro ffr AM . 1$ lath, per M. $2 50, M il* » « Ir . ( ¡ u i l l , » 1 TI«i « ■ ■ la u u l i t e r . f tin- i»yrethurn is sufficient for an lterfere«!, but during the entire eum- Honduras has not much of a reputa­ A man registering as Antone Shafer T*|le lriHi ,,f Alla-rt R. Wolff, his acre of cabbages. ler men have been lo- king for the BEANS— Quote small whites,$1 60; tion for enterprise, but it uniting«'* to sly, without succe-s. Two months from San Jo'C, was found dead a« : wi(e and Alfred E. Peterson for It is easily |s»ssible in seasons of pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50; k«««-'p ubi'«'iist of the times In s«»nio r*«- :o a hand of Indians went through Sonoma, Cal., with the top of his head i tj,e niur,|,.r of Frank Wilson, at Km abundant blossoming for one-half the Fimas, $4 50 per cental. spei'ts. Women in that country hav«» u mountains blit could get no till blown off by a shotgun with supposed j uan.hy-th'--Sea, Cal., was comlucted just been granU'd the right to coin- setof fruit to make more bulk of ap- C O F FE E — Quote Salvador, 17c; l»ound prescriptions and practice gs of the missing man ; hut on the suicidal intent. He left a note saying ¡n ( )„. hu|»erior court, the jury finding i«les than the whole. The nailing J.h inst. Mr. Thomas Arthur, while tlier • whs no use to pipurc about him , rt g \Y,,lff guilty of manslaughter moth thins, and usually too much, but Costa Rica, 18«20c.; Rio, 18«20*'.; pharmacy In general with the one con­ unting, discovered a gun and a pair as he had no relatives. land acquiiing Berta W o lff and Peter- does not do it the right way. The ap­ Java, 27$c.; ArbnckleVs rsasted,22c. dition that they puss the examination f mittens, lying at the head of a M EA’l'— B«-«*f, wholesale, 2$(a*3c.; required of male druggists. i soil. ples are half or two-thirds grown be­ nail gulch. Mr. Murphy reported D estru ctive » la m e s . dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; dressed, 6c.; fore they drop and fall. The tru 1 way A new authoress has sprung sud­ C l i l n n m a i i AiN am lnat«*ds ic matter to the senior Mr. Brown at The flour mill of the Central Mill­ is to spray the tree with Paris green to nogs, dressed, b $ «7 c .; veal, 5 « 7c. denly Into prominence with a weird Wong Ah Ling, a Chinese domestic, e ferry, and a party of searchers h-siroy the worm, and then hand-pick ing Company of Gilroy, Cal., was de­ mid uncanny story ontitU'd “ What P IC K L E S — Kegs quoted steady at urti-tl out on the 22nd, and the fol- was tirod upon in Chinatown, Kan the fruit b«-forc it forms seeds, and $1 36. * Ibviini» May Come." The writer, Mrs. iwing «lay Am lv Williamson found stroyed — _ hv fire. A number of ml join T. Francisco, by some persons lying in thus « xhausts the vitality <»f the tree. Gertrude Atherton, Is a lady of con­ ing buildings were damaged. e skeleton of «m a n , about a quarter ing buddings were damage. The S A L T — Liverpool grades of fine siderable social fame in San Francisco concealment. Two sh ts were fired. O.its are almost exclusively sold by a mile from the tent, an«! about the oss to the M,11,ng Company ts $10, quote«I $18, $10 and $20 for the thre« and Washington, many of th,«» promi­ One bullet entered the right thigh, weight, and all grain should be. There sizes; stock salt, $10. me distance from where the mittens 000. Well inured. > and passed through the le g ; the nent people of the capital b«'kig blood id gun iiad been found. The gun, great energy of the hrenun Unit Two otli* r, passing through the body, made is a great difference in the weight of SUGAR— Prices for barrels; G«»l«len relatives. She is described a« a tall, lien fhund, was still loadeii. The joining buildings were saved, this grain, varying with season, variety C,6$c.; extra C .O fc .; dry granulated, graceful blond«' and a remarkably bril­ ady was intact, showing that it had brick store on ether side of the mill its exit at the lower part of the ab- extensive con- Jumen. His injuries are fatal. Wong and locality. Western oats, for some 7jje.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and liant «'«»nversationiilist. lot been molested by wild animals, were all that saved an building o rposite | said he did not know his assailant, and cause, are much lighter thin those powil«-red, 7J<3.; extra C, fife .; halves Women who prefer employment to Among other claims he was shot through mistake grown in N«-w York and Eastern and boxes, $c. higher. ifficaUimTare that he was ot^hi's way cau^ht^'veral Umes. ATnong ennui are now sp«»n«ling their leisure States. The standard weight per Blood maiks losses, besides the milling company, hours in laaid-work an old-time Ama­ the tent when he fell bushel is also two fo four pounds less. ^ A man ought to think more of the teur industry which Is is-ing revived and the are the following: W. Farmington. T r r r i h l y <’ r u s h «'d . ere found on his clothing, Light oats are usually caused by hot It is a different illiain Cotter, a drayman, of Kan diy weather as the grain is filling. heads of those to whom he goes than of «juite commonly. th«« heads of the discourse he is pr«>|»ar- style of (»end-work, though, from that rancisco, was thrown from his seal Wherever such weather prevails the ing for them. There Is su«-h a thing as the truck striking an obstruction seed «juickly degenerates, and needs to being so absorbed in the substance and in vogue sonic years ago. There Is p r e e ________ the street. The fall stunned him he renewed every few years byimport- presentation of the message, as to lose none of the all-over work in many ■ colors and intricate ih-signs so popular ho accompani. d Brown on the ex mill incendiary, while oth« rs believe it and the wheels of the heavily loaded ati«»ns from Europe, where coolersiim- sight of one’s mission as a messenger; lh«»n. l’he new b«.nd-wi*rk Is very edition, is d< scribed as a crank. One mers make the conditions for grow is truck p»»se«l ov«-r his chest, norribly caught from the machinery. It and in sueh a «'use, a flnish«*d discourse much prettier nn«l more graceful, con­ aan ¿elates a story of W bite being ing heavy oats more favorable than A « rushing him. He was taken to a ho* stated that they will not rebuild, I may b«« ‘lnlsln-d In Its Influence as soon sisting mainly of a kind of sketching n the road with a friend some time new steamer recently j,urcbaaed »t a pital where he died shortly after. H t here. as it is finished In its delivery.—«8. 8. in oiitlin«« with small gluss nr gold nnd go. White was riding * .n!u^e.’ ',UF Ci»«t of $1,500 did excellent work. leaves a wife and six children. Desjierate efforts are made by some Twin. ad run out of feed. His friend ha«l silver bead* on a background of ln«»eor farm<-rs to finish plowing or planting i —Neither in moral or religious, more n abundance of it, and told White to mull. A popular design thie summer D r. H I » « b 's P o s it iv e D e n ia l. H rin n n d ril lo C h in « . or cultivating a crop just to heat some than in physical and civil matter*, do s a *<‘ries of intricate scrolls «»n a vino se some,but rather than do it he took The hearing of the charges of irreg Fifteen of the fifty-one Chinamen neighbor who has the enviable repu­ people willingly do any thing sudd«»nly and flowers. The outlines are first lie mule into the mountain and shot Since the finding of Brown s be formed, the things which Th«- growth of the number of women here are soni« fears that he is insane- ,n*nr Bloch posit!velly frnied Fire was discovered iu the pilot mltied that the nu n omld n«»l be (le had ever given poison to Goldenson is one worthy to be w»ngbt after; but Whatever we ar«» to nqs-at with satls- markable. There is s«'areely a ve mercimnu there »ay they are Hi j,M been »Uted. number of representatives among th«> of being able to say that no one is acramento, Cal., and before the ar- ^ barefaced attempt to evade ----------------------- — I have kno*n m* n who would trust gcntVr sex. A mining company in St. iv»l of the engines a daniag«’ amount sniouii g Viu- y j c PAt j u H M iro- o j act ;--. has - faded so com ^ ^ crop Jn #1, , he c o n farther along with their work than their wives with their hearts and their Fouls Is composed entirely «»f wom«»n. you are. Ur««und is sometimes made j honor, but n«*t their pocket-books not to $500 or $600 bad l*asn done. pletely and iguomim««tisly. The medical profession ts rtii»n of sroman law- A fire was dist:«.vi‘re«i ill the barn farniing, and therefore of the entire condition. The farmer who raíaos the 1 Think of h«T having to ask you every vers In all c«»untrio«. while even the Francisco, occupied by p ietrj ^ country. It is the pivot upon which m os, and dosa it wit« the lea*! . __ __ . _ T. W. MooUguc near Agrcws sUii«m Becker as a grocery. The w»lls of the , , * i . h * i tiav fi>r ii dollar, or two dollars* or for nde. taker’s business Is rarru^d on by everything else awing*, swinge. The crop » ■ ---- . *. ,».,. evervtning in e cro p this trouble and cost, is generally the man “ J " ,r " ' ■ San Jose, Cal. The barn with 100 building were torn d«»wn to keep worn n’s enterprise, there heir,' at alibiing were •— j year will ill be something »om«-thing more i than Wh , u s e s hi* judgment in regard to the ,.„nk ‘iflnd chll. >n* of hay w,us completely destroyed, A from spreading, out f ^ S.OOO^UOJXX) bushel., and in bn east two wom««n in the Unita-d States butler, nme of preparing the ground, plant­ is afraid of you. oss, $2,500. on«- In Flint, Mlrh., and the other In ff.rts «»f the 1 “ “ ¡ 3 cheewp, Ua-f and p«,rk will l.r rgely ing the seed and cultivating the plants dren do you expect to have with a beg- •udding caugn »m ■ • our exur.rts, make no fo the legardl« as «>( what others may do or ; g“ r “ nd a «»ward for their mother?—E. Brooklyn—who are engaged in It.— A ( t a i rn t T s s i H » » ! » « » » " • < <- i rwell »n*r exports, and and make no for I (J. IngertoU. C M r a j u .V «IM . During high winds at Petaluma, dam g <1 by in(jurHl. Th ree, deficiency in our wheat crop. WL, the old convent building in pro- ’