Polk Gouniy Observer. liridKi'puM . 0 Election day passed off very quiet- Peter th e P in t, iti A ta math Mar, T h irteen th ; was th e th e “ tu g of w ar” thus (I i - utì I hv a grand Util at Keno: which created considerabi excite­ l>* in o u r tow n. Hefore elis tton day th e republican P u b lish e d Every Saturday. Then* we»* several y o ung men The dance at Keno hall on T hurs- club held a public m a t i n g at Bridge- m ent. T he w inning team w ere N. “The t«*vvn 'I eim i> 11 11 1 is - tii i’ ¡u ti,« day n ight g ave unbounded satisfac­ |s>rt school house lust Saturday. A . K m m itt as “ anchor,” W m . fîro- cast th eir first vote hen* Tuesday. center of the ri; lies: jM-t of 1* >lk count), t il'll: mil' - "Î ’li" inty ,■ l ’;,., The Itm is e r is enlarged and shows tion all around. W hile it had no M any w ere present and m uch pleas­ hum , J a y Powell an d E v ert P hilips. an 1 two anil "in-*liu! i .lilt-.- wi - m ,.) ; he th riv­ ja rrin g elem ent, It was supplied w ith ed w ith th e ■ proceedings. Hy the P u ttin g th e shot was th e last ev en t prosperity* ing town o f Indcpcndetuv, and contains u two inspirisi tiddler- w ho to te great tim e th is is in p rin t th e startlin g ef- and was won by E v ert l ’liilljis; dis- population of over l » 1 . i li ' !.. a ¡. a is a l'rof. J . I). H aw es o f In d e p e n ­ chunks of h arm o 'o ' out of the, catgut. fecUnf thia m eeting on th e national tanee IB feet, beautiful one, on a ri li rolling prairie, and dence called Tuesday. f »r general In aitlifiilin ■ rI .■ -ir,, M tlet' Pelhsl by the-** g!<>rb>iis chunks, th e vote will Is* seen very clearly. \ i t i t i Hi-hools. coitili i*e 1 1 "i 11 1. Moina,mtli olì, mane ( >ur tovoi people a re all enterprD - ,i;UUt.M hurriisl around th e tim-r and advantag W ick G ran t had to leave Dallas as On Tuesday, < letober 30th, visited ing. ter prise are it» v ite 1 : , e ini.-r witli on u /, n .. wisht*d for wings w ith which to ‘get In* is q u ite sick and is now at hom e. M otgoinery district. T he teacher, rhn Ita-oniYi ll u .11 lu : a ! in I-V '-V t an an O liver W aller cam e up from jMirt- there, E li.’ ” I I E l t L V\l> I I E I U - I U O I T S . and at Wi ry postolie m the en.;. , mtv, Some of o u r pro m in en t citiaen sare Mi— N ettle P itm an, is sick, and her lund hist F riday and visit*,“! his fam­ alni therefore unexcelled a,, no a lv e o . :.i , Pay your l>ets. < >ne in, riding through th e country 1 (u-lping M r. Teal |o f Sour K raut) to place is being tilled by her sister, nteilluiu." ily and friends. H e is of th e News is surprised at th e m an n er in w hich ru „ jju, R uckinm ute in th e way it Miss A nnie. The directors have President H arrison. | fon*e. The Observer lour moliti . for jtk ts. farmcr*4ouvc th eir valuable m achin- [ should go, th a t w hen it Is old it m ay I lately invested in qu ite a lot of County court this week. Eld. F . B illiard H olm an, well cry in th e field w ith o u t an y p ro te c -; Ilot iicpnrt from it. ! «pandits, globes, reading charts, Salem i- to have a street railw ay know n in this county was lien* lait tion from th e rail» and sun. A shed of ----- 1 and dictionary. The house needs Business Mention. The hop crop of I.am* county is Sunday. rough boards cost but little, and will A correspondent from B ridgeport some repairs, and some outbuildings, M. lin y tor d entist, Dallas. being rapidly shipped to m arket. W e understand th e saloon at Me­ pay large interest on th e little in vest­ m akes fun of thy p ro d u c t south of From here 1 w ent to N ick T arta r's Nii ' A Sin til a >■ _■ ,u .,[ i- - . The Republican hoys ratitiisl F ri­ Coy was destroyed by tire last sti n- m ent, if used to sh elter tlu*si> m a­ th e I.uckinm utc and as he says in and enjoyed his o|ien handed hospi- chines. Because th e farm er docs “ Sour K ra u t,” th e y scorn and dis- tality fo r th e night visiting his school, day night. Go to H e n ry I’.iti -on f<. j rfumo day night. A big tim e. not sis* th e slow decay, he is ap t to gust th is nam e for th e ir valley o r | No. ft. In th e m orning. T his dis- W ill II. parry is now city editor I here D -till reported several cas­ G ene H a y to r for cheap go- :i . forget th at it is going on, until he 1- eanyon, and l*cg to tell him or h er 1 triet has a splendid schoolroom , of th e Salem 8tatt'*irttn. llis p re d e­ es of typhoid fever in th e county. lloatl o u r now ti-ivm i. n: ut -th is rem inded bv some costly m achine th at th e y hold th e ir heads as high as larp* and com m odious, good seats, Week. W . K. Pulton has returned from cessor, Tod P iper will locate in a hieh giH*s to pieces ju st at the mo- any. T hey have a county officer in well heated, an d well supplied w ith 8 ’attic. Tin F . M. A. »tore ha new g ■ • 1-, 1 Iarney valley. H e says ev e ry th in g m ent a lien most needed. I bis treat- th eir m idst, if it is only a su rv ey o r, apparatus which th e teacher know s A neat residence Is lieing erected F o r th e best bargains in ladies and is prospering there. m ent ot m achinery is excellent for w hat of th at! T hey h ave a precinct I how to use. It was qu ite a treat to g en ts underw ear, hats, c a p ., hoots, at Hallston by M ilt V anhorn. The Luck inm ute precinct is at tin* m anufactures, Dut it is one of - officer, th e constable, and a terro r to hear his little folk- recite geography shoes, tine clothing:, ete., go io H ay- T he new cells for th e county ja il present w itlm ut a constable. th e pro m in en t reasons •vin­ “ f.irm- well doers and a praise to them t h a t : from th e m aps, and see th e am ount to r’s 1 »alias. are being put in. Mrs. Goodrich, of N orth Y am hill, ing d o n ’t p a y .” work evil is he. As Longfellow sings f of geographical lore th ey have mas- F o r fine w atch w ork go to U. N. Dr. T. F. S m ith, form erly of Dal­ is here vi-iting Iter daughter who is ( ira n t a t II. 11. 1 ’ ters-m’.s. " H i- h uir is crisp and lilaek and long, tered, an sw ering question)» th at m a­ attending school. Thniikseuini: Proclam ation. las, is proofing im*dlcitie at Tacom a., ids face is like the ta n .” T h eir saw ny scholars who are in advanced S p o c ta ’les properly tocusse.! and ‘In acknow ledgem ent of all ‘hat Monday, Dec. :id, is election day Leaves and th e price of w ix h I do accurately tit toil at 1 h-ttry Putt* ’•-on’s. m ill is un iq u e and th e y have tw o ! books could not answ er. Ilis use of not fall at th e sam e tim o of th e year, i ,uw done for us as a nation, and em inent bridge builders and c o n tn ic -! th e reading ch arts was fine. T hough E v ery p a ir warranted.* No tit, no in the city of Independence. utile. Polk county has gone Republican It w ould be a good th in g if th ey did. to th e end th a t on an appointed day tors, one republican and th e o th er lie hns only had th em a sh o rt tim e by about (is; in J u n e it gave H e r­ , , . . . ., the united p ra y er and praise ‘of jo T h e F...V . A. store have as cheap m ann An exchange says th a t th e wonuui , , , . r a dem ocrat. T h eir buggies are num - his little folks arc reading and pro- 107. line o f general m erchandise as can . . . . i .. î grateful eo u n trv m ay reach th e who g*ts but on** letter a year al- . .... . , , , erous and sty lish , am o u n tin g to 7! if nounclttg qu ite clearly an d dlstinet- be found any w hen . , . . . . i th ro n e of grace, I G rover Cleveland M is. Maggie R utler is teaching in ways reads it on th e street. . _ . , , , , yott count one w ith real iron wheels ; ly. Nick is one o f o ur U*st teachers, S tu d en ts will rem em ber th ey can the place of i ’rot. ii. K. M urphy, at * president of th e l m tisl States, do got first-class photo trnph work done the public school, who is at present In the fall th e y oung m an ’s fancy iierc.bv designate and set apart up to an y w eight. T hey m ay h av e j and keeps posted on th e best m eth - quite sick. at M. I). E llis' Dull pointeth w in ter scenes of old, w here T hursday, goth ibiv of N ovem ber, ! considerable dutch in th e ir ancestry, ««is. H e has tau g h t here, l>ist. 5, Rev. Kerry, of College City, Cul- E. I i the ice cream sign ne’er stareih , nor as a day o f th an k sg iv in g and prayer, way back, and m ust ow n to a dutch- for five years, which is an indication th e latent nlylos of dro.-s goods; line h ii iiia, is In re and will preach at th e th e bull dog seizeth hold.—E x . m an of full blood a cousin of Risnm rk of his m ethods. to be kept an d observed throughout ■¡lurch Sunday m orning and evening. «took ju s l received. A fter d in n er 1 struck up th e Pee- and a sw ede a direct descent lent of “ O pportunities are very sensitive th e land. Roth President Cleveland and P ain ts, oils, varnish *s, etc., at the ancient V ik in g s and also a dee for th e Nelson school house. T he W aterhouses. Govenor IVnnoyer have issued th e tilings. If you slight them on th e ir G overnor IV nnoyer issued W ed- j ,M*plM*"' of th e late O liver Crom well, rain was com ing dow n, th e roads first visit th ey seldom come again.” H e n ry Patterson has just re ■ ived T lnnksgiving Proclam ation for 1HSH, nesday th e following T hanksgiving :*nd protul th ey are of th em . I w ant were had, and th e hills steep, b u t I Look on slander as th e direct eni- proclam ation: (l new stock of all t tie le. novelties -■‘ttiag aside ThursdayN ov. ¿¡»tit as a 1 y o u r correspondent to lx>ok these at last reached th e school house. I t in th e jew* lry line. N old g • >d- in day of general thanksgiving. m ie to civil society; as persons w ith T h e y ea r now d raw in g to a close fa,‘ts 'l '" 1 ,M‘ m " rt‘ respectftil in future is very sm all, rough, unceiled on tho liis stock. Drop in and exam ine out honor, honesty or h u m an ity . has I m * cii one of unexam pled peace, to th e dw ellers “ Hazel Dell” as th ey inside, and has a very poor stove, all President Stanley, lectured last th e m . W hoever entertains you w ith tlx* d enty and prosperity w ithin the desire th e ir p retty hom e to Is* e n titl­ rem in d in g me of m y boyhood days, t.’o n now ay & (Atoper hardw are Saturday at Zena, on the subject of faults of others, designs to serve you borders of o u r state. It is proper th at ¡ill years ago. W . W . Burns, tho ed in th e future. A. B. C. l education. m en, Iiulepcnden public acknow ledgem ent should ho in a sim ilar m anner. teacher, had but few pupils present m ade to th e G reat R uler of the uni­ W ork has commenced on a double Nei- A S m ith are offering th eir on account of tin -b ad w eather, a n d The drain lx-ho comes to us iit an verse for his innum erable blessings. McCoy brick l>uild:«$<(|feMftin street, Inde­ goods cheap. pendence. OJMr-Tarlongs to J . S. enlarged form this week. It is a live 1 do therefore designate T hursday, Eld. J . \V. W ebb lectured to a tlu* great distance th at m any h ave to Go to V aughns, Italia- the leading < ooper a n ^ tfce' citfSrt* to Dr. J . E . th e 2!lth d ay of N ovem ber, as a day small audience here on th e evening go. Hut am id such difficulties, th e paper and we ure glad to sih * its of th an k sg iv in g to A lm ig h ty G o d,to jew eler. | Davidson. \ —y of th e 22nd. few scholars w ere striv in g to im ­ prosperity. be observeij by th e whole people of H e n ry P atter-on is not behind G. L. K elty and wife have m oved prove th eir tim e and lay up stores of Proa lung Stff* R ev. R ittn er hero th e com m onw ealth, in token of th eir Dave Y ater a form er resident of w itlia line line of ji w lry. Into th eir Bethel home.* Salurday ev eningandt 'al vary church knowledge. Tito teacher w ith o u t g ra titu d e for H is great mercies. A few hundred dollars has been ‘ ¡apparatus is doing w h a t ho can. Fenton A T ru itt have received .*• uitday m orning; Independence Sun- this county, killed his wife and then In w itness w hereof 1 have herew ith him self at Colfax, W . T. on M ar.1st. set m y han d and caused th e seal of recently bet on the election by par th e ir new dt'o: s goods uiii! now have ; day evening. From th e school w e w ent to J . J . th e best assortm ent in the county; Several wagers will lie paid w ith T here was no witness to th e tragi sly; the state of Oregon to be affixed, this ties living near here. consisting of the newest sh ad e ' an ! ia.-iderable am usem ent to some of but jealousy of Ills wife is th e sup­ th e 7th day of N ovem ber, A. D. 18SM. T he fam ily of Mr. Davis w ho has B row n’s, to stay all n ig h t, and I price* to su it every hotly. boon in o u r m idst tlu* past m onth, never expect to be an y better e n te r­ Silvester IV nnoyer, the hoys. W heelbarrow rides posed cause. stared from Missouri last W ednes­ tained th an I was there. It was tho G. W. M cBride, Governor. T he F arm ers Sum>!y Depot < >in- through the streets will be num erous. Sheep, and in fact all k in d s of Secretary. day. Mr. Davis will p erm anently genuine old fashioned hospitality p an y a ill in th ti un locate here. hills strictly at the eti 1 1 ifi a cry i t<»mh< W in. W isncr of McCoy raised son stock on th e range a re in m uch b et­ th a t we hear about. F iv r m iles up F ire at Independence. unless special contract are otic rwi-e. * o:.-hols of wheat on to acres; 2,ini) ter condition than usual at this tim e T he people of B ethel v icin ity ure and dow n tlu* m ountain through th e Ini-Iii-ls of oats on 10 acres; 2t) tons of On M onday evening a t 8 o ’clock hav in g th e cem etery shrubbed and of th e year, ow ing to th e early No trouble to show you < u rg e > i - down pour brought us to W nym ire re-fenced. hay part tim othy and wheat hay rains an d grow ing w eather for flames w ere seen issuing from the Shelly A V anduyn. or Bridgeport school, Prof. H ill Miss M attie B urnett, of Corvallis, from 10 acres; 100 bushels of potatoes livery stable of H erren A H all, on has been visiting friends here th e the lust tw o m onths. F en to n A T ru itt lmve received teacher. T here are 30 scholars on m ain stre e t. Tlu* firem en respond­ past few (lays. th e ir new stock m ¡all : • *is, and e,ii! ! from 1 a',*re; five bushels of beans Rev. ('lark B raden, th e o rato r and th e roll, but tho day being bad there special titteniion to th eir Dross go-»Is from one acre. C. A. Bouncy, tlu* genial fruit trix* were only Iff present. E v ery th in g op|Hinent of free th o u g h t teachings, ed p ro m p tly to tlu* call, b u t the d ep a rtm en t which i H i e most com­ It is now conceded th a t the On. has been in M onm outh fo r a day or flames gained so rap id ly th at all eff­ m an, w its scon on o ur streets T h u rs­ seems to m ove v ery pleasantly. I p lete o f any in the county. -i.uvi:u is the leading paper of th e tw o this week. Mr. Braden is an orts to suppress them proved futile. day. saw no apparatus except an u n ab rid ­ : H ay t tr no county. It gives its subscribers th e H ow ever, th e su rrounding buildings ged, though th e teacher says th ey e n d m erchand - ■ - on m Pels < >mt- most reading m atter for the least acknowledged cham pion debater, I*prry4nle. i v a n d he will not In-under old. ( ail and will debate w ith Mr. I'n d er- were saved, w ith th e exception of a Tho Mr. F letch er organized a singing have purchased q u ite u lot. m oney, and offers special induc- woo 1 an ackn*>wedded cham pion of sm ill house adjoining th e stable, oc­ ¿mil see for yoursoll. blackboard is qu ite inadequate for school here last Tuesday evening. T h e stra ig h t up-aiul-up store-’.:oep- j m eats to subscribers. free th o u g h t, atS ilv e rto n this m onth. cupied by Geo. H eaton. The bug­ Miss Lizzie B riner w ill leave for th e num ber of pupils in this d istrict, gies and horses w ere saved, but th e Mr. Ila ll of the firm H erren A A«rs—S heilly and Y anduyn, Indepcii- In the evening’s sad gloom th e fin'd, to g eth er w ith th e harness was her h om e In S outhern Oregon on and th e desks seem badly arranged, .donce. Hall a Independence died at Pome- S aturday, being too large. W . I. It. F n rn ter w ant ug t • buy a ¡all hill ray, W. T., Tuesday of quick con­ w ailings of the L in k v ille brass band | |)urmH] T h e b uilding was a large E. and H . 11. T ingle are h u ild in g a vibrate on our sun-burnt in r like th e two story fram e structure, and was new fu rn itu re and harness shop in will save n i >ncy by buying goods of sum ption. The rem ains w ere D ay to n , F en to n A T ru itt, Dalia . breaking up of a hard w inter, or u n ­ owned by Dave W hitcnkcr. The the southern part of tow n. hrou. at to this county for burial. The farm ers in th is v icin ity say to th a t of the m inor strain s in th e W e n am e fi»r y n Wi y dovru prie - Rev. M r. lV w th erer delivered an Same clothing is -till at the C hina voicf of a disappointed S ir T hom as loss was about $8000; insurance $2r»o. interesting sermon here last S unday th a t th e ground is to wet for seeding. «m all o u r g *E ‘ • d m ■ r* ■!v v'>. 1 • - •. < dv The fire o rig in ated in th e hay mow, m orning and evening. M any o f th em th in k tho inclem ent us a call. Shelly & \ anduyn. Indt- , washhouse unclaim ed. Peru >ns h av ­ ’seat!— Klam ath Star. ing clothes there get them im m edi­ and is th o u g h t to be of incendiary W ho is th e lV rrydule dude? W as •dence. w eather will p rev en t them from ately, as the house is w anted by a n ­ P hilidclpliia boasts an attendance origin. he at church last S unday night? sowing as m uch fall grain as usual. E. H a y te r m I r other Chinam an, who will occupy it of 103,000 pupils at her public schools ■ - ♦ silk s, sniins, phishos, v o lv t: and in as a laundry. Prof. I). T. Stanley, o f M onm outh, S econd (Juartrrljf E x a m in a ti o n . A little g lil in th e fam ily of Mr. this year, and still 3,000 children can w ill deliver a lirtu re on “ Educa­ fact all kinds of faucy goods. Hent- A n ex am in atio n of all persons who W in. Duvall, a wall know n young A lderm an is slek w ith the Scarlet tional W o rk ” here on S atu rd ay not la* adm itted for lack of room in em b er th a t all the goods In his : to uv m ay offer them selves as candidates evening. tu an o fln d e p ndenee died at Yuquina some of th e w ards. fever. I t is ap prehended th a t, th a t are new and of best - yle.-. for teachers of tlu* schools o f this Mis rem ains w ere descase and also Sm allpox will baffle A ll order- - tu Ft uton A Iru iti by City of fever. Do not forget the claim s of o u r a d ­ th e efforts of th e health officers to Athclctie T o u rn n m r n t. m ail \i ill receive prem pi and car did brought to In 1 *pen 1 *n • * for b u ria l vertisers. T he person who never county, county school superin ten d en t thereof will hold a public ex a m in a­ atteiilio n ; g o u ts sent by r< turn in; d. in the cem etery then*. Much sy m ­ prevent th e ir spread. Last S atu rd ay Nov. 3rd th e A th ­ reads the advertising column of u T he recent rains have raised tho W ood tak en in exchange for goods pathy is expressed for the friends clean paper misses m ore than he or tion W ednesday, N ov. 28, I shs . at letics of th e Oregon S tate N orm al river, so th a t boats are enabled to and relatives. W e understand n in e Dallas. W . I. R e y n o l d s . a t th e F arm ers Su; ¡»ly depot. School held th eir regular, fall m eet­ -lie thinks. O ur patrons are relia­ d itlis have o.vured in this fam ily ing. T he prizes offered were ltcauti- reach th is place again. I t will re­ I t d o n ’t m ake an y dincrenc ', it *- ble, and for y o u r interests, th e ir in- C om ity Court w ithin th e past year. ful strips of ribbon, w ith th e nam e fluire a considerable length of tim o a fact y ou c u get thi i • • teri sts and our interests we a-k you to ship th e vast am o u n t of g rain PKOBATE. at th e iH'fit baoguiu a tZ . 1. \ aughu > Tin* enterprising citizens of R.ill- not to ignore them . | o fth e ev en t and th e id •i-'i i nio ie;. A protraeteli m eeting is being sem i-annual account tiled and ap­ audience In attendance. T he O. 8, by b u y in g of Fent* n A I m itt, Da k* -had • trees around it. T his little For count Ilmen, N . L . R utler, J o h n ' proved ami ' ‘‘‘"'dneti'd by R ev. F. H, Locke, pas­ X. S. band was in attendance ’ town is showing considerable enter- At .). D. Irv in e's is th e place (.nixes, J . J . \ \ illlum -, T. J . In th e m a tte r of th e guardianship rendered som e excellent music. T he tor o f th e Evangelical church, of ’ iirise in m any diffirent ways get y o u r groct : I ter and \ . P . I isk; for recorder, N . | Qf th(. Jo (, ( .Hlinorht.ln ,t ;, stofler, this place. C onsidering th e adverse following is a list of events: First— The literary societies of Dallas H olm an; for m arshall, T. B. Rowell. S tu d en ts w hen in v n* < ' - ; ° guardian; sem i-annual report ap­ A hundred y ard race, which was influences, th e m eeting is very In ter­ '• Academy are report:**! as h a v in g 1 a n y k ind, go to F enton d I On last S atu rd ay we visited a very proved. won by F rank Burch. T im e, II esting, and will no do u b t productive some fine sessions. A ll are interest In th e m atter o fth e real estate of seconds. Second a q u arte r tulle race of m uch good. A fresh su p ply ofgroceri* • at J . D. ,i ;id n e w e l as and new thought-1 pleasant m eeting o f th e Bridgeport 1 republican club held at tlu* school M A W ells’ estate by It I* W ells, ail- ¡n w hich then* w ere several c o n te s t-, Messrs. H u m p h re y & F ra n k havo Ir v in e ’s. are advanced. house. These people are w ideaw ake m in 1st rotor, sale confined and ad- ;lnts; won by Dale S tanley in 1 m in- ju s t received a v ery ex ten siv e and T he P o lk C ounty L and Company H aving fully organized, The Polk broad excellent asso rtm en t o f holiday are now prepared for business. D. County L in d com pany is now ready to th e ir own interest and are a social I n iin istra to r ordered to m ake deed to ute <; xism uls. S tan d in g crow d to lx* w ith. H on. W arren | purchaser. j lum p, waa won by Ed Hmith; dlst- | goisls. I t forms q u ite an elaborate W. B oot , >o rF - and prepared to do business. For T he ru n n in g display, an d gives th e ir d r u g s t o r e A . P atterso n , Independeitce, n ib an y desired inform ation, address, I). T ru itt was present a n d delivered an \ In th e m a tte r of th e estate of L J ants- ff feet 8 Inches. excellent address, w hich was well re- j Cressey, deceased; final account filed, |)nilMi ju m p in w hich th ere was con a very a ttra c tiv e appearance. g lv e a n y inform ation « anted, nddv \Y. Sears secretary, or F. A. Putter- —Beourgeois. * • ived. Home gissl m usic was had, and ad m in istrato r discharged. i oidertible interest taken was won by th em at th e ir respective j -toffie “„u. Independence, and the m atter and H on. J . I). ls*e, w ho was present O n tlu* m a tte r o fth e estate of Isaac {.'rank B urch; distance 17 feet 7J in- F . S. P arzee is bringing on n< w will receive prom pt attention. A ttention of those w h o a re tak in g spoke a few words, saying, “ T his is , V an h o rn , T L B utler, adm inistrator; F ifth was a stan d in g high goods ev e rv d ay . Call and ; '*i' Dove Bros., of B ird island, sold the hou-e in w hich I m ade pay first filed sem i-annual account which was j um p puhitir.g is called to tlu* full line of won hy W . O. Cook; line of w all paper, w indow blinds artistic m aterial a t II. K. P attersons tin* I- * yield of th ir hop y a rd “, , j„,|pj,.a i jqH*och ten y;-ara ago,” since approved by the court. Ib rig th 8 fln t 11 Illd M . Sixth; IM S Independence. etc. 12,<11’iff ponnils, to l ’hll Xies, the San w f,jch tim e M r. Lee has represented c o m m i s s i o n K its. n ing high ju m p was won by Ed N . H . B u tler has a || kind- of m «- Franei-co bop dealer, for 1H cents, Mrs. La R anaieur, C ity B azaar the county continuously. H e said In th e m a tte r of Jam es H ow e road Hmith; h eig h t 4 feet 8 inches. Hev- chine oils. Pal Independence, bus m ode a fine net at tlu ir place. The bop* are to farewell to all, as he was tak in g leave rep o rt of view ers reiul first tim e, en th ; |s>le vault; won by W . O. p u rch asin g el-« where. selection o f woolen gisals, rib- I,., deli v e rs i un Ixrtrd one o fthe rtv- of th is county f*»r som e tim e. T he WhereufKin J II Townsend, atto rn ey Cisik licight 7 fis t 4 Inches. lams, buttons, articles lor fancy E ight, If y> Mr berk the or -team boat- next week, ttnil w ork, rem n an ts of cashm ere, m eeting was alto g eth er a pleasant for O H Lam berson, filed a claim for was th e quadruped race, a novel race fti ,tii In flam mo p rin ts, handkerchiefs purses, Dove Bros, will then rereive Ì7,.K>» one. W • ' - dam ages ag ain st said road. W here- which furnished considerable am us- etc. G ive an ea rly call. anv kidney uria.tr ' in g >l*i far s' ason’* work. DePau F n iv e r-ity never saw th e upou th e court Mp|s>inted S T Burch, m ent for th e crowd. T his race was t l x great w»l o f «11 know n ru i " ' Has* ball players, atlikti-», amt all who •Kidney Tea. It is to» I""' e Monroe A Bell bave assumisi full Iike tiefore. More th an 803 student J a m e s Br*“lwell and E P G uinn to won hy E v ft P hilips and Ihtvbl take any vigorous evi-reise stionlil know that veoetohle oni h i-n ' ' l Dr. Henley ■* Dan lellofi Tonic is a thorough chargt* of tlu* C hem eketa hotel at already enrolled. T h e num tier w i l l ! appraise th e dam ages herein to m eet R ichardson. N in th ; a SO y ard race , go.»1 tini'-er. It prodiie.-* new vitality, Mttbfaction. Sold by N, H. ■ r- •»»--' r w h 1,(¥M tiefore th e year is out. th e l lth d ay o f N ovem lier, 1888. was won hy Ed Hmith; tim e 5 ser­ | strengthen* tin* m tu t!« ulul enables them to Salem. twice tlie iiliiount o f work without in th e m atter o f settlem ent w ith onds. T enth; 3 ) y ard backw ard perform A Marion county m an reports hav- j The U nit 'd .States has 104,000 ticenmitig fiitihu 1. Sot*I by N. H. Butler. H nn,j .........i__ 218,000 ________ saloons. T ___ he W m Ellis, C ounty T reasurer, he was nut* won by W . O. ( Vs»k, tim e t> see- I druggist. ing bad i mess of rtp straw lierric* ......... ............ l*o you feel dnt-ving sin a tio n s in the la-t Sunday. form er a re am ong th n best friends of ordered credited w ith #l,G32.f>l paid ornls. E leventh; tutiiM ing th e most t.ai k nii.l loins? Are you nervous or irrita- one h av in g fis*H | ( fat- b en discovered th a t th e th e nation, and th e la tte r Its worst *b»te Treasurer, and a iih $2.12, can- en tertain in g event was won by Ev- i lile! If so we would ad visj you to try Ore­ d will find m e ready to art P hilips. Twelve; h u rd le nu*e, gon Khlney Tea, (purely vegetable.) Ir never m anner in which a person carries an enem ies. celled w arran ts. fails to effect a perm anent. un of kidney and imiti th e I s - t and -old •>' N. II. Butler, f-onu* befor*’ the mill -huts 1 umbrella on a rainy d ay reflects Hehool Siooks and statio n ary at H oliday goods at Vv heelers I tub 120yards and ten hurdles; won hy , urinary di-> . F rank Burch; tim e 2» seconds. druggist. - F r a n k Collins, .Monmouth, Wheelers pendenee. W heelers Independence. Iiide|H*ndence. Polk Count) Vote, Tly? foil m ina taM.- shows the niiijoritiis ' en in the dilVerent precinct» rt - - S i Dixie ................... 14 Monmouth - - I Jackson . . . . s i fin« Valley - a I I.uckiamute . . Buena V i'ia - - (i ■ Douglas . . . . Ms ’ i .so ; lw»ke . . . t Ml ver - . . llidejietnleiee : Jl ! m Chopping ! Clumping