O J> OLK C ounty O bserver VOL. I. MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OR FEO N, SA T U R D A Y , NOVKMliLR 10 , 1888. | which developed other di-eases, and for some time past he h is been unable to sleep His wife gave him his din ner about 1 n’clock, and we ,t out. When she returned she found tin man | lying dead on the door, with a pistol L U N A T I C . j in his right baud. NO. 34. TREES' SANITARY INFLUENCE. a F.» U ti» a i Vl|»**r». at the academy of music in New York, In a recftit number of The Nuova An to expose the frauds of spiritualism. BMS and 1 hi'ir Kvln ti o n 1« D w e l l i n g tologia, published ut Rome, Prof essor Mis. Margaretta Fox K ane, reail a In l i u l l . l t i u a l H e a l t h . Masso gives tlu* résulta of soute experi­ lecture in a faltering voice, ami [ires D e v o t o to tiik I stkio s t s oe F aumeks For the last few years public attention menta tliat lie lias lately made willi t lit* duei'il the famous rapping* so they AND ; l\>( K.M0\. • has been quite frequently calk'd to the olood of eelsand of certain marine tishes. were plainly audible by a movement DANGEROUS I influence of tret's u | k » ii climate. The If lhe conclusions drawn by the profes- of her b ig 9toe j ii»t. Hhe thanked F ru it growers stand in their own sin ct^l issue of the United Htates agricul- s,»r from these experiments are sound, it God she was able to expoBe spiritual­ IIa n a i'il H im , i ll. light by trying to market the poorer turatdepartment on forestry, and many would seem that, were an tad provided ism. other contributions, have shown how with an apparatus to inject its own A marine named F r i.i Oppinger, riinf M ontana. Kohbera or In- qualities of fruits. Belter throw tlie rainfall is affected, how the balance ol blood into a wound as the ser[>ent in­ i n s t i t u t i o n lu D a k o t a . who has been confined for drunken­ poor to the pigs and get a paying the atmosphere Is disturlcd and how jects his venom when he hittst, an eel in in hi A r re a te d . A rrtHtMl lor M .J. Hurpniati,ot M inneapolis,who [»rice for the best. ness at the Marine barracks, near M urder. climate changes from the extended and the mud would be every bit as objec­ V alie jo, Cal., hanged himself with a has been investigating the condition rapid removal of forests. There Is an­ tionable a thing as a snake in the grass. piece of his coat from the grating iu of the farmers in K iinsey county, who other study of trees allied to this which Professor Mitsso, icing anxious to iw* ■ r- The reason why Am erican pro­ his cell. were reported to lie starving to death, duction exerts such an influence on has reference to their relation to houses tain whether the blood of those salt ÎA TH B E N E A T H A HEAVY TR U C K . und to individual health. water fishes that died when put into, returned. He says that seventy fam­ A n O l d V l i o o n e r \% r e c k e d . price quotations is that it still m ain­ Both the atmosphere and the soil are fresh water differed from the blood of ilies aie absolutely destitute of food News was received at San Francis­ i ml fuel, and something must he done tains its intliieiice on the nutlt import­ cooled and moistened by the presence of those that survived the transition from co that the echoou r Hcio Page went immediately. The condition of the ant g rd u market in the world, nam ely, trees. This results from the drawing up salt water into fresh, compared the serum A D u n g o rn u » I.a u n tie. of the water from the subsoil und from of the blood of the dogfish and of oilier, a»h >re on the rocks near Point Keys, people is beyond description. Men, Grw,M iifUam . [ Charles A. Centner, of Oiy in pin, \V\ the exclusion of the sun’s rays. Besides salt water fishes that died when placed hut that her crew su cceid el in mak­ women and children are in rags, and was adjudged insane and sent to ing their escape by going ashore have not a cent of money in the world It is a dreadful waste of cow force, this, a considerable |>ortion of the rain­ in fresh water with the blood of eels and fall collects on the leaves and branches. |ii' li sp i’.d fin the insane at Hteila through the breakers. The Page was Their ciopa were totally destroyed by says Hoard, to turn her out where she II. Fantiat lias shown "that the leafage certain other fishes that were not hurt' by the change from salt water to fresh. Min. He believes that certain par a very old «'?**• 1, and was several frost in A ugust, and their land, stock roams over several hundred acres of of leaf-bearing trees Intercepts one-third Of tin' first named, he found the serum ts are trying to do linn an injury, times condemned and relitted. At the and farm implements are mortgaged land. Hhe will l»e doing it most all and that of pine tret's one-half of tho ] of tlie blood elear anti limpid and tasting id that lie has to defend himself time of her less she was engaged in Absolute distress prevailed everywhere. «lay, if t lu r e i s n o fence to stop her, rainfall, which is afterward returned to of salt water; while of the others 'lie »en at the risk of killing them, the lumber trade. Her value was and will be sure to do it if the pasture the atmosphere by eva|»oration. On the serum was of a yellowish color, wuh leretofore he has 1» en a quiet, pc.oi- probably about $ 3 , 000 . I ’ H U p e r « t o be H e l u r n e d . i» thin and scarce. Hhe hat! better he other hand, theso same leaves and white and blue reflections, like [>etro- ]>1. man. Am ong im migrant airivals on the foil what she needs on a small space, branches restrain tho evaporation of the leuin, and of a burning and acrid taste. An A iid iiek u n , I o iiiik T liit-f. Experimenting with the latter t»v m- and then lie down and attend to water which reaches the ground. This I t o lilM - r « « 1 I i i , t i n n s A r r e s t e d . T h e c le ik s in the tjieb ec bank at steamship Hp tin at New Y ork was a her legitim ate mission on earth, m ak­ evajiomtion is nearly four times less j jteting it under the skin of rabbits, frogs, party of destitute men and women, |J. W illiam s and M. Burns were ar- Montreal got a surprise, when a youth under a mass of foliage in a forest, and mice and pigeons, he discovered that it sent over by the D uke of Buckingham , ing jn ilk. 2 1-3 times under a mass of pint's, thnn i was a deadly [»oison, its effects being i-ted at Seattle, W . T ., for grand lar- walked in with a soap box under his from England. They will be sent in the o[»en.” Then we have stagnation similar to viper |»oison, inasmuch as arm, put the box down on the floor, in y , and I hi U ik I over to appear lav A well-defined belt» beginning with of air from that interruption of wind | death was caused by paralysis of the buck. The steamer Britannic brought |re the grand jury. They are charged stepped upon it, reached over, grasped one Chinam an, the first who has at­ Ohio and t xteiid&r 3 ..!ft&lW 3 $fl»w* to currents caused by the foliage. I respiratory organs. Ex[»eriinenting on itli having stolen two trunks from a a parcel of hills valued at $1,000, and tempted to land at this port iu years. It is, therefore, not without renson dogs with this li»h |K»ison and with vi|»er include Indatd'a 1 I / Mis­ went out of the door before the cleiks Iw.ieh cam p on the beach, opening that the Hamtarian studies the trees of poison, the professor found that, minute' He will be returned. W oik w.is slack souri, Nebrasftp . ' m 4 All of Le same and stealing if 70 therefrom, I realized what had been done. the y ard or lawn in their bearing upon was tho quantity of the latter [»oison on the oilier side and the duke was >'"iitanltfftogHprf"*s 4 lbt'h individual health. Persons of suscepti­ i aa lie Indians had just returned from | the employes got to the door at quickly appealed to with the above result. will furnish H e h«rlk o f this v .by's ble lungs, or having any tendency to required to cause the death of the animal \ as (Missihle, but the thief was nowhere )c hop held«, where they had earni d iu a few minutes, it was one-third more Home were siek, and none had money. sh ipm en t*tfw i e returned to seven stafteft : m e d had a '.Ijicftfd against such influences. Where the foli­ say. it required three times the quantity description of him. his grace iu a few days, with Collector yield in ItfST 180,000 m»» ..3»; age is dense uWmt houses, or where tho | of the fish poison to produce the same A H o rrib le* T u t t e d y . ■Ii-atli Hi- n m I li u l i e u « ) T r u c k . Magonc’s c» mpliments. the estsniMKi vinM fm ! 8 " 1 JA>,- limbs overshadow tho piazzas or roof, effect that a certain quantity of tho viper For about a )ea r patst a mulille-ageil A hoy about 12 years old, attempted tKHI IHH) I ’ l ^ i a f t M I m m r # ’ *2 0 they become the storage places for damp, poison produced. In regard to tho cure .M u rderou s D e se rte r,. in has been living the life of a her- 000,000 b u r f i ^ | * unwholesome air. The fulling leave's j of snake bites. Professor Masso says that to cross Mission street in Han Fran­ Two soldiers at Jefferson b.trraeks, it in a canyon a few miles from gathering from year to year giro a cor- tho stimulants usually given tire wholly cisco, in front of a four horse truck, Ht. Louis, under arrest for desertion, josponding dampness to tho soil, while at useless and that tho only ho[x> of recov­ lie sen hi Conyado, Cal. Little was driven by P. J. Horan. He slipped In almost evepy tifJ^liljwliisKl th em timo of foliage tl to sunshine is measura­ ery lies in tracheotomy and artificial lown of him, and he went by the and fell, the hind wheels passing over escaped, after m aking a deadly assault are farmers w ho’are said to have “ bad bly excluded. It is pretty evident that pumping of air into tho lungs.— St. |une of “ John.” For a few days his head, and killing him instantly. upon sentries W elch and K ennedy. lu ck.” Their health is good, mankind was not intended to ho reared | James’ Gazette. jibing had been heard from him, His name was unknown to [arsons The deserters were Thos. L yn ch anti a recruit named M cCurdy. Hentry tlieir muscles are strong and active, in the woods. The influence of trees in il a party, alarmed at his continued living in the vicinity. V u rio u H C'tMUWM o f H ttliln i'M . K ennedy was cut down with an ax in and they would he highly insulted causing malaria, or in so intercepting it isenee, searched through the canyon. as to have it tarry uniting them, has long Doctors talk of innervation of tho scalp, K n g l n c H I l i licit. were any one to insinuate that they the hands i f L yn ch , while M cCurdy 1st as they were giviug up the search boon known. “ A dry garden on gravel and atrophy, hut it is not considered were in the least deficient in intellect. Tiiere was a serious accident on the beat W elch into insensibility with the ley came upon John's body, horribly of three acres in extent in Surrey, sur­ their place to say that the cause of inner­ utilated. The head was nearly sev- L;.ke Valley railroad near Rowlands, hut of a revolver lie had taken away Y et these men amt their families ckt- rounded by trees, is generally three or vation, eczema, and paralysis of the skin out a miserable existence, claim ing u l from the body, and the body was Cal., caused by malicious [a rsons turn­ from the sentry. The men will die. six degrees colder titan the open com­ that this is a very wicked world, and mon beyond the trees, and a large pond is want of needed cleanliness. Think l open across the abdomen and the ing a switch. An engine was ditched what state the face would bo in if it were K u lr ld e o f tin A r s o n I I f m l. that the A lm igh ty is paitial in his trails were strewn over the ground, and badly wrecked, the engineer and In a [line wood twenty miles from Lon- w ashed only once in six weeks or longer; John Nut/, was arrested on suspic­ distribution of riches. don afforded skating for ninety conservi- luu[ imagine the condition of the scalp is not known whether it was suicide fireman receiving several bad cuts ion of setting fire to tiie Capitol hotel, five days in the winter of 1885 - 0 , whilo w ith its thousands of oil glands and its murder. and bruises. Suring the greater part of tho time tho hairy growth to detain ull the atiounding also to ft livery stable, at Halinas, Cal., The first brood of larvae of the elm- hikes in the Huulon [utrks were free from iliist. The wonder is not that [»eoplo lose C r im e in M o n t a n a . W e n t A sh ore D u rin g u In n . both of which were put out with but i A colored man named Wheeler, a The schooner Oracle U. Richardson slight ila n cg e . After Nutx was lodged leaf beetle will appear iu June. Tim ely ice." their bail, but that they have any to lose. W e know with what interest tho lover The cause of much baldness ami thinning pinher of the Twenty-lifi.il regim ent wont ashore near Fisk’s mill, SonoiPa in j ol the officers searched him and application of Paris green or Ixuidon of trots watches tho growth of those of the hair is the choking of the bull* by Mid at Fort Missoula, Mont., was county, Cal., during a heavy fog, and took everything from his pockets with purple iu water, sprayed over anil planted by his own hand, and how many i neglect. The next [«»tent causes are dry, am ong the foliage of the trees will l o t a ml killed by Charley Fisher, an- became a total wreck. No lives were the exception of a two ounce via), which are apt to be scattered about tho new | overheated air of rooms, which destroys Nutz saitl was cough medicine. Later destroy this pest. But the spray will home mansion. As years go on, and the vitality of everything in reach, |her ciJuied man, who keeps a saloou. lost. leave some poison on the grass. The it was discovered the medicine was their growth and foliago increase, the withers bloom, draws the skin into loaded shotgun was kept in the k 11in i ii> His C a r t . laudanum,¡and the prisoner had taken [Kusonetl trees need not be m a pas- owner ‘,8 ,oth to n .mov„ titem or severely wrinkles, and dries the hair by the roots ive, and til* se men, who were con- Tyson J. Wood, son of Rev. Jesse ture lot nor around the tl Wi lling house, j , , u[,0jtcn their branches. If so, there and also nervous iiys|x'|»»ia, which de­ antly playing practual jokes on each Wood, editor of the Chico Chronicle it. He died the next morning. to be a Mouree of ilanger. If there in ^ great danger that the dry soil and onco nies nutrition to tho entire system, in- ^her, were in the habit ol pointing it H i l l e d I l l s W i f e u n d 4 ' h l l d r ...... the least pi ssible chance of Horses, comfortable home will come to ho tlx» j eluding the hair. Those causes, want of teach other and threatening to shoot. Record, was killed on the narrow gauge Near Colum bus, Ind., James Ford, cows, sheep or other anim als grazing dampest and least desirable spot in the | care and cleanliness, dry heat and intli- Hit eler went through the art in the road in Chico, Cal. The young man a farmer, while stiff ring from deler- about them, or of children playing | neighborhood. A recent careful writer ) gestion, lie at the root of poor hair. prenoon. H e was passing by the sa- jumped from the train as it passed there, the greatest caution should he , has given the following sensible direction Wearing hats or bonnets frequently, MHÌble on It i* conceded by those who have 1 tally injured bis wile, and his 10-year- U t in W heeler’s head. He died in a train. He died shortly after. in other words, tho trunk long journeys, in beateli concert rooms, given the subject careful attention or, old son was so badly injured that he should he as far from the house theatres and public galleries. Tiie " li­ few hours. Fish» r claims it was acci- A r r e t e d fn r M u rd er. will die. that a turn with the ro’ ler will save as the height of tho tree. Belts of brary headache, ” familiar to women |»utal. He was arrested. Michael Cunningham was arrested the ploughed ground p, least one liar trees may lie planted on the north and j w.[„, h|„.IK] much time studying in public T r a in W recked. at Han Francisco, charged with the Then alter the crop is east ns[»echi of houses, but on tho east libraries in senseless habit with their A S o ld ie r', H o d ) H erosered . The westbound s[»ecial freight train rowing. The hmty oi James W. A Grange, murder of Joseph Fay, who was was wrecked seventeen miles west of planted it conics iu for a rolling to the side the trees should not he so near lion nets on, is s|xxslily destructive to tho [licked up on the streets a few days level surface and press the soil tirml} nor so high as to keep the morning sun hair as well u* the nerves. The unnec- lie soldier who was drowned off the before. Cunningham says he knocked Tucson, Ariz., and seven cars and the about the seed. The harrow and cu l­ from the bedroom windows in the shorter I essary heat and pressure on tho brain U io, in San IfnilctM ),O D tils Kith Fay down with his tisl in self defense, engine were badly wrecked. tivator will run easier anil do less daan days of the year. On the south and west i while reading is most mischievous. Wo­ It this m onth, was recovered by an­ after he ar.d a friend had been set up age for having been preceded by the aspects of houses, isolated trees wily men in class rooms and rcuding room* *l> ro p p ed l i g h t H u n d r e d i'e rt. t h e r soldier. It had k i l l washed by roughs. The meadows, especially, should lx» permitted, s«> that thc>re may should lay aside their head gear, if only J. H. Btrrym au and John Flidell roller. Isliore half a mile below »»here the ar should be rolled la-fore the soil be be free access of the sunshine und of the for a half hour. The harm done by go­ C o llls in ii In s a il 1 'r a n c ls c o H a ) . were instantly killed at Lt adville, Col., comes too t ^ . Let tho driver collect west winds to tho house and grounds. ing nlxmt hours and days with a bonnet poi nt ocoorred. Grange was enlisted The ferryboat Han Ralael collided in a shaft of the W olfelone mine, the High wall and [alings on tlx'so aspecta i on, shopping or visiting, is tho cause, a m usician in battery A, hirst in his box all loose stones large Suited Htate* A rtillciy . He was a with the tug Frolic in Han Francisco cable parting and letting them drop enough to he seen ; tku small ones are also objectionable, and should lx» re­ doubtless, of much falling of the hair placed by fences, or, U'tter still, by o[x-n which tho owner is at a loss to account »tive of Jam aica. __ will be pressed into the ground so that palings, especially if tho house* are oc- bay, off the W ashington street wharf. 800 feel. for. Hliirlcy Dare's Gutter. The tug was towing a barge and wa» the mowing knife will miss them. Nliut I I I « W i f e a n d l l i n i s e l f . ____________________________ cuph-d during the fall of tho leaf and in T lir<*e Iflu rd tirrrN . struck on Lite side by the prow of the Ham Hcaiilon shot his wife three the winter. X t r u n g * l> U » | i| ir s r s n e * o f l i m n . The ju ry in the cases of J. H. other boat. A large hole was made “ Trees for planting should be chosen in Every trade has peculiarities almut it lyers, John Olsen and W m . Dragcr, in the Frolic, but she managed to times and himself once, at Louisville, Don’t forget to use the harrow. Use the following order: Conifers, birch, that are inexplicable. A notable in- K y. Hcanlon had been on a continu­ In trial for the murder of Kiwell near reach her landing. acacia, beech, oak, elm, lime and poplar. ous spree since his brother, Jim Hca..- it early and often. Use it to get the For our American homes we must ixld Ktance of this is the strange manner in p cramento, Cal., last winter, returned lon, a racc-course sport, was killed at surface in good condition for planting. the maple, the ash anil the tulip tree, or which diamonds and other precious A M a d H u te Ite r 's C r im e . stones disappear when accidentally i verdict of finding all three guilty of Use it to stir the surface after tho crop American poplar, although tho dense dropped by a dealer while handling them. Two butchers, Oscar Gabriel and Ht. I’aul about a month ago. mirder in the first degree. All the is planted. W ith fine steel teeth foliage of the maple is sometimes ob­ ‘ •It really seems,” said a jeweler to a D ro w n e d a t N ia g a ra . ■ isom a bowed ik d r lead». Olsen Charles K line, quarreled while feed­ slanting back it will run snuxith, slic­ jectionable. Pine tre«'» collect tho reporter, “ that these valuable stones have Two bodies were seen in the whirl­ br a short time was affected to tears. ing cattle in a slaughter house at Six, ing the furrows without tearing them greatest amount of rainfall anil permit the power of motion. A diamond ^rager took it the most philosophi- j kune Falls. Gabriel accused Kline of pool, Niagara Falls, which are sup­ up or turning them over. After the tiie freest evajioration from tho ground, dropped at one end of a room lias Ixx-n Lilly. After their return to prison being lazy, at which the latter seixeil posed to he the remains of William corn and potatoes are planted takeout while their branchless stems offer the found in the dust at the further end of I y e n ’s cries and sobs could be heard j a butcher-knife and nearly tliseni Robinson and Harry R. W ilson. The one or two of the m iddle teeth and least degree of resistance to the lateral the apartment. In the street. Myers stated to the j boweled Gabriel. K line is in jail, and former’s hat was found near the whirl­ you can destroy the wee»!* two roWr circulation of the air. Acacias, oaks and “ On another occasion I saw a stone Ill'll-era ih.it he intended the crime , Gabriel lives, with small hopes of re- pool. ___ ____ at a lim e. Repeal the operation al birches are late to burst into leaf, and that was dropped to tho floor from a therefore allow the ground to l»o warmed lixxx* setting, and, after hours of fruit­ rhen lie left Haeramento, and he got ^covery. ^ __ right angles with the corn when it is A J e n ln u , M a n '« C rim e. by the sun’s rays in tlx» early spring. Tho )i*en and Dr.'ger to accompany him J com ing up and again when two inches elm. lime and chestnut are the least de- less search, this samo stone was found in Sylvester Grub, of Oakland C ity, In a h u nting expedition, not letting the show window six feet from where it high, anil the most im portant w,,rk- |Mn,i ,,f trees to plant near houses. fell. III-m know iiis puipose, until he bini- i * 11/ J É l i e n / . l i o « I . . e «‘ . . I * I.,**.. I * . . ■ . I » 1 . _ • Ind., tired three shots at Miss Gertie ings'sre over, for you have kept th They cotno into leaf early and cast “ A friend of mine and a customer of kolf com ini'ted the crime. Dowing, of Francisco, inflicting latul weeds at hay and given the corn a their leaves early, so tliat they excludo his spent two hours in looking for a wounds. The deed was done iu the chance to get the start of it* worst the spring sun and do not afford much Sound D row n ed. diamond that flew from tho tweezers in A 1 o n tlifu l M urderer. presence of thousands of people. enemies. shade in the hot sutuinn months, when which it was held fnr inspection, and The hotly of a middle ugeu m m was Frank Randall's I6-veai-old U>y of Jealousy was the cause. it is often required. Trees are of valuo when they hail given up the search in bund tl idling in the hay near 8*11 Fort Ripley, Minn., has been arrested In indicating choice of residence. Rich des|»air it was found nestling cozily in A l . n r g r H o te l K u r n r t . Those who have spent time and foliage, ferns and mosses tell of dani[>- the thick hla'-k beuril of the customer. Traneisoo, and conveyed to t'te for the murder of an inoffensive Ger­ The Occidental hotel, the largest in money the past fall and winter in put­ ness and alluvial deposits. Flowers and morgue, where it awaits identification. "Other precious stones se«>iu to have fruit trees poiut to a dry and sunny site. tho same faculty for disappearing. A It bail n >t liceu in the water more man, named Ziegler, who disappeared Tombstone, A. T., burned, with its ting in underdrains are n*w b eg in -, chiWren wiU to iMA|t)li«»t where most, several days ago. R tn d a ils cousin short time ago a dealer allowed a fine Mian a few hours, and is plainly John Hiimnei confessed llial he and contents. Ix»ss, $.‘10,000; iim irance, ning to see the advantage to be de [lowers grow, and old peoplo will live topaz to slip from hi* hand. The spot Iressetl in a suit of d rib color. Hair $ 10 . 000 . The Hpanish o|x:ra troti|M‘ rivtd from their labor. Fields hereto- longest u hero our common fruits ripen on the floor where it fell, and in fact md mou-taehe was Randall were out hunting, when the lost all its wardrobe and a lot of valu­ IfU l Hl( ili « IH t ' 111* Mack. IllR C K. 1 There IIITU j (ore impassable or at least imtiilable, best. I’inrs and their companions, tho every part of the office, was thoroughly able jewelry. until the heat of summer hail by main hirchcs, indicate a sandy or gravel soil, searched, but the stone was never re­ in y d u e to the u h m itv of thè «le- ‘«r» w en i *o*u , ih et.ie > a m l H r rrk <*n H i, Ui>b««h. strength evaporated the surface water, elms a rich anil somewhat damp covered.” — Chicago News. r. i . i . ..lam ini/ the called the Gerinan, wno w ss ou tneo[»- C'itstil e x c e p t card* c o n la ’ ning m ______ ,l8 R ni8n a heavy clay, pop­ A wreck of a W abash freight train “ re uow r^ [or lhe, P '° " - 00 not •oil’ m)i* and “ h<* Ml dresses o 7 ’ A b d ‘ H win w»n, Seattle, posit* side, toeom e arrowy p e t e r CtM»|M»r*a H oard . . Ul . .. ! \w lars and willows a low, damp or marshy George H en -, lio|,„ |Wjt ie„ liled lhe 6 n t knd Mrs. Christian O t f W . . Com ptcbe, wunl«l > in „ boat, Randall occurred at Ht U u is . soil. Let then our aesthetics bo tem­ The old four story brick hnlldlng on Mendicino county,U xl. ¡h .t him with a rifle, killing him dricks, engine»-r. and George Cotier, |t takes water a little while to learn pered by our desires for health, and Burling : lip, where Peter Cixqier made choir»» arid abundance of trees l»e adapted tits m/wlo his money, still hears his name «hot iii.n s e if. The body fell into the river. Humner fireman, were killed. CliSs. W illiams, the easiest way to go down hill. 8tir to our sanitary needs." — Medical Classics. on Us sign Ixinrils, the most conspicuous conductor, and Rudi/lph 8teniai, * these n u c k l»eda this season ; cultivate H enry Kroner, «0 yekrs of age, kepi qmet until yesterday aithe claims being In tielcd, "Peter Cooper’s Glue idiip|>er, were badly injured. them as thoroughly as you can. It The v coring of gloves of a different Factory.” The Interior of the building is nrnmitted su icide a t his hom e iu San wiU not U lk . necessary, put a few more small pipe* color— tho right hand different from the ns primitive in its arrangement as it was i. g r | r t Ire l a U l w o i e l n . (F ra n cisco . He look a pistol In Mr Cix>|»er‘IJl »y. The rooms are par­ to render other sections trihutsry to kdl— is increasing in rails. «p lr U iis ll'in ^ t in hi* m outh, and blew his brams Fire at W ashburne, Wi*., destroyed the main drains. Next season the re­ titioned off with rough whitewashed hoards, ami the office desks end their ap- The o n c e celebrated Fox sisters, who the business portion of the town. The i>uL III health is the cause assigned m it* of your labor will be still more 1 The largest marble quarry In the world ! point nient* are of the plainest, nnd date llor the set. U ntil a ye*r ago he aie patentees of the medium spiritual l«xw >« $ 150000 , with small evident. Each year you will add to is that of the Georgia Marble company isick to the time of their origtiud owner. Iworkid in the mint, bot j ilU .- ,D M W J ts»fo.e a large audience insurance. T h irty buildings burned. the profits. In Pickens county. — ' — U aro vX ’» B a ia r . through a severe attack PACIFIC COAST NEWS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. r «7 'T k'"; £ .•£ i s s i * ‘a AGRICULTURAL.