Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, October 27, 1888, Image 3

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Polk County Observer.
PublUiwI Every Saturday.
"Tlie town itf Momnouth i* situated in the
center of the richest )>urt of Folk county,
eight mil--' <•■ >uth o f the county «cut, ]>u!la»,
unJ two atnl one-half miles west o f the thriv­
ing town o f luJe|H'iiilcticc, ami contuitM a
tsipulatioii of over 4 xt. The hK'ation is a
Imautiful one, on a rich rolling prairie, ami
for general hc.iUhfulnc.-s, the site is all that
cotiiil lie ilcirc 1. Monmouth otfers many
H'lvantag ■*, and those contemplating any en­
terprise . 1 . ■ in\ i t to coni'. • w ith our citizens.
The O bskkv i a will oe read in every township
an 1 at every [xistotli. m the entire county,
ami therefore unexcelled as an advertising
Observer lnur mouths for 5 dots.
Ituainess Mention.
Harrison and Morton.
October rains.
The sidewalks need repair.
J. B. V . Butler went to Portland
Senator Dolph has returned to Ore­
F. S.
j Tuesday.
Barzee went to Portland
The frame work o f the new water
works at Corvallis is uliout completed
The new hotel w ill bo starttsl as
soon as the material can be had.
Rev. Clyde w ill preach at McCoy
next Sunday.
M . H a yter dentist, Dallas.
Miss lluhhurd has charge o f the
N ies A SittUlt ure selling out at coat, j Crowley school.
(io to H enry Patterson Torpedinile
There is considerable sickness re-
| ported about A irlie.
(ien e H ayter for cheap (foods.
Head our new advertisements this
T h e F . M . A . store lias new (foods.
Thos. William s and wife o f A irlie
I were at Portland last week.
L . M. H a ll o f Buena Vista, was
For the liest bargains in ladies and this w ay Wednesday evening.
gents underwear, hats, caps, boots,
Mrs. F. W . Fenton left for her
shoes, line clothing, etc., go to H ay*
home at Lafayette Friday.
ter’s llallas.
Democrats do not seem so unxiou- and nearly breaking Mrs. Carrey’s
They were taken bark to a
Canyon Creek where they
Clerk Coad issued a marriage li-
' oence to an Indian couple from have the best o f care. Dr. Thom p-
-<>ti o f Cm wfontsvillo wa~ called and
; Grande Roumle yesterday.
-ays M D ow ell and son are in a criti-
Joe Hubbard was among us W ed­
! ii-al condition and neither are eon-
nesday. H e now receives his mail
cious; Mrs. Carry « i n sit up a little;
at W ells station.
It is thought the boy w ill »lit*. The
Miss Lena Bosworth, theart touch­
blood anti wreck in g»‘iieral where
er, lias painted a very fine Cleveland
the accident luippen»*d Is sufficient to
; and Thurman campaign budge for
warn the traveller o f the dangerous
Judge Butler.
h ill they have to gal ovar, ¡ s i mi-
A s w e g o to press (F rid a y ) w e learn
ind sever
p irtl«» have
o f the unexpected death o f Mrs. J. met with about the sum* result on
C. Hastings o f A irlie. Shelias boon this hill.
.-'¡••k but a short tim e and died sud­
Wliut tin* Canton, Mo., AY ¡tvt lias
denly Fritlay morning.
to say o f Prof. T. V. (AimpbelPs
Born to the w ife o f Graham Glass work: “ W e are gla< © to note that
o f the Y am h ill Reporter Oct. IS, ’ s‘\ Christian Fniversity is still receiv­
a son. A ll doing well.
ing new students every week,.in.i up
Eld. P. X . Nystrom w ill reside at to this tim e there tin* mart* paying*
Fojest Grovt*this winter, l i “*le a v »- scholars than during tin* whole o f
last term. 1're-. C mi !>« ¡¿lias p r o w l
for that place this week.
A nm ol entertainment w ill be g iv ­ himself “ the rtoht man in the right
en at the chapel this evening (Satur­ place,” and Is winning golden opin­
day) 7:-in. A ll are invited to attend ions every day. The Students are
or lerly an I quiet and by t heir* de­
and a good time insured. Free.
Pres* Holman lost one o f his be-t meanor have won the esteem o f our
citizens. IuJ'x*d, every one is pleas­
horses liest Saturday by it gettin g)
«iu gh t in tin* barbed wiretu\«l break­ ed thus far with tli .-i.iiu o 'a ffair-,
and tlu* fttlure c. rtainly l.o k* bright
ing its leg. l i e hud to kill it. Also,
and promising.”
Mr. Drmvn o f Dallas had to kill one o f
■■ - ■ - ♦ ♦
his horses by breaking its Jog on the
It KS P(> N D E N <' E.
same day.
Indcycnilciii i*.
Goo. K e lty and Miss Deo Plnn-
to bet as they were a few months ap* hack.
“ W e art* not free traders.” —
F o r tine watch work go to U. X.
Grant at 11. It. Patter-ou’s.
Kpectaeles properly tocussod and
Frank Holman who has licen very
accurately fitted at Henry Patterson’s. sick with fever is now getting well.«
E v e ry pair warranted. N o tit, no
are returning
Th e F. M. A . store have as cheap
line o f general merchandise as can
F. Y . Mulkey returned from the
be found any where.
fair Wednesday.
kington, o f McCoy, were married on
Students w ill remember they can
The public school o f Corvallis lias last Wednesday. They*spont a few.
get first-ela— photograph work done
days at the Mechanics fair and re­
an attendance 240 pupils..
at M . 1). E llis’ Dallas.
turned home to go to house keeping.
E. lla y ter's is the place to buy all
W e extend best wishes.
the latest styles o f dress goods; line business at Spokane Falls.
stock just received.
Dr. A . F. linker recently from
Street corner political discussions
Missouri, has located in Dallas.
Paints, oils, varnishes, et;*., at tire growing quite warm.
The Dr. Is a graduate o f the Iowa
Our village schools are said to be
university medicine department,al­
H en ry Patterson lias just received progressing tinely.
so the medical department o f Kansas
a new stock o f all tin* latest novelties
W righ t Smith o f Lew isville, «d ie d City university, besides he lists pass­
in the jew elry line. No old goods in
his stock.
Drop in and examine Wednesday.
ed examination and holds certificates
A fter election Thanksgiving day. from the state board o f health* o f Io ­
Connoway >V Cooper hardware Republicans w ill enjoy it.
wa and Missouri.
11c has had 12
men, 1 ndependenee.
A car load o f emigrants with bag­ years practice and w ill succeed Dr.
X eis tit Smith are offering their
gage was unloaded at Independent* ■ W orthington. His fam ily arrived
goods cheap.
Wednesday evening.
Go to Vaughns, Dallas the leading
Frank Butler, C o v n t v S c u v k y o u
H en ry Patterson is not behind new sidewalk in front o f her prop­ leveler, valuer and auctioneer; postal
address, Dallas, P olk county, Oregon.
w ith a line line o f jew elry.
Specifications, estimates, plans and
Fenton A Tru itt have received
The prospect is now that Mon­
their new dress goods and now have mouth w ill have a new livery stable. drawings o f dwellings, barns, bridges,
excavation, earth w ork and brick­
the best assortment in the county;
consisting o f tli " newest shades and
Hon. J. B. Stump o f Salem and work furnished. W ill attend in Dal­
prices to suit every body.
Sol Stump o f Suver were on our las on Wednesday and Thursday in
The Farmers Supply Depot Com­ streets Friday.
each county court week. < Mix« at
pany w ill in the future collect till
the court house.
(tills strict ly ¡it t ho end o f every month
unless special contract are otherwise. short stay with her sister at Yaquinn
A pet deer belonging to John Rob­
ins, who lives west o f Dallas, got oil
Goodman A Doiity have just re­ City, Tuesday.
ceived, direct from Chicago, flit1 finest
Mrs. H ow ell is having her well tlie “ war path” last Saturday, and
line o f Cutlery every brought to In ­
clown deeper. The well-borers came near using up a neighbor who
dependence. Don’ t fail to call and
o f Inileiiendence are doing the work. had occasion to cross its park. It
exam ine the stock.
tore almost all bis clothes off him
The Bridgeport Republican Club
Thousands o f ladies s.iv it is the
scratched him considerable.
liest they ever used. They mean the is wide awake. I t holds its regular
W h ite low in g machines—you w ill meetings every Saturday evening.
Last Sunday night the residence o f
find them at Duster A Vernons, In ­
Dr. Poole o f McCoy, lias purchased G. E. Logon on the Davidson place
the property o f Dr. W orlhington at near Buena Vista was entered by
Crider brothers o f Dallas have 20,-
burglars and $10 or $50 taken from
that place.
000 shakes for sale cheap.
Cashier Ellis and J. Shultz are hav­ the pockets o f Logan. On suspicion
Paints, Oils, Varnish at I I . It. Pat­
ing their residences neatly painted James DeBord was arrested w hile
terson’s cheap.
on his w ay to Portland, for the theft,
N o trouble to show you our goods— at Dallas.
but evidence win noi sufficient and
Bear and panthers are bothering
Shelly & Vanduyn.
he was released.
Fenton & Truitt have received stock back in the hills. These ani­
Robt. Maher, a U . S. prisoner o f
their new stock o f fall goods, and cull mals arc* numerous this fall.
Salem, was pardoned by President
special attention to their D ress goods
Ed Clark a solid farmer o f D ixie Cleveland on Wednesday. Maher
department which is the most com­
was here Friday. H e says the far­ was a private in Co. I). 2nd infantry
plete o f any in the county.
E. H ayter now lnva the neatest gen­ mers o f his neighborhood have alniut stationed at C«*ur d ’ A len e and was
eral merchandise store in Polk coun­ all finished their fail ft«d in g.
courtmartialed and sentenced to pri­
t y and he w ill not lie undersold. Call
Jas, Tatom, the popular insurance son for 7 years on a charge o f burglary
and see for yourself.
and real estate man came up from robbery and absence without leave
Tilt* straight up-and-up store-keep­ Portland last Saturday.
H e now in 1885. President Cleveland exer­
ers—Shell ly and Vanduyn, Indepen­
has lots in west Portland addition cised his power on the ground that
the evidence o f conviction was con­
Farmers wanting to buy a fall bill for sale.
John and Silas Riggs o f Ballston flicting.
w ill save m oney by buying goods o f
Fenton A Truitt, Dallas.
Geo. M. Beeler, special agent and
and their wives, who are in the east
flA’e natjie lbr you way down prices visiting arc* expected to return soon. adjuster, State Insurant« Company,
on all our general merchandise. G ive
A . N . Hal leek is kept busy haul­ Salem, made us a pleasant call on
us a call. Shelly A Vanduyn, Indc-
ing passengers from this place ¡aid Thursday evening. W e are glad to
note Gao. as a successful insurance!
E. Hayter B t ia a specialty of Independence.
man, the more so, because he is a
Mr. Roys and w ife o f Albany, are
silks, satins, plushes, velvets and m
fact all kinds o f fancy goods. R em ­ visiting their relatives H . M. W a l­ Monmouth boy, born and raised here
em tier that all the goods in his stock ler’s this week. Mr. Roys is a printer H e w ill locate an agent her»* to rep­
resent that well-known and already
are new and o f best styles.
and the O b s e r v e r acknowledges a
popular company.
A ll orders sent Fenton A Truitt by pleasant call.
m ail w ill receive prompt and careful
The rejlftbllcans o f Bridgeport,
The house o f L. Lemon used as a j
attention; goods sent By return mail.
than whom none are more enthusi­
W ood taken in exchange for goods sm ote house and place to render! astic or patriotic, have completed ar-
lard back of his bnteher shop in j
at the Farmers Supply depot.
rangenmnts for a big rally there Sat­
Independence was burned Thursday j
It don’t make any difference, it is
urday X»>v. 3rd. One o f the*speak­
I t was with considerable
a fact vou ean get the liest gtjods, anti
ers o f the occasion w ill be Hon.
the fin* company and hose*
at the best baoguin at/, k . \ aughn s
Warren Truitt, w ho has a w ide­
used at the shop that the market
spread reputation as an effective and
Students in want o f anything in was saved, i/oss but slight.
interesting orator. Tin* Bridgeport
the Dry goods lines, a ¡11-aye moncj
The Polk County Land Company people are counting on having a big
by buying o f Fenton A I m itt, Dallas are now prepared for business. I).
time, and when the republicans o f
Mrs. LaRansieurCity Bazaar
W . Sears, secretary, at McCoy, or F. that enterprising burg expect to
Independence, has a nice lot
A . Patterson, Independence, w ill have a liv e ly tim e they never fail.
o f ladies muslin underwear, lmsiery,
y information wanted, address Good music w ill be furnished by tlit?
gloves, niit-. collars, cuffs; gentsntvk
wear, handkerchiefs, socks; also, sta­ them at their respective poatoffleea. Glee Club.
tionery, tiooks, croquet sets, notions
The following articles o f incorpor­
A letter from W . E. Dalton from
Innumerable. Call before purchas­
ation were filed with secretary o f state Mountain Hom e in the Cascades,
ing elsewhere.
this wee k o f The Christian Mlasiona-1 says him and party are getting along
ry Convention o f Oregon; incorpor-1 nicely. H e gives »juite a sad account
H heat a pootl Price.
I). M. Doty, P. R. Burnett, J. j o f a serious runaway that happei.'xl
A ll parti«* indebted to the I M. A. Sturt'
arc requested t< > settle their aeeount* imme­ W . Coles, H . A . Johnson, and I I . C. i in the mountains as follows:
diately. Wheat is a P" »l price and there is
Porter; estimated value o f property, | M cDowel in company with s»>ni**
.no excuse for vou to delay -‘ ttlenient.
Farmers Mercantile AwocUUon.
$1,000, and the source o f revenue i s 1 other jmrties on their w ay to Har­
from gifts and donations.
ney V a lle y , w h ile going down a
A private telegraph line has been mountain the brake gave way which
caused the team to run away. Th ey
Boys and G irls to buy Schojil Books put up from Drs. I*ee A Butler’s o f - .
Hce Independence to J. B. V . Bn ler’s ran some distance when m aking a
at C h a ra n w ’ Inai*p6nclt%
residence at this place. It will be a curve the tsittom <*f the h ill the
o f convenience to all concerned wheel struck a log aw l upset the wa­
Students when in want o f gotids
any kind, go to Fenton A Truitt s.
A fre«h supply o f groceries at J. I). gon over a grade o f nlsiut 2n feet
knocking Mr. D. and son sensei» -*,
in e ’s.
Goodman A Doutv, Independence.
W A N T E D . 5000.
D. Whitm an Fritlay. Where is our road lH“tw ««n Dallas and Syracuse,
republican s|M*akers, I presume look­ m ar T. CamplieH’s; apply there.
ing after mort* »loubtful points than
— K in CultU.s.
»>1.1 P o lk .
J. R. Cm>|ier has «n it meted fo ra
large quantity o f wood and tin* par­
ties w ill eomuiene»* cutting as soon
as poi-ible. It is Ids intention to run
two brick yards next season, one at
Monmouth and bis old »me at this
place, lie bellves tin*coiiitciiiplat<*d
Improvements in botli towns w ill
ju stify him in m aking preparations
for the manufacture o f at least one
m illion brick next summer.
Real estate transactions have U vn
quite numerous the past week and
property is advancing at a rapid rate
Warren Cr>—» y and fam ily o f .New­
port arrived iter»* Thur-duy.
Mrs. Belle Ko— o f Portland is here
on a visit to her father, I I . Foster.
\V. C. Russell o f north Indepen­
dence lias ent. ri*d into partiu r-hip
with H enry Crow in tlie butcher
Coiisiautlne Houck took a trip to
Salem Tuesday. (M ore marring»*
hells soon.)
< 'n|>t. Springer had tlie misfortune
to “_rct lii* right band hurt lust week
while sawing w « kk I with a circular
-aw . It «m *e»l him gr»‘at sutr»“ring,
but at last accounts it was doing as
well as etiultl be exiavtctl.
A daughter o f Mrs. W iggins o f this
plaec, who liv»“s iie»ir Dayton, left
tier six months old hal>e in a »“iiair,
and was out o f the room for a short
time, when an older child gave the
alarm s)u‘ ran and found tlx* little
babe lyin g on tlu* fire in the fir»!
}>la<«._ It was terribly burned and it
is dountftil alNHit it recovering.
Dr. Doty and wife, and daughter
Lilli»*, spont Saturday and Sunday
last at Perrydale, tit»* Dr. filling bis
regular appointment thereon Sunday.
( h'o. K elty , o f Bethel, was married
to Miss Del Planhingtoii last W « l -
iu*sday at the resident« o f l>r. I>. M.
Doty, who Itatl tlu- plwisureof mak­
ing the tw o hearts one. The happy
couple went to Portland on tlie aiter-
noon train. May p»-.te»‘ and [>rosjK“r-
ity attend them through life.
The hotel gi. • /» g ud o nlng Tin* quarterly conference o f tlie
Meth««list elmreii was held here last
Friday night.
Dr. A. i '. i'..
ami '• n ily o f Sat nr« lay and Sunday, (ju ite ¡i tium-
Missouri, has lo ■; • i le ■ and w ill I ht o f p»*rsoiis from abroiul w as in at-
I t l i " prael
. I > . IS o ijh iQ g - tenduncc.
t• m. W e w elcome them among us.
Nonnitl Notes.
A very plea-ant sociu! dance was
had at tJie city hall last Friday night
Mi-s Bri«*dwell, o f A m ity entered
The new office o f Judge Daly is school on Tuesday.
com pietist ah'! is a cozy building.
T lie b«tu r»“ »le liv e m l b y Prof.
Tin* fam ily o f Lata W illiam s left
o f Corvallis, at tin* eluipel on
Dallas Wednesday for Moscow, L T.,
when* he luts -»«tired the lucrative last Friday evening was greatly ap­
pn-ition o f book-keeper for tin* firm preciated by the students. In fact
o f McComiel A ( ’o.
the entire audience was high ly en­
Dr. Smitli of Sal» in, was over last terta in «!. Prof, Hull w ill probably
make another visit in tlu* ni'ar fu­
A. V. R. Snyder o f tin* Astoria
ture w lx ti w»“ w ill no doubt enjoy
Transcript is calling among us.
another rich treat from his “ chalk
There has been «nisiderabb* house
painting o f late as the weather would talk.”
permit. A . J. M artin our painter
A number o f both teachers and
and paper hanger, is as goo»l ¡is «in students attended the Teachers Ass­
be found in the state, whieli his work
ociation ¡it Dallas on Saturday.
in Dallas will show.
Hon. J . l ) . L » « o f Dallas, vislftxl
Indepcndeiuv Saturday.
J.*F. Fuuikerburg, a former resi­
dent o f Lew isville, but now of Estes
\V. 'I'., i.- here visiting relative* and
Stephen Allcnbaugh o f D iliev hu-
rentedthe Davitl W hitm kcr house
and w ill move his fam ily here to en­
gage in tlie business o f buying coun­
try produce for tlu* Portland market.
Postinastof Smith o f Lew isville,
was in town Tuesday.
J. I., Stockton went to Portland,
The Athletics are very busy pre­
( >tlio W illiam s w ill open out a first
Tuesday to purchase goods, l i e w ill
open under tlu* new opera house, class tailoring establishment here.
paring for their contest one w eek
with on»* of tlu* largest stocks o f good
Dr. Worthington lias shipped his from to-day.
ever earried in Poll* county.
goods to Moscow, liis wife visiting
Phillips sp»qit a few days at tho
late o f New York friends in the north part of «u n ity
I tlu* Dr. is settling It is business Mechanics fair this week.
City, arrived here la-t week ¡u
liew and f before going to that place.
pan led by bis brother, nephew
Tin* clause* in shorthand and Ger.
their families. Nine more families
Dentist Hayter is « “covering from man ar»' making rapid progress.
are expected to arrive every day, it two w i«k s -eige o f remittent lever,
Mrs. J. W . Small o f W alla W alla,
they having started from th<*ca-t * ’it and w ill beable in a few days to re­
tlie 20 th o f tills month. When ¡ill sume oifico duties.
who is visiting her father W in. Daw­
have arrived they w ill determine
Mark Ellis hits sold his photograph son, a tten d «! chapel exercises Tues­
what business to engage in. it i- business to Mr. Collins, who w ill I
day morning.
probable they w ill creel a steam grist conduct it at the same stand.
m ill h«*re. He brought a car load o f
< >nr school < are flourishing and in- j Mis Emma Tharp v is it « l her home
groceries, which he propose , to sell
atten ian«“»“. Miss Maddox at Suver on Sunday.
to tlie trade in job lots. For tlie pres­
class o f musical stuilonts. !
ent be w ill occupy the -lore room on
the corn»*rof Monmouth and railroad She i- an excellent instructor and
North Y a m h ill.
streets. These gentlemen have ample her class w ill make rapid programs.
It is rumore.1 that there is $5(Ki in! Miss Rose Haines has retu rn «!
capital, energy and bu ini .-■» cstiucity
T o iln* MommUith Gi>si:uvi'.:; is dm* the bank that is ready to I k put up ! from Portland, where «he has ! k « ii
the credit o f havinglieen tlie indirect that Cleveland w ill succeed hnnseif | learning dressmaking.
means o f attracting this valuable ad­ in the presidential chair; hut we | (jn ite a number o f our citizens at­
dition to our population, through an doubt not ii is all rumor, for if it wen tended tlx* fair in Portland tttis
item which appeared in your ¡¡lijier known it would be taken in.
last spring.
Married at the residence o f tlie
Miss M ary Haguod is visiting at
brides father seven miles west o f
Last Fritlay Judge Hurley attorn­ Salem.
this place, Get. 21st Mr. C. Pervineto
ey at law o f Lafayette, mirclmscd the
Miss Lizzie Russell. A . D. Runnels
Isaac Btiti»*r lots on main street, con­
Satnnl y morning
one-hundm l
he had lumber on the ground and a
There is some talk o f a picket, shin friends were present, a fine dinner
mason laving the foundation o f a gk and board m ill being placed on or was served and a pleasant tim e was
1 his 1 ii (* ss hou.-t* and law office. In the near J. D. L t « ’s mountain land on enjoyed by all
spring In* w ill have built several the other side o f the Luckiumute on
Frank Bed well and John Bunn
more business houses o f brick. Tin* Iho Brown creek.
have l«ven up in the mountain* for a
Judge is full o f energy. V erily, verily
At our Pleasant V alley school week bringing their cattle out for
tlie boom goes Mi. T lie sic nrnc/c.i of
lion «“ the Republican club hold a tiie winter.
last spring are now silent uixmt our
Hurrah for Harrison and Morton.
meeting last Saturday, but wo have
prophecies ihat Inde|K'iidt'tie»> wits on
not learned what was done then*.
the eve o f a substantial boom.
Uni rimontai.
M y last w eek’s items were not in-
Hugh Estes, who has licen vi-itin g s«*rted. Mr. «slitor wore they not up
were issue«! this week to
with relatives here for tlie last thre ■
to tlie high standard o f tlx* O hhkh - Emina tìeorge mul Juke Honey; 8. E. Yo­
weeks, for his h»,.ne at Estes, W . T.,
vi:n or how? JTlu*y did not reach us
this week. H e left Ids compliments Till this Ttu- lay. Tlx* mails are now cum and mid Clara Alfrey; Lira C. (¡nrdner
and subscript ion for the On-KP.VKit. «irrieil by Ch-vehtnd’s reform ad- to George Howe; ull of I’olk county.
Last Sunday w hile the plasterers tninistnitioii, and you should nt>t ex-
A Qucii'.ifii.
at work oil tlu* opera lion-»*, on M-fthe peet prompt delivery. |
trestles gave way, failing to tilt* floor
Mu. E d it o h .— I s tiu*r»! an ordin-
Mrs. SbKldaril inis l* «n paying
Dents,De-crt wifs sever- ly hurt in visits to her neighbors around; iier
a n « “ against shooting off tin* arms In
tlie side. Sam Stroup, ankle sprained health is much im proved.
th»* corporate lim its o f this city? I f
and W . N. ( 'ox hand .-lightly bruised.
Mr. Martin o f Boner Kraut has so, would respectfully call tho att»*u-
They fell a distant« o f 1- met and
were fortunate it was no more s riou - stai't«“d n new t»iiip «l buggy—truly tion o f tlx* powers that be, to the
our canyon dwellers are launching
They were badly scared however.
nearly daily practice o f target and
out regardless o f exp« use.
Last Saturday Warren Cre -ey o f
careless use «»/ lire arms in tlie most
Newport iMiught o f It. It. Parrish hi*
residon»«, «A s id t«¡itio n ¡sj,.*,!to. s ix land A Co., is this day »(¡solved by frequented porta o f town to tho <‘ii-
weeks ago an offer o f more than £K>on mutual »'(¡ti- lit. A ll debts due to the dungering o f life and property o f tho
could not be had for this property. firm w ill be prom ptly collected by citizens.
* *
The fam ily w ill m ove next week'. both partners and those whom tlx*
firm owe- are noflfi» <1 that neither is
l)r. E. L. Kctchum is having the
dangurous and unsightly ditch in responsible for any <lel«t tlie other or i F> 8< Riirzis* is bringing on now
liiin-« «I may have contracted, so its
everv day. Call and s »« bis
front o f his property »covered up.
no i i -“' to d u n .
| line o f wall paper, w indow blinds
W m . W heeler went to Portland
< i. W . ( Jartlner’s new house is now etc
Tuesday to lay in ¡t stock o f goods
| just eomplet« d. It is a very elegant
N. II. Butler basali kinds o f ina­
W . S. Elkins o f Dallas, has rented and eommodious stnietiire and f»'W
tin* Gw*. Belt house and will niov» r»*si»lenees in the precinct go aliead cidii»“ oils. ('¡dl atnl s t« hiiu before
liis fam ily here and engage in tin i.f it in style and comfort. Mat Glaze purchasing elsewhere.
manufacture o f his w ire slot fen«“«*.
provided him w ltha plentiful supply
Purtb-s having sitle-walks to build
J. R. (tooiier is lm ving tlu r«s»f o f o f well water at a depth o f soint! 12 or repair w ill please attend to it ini-
j ft«t.
the Gem -aloon reshingl»*»!.
niediately nixl save <“ost.—A . N .
Cnele Dave Guthrie’s sheep are H alleek, marshal.
Last W fshn-day a tntmp came to
town andefter N ggin g money and still to !»«• seen scattered around. H o
54 «lifferent kinds o f «in d ies at J.
clothing o f several citizens glided won’ t — w«* are told think it worth \V. Daw m i ’s.
softly into Lew is K »“l-*o’- st(»p' and hi-* w hile to gather them up unless
Hors»« shoeing, now sh»H*s $1.50;
w hile tlu* cl» rk, was engatr' ¡1 waiting Harrison und Morton art» «“looted.
tting shoes till around $.80; plow
Dll ¡1 U dKRi til
W in. Chapin is m ovin g his house
he helpe I hints, if
- m( nf clotlu > hold effects from M cM innvillo and sharpening w ithout cutter $.2n and
and walked off w ith them unnotiee»! inU‘nds to r»-*ide in th»1 future on his all otlx r work in projxirtion. Oak
by the clerk. He un»l»*rt»K»k to pan property «•!«>-»• bv wo welcome him eoiipliiig put in for i l , oak bars etieh
them off at several place- anti finally b >'k, be b:is fali»*! to find a Is-tter $1. at C. Iainktree’s Monmouth ut
the old stand.
at th e ! itv Hotel where ¡i «u iiiiier- pltu« than “ Gi«l I’o lk ” after all.
Mrs. M. K . LftRansieur ke<‘ps al-
eial tmv**ller, who had listened to bis
J. Parrot Nieh»»ls moves to tlie old
contradictory storms charged him I,»-“ bouse, m > w«“ are gainer* as w«* ways on hand a fine st»x‘k o f s«‘l»«t
with stealing them. b»‘ tb»‘in to<>k tb» not wi-h to !«)“<• Parrot’s pleasant g»ssls.
the private ninrksoftho clotItingand fae«“ and cheerful conversation.
J. W . Dawson has school books and
visit»sl the different stoP'snnd routul
Bertie .Sprague lias gone to his stationary cheap.
they ltittl Is'cn taken from Kelso’-.
H** was promptly ¡«rr« s t « l oti»l taken mother at Fort Drummond; h<< lias
School Insiks ut ChamnesB’ .
Is-for«* Justits* Butler, where be plead Is*»*n with us nearly six year-.
W ea r»“ all sick o f digging potato4*s. j
guilty and was held to answer before
tin* next gram! Jury. Everyone is
< K'tobcr 20th.
•if the opinh n he took the cloth«'* for
ids hops to
the purpose »>f getting his iKmril.
A n y one having f«**l they want
W illiam Elkins, the drayman, hn*
ly to do it
T lie Pleasant V a lley grange holds <“h»>pped
lopped w ill find i in»* nnuly
bought the Lem on’« projmrty in
it- n gular nx « ting on Saturday 27th. for them in the ls>st an« I Í u
North IndejH*’idene»*.
m ill shuts
th«“ 1
Cnele Ruble is im proving his place bape, Come before the
Tlu 1 following sj»eakers( are announ- right smart.
dow n.— Frank Collins, Monmouth,
ee<l to addrcHs lb*' [ssipleof our town
from a democratic view: E. L. Skii>-
Subscribe («>r the OBSERVER. It
worth next Satunlay night, Mon. .».
A virl- bat was found in tlx- bill W ill serve you w ell.
K . Wentiu rfonl on next Moutlay, J.
Chopping! Chopping!!