P olk VOX® I. C ounty O bserver . M O N M O U T H , P O L K U O T N T Y , O K R O O N . S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 20, 1888. NO . 31. about 400 miles. They are now sta- , calf di.-ii of the same disease, having ti. iud a»x>ut three miles up the river, been bitten by the same dog. A child •I am well pleased with the result of i recently diet» here from the same the rxiieditiou," emit Capt. M>-Vonhie. cause m horrible agony. Several more D k v o i k u to t ii k I n t k k c m x ok F a r m m m R ki . i ab m c Q u o t a t i o n s C a r k k w i . i . y H k • both in the advantages accruing to j shew signs of hydrophobia, and it is vis po E very W kkk . a m i S to ck m k n . the iroo >s from the marching ex(x-r- thought they will die. "red Douglas* has a fortune of M IL IT A R Y E XPE D ITIO N . ience, and the successful passage of The sheep must have • dry location i W H E A T — Valley, f l 30®$l 31 K i l t e d I I I « w ife Mild t l i l l d r e n . >,000, and there aie said to I mi one the exploring parly from Nestuoca Near Columbus, lud., James Ford, at nignt. Dampness is fatal to sheep, f Walla Walla, $1 20® 1 22$. bay southward. There is no official ndred colored men in Washington record, so far as we know, of this a farmer while suffering from delerinm being the cause of distemper, while ! are worth $20,000 or more. K«ra|M-d I ' e a v l r t K i l l e d , l i r e I n l . o * B A R L E Y — Whole, $1 I0®1 12$; route luiving been covered, tin ugh caused by fever, sprang from his bed , wet pasture fields conduce to fix>t-n>t. . t i i i i r l i Q , l l l H u n t i o u , 4'ullt >tit)i, ground, per ton, $25 00(«t27 50. there are rumors in that oirection, and and made an attack upon his wife and a l M ea. it has lieen an opeu and interesting two children. He seized a clejgr and A half-bred ewe, bred, to a Hlirop- OATS— Milling, S3®34c. ; feeil, 44 An old horse at Beaver Falls, Penn., question whether such a trail could he killed the youngest child and his wife, sbire ram is reported from England ®45c. lg noted for its slowness, suddenly lound. W e take no lit le satisfaction ami his 10 year-old boy was sw badly dropping six well matured lambs at •«me remarkably lively, and now i.- S E V E N M O N T H S ' F I R E R E C O R D . at the success of the enterprise. Most injured that he died. H A Y — Baled, $10@$13. on«- birth. Another produced four of the passage was made aloug the m .si as frisky as a colt, here are O lambs and tw«> others triplets. A V e r d i c t o f • - ■ ■ I I I ) . Leach, fmt several sLc-ipis cuter into lie who think the animal hsn gone SEED— Blue Gress, 14$«tl6<-. ; Tim ­ Judge Hliroder of "CTncTunali, or-' the icean, ami the high and fnquent nne. othy, 9$® 10c. ; Rea Clover, 14««il5<\ Sheep eat so many different kinds promontories render the route ditlioult. dered the juay to return a verdict® of l l > « l e r l » i i , l i e it t Its. $4 00; fhe deep rivers were successfully guilty, in the ca>e of Ives and Sta • of plants which horses and cattle rc- FLOUR— Patent Roller, George Fiiedeuberg, a saloon-ki eper l is saitl that enough of salt tinder- a toilsome tier, two very prominent New York fus«i that ttie addition of a stit-ep, by Country Brand, $2 75. was found dead in his m I oob at San «)**’ *""!«-♦ •«> the city of Ithaca, N. Y., to sup | way picked over die rocky headlands. financiers, in the trial in which they keeping «town those plants which Francisco, having committed suicide EGGS— Per do*, 25c. | Such tramping expeditions aie an­ are charged loth embezzling some other stock refuse, really increases the the world for a century, and that |v udiente hatdbeen formed to built) by taking poison, becaua •, it was al­ nually customary, and this is the only millions «if securities of the Cincin­ product of the pasture. B U T TE R — Fancy roll, per |x>und, leged, of jealousy of his wife, Win. C. one this year.” &re the larg st salt works in tin 25«-.; pickled, IO®S6o.; inferior nati, Hamilton A Dayton R. It. Luders, a bo<¿(-keeper, and W . H »te of New York. ------------- — — grade, 15® 25c. I r u m fefiilllf. Waldron, a printer, together with Tlie vessels carrying frozen mut­ A AA t i e ' s t ' i m l « l i m e n t . * ° Fritdenborg, had been drinking for Louis English, while at work dig- Mrs. Leua Schreiner, who poured tons from Australia are said to.be tak C H E E S E — Eastern, 16®20c.; Ore­ several days. Luders was found on giOg a deep trench for a sewer at kerosene on her husband while he was mg out their refrigerators to ahamlon gon, 14® 16c.; California, 14$e. The lower classes of the Italian tlie streets, insensible from an over­ Seattle, W. T., was eauulit by a cave- drunk, ami set him on fire, pleaded the business, while the South Ameri­ ople continue to emigrate in enor- dose of morphine, the next day, and in and buried. His fellow-workmen \ RGE 1 ABLES— Beets, |wr sack, he died at the hospital. Shortly af­ guilty to a charge of murder at Chi can trade is preparing for an increase | [ his uumbers, ami the Government dug him out in a half-dead condition. in the same line. o ^ ’ £*bbage, |xir lb., 2|i\ ; carrots, «•ago. W ith her baby on Ift-r kut-e, terward the body of Waldron was much alarmed. The iiiunbcr leav It is hardly expected he will survive (x-rsk., $1 25; lettui'e, |x-r iloz. 20c.; g Genoa last year was 101,200, as found in a hallway on Howard street. internal injuries, resulting fn?m the she listened stolidly while the judge onions. $1 0 0; potat«*-s, |x-r 100 It«., Southdown rams are the best for pronounced a •sentence of ten years It is supposed he died from alcohol­ B a t list 52,852 ill* previous year. 40®.>0«-.; radishes, per do*., 15® 2 0c.; pressure Tie received. in the penitentiary. The judge saiil crossing ou small naflve breeds in or- ism. Coronor Stanton is tionpulssed rhubarb, j>er lb., 6c. l»> € mam-tl tioudi. that in tiding the sentence he h#d «ler to produce eii'cllent muttom. The at the turn events have taken, as these two were the only witnesses he T im e families have ileen poisoned taken into consideration the fact « Wes from such cross should lie mated H ON EY— In comb, per lb., 18«'.; H T h e Liverpool and Manchester Ship relied upon for the inquest on Fried- by eating canned goods at Sau l)i< go. that Schreiner was a wife-lieuter of with Oxford or ShropsHire rams if strained, 6 gal. tins, per lb. 8$o. nal, which is to cost $20,000,000 euberg, and as Luders in conversation Cal. Four mernb n of the fttmily of tlie most brutal variety. • larger size la- desired. POULTRY — Chickens, jx'r «loz., O ’d be built ill seven years, will be j with the coroner said it would not be W. F. Baltimore are prostrated, and A S r n u l C u llim t«* «in tiiilr. $4 00(i«;6 (X); «lucks, per «loz., $5 00® long before he would he laid beside dged by German dredging ma- Katie, the youngest daughter, is not llie liuliana Faultier is authority for 6 0 0 ; gtxise, $6 00® 8 0 0; turkeys, Senor Florence Luiz, a wealthy ines, as the English contractor finds Fiiedeuberg, it is supposed he com exj ected to recover. Four members milled suicide, though no motive is >f the family of Capt. Charters and ranchman of Sonoia, and famous for the statement that the Shropshire* per lb., 12$c. thing in Engiand to equal them. apparent. Mrs. Miller and her daughter, are also a quarter of a century hs an Indian have grown more rapidly in popular PROV ISIONS— Oregon liaiun, 12$o scout for the United States and Mexi­ favor than almost any other mutton I H s u s l r o i l * C o l l i s i o n a t K«‘M. in a critical condition. |>er Jb.; Eastern, 13® 13$c.; Eastern c can troopB , committed suicidt by shoot­ breed of sheep, «-specially in the cen­ A dispatch received at the Mer­ breakfast bacon, 42$«-. per lb.; Oregon .A t t e m p t tu At r e e k u T r a i n . Hawkinsville, Ga., is remarkably tral Western States. ing himself near San Larazan, A. T. 10(<^12c.; Eastern laVd, 10(4114c. ix«r chant’s Exchange at San Francisco, All attempt was made to wreck the mil of Miss Annie McCormick bc- l b .; Oregon, 10$«-. A I l i a i l l ) D u e l . Earl overland train near Los Angeles, Cal. An English farmer, writing of feed­ nse she can play two tunes on the states that the British ship A sanguinary duel took place at Wemyss, which left for Cork, collided GREEN FRUITS— Apple*. $ 50 The train reached a dark jxiitiL near ano and sing a third, all at once. It ing ensilage to his dock of live hun­ (*£ 8 5 c.; Sicily lemons, $ « 00(a)6 50 [said that “ she can sit with her hack with the British ship Ardencaple, the outskirts of town, where the track San Felipe «le Sabinas, Texas. Losira dred sheep, saps that they did »letter bound from Liverpool to Calcutta. is on an embankment. When the en­ Amador, captain of Qie Contias California, $2 50®5 00; Navalorauges the instrument and play most The Wemyss, which sunk, carried 43,- gineer saw something on the track he Guards, a body of mounted custom on it than on any other food, and last $6 00; Riverside, $4 0 0 ; Mediterra­ utifiilly.” 242 centals of wheat, valued at $63,- reversed the lever and put on the air house inspectors, and Graciana Caif- year of his 480 lambs not one die«!, nean, $4 25. 700, shipped by G W. Me Near. The brakes; but the cow-catcher struck thej tau, one of tlie state rangers, had 1 ih «1 and his ewes did better than usual. Ardencaple was badly damag d. She obstruction, which proved to l>e a tele­ trouble and a grudge exist« «1 between D R IE D FRU ITS— Sun dried ap­ Empress Elisabeth of Austria, hav- put into Fernando Norronha, a small graph pole, evidently laid across the them. Meeting in San Felipe do Sab­ 1 he way to build up the sheep in­ ples, 7$e. per lb .; machine dried, 10® port »n the cetist of Brazil. A part track by some unknown persous. 13c,; Italian inas. they «Irew pistols simultuntxiasly dustry is to weed out tlie Hocks, go for 11c; pitless plums, g been forbidden to take equine ex- of the ctew of the Wemyss was prunes, 1 0 @ 1 4 c.; (teaches, 124® 14c.; and began shooting. Amador fell ise for some months, now amuses saved. greater capacity for mutton, and in­ N rifil ’ Ionihs" l l r r K rcord . de.ul at the second or third shot and creases in the indivulual, and put a raisins, $2 40® 2 50. rself with atricycle. It is whispered S h o t h y a l*oI it-1* him i i . Following is tlie fire record of Fort- his opponent, .Caulau, died within small Hock on every farm, where they at Her Majesty also practices, when WOOL Valley, 17®18e.; Eastern 0 Hirer Whalen, of San Francisco, land, Or., from Janu iry 1 to August four luitirs from the effect of weunds will pay their way, even if wool isn’t tlie seclusion of her grounds, upon Oregon. 9® 15c. In ard the cries of a man on the cor­ 21, as taken from the record o f the received from his slain antagonist. worth a cent a jxnind. bicycle. HIDES*—Dry lxx-f hides, 8® 10c.; ner of Russ and Folsom streets. Run­ tiiecommissioners : During the month A n i d v i i i o n tli«> \ % a l » a « h . ning there he found Otlicer Gleunon, of January there were twenty-two 1 he points to be observed in putting | culls, 6 ® 7 c .; kip and calf, 8®10«i. • A paeaenger train on the Wahanh Murrain, 10 © 1 2 c .; tallow, 3®3$c. A copjier soda fountain exploded j with a pistol,standing over a man who alarms. The total loss was $4,224 65, roa«l, near Fairmont, 111., was wrecked up wool are, not to fold the fleece Us. was bleeding. On examination it was on buildings $1,408 15, contents th a report as loud, as a small can-\ LU M BER— Rough, per M, $10 0 0; An un­ tightly as to destroy its elasticity found that tie had been shot by Officer $2 816 50; total amount insured for by A collision with a freight. edged, per M, $12 0 0; T. and G. u, in Baltimore the other day. A' not to try to s«ill twine ^for w«x>l, and known man stealing a ride was killed, Gleunon in three places. He was $10,700, on buildings $4,600, contents sheathing, (x-r M, $13 0 0 ; No. 2 floor­ an named Tysinger had his Ifg taken to a hospital, where he lies in a $6,100; total insurance paid $3,649 65, and tlie engineer ami postal clerk are to exclude all tags, leg wool and all ing, (x-r M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per dly lacerated by the lop of the ap-1 foreign matter from the interior of badly injure«!. critical condition. The cause o f the on buildings $1,2,08 15, on contents M,$18 0 0 ; No. 2 rusti«-, (x-r M, $18 00; rattis, and another nanud Barnes the the tleeee. shooting was not disclosed. $2,441 50. During February there clear rough, jx-r M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 A c t Id e n tM lI) K lllt - d . us knocked over by ilie steam of es- were six alarms. Total loss $558, on The business of raising lambs for S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 Hixiring, tier John Payne met death in Pine can- U l i n l l ) I ■■ It ii i, \i ii piug soda. buildings $105, contents $455; total An unknown man was found by a amount insured for $850, buildings canyon, near Fillmore, Utali. early spring marketing is yearly as­ M. $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, jKir M, He $22 50; No. 1 rustic, (xir M, $22 50; policeman before daybreak, lying in $100, contents $750; total insurance was taking home a load of lumber, suming greater proportions in New stepping, per M, $25 0 0 ; over 12 A Charlotte Harbor, Fla., lady has an insensible condition at the foot of paid $288 25, buildings $55, contents and in some way lie was thtown uq- ^ ork amt N«-w England. T o meet inches wide, extra, $1 0 0; lengths 40 $222 25. During March there were der the wagon, tlie wheels passing with the greatest success it is found small green frog wiih its home in ,i hank near the Union Iron Works, in nineteen alarms ; Loss, $10,255 05 ; over him, crushing liis skull ami important to select ewes for dams that to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, Hail Francisco. He had fallen over extra, $4 00; 1$ lath, per M, $2 25; e calyx of a lily in her room. The the hank, which is twenty feet high, buildings $2,166 05 ; contents $8,189. breaking lames in his Ixxly. are large milkers, and to so feed them 1$ lath, per M, $2 50. ttle fellow is quite a pet and perches while drunk. At the receiving hospi­ Insurance, $22,775; buildings, $19,- as to kenp a liberal How of milk long « n e t D e a t h I n t h e ( l o u d « . * ' igh on Hie pistil of the flower to re­ tal his injuries were pronounced fatal. 895; contents, $2,1*00. Insurance continued. BEANS— Quote small whites,$1 50; A large silk balloon, its ear desi-rted ive his dinner, consisting of flies fed All the ribs on the left side were frac­ paid $1,855 0 5; buildings, $1,166 0 5 ; pinks, $ 3 ; hayos, $3; butter, $4 50; him from the (x>int of a pin. During April there and drifting, was captured on Cum­ There is always an uncertainty re­ Limas, $4 50 per cental. tured, as was his right hip, and he iuid contents, $689. suffered contUssion of the brain. W ho were eleven alarms. Loss, $2,446 76; berland hill, R. I., where it had caught garding the temperature for churn­ C O FF E E — Quote Salvador, 17c; the man is, is not known. There was buildings, $796 76; contents, $1,650 among the trees. Tlie adtlress, “ Carl ing. While from 62 to 65 deg. is Costa Rica, 18®20c.; Rio, 18®2 0 c.; nothing on him that would help to Insurance, $11,500; buildings, $1,500; Myers, Mohawk, N. Y .,” was found ou usually accepted as the proper tem- Java, 27$c.; Arhnckle’s’s roasted, 22c. contents, $10 000. Insurance paid, it, and a bit of a Buffalo newspaper Swallows have been making their identify him. |>erature, tiie milk from some cows $1 546 76. During May there were First was pinned to the basket, on which «m e in the chim neys of the MEAT— B«-«-f, wholesale, 2$(S)3c.; F k ca p cd 1 o m i r t K ill««!. fourteen alarms. I sjsm , $2,550 7 5; was pencillt-«l "Met our death in the produces cream that requires as high dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; dre-sed, 6 c .; ’ ard School-house at Appleton, VV i»., as 67 deg. to form butter. On each There have been frequent tires and buildings $1898 7 5; contents, $552. cloudes.’’ dairy farm practical hamlling of tin- hogs, dressed, 8 ® 9 c .; veal, 5®7c. nd when a tire was built in the stove robbery on Fowler Bros.’ railroad, near Insurance, $2.900; buildings, $1,400; e other day hosts of dead birds milk only can «letermine how best hi contents, $ i ,500. Insurance paid on K ille d his H ro llM -r-ln -lsw . SALT— Liver|xxil grades of fine me tum bling down the chimney, Dutch Flat, Cal., causing heavy losses. churn for first-class butter. buildings, $1,098 7 5; contents, $252. Alexander Mtrlock and George quote«! $18, $19 and $20 for the three ltogetber 850 dead birds were picked Constable Ferguson ami a party found a camp with three men in the brush. During June there were two alarms. Turner, prominent farmers of Shelby sizes; stock salt, $10. p and removed in bushel baskets. To get the cream «(uickly from milk On seeing the officers two ran away Loss, $100. Insurance none. During county, Ala., and brothers in-law, set­ as stjon as it is drawn from the cow PICKLES— Kegs quoted steady at and the third was killed. Henry July there were thirteen alarms. For tle«! a feud by a duel. They met in $1 35. Walters, one of the hunting parly, this month the losses and insurance reduce its tenqierature U > about 45 are not reported. During August the public mad and fired five shots «leg. and keen it there, and in four or The nps and dow nsof a speculator's was shot in tne leg by one of his own there were fifteen alarms. SUGAR— Prit^s for barrels; Goldeu For this each. Turner was mortally wounded. five hours all the cream will rise. The the 1 party, but not much injured. The C ,6 $c.; ex| raC ,6 | c.; dry granulated, Malock escaped. ’ fe were splendidly illustrated j men are supposed to be escaped con ­ month also there is no recoid of the cream will be perfectly sweet, and the 7 j c . ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and amount of losses and insurance. ther day in th« case of a man in New ; victs. skim milk will be of a very superior powdered, 7 } c . ; extra C, fife.; halves ___ T h r e e V lr x l c a n « Vlurdt rrd. 'ork, who made $42,000 in two days. • quality. If the cream is to be ma«le and boxes, ^c. higher. F ire In l.o * A i i ( r l M . The bodies of three Mexicans who l e put $50,000 with it to make $450,- into butter.it should lie k«pt at Fire gutted a two-story wooden were mysteriously murdered at a way tem|ierAture of about 66 deg, and JO in three days, and lost the entire ^ A man, who was very sad. once um in six hours. In the morning he building in East Los Angeles, owned station near Pueblo, Colo., were found. churned at a temperature of from 55 heard two boys laughing. Ho asked The lower ¡xirtion ived in a a palace. In the evening by L. Htronmee. There is no clue to the murderer hut to 60 degrees. them: “ What makes you so happyP” was occupied as a tin shop and picture le was out looking for apartments. it was doubtless for the purpose of Said the elder: “ Why, I makes Jim store, and the upper floor was used as robbery. A l l r » t ) K m b rM lrm rn t. The idea that any method of feed glad and gets glad myself!” This is the a lodging house. The loss is esti­ It was definitely learned that the ing turnips to cows, either just before true secret of a happy life—to live so A Vf l l l l m i H l r e P a r d o n e d . mated at $2,500, partly insured. The Red canaries sell for $5 apiece in interior of a three-story structure ad­ embezzlement of Joseph Breed, as The board of pardons of Pennsyl. or just after milking, will save the thut by our example, our kind words and deeds, we may help some one else. he bird stores. They are said to be joining, owned by J. N. Abbott, was «•’stant cashier of the Hartford (Conn.) vania has granted a pardon to Milton next mess fr«»m beiyg Havored, is produced from the eggs of an nrdin d< aided, causing a loss of $1,£00, in- National Bank, who recently com ­ Weston, the Chicago millionaire who popular mistake. Heatiug the milk It makes life happier here, and Heaven will cans«« the flavor of the turnip to will he happier for the ixrnipany of mitted suicide, wogld aggregate $108,* ary canary that has been fed on Cay­ -ured. 500 instead ol $22,000 a** first reported. is serving a five years’ sentence in the evaporate so that it will not affect the those we have, by God's help, brought enne ]*epoer. Tlie young birds aim » a r r r n l u l V l l l i t a r ) l.x p c d l l l o n . ________ loose* Western penitentiary for contributory butter made from it The estate of Daniel Goodwin Blit there are are kept on a red pepper diet until Capt. McConihe, commanding «-tfi- $86,000. Tiie large Hhultas estate, of i murder in catising the death of a man | 0j,jection* to this The butter from there. If there were to be any d ifferen t they are full grown and their plun age cer of the recent army expedition to which Breed was cusUxiian, is intact, named Haymaker during a tight >e- .„jig t|1118 tr^au.d will lie soft, and the between a girl’s education and a boy’*, has becom e a settled and permanent Y oiuina bay, rode into Portland anil The examination of the hank is fin- tween emphiyes of the two men over rnji(fi ¡f use«! as food, will have a con- red. Home doubt this story, but it is I should say that of the two the girl telegraphed the news of his arrival to | ishe«i and not a dollar >• missing. 1- ^ . o n o f ^ p . ^ o l U n d in Wert- s t il t i n g effect which it did not be- •tuck to by all the bird dt alers. should be earlier led, as her Intellect stock speco- . , rn Pennsylvania about four years lore possess. Vancouver. The expedition, which Breed lost the money in ripens faster. Into deep and serioussub- consisted of two companies of infantry lation. j“ ets: and that her range of literature A W o m a n '« T e r r i b l e K a r o n n i e r . The competition among market should not be more but less frivolous, l>) M i i i i i i t e r « a t A A s r k . A very valuable insulating material, and a platoon of artillery, took a course southerly from here on the For the fourth time Cutler, In d .,1 At North Baltimore, Ohio, Mrs. H. gardeners la now ao great that early Jalculated to add the qualities of pa- d«?scribed in the Chrenique Indus- west side through Sheridan and the is was the scene of a terrific explosion. | C. Moyer went to the stable to feed a vegetables for ou'door planting are of­ tlence and seriousness to her natural trielle, has just been produce«!. It Grand Ronde Indian reservation to pitch Dynamite was placed under the post | horse, when she waa accosted by a man fered by them cheaper than m«xit poignancy of thought and quickness of composed of «me part Gre* k Nestucea bay. From this point an may wit; and also to keep her In a lofty «»«1 and two parts hurnt plaster,by weight, exploring l>arty was fitted up with a office, and that structure literally who «lemanded her m«mey. A strug- farmers can grow the few they ma the latter being pure gyp-urn, raised pa -k train, and mounted upon n—’ - blown to atoms. A large quantity of gle ensued, and the woman finally ex- require. Send an inquiry to any lead- oure element of tly y y h t — Ru'ktn — to Yaqtiina . dynamite was found under a hotel « aped with nearly all of her clothing | ing market gardener, and the writer to high temperature and" plunged in - .......................... — “ Ixxik out for number one" ts Hire « » t down the coast A strong torn from her person. Going to the will be surprised to learn how cheaply •he baseless fabric of a dream to .« water. This mixture when h«jt is The captain, with the main command, with matches halt burned. hack east of the Coast moun- gale undoubtedly extinguished t h e , house she encountered an«jthcr man tom ito, cabbage, lettuce and other widow on the «/ut ritv fora second hus- homogeneous, viscous paste, and can came I who waa ransacking the house. Pick plm ts are furnished to those ordering band. Htngharnttm Republican. be applied by a brush or cast in molds ; and took their march through ] match. tains. ------------ ing up a gun she fired at the fellow. ! ny the quantity. It is often better it is amlier-colored, and possess the King's valley and along the route of i St. Louis man (wit®issing “ Julius ■Vralii f r o m II > tl r n p h n b l M . ! hut nusm-d him. She was then knocked and cheaper for farmers to buy these C.-nsar” ) — »«Do you notice, my dear, insulating properties of eb«>nite, an«! i he Yaquina river to Yaquina bay. Two horses died at Hecorro, N. M., d(lWn Bnd m, l8ldIy lhal #he than to try to grow them, with the can be turned and polished. Its ad­ From this point the wbi.le command I with what stately grace Brutus moves vantage is its endurance of great returned on the west side by a differ in the agony of hydrophobia, having still probably die. The thieves secured p«x*r facilities that most can com ­ about? ' W ife—“ Yes, and he is In his mand. heat and moisture without injuring eut route, having marclied in all been bitten by a mad dog. A yearling , $2UU «nd escaped. night-gown. too. It* wondarfuj!” il* insulating properties. 'M S Iff CESERAI INTEREST.! PACIFIC COAST NEWS. AGRICULTURAL. E I .-------- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. MARKET REPORT.