llu*>int'*>i Mention. be tin* m ir e obscure m otto, “ Tariff X ies A Smith are selling out at cost. Ha-form,” hut in itix-r the lam nor nor the inscription is coni-luMve, or, in­ (in to H enry Patterson forperftinie Publisher. dit'd very lni|>ortant. The assault C. C. DOUGHTY, • (ien e H ayter foreh eap goods. itself in the moat im portant.—1 G en- Bead our new advertisem ent» this Subscription H a le . eral H arrison's letter o f acceptance. Week. $1 V) . . • - Per Ytar. The F. M . A . store hits new goods. Umatillu. 7.’» • • Per Six M<>uthi. OU • IYr Knur Muntila. (Jon now ay A C ooper hardware Tim es nre good, ie crop» were good Ailvertiain^ rati limili' known on appli­ ¡mil prices Jietter than they have men, independence. cation. *AII styles o f sum m er dress goods lie n for four yetir-. “ Tin Q iiitliti” Corrcsixmilcni'c il soli' ititi from nil Menila has heen for some tim e rather back­ at cost at K. H ayter’», Dallas. o f the I >»|K.-r. ward in his rep ortin g H elm s lst*n Neis S i^ tii are offering their Mon monili, Oregon, Get. (i, ISMS. enjoyit^r a few wit'ka rusticating in goods cheap. the W allow a (tnmty. In m any rc- (in to Vaughns, Dallas tlie leading sjs-ets this it one o f (lie most dclight- Jeweler. 15 I ful parts o f Or v o n . It is not a great Ile n ry Patterson is not behind farm ing conn © , hut there are many w itlia tine line o f jew elry. 50C T S ; herds o f sheep, cattle and horses. For Four Months. W e defy com petition; G ene Hayter I That most beautiful sheet o r water, Dallas. Repubiican National Ticgat. th9 W allow a lake, is situated In n Students will rem em ls r they can ¡glacial tmsin, four or live hundred get tirst-chi" photograph w ork done For I‘realilent, feet deep. The water is so clear that at M. D. E llis’ Dallas. BENJAMIN HAKKISON, of lini O O , the hottom m ay lie seen to tin* depth The F. A . store h a v e -as cheap ¡o f ion feet, from it flows one o f the line o f general m erchandise as can For Vitti i'reaiilent, i rivers which represents the life o f the lie found any w here. LEVI I*. MOUTON, Crider brothers o f Dallas have 20,- Arner O 11« ! “ " I ’I; ! niway- m ovin g of New York. O rapidly, dashing over rocks m a k in g® 1**11 shakes tor sale eheap. Paints, Oils, fu r n is h at l i . R . Pat- I its way to the great head o f waters. Fur Prcsidentiut Mix-tor», terson’ s cheap. ! —H ow ran a man think for aw hile W. m . KAl’l s ROI1EKT Mi 1.1 \\ J?o trouble to show you ou r go® is— W. FULT o n . and then vote against Harr.son aniP Shelly A- V anduyn. Morton? when cannot but si«* “ Old The straightBup-and-up store-kc©»- .s, England” so much i ©. re-tf'd in ers—Shellly and V an d u yn , Indepen­ V . o Cleveland’» election. Is such a great dence. _ __________________________ help to England com patible w ith ou r W e nam e for you w a y dow n prices The Republican Arcs burn brightly I liest interests? If so, in wlmt w ay on all ou r general merchandise, (liv e will the I’ nited States main* advance- us a call. S helly «Sr V an du yn , Inde- merit to be able to do England such dence. The accounts o f acci ssioaV roin t lie a great favor to elect Cleveland and W o o d taken iiaexehange for goods Democrats to Republicans in '.New I establish free trade? A lthough, Eng­ at tiie Farm ers S upply depot. York seems to indicata that a cyclone land’ s resources tire g r © ', yet she It d o n ’ t m ake an.v difference, it is has overtaken the Demoeratie party. J cannot send enough tr illio n ' here to a fact you can get the best goods, and buy art'sensible A m erican citizens at the best baogain at Z. F. V aughn’ * It is estimatisi that Pennsylvania un^l elect Cleveland. A fter N o v e m ­ Dallas. a ill HO,(MM) to I (Mi,(MM) m a jo rity for ber we shall bo pleased to say Pres. W h en you g o to Dallas don ’ t fail Ifarrison and M orton. to exam ine E. II ay ter’s stock o f g e n ­ Harrison! eral m erchandise. "ill fare- tin I»«'! to li.!«'i'iiiiur ill a prev. I )emoeraticdesper^tionJs indicated Where we:Jth » « « w H am I and men decay; For fine watch w ork g o to U. N» l'rinees and ls|«ai itoxt ®»a*»''li. or may fade; Grant at i l . II. Patterson’ s. by the fiyt that they catch at A breath ean • • breath has made, every Hupp sisi straw. Their latest But a hold prus«a(tf,, fheif eountry’s pride. Spectacles properly focussed and in this state am ong the dem ocratic Win'll oner ill» ! S *r «L ean ne\ er be supplied” accurately fitted at H enry Patterson’ s. papers is a supplement purporting to — Land in ITnatilla is worth from $1“ Ev« r^ pair warranted. N o tit, jio sale. giye the views o f the from to $ 10 per acre. M oney invested in Paints, oils, varnirthA), etc., at IMHOto 18H7 as in favor o f the ideas land here a few years ago has proven W aterhouses. advocated by C leveland’s message. to be a valuable investm ent.— “ The H enry Patterson lias just received W hat o f it? “ D row ning men catch best governm ents are alw ays subject a new stock o f all the latest novelties to l»e like the fairest crystals, when at straws.” I f the Democrats were in the je w e lry line. No old goods in not in desperate straits to holster a every icicle or grain i- seen, w hich in hi» stock. Drop In and examine ti fouler stone is never seen.” —The them . sinking cause, they w ould not resort to such small, mean, low inconsis­ new court house at Pendleton is Th e most com plete stock o f dress bu ild in g rap id ly.— Pendleton talks goods every brought to l ’ olk county, tencies o f having a w oolen m anufactory. I f at E. H a yter’» Dallas. The London referring to Harrison is clivtcd it w ill be a suc­ Thousands o f ladies say it is the best they ever used. T h ey mean the Cleveland's letter o f acceptance, says cessful project. Tecumtha. W h ite sew ing m achines—you will it is gratifyin g to flnddhat the Pres­ Goodm an A Douty have just re­ ttnd them at fluster «V Vernons, In ­ ident does not w ish to m ake retalia­ dependence. ceived, direct from ( 'iticago, the tiiu-st tion a plank o f his platform . line o f Cutlery every brought to In- The says: T h e exclusion tlependenee. D on’ t fail to call and o f tin* fisheries i|ticstion from the let­ exam ine tin' stock. Fenton A Truitt have received ter o f acceptance o f Pres'dent Cleve­ land is strong testim ony as to the their new stock o f fall goods,an d call special attention to their Dress goods purely factious character o f the re- departm ent w hich is the most com ­ jeeted treaty. It is im possible to plete o f any in the county. T-tr I,ivory, Fissi anil Sale stallie. First-olios doubt that the re-election o f Presi­ W om an alw ays was a siren. Even turnouts, unii ¡irli -es reasonable. Give us a dent ( 'Icvcland w ould mean tin* even ­ the live foolish virgins o f scripture, rail, north eint of Main Street, 11 Hit KEN & H ALL, proprietors. tual revival and ratification o f tlm whose lamps went out, did their best treaty, it is immaterial to discuss to bogile. Th e d ry goods store F. M . A. will what President C leveland’ s crusade Students in want o f anyth in g in giv e you a bargain if you will call should lie called. H e m ay g iv e it the Dry goods lines,«willsave m oney »m l see them. any name he likes as long as we know by b u yin g o f Kenton Truitt, Dallas Polk County Observer. Physician and Surgeon, Otiice Main St., next to Vaughn's, I>al!^», Or -:0:- J. K. Locke, KIES & SMITH Physician and Surgeon. A loT O lllce, liuenu Vista, Oregon.-'b*8 THE OBSERVER FOR • J O H N J. D A L Y , W e are Selling our0 Stock o Attorney a t 0Law, Will promptly attend to ull legal business eutrustfil to bini. D R Y GOODS A T COST. D A LLA S, OREGON. M. Ptutfrmn: Protection of Anm-ieem 1tduetri A fr ic a n llono* for orkimjmen Surprising’ Cash Barga' C. E. Worthington. W A R R & N T R U IT T , Attorney at Law, - : 0 : - D A L L A S , O R E ?iO N . W ill prai tii'f in nil the courts o f tbe State. Office in Court Rui««'. toy N'iiw is y o u r chnncc to get grout bargains, in ouro D ry Good», F < iixiils, N otions, C lothing, Roots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware, departm ents, ete. EN(• E, OHK(iON. & it is in fact a crusade o f Free Trade. ('tiinpoign Song by (lie Ghost o f George llrinnki. “ He lx'ing deuil yet S|xxikclh.v (“ Nieii seize tliw resiles» man, eon fussion on thy banners wait."] Mien In irt is broke, nil into l.xxllo bit», I'll tells y,.u liens vat for, All orders sent F en ton «& Truitt by mail w ill receive prom pt and careful attention; goods sent by return mail. Mien Giovali lie vils \ n patriotic cuss Ho lie sent me out to the war; Consider well the end in every­ thing you do; the end, not t*he im ­ mediate results, t lie m om entary grat­ ification, thejipparent gain or advan­ tage for the tim e; but the end o f all you r course o f conduct. But alas! alani that patriotic von lie put up one job on me, 1 conies liai k vouinhsl from the tight And dies in poverine. Olii mien Timvah, You \a- so van v unkind. You -ends I... . ltriii«ki out !• light Ami stays <|uite safe hehiiul. Drives out the guard no matter him rains As hard as Musi's’ II imm I, Lputs mien head *i a stump for to sleep And suiks .piite dis'p in ile unsi. The night mummies, I keteli him varry had I dream 1 sleep mil a ghost, Yake up in ile niornin' fmu'ii to de ground, As still'as von stone post. (Hi! mien (irovah! Vi lakes von rebel eity mit de South, And »lays then' von whole year, 1 gels as niueli saur knml as 1 ean eat, And plentisi h lager Ixvr. I niivts von rehel lady in lie street De fairest 1 evcrdil s ' i ', On to her I makes von pre'tv Ussite Isiw, ^ I he« -plots h me' (’Aar.— Ohi mien Grovah! Dev gifs us bread s<> varry, varry hard It almost mssik* niieti ehaw. Bometimes I split him mit the iron Wislge I ip mil the . ' q Dr, gib us Us'f so vat Ita Sodom's vite I'm sun'. For dey most Ime hai him laying inde Urine Von thousand y ear or or more. CAur,—Old mien Grovah! II was t arry lianl times for union volunteer I'll tell you Irens vat for Mien Gmvali he m is von |ntriotie eun So he sent me out to the vur. But alas! alas! dot pat riot ie von He put up one joli on nu* I come* back Vimndisl tVom the tight And ili«-« in |»>vert«s'. ('Anr Chur. Polk County Bank. H ow to get even w itii som e people: Pay them what you o w e them . MONMOUTH, —"YannaB.” Va urlili iV Hillard. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING.. 1 Horse-Shoeing’ A H ood L in e o f t,r r“ V" “ t h :. I’rescriptiuus Carefully Monmouth, - - Independence Orre/on. - BUY YOUR GKOCEBIES A T ‘ Oregon State Normal School. FULL FACULTY, . Oregon. Cuuipoumleii. * S. J. WATERHOUSES. GOOD BUILDINGS, LIGHT EXPENSES. -Carries at all times a fresh and complete stock of groceries.* •elicli in uny publlcschoot in tbe State. Othrt siai*' ginnt ti'.'irhi'iV (•i tlficat*'» un pri'scnta- tiun uf tbiKc Noriual Dij.luma«, witbuul cx- omiuatioii. C H E A P NOTIONS! NOTIONS ! ! k every description, ns cheap as the cheapest. Call and siv him . O citili. Y ou r patronage is Oregon. Monmouth, L IA T I^ sr a -. 3ff*( «ood table boanl is ftimisbix] to «tll- ili'iitsat tbe “ Normal Dining Hall” at |l..r>C | st ivivk. (iiMxl liuanliog in families with fiiniixbeil rixuii, fuel and lights. #,'U*l to -X | xt wix k. Practical Course of Farmers Mercantile Association, IDIELAÜLEIELS Study, In —Completed in a— General Merchandise. Time. Bed Rock Prices, Best G r^ le of Good^, ° And Fair Dealing Is Our Motto. J. E. Jerman, Warren & Jerman, -A ll kinds of f roduce taken in cx.diango for goods.- General J fOXJfOlTJf, Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Agricultural Im plem ents and F i i n i i t u r i '. Wood Work a Specialty. * ” * * » “ »»»>'»■»<■ " f o e e o F arm Machiu COOPER & CONN A W A Y , r — D E A L E R S IN — Farmers Supply Depot Co., u Head Quarters far Generai Merchant^ Chemicals, Books, Stationery, Toilet D rues. urtieles, ete. . D. Warren. A m unition and Ashing tackle. \Nnll papi ra m i window shades. Rird cages, h rtek et»uml mirrors. o —Dealer in— ® FANCY WIRE FENCE. - m Druggist and Apothecary. Send for Catalogue. A d d «"« the President IV r. S tanley , .Monmouth, Oregon. Nail- . cts 1 a r pi*iind and higher. Ro|s hi cts | m r |M>und and higher. Hardware, lumber, shingles, tools, sisli, doors, m ouldings ete " ” 'c n w ire and spinti '[»ring m a ln s s s . n B U T L E R , Short A lu ll lin o o f T im v a rt* C oiT cs|>ond iug ly. o 3SI\ H . AND- n * stove- lurnistnsl ¿il.-» and higher. Milk pans |“ i cts and liigliiT. Milk {mils :u c ts and higher. Stove polish A cts and higher. m & VA SHELLEY Halft llar,/far I'roaf Silfc, tc- Vale Time Le k. Nsw Goods--New Prices. lly tiie E xisu tive messagt* o f IH«-' V ciu U t last, by the Mills bill, by tile dctmti's in Congress, and by the St. Louis platform ,th e Democratic party w ill, if sup|sirtcd b y the cou n try, | pinci1 tiie Tari If laws u|s»n a purely revenue Imsis. This U ((Tactical Fns> Trade, Five Trade in the English souse. The Irgend upon the Umnor m ay not lie “ Free T rad e.” It may Oregon. OREGON. There is no policy like politeness, ami a good manner is the best thing in tiie w orld, either to get a good name, o r su pply the « ant o f lt . < . mi­ DaTA Specialty, uà* nion -peckers have on ly one set o f ideas, and one set o f words to clothe them in, and tin's«'art'always ready Shop opposite livery stable, at the foundry Iimt'iH’iMemt*. at tiie mouth. Char. —Oh! mien Otovali' Monmouth, Normal, Collegiate, and Commercial Departments curcil Oregon Real E3tate and Insurance Agent Opens September loth. Tt-e** I >!>••< a (renerai lmiAoni; business. Siulit Dralls on New York. San Francisco or Fort- land. Deposits received subject to check or on certificatfs of dcjMisit. Collections will receive prompt attention. Ottico hour» H a. m. too p. in. All Nonrial Graduate» reccivc a Diplomi« Ay frum tbe Stato vvliicb atitburizcs tlieiu tu Farmers wanting to buy a fall bill will save m oney by buying goods o f Fenton «V Truitt, Dallas. Fenton «V Truitt have received their new dress g o o d s and now have the best ass u t nient In the county: consisting o f the newest shades and priei's to suit every b o d y . James Ta tom, & SM ITH, A * ^ A l l charge* misonablc. Give us a call. o k . Hardw are, M ON M OU TH , OREGON. Stoves tiff*A gen t» for K a p p . Burrell A Co. and Tinware. I n d e p e n d i© » , O W * -