O bserver . MONMOUTH, I’OI.K COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER ü. 18SS. course i f business were p issed from one concern 10 another. That they were genuine was not doubted until a day or two since, when an inquiry having been made at he A cow in Findlay, Ohio, has d e-! sub-treasury, cne was rejected. At G O ^,D S T R I K E , the Bank of Calif r iia ilie paying |\«loj>td a strange appetite; it catches teller lU trd that the note was genuine, nd devours every a'.ra/ feline that . but gave it as hiaopini< n tliai ¡»robabty oines in its reach. I the Bank of Columbus bad long since X arrow Kxrapi- fro lli M tarvatlon . . do.-« d its do>rs, as hundreds of local T r i i l n In t h e M u d . NurrrMMtlil I banks had done since 1856. As it was Mw l u t l i r r * . ■(¡K K x p l o s l o n . There are twenty-two crematories iu the note was no commercial value in Europe, in which over fourteen I iu l - this city. The two sharpers have dis appealed They have been successful, Ired incinerations have taken place A WOMAN BURNED AS A WITCH, aud it is thought they realized several luring the putt year. thousand dollars by their scht nie. H B K OF GENERAL IN T E R E T P A C IF IC C O A ST N E W S . © • Kick «.»Id Ntrilzr. The latest Atkans is sensation is a hegro baby with two heads and facts, Thomaa Mscgher, who is engaged in pne arm aud ilin e legs, upon which mining on the 8wa«k, cleaned up stands tripod fashion. $1,400 iu nuggets and tine gold. 'S' An,oi,g ‘ he nuggets «a s one weighing •m . H e informed the correspondent Tobacco culture is being pusheJ that he had traced the tloat and had discovered a tine ledge, in connection knergctically in Florida, and an at- with Mr. Black, which was regarded kmpt to induce Cubuns to im iti by them as the long-sought mother ¡rate there and grow the weed is be- ledge. They first discovered decom ng made. A commission, with that jhj »«« i I quartz, which showed from 200 il'ject, has started for Havana. to -100 colors to the pan, and afttr go- — — — . * mg through this they struck w htl j they ri^ ard as the main ledge. This A life-size marble bust of Garibaldi, is free milling, and will assay about nth a marble pedest il of about four $80 to the ton. This gold discovery let high, has been received at \YWh- i Wit• >in twenty-liv«- unit s of Ellen.-- Ingtoii and placed in a hall of the I am w ll*ni) sight of tlu- Tpper lobby of the senate. It was rallr'md- 11 ls n « ar- noose and put it arouud bis neck and then jumpi d off. He whi strangled to death. D. ceased was 24 years old, ■Onl his parents live at St. Joseph, Indium'. W om an. People at Portland, Me., are feeling dfeejdy the sudden death of Mrs. Anas­ tasia Patten, a well kuowu society lady of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Put- ten was one of the richest women in America, and is said to have been worth 15,000 000, She » 1 « a bold speculator, and during the past few years added largely to h r wealth by real estate investments. Kigh'een months ago o-ie of her daughters was married in Washington to Congress­ man («lover, of Missouri. The wed­ ding was the notable society event of the s asi.ii. Mrs. Patten signalized thitkx'casion by presenting the bud*- it It half a million ill 4 per cent. U. 8. bonds. i H W lm C lilra g o . Mrs. Predrick, of California, on a visit to friend^ in Chicago, was knocked down in the heart of the business district, in the afternoon, in the presence of hundreds of peis pie. The thief snatched her pocket-book and escaped. Mrs. Predrick© does not seem to be badly hurt, but sutlers from tbe nervous shock. l o u r f l i l l d r < - n ll u r n t - d lu D c m I I i . TliF 14-year-old daughter of Byid Smith, of Divine Station, Tex., tried I u m l tu ri* F a c t o r y H i i r n n l . 0 to kindle a tire with kerosene. ’Phe Hobiman ¿ l Render’* large furniture can exjdoded and burned her and factory at Tacoma, W . T., was discov­ three younger children lo death. Mrs. ered on fire, and the Himes gained Smith was seriously burned in trying such headway before the fire depart­ to save them. ment got into service, that they could not be stays<1 aud the factory was to­ A 1»««. p e r i n t o K i l l i - a l . tally0 destroyed. The loss is about John N. Wogan, aged 60, the most 125000, insurance, $8,000. The watchman discovered the fire in the notorious desperado in Southern Illi­ otliee. Its origin is unknown. nois, who for ten years has figured in the criminal courts of Wabash county, e was shot and killed by Constable Ha ! < r n s l i « i l |o l l « >a l l i . of Belmont. Hall had arrested Wo- Patrick K tlly, uu employe of Sells gan ou a charge of attempting to kill Bros.’ circus, was crushed to death at his own son aud daughter, and Wogan San Fomcisco by havirg a large tank making a suspicii us move which in- of gasoline thrown upon him from a ilicated violence to Hall, the latter drew a revolver and shot him through railroad car while switching. the head. M u l l S e r v ic e f o r I n it r¡»rise. Senator Dolpli lias been notified by the second assistant postmaster gen­ It tiria < «l u s a \\ i l « li. eral that Enterprise, Or., will beru- Frank Semon, formerly a policeman afttB be supplied by the mail route to at Log Angeles, Cal., says about three Rio Grande and St. Joseph. weeks ago, near Rock Springs, Sail Bernardino county, a band of Mojave % J r u i I r y T h i r l * Ar rruflrtl. Indians tied a young squaw who was The mulatto J. lyd ly, who broke reported bewitched to a stake and burned her alive. It was two hours intoCatliu Bros.’ stoic at Freeport, before the terrible deed was completed \V. T., was a;rc»t**l at Winlock, and Tne j brought back and given a preliminary ai d the girl’s screams silenced. Indians told Semon that it had been examination. Justice Hinson bound geveraj j-earg since they hud burned a him over in the sum of $1,000 and witch, though several had been con- not being aide to give bail he was demned since then, but managed to taken to jail at K llama. Most of the jewelry was recovered. escape. - | i:\ p lo s io n o f u H a f i i z l n r . D c u iti o f H W e a l t h ) .tu I . s c o p r i i l l u r g l i t r « u p l i i r r d . T o r r i f i « ’ tl x p l O f tl o n . A terrific explosion occurred at the milb>of the National Mfiling Comjiany of Cleveland, Ohio. The mill took fire and was destroyed entirely. Loss, $150,000; insurance, $75,000. There were eighteen men in the mill at the time. Ruler Giernnui perished in the tlanies, aud four others are seriously buinid. Six escaped without injury. The others are unaccounted for. It is thought that at least three of them are dead in the ruins. F l o o d in I s c o r ^ i a . The iluod in tlie Savannah has cov- ered the rice jilautalions near Savan­ nah, and the rice crop is nearly, if not quite, a total loss.« Reports from country districts state that the low­ lands are all under water, ami roads and bridges have been carried aWay, so that travel is almost impossible. While there is great damage to jiroji- erty, no deaths nave yet been rejiorted. A magazine on Two Brothers island, [ Henry Cohen, one of the four bur- Esquimalt, exploded, sending up a glars who committed a daring robbery dense volume of smoke, and demolish- in Gross Bros.’ dry g yl«»*»i«m . Sheriff DuffieWI, who susjiected the of length by countries having a Harrow r.«cap«-. [dot a>id ivas in hiding ni ir by, or® The boiler of F. W. Brown’s Baw- ,000 000 inhabitants, the metre of Capt. Saxe, of the schooner Addie dered him to surrender. He sprang mill at Axe Point, W. Va., exploded, ,091,000 people, and the Castilian q Hasseltine, and his crew, h.id a re- for the fence, and Dutlield tired on killing William Brown, manager and him when he fell back and was cap­ sou of tbe owner, and William Knab- *r/the^ifi^ooiDUries^^n^Conliu- markable experience on their last voy- tured. H e is only 20 years of age, eiislme, a mill hand. and comes of a good family in a lr e - .«lands, with not a single tiling edible Chicago. in ih.- slore house. Capt. isaxe did not consider when he sUrted that the voyage would last longer than thirty bu[ be to,,k provisions sufficient jor ¿ rt- > The little schooner was Ic cajnu ,1 for day © < getlu r, and finally I i nt er C n n t m r « 1» M u r r y . provisions gave out, although Two dozen young Swedish girls, (owanj tj,e everything was care­ fully hoarded. I.uikily the s'ewsrd firfct-class passengers on the steamer discovered a barrel of beans and some Keka, lantltd at New Yoik. It is ad- lartl, and for several weeks the cap- milted that they were imjxirted under U io ’ and his six men lived on beans contract by r.n agency in this cily to and latd cake, silieved by coeoanut. niarry young men th«-y had never A new candle has been brought out They grew s » tired of this that they »een except by j-hotograi h. They hour, could eat but little. had not even c«jurte«l by mail. Twenty- ich extinguishes itself in an tlin e girls go to Western S.a-es, where is it does by nieaD* of a tiny they will find husbands. Tbe other NiirrrHful S w ltid lrn . gui-hcr of tin which is fasten«d in remained here. The authorities will Two men, registering as A. BLck- inquire into the society’s methods. w.ix liy wires, and which effect- It i* OB^-' ford of Texas, and F. A. Johnson of Ily {»erforms its ta»k. e-sary t«J remove this diminutive Washington territory, have victimized In Irro m o d H tln g (« m ln r lo r . inguisher when its work is «lone, different »»loons at San Francisco, by Two men, Steeleai.d Mackahie, i>oth i the candle is again ready to burn a »omewhat unusnsl metii<-d. They tber hour. would v-.sit saloon* ilres«ed as country drunk, isjarde«! lite train at Mt. Steri you hs who were in the city for the j ing, Kv., and fought _ _ to all the way fiist time. Having given many small jS-eepstooe, where t.ie comlactor, f«ir Boston geuius has b«en estimat- orders for various «irinks and refresh the safety of the j>.w?nger* put tbe the candle jx>wer of the moon. nients, and pzying for the s»me they men off and let them tight it out. ould pieseHt * note, which, after rhey drew pi*nds and exchanged five Ih -i fif.h shot fn.m ¿ s i « j * accepted o and change e s w * re- ' •h- “ ~ pieU ch four hundred , * iu‘ P0» “ " , ,* f „ ¿ W(,„jd «teela’a 1 j .... i ifcarngh Mac tance he finds the light of the ir n tur ied. , The ------ .. . given ...n «•prp not*» were înrur- invar- : j IraKutL kabie’s Lwain brain, kil.ing him. They were be 134,(MMOU.U0O,WX),UU0. This, iai ly of the twenty dollar denomina «xmsiiis. Afrer the killing Steele calcula'es, is abc>ut tbe utin.ber ot tiou.and .: ... «„«I were wore issued from_ from the B.«nk boarded the train and proceeded files, placed one-half inch »psit. *' of Columbus, Ga., in 1856. Tne-e homeward, the train having waited l«J take lo c*»ver o n e half the sur- I notes were accept* d at many jdaces, until the du 1 was over. of the moon. impress Victoria, of Germany, has i uu Aw «.t ins ned inventor. She dn l m whi. li a writing de-k has been nufactured, which enables the env >r to write whether lj ing in bed or nding up. Ii is available in any cm- sitimi, and the mechanism :>yed is s j>ed W H E A T — Valiev. $1 30ra*l 31 trom L a n sin g Mich., to Buenos Walla Walla, $1 20®Ì 22j. Ayres. B A R L E Y — W h o l e , $1 10®1 12 t ; 00($27 50. A new green bug is causing a steady ground, jmr ton, and increasing decline of coffee pro­ O ATS— Milling, 36®38c. ; (e^j, 44 duction in Ceylou. (345c. H A Y — BalejJ, « • <■($ 13. One of the benefits of Statehood to Dakota is a donation of 11,000 acres of SEED— Blue Grass, 14^(316c.; Tim ­ government laud for the Agricultural othy, «¿(iilOc.; Red Clover, 1 4 ® !^ . College, o FLOU It— Patent Roller, $4 00; Senator Lcland Stanford's vineyard, Country Brand, $3 7."o near Chico, Cal., comprises 3,600 EGGS— Per doz, 25c. acres, and is the largest in the world. Last year 1,000,000 gallons of wmO B U T T E R — Fancy roll, |>cr pound, were made. 25c.; jui-kleil, 20®23c.; inferior gnule, 15(325 j. Matthew Crawford, of Ohio, recom­ mends shallow culture for hlack- . C H E E S E — Eastern, 16(320c.; Ore- Itcrries. Some very successful planta­ '‘Wfct-'MWriu.; California, 144c. tions are never cultivated, but receive V M f t t A BLES— Beets, jier sack, special mulchings. H i; CHftduge, per lb., 2Jc.; carrots, « • * < * . --¿1 25; lettuce, ja-r doz. 20c.; For mulching gooseberries and car-* i«3fflins, $1 00; |>otAtoes, j>or 100 lbs., rants no material is better thin the 40(.“ .»(>«»; radishes, per doz., 15@80o.; ►hort clip-lings from the lawn. It lies rhubarb, per lb., 6c. closely, keejM down weeds and pro­ H O N E Y — In comb, jht lb., 18c,; motes« needed coolness to the soil. 'trained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. S^c. The grape rarely fails when allowed PO U L TR Y — Chickens, jier doz., to climb on trees. It niatte'rs not $1 OOfteO 00; ducks, jier doz., $6 00(3 what kind of trees, whether they un­ 7 00; geese, $6 00(38 00; tuikeys, living or dead, if they only have fK-r lb., 12£c. branches that the tendrils take hold of. PR O V ISIO N S—Oregon hams, 12Jc l>er lb.; Eastern, 13@13^c.; Eastern Currant and gooseberry bushes breakfast bacon, 12J.. per lb.; Oregou should bo pruned every year. If they 10g, 12c.; Eastern lard, 10® 114c. j>er are pruned in tree form they will bear lb.; Oregon, 10$e. larger and finer fruit, and the latter G R E E N FR U ITS— Apples. $ 50 will not be so apt to mildew. @ 85c.; Sicily lemons, $6 00@6 50 California, $3 50(35 00; Naval oranges The damage done to fruit trees by $6 00; Riverside, $4 00; Mediterra­ rabbits, borers and insects, may be nean, $4 25. prevented by Hjqilying pine tar to the bodies of llie trees. Warm the tar D RIE D F R U ITS — Sun dried ap- and apply with a brush. ples, 7 Jc. per lb .; machine dried, 10(3 11c; pities* plums, JJc,; Italian One-fourth of the cow» in the jirunrs, I0g)14c.; peaches, 124<3l4c.; raisins, $2 40^2 50. United States do not j>ay the cost of ihuir keep, the cause la-ing the failure W OOL— Valley, 17(3l8c.; Eastern if farmers and dairymen lo properly Oregon. 9(3 15c. grHile up their stock. H ID ES— Dry beef hides, 8(310c.; 8 ilt should be placed where all kimlB culls, 6®7c.; kip and calf, 8(310c.; Murrain, 10 ® 12c.; tallow, 3®3^c. of stock can get it. At this season, LU M B ER— Rough, jier M, $10 00; when green foo«l is plentiful, salt will be found excellent, as it will often jireJ edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G. vent l owel diseases and stave off in­ sheathing, jx-r M, $13 00; No. 2 floor­ ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per jury from tbe young glass. M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, j>erM,$18 00; clear rough, jn-r M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 When chicks are droopy or weak S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, jier care is needed to ri-cujierate them. A M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, jier M, little more green food and onions $22 50; No. 1 rustic, |ier M, $22 50; should lie given them, or, if th«-y are stepping, per M, $25 AH); over 12 too muoli purged, a little jiowdered inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 chalk and Isme 11 iur in their »oft foul to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, — one teasnooiiful of each to a pint of extra, $4 00; 1| la'h, |>er M, $2 25; 1^ lath, per M, $2 50. food is sufficient. An oblong form is better than a square oue for the home garden. Seeds »own or planted in rows insU-ailo of little beds simplifies the whole matter, and admits of the use of the plow amt cultivator ins ead of the sjiade. the Ilia; and tbe rake, and makes its cul­ tivation a jileasurc instead of a dreaded task. BEANS— Quote small whites, $1 50; pinks, $3; bayou, $3; butter, $4 50; Limas, $4 50 jier cental. C O FFE E — Quote Salvador, 17c; Costa Ku-a, 18(320)-.; Rio, 18(320c.; Java, 27^c.; Arbuckle’s’s rea»ted,22c. MEA T— Beef, wholesale, 2 i@ 3 c .; dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; drcseii, 6c.; hogs, dressed, 8(39.-.; veal, 5<37c. S A LT— Liverpool grades of fine The future pig must have more quot«'«l $18, $19 hiii I $20 for the three flesh and less fat. It must not be a sizes; stock salt, $10. mere lard keg. It must be fi-4 ujion fl -sh-forming foods until grown, and PICKLES- -Kegs quoted steady at then fattened. It means that more $1 35. clover, jx-as, oats, milk and such ar* SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden tii-h s of diet must lie used, and less C O^c.; eztrs C ,6|c.; dry granulated, corn. We will then have healthier An t r i o r T r ie d fo r M lru lln g. and more jialatable jmrk, and hog 7 jc .; crushed, fine crushed, cube and Chailes C. Fair, an actor, was ar­ cholera will be a tiling of the past. jiowdered, 7 jc .; extra C, <»§c.; halves and boxes, $<•. higher. rested oil conijilaint of Louise Pauline, who claims that in May 1886, she i SlioulJ a wagon or baggy tire bc- fainted after a matinee at Philadel­ phia, and that her diess w.is loosened : come a little loose from shrinkage of Delicious Frozen Coffee. and a purse containing jewelry and I the felloe* instead of taking the wheel Take two quarts of fresh filtered, or $1,500 fell from her bosom that was to the sho[> to have tic- lire cut and gi»«-n lo Fair, who never returned tbe replaced gel half a gallon of linseed j spring water, if obtainable, bring it to money and tried to make her believe |oil, and after healing it j>retty wt 11 the boll, then add half a jxiund «if th«j one of the ladies took it; aud that he jxiur the same in a «hallow di-li and bi-st Old < biv.-i imii'Tit .lava «-.*tT. . . afterwards confessed the tin ft and give the rim of the wheel a few slow masted and gi-ound; stir well together, bej.-geiie- '-over and set aside on the rang*« to in­ was unable to g>-t ner money and (rating the felloe* will mi swell tin ni fuse. Stir j>e a la giace.” The nee«li. The oats should, h< wever, he fourth part of a vanilla b««an is ulso j at least full weight to give the best re- sometimes infused in the coffee when The ash« s of very old w osl do not su t- M u b m tin- Western o a t ' conUin so much poU»h ss ashes of u generally light, from ripening in making it, and tends to heighten the areina of the coffee. Some persons wood of younger growth. Ash*» gen dry, hot weather. The standard orally pay well on all ordinary eroj a weight of oats in some Western Stales also add half a pint of rich cream to but are specially adapted to the want» ia thirty pounds jwr buphel, and it b»«fore freezing. The addition of of fruit Irees, grajie vin«*s and all kinds in others as low aa twenty-eight these, however, are matters of taste and fancy.— Confr.-twnera' Journal. of vines, clover and peas. | pounds.